- W I Tn 1 1 A I - miii sin i.u i S Or int mj TRAPi FOR TERRORISTS, Condensed Form lor Our jiisy Readers. AflTTlTl KMII1 JIM- OS OF TWO CONTINENTS Oftho Us Important but torostlng al MlT ....rMtlnK Event. Not W ' ... . . tviiami Is nllKlitly lm- ThomaB a. - led. . I'8" Tl G per Blmro on 0. It, & Snn men stock. . an czpoilon in a "" ifiaMuaH, Mexico. 76 . u ca. ,..i into tho I'onnHylvu- IDTCB Bu. further It to HgM. XSrincontochooHO oter district attorney. -l i,nmii thrown nt tho Hhnh of ...., u'fiH nilKlO tO HBHHHHI" ,.f Ar-i'lllll till. bUt . inn I ireniuwi.k e bomb fniieu io The Northern Pacific railroad haa ...ui rnr uiu - nnv or us iuiuKiiiyuii. British houHO of commona Iina ...j ihn unmn l HUliriiKU uiu. nM nil will I1UW IJU miiin- U ' V Tbomai A. Kdlson'a recovery ' .!..,( fill Tbe eenato commlttco rnny revive e Brownson-Hlxoy controvorHy. Northern Pacific tolegrnphorfl te rejected reduction of wagon. RoosoTcIt has called for a new i. Hon lir Di-in'Oll (llHtrlct UllllliVMUM.."" " torney Heavy buying of morchnntn from 'W 1 UI IX : n . ......-.- - rn of prosperity. Los Angeles police1 havo arreHtod or men and n woman who had .J . .K..m .till fl llflTll Li UI I. tu V.J " V ..... tobacco wnrehoiiMo near Frank- rt, Kjr containing 100,000 pounds tobacco ban been hurnoil. Railroads nro pleading with tho teriiate commurco cominimuun ior i.In onrnpfilmr Muk film hmir Ifiw. imi im vmw vr ....... - - - - - Charge nKalnst Jurmno, district torney for New York, cuubo many ..J. in .n lii.il.l ft tl In Pll. oral. The president linn nuhmlttod a IGorernor Toole, or Montnna, hose reslfinntlon, on account of 111 calth takes effect April 1, Ih In Los lose!". It Is estimated that over $2,000, )0 will havo been paid by Now York ilrons of opera before tho present tason ends In April. F The sennto coinmlttoo hnn np- Russia Provides World-Wide System of Secret tiervlco. fit. PotorsburK, Kob. 25. Tlio skilful I perfonnnnco of Uiu police in tho round I ii. m. v..u h. i v.i i imnu ui JIKHierfl jinn won prnleo throughout tho city, bearing WJUiowH mi mo iiiorougnnoHH of tho DOINGS OF THE SIXTIETH CONGRESS DENATURED ALCOHOL. -rlcuy, February 20 i Tuesday, February 25 WllHlllllL'tflll Ifnll. !) l.nm, irin. 1tr..,.l.. B2h tai7,,.VS 'Vl nZT"1 ,n '-''"t-l Hectloof Al. leK.yBratio"rw tho chief bofoS Tho Bocrot po loo uro Bpendlnn unllm ,lH,a ' ,IVU B( Krcatly IncreuHcd tho tho senate today. For nearly three itod Htime In or nirlnu tlin (nrmri.iu percoutaKo of IriHanitv (hut Mm mui. twiut-a rw,.n nf ni,i,.i,, Justlco nnd linvo drafted agenU of in u"lay l"'"d u bill authorlzliiK tho Aldrlch hill, Baying that he had, tornatlot.nl oxnerlonco who nro thor. .. .n, 0.XI.'.l!,"I1.t!,ro.H for 1,10 malnten- throuKh ex-Henntor Johch, of Arknn- oushly familiar with tho bv-wnvn nf r ".;U1.UIH VU1 ln"o. Tho 5 sns, In 1900 proposed legislation ur,..in... ...r Tn . ' ''' " mo license moi ""' niiwuiiHW UIIU WHO Will in- ilPlrul license monoyn col- sornowhat similar to tho bill under frrvlimn n linn,nVMi . ..." "l,lB,,lu. ?"!- mcorponueo CO ,u,u: .lrw,,H 'r roau iMilldlng, schools and forenoon, which ho declared would ,i I. ' iVi. 1 7 ,",H ""wrou ui rp or tno insane has been found havo prevented tho recent panic had of tho Incorporated consideration, but with essential dlf UIU, iUn rollu iHlUOIIlg, ilopartmont hnn onternd tho euro nf M.n i nufitwi lift - . , , ""wvuu uxnuuiw . 'iwijui. uiu uuiniiiHiH. Mi ooen enacted into Jaw. owen re- abroad, and haa ornftnitcd an oxtomivo' Consideration of tho Indian nppro-'celved closo attention from tho uena BorviCo In all thocontoia whoro Ituwiian "r'atlon bill and a speech by Sinoot, tors and was frequently interrupted pminranis coiiKrcKnte, particularly in " Ul""' 1,10 currency uiii, con-1 with questions, which led to spirited Now York, I'arin and Hwlliorlarid. and Hllm(:(1 "e'.,rly 1,10 onUro t,mo ,n tho'debatc. aro maklnK a upoclal onort to penotrato V.-A5 y' Tho Ind,an blH Wtt8 1 Tho Indlan -PPrPrlatlon bill ro- witnin mo innermost councils of tho Social Democratic and Social Revolu tionist organlzatlona. In oonnootion wltii tho latent plot the men of tho soorct sorvlco wore alwo- lutely truatod by comradea of tho rovo passed WaBhlnBton, Fob. 28. Without a dlHuontlng voice tho Iiouho early In tho day, under a Hpcclal rule restored to tho army appropriation bill tho Provisions to lneronHn (ti ..ii-ii -.1- - .... .7 : . . . -: w '- " iuuuiubib, who auenueKi tno moot niM commissioned olllCers and men and hold in Finland, whoro tho final plan to Prohibit tho private employment for tho assassination of Grand Dukn of ar,ny musicians for pay, both of Nicholas Nichollavitoh and Judfto Teho Klovltoff, minister of juatico, was club orntod. Two hundred nlain clothes which yesterday went out on points of order. Tho house took up an amendment during a bill was part read coived consldoration of tho day. Tho through. Toller declared that Indian bills havo in tho past boon put through tho sonato loaded down with now legislation that should never havo been adopted. yv, .Milium., jim i n uiuuien offered bv Kotdnr nt HIIumIu ,., rnon woro culled in by heads of tho DO-1 iirln Itur 1 r.nn n'nn ....... Il...tnnnrf....n , -T "vw.yuu lUl ju,llt Jllllli- " " k protmo in- Olivers or tlio militia organizations of Washington, Feb. 25 General de bate on tho army appropriation bill in tho house of representatives today again furnished opportunity for frco expression of opinion on the issues of tho day. Garrett of Tennessee and Hun of North Curolln nrralirnnd ntructtonn as to what action should bo 'the several states and tho regular tno Republican party for Us policy taken nnd apparently thoy arrested army. It provoked extended dobnte. I with regard to tho tariff, while wmioni error the norBons involved. 'Jiun and Tawney lending In onnos - "ayes TIiiih far tho polico havo failed to ox-,1'0"; me amenumcnt was altered so as tract a confession from any of those ar rested aa to their ldontity, but soveral undoubtedly aro members of aristocrat lo houses. It is cortain that numbers of tho conspirators have managed to ovado arrest, and a careful watch is bo I nu kept for thesn. to limit the amount to $1,000,000 and as modified was agreed to, on division, GC to 48, but on tho vote being taken by tellers It wus lost, 59 to CO. BLACK HAND BUSY. Threaten Thursday, February 27. Washington, Feb. 27. One of tho most dramatic scenes in tho senate was enacted today when Owon, of Oklahoma, insisted, In tragls tones and with face showing much emo tion, that tho five civilized tribes of Indians wero dead and that he, as a member of the tribe of Cherokee In dians, was not under tho control of tho secretary of tho interior. Tho to Blow Up Qovernment Powder 8tores. New York. Feb. 25. In a letter signed "Hlack Hand" and addressed to Commander llraunstrueter, in charge of tho United StaU'B naval inagaxlno at event was rendered all tho more in- lona island, tho threat has been rnado jtorestlng by the fact that Owen was that the enormous stores of Bitiokolcss sharply engaged In controversy by powder on the island will ho blown upCiirtlK, of Kansas, himself a Kaw In uplesfl the married men discharged .dlan. from omployment on tno Island Jnnu- , as the first time that two men ary l, 1U08, bo pnt bnok to work at " once, more aro s,uuu,ui)U pounds ol smokolevfl powder and other oxplosivea stored in tho numerous magazines. ever locked horns ns senators in tho senate chamber. Tho controversy aroso in connection with the consid eration of tho Inillnn lilll nnil wiih Secret uorvlco men are working to nrecinltatod bv a motion on the nart discover tno Identity of tlio writer of .of Owen to have the bill, bo amended tho letter. Printed by hand, tho letter was in I led at tho llaverstruw postothce two wceka ago. It was as follows: "If tho married men that wero dis charged from lona island are not tnkon back again at onco all tho magazines on tho island will be blown up. The writer dooa not fear death, Uluck Hand." On Jan nary 1 between 30 and 40 men, who had been employed on tho Island, were discharged, owing to delay in forwarding funds from Washington to continuo work. This delay was looked upon at the tlmo as temporary, and it was Understood tho men would bo taken back aa Boon as the monoy ar rived. Among the men discharged, most of whom were laborers, wero many Ital ians. Since tho recolpt of the letter every approach to tho island has been guard- oops endued In tho Brownsville Vl .lay and night by marines, it is said, Al In 1 1 tin A I f . 4 . as to recognize the citizenship of five civilized tribes of Indians by putting the word "late" before this designa tion, calling them tho "late five civ ilized tribes." After further debate, In which Owen, Curtis, Clapp, McCumber and Lodge participated, Owen'H proposi tion to designate tho Indinns as tho "lato five civilized tribes" was voted down. Owen's voto was the only one in Its support. of California denounced tho financial system of tho United States as "patchwork," and the Aldrlch bill as "falling far short of the remedial legislation needed." The only remarks pertinent to tho army bill wero made by Parker of Now Jersey, who spoke In favor of tho proposition for Increased pay for the officers and men, and Kus terman of Wisconsin in support of restoration of tho canteen. Tho seven hours allowed for gen eral debate on tho bill will expire to morrow, when the measure will bo read for amendment. lot In August, 190G. Hating been left an annuity of 2,500 a year ns long ns ho remains i college and lives in a colleco dor- pry, V. C. U. Kemp haB contrived P remain at Columbia university, lew lOrk. 27 uarn without irrnil- Fonr mall clerks wero In lured in a Nn wreck near Klovllla, Ga. Work is about to begin in New York n a buildinu fur tlin vfirlmiH Irlnli un. Betlw). New York hotel rlnrlm 1 in up nrimn. fed a club under tho namo of tho prefers. pm Eml1 Gf ,,irsch. ,n an address Chicago, denounced Germnnv as a eoaco t Ihu 1 - w w a V 11 VS J 14 Sixteen neinnnH worn inin t " "l ll.jlllVU HIV fonaly by tho derail ruont of a car on e Memo railwuy at ono of Donvor'a nofcmcnt parks. MrB. YcrkiH. u'l.ln... ni ni..i,. w ..I . ...ww III Ulllkl It'O X. . . I?a n,,a U) dovoto n portion cf fr 110.0 O nnn ,. ui.., n' ..n. hospital in Now York. A mart (HhihImh,! nu ..i.i i.i.. i.i Z7 , 111 ln 11,0 8fc- r-lH lolophono ;nice atid was only dlwjovered whon ho -lAwi 10 ono of tlio girlH. pi.. i i . it , 8 W(3Ht ,,0lln,1 ocon travol l IIS lowest fllili nt !!,,. II. (Olir kl ii jnunuui. VIII1U, 123. linorH '"'vo Just arrived with !"er cabins nractlenllv .., iBhonL1!10 18 m Krn,t ftn(l buainoas ""OnCflty in Atnurlm. tAil.... H... ,1 it In llf I " vwimjr Vllllll HIUIO S in Wftflh nutnii'u !. I.. l i ion ol Dr iP , V" l,,u. '" rotk. nioArmur, oi now nnvnl nmA.. nnd tho oivillnn omployos havo loen kept under the strictest aurveillanco. Inua island is about sovou miles south of West Point. Washington, Feb. 27. Represen tative Llllcy, of Connecticut, today Introduced a resolution calling on tho secretary of the navy to Inform tho house of representatives of tho physical condition at the present time of the various submarine tor pedo boats owned by the United States government, together with full Information of reports relating to the performance of each, subma rine accidents thereto and repairs thereon. Mr. Lllley said: Monday, February 24. Washington, Feb. 24. Ocean mail subsidy and currency legislation were both the subjects of speeches in tbe senate today. Gallinger opened the debate in favor of his bill for ocean mail subsidy to build up the American merchant marino, and was followed by Depew, vwho strongly approved the measure. Simmons, of North Carolina, and White, of Maryland, spoke in criticism of the Aldricb currency bill, White announcing that he would not voto for any measure before the senate. An hour was devoted to tho further consid eration of tho bill to revise the criminal code. Gallinger reviewed conditions udner which the merohantm arlne of this country is operating and cited manyad vantagxes that he believed will accrue to the commercial interests -of the United States if better mail service to South America and other points is established. Washington, Feb. 24. Tbe unusual spectacle of the committee on rules being overruled by its chairman, the speaker, on tho floor of the house, was witnessed in that body today, much to the discomfiture of Dalzel), a member of the committee. The army appropriation bill, carry ing $85,007,600, was taken np. After Hull, of Iowa, had explained its pro visions, Slaydon, of Texas, criticised "Min nnnFfnnn o ovlranarran r r9 fliA mil- UIIU UIIW1U.UIID UA U II I I. fjl4 wU VI pay Death at Grade Crossing. Snrlnir Valley. N. Y.. Feb. 25. A foam nttL-rkiid nnlr of horses that tore such n Bhapo of dilapidation that nc through tho streets early today, drag- jcoptnnco by the navy department has ging with thorn a splintered wagon juut' refused. "I am Informed that the dozen or i(nry establishment." while Holiday. .... ..l...... n.Mn ..iinnl. n ttmt r tr I n ft ' ou niiuilllil inua i ui tiiuauu nuiu uiu Holland Hdat Company by the Gov ernment tire practically all sick, broken and tied hp at wharves, out of commission, and thnt tho Octopus which outstripped its competitors In tho trials off Newport InBt year, Is In , A Frencl: "etrlc x The sal , i. ltCM : 1,1 s mvonteda wirolosa S'lWIC nownr ui.ln. . - 'V a will. rioern";fI,n.,Btel 0onKOr'fl ChI 33 curio collection hits realized $20, Janan duo -i . bil.ii ' . "nw 'or r-iuii in. tho a laraor annro- Tokio exposition In 912. IlUfisInn ..m ... Icholas. 01 urflntA uuko pire for a tlmnn..l I i. . Can!, bUBlnCM d,8trlob of nolo, bronuht to tho villago tho first nowH of n grade crossing accident in whloli nine mcmbora of its moHt prom inent iamilios wero either killed nut right or frightfully Injured. Four of the party woro instantly killed, two died whilo bolng removed to tho Hud son county hospital at Hoboken N. J., and tho othor throo llo in a sorious condition at thnt institution tonight. Operate on Edison. New York, Fob. 25. Thomas A. Edison, tho invontor, isa patient at tlio Manhattan hospital, whoro last night ho undorwont nnoporation intended to rolievo liim of troublo in tlio left car. Tho operation, which was not consider ed especially serlouB, was pniformod by Dr. Arthur D. Doull, tno ear spociniist, Wednesday, February 20. Washington, Feb. 2G. There wore two Hpeeches In criticism of tho Aid rich currency bill in tho sonato to day. Tho currency bill was, on motion of Aldrlch, made tho unfinished bus iness. Tho bill to revise tho criminal laws of tho United States was passed of Indiana, pleaded for increased for the enlisted men of the army. Other speeches were delivered by Hamilton, of Iowa, who favored tariff revision, and by Washburn, of Massa chusetts, in favor of removing the re striction of the Sherman, anti-trust law regarding organizations of merchants in certain cases. Farmers Miy Make It Futuro Fuel of the West. liy Fred W. Lewi, Secretary Wnhtngton BlnU Granite, Tutnwnter, Want). Two years ngo tho Grange, assist ed by some other organizations, went to work to try and pass a law that would nllow alcohol to bo manufac tured and used for light and fuel, without having to pay tho prohlbl tl o revenue tax, that had been re quired by tho government, bo as to frco tho people of the country from the tyranny of the Standard Oil CO., which haa gradunlly raised the price of fuel oli from a low prlco to an amount that is paying tho monopoly extremely largo dividends, theroby lovying an unreasonable tax on the consumer of the products of petro leum. I After a long and hard fight ln congress in which tho Standard Oil ' Company did their bdst to prevent , tho passage of tho bill, wo conquered and now a farmer, or several of them J may erect a still, and make alcohol In any quantities, tho same to bo de natured, or poisoned, by officers ap pointed by tho government, and may then be used or sold to any one un der a permit which may be obtained from tho government. It is now our duty lo get the ap pliances for the uso of tho product into general use, so that there will be a demand for the alcohol, so that there will bo distilleries installed all over tho west, so as to uso tho waBto products of our farms to make fuel for our engines, stoves, both heating and cooking, and to give us one of the best lights that you ever saw. I wish that it were possible for ms to show tho lamp with its beautiful light, so that you could realize the value of it as a light producing fuel. Wherever I have demonstrated tho light, It has met with an enthusias tic reception and It is only a ques tion of letting people see the value 1 of de-natured alcohol, to insure a . demand that will fill our land with distilleries, making our own fuel out of the small potatoes, sprouted I wheat, small, and imperfect apples, and fruit of other varieties, and in fact, anything that is composed of sugar or starch. A corn-field, with its stalks filled with sweetness, will make large quantities of alcohol, and a small amount of land will raise enough , fuel to keep our homes well heated I and lighted for tho year. Another good quality of this al cohol is that it is perfectly clean and ! healthful. There 1b no dust, smoke, soot, or gaB, developed in the burn ing of It for either light or heat, and It does not vitiate the air in tho , room, aB It contains oxygen, In Itself ' and does not have to use the oxygen out of the air in the room, so much as any other fuel. There is no wick-trimming to be done, aB the wick is never on fire, and as far as smoke Is concerned, the lamp chlmneyB will never need any washing, bo the lamp3 are much easier to take care of. You can turn it off until there is a very small light, and so makes a per fect night lamp, as there is no gas, as there is from a kerosene lamp, to make the bed room a hot-bed of disease. There is another great boon to the housewife in the alcohol flat-iron, which will burn only about a cent's worth of fuel, rather than ten or fif teen cents worth as when you have , to use a stove of any sort. You can i tnko this flatiron into any room of the house, out onto the porch, out under a shade tree, or anywhere else that you want to, as you have no "string" attached to you as in the electric iron, and you do not have to travel back nnd forth between tho Ironing board and the stove, as you havo always had to do, nor do you have to stand near a hot stove while you are doing your ironing. Write to me and I will tell you how you may prpcuro these splendid improvements, as the Grange is an xious to get people to know of the advantages to be derived from the introduction of denatured alcohol ROADS LOSE APPEAL U. S, Supreme Court Upholds Elklns Law. DECIDES GREAT NORTHERN CASE Attempt to Play Off One Law Against Another and Escape Penalties Completely Foiled. Saturday, February 22 Washington, Feb. 22. In the pres ence of many senators and a large gath i ering in the galeries, Senator Porter McCumber, of North Dakota, today read the farewell address of Washing ton. The Indian appropriation bill, which was reported to tlio senate today, carries $0,825,820, an increase of $1,610,123 after adoption of Culberson's nmond ........ 1 1 i .. .i... i .. ..t..i.... mum iiuimnziiiB uiu uiuuunui K'vuih t t , nr,nronr alions mniln bv out of Information by government of-'veV, , ,1 nppropr ations mauo ny . " " . . Mia Mill no If iifia noaoarl rtvr rlin hninn Tho nomination of Louis A. Coolidgo, of MassaohuBOtts, to be an assistant secretary of tlio treasury, was ordered roported favorably by tho senato com mitoo on finance. flclals affecting tho mnrket value of products of tho soil, except upon propor authority. Tho Bonuto today adopted a reso lution Introduced by Senntor Lodgo requesting tho president to sond to tho Honato correspondence with von esuela In relation to ponding contro Washington, Feb. question enmo to the 22. Tho race surface in the ii.i ni..n.u in thn mliMln i vorfliea concerning allogod wrongs i'"v . .innn 1 .1 A 111 i r In ii ii u In thnt rniintrV .' . ..... ... car. Tho operation was seemingly nouso today wnen ileum, a in Damn. ' - i oiterou an amendment to tno uistrict oi wholly Buocoasful and a prompt recov ery is anticipated. Repilr at Puget 8ound. Seattlo, Feb. 25. jho Colorado and tho Ponnsylvanln, armored cruiBorB of tho first olaBB, arrlvod nt tho navy yard today for dry docking and ropnlra. Tho Colorado will bo oiiuppod with a new main battery of four eight inch broeoh loading rifles. Tho two vocboIs will bo followed by eight othor warships which will bo repaired hv April 2(1. Main Wattir Pipe Oursts. Paris, Feb. 25, Tlio main water pipo of Paris, undor Tuilloriea street, Imrat last ovonlmr and convortod tho street Into a tonont. Tho water flooded collars in various aldo stroots, extin guishing fires and stopping tho dyna mos In nt loaat ono largo hotel, putting tho building in darkness. Russia Backs Down. Copenhagen, Fob, 25. It is under stood In diplomatic olrolos that as a ro suit o! pressure from othor powora Rus sia haa abandoned her plan of fortify ing the Aland islands and that an en tente will toon be arranged. Washington, Fob. 20. Tho climax ln gonoral dobato on tho nrmy ap propriation bill in tho houso enmo today, whon Dnlzoll, Pennsylvania, recognlzod as ono of rho foromost protectionists of tho country, deliv ered an oxhnustlvo spoech in dofonso of tho republican pary and its pol icies, In which hp uphold tho prin ciple of tho projectvo tnrlff system and said that undor it tho United States had becomo tho groatest of manufacturing nations. Tho nrmy appropriation bill wna road for umondment and Its consid eration waB not concluded whon tho houso adjourned. May Have Salaries Now, Washington, Feb. Sfl, -Renito Lo gardn and Tablo Ocanqt ? 1 3 Leon, the recontly appointed resident commls alonors, who ha"o arrivod hore to rep resent the Fhllippino islands in oon cross, today vUltod tho senato commit- V ., ', J ..,. l-ln- WUH 11 U1U1KH IllllUU UUUUBIlUriUa JITO too on the Philippines and wore later tQ a rfttQ Qf Q hQ (,etor. taken to tho ileor of tho Benato, whoro mnod by tno postmoBtor-gonoral nnd thoy woro Intereatod observers, lhe tho socrotary of tho treasury. Tho senate today psaod tho houso Joint res postal savings account for each por olution authorising tho payment tf the son, firm or corporation is to bo Urn commissioners' salary. i Itod to $500. Columbia street railway traekago bill, providing for "Jim Crow" cars. Ilef lin declared that separato coaohos for the whites and blacks had solved the race problom In Alabama and ho ex pressed tho opinion thnt such nn ar rangement would solve it in Washington. Tho amondment was defeated, 140 tos 50. The bill was passed. It provides rnlversal transfers on tho basis of cash fares or six tickets for 25 cents. It also provides for street railway facilities from all parts of Washington to the now union station. " PosfaTsavlngs Hank BilK Washington, Fob. 27. Tho postal savings bank bill, Introduced by Son ntor Knox, provides that 2 per cent Interest shnll bo pnld on nil doposlts, and that these savings bo deposited ln national banks in localities whoro snvlngs aro accumulated. Tho na tional unnkB mndo depositories nro Agricultural Club Formed. By J. II. Frandson, Department of Dairying, Idaho Experiment station. Moscow. A sudden Impetus was given the agricultural Interests of tho Univer sity of Idaho on the 19 of December, 1907 when the students of that de partment organized an agricultural club. It consists of students deeply interested In agriculture, who are doing all ln their power to build up a strong agricultural collego in the university. It Is with a keen sense of tho needs of Idaho that tho move ment is begun. Idaho is ono of tho most rapidly growing states of the union. Over 700,000 acres of land havo been added within tho last year or two to the grants covered by tho Irrigation companies. This will fur nish room for thousands of beautiful homes in the near future. It is ob vious that sciontlflc skill will be ln demand under tho conditions brought about by this extended sys tem of Intensive fnrmlng. A publication known as tho Idaho Student Farmer will bo tho club's ; main method of Interesting tho farm-1 ors of tho state ln tbo work of tho agricultural collego, and It is hoped by this method to got a great many students from tho fnrms. It is prob ably tho only student agricultural pnpor published ln tho colleges of tho northwest. Tho first and only num ber of tho present echolnstlc year will como out in a week or ton days. The pcoplo of Idaho should re spond with tho true spirit of an ener getic commonwealth. Send In your namo and address to tho Idaho Stu dent Farmor, University of Idaho, Moscow, and receive tho first couy freo. Washington, Feb. 25. One of tho main contentions by which the rail roads which gavo and the corpora tions which received rebates hoped to escapo punishment was swept away today by a decision of tho United States supremo court. This decision vitally affects tho case un der which the Standard Oil Co. was fined $29,240,000 for the same point was raised. The case upon which the decision was rendered was instituted in tho United States District Court for tho District of Minnesota, which court fined the Great Northern railroad $1,000 each for 15 violations of tho first section of tho Elklns law. Tho alleged offenses against tho law were committed during the sum mer of 1905, and consisted ln grant ing concessions to the W. P. De vearaux Company on its shipments of oats and corn from Minnesota to points In Washington. Tho com pany admitted the concessions and fought tho prosecution on the ground that by amending the Elklns act so as tq provide for punishment by im prisonment rather than by fines the Hepburn law had so modified the or iginal law as to accomplish its re peal and render punishment under it impracticable. Today's decision was announced by Justice White and af firmed the finding of the District Court and the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. HEROI8M ON MARYLAND. . Explosion Averted by Instant Obedi ence to Hurried Signal. San Francisco, Feb. 25. An act of heroism performed by three blue Jackets on the United States cruiser Maryland during the recent target practice held at Magdalena Bay, was all that prevented a repetition of the Georgia disaster off the Massachu setts coast last year, when Lieuten ant Goodrich, the son of Admiral Goodrich, and 13 of his shipmates, met death in the explosion of one of the big guns. It happened while the Maryland was having her try at the navy rec ord. After the second or third shot from No. 4, one of the Maryland's eight-inch guns, J. J. Donnelly, a seaman, acting as first loader, dis covered that two balls of fire were spinning around within the screw box. This fire should have gone out of the muzzle of the gun but It had failed to do so. Without the loss of a moment Donnelly hastily signalled J. C. King, the hoisting man, to lower the am munition car into the handling-room, and King, with the assistance of J. Green, the rammer man, compiled with the former's request upon the Instant. Twenty-five seconds elapsed before the fire In the screw-box was put out, but in that brief time a great disaster was averted TRYING TO GET ENOUGH MEN Railroads Have Ten Days Before New Law Takes Effect. Los Angeles, Feb. 25. With less than ten days until the new federal law limiting the hours of labor of certain railroad employes shall be come effective, Los Angeles railway officials are preparing as best they can for the necessary changes which must be made. Approximately 140 new telegraph operators will be re quired In the territory governed by Los Angeles general offices. Tho Santa Fe will need the greater por tion of these. If It keeps all its offices open It will require 81 men on its coast line in addition to its pres ent force. There is a possibility that it will not be nble to get that num ber at once. If so, it will be neces sary to cloBe a few offices all or a part of the time until the additional men can be found. Santa Fa's Cry of Misery Topeka, Feb. 25. On the Santa Fo railroad 486 new operators will bo required, the Gulf lines excepted, to comply with the provisions of tho federal nine-hour law, to go Into effect March 4. About CO aro re quired on the eastern grand divi sion. The olllcinls do not know whether they will be nble to get tho requlslto number of new men or not. Notices wero posted in the Santa Fo shops at Newton today that em ployes need not report for work till Mondny, March 2. About 200 men aro affected. Mln cmiu nt. One qunrt of chopped bollo.l leef, 2 quarts of chopped apples, 1 junt of ino lames, 1 pint of sugar, 1 totU'Up of vine gar or cider, 1 quart of chopped raisins or currants, 2 tnblcspooufuM of cloves and cinnamon, 1 nutmeg, 1 v'll of but ter; cook until scalded tbruugh, seal In glass Jars until wanted, o pack In an earthen Jar nnd cover with melted lard. Black Hand Threats Terrorize. Seattlo, Wash., Fob. 25. Black Hand Society notices, sont through tho mails and posted on doors and fences, with tho object of frighten ing Italians who havo offended tho society In tho mining village of Black Diamond, 25 miles from Se attlo, reached a climax last Friday night when J. Vltoro wns Bhot at throo times while making his way homo. Ono bullet pnssod through his left arm and another cut his. coat. Fabulous Strike is Made Rawhide, Nov., Feb. 25. What is said to be tho most wondorful strike In tho history of mining In Nevada was made today on tho Happy Hooli gan claim, Assays of the ore show values as high ns $79,600 to tho ton. Tho ground has beon purchased by FJ. W, King, a bunker of Bozomnn, Mont.