TKe Madras Pioneer MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 5, 1908. NO. 29 )L IV r-m MtrA MAMAfiFMFNT OW UNUtn . i- iliorouflhly renovated. No belter tabic in Ccn- oU5C''a5,y; ,. Your wants will be courteously 0;X" 'ldMuaUorsror.mvolingmc,,, pst-slass Livery in Connection I w I IV1N0ST0N, Proprietor IADRAS, OREGON PROFESSIONAL CARDS. THINKS FARMERS piiAIIK DSBORH U. S. COMMISSIONER Towimlto IlulMIng MADHAB ' OMOION A. E. CROSBY V It O I' II I K T 0 U ISTOFFECE PHARMACY rift ' ' 3 A - in DALLES. I in t lruii. MfiliHiiHH, ClnmlcnU, IIoiiiaIioM Ketiiwllon, i 1 1. in x.ipi-IIm. t'ouniry UH l)ritr I Khu inj-iHrimt i. i-imriip. KHf 1-Uury Ktinriuilei"!. Yur jirwrlpilwi ,. mi'l I. itojr. Hioi'k rixii nun inp i'i itu kuiuk. JU.tb Ttiuuw. WH01.UH.U.K AND HBTAIL. ORKGON 0 C. COLLYER NOTARY PUBLIC JUHTICK OK THK l'KACB CUIA'BIl I'KKCINCT CULVER OREGON dlMtiio'H, aii.l now Iiuh representatives I ull f TDV Tfl PflTPH , i ilu. i,imn..i,L nmmtrv . where tli I WILL I HI IU. 01 lUn ' In ml owners arc reported to lc very Ollfllll n n 4 !Or linOO ' 'ndily plgnfng up the liberal contract onUuLU nAlotnUuoii,',i'"y,- The a to uo very lavorauio iniiiuimimn i " throughout all tliat section of the county, unci as noon us a sufficient number of, leases have been signed to necure to the company n share of the foe nef ltd from the work tlisiy ure under- F(ank Forresl of Crooked, River Tells of His Experience in That Business HELfS SOLVE TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM II. HNOOK PHYSICIAN & SURCEON Olllco In DniK Storu. MADKAB OttKUON Makes Markot for Grain and Produces Product Which Is Now- Bolng , Lnrgoly Imported J li. HAHEI! ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTAl'.Y I'UHMO Flro Iiimirnnee, Mf" Iimtirnnco, fiiiroty' Jlonrt lit nl lUtnlo, Conruyniiulni; I'KINKVIU.K. OltKQON MAX LUEDDEMANN NOTARY PUBLIC MADRAS OREGON UMBER FOR SALE le have plenty of lumber for sale at our I, located about 3 miles east of Grizzly i r-! .uui jost office on county roaa. rnuw uym. IcMeekin & Eastwood 3X 32S H Ml II M I MIMT I II. r. Amis, I'rwclilont. T. 51. JUi.mviN, CmliCir. Wil l. WtmzMKii.HK View I'rus. II. IIALHA IS, Aunt. ("OKllllT. N0.3B51 , The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1808 Capital, Stirphw ntnl l inUvIlea $1 00,000.00 Pronto VERY i The best in Shaniko (food Stock. Careful Drivers Host of liny and drain Fed At Very Reasonable Prices Harness and Saddles D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or. f KngmaaaaLmjwMCati Beltiner. Lace Leather Whips, Bridies, Halters Kim. Iliiiuliiiinlo Ilanu-Hs hilly truaran- t.. . iiimlu lroin nest laiiiormn uiik tanned harness leather B. S. LARK IN MADKAS, OWIUON Frank Forrost was in lowSi the last of the week from his homo on Crooked i Kivor. lie Ih one of the old-tfHiexH of Crook county, having focen a reHident of tlio county for the past thirty yearH, and during that time ho hits witnessed- the Hettloment of this entire section, which when ho came hero hoastcd of only half a do.un scattered settlors. In speakmi; of Hie need of this section and all of Central Oregon for rail transportation. .Mr. Forrest stated that he helieved the solution of the problem for the fanners of this section at the present time lies in putting thoirgrain into hoys and other stock. Crook county, and all of Central Ore gon, imports tne uuuc oi lis pone pro- lucts from the outside, while all of that money should be kept at homo by the production of thoEo things here. The development of the hog industry would provide a market for much of our grain, while at the same tune the industry would be most profitable in itself. Mr. Forrest tells of one rancher who engaged in the hog business on a moder- iitc scale as an experiment, and kept account of all of his expenses, and when his hogs were marketed he estiulated that the grain fed to the hoes had net-. ted 1 1 i in 00 cents a bushel. Regarding his own experience during the past year in the hog business, Mr, Forrest gave some facts and figures which aro interesting. Labi Fall he started in with i!0 head of hogs, count. trig sows ami pigs. This Spring he sold at Prinevillo one bunch of hogs which brought him $7M, and he still has be tween70 and 80 head oiliogs left, out of the increase from the start he had last Fall. Ho lets the hogs run on the idfalfa during the Summer, and in the Fall puts them on the stubble. About ten days before they are to be marketed he puts them up and feeds them chops, idxmta pound to the head, and the hogs arc then sold "on foot." Tips l ull he wilt have another lot to msft-ket, Irom which ho expects to realize about $1200, ntill keeping his brood sows and pigs. Ho sitvs that he knows of no surer money makers, or better "mortgage lifters ' than hogs properly handled. taking, should they strike ox the work of sinking the wells will begin. It was suited by one member of the company a few days, uuo that drilling would probably begin within the next xlxfy days, although it Is taking some littln time to get, everything in shape. The Indications of oil In this section are unquestionably strong enough to Justify spending some money in fur ther prospecting. Tlie Indications have foeeti known to exist for years In the Culver and Opal Prairlttdlstrlcls and in the Lumonta district thele is one well which lsald to foe so strongly "flavored" with oil that utock will not drink the water. ROBINSON & COMPANY HAVE REORGANIZED Howard W. Turner and J. W. Robin son Rotlro From Firm SAGE' RATS NEXTWEEfc More of, tho Pestiferous RodonUi. Wanted for Exporlmonts As announced lust week-, J. W. &. M A. Hofoinson & Company of this place have succeeded in making asettlement with their creditors, and the. receiver, who has had chume of the business for the past five weeks, was discharged lait Monday. With the announce ment of the settlement comes also an announcement of changes lif the per sonnel of the partnership, Howard Turner and J. W. Kobinson having retired from the business, and the firm name being changed to J. C & 31. A. Robinson. The sole members of the firm now are J. C. Robinson and Mrs M. A. Robinson, who have acquired the .interests of the other members. fhe businefcs will foe conducted aft in the past, and the friends of the nrm throughout this section of tiie county ure gratified at the speedy settlement of their ilnitncial difficulties. Howard AV. Turner, who retired from the business, states that he has made uo definite fousiness plans for the future, although he fclill has private business interests in Madras wlitcl will require his attention. lc expects soon to go upon his laud iu the Powell Itntte country, and muy for a time become a full-Hedged agriculturist. William Harper of Agency Plalnii. informs us that on Friday and Satur day of next week an efFort will 'bo made to snaro,a number of sage rats, on the plains, for shipment to tho experiment station- at Pullman, Washington, where officials of the, hloiogical survey will mako expert-, nients In inoculating them with a deadly virus. If these experiments. re successful, the assurance has foesn given that field tests will be conducted) this section Immediately by a Illclal of tfoe experiment department who will come here to conduct tno. eld tests, with a view to extermina ting tho troublesome sage rat pest Mr. Harper requests his neighbors oil he plains to co operate with him iu, he etr rt to secure the rats for these. xperimeuts, as tho extermination o- the sage rata is a matter of the great-. est importance to all the farmers or this section. Owing to the continued, ool weather the sage nits arc slow iu, making their appearance, font Mr Harper believes that a sufficient num ber for the experiments can foe caughtf, by the end of next week. i J. C. & M. A. Robinson SUCCESSORS TO J. W. & M. A. ROBINSON & CO GENERAL MERCHANTS OIL LEASES BEING SIGNED BY FARMERS Expected That Drilling Will Begin Within Sixty Days Tho company recently organized for the purpose of prospecting lor on in his county has secured a number of leases in the Culver and Opal Prairie NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is herefoy given that the uu dersigned have purchased the proper ty and fousluess of the firm of J. . M, A. Robinson t Company of Madras Oregon, the interests of Howard W Til rniT and J. V. Robinson in said firm and business having been ac tfoe nndertiened. All defots due tfoe old firm of J. W. & M. A. Rob insoti & Company are now due and payable to tfoe undersigned, who will continue tho business under the firm ( .fc M. A. Robinson, and 1 1 1 1 1 . - - all debts due by the former partnershi have been assumed by us. Madras. Oregon, tills 2nd day of March, PJOS. J. C. Rokinsox, M. A. RoniNSoN. A.M. WILLIAMS & CO announce that they will continue the busi ness as formerly, assuring their friends and customers of liberal treatment and a "square deal." They solicit a continuation of the valued patronage the old firm has enjoyed in the past ' ,t . t J.'C&M-'a. ROBINSON MADRAS, OREGON DKALEKB IN I. I ist uniir nrnnprrv Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods HOOTS AND SJIOKS HATH AND C'.U'S WITH OSBORN & WILSON Madras, Oregon THE DALLES w.t hniuiin all kinds of. real estate, OREGON have a number of bargains to offer. " J- and MADRAS MEAT MARKET A, LARSEN & COMPANY BOUGHT FRUIT LAND IN JACKSON COUNTS William Gomer Will Plant Grape on Land in Southern Oregon, . William Gomer returned hist Thursi lay morning from Central Pointy Jackson county, where he spent two, weeks looking over the country. Ha was very much pleased with tlfat sec-, tion and while there made an invesU ment in unimproved fruit land, buying a plat of 21 acres. He expects in the. near future to improve the land by planting it to. grapeSj bu,t for the presem will remain in this section and look after his interests here, In 'the section, in which Mr. Gomer invested, raw hui is worth from $100 an acre upwardsl and much of it is held at from $200 to $300 an acre without any improvements. upon it. He is well satisfied with his investment there. Henry Gomer, who was reported ill, has fullv recovered and has employ n;ent there. Gus iemke and his family from this locality are also residing there, Mr. Zenike having bought land similar to that in which Mr. Gomer invested HALE GETS SENTENCE OF EIGHT YEARS Slayer of Tom McConnell TvAustServq (Term at Penitentiary Thomas Hale, who shot and killed Thomas McConnell in tho bar room of the Columbia Southern Hotel at Shan iko last Fall, and who pleaded guilty to murder in tho second degreo in -tho Circuit Court at The Dalles last weok; ' bus been -sentenced to eight years iii 't,li'o penitentiary. Hide was drunk at tho. time of the killing, and knew nothing of the deed he had committed until llo became sobor vgain. IIo iiad novel1 seen McConnell before that night, and these matters were taken into consider ation by the judge in passing sentence, McConnell was a shoopherdor in tho employ of tho Baldwin Slieop & Land Company of Haycreok, and had gone to Shaniko with a baud of shoop whioli were to bo shipped from that place. It is said that at tho tinio ho was killed ho also had boen drinking heavily, and thoro wero -no oyo-witnoaiSQS to tliu tragedy which occurred in tho bar room whon ho and halo camo together. WHITE-EACLES FRESH AND CURED MEATS Fish, Vegetables and Country Produce MADRAS, OREGON Married At high noon, on February 20, in the parlors of tho Hotel I'rlue villo, Silas White and Miss leu lSaglo, both of Madras, Oregon. Rev. II. Charles DuiiBinoro, 1). 1)., pastor of tjiu Presbyterian church, performed, thu ceremony in the proience of a few inti mate friends of tho bride. Tho happy eon pie left at onco for their homo nonr Madras, whoro tho groom is ongngud in ranching, niuir many friendti uiiito in wishing thoid till joy, happinoaa and prospority.rrinevillo Journal. WHO SENT ORDER TO J. M. SMYTH CO. Postmaster Davis wants to know thu name of tho person who sent an order u J. M. Sniytho Co., Chicago, enologhuj 88o, No nnino was signed, and th' letter hai been returned to him. 'A-