: MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA A few of the reasons why so ninny nro joining the Modem Woodmen of Ameri ca: Wo have 900,000 members with 20,000 outntanding certificates, which is far Inoro than tlio two next largest Societies .combined. k Tlirec assessments missed Iho.first ten months of this year; nil claims paid ami $3,000,000 cash on hand. First eight months of this year vc issued 100,122 licw certificates. There nro 175 of the leading Fraternal insurance societies that have six million mourners nt the present time. The Modern Woodmen have nearly one-sixth of this entire membership. There are fix billion four liundreu ami fifty million dollars of protection for the widows and orphans carried by the members of these societies. The, M. W. A. carries One Hillion Three Hundred and Fifty Million of this 7 .... - li..l .1 amount, or a mue more man ijih-si.mii of all the fraternal insurance carried in the United Statos ' The management espouse of this great order has cost eacli member not to exceed the price of one postage stamp per week since starting m business. A' are furnishing GOOD E FRIABLE INSURANCE to our members for about One-half whut other societies charge. Not increase in the following societies and cost per thousand, 11KX: tiH Increase 1006 Cost per f 1000 at age 30 Artisans 5G0 $ 7 SO Maccabees decrease 12 00 A. O. U. W. Decrease 10 SO Itovul Arcanum Decrease 1IJ '-'0 "N O. W. 5.S02 10 20 Modern Woodm'n 00.050 o So The cost at SO years of age in the M. V. A. has never exceeded $o.S3 per thousand in oneivear. Coninare this with the cost in otlier societies These are a few of the reasons "WHY" wo are writing an average of 12,510 members per month. If this record suits you we Vant your application for membership. Yours fraternally, J. E. Shears, District deputy, 522 Chamber of Commerce, lVrtland, Oregon. For further information see F. J. Urooks, local deputy, at Madras, Oregon. n21tf TIMBER LAND, Act Juue 3, 1S78 Notice for Publication. Depart ment of the Interior, United states Land Oillce, The Dalles, Oregon, January 15, 1908. Notice is hereby given that EFFIE A. TAYLOR of Madras, county of Crook, state of Orecou, tias applied to purchase under the act of Congress of Juue 3, 1S78, as extended by act of August 4, 1S02, the wiseisec24, and njnej sec 25, tp 11 s, r 16 e, w m, And will offer proof to show that he land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish hr claim to said laud before Frank Qs born, TJ. S. Commissioner, at his ofllce in Madras, Oregon, on April 8, 1903. She names as her witnesses: T. A. Taylor and William Durham, hoih of Madras, Otegou, and John CPKelly and Mary O'Kelly, both of Hayereek, Ore'gou. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims iu this ofllce on or before said Sth day of April, 190S. J30-a5 C W. Mooke, Register TIMBER LAND, Aot June 3. 1878. Notice for .Publication. Depart ment of the Interior, United States Laud Ofllce, The Dalles, Oregon, January 20, 1008. Notice is hereby given that SARAH M. RANDALL, of Moscow, county of Latah, state of Idaho, has applied to purchase, under the actof Congress of Juue 3, 1878, as extended by act of August 4, 1892, the nine and njuwj sec 24, tp U s, r 10 e, w m, And will ofier proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 24th day ot April, 1908. Bho names as her witnesses: Joseph 0 McComb, of Troy, Idaho, Charles A ltaudall and John H Horton, both of Moscow, Idaho, and Otto Brown, of Wallace, Idaho. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims iu this ofllce on or before said 24th day of April, 1908. fUO-alG C. W. Moobe, Register HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of the Int. rlor, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February 8, IMS. Notice Is hereby given U,at JOHN Yt. JACKSON, of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final five-year proof in suoport of his claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 120(51 made Febru ary 2. 1W)3, for the E.'NKH and E.'SK ot see it, tp 10 s, r 18 e, w in, And that (.aid proof will be made before Frank Osborn, U. S. Commissioner, at his oillce in .lfadrus, Oregon, on Mar. !I0, IMS. Iln names the folio ing witness, to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Chester (Sard, W 11 llannon, Walter Arnoy and Dave lUiideii) all of Madras, Oregon. fStMiiJJfj C. W. Moohk, Register TJiniKUJ.AND,AetofJuue3, 1S78. Notice fbr Publication. JJepBrtment of the Inter ior, United Stato I.atid OUlos. The Hullo, uragon, I'uhrunry 25, 1WJS. Notice in hereby K,V0,,tU,,tESTKLLASTnEI...NAUKR , , of Moccow, comity of Latah, htutu of Idalio, litis ftotillod to imrcliake, uiulur thu act of OonuroMi of Juno a, 1K78, u cxtonded hy tho act of AURiut 1, Ib92, the t.Hne'i, sciimJ-4 and I)t i, Wtionai. tj.lls, rile. 4 , (1 , And will offer proof to show that the land hOUKlit U more valuahlo for Its tlmher or stone than for agricultural nur 108C, aud to oktablluli her elalm to naid laml joforo tho HogUter and Iteceiver at 'J he )alle. Oret'oa, on tho Uth day of May, lops. I 0 iiamci as hl wftneweH: Olive M Mt hreKor and Thynsa C McGregor, of Moscow, Anynnd all persons claiming adversely the kbovo-descrlbed lands are requested to flly tu)lr claims In this office ou or before tald US? 0t 190a'C W. MOOItB, ItcUter. TIMBER-LAND, Act Juno 3, 1878. Notice for Publication. Depart ment of the Interior, United State Lund Ofllce, The Dalles Oregon, January 21, 1008. Notice Is hereby given that tnitM it Ttnn'rnv. of Moscow, county of Latah, tato of T. Il, l...o .,..ll...l l lill.nl. ..en I the act of Congres of June 3, 1,878, us . , ,. , , , ,,. ... extended by act of August 4, 1892, the , , . , , ? i . 11 . slow! sec 25, aud ejnej sec 20. tp lis, r 10 e w m . r r. , ... , ... And will oiler proof to show that the , . , , 1 , f ,, laud sought is more valuable for its , ., . , , , timber or sMine than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to , ., , . . ' said land before the Reulster and. . i ,, Receiver, nt The Dalles, Oregon, on' the 24th day of April, 1908. ; .... i....i. 11c iiiuuci) ng inn tuifcra prtrrii A McComb and Phillip M Rowet both ,.l I.lnlir. r?l..irluu A U...I.I..11 .f oiir.-iiiv, ju uiU aim vuu uiwnu, tif Wallace, Idaho. Any and all person's claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims iu this ofllce on or beiore said 21th day of April, 190S. 120 nlO C, W. 'MooKB,;Jlegister HTIMBER LAND. Act Juno 3, 1S7S. 1 NoHce for Publication. Depai t- ment of tho Interior, United States L-uid Qfllce, The ll.lles7Oregon, January 21, 190S. Notice is hereby given that QTTO BROWN, of Wallace, county of Shoshone, state of Idaho, has applied to purchase, un der the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, as extended by act of Aucust 4, 1892. the tie, sec "5, tp 11 s, r 10 e, w m, And will ofl'er proof to show that the. land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, uud to establish bis claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, 011 the 24th day of April, 190S, - He names as UTs witnesses: Joseph O McComb and Phillip M Rowc, both of Troy, Idaho, and John H. Horton und Cbarles A Randall, both of Mos cow, Idaho. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 24th day of April, 190S. f20 h16 C. W. Mooke, Register TIMBER LANDh Act June 3, 1S7S Notice for Publication. Depart ment of the Interior, United States Land Ofllce, The Dalles, Oregon, January 8, 190S. Notice is hereby Uiveu that JESSE YANCEY, of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has applied to purchase, mulor the act of Comrress of Auue 3. 1878, as extended bv act of August 4, 1 isoo tt, hMiiw; kpr 58. uioe4- and I UK a ' Skw w J. uejuwi sec 33, tp 12 s, r 11 e, w m, And will ofier proof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for itstimb'eror stone thau for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before the County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregou, on the 16th day of April, 1008. He names as his witnesses: II A Foster, Robert G Smith. P B Doak, aud Orange Hodges, all of Prineville, Oregon. xUiy and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this ofliee on or before said lGtu day of Apiil. 1908. fl3-u9 C. W. Moohk, Register TATE SELECTION. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, January 20, 1908. ' Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the act of Congress of August 14, 1848, and the acts supple mentary and amendatory thereto, the State of Oregon has this day filed in this ofllce its application, No. 718, to select the swise of sec 20 and the nelnej sec 35, tp 9 s, r 17 e, w in, Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described land, or desiring for any reason to object to the final allowance of the selection, should file their claims or objections in this olllco on or before the 14th day of March, 1908. f0-in5 C. V. Mooitu, Register. TIMIIfilt LAND, Act of June 3. Ib'S. Notice fur Publication, t nlted Ktutes band Ofliee, Tho Dalles, Oregon, February 1WW. Notiee Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June :i, 17. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California. Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August I, 1SU2, tho following named persons bave on Novembor 'J. 107. filed In tills ofllce their sworn statements, totvlt: ADA J. JOIINiifON, of llond, Crook county, Oregon, sworn state ment No. 4137, for tho purchase of tho and ufrii, sec 80, to 13 , r 11 o, w in, CIIAItbKS O. JOHNSTON, of Ilond, Crook County, Oregon, sworn state ment No. 1135 for tho purchase of tho w!4ue!4, semvlj nd noK" ee W' 1" r 11 e, W '"' JAMK8 A. HO YD, of llend, Crook County, Oregon, sworn state ment Ho. 1130 for (he purchiiho of the Lots i aud 3, fiouwM and neUswli, woao, tp W s, r 11 riiat they will bffttr f.rbofs to shoiv that the lands sougnt nro moro va imoiu ior ;ne uinour or stone thereon thaii I0 Hurutuitural pur noses, and toestahllsh their clltlms to said lauds Wore tho Jteelster aud ItefelvOr at The Dalles, Oregon, on May 7, IlKW. Thev namo thelollowlnu mUhpsbcs: Ada J ! Johnston, ciiarles o. joiinstoii, James a lloyil, Klmer NlHwoiiKor, Charles I) Uroivn und r run AJiunnei, an 01 jicwi, iireKon. Anv aim all l .ersoiis claiming adversely tho 1 lands are ruouested to llie above-descrlhed their claims in this olllco ou or before uld 7th day of May, fi7-30 jyos. Timber Land, Act of Juno 3, 1878 Notice for Publication United States Land Olllco The Dulles, Or., Jiuiy. 0. 1008. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act "f?0"ff "ll ACt fO of Juno 3, 1878, entitled An Act for the sale of timber lands ,1" the States of California, Oregon, , m i. . it Nevada nut Washington Territory," , . t ..7. . .. . s ex ended to all the public land , . states by act of August 4, lb!)2, the following-named persons have, on , , r ,nn . . ... Novembers, 1907, filed In this oillce ' ' . . ., ' their sworn statements, tn-wlt: , ., r . of Bend, Crook Coniitv, Oregon, sworn . ' . , . .. . , statement No. -U2G, for the purchase ol . . Vivn, i " 5 , ? SEMNEH sec 18, all in tj 13 s, r 11 e, w III. , I ELLA MOORE, 'of Bend, Crook County. sworn statement No. 4427, for the purchase of the EjNWi. SWNW land NW-iSW4 seo 20, tp 13 s, r 11 e, I w 111. I That they will oiler proofs to show I that the lands sought are more valu able for the timber or s'oue thereon I than for agricultural purposes, and to ; establish their claims to said lauds before II. C. Ellis, United States Com- missloner, at his ofllce In Betid, Ore 1 gmif jlirt.i, 21. 190S. They name the following witnesses: Andrew T M.oie, Fred A llunnell, Ella Moore, Ernest Gurratt, Charles 1) Brown and Elmer Niswunger, all of Bend, Qregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims iu this ofllce on or before said 21st day of March, 190S. jib ml2 C. W. Moottn, Register Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78 Notice for Publication United States L'tud Office, The Dalles, Or., Jan. 20, 190S. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nev ada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the puoliu hind states by act of August 4, 1892, the following named persons Have filed their .sworn statements in (his ofllce, to wit: ELIZABETH M. LOCK" LEY, of 1070, E Alder St, Portland, county of Multnomah, state ff Oregon, sworn stutement No. 4419, filed November 4, 1907, for the purchase of the SJSEI of sec 19 aud SiSWj of sec 20, tp U s, r 17 e, w m, EMILY HARNOIS, of 509 S 3rd St., Missoula, county of Missoula, state of Montana, sworn statement No. 4420, filed November 4, ltJ"'' ,ur uuruuuso 111 me a.tsr.t of sec 13, NW3NE1 aud NAN Wi of sec 24, tp 11 s, r 10 e, w m, And wilt oiler proofs to show that the lauds sought are' more valuable for the timber or atone thereon than for agricultural purposes, anil to es tablish their claims to said lauds before the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on April 8. 1908. They name as their witnesses: ICIIz abeih M, Lockley, ol Portland, Ore gou; Edward II Sargent, of The Dalles, Oregon; Ilelene A Kennett, Emily liarnois und Charles A. Hmnoi", of Missoula, Montana; Joel McCollum, of Ashwood, Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming ad versely any of 'the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims in this ofllce on or before the said 8U1 day of April, 1908. fG-u2 C. V. Mookk, Register TIMBER LAND, Act June 3, 1S78. 1 Notice for Publication. IJoparliiient of the Interior, United Mates Land Office, The Dalies, Oregon, January H, 1U08. Notice Is hereoy given that RALPH A. DUNN, of Bend, county of Ciook, state of Oregon, has applied to purchase, under the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, as extended by acf of August 4, 1HV, the Lot 2 and SEK-NWK.sec7, tpllls.r 11 e, w in, And will ofier proof to show that the land sought Is 11101c valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to cstublisli his claim to said land before 1 1. V. Ellis, U. S. Commis sioner at his office in Bend, Oregon, on the 13th day of April, 1908. He names as his witnesses: Charles L Brock, Fred A Bunnell, Tina Shattuck and John Byrnes, all of Bend, Oregon. Any and all poisons claiming adversely the above-described lands aie leipiested to s file their claims Iu this olllco ou or before said filth day of April, li)08. Itt-aO C. Y. MOOKK, Register. HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca Hon. Department of thu Interior, Land Oillce at Thu Dalles, Oregon, February 8, 1908. Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM F. MAGILL of Madras. Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to mako final llvo-year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead entry No, 12183 made March 4, 1903, for the shw of -eo 31, tp 0 s, r 13 e, and Lots 3 and 4 ofseo 3, tp 10 s, r 13 e, w 111, Aud (hat said proof will ho made before Frank Osborn, U. H. Commis sioner, at his ofllce in Mudrus, Oregon, on Mar. 10, 1008, Ho names the followltiir witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon, uud cultivation of, the laud, viz: Harry uani, Jioscoe uaru, u u vox UIIU illllUO U J'lA, 11 til AH iw I WD vri . 113-aiia O. W. Moohk, RetfUtur. ....,1 uriinu 11 ..11 i.r M.i,li.,u n rplMBElt LAND, Act Juno 3, 1878, A Notice for Publication. Depart ment of the Interior, United States T.n..d Oillce, The Dalles, Oregon, January S, 1008. Notice Is he.ehy given that RACHEL McCAFFKR, of Redmond, pmnty of Ornok, stale of Oregon, has applied to purohaco, un der the act of Congress oNnuo 3, 1H78, as extended by ad of Auust 4, 18HS., thoeineiandnul.W-iH00l2. tpll s, r We, wm, And will OlhV pioof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for 11a iimiiMr or stone than for atrrleul- turn) purposes, and 10 establish her 1 claim to said land before the County ' Ch ik at Pilnevllle, Oregon, on the 10th day of April, 1903- She names as her witnesses: Edwin ftUrahani, of Sisters, Oregoi F W McCallery, lienl'imln McO.flery, anil Minnie MoCallery, all of Redmond. Oregon. Any and all poisons claiming ad versely the above-described h'l'ds ale requested to file their ohilms In- thi oillce on or before said HSth day of April, 11108. fl3 h9 C. W. Mookk, Resistor HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of tho I uteri l, Lund Ofilc "t The Dalles, Oregon, February S, 190S 'Notice is hereby given that CHARLES DILLON, of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final five-year proof iu support of his claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 10737 made April 2t), 1902, lr tho sw4 of sec 21, ip 9 s, r 13 e, w in, Aim rnai saio proi win u mn-"-heroic Frank O-born. U. S. Commis sioner, at his ofllce in Madras, Or., ou Mar. 18, 1908. He names the following wltiiesce-to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol. the land, viz: TM Burden, W H Ramsey, Miles . .. .. II ..f W. fir... f ox anu KJ v rox, an ui uuuiao, um- gou. fl3ml2 C. W. Moohk, Register Timber Land, Act of June 3, 1S78 ' Notice for Publication United States Laud Olll re, The Dalles, Or., Jany. 6, 190S. Notice Is hereby given that iu com pliance with thu provisions of tho Act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of timber lauds 111 the States of Cahfurnia, Oregon, Neva da, and Washington Terrltoty," as extended to all the public laud statei'. by act of August 4, 1S92, the following named persons have, oil November 19, 1907, filed hi this ulllcu their sworn statements, to-wit: SUsAN P. SCHULTE, of Sisters, Crook County, Oregon, sworn statement No. 4 153, for the pur chase of the NWfNKi, EJNWi see 18. md SEiSWi, sec 7, ip 12 s, r 11 e, w 111. JOHN SCHULTIS, of Sisters, Crook County, Oregon, sworn statement No. 4454, for the pur chase of the SWJNEi and SlSNWl, sec 17, tp 12 s, r 11 e, w m. That they will ofier proofs to sbow that the lauds sought are more valua ble for the timber or stone theioon than foragricuiturul purposes, and to establish their claims to said lauds before II. C. Ellis, United ritau-s Com missioner, at his olllco in Bend, Crook Counly, Oregon, 00 March 20, 100S. Tuey name the following witnotee: Roy C Foster, George F Cyril, M irlon F Hudson, James B Ilodsou, Hushii P Schulte and John Buhulte, all of Sisters Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lauds are requested to file their claims iu this ofllce on or before said 20th day of .March, 1908. JKJ-ml2 C. W. MOOKK, Register HOMUSTKAD. Notice for Publlca- , Hon. Depai tment of the Interior, I J.iinl Ulllco at llie Oiilltfs, Uru gou, Fobruary 8, 1908. Notice Is hole by given that HANS K. NIHSEN, of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of his Intention to make final five-,)car proof in support of his claim, vl.: Homtstcad entry No. 10275 made January 13, 100'i, for the sse4 ol seo 28 and nucjit sec 33, tp 11 s, r lo 0, w m, And that stiid proof will be made before Frank Osborn, U. B. Coniinls-I sinner, at his oillce in Madras, Oregon, ! on Mar. 17, 1908. j . Ho names tho following witnesses lo provo iiis continuous residence upon, unii cultivation of, the laud, viz: J II Hoinoy, Frank A Smith. J 1' 1 1 nil it aud W II Snook, till of Madras, Oregon. f!3 ml2 C. W. Mooiu:, Register HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion, Department of the lutoilur, Land Olllco at The Dalles, Oregon, February 8, 1008. Notice is horoby given that EKNfMT W. WILD Kit, of Mudrio-. Oregon, bus filed notice of his Intention to mako final comminu tion proof In support of his claim, viz,: HomeHtHfid entry No. 16123 made Dwj. 4, 1900, for the NWJtf of sec 11, tp 13 h, 1 12 e, w 111, And that said proof will be iiindo before Frank Osborn, U. S. Commis sioner, at his olllco in MudruS, Oregon, on Mur. 21, 1908, He names thu following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, und cultivation of, the lain), viz: 1 W O Kllllngbeok, E Fulgham, 0 A ' wiiitsuit ar.u x v Linilmiigb, all or Mudrus, Oregon. Iia-ml2 O. W. Mooitu, Register TIM11HU LAND, Act of Juaun, IS7S. No Iro fur nibl oVlloii. Drimrimnit o tliu liter i nr till to.I HtMW Und onico. Thii Ii11um. OrrioMl"J"HiMy. MMIpo I l.oroDy UlVOIl tlmt . . iiimivv. nf lMrtlnnd. county id MmHiioiuhIi, Miito of liri'mii In i nr-l'lliMr to purMmtu. iiiiiler tlio net of AtlKUtl I. W- m' 1,1 M r ' ' ' e. IM'. ... . .... ......( 1,1,1111' Hint llm 1 Ami Count V ( loric iu rriiiiMinv, wivR.. v wmldiyof vtium ,, v , ,. . Slii' union n nor iiHii'"r"". 1 ,. 1 ' , i. .. 1 li-r id l'rlii'vlll,fon. I'mllk lltxlyft-lt inn liny AniniliiiiiV, ImHIi of HIM.-M. Hrcon. nlld 7. M llrou 11. 1 iirnnii'i. ? 1 1 11 Ay '! .v w. ;f !!: tlll'lr I'lilllllf III II"8 oiiiriM.in'i ' jlay of A.rll. im y w M()om UoKl)Uir 1 wii Kit t.AS'll. Aot .limo .1. 1S7H. Notleo I for 1'nl.llfntlnn. I'fiiriiii('iit of tho In 1 torlor, Uuitwl fliit. Unit Ollli;e. 1 hi iMlIim, (iruKon, January 1. 1W. Notice li errbygivcthHt KI0(JA!fi ... . I u....t-.n.u Ul.ili. i.f M'tlHli lliglotl, lint .plie't t liircliilM',suinUr t ! net of l ollKrt'Mof .lillir.l. IK. iik oxtt-llilott hy net of A UK u" . I1 thu w VK- i''k ad WW.! ' i':" ILL V, r, "SI. ,;"i.,t t.u. U...I notiitlit In more viduiibje for l tlmbor or ntoi 0 tlmiifor BKrlculliiriil .uri., hihI tovtnt llili hlieliilm toKid.l Iniul huloro tho IteirMur ml llot'eivor iu rai' iron, uiif". "' "l ilnl day of April, Hurt. , ., . , Hho tinmen us hr Hltn': Mlntil.etli I. lliikt-r. of 8i.okniu'. WimliiiiKtoii, Julia k ItwMir, linrloK II Kotttrnvell mul kntu kidtlo veil, nit of Mlwulii, Molitium, Hthvnril II Snruont. Tim liiolw, ori'ijon. iinl Jninen II .. 1, .11....... IW.,,.,,.1 Any mid all K-mtn umlinlitir ndvorxoly t lit KUOVU-UI'IMTIIHMI nil' ii-ii-iu"iii i nio tlieir cirtiius In tlilH mil 00 on or livforo mild 'JUt .UyofAKlllOOS. (, ViM0(m,. I,,. I lOMKSTKAD. Notice for l'uhllca lntci'lor. lion. I)e.aitinenl of the Lund Oilico at Tho Dalles. Oreuon, February 8, UH)8. Notice Is hereby given 1111,1 MAKOAKKT W. SMITH, , widowif Charles U. Vandevert, of Prints villi', Oregon, Ins filed notice id her Inten tion to iituktt final ilvt-year prour Iu sup port of hnr claim, viz: Iloiiif.-tead cutty No. 9207 made April 15, 1!K)1, for the NRi SW'h of see l.'l, mid the KfcMVM and N ViSKl4 Si'f l?t tp 11 H, r 10 e, w in, . ... And that Mild proof will bo made lxfon the Co 11 ut v Cloil: at Prlni'vllle, Ciook County, Oregon. Mnu-i. .11, 11KJS. SI10 muiic the follow lnu wIUh'smi. to piovc her coiitlmioiiH resldfiico upon, and cultivation of. the laud, viz: James O Clark, Mautoii S illticl: and Saniuul llnmllt' ii, all of Ashwood, Ore- 1 ti'.i.. 11 11 ........ ..r I. t,.i...il,ii Kiwi. nun mm hi "i nnui.,'W OlVOII. , rJO-iuW C. W. Mooitu, ltoRUtor HO.MLSTFAD. Notleo for Fiiblhm. linn. D-ptirlnii'iit of the Interior. Iind Olllco at The UiIIo.h, Oregon, Fobruary 8, 1908. Notice Is hereby given lli't CIIHSTKH It. STAMP, of Madrac, Oregon, ha" filed notice of his Intention to make final commuta tion proof In support of his ohlm, vlr.: llonieKttind entry No. 14350 made April 5, 1905. for thu tii-J of see 35, tp 12 s, r 12 !, w 111, And that hhIiI proof will ho made before Frank Osborn, U. S. ContnitH-siom-r, at his oillce In Madras, Oreuon, on Mar. SW, IIMW. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the html, viz: W O Kllllngbfok, J C Tucker, J J) Slants ami Nancy It Noble, all of Mini ms, Oregon. I2() inUi C. W. Mooitu, Krister, HO.MESTKAD Notice for Piibllca r loll . Dopartliit'lit of (ho ItHorlor, Land Olllco ut Tho I Jailer. Oreuon, February 8, BIOS. Notice Is hereby given that OEOKU15 W. RICH AKD.SO.V, of MadraH, (negon, bat lllcd notice of his Inteniioii to make final, flvo-yoar pro d in support of his claim, viz.: HomoHlonil entry No. 11012 inaile June 0. 1002, for thu Lot I of sec 31, tp 10 s, r l i e, Lot 1 sec 0, tp 11 s, r 14 e, ami Lots 1 and 2 of sec i, tp 11 s, r-13e, w m, And that said proof will he made before Frank Osborn, U. 8. (N.tnmls sinner, at his olllco Iu Madras, Oregon, 011 Mar. 10. 1908. Be naiiies the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, thu html, viz: George S Mayes, Jtuiiof D Mayes, M L Loiicks, A S Phillips, nil of Mad ias. Ort'gon. fill- ml2 C. W. MooitK, Register HOMESTEAD. Notice lor I'liblb cailou. Doptirtliieiit of lint In terior, Laud Olllco at Thu Dallvs, Oregon, Fobruary 8, 1908. Notice Is hereby k! von that WILLIAM II." LINDEK, of Madras, Oregon, lias lllotl notice of his intention to make ilnnl five-year prof In support ol his claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 12108 mntlo F.dtruaiy 2(1, 1903, for thu iihcI and wjiio.1 of sec 7, tp 12 h, r 14 o, w nl, Ami that said proof will ho made bidoro Frank Omo'rn, U. K. Commis sioner, at Ids olllco In Madras, Oregon, 011 Mar. 20, 1908. Jl names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous rcslduuco upon, nnil cultivation of, ilielund, viz.: W R Cook, J M Brown aud W II Lauclord, all of Culver. Oregon, and i Ifl Miiiitn, of Madras, Orogon. fia-iiiia C. W. Mooiti:, Register Timlwr jkv, Act June A, ittrs, Notice for Publication. Department ol the Interior t'NtTKo BT4TIK lann ornvy, The Oalles, Orgou, January 7, UkM. NolloolshertihyislvmthatOfi WIU011 Of I'rlnevllU, county of (Jrook, t,tUi of Orwuuii,' ha appllwd lo purctiu, under th act uf.Cou Kress of Junss, W7s, us csteuilud hy not of Autiust l, mi, thu Lots Hand I, sue 7, Ut J, mo !, I VI , 1 11 0, mul w!4se of eo IU, tp IS a, r 10 e, iv m, And will offer proof lo show that Iholand sought Is more valuable for its tlmher or stone than for ftKrleulturnl pirpoi.os, and toosiah. Hull his claim to said laud hefore the (.'oiiiity Clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on thu lull day of April, won. She names as her wltuoues: MhkkIu filato Charles Iledoll and II A. Poster all of Wlno vllle, OreKoii, uud Kdwln II Orfthata, of Hlstiirs, OreKon. Any und all orsons claiming adversely the tibovo-duserlhcd lands ure rcpiuHted to lllo their claims In this olllco oil or before nuld oih day of April, IMS. PTlMlllfll 1 I -Notice f :uM Uf.) unit, I'obrimrv 4. viSf Abe li.i, Kin II villiv III CI I) Ifthn.. .'"tl! I To .H'of tho act 1 1 v, fi'vltli lh 1M7H. i.iititii.,i it 4 ' l' !HiKrei 3 .. .. V.'. ";: . n HPI tmi i' "1 hu iiiium 111 t 111 n, . ' 11. 11 ...... nwififl n ,M'Ul I. 1,1, rilflll .....I . . " 1,1 1, stiucs iiViictilF 'V iM c ffi! iv";."''.';.1 ,,t,:,,." imveii.:4'., n....V...V -V-.IIIH -0111 f... tV'' , til .riM,eDi,ih';f,:;ltvf' ( ) 1 lLf . ill . MU'lll-l. 1 . 3 "I 1 'I 1 . " . . '"Utl(.,t V.' OliJOII ',4 IK set I.. .VBi - M' Zl bt; r 'I'll.. it..n . n n.riii.- i iiii i'iiiii.ii. .1 .-inn vicuoiir n worn t, In ...... ..."."'"fl i I I.11I..I..I II "ttlll Vn .' I I'l'.IMIIMtM' Jl- f f ..it " 41 II. J "V I. 1 j J 1 Lit . 1IIITAW. .mi.,, nil 111 1 . 1 .. IM 1 nl 'i u.... a 1. - i .mi v. AtOtltllllll. uu-,.1.. . .. NMlli muiiuu u, Nvfrn ifiiiMs t;i t-- . . "i'i mi n'i. lur 10. . I" U, ,V III. '-"IU HUH Will 11 nr tir.ii.r. ... .I...I. . --. ' , '11' V ,.!.. iniii n'ri.rsioi.oth, r 1 11 lilt 111 littl-immiii ,.i.,i . ivr nil , im, oicgon.o,. iina,? I liov liitine as H eir wu. u t'oiiitor, V (i v. IK sn.lv.iI3. 'i 1 11 111:1111 11 11. ..r riu, iv.. 11.. . .inirfl """" iiii ucr. nf i.k iv renin i n it i'r., . t .... .. . . , M .. , ........... ,,, , ,,,, . ...,. i .....r ... .... him., 1 It, l, nihil Ititl lllt'SUHl t.1 llie tlx II ,V.T,,a 1,1 1,1-111111 LIII Mllll T 1 1'. I .I.. . fi't ..tit i y irn 11X1 l.'TI.' A 1 1 .. l-i ' " mice fa - - 1....1.M.. i'.iruneni nf il, Oreuon. l'oliiiinri k irm iivii-iij i;ivi-ii mm, Mb: It I' (i ri ii.t- of Anil VVIlllil. . iiw III IIIH 1 1 It' 1 1 l() 1 1 III IIIUL'C.I. iirniii 111 yt itiitir, ..r i.i..i . I I ............... I ... .... . ' N'uv. 14. Mini r.,r ii ami nwise orse, .'0, tit 10 i . Anil that sai l i.rnnf win t. 1....... .1. . flrf,ni-. r.li At 11 r..li Ou lmu ... ....v. ...., n-in. 111 ' . . .. .1, 111, llllllll.J lllll fl.ll...M... 1.. " ItrOVll II IM COIitlllll l.n r.1.1.... I 1 1 , .i-IMTMT nun i-uni vnuiiii hi, uie IsW. Tit uiiesiur o ici-urklr, MtEw til ..1 1 . .. ..' ..r - ."Mir 1 iii.ipiiii 111111 .11111,1 t nn. MiiyoreoK, tin-gou, 118 in 12 0 W Mooittl COLONIST RATESTO' rim iiiiai asm t 11111 111111 Mllll m i. m.a m mm 1 II I'll II Ulllll I II i a riiriri 1 1 n nnrn (ni.in . mi kin 1 nun IU IIUIllll Mnilv iJimntt Mnrrn flfvf V WW 1111 S s L M ll Vft Southern Pacific Co, Oregon. During Man h and AH ISW will ho on sale IiMhY Item to lint nltlliu ,.f II, l- t l.ltfll hUttt jioints of Oregon, Watltinjla t.lnl,, t I f',,lrillt 1I1U1 bolow. Atithixut lmitiiuorit, Ji'i lllmlltiKhaiii, AU HIimmliiKiou, III llrlstol, Tuna llodon, Maw lltlffalo, K. V . Cairo, III ,. . Chleaeo,... Clllblnimtl.. OlovoUnd .... Council bluffs lllil Jtolnus . l'.linlra, N. V. KrauiTllle, lii'l Indianapolis, ItI Kaunas City . U'livonworth , ' liulsvlllit, Ky Memphis, Tenn Minneapolis Milbllo, Ala MontKomery, Ala ' Kashvlllo, 'i'enn Now York City -. ' Omaha,....;. rdorltt.JU. , I'hlladolphU I'ltlsblirK Hloux Olty 8t.3topli 8t. iJiuls St, I'hiiI WashliiKton, I). ' PKKI'AII) OllOHl" i .,..... in ocncral u ...11.' 1.. ii if tho tick" raiiroaiia uiu - - .t uw..,i i.buKiire w ......nt in Oregon orur. ,1 1Uu li, kct Will W VIM) in,-vwrnii . 1 irnnnitlv ill f. -Ill ph.UlCO W instructions to Hit m- : vl . , , 1 of the t 1; 1 v " j 't,n jkttniiiiiu I'liMiin inn t . 1 .is. ..J irii'llUB " . I . nt Bond ir roiauM- -y 1. ..i.li.ncc. w tno.it ..u.. v: iu IllItlUL 1 111 liVVVt - - ',.... i...,ut t ckow r .., ir.i,.u.rrdfltnnyp": NHHIMIVL'I H 11 n '- . ... :.K'.ft Tl c v In Ores' 1 - - 1 inn in Btop-ovcra not to - l,0H ...obirl For iiirtimr a,a ,i 1 i'nri-'i lini,u,ii;i -- - - n tl F1 Or JS. si. Wilson, tu (, w tlfll..... lllill IJ. - nt Bhfinllco, uroBo... - . 1 . Ill K 1 l.nall rilllini II" ' ... .1,1,1 mm y tru 1 inir 111 1 ni!nu iiivvi 5w.AVh or t Willi.i . . 1 mi, T II. 0, W, MOOItK, Itciilstgr,