The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 05, 1908, Image 2

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Be Improved.
Conspiracy to Secure Valuable Con
I cession From Government.
Washington, Feb. 2S. Three nr-
Koosevelt Says Rivers Should rests hero brought to nSht a scandal
in iuu piiium uiiicu wuicu nas oeen
under investigation slnco early in
February, and which rovolves around
an Invention which is valued at more
than ?600,000. Tho parties arrested
are Ned W. Barton, third assistant
examiner of the Putent Ofllce; Henry
W. Everding, a patent attorney of
Philadelphia, and John A. Hcany, an
inventor of York, Pa. They have
been Indicted by the United States
government for attempting to de
fraud the government and for de-
Eastern Oregon Wool Industry Looks
Pendleton Tho fixing of tho wool
Experls Testify Doforo Commutes on
Naval Construction.
Washington, Feb. 20. Two ex
perts in naval construction Hour
Admiral Converse, retired, president
of tho board of construction, and
Rear Admiral Cappa, chief of tho bu
roau of construction nnd repair, wore
Lays Great Stress on Preservation of
Our Natural Resources Against
Monopoly and Waste.
Washington, Feb, 27 With hla stroylng public records
hearty indorsement in a special mes
sage, President Roosevelt yesterday ;nnd destroy." carried awav from thn
transmitted to congress the prelim-' patent olllco letters, specifications
inafy report of the Inland Waterways nnd amendments relating to patents
Commission, recommending a gen- vnlh w"u"y de
era policy of waterway improve- 1
The president proceeds to point w w,S1?CIJ(0hn A' !IeaDy
out the connection between naviga- UU fn',
tion of the lower reaches of a stream ",?.SS? f fl,lamcIlts rtn?
mntrni of mathn nA electrodes for electric Incandescent
" ....... .o.v-u- inning
uon of soil erosion. Use of a stream , . '
I The indictment charges that tho Pnd8 or more this year, owing to tho the stoto at largo, or in any (l,8t''t cors for having called
: three men, "with an intent to steal constant improvement of tho grade of composed or more than one count. 8W()p mCn CMnrB08l c
sheep. Sheaii
and prices wi
lor domestic and municipal water
facts disclosed by the investi
gation were of such a character that
HIlTinlv nnivnr mirt lrrlfrfiMn.ri Tmtct
aisb be taken inVo account. Ho says g SfSth''6 F
deep channels will have high value ltJf.!lIBSdt.hai th.rou4. con"
ion, iieany
fnr tloflnnnl fon.n. co nf "luuto WllU iMCU W. 11 HI
nwr wni rn, ni and Everding, outrivalled more than
supply; transportation by water in
stead of rail will conserve iron; for-
20 of tjhe largest electrical concerns
in tne country striving to get the
UL,V1 ' w nrt nM til l.
of ...111 DH1U PUIUUU AM Ul IUU3U CUIlUtirilH
famine and perpetuate the remaining ""J ii. S t.- Sn ?JaUl'
forest- irritation will sustain mil- Uut from tlme to t,me Barton. it Is
Hons?' andure waiter wiHprom'oto 'iiT
health. The work is national lu ,HslrJ?Z
(successful in this plan it was neces-
I hn nnmTV.tno.tnn nnnvn.nn J n
pollcTfoTdeTeTopinganTormerclu'l records
and industrial uses of waterways at
the same time. To this end the work
of the various departments con
cerned should be, co-ordinated, that
there may be no delay. The cost will
be large, but far less than would be
required to relieve the congestion of
rail traffic, and the benefits will be
large also and will unite the inter
ests of all states and sections,
the substitutes therefor.
Asquith's License Bill Raises Storm
of Protest.
London, Feb. 28. Chancellor of
Candidates for Office Havo
Than a Month 1 i..,f.n thn nnniltu COIUUllttCO Oil
. uviuiu
sninmnnTitiMntes for olllco havo nnvl nffiilrs today in tho lllVCHtlgll-
sales dates for Eastern Oregon is tho more than a month yet In which to Qn )f c,inrB0B ngniiBt tho navy
llist step in what promieoe to bo ono of ,ti7, u T Vi, hp nf ' tho mado by Henry icouicruiim m a ru
tho best years for sheep and wool in tho tiry of itito or the county clerk cent magazine article. Tho charges
hiatory of tho Btato. Owing to tho mild ng tho n80 nlny uo Somo oi thom.wcro tnkon up In tho order they np
wintor all over Lutein Oregon tho nro not fnmr with the (totalis of . , t,10 urtlclo nn,i nt tho con
Iamb crop promises to bo henvy and tno direct primary law and nro nmk- ,,,,, of tj10 oxtonded refutation by
tho wool clip will aveiago higher than ing Inquiries as to dates. Tho last Alliiilral Converso it wat Htatod by
over bofore. It is estimated that tho day for filing petitions for nomlim- Soimtor porkliiB that tho apologies
eastern Oregon herds will averngo uino tlons for olliccs to oo voit-u iu q (uo conInlttou wero mio mo om
ul mem to an
Chalrman Halo
u ing is now being dieoueaed or In Judicial or PcciitlnB at or- nB8ontm, lo th,H v ow and no mem
ill bo fixed soon. It la,n' d 8tr,c,tsi. B.,nr? ..J7AT u3 c.!"f" ber of the comml top took issue.
lv... i , , . . . ... . oi ouicus uiciuuca ouuu u""-'-"! '" , M'li la incltlont nt llio cut c i n uu ui
thought the price for shearing will bo KressloRal oincea, joit senators, 1 f8 'Sy.8 proceedings Is thought
about 7X cents per headland there is $oltlt representatives, circuit Judges , ,XVt0 tho Inquiry will bo
a large preference shown for hand Iiml district attorneys. Tlu-ro poll- ' t ,t ,,n8 nol ,)l!on dotonnlnod
Buearing, owing vo ino laci uiai tne tlons aro to bo mod in mo oiuco ui wnethor tj10 comlnltteo will entor up-
maohlnes injuro the roots of tho wool tho secretary of state. 0Il investigation of any BUbJect ox-
by cutting too closo to the akin of tho Petitions for nominations for of- )t thoaQ onibrnced In the crltlclam
sheep. The akin of tho maohino ehorn rices to be voted ror In only ono (jf tho mnajjip coiiBtructlon, but,
sboep being clipped extremely oloae, county must bo filed In the olllco or jf Qthcr qu08tonH nro tnken up, it Is
tnnhnrnn hadlv nnd tliip rpiRrHn f.ho the county clerk not later than April no loiiK-contlnuod discussion
crowth of the woo) for anoUiHr venr. h. ... ... will bo permitted. It Ib likely that
Wool and sheep buyers are
. i i it
uu tun Kiuuiiu, uuu uiure promises 10 ,,,.( i,n
be spirited bidding for wool and rnut- Por, bv March 30. Tho primary
ton aheep all over this Bection. Ewob election will bo held Friday, April
wbioh will bear a lamb this spring and 17. Tho general election will bo held
haing a heavy fleece oi wool upon them Monday, Juno J.
aro now worth ?0 per head in Eastern
Wu Ting hng Does
LNDS WITH I adrc n..
Admits That lhr i. n
...... .par-No Ch
Exclusion Lawi,
San Francisco, Feb. sa. ...
tl. . '", l"W BOCOni Mm. J:
iiih rntiki.
rlvod yostordav "
oiiierin. with r. .... -""t
. . " "'iKtiroi..
nuuruiiiriCB and liLnl ."""
are already T,ho secretary, of Btato will certify , t , . w, l)0 cocided
nrnmilf in tho stntc' congressional mid district j f u , appropriation bill lo
promises to portion of tho ballot to tho county T'u u
Alfalfa for Cattle
Pendleton It is estimated that the
increase in tho alfalfa acreago of Uma- dmiculty was rallied in both housoa
Minister Warns Parliament of Danger
Ahead In Europe.
London, Feb. 2C. Tho Macedonln
the Exchequer Asquith
The president calls attention to!the "censing bill in the
t.h irrpnt nmmmf nf Hotniiori infnr. commons. This Is the urlnclual
.1 , : . r i . . .. j Tne cause oi tnis combine among ,. 7 . . ,
matlon needed to carry out the com-1 ernment measure for the present tne farmers of this section of the diatriot very much.
tUla county this spring will amo of pIirilamcnt tonight. Sir Edward
Growers of Baker County Expect to at least 10 per cent. In the Butter ' HOCr.nrV for foroi,. nrfulrs
Get High Prices. creek and Hermiaton diatrlcts in tho '' "ccretnry for roreii arrnirs,
Z '8 f . Weatendof the county and aleo In tho made a statement in tho house of
Baker City Ono of the strongest ... j !...!.. i u v...i. ..- nnmmnna nn ilil Hiililcnt. nnd Lord
Brcltro?11 olcouyacw'ork in eniarg Vtonwto. under secretly for for
it is practically impossible to secure tho alfalfa farms is now In progress. B affairs, did likewise In tho Iiouho
craln of anv klnd. Herntnfnro thev The raw land without water is worth 0f lords, tho gist of both statements
have always been nnxious nnd ready but $10 to $25 per acre, while troded to being that, becauso of the Porte's
to sen out at tne present time it is alfalfa and under irrigation it is worm ouciunicy, iiiaiivrn mm roiuuuu wl,,h , "
. 1 11. , r 11 t . .1 t . . . . . . i nlt ( n . . 1 ....nn. .lint tin. irniniMlnfinr 1
u....uav .ui "- mi,ai ui....- iruiu f iuu iu iuu ycr cfo. iuu jjiu- ,1,1 ,, 1 . noiweon tno two countrlei
InrKo 1
I..... ...i..-i. . -nwuu Bil
c ii : "r conmt.
huaiwu, Havana, NOW Ynflr-r".
I- ranclBco, besides lhrcoVht,. '
throo sccreturlnM .i"0!
tachea for the CUU
Washington and 21 vni.-' 8!
u1 nn WIN nntiM ..-.-i o IH
collegoB lu thlH country
At till) Pnnlfl.i .....11 . .
thn Kllmrlri m,i,l,.
IIOHO from llm l. uvr W
hum! with a bran i.nn,i . Ltf"
minister. From tin. iii, fir
liV nml hla ... ..." 7."
Fnlrinount hotel, whom 1 " M
tint- r t uiillti I...
uv. ... nimvn IIIIU UOen rBis.,
Minister Wu ilonlo, T4
that ho was tho linnr..- r,, .:
f u'iiuiiiii.t 1.1 '
a . 1 .-a CO
lu iinitmL 111 iiriiHiirvin il. .
w. V.WIUII 111 nuiiiciniria and nt
Ing against the nlli L'dil ......
iiiuiii. ui iu u I t'rOTlcr
i7... ,V """" ume 1001
Ho prorosHcd to be I
inu iviin 1 no iiouni arv hi...,.
twoon China and Jupnn and lb
teiiHlon of thn lluln.nUii.
Intrnrlllf Pll lOl-o tn cnnnlv Vin ,lnmnn,l nf tnn nan. , .. . fi 1.1 l-A ... l KliriPM I (til nHV iHOlfltCll IlCtlOn. hilt I VV". l,,U lOUniriM.
Wi w auc.j UV.......U vj. '-"- noami erection 01 me dsiukhiu nituii iil . ahkcki wiicthnr im
uuud ui .... Portland HB8 stimuiaieu mo growing 01 'V " " :,, nUa V,,, " Hocuro Homo mod f cation ef
1 I The cau.o o, m, ,ombie amons -ft ! L""'T" " - ' " . Z "SlTjZSSS .".f uPSSSE . P-fiT "-- U
mission's plan, but says beginning session of parliament, and involves country is tho building of the Eaglo
f. work,should nobf Postponed till vast money and iaDor. The capital 1 Valley railroad, which will employ a
all the facts are obtained. 'invested in licensed nronerlv in this 'larSe number of teams In the, spring
n,Pe. PresW1ent says, our P011 Inested In 1 lce id property n th ls.and th(J farmera are hoiding their
hitherto has been purely negative country is not less than $1,200,000,- grain in anticipation of the sreat de
one of repression and procrastina- 000, while over 2,000,000 people areimand and the high prices when ac
tion and frequent changes of plan employed in the traffic. Briefly, the'tIve operations begin The build
and piecemeal execution have further bill provides for the compulsory re-'lng of tne Snake River Railroad will
hampered Improvement. In spite of duction within a specified period and also create a strong market for grain
large appropriations our rivers are on a unirorm scale of the number of and many of the rancher8 expect to
msa aericeauie man nan a century 'b"" nuiuuu ""bii. 8Cn to the contractors on the Snake.
New Fruit Packing House.
cussing the Macedonian question the fr,!" ' Kovoriimcnt with
ago and are less used,
the country,
I rvifivritmtit una tiAf ffir from
Milton At a meeting of tho Milton Turkn question, which more thnn
Fruitgrowers' union the following dl.'onco ,ad jcd t0 nn Europenn war.
rectors wero elected for the ensuing They were rapidly nearlng a point,
year: J. N. Stone, T. L ItaKfdale, ho said, whero tho concert of powers
William Forsythe, 0. K. Goodman and must eithor Justify or stultify Itsulf,
E. P. Jenaon. Tho union ia in good nnd, ir tho concert disappeared, it
condition nnd Iti affair have been wa Impossible to foretell what mlB-
ion,iiii in vatvPKuiitnhto ti n-inor. understanding might arise. If Mace-
... l nn In r r 4 In iinl tx Iia trtrttttti luai
f b a . . .
vestigato Selxuri.
nrnl.ln on .
1 UKlUi I-UIJ, - J. 1 III! JlDUfS
day irom nnngiiui ror
In its report the commission rirst The bill proposes that this reduc-
Iwlth : thewo riri building they JTnTZ idded a nVto of -rninX it rnu ". " '? "nder.tood,
'nn nlmAot rr r r nhf nln
states the facts it has found. It tion be effected within 20 years. The 'nrIp fnr tho- .. nn t mi, site of the present one for this BeaBon
- - mi 1 : 1 it rii 1. i 1 l. .
, .,, a new and larger packing houao on the
11 1 1 " u 1 . t. . .u : n
finds that there are 25,000 miles of system of compensating those en
navlgated rivers and at least an tirely deprived of their licenses Is to
equal length, which are navigable or lapse after a period of 14 years from
might be made so; 2,500 miles of the tlme tne act goes Into force, and
navigable canals and over 2,500 an end thus will be put to the vested
miles of sounds, bays and bayous, .interests In licenses,
which could be connected by less The bold and drastic bill is raising
than 1.000 miles of canals parallel a storm of denunciation in the op
with the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, position press. Mr. Balfour gave hi3
These waterways are in 42 states party a lead in a brief speech stig
and development of rivers for Irri- matizing the measure as "robbery."
gation, power, etc., will make cer-iThe tremendous strength of the
tain waterways navigable in the re- brewing interests throughout the
mainlng states. .country will be brought to bear In
Railroad interests have been sue- an endeavor to prevent the passage
cessfully directed acainst mainten-.oi tne Dill
ance and development of water trat
Successful waterway Improvement
must provide for adjustment of tho
relations of rail to water lines. Rail
roads can so control traffic as to
leave waterways insufficient to sup
port vessels and terminals, for they I
can so reauce rates on tramc ror
Peruvian Physicians Report His Con
dition as Not Serious.
Lima, Peru, Feb. 28. Two Peru
vian physicians paid an official visit
which waterways compete as to de-
'to Admiral Evans on the flagship
stroy nroflts. and can reconn them- Connecticut and after consultation
selves with higher rates on traffic for j declared that Admiral Evans was
which watefways do not compete. Bufering Irom rheumatic gout, but
Waterway improvement will not re-'that hls condItlon waB not serious.
notin? conges"n unless co-ordI- It , belleved that the commander of
aBed Ure harmon-ithe fleet will be able to direct the
ious co-operation. I . , tu v...iv,i.
Uiuiciucuia 111 Lilt; uaiiicouija lii.i
money by holding it.
The new building will probably be a
three-atory structure and will be con
sooner or later provoko a catas
trophe Sir Edward suggested that, ir n
TnrklHh fJnvornnr worn nnnnlnt nl fnr
Fruit Replaces Forests. venlenttly arranged for the handling oi a term of years and ho wns n man
Grants Pass If the procreaa of clear- fruit wh08 capnclty and character wero
in nn raw land nnd imnrnvi t kfi I recognized nnd accepted by the POW-
nn tho r,nnf. n M fninn I Farms 8old at Weston. era. tho wholo question might
Weston The Adams place, two B-u
w uaa . T U U M V J VH fcJJ ll III v.
tirely cleared an 1 planted to fruit. Aa miles east of town has been sold by
an instance of this work ib may be stat- Walter Adams to R. W. Brown, for-
ed that ono country store in Applegate merly of Eureka Flat. The place
valley has placed seven grubbing ma- contains 300 acres, much being good
chines within the last month. These farm land , and the consideration is
mechanical devices dc the work of sev- not given out, but Is said to have
Enough Coal Being Stored Up for
vuDi.Kiiiu niu nuixuru uu rcoriM
uy uiu uniiiuHu cuBiuraa cruin
tho Htcamer Tatuu Mnru.
This movement la possibly f
cd nn a demonstration
uuiiieiin oiiicuiiM, nunouga im
elgn olllco denies It Ii&siuc&m
b0 Jcct In vlow, adding that
uomh are procecuing ni re
that tho Jnpnneau flag hit I
stored to tho Titian Mara.
.f.l !.!.. M..vv.lA t Ik.
of tho Tatnti Mnru, which
rfrtrrn t iirrtm nnd nfhnr mn
now turns upon tho character c
eral men, wim greater ease and less ex- been about $C0 an acre. The place from IIonoIulu of pobrunry 19 Bay a sympathiser of
peneo. Within short distances of town is well improved, with a fine house ...,..., . In Chlnn for whi
where heavy machinery may be used, and barn and gravity waterworks. It Pl -jo aire a y egUinlng to bo
rrinrnlifinl tn whnin thn ami
aan i rnnclsco, Fob. 2G. Advices consigned. It la believed tbitl
hnrn the If El
donkey engines play a promimnt part ,B among the first farms In this vl
in pulling stumps and brush. w 1,1
. Afer Federal Court
Clackamas May Get Cannery. Pendleton-The Pendleton Commer
uregon uuy 11 me preaent pians oi dal a80Cia,i0n
lnld for tho victualling and enter
tnlnment of Rear Admiral Evans'
rieet, should It como to Honolulu.
Tho addition or tho 20.000 mon
whom the Noot may bo expected to
Snrwl o ili.loftti Inn ti
the members of tho Clackamas County Washington in fiihf fnr th v,ura . urlnK to tho population of Honolulu
In some instances
the coBt of
departure next Saturday.
woi-kb io coniroi uooas ana improve i -preBident Pardo gave an audience
navigation would be less than the this afternoon to Re'v. Mr. McGlee
loss by floods and drought. son chaplain of the Connecticut.
The annual soil wash Is about l.-'There was a large attendance of sail
000,000,000 tons, mostly tho most ors and others at the mass at the
valuable part of the soil, which pol- cathedral this morning, at the con
lutes the water, necessitates dredg- elusion of which a breakfast was
ing and reduces efficiency of river given at the seminary,
improvements. I Another bull fight was given yes-
Forestry, farming, mining and'terday afternoon, at which there
otner inuusiries anect tne now or
streams for commerce.
Wide variation in the level of riv
ers hampers establishment of water
oiauKBUino cuuiuy win uuve huh uu- iu. .:m n,n i,hii
other enterprise in tho shape of a fruit nmmi.fjI. ta MTO, if .i,,, nl ,ii
cannery. A meeting of the society was egatlon think It necesrary, exprfasiona
held last week. Mr. Bntton, of East- frcm nttorney8 of Morrow, Gilliam,
1 U1"" Sherman and other Eastern Oregon
the eubjtct and abated that he had made ou ie8 , fflvor of Pendloton for ,I8
a careful examination of th- fruit acre- headquarters will be aecurnd.
age of thiB vicinity and finding it high-
Wheat Club, 81o; bloeatem, 83c;
valley, 81c; red, 79c.
Bailey Feed, $20 por ton; brewing,
$32; rolled, $2030.
OatB No. 1 white, $27; gray, $27,
per ton.
Corn Whole, $32.50; cracked.
Legislature Elects Governor
Afcer Six Weeki.
m - .a mm.. Ikl. IB
l.inrtfnht u'lin lirivn tttnfld 0QI
. . i ...ii i. at ..i....i.ii..fin innmnpra
flfrtfi niilM. I Willi UIU rt'llUIIUVU"
I fffiffiitr1 nuuitltl
In.. In SI. A l.lllMl lM II PltU
William O, llradloy. n repuww
ly satisfactory, whb willing to finance'
the Bcheme.
Pumping Out Red Boy.
Baker City After lying idle for
months, the pumps of the famous Red
Boy mine have been started again and
the mine will Boon be in condition for
operation. The moneter pumps throw
Telegrpners May Quit.
Spokane, Wash., Feb. 27. Rail
way telegraphers of this division an-
lllinois Miners May Strike.
Peoria, 111., Feb. 28. Despite re
nounce that the union and nonunion ports to the contrary, one prominent
nnt nhnnf. ftftn OHO unl lnnu sif trutrr tvttrv Ann r r
werft 4.000 snectators. including . ,' .t . .1.. . m f?-""'
-XX . V i. iu. 1 noure, HDU Hi li s ihiv iuu II una Wl I Hav Vnllnv timnthw Kn 1 17
500 officers and sailors from the . . . . n s u i. on "Ry vanoy timotny, ko. i, $17(8
fleet I1?6 ,eady f0' Pf'at,0Ps in about 301 $18 per ton; Eastern Oreuon timothy,
A banquet was given last night on'8- he ed Boy mine was one of $2021; clover, $1416; cheat, $15;
board the Connecticut. All the ships the beat praiuceiB of Eaatrri Oregon min liayi $1415; alfalfa, $12Cr13;
were brilliantly Illuminated. I for many years and it iB thought that it vetcli, $14.
will againoccupy a front rank.
Fruits Apples, lable, $1.7fi3.00:
cooking, $1.25(3)1.60 por box; cran
berries, $811 per barrel.
Vegetablea Turnips, 75c per sack;
Tracklaying on Klamath Line.
Klamath Falls Track-laying was
men have voted to strlkn it thn ,.ni nmirnfnr Aorinroi tmin'v that tho commenced last week on the Califor- carrota, 05c per Hack; beota. $1 ner
Northern Pacific or tho Great North- deadlock between the operators and nia Northwestern railway, out from fl,lck! cabbage, llc per pound; cau-
ern cuts aro wage scale. They claim miners or the Northern, Central and Bray calirornla which has been tho llflowor $1.75 1.85 ; celery, $3.75
the companies are trying to make the Southern Illinois field had not been i ' . , . .., 4 per crate; onions, 16(a)20c por dozon;
men pay for the extra operators that broken, and that the operators were ieri","UB "tl . ulu "u naralev. 20c ner dozen: nun. I7i,.
will bo required if tho interstate prepared to hold out until March 1, '"two thirds "of' the way o Dor- Per Pund; pumpklne. JlJo per
nine-hour law goes into effect March when the present agreement expires. .bH0UtIttwH 0 " p?,"?1 ,, ,,VaCi wl Pound; radlfheB, 20c ner dolen- pnin.
1. The vote on the strike question Then the trial will come, if nothing ,8- "J JX V per pound Bnrout!'8("PnSr
shows 95 ner cent of the onerators Intni-venes and neither aide recedes 0. re?' ed. w'.Ul the rails by March oo per pounji, Bprouts, H ; per
t i 1 i r in f n n i iiiti if ri mi t miir Tnin ri111 r
plies of fresh vegetables nnd Island
fruits grown here tiniest! largo nddl
tlons aro mado to tho
Although there has been no ofTl-
tint n .1 r. -. n ....... i .1.... . 1. . . 1 . 1
viit! iiiiikjii WI.UIIMIIIL lliilL VI1U ll:ut in " " "" ' , trl.
coming nere, tnoro ib a feeling of " uuuuu an.i.D "7'". ::.
certainty that It will. Thorn Ib now U followed a iIoadlocK t
held tin mora than six ween
.11 it I.. .V U.". ... W W 111 III .... ...... . n .. M rV ULIU ...
.n..l I. ..In i iu- ' .n.... .,v.r!i viirtirir tipk IlIlII). Willie U
ui-iuiiniiiK in inu navy. i ins . , a l,a ll !... I. I., i ..i nil lill(fl II IlllHnlKTH llftVO M 7
....... ..I. ,,-v,ii iiiiiukiii ihtb mnru i-....-" --- ,, ,.nm IU
tno announcement wns mado of tho "i tor mt. iiniuivj
Bondlnir nf ihn fit tr. nrmifi. Tho four domocrats wno mi
watnrB. For tho ordinary nurnoHes Hlhlo an olection havo pew
it.. .... . .. ... ..nin rir Mr. nccu
. ...u .....j ui. una pun. i,vuu or idil
5.000 tons a year Ib nil that Is need- whon they were convinced
ed. nonco tho provision of 00,000 Irty would unltp mi no
tnna horn n, l inni,n.i .' - thnv withdrew tlielr BUPJ
tlcally conclusive that tho fleet Ib Hcattering crihiihhu;
coming. .on tho reimbllcan choice.
Will Advnrtlon Ran Frinrhra I Inlnn fjl..n Mnllll'd P,rliM
nun r j ii iiuincij. 11 nn. .Mi linn nr wnunini'inii. run.
tho beneficial reBultB of tho ngltn- dont Iiob donled pardons In tl
i.w.i mi iuu cleaning up OI tno City OI 1. U. liOnilliui, . ; .
tind thn nf ( in i... i. ai n..n U'll alD ul.
wi iinn win ll'i .1 iinujlll milium'!., , .
made evident this week whon tho A. ICdwnrds, meinbcrii oi
conBtilH of aovoral foreign conntrlr-B union, convicted hoiiio bqdwii
will prenaro tholr rnnnrlH in thntr ',ini,,iin,. nn Inluiictlon Hu"
in pan j-rnnciBco. Dr. Ruport Bluo thorn and oIIuth irom
Will Ilronnrn n full mnn.i in ...1.1. n.n n...rntlnn Iinil
tn thn pnnuulu Tl.n 1 1.1. ..... .....i... e, IICll I'!1
; -w.. .,,. , ,lv 112111'iui iiuiihii mo jiuck luiiuiii'"- -,
on both roads will quit. They are
now averaging $75 per month for 12
hours' work.
This Is tho Dunkard town, this
IIUIU Il-n aililUUHLCU UVl,W ...-. w. , . ,T-.ltlf XInU-nn Af rnrn
Wnllfap ina nr- ui iuwuiw "vwiuu, unn
Will Cut Wages.
Butte, Mont., Feb. 27. Tho man
agement of the Northern Pacific rail-
President John M.
clared that the prospects are for a
general suspension of work.
Powers 10 Securo Peace
Paris, Feb. 28. It is officially an-
Will Issue Pamphlets.
Salem The secretary of Btato haH
turned over to the state printer all
measures to be submitted at tho olec
pound; equanli, llc por pound.
Unions $2. 50 per hundred.
Potatooa $2.50 p ir hundred, dollv
ered Portland; eweet potatoes, $3.50
a.o per cwi. ,
Butter- Fancy creamery, 3035c pc
Poultry A vorago old Juma, 1 3(3)13 lc
road has notified all the to)
ers employed on tho system that Spain contributed to tho loan or against them, for tho purpose of hav- Por poun I ; mixed chicken, 1213o;
their wages will be reduced from $5 $500,000 mado by the Bank of Mor- jng them bound in ono pamphlet, spring chickens, 12l3c; rooHtera,
to $10 a month. In all probability 0cco to Abd-el-Azlz. the Sultan, for, which will ho sent to all voters 10llc; dressed chickens. 14c: tur.
1. In. .1.11
r,! " BiriKo oi tneso men. the purpose or maintaining tne boi- throughout tho state. ThlB pamphlet KoyB, live, 14C"ic; drefiflod, choice, 15
Iho telegraphers are now voting on djerH placed on duty at the ports byjwju probably bo ready for mailing 17c; geeao, Jive, 010o; dtiekH. 14
the question of accenting or reject- the foreign board. This la inter- nt tho end of March, when it will 15o; pigeonH, 75$1 ; Boimlw, $1.50(9(2
ng the reduction. The cut in wageB preted to Bhow that Franco, Ger- uo BOnt to all voterB whoso names EggH Frnsh ranch candled at
is duo directly to the new federal many and Spain are In accord in an are Bent ln by the county clerks. 23 jc ner tloswi tfln"l0(1
nine-hour law. which goes into ef- endeavor to secure peace on tho Mor- vli iram;
fnnt ATnmh i ( inni,nou ... Venl 701J5 pouncw. 7c: 150 to
-. I UUUUU tUUOb U11U IV Ifiuibb IV l. !.- .J.J l
Reclamation Work In Nevada.
Salt Lake Olty, Feb. 27. Tho
Utah-Nevada Irrigation Compnny,
Torpedo Boa's Collide.
Kiel. Feb. 28. Two tornedo boats
-win uogin woric promptly on a dam collided during tho course of maneu
nnd irrigation system ln Eastern Ne- vnm tndnv nnth vhrroIh wnrn nnr-
vnda near the Utnh line. Tho com- lously dnmagod and woro docked in'casionod by much better prices for 1820c per pound according to shrink,
jinny plans to reclaim 230,000 acres n loaking condition. Ono man was tho product In tho East than aro ob- ago; volley 1820c according to flno
of land in tho Meadow Valloy, WaBh, killed and ono injured. itained on tho Coast. jneaa; mohair cholco 2030c per pouiid,
uregon ouner oeni cast. 200 nnnnd. m,n
... a i -alii I- I yu w
uorvauiB a canoau oi r utter nn8 pork-B ock, 75 to 150 pounds. 0U;
been shipped by tho CorvnlllB crenm-l m,.kfirH r.3)nV, pwunun, o
cry to Philadelphia. The shipment , ion? i ... ...
comproBe4 50,000 pounds and is . J,0P 1 7, prime and choice 4
valued nt abovo $150,000. It Is stor-,00 Por P0""'1 i o1,1h J2" Pr pound,
ago butter, and tho movement is oc-1 vyooi iaetorn Oregon average host
i.... ; l" ,int w
y....n ... muu a rujiori. proparou uompany, ui du.wi tirii
... ui mj, wiucn win bhow tho ultloB linpoBeti wt-iu
nnrcontago of Infection among tho four months liiiprlBonmeni
somo cases, flnoB.
. l.l a
ti , ... . . . pai.o i'
navy a wina uiseaserl, ' HtAies un" -
New York, Feb. 2C.8tatnninnt ' Ottawa, Out., Feb. t.
nmuillif Inir fi-n... illn ..n,.i.,... ...1. . .... ....),,, In 1110
" ..... ui.u.ii.iin WI1U I1H. Ill inu Aiiii. .1
invo nxmnlnod Harry Thaw Indlcato dlscuBBed tho 'lUCBt on '
that nothing short of a mlrnclo will having tho rlgbt to
- ii. i. tun niuyur irum IlOL'OLllllKHl' in V " ..., r
mint, ,11 ., ,. 11... . . -- . llifi IMICIB -
niniiiiiiiK mo renin in iir i iivh of h m n..i,ni iir n aim iu ,w.hi,
Ifo In nn iisylum ror tho Iiibiuio. It trios. ItofurrlnK t J.Il?. a
m mm, i m w is tno victim or anoso alliance, ur. -7 ,
paninoln, which Ih a progroBBlvo dlB- tho ovont or trotiblo u
, u.u iiuiid tiiiiw Ib entirely United Statos anu J o0iit
111 LIIII II11III1H III I WI Uttlt a 4 ri . i i l tl Willi II D- . -
. ... (.j r v .iHar iu'
iiinncy nnd mo nllonlHtB nt Mattoa-. United States and
wan aim hib fato rcatH with them. a rout Britain.
Hlg Fl8i.t at Frisco
San Francisco, Fob. 2 (1. Prnm
present figures thoro will ho 50 vob-
New Clalmi Bring Bjj i
I.oh Anuolos, tn': tndlJ
nn. in II1IO . At
immuiH iiguruH wioro win bo 50 vob- vices rocoivcu in , ' i claim '
num. ii nil iiifirii iimet t a ii. tiuti i n a i wii iiiiii- . . w
ir..iin.i OI..I . :.t "....n.w, noumi '.
KrnnclBco bay with tho nrrlvni nf ciuiii) wiih efltabllaliod ..jj
tho enrlv nnrt nf xt mi. i.,... ,nl.l fnr a i10Pu",:a M
aula will nn..m fMn... ii.. . i. ....Ti .. I.mwl fOT f . J
"... vw.uu limn uiu norm ana ciihu iiiiu - ,v jiiik"
m,"uV ,""' ninny nro eimor on-.ciaunH wuro """,ri3f"u
gaged In maneuvora or mnkinir rn. nnd nort Ilitt a WWI
pnl. nnoi liopUlnn.