The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 05, 1908, Image 7

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Mfi Dr. McComb, and
A tbn m?!!:,Vhtlr nervous organlia
OirfltA M"0'' "... h,d ,hetimlim In one
h"5ft!"bSl Uood'i Sarsaperllla ,00I
( ' if ''ansnt relief. I recommend
UW,r',.nerllla ! wld everywhere,
'l hi M Doeei One Dollar. Pre-
H Surprised Mr.
wna In Snaln
-ffben my """ ..
uT'tb. lde. o' burin' second-hand
r-I'blladflphlo Preae,
...n.rt IM ft TO 14 DAYS.
piirs turiLi i" -
.ntMTMCNTIi IIU'MlMd 0 01110 anj,
Unele AH"".
. . " mtA tin.
Not nfntioninr ..-.-, ---dl
I lea Spark., "I'" noticed that the
.1 diet ao exalted K0'"loB mV.t0
ftSt- en I. o make them light
Treasury Figures Show that the
Per Capita Is In Uxcess
of '$1,310.
Money in Circulation on Jan. 30
Last Waa Nearly $3,000,-000,000.
MA rl,,,,'l'5Y.TViiV SI 1.11 Snlll. .nd
rtffrsom Horror.
rtidir him,
1. v. .Tid tht lotroder with 4oobt.
I'ojttit loafln'," answered tht hyphen,
And tbi Droofrtclr nuiiiM bib ouu
-Tklciio Tribune.
1 1 I VLI.
now 1 mi y
w5r0n noodrsd Dollars Re-ward for any
MMof Ciurrk that eannot be rd by Hul'a
bunk Car. J, CHBNKY A CO., Tot do, 0
It. tb aadtrilsBed. hate known T. J.
C&tnrjfor tbilaitli jrrt, nd him
MtiMtlr boBOMtblt In H bulmtn trntloD
EdinnelJlrbllo orr7 oul nf obllj-
630 0441 k:hnak 4 MAJVIM,
Who!tl urniii, TOiao,u
k.b'. r.timh Cur li tktn lDlmallr. kt-
(iiiirtOr upon tb blood nl maeoui ur-1
bin of tbt 17mm. TMtlBanlaU mbI frip.
frlM n nan per bnttU. Bald by ill UrarfflaU.
mi ntu t riouj rius ror iAHtipuuB.
Itaasl I
A tlnd fttllnj one
Can OTr Uit br
Twii whra t bttddlog pot
Bh;m4 It with vk-a-vU.
Qood Judfcae
Amerlani at ladgea are keenly dla-
erlmlnitlDg. Tbor inaiurerry thing
bj tht iocch it attaini, which metlw
od, eonildered In tha light 01 the com
dad tipaileoc of mankind, la cer
tklnJy not a bid one. The high stand'
ird 01 Intelligence and dlicernment In
thia country, wbore eduoation la the
role tad not the exception, renders it
iMffanli ftnrt iMrnrlilnn Ia Pln nAnr1
"'"" vuv..
citionil iocchi not hated on actual
Torth. lltnca it waa that with the
plantation of Bt. Jacobi Oil Uiey cor-
mil; Judged It at once, and decided
tbit rare intrlniio worth only ootild bo
l. ... r . . .
we aource 01 ita tntoeai. Ttie aecUlfn
llh them wai equivalent to an adop
tion; and it It a rare thing to find a
fitnll withtut U nil l ,U
nBHWM M. WlftVVtSW . . . k4 UV
Hal lb I11MI1
"I luppoie you bate been Dlnched
7 penurJ"
"No, mum: the coo'a name ' waa
O'Brien; bt'e Irlah."
Tro lutini
TV. t
if Tr and n.rrr PUat
CUIok In tho Northwit
J. J. RT
1M fton' St- Portland. Oreeon
eH, purity nndrclU
na cum iivtiieia
clrci. I'arrarra
lu theiutucauie
they know tliey
caubc rclUd up
on. Don't expert
in nt with cheap
mmi a yoiiriure
tyllialu buying
aeedtscut out by
a contcltntloua
and truitwurthr
rry'a Ceed Annual
loatr .Mlkt. Aiixtt
and guaranteed
5ul309 sticke394
m icwf MMMt trtimmttt
urio4 nut om mMxuM
Mnjor Alfred II. QunlrTc, vault clork
nt tho UiiIUmI HlntoH tronaury, who linit
chnrKO of Undo Kitin' inorw-y, cnllwl
my attention tho other day to the nl
iuont IncnMllhlo growth of tho huHlne
of tho Triwnury Dcimrtnient wlnoo he
como Into ilw aen-lw, forty-two yenru
no, utid liu ftirnUhed 1110 with aoinc
very IntercKtlitK nml rnther RtnrtlliiR
cojniMirlwMix, wrlleu William 10. Curllx,
tho WnHliliiu'loii cnrri'iM)tidvnt. For
example, tho wealth of tho country,
which, of courao, Iiiih kept paw with
tho traiwadloim of tho treamiry, U
throo and one-half time Kntatcr to-ihiy
than It waa In 1870. The total then
whh $:iO,008.aiH,0)0. ThoeHtlmated total
to-ilay, haitod upon tho reiimw tvportti
and Information received by the Agri
cultural Department, the Kecretiiry of
tho Treanury and tho CV)tnptroller of
the Currency, la fl07.10l.lil 1.017.
The wealth per capita of citizens of
tho United 8tntc( hamil upon Blinllar
eatlmateH, haa IncreaHed from ?770.S'l
In 1870 to l.niO.ll In HK)7, whl.-h
niakcH tho United Ktaten, with Ita erior
moua H)i)ulatlon, the richeNt country In
tie world.
Tho money In circulation haa Increas
ed four-fold Blnco Major QunlfTe caino
into tho treamiry. The total In KS70
wna f07S.212.7IU, while on Jan. .".0,
1007, it wna f2i)H,:U2,2M. The circu
lation per cnplUt haa alniont doubled,
notwItliHtnndlui; tho prenent monoy
famine, nnd hnn lncreawl from fl7..'0
to $3.'l.80 durlni; tho laat forty-two
When Mnjor QunlfTe enme Into the
cnah room wo had only f.W.OOO.OOO In
Bold; to-day we have f7r0,(MJ.',8fi!) In
gold coin In the treamiry nlono, not
counting that In circulation and hoard
Ml nwny.
Uncle Snin'a working capital on Dec.
14, 1007, nmonntcd to fl,7r.0,4M,4(M.iU
all of which la hard cosh. Of this
amount $1.2T.'1.70."..8nil. In coin In held
on depoalt to secure tho payment of
f7r0.(W3.S( cold certificates, S471,o2.V
000 allver eertlflentea, and ."i,rir,XX)
trenaurj' notea outatandltu:. Tho troaa
ury remirvc. which Ih kept hy law,
nmounta to 150,(X0,0()0. The wiali hal
at'j available to pay tho current rx
pciifM of tJio Koverument on Dec. 11
wna f2Af),702,.100.ia.
Uncle Ham doe not keep all of nla
money In Washington, although th-re
la a good deal of It hero. Tlie remain
der U Bcattered among the different
subtreanurleH, iiiIiiIh and national bank
deponltorle aa follows:
Treasury, WashliiKtou . . .$17.1,117 1,8 ld.7l
Kubtronaury, New York.. 27M2a.iK7.87
Htiblroaatiry, Mnlthnore .. llM7,(n!U.U
Hiibtreosury, l'hlladelphla. 1H.IMW.820.00
Kuhtrfasury, Hoston 10,028.27 I.IK)
BuhlrenMtiry, Ulncinnntl. . i:.-M7,SS2..V.I
HubtrcnHiiry, Chicago rr,OS:i,Sf)2.72
Bubtrenmiry, fit. Unila... 1.(KK),8V.M0
Hubtreasiiry. New Orlrnnn 2:i.(ir0.020.81)
Ruhtrrasury, Hnn Francisco :w.4:iO.IKi.'l.70
Mint. I'hllndelphla l.l'H.'il 1.72
Mint, Denver ft8,70.07 10
Mint, New Orlennn .'KI,:27i;U
Mint. Ban Kranelseo 8!.4.Sa,71 1 10
Awny oillce, New York. . . 7il.8.'VS,.T2.V27
National banks 2l().2HI.4r,!l
Ticantiry Philippine Inlands 3,70.1,300.0
"n trnnalt between olllces. 10I1.7HS I.'
In addition to the working balance
nnd tho reserve, there Is a total of
$811,730,128 In bonds In the vaulta at
Washington, of which ?m,.Wi1070 U to
pocuro circulation of national banks nnd
$1 78,200, ir8 to secure deposlta In na
tional hanks. An additional sum of
$103,751,380 Is deposited for similar
purposes in the suhtreasurles of Now
York and Bnn Francisco, making n to
tal of $010,487,518 of other people's
money In Uncle Bain's charge.
AIUl0' I'ltlMllllllOll lll,0OO.
Oov. W. H. Hoggatt of Alaska. In his
annual report, estimates the population
of tho territory at 31,000, exclusive of
0,000 or 7,XK) persons of mixed nationali
ties employed In mines, canneries and rail
road construction during the summer. He
reports extensive prospecting In tho vnrl
ous mining districts. Ho consider tho
whisky peddler tho worst enemy of tho
native, ami recommends legislative restric
tions of liquor snles within a flve-mlln
radius of any railroad or other enterprise
employing 100 or more men, except In an
incorporated town,
iriexiitir Triinnfera Vital Orn".
A paper read before the American As
sociation for tho Advancement of Kclenco
In tho University of Chicago reveals tho
fact that Dr. Blmon Flexner of New York
City has succeeded h transplanting ar
tories from one nnlmnl to another suc
cessfully. The experiments have thus
far been confined exclusively to tho lower
animals, but tho favorable results In this
field aro believed to point tho way to a
luiccessful application of tho practice to
human beings.
Hlillta Ue tlyroacoiiex,
It Is reported that tho Hamburg-American
lino, having bought tho German
rights of the Schllch gyroscope, Intends
to equip all its North Bea and channel
boats with tho apparatus, which It la ex
pected will keop tho ship steady in tho
roughest weather, Tho gyroscoio will bo
located at tho atom of the vessel.
A Doctor's
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Is not
a simple cough syrup. It Is a
strong medicine, a doctor's
medicine. It cures hard cases,
severe and desperate cases,
chronic cases of asthma, pleu
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
Ask your doctor about this.
" I bar utt a (rrt dal of Aydr't Cherry
Pectoral for oouglu and htrd eolda on the
fhnl. It Imi lwi done m pTMt rood. It
1 eartalnlr a rnott wonderful cough medl
dne." SJioUAi. i., Uedford,
h, J.
1 yl MW1
by jr. O. Ayer Co., Ixrwjll. Hut.
cuiaiuaoinrers i
You will hnoton rocovory by tak
ing ono of Ayor'e Pills at bedtime.
The Maarnrn Limited.
"Where are all those honeymoon par
ties?" exclaimed the reporter as he
hurried Into the station. "Are they
"Yes," laughed the station master as
he pointed to the turtle doves in tht
waiting room, "far gone."
for the tlgnature of K. W. OIIOVK. Uied the
World over to Cure a Cold In One Day, tto.
Ills In terf rrnr.
Clttlman 1ook here, sir, didn't you
warrant tho horse you sold mo yester
day to be without fuult?
David Hnrum Yes. Ain't he7
Clttlmun No, sir, he Is not. He lr
trrteres. David Horum Waal, I don't
aee us you hev any reason fur com
plaining' about that. He don't Inter
fere with anybody but himself, does
be? Llpplncott'a.
Mo fieri will find Mrs. 'Wlnilow's Boothlna
Syrup thv bsst remedr to um tor tuelr children
during the Uethlug jrlixl.
Said She You men teem to be fond
r hugging delusions.
Bald He Well, we are not to blame.
You women are such delusive crea
ture. lalnleaa Unner.
Tliere is a prevailing opinion that
cancer Is always painful from the be
ginning, whereas It Is really painless In
the majority of cases. It Is desirable
to ascertain bow far the public oughl
to be Instructed in the early signs of
cancer, with a view to the adoption of
earlier diagnosis and consequently ear
Her operation. London Hospital.
llrrriitfnnlN of John nnil Irlacllln
Am Owiirrn of (Mil Iloinatenil.
The Aldcn kindred of America, which
comprlKo deHcendnntu of John nnd I'rls
cllla MuIHiih Aldcn of Duxhury, who
are w-attercd from tho Atlantic to tho
Pacific Ocean, from Canada to tho Oulf
of Mexico, have nt last obtained pos
session of tho old Alden homestead
here, says n Duxhury (Mass.) dispatch
In the Philadelphia Record. The house
has nine rooms and a number of acres
of land about It. It In near tho railroad
station. During tho 254 years of exist
ence of thin property It has always been
occupied, with ono exception, by n per
son named Alden.
The old Iwmestead, according to the
story generally told to visitors In Dux
bury, won not built by John tho Pil
grim. A situ east of the present house
In pointed out an having been tho place
whero John and Prlscllla dwelt, nnd It
Is commonly atntwl that the house hutlt
by John's own hand was destroyed by
fire, and the exact spot Is pointed out
John W. Aldcn, the tenth In n direct
line of Jolinn from tho pilgrim fore
father, nnd now occupant of the old
homestead, says this story Is not cor
rect He declares that John and Prln
ellbi occupied n house of which the ell
on tho present lwuse was n part, and
that timbers from the first house nro
now In existence in the present house.
Tho ell, which Is. a Btory nnd n half
high, Is undoubtedly older than tho
main house, which Is two nnd a half
stories, and has all tho marks which
distinguished tho old-time Plymouth
houses. There nro the small diamond
paned windows; tliere are the beams,
running across the low ceiling and
throughout the house; there nre tho
old-fashioned latches on the doors, tho
step-up or Htcp-down between connect
ing rooms, the large square chimney,
and many other old-fashioned nnd
quaint characteristics.
The tiny "set-In" cuptoards, In all
Uie rooms, nro things to make the mod
em dweller full of envy I the low ceil
ings make even n short person reach
to see If It Is possible to touch them.
A tiny bedroom on the ground floor Is
shown to visitors ns the room In which
Prlsellla died, and it is commonly be
lieved that John, too, died In the pres
ent house. The Alden story Is that tho
house whs built by Jonathan, the son
of John nnd Prlsellla.
Every part of th body la dependent on the blood for nourishment and
Btrenrrth. Whea thin life atream ia flowing through the system la & Btate o!
a v w r . a. . . v a. a. i. -
Imrity and rlcnuesfl vre are assured 01 pericct ana uninterrupted, ncaiui;
zccause pure blood la nature's oafe-guara against disease. When, however,
the bodv ia led on weak. Imoure or polluted blood, the system 13 deprived of
its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble la manifested in various
ways. Puotular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different skin affectiona
chow that the blood is In a feverish and diseased conauion as a result of too
much acid or the presence of tlomo Irritating humor. Sores and Ulcera aro
the result of morbid, unhealthy matter In tho blood, and Rheumatism, Ca
tarrh, Scrofula, (Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood
disorders that will continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains.
These Impurities and poisons find their way Into the blood in various ways.
Often a sluggish, Inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the
avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and
form nric and other acids, which are taken up by the blood and distributed
throughout the circulation. Coming in contact wiih contagions diseases Is
another cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the gcrma and
microbes of Malaria Into our lungs, and when theso get into the blood in
sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Soma
are so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old
constitutional disease of ancestors Is handed down to them and Ihey aro
constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood is the source of all dis
ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to
suffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best
remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any
and all noisons. supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely
' .. ..'..- ra
ana permanently cure3 Diooa diseases 01
every kind. The action of S. S. S. i3 so
thorough that hereditary taints are removed
and weak, diseased blood made strong and
healthy so that disease cannot remain. It
cure3 Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores
and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious
Blood Poison, etc.. and does not leave tho
slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of
blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature's
greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely
harmless to any part of the system. S. S. S. is for sale at all first clas3
(fcrug stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write,
Se So So
A Way Out.
It was at a theater In Manchester.
The king, aged and Infirm, was blessed
with two sons. He wan pacing up and
down the stage with a wearied, trou
bled look, exclaiming aloud:
"On which of these, my eons, shall I
bestow my crown?"
Immediately came a Tolce from the
gallery :
"Why aot 'arf a crown apiece, gu
aor?" Laavdon Mall
Raid a poftry teacher named Pell,
To his pupil who wrote a rondel,
"You would not know from Peter
A muse, should you meter I"
Thus gave he the young vlllanella.
Yale Itecord.
What la said to be the largest tele
graph circuit In the world is that be
tween lAndon and Teheran, the capital
of Persia. It is 4.000 miles long and Is
divided Into twelve sections.
Chinese coffins are made of timber
eight Inches to ten Inches thick. It is
calculated, therefore, that over 8,000,000
feet of timber is utilized yearly for coffins
Jn China.
I.Itb a.nd Let Lire.
"Do you preach without notes," que
ried a member of the church commit
tee that was seeking a pastor to nil a
"Well," rejoined the good man with
a merry twinkle In hie eye, "I some
times have occasion to uae bank notes."
General Demand
of tho Woll-Informed of the World has
always boeu for a simple, pleasant
and efficient liquid laxative remedy of
known valuo; a laxatlvo which physi
cians oould sanction for family uso
bocauso Its component parts aro
known to thorn to bo wholesome and
truly beneficial la effect, acceptable
to the systom and gantlo, yet prompt,
In action.
In supplying that demand with Its
excollout combination of Syrup of
Flga nnd Elixir of Bonna, tho Call
fornla Fig Syrup Co. procoodB along
ethical linos and rolies on tho merits
of tho laxatlvo for Its romarkablo
That Is ono of mnny roasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Souna Is
glvon the preference by tho Woll
Informed. To got Its beneficial effects
always buy the gonulno manufac
tured by tho California Fig Syrup Co.,
only, and for Bala by all loading
druggists. Price fifty cents per bottlo.
Lnwbrenkers tire frequently de
nounced, and rewardH nre offered for
tlie apprehension of cspeclnlly trouble
some or dangerous offenders. In tho
newspnpers of to-day; but It Is not tho
custom to mix denunciation with adver
tisement nfter tho fashion of our an
cestors. With them, righteous wrath
would not be denied the comfort of epi
thets, even in purely business com
munication. No modern advertising column Is
likely to contain an advertisement ns
vigorous In Its language as one pub
lished In an old Newburyport Herald
of Just a century ago, threatening with
"public exposure" no mention is made
of prosecution If ho should repeat his
raids, the "Nefarious Scoundrel, void
of either mnuners or breeding," who
had stolen oppk'B from a certain or
chard. Whether or not the remainder of tho
crop was Kpared, it is Impossible not to
feel that the satisfaction of seeing "Ne
fnrlous Scoundrel" In good black print
must have proved eminently soothing to
the spirit of the pepjiery old gentleman
who penned the advertisement.
The disproportion between the lan
guage and the offense remluds one of
that trial, In another old colonial town,
nt which n pompous Judge had dis
coursed so eloquently on the offended
mnjesty of tho law nnd tho wicked
ness of lawbreakers In genernl. that tho
plaintiff, who was simple-minded, be
gan to fear the special larceny In ques
tion would be lost sight of.
"Don't yo hnng him, Judge!" lie
broke In. "No, don't ye hang him I
Mehbo he desnrves It, for goln' ngln
the Law and the Prophets, but I don't
want ho should forget ho stole my three
biggest pumpkins! I wnnt ho should
set sorrowln' In Jail, nnd remember
what lining him there. Try nnd for
give him his other villainies, Judge, nnd
Jest you jail him for them pumpkins!"
Dlaconraarlnar Proapecta.
This government Is becoming more
and more centralized every year," said
the student of politics.
"Yes," answered Colonel Stlllwell of
Kentucky, "It's getting so that the
States don't do much more than fur
nish titles for battle ships and popu
lar songs." Washington Star.
loratllnii Hnppeni Tbat "Way.
Throggins Did you ever try making a
comrade of your boy?
Phogy Yes; but it didn't work. I
found he waa too old for ma. Chicago
"I'm not going to that female barber
shop again. Tbere'a a rude girl there,
don't you know.."
"What did she say?"
"Why, abe looked at say mustawah
and awaked me If I would have it
ponged off or rubbed In."
O, Profeaeor!
Th professor waa complimenting the
violin virtuoso on the excellence of his
"By the way," he said, "do you play
the 'Doctor of Divinity'?"
"Tbat is a piece I have never heard
of," answered the violinist.
C "Nerer heard of It I" exclaimed the
professor. "Fiddle D. D.I" Chicago
nnqrjx oSeoqo j ejanf.q
os ,ur ) mi, Moqs oj )cnf 'Jtioj
SJAiv; jaqjono ai3 pas XJjanoo sjqj o)
rasq em 00 M JIJbj 'moux, noX 2a;qj
uy qx 'Sjqnojj ex.sra o; JajoJ s.mqx
IJlvj uoqj J2ajs J3JB3JJ v s,eqi jCbs hd
Caqj noX xnq,L ill sj 'jajMOJiax
jsqjo jo 2aiqjsmog Xjsjjsx smsu Jiq
l.jvqM jaSajs Man sjqj q 'BJjJBds
aauv pun paiO9'1 qx..
'(naaiaj Xuiooiq ,unv iaua
The Orphan.
"Please, sir, will you give a penny t
a poor orphan?"
"Certainly, my boy I Has your fath
er been dead long?"
"No, sir. He's the orphan. This
money's for him."
From October to May, coMa are the most frequent
caute of headache. LAXATIVE BROMO QUI
NINE removes cause. E. W. Grove on box. 2o.
Caloric Hypnotiam.
Inquisitive Passenger How are thes
cars heated?
Shivering Pnsnger By suggestion, X
III Lock.
"Luckiest man I ever knew! Everjs
thing succeeded with him. He had
only to say what he wanted, and hi
got It. Why, confound It, 1 was walk
log with him one day the very last
day of his Ufe and he said to me,
'When I die, I want to die suddenly.1
Got run over that very night. Evet
see such luck!" London Mall.
Itaclutf uoye.
"Charles, dear," said young Mrs. Tor,
kins, "why do you call racing calcula
tions 'dope?' I thought that waa a
slang name for a drug."
"You're quite right,' was the answer.
"They call It that because a'.l It gen
erally gets you Is a pleasant dream and
a rude awakening." Washington Star.
Ilia Syitcm,
-How do you dispose of your garb
age here?" asked the stranger, who
was gathering data for purposes of
"We always throw ours In the garb
age can," said the man with the chin
heard, "but I don't know, of course
about the neighbors."
yS " la most painful.
' JfS; What a good f
Gives Instant relief.
Removes the twinges.
' S& 25o. ALL DRUGGISTS 6O0.
Tho MnNlt-m Knlth,
Myths of the most bewildering kind
spring up nnd nourish nnd often bear a
rlpo harvest In the minds of Ignorant
Mohammedan ixipulnttons during times
of crisis. A saint or two can work
wonders among them at tho psycho
logical moment, nnd saints of U10 most
truculent typo aro as common In Mo
rocco as blackberries aro In England.
Theso people have no Ideas of evldenco
or of probability. Though they Ho
freely themselves, their credulity In tho
word of a holy man la boundless. Lou.
don Times.
P. N. O.
No. 9-08
lU-ccpllvo .M001I.
Tho dark horso wns inclined to bo
"I'm not asking anything of nny
body," ho said, "but only n fool horso
would kick a bucket If oats over."
Thereupon his followers announced
him ns In tho light to win. Philadel
phia Ledger.
I w
UKH writing- to advertisers please
Mention aMtyar,
' 11
Ilimo Neat of tho Mouml lllrd.
Tho Australian mound bird builds
tho biggest neat In tho world.. It some
times makes mounds 150 feet In clr
comforenco, In which It buries Its eggs
live foot deep.
Premiums Given Away
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