The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, February 27, 1908, Image 8

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    The Madras Pioneer
. 4Q rmrt nOO tnah nn hand
First ciclit months of tins year wo
5bihm1 100.122 now certificates.
There urc 175 of tho lending Fraternal
insurance societies Unit linvo six million
inemocrs at the present time. Tho
Modern Woodmen have nearly one-sixth
of tins entire membership.
There aro six billion four hundred nnd
fiftv million dollars of protection for the
widows and orphans carried by the
mnnihniy nf those societies.
Tho M. W. A. carries Ono Billion
Three Hundred and Fifty Million of this moscow, Idaho, and Qttq Brown, of
of all the fraternal insurance carried in ni'Rte, i uno.
the United States Any and all persons claiming ad
Tho management expense of this great versely the above-described lands are
order has cost each member not to n quested to file their claims lu this
P1'? .!1. ' olllceon nr beiora said 24ih day of
linP U'illl LT UII1II X I : 1 I I I I I' 111 I 1 1 1 M I 1 1 1 .
V nr fnrtilfdiiiii? GOOD RELIABLE April, 1908.
INSURANCE to our members for about f20 ul0 C. W. MooilE, Register
pne-iiuu wiini muui euuiiuia tiuujjv.
Net increase in the following sqcieties
and cost per thousand, 190G:
Xnt Increase l'JOfi Cost per J1PO0 nt ace 30
Artisans 5G0 $ 7 80
Maccabees , Decrease 12 00
A. 0. U. W. Decrease 10 80
Roval Arcanum Decrease 13 20
W." O. W. 5,802 li) 20
Wndfirn Wooflm'n 90.0SQ 5 85
The cost at CO years of age in the M
W. A. has never exceeded $5.8p per
thousand in one year. Compare this
Willi llin prist, in ntlior snpipties These
fjre a few of the reasons '"WHY" we are
writing an average ot i,oit( memuers
wr month. If this record suits vou we
wan, your application for membership.
Yours fraternally, J. E. Shears, District
tjeputy, oio: unnuiuer pi lyqiniperce
I'ortiano, uregon.
For further information see F. J
Brooks, local deputy, at Madras
Oregon. 21tf
EDISON PHOXOGRArilS and records
A. C.JSanford, agent, Madras, Or. flfj
TIMBER LAND, Act June 3, J878
Notice for Publication. Depart
ment of the Interior, United States
Land Office, The Dalles, pregon;
,Tauuary 15, 1908.-otice is hereby
given that
of Madras, county of Crook, etato of
Oregon, lias applied to purchase under
the ant of Congress of June 3, lfa, as
nvioTuIpd hv act of Aucust 4. 1892, the
wisejsec24, and ujne sec 25, tp 11 s,
r 16 e. w m.
And will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish hr
claim to said land before Jrauk us
born, TJ. S. Commissioner, at his
.office in Madras, Oregon, on April 8,
She names as her witnesses; T, A
Taylor and Villiam purbam, both of
Madras, Oregon, and John U'Keiiy
and Mary O'Kelly, both of Bay-creek,
Vny and all persons claiming ad
versely theabove-de8oribed lands, are
renuested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 8th day of
April, 190S.
j30-a5 C W. MooiE, Register
TIMBER LAND, Act June S, 1878.
Notice for Publication. Depart
ment of the Interior, United States
Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
January 20, 1908. Notice is hereby
giveu that
of Moscow, county of Latah, state of
Idaho, has applied to purchase, under
the actof Congress of June 3, 1878, as
extended by act of August 4, 1892, the
ujuei and njnwj sec 24, tp 11 s, r 10 e,
vr m,
And will ofler proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, aud to establish her claim to
said laud before the Register and
Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on
the 24th day of April, 1908.
She names as her witnesses: Joseph
D MeComb. of Troy. Idaho, Charles A
Randall ann jonu xi rioriou, uuuu . Qr beforo
Moscow, Idaho, and Otto Brown, oi Ittrci, iqqs.
t j .. i. I f rt r;
wauace, iuuuu.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
'office on or before said 24th day of
April, 1908.
f20-alC C. W. Mooiie, Register
JTl cation.
Notice for Publi
Department of the In
tI MHEK IiA.M'. Act oi Juno .J. into, police
I for I'ublleatlon. Unlteit Btatea Land Olllce,
v,,i,.,. iu i.i.xs.ln lcti Mint In fmniilnni'f
.,.(), tlmnwudyhmunf till ant if (U.T.I? TUMI HI
June X, 1878. entitled . An act for the Male of
koii. Nevada, and Washington Territory." tin
extended to all the public, latld Mates by nut
of AufiiHt i, 182, the following nUraod pewoiiK
have an .November a, 1W7, men in inm omco
llieir Hworu Kiaieiaemn,
UUI.ltll 1 III JieilUi V'fUtJ tUUUtf j Vtfi"i nnwu
. nlll i. rill. A ll,illw, l . . . . .i. l. .... -
trlor. Jnnu VJUice ui. j-iio jvucb, IDCn
' . n iunn "XT a. I 1.. I t
nroimn. February , juuo
hereby given that
,.Mf,.,lm,u nrurrnn. Ilflh (l 1 0(1
. . .1 ... ...nlro lllilll MVH.VdllPl " '"
proof in support oi tns cuaira, via.
Homestead entry No. 12 08 made
February 20, 1903, for the njsei and
wine of see 7, tp 12 s, r 14 e w in,
And that said proof will be made
before Frank Osborn, U. H. Commls
Bionor, at his office lu Madras, Oregon,
on Mar. 20, 1008.
II names the following witnesses
la prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, thelatid, yiz:
W R Cook, J B Brown and W II
Langford, all of Culver. Oregon, aud
G E Bauttt, of Madras, Oregon.
ri8-oJl5 C. W. Mooub, Register
TIMBER LAND, Act Juno 3, 1878,
Notice for Publication, Depart
ment of tho Interior, United Btates
Land Office, Tho Dalle?, Qregon,
Jamrnry 21, 1908. Notice' Is hereby
given that
of Moscow, county of Latah, stato of
Idaho, has applied to purchase, under
A tnw nt Mm rnrtontiu wliv Rn mnnv nrn
joining the Modern Woodmen of Amor
WnlmvA nnn.nnn mnmhorfl with 20.000
putsUinding. certificates, which is far ' p,v,,..pa9 nf .tnnn fl. iW
moro tliRu the two next largest oocioties " . ' ' .
fnmtiliHKl. fextended by aOfof August 4, 1892, the
Tlircc asscssnicms misscu me iirai ten sjnwt secUa, acu ejue sec vo, tp u s,
months of this year; all claims paid and r 10 w m
. . til in e . . I. i .i
Aim win ouor iiruui in know iiiul iiiu
land sought is more valuable for it
timber or amne than for agricultural
purposes, aud to establish his claim to
nil laud before tho Register and
Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on
the 24th day of April, J908.
He names as bin witnesses: Joseph
A McComb aud Phillip M Howe, both
oi xtoy, inano, uuarie a uauuuii, o
Notice for Publlcatl
Juno 3. 1878.
iblluatlou. Depart
ment of the Interior, United States
Ltnd Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
January 21, 1908. Notice Is hereby
given that
of Wallace, county of Shoshone, state
of Idaho, bus applied to purchase, un
der the act of CongreWof Juue 8, 187S,
as extended by act of August 4, 1892,
the pel, sec "6., tp 11 s, r 10 e, w m,
Aud will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is (ppre valuable for its
timber qr stoup than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said laud before the Register and
Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on
the 24th day of April, 1008.
He names as his witnesses: Joseph
O McComb and Phillip M Rowc, both
of Trov. Idaho, aud John II. Horton
aud Charles A Raudall, both of Mos
cow, dahQ.
Auy and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
renuested to file their olalms in this
office on or before said 24th day of
April, 1908.
f20 al6 C. "W. Moork, Register
Timber Land, Act of J,uno 3, 1878
Notice for; Publication '
United States Land Office
The Dalles, Or., .lany. 0, 1908.
ijotlco is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions ot the nut
of Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled
MAn Act for the Bale or timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all tho public land
states by act of August 4, 1892, the
following-named persons have, on
November 5, 1007, tiled hi this office
of Bend, Crook Countv, Oregon, swor
statement No 41"0 lor tnt purchase t
.. I ill.. lM...riil1 till
the NWNWseo 17 j N)(jN13 and 10ln ,Hy nf April, 1008,
SE)iNEi sec 18, all In tpl3 s, r 11 e, g(l0 nu,t.M u8 )Lr witness; Klwln
w m.
of Bend, Crook County. Oregon,
sworn statement No. 4427, for the
purchase of the UJNWK, SWNWJa
and NW,SY.l eo 20, tp 13 h, r U e,
w m, "v
That they will offer proofs to show
that the Jauds sought are more valu
able for the timber or sion'e thereon
than for agricultural purposes, and to
. I ! . .1.1. 1 ...... I.I , ,
emuuiiHu meir uiauus in oitiii iiiuu.
before H. C. Ellis, Unlteil States Com
missioner, at his office lu 'Bendj Ore
gon, on March 2L 1908.
They name the following wjtnesses:
Andrew T Moore, Fred A Huunell,
Ella Moore, Ernest Garratt, Charles D
Brown and Elmer Nlswomrer. all of
Bend, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lauds are
requested to file their claims in thiH
office on or before said 21st day of
March, 190S.
JIB ml2 C. W. MoouVRegister
"TMMBER LANP, Act Juue 3, 1878.-
Notice for Publication. Depart
raent of the Interior, URed State-
Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon
January 8, 1908. Notice is hereby
given that
of Prlneville, county of Crook, state
of Oregon, has applied to purchase,
under the act of Congress of June 3,
187g, as extended by act of August 4,
1892, the eejswj sec 28, iijnel aud
nejowj sec 33 12 s, r e, w m,
And will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said laud before the County
Clerk, at Prlneville, Oregou, on the
10th day of April, 1908.
He names as his witnesses: II A
Foster, Robert G Smith, P B Poak,
and Orange tiouges, ail or -rineviiie,
Auv and all persona claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file t,he"ir claims in this
otllce ou or neiore saju join ay oi
April, 1908.
fl3-a9 C W. Mqqkk, Register
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
Notice for Publication
v United States Land Office,
The palles, Or., Jan. 20, 1908.
Notice is hereby given thijt in com
pliauce with t lie provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878. Entitled
' An act for the sale or timber lands In
the suites of California. Oreuon, Nev
ada, aud Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land state
by act of August 4, 1892, the following
named persons have filed their sworn
statements in thisoilice. to-wlt:
of 1070, E Alder St, Portland, county
of Multnomah, state of Oregou, sworn
statement No. 4419, filed November 4,
t . r r . I. .. i ..r .1. .. tMoni .. f
iuui, iur iiie lumiiuao in inn p2OA-,r
sec 19 and SiSV of sec 20, tp 11 s, r 17
Publication. United States Land
Office, The Dalles, Oregon, January JJ0,
Notice is hereby given that under the
provisions of the act of Congress of
August 14, 1848, and the acts supple
mentary and amendatory thereto, the
State of Oregon has this day filed in
this office its application, No. 718, to
select the awisei of sec 20 and the
nelnei sec 3o, e, w m,
Any and all pereons claiming ad-
. m l "1 11 .1
versely the auove-uescriocu ianu, or
desiring for any reason to object to the
final allowance of the selection, should
file their claimB or objections in this
jeioro uie i'iui uuy ui
C. W. Moore, Register.
ii mi union ut 'i i ii naiii'H. ureiron.
8.1908. Notice is hereby
. .nonce is anu Wfj'A-A "WnnSmi ' ..i iTni
of Iiend. Crook County, Oregon, nworn utatc- WILLIAM F. MAG1LL
inc-nt No. 4135 for the purchase of the wkneji, I, J rt ,. . ,i
I Kilnnlinll In 1T1 0 ( . fttllll HuH.VPftr
Jamks a.iiod, proof ii support of his claim, viz:
nendi Crook County, Oregon, sworn state- 1 Ti.lmH,i ' (,nirv No 12188 made
i'uto4forthe purchase of the Lot 2 H ueatead entry JNO. J-ioo
id U, HIlU ne4BH54, see w, to a, r .uurcil iuuo, liir niu rnn ui -cu ui,
e. w in. .
1'hat they Will )ffer proof to mow that the
d nought arq more vaiuamo ior ;ne mnuur
Btohe thereoli thhh lor agricultural pur
es.and to establish thtllr claims to nalil lands
e, w m,
of 509 8 3rd St., Missoula, county of
Missoula, state of Montana, sworn
statement No. 4420, filed November 4,
1907, for the purchase of the SWjSKl
of sec 13, NWfNEJ aud N$NW4, of nee
24, tp 1 b, r 10 e, w m,
And will offer proofs to show that
the lauds sought are more valuable
for the timber or stone thereon than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish their claims to said lauds
before the Register and Receiver, at
The Paliee, Oregon, ou April 8, 1008.
They name as their witnesses: Eliz
abeth M, Lockley, of Portland, Ore
gon; Edward H Sargenr, of The Dalles,
Oregon; Heleue A Keunett, Emily
Harnois aud Charles A. Harnoin, of
Missoula, Montana; Joel McCollum, of
Any aud all persons claiming ad- Schulte and JohiiSchulte, all of SiMers
versely any of the above-described "'W"-
Innjto it fnnil rn t eii i fr. ar niuifviu I Any s
IttUUO UID I Vll ItOltll UID f V. wiwuiiu
In this office on or before the said 8th versely the above described lauds are
day of April, 1908. rt questedto file their claims in thits
f0-a2 'C. W. Mooub, Register office ou or before said 20th day of
. . . . . March, 1908.
TIMBER LAND, Act June 3, 1878.- J10-ml2 C, W. MOORK, Register
1 Notice for Publication, Department
of the Interior, United btates Land Ofllce,
The Dalies, Oregon, January , UH)8.
Notice Is hereby given that
HOMEdTEAD. Notice for l'ublloa.
(Ion. Depaitmetltof the Interior,
r ,ii,l fllllcn hi Tli DiillcH. f)n..
i V 1 1 i J 1 il. j;u.i.i I - V. -, .
of Bend, county of Cook, stato of Oregon, f?on, February 8, 1908. Notice Is here-
' . . . ... m I In, Iri I'l. II Mint.
has applied to purchase, under the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, as extended by
act of August 4, -IH92, the Lot 2 and
SEXXXVX, sec 7, tp J s, r 11 e, w m,
And will qlfer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
land before II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commis
sioner at his ofllce in Bend, Oregon, on the
13th day of April, 1B08.
Ho names as his witnesses: Charles L
Brock, Kred A Ilunnell, Tina Shattuck
aud John Byrnes, all of Bend, Oregon.
AUv and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described Jandirare requested to
file their claims In this ofllce on or before
said 13th day of April, l'.HW.
fO-a'J C. W. MOORK, Iteglster.
. -i n. tB78.
Notice for Voblloatlon, m
ment of the Interior, nlted 1 3la w
Tnd Office, The DaUen, Orego ;
"January 8, 1908, Nollco Is hereby
given that .,
of Reiui.ond, county of Crook, stale or
Oregon, has applied to p.irel.a-e, .....
dor tho act of Congress of Juno J,
as extended by act of August t.
the e4m.t and tivviel see 12, tp H h, r
9 e, w in, ,
And will oiler proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for
its limber or stone than for nurlot.l
tural purposes, ami in fHiiluli
..1 .i I tt t it (.it til !m ml before the County
lyltllll.l' .1. .
I-'"" ...... ...
BOrahani, or glstem, Oregon, !
MeCuffery, Benamln Aicumery, ......
Minnie iMoCatlery, nil of Iedniond,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the alOVHdt'oilhed' lands are
requested to Ijlp .heir claims In thl
office on or before said 10,11. '
April, 1908.
fl3 up , C. W. Moohk, Re-ilster
HOM ESTEAD. Notice for I'ubllea
tlon. Department of tho luterl r,
Lh.mI Offiee at The Dalles, Qr.-gon,
Fetirilfy 8, 1908. Notice Is hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, has llled notice or
his lutention to make final five-year
proof In support of his claim, viz:
Homestead entry No. 10(.l" made
April 20, 1902, l r the hw14 of seo 21,
tp 9 h, r 13 e, w m,
And that- said proof will ho made
before Frank Ostium, U. S. Cummin
(doner, at his office in MadraH, Or., op
Mar. 1$, 1908.
He names the following wllneffe-to
prove his continuous residence uppn,
and cultivation or.ihe land, viz:
T M nurden. W H l(anisey, Miles
Fox aud C C Fox, all of .Madras, Ote
gou. Il3 ml2 C- W. Moojm:, Register
Timber Land, Act of Juno 3, 1&78
Nptjce fop Publication
Pulled States Land Office,
The )alles, Qr.. Jany. 0, 1903.
Notice Is hureby given that lu com
pliauce with tho provisions of the Ad
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An Act for the sale of timber lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and Washington Territory," ah
extended to all the public land states
l,y act'of A"Bt 'I. 18-i tllu follow ing
lamed persons have, on November 19,
1907, filed in this office their sworn
statements, to-wlt:
of Sisters, Crook County, Oregon,
sworn statement No. 4453, for the pur
chase of the NWlXEi, I3JNW1 sec 18,
anil SEJSWJ, sec 7, tp 12 i, r 11 e, w
of Sisters, Crook County, Oregon,
sworn statement No. 4454, for the pur
chase of the SW1NE1 and SEJNWI,
sec 17, tp 13 s, r 11 e, w m..
That they will oiler proofs to show
that the lands sought are more valua
ble for the timber or stone thereon
than foragricultural purposes, aud to
establish their claims to said lands
before H, C. Ellis, United States Com
missioner, at his office In Bend, Crook
County, Oregon, on March 20, 190S.
Tney name the following witnesses:
Roy C Foster, George K Cyrus, Marion
F Hodsou, James B Hndson, Susan 1
HOMESTEAD. Noticu for Publica
tion, Department of the Interior,
nds nou
or Ktotio
ooses.aiid to establish thtilr claims to said lands
before the KejjUtcr Mid Reiver at 'ihe
They name tho lollowlng, witnesses: Ada 3
Johnston, Charles O. Johnston, James A
Jloyd, Klmer Nlswongor, Charles D.Iirown and
Kred A Hunnol, all of Head, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovo-dencrllied lands are reiiuGsted to file
tholr claims In this ofltcoon or before sald7th
day of May, l'XW.
f27.uao C W; MO ORE, Register;
tp 9 s, r 18 e, and Lots 3 and 4 of see 3,
tp 10 h, r 13 e, w tn,
And that said proof will bo made
before Frank Osborn, U, H. Commls
sloner, at his office lu Madras, Oregon,
on Mar. 19, 1908. .
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
ami cultivation of, tho land, vizi
Harry Gard, Roscoe Gard, 0 0 Fo'jc
and Miles D Fox, all of Madras, Or,
fl3-m!2 O. W, MOOHK, Register
hv iriveii that
o .. ... ......
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
his Intention to make final five-year
proof In support of his claim, viz:
Ilomtxtead entry No. 10275 made
January 13, 1002, for tho sjrisej' of seo
28'aud nue-4 seo 33, tp 11 s, r 13 e, w
And that said proof will be made
before Frank Osborn, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office iu Madras, Oregou,
on Mar. 17, 1008.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
unit cultivation of, the laud, viz:
J II Homey, Frank A Smith, J P ii aud W H Snook, all of Mudras,
f!3 ml2 C. W. MooiiH, Register
HOMESTEAD. Notice for i'ublica
tfou, Departmeutortho Interior,
Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
February H, 1908. Notice Is hereby
given that
of MadraK Oregon, has llled notice of
his Intention to mako final commuta
tion proof lu support of his olahn, viz;
Homestead eulrv No. 16 123 made
Dec. 4, 1000, for the NW'Mi of seo 11, tp
13 h, r 12 e, w in,
And that said proof will ho made
beforo Frank Osborn, U. H. Commls
(doner, at Ills office in Madras, Oregou,
on Mar. 21, 1908.
He names thu following witnesses
to provu his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, tho html, viz:
W G Klllingbook, E Fulgham, 0 A
Whitsett and 1 V Llmbuugh, all or
Madras, .Oregon.
fl3'tnl2 0. W. MoonU( Register
given tlmt T M ,mmvN .
;;! fflWiiw'' m,( 10 u ' r 111 "
??l,1n I? "ci'iVk Pir Nlnovlll J. Oregon, on tho
'v' l l ih ni'.. t.'.tl. l HKtor. Oregon, and
TiMUKIl UNI), Art .taao . N'afh'O
iiirlor t'n led Stales l-nl' 1 nl"',".., 1
PnllM. liroKorf, January W. m. Notice Ih
hereto (.'BA ,.. notlAN, . ,
nf snokniio county of HHkniiu.Btito ot Wash.
intin i I ns . i lo'l t 1'urehaNi-, under I n
aci o((Vngr,."i of. Mid' H. W extended I bi
souL t " no e valuable f,,r n t"l,,,,,r,,r H,,'T
S fnr nirlciilturar imri'OM'it, anil to eijtab
l b M i I i""l lmi lKfro the llnu,r
"nii ltecVlver at'lla. PalU".. Oregon, on the
linker. of Sinikano. WaOdUKton, Jll
K C l.nrU II Kettlmvell and Knto Ke tie-
e . all of MIsKOllbi, Montana, Kdward 11
Sargent. The Pallex, Oregon, and Jamus 1
ilcfiary, renilHiU'li. Oregiili.
Any a id all .eroii ei.ihalng adverjely
nl oVe-.lwerlbod nndn are ron.iei.twl
tl.elr emlnis In thUotleo on or before mild 'Jlt
;MA,,r"' lm V. W. .MOOHIi, Register.
HOMK.STKA1). Notice for Publica
tion. Di-paitineni of the interior,
hand Ollico a The Didlat, Oregon,
February h, HK)8. Notice Is hereby given
widow of Clmrlis lf. Vamlevet t. of rrlne
ville, Oiugoii, bus llled notice of Iter Inten
tion to nmkc lliml live-year proof in nip
port or her r utin, vln:
lloiueMead entry No. W)7 liimle Aprl
ID. 1W1, r.r the N'H),NVU of wW. "lid
Hie KJWV mill NWSiKM 8ic 12, tp 11 ,
r 1(1 e, w in, , , . ,
And that said proof will l inade before
the Conntv Clink it I'llrfevllle, Crook
Countv. Oreguii. Miiieb !U, 1WH.
She'nimiiw the followtnti Mltui'SM.H to
prove hnreoniiiiuous i evidence Upon, and
cultivation of. the land. vU:
laincH (! chirk, sianton S'ltlnck nnd
Siiiniicl Ilninlltii, all of Ashwood, (r
gou.mid WadO II llJSlon, of I'linevtlle,
f20-!i!i;t3 C. V. Moom:, IteglntiT
HO.MKSTKA1). Notice for l'libllcn
Hon. Di'imitinent id the lot riot,
LiiiiiI OltliM! at The Dalles, Oregon,
February h, lttuH. Notice Is hi tooy given
of Madras, Oregon, has llled notice of 111
Intention lo make final tlvi-yuar proof lu
mi ipurt of hi rlaliii. viz:
lloiiiexteail entry So. 120IH nimlo Fehtu
ary 2. 1 W, for the BJiNKJ and hUKi
oi sec (t, t JO , r IB e. w in,
And that said proof will be made Imfoto
Frank Onbotli, U. .S.-CoiuinlfHloiior. at lib
olllee hi .Undraf, Oregon, on Mar. SO, 1(XS
He naiiiei tint following whuty.tii to
prove Ids contuiuous residence Upon, and
cultivation ol, Ihe land, viz:
Chester Card. W H Haliuou, Walter
Arney and Dave Harden, all of Madras,
0 tenon
fLfni26 C. Vf. Moohk, Iteglitter
HO.MKSTEAD. Not Ice for rubllcit.
tioii. Department of.the IniuVlnr.
Land Office at. The Dallei, ()regoii,
Felirtiary 8, 1903. Nollco Is hereby
given (hat
of Mailriif, Oiegou, has llled notice of
his intention to make llnal commuta
tlo'i proof In Htipiort of his cl'iim, viz:
omeatead entry .No. M3.r)0 made
April fi, 1905, for the nej of aeu 36, tp
12 s, r 12 e, w m,
And ihitt Hii Id proof will ho made
before Frank Osborn, U. H. CoiihiiIm
sioner, at Ii Ih office in Madras, Oregon,
on Mar. 2-'), 1908.
He names the following wltiiesHts
to prove his continuous reHldonce
upon, and cultivation of, the laud, viz:
W O Kllllngbeok, .1 ' Tucker, J D
StaniH and Nancy R Noble, all of Mad
ras, Oregon.
120 tn 1U C. W. Moollli, R'-'glster
HOMESTEAD Notlc. for I'ulillca.
tlon. Dfpnrtm"iit of the Iuiorlor,
Land Olllr at Thi Dalles, Oiegou,
February 8, 19u8, Notice la hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, hat llled notice of
his intention to mako llnal Ilve-yeifr
prod in support or iuh claim, viz:
IlomeHteiul entry No. 11012 made
Juue 9, 1002, for the Lot I of Heo'31 , tp
10 f, r M ', Lot 4 sec 0, Ip II h, r I I e,
ami Lots I aud 2 of sec 1, tp 11 h, rJ3e,
w m,
And that said proof will ho made
before Frank Osborn, U. H. Cummin
sloner, at his office in Madrus, Oregon,
on Mar, 10. 1908.
He uamcH the following witnesses
lo prove Ids continuous residence
upon, aud cultivation or, tho land,
George B Mayes, Jamo 1) Mayes,
M L Lotioks, A 8 Pnlllips, all of Mad
ras. Oregon.
f!3- m 12 C. U AfooitK, Register
Tpalwr I.und, Aot June , IA'h,
Notice for Publication.
PuiMirtiiieiit of the Interior
United BTATf h Iand OfctcK
Tho Dalle, Oregon, January7. 1!)(W,
Notice U hereby Blven that Onice Wlhon of
rrhlovllle, county of Crook, utiito of OrOKOn,
low apnlled to purtiliiino, under the net of Con.
Kreni-Jf Jiineil, J78, an extendud by act of
AiitfiiNt -I, mi, the l)lmtand I, oo7, IM Umt
l, ti 12 , r u e, and Ke!. of kuo Vi, t. Vi , r
10 , w in,
And will offtir proof to ulicnv that tbo land
nought In moru valuable fur 1U tlnilxhc or itouu
Hihi for ngrloultiirul purjioneii, and o entab.
Huh UU elalm to mild laud before the County
Clurk at Prlneville, Hrutfori, on the 'Jth day of
April, 1W8.
Hlie milium a her wltuuknea: MiikkIu Olaze,
Cliarlun lledell and II A. Foster all of l'rluii
vllle, OrCKon, and Kdwln II (Jrahain, of Hlstom,
Any and all iuronti clalmlni; ndvurHOly thu
above-do(i(irbud IiuhU are roniienled to Ilia
their elalum In tliln olllijo ou or before mild Ulli
day of April, jyoa,
to- C W. MOOHK, ItegUtor.
on it cook slovo, rungoor liuator. Thu
iiricaa win thom. ,1. W. A M. A,
UohiiiHoiut Co,
rvnr . ...
" I IWUIVll 1,AN I l .
nnn irn1iliit.M.. , .'.."l 1 nil l.V
huh, vuiiiiuy !. liuw -,y" Ill ,,... .-.""iT,ftlli
: . " n not fnf : w
mil lillllin III l y U,," 11 1
(ll-iillnll V.. , ..!.. "V ..Ollllnt f,,"''
mi n i mi ,... V'V" all the i'K
iiiK-oiuueu iumoiih iftvrtnuptil
statoinonwlii thu f-i urVi.t
ofThoD.tlk.H.ComtV, PAIti
;. ;. ue imii v,."i
I II wi
ji tiiiiiii !, iimi, inf
I.olM t. hihI H,.r '.' .y,J
tegoii, swoiii Nlntein.'nr.
Lot 2, sec 1 1 ln ;H , r liVe,
ofM!oi,.a&.t or'S
Montnim, Hworn atnlf m?nt fS
SKtfN W 17 of H,.n .. ,..V. ft iXit
III II lldll II III..-!
. a hi win oner nmnfa
I .... .1 . . J t . ui MTII,m
HIIIUN HnilllllL IIP. Itw.rt . T"v
tural piiriinsen. nmi 11
n ill, nil lit mI.I .
...- -... ....,. y.f iififih, ,i.
mil irni.iiiv.iir ni i... -- ':"t
Dalles, Ort'uJn , A, rT a
I hoy naiiia as u!l::r
A McDonell. Wilim.i n',"s:
O'l'.lllii.r V I. 1. li V. ? MOIL
' ' w.llllll T VI 111' IV Mllll I.'.!- .
of The Dalles, (iri-KoVnjr,
...... ....... ,fii, i.v.
h.'ii, ...-mm t .liri-liv. I1 l. Iri.
.... ...... :..".' 'II'WI L
Any umi mi pernoiu c Almlntf
any of the idiovc-descrlbd ut
niii.ntei to It In Hi..i..i A "y.1
i imriiri, tin. . t i.i im.i in
in. ..i.i v II , .111 Jill! V v
f.. i i i "
i "I' .ui
u v neisi vour licit). "J tr
i Aviiii,c.iii y o, .
List your pro
- -i
Madras, Oregon1
H'.. I.., .11,. ll l.i...lJ ...I
have a nuiuliiT or largalu toStt
A nil 1111 t IAnn
i ill, i i , . , , i iifiw jr.
l . 1 V . a VV . . ...II .1.1.111
DK.V1.R119 IN
r ... . i" l ni.ui
I MM J lllll,,. I. Mill,
r-. ! n .
. r lj i 1 1 1 1 1 it? i jii
Connects with Sha
Branch at Biggs
.... . ... ...... tin
7:i;. a.m.dail f'Jy,sfKrn
Itoturnlmr.Ua' -I! rk t
rrlf,. nt rtlllUllk lRt Jl' HI, .1
iIihm not tl- t ' u' f,. iSl
Hhanlko lli.o inet uk ioc.Ur.ia
-...I ... miut ,.ti 1
dally; rrlyet o KK " '-."tfii
Wit. MtMt BB.W. WaM
K, J. WIWON, VotNT.Blnnit1'
reHldeiit.... m
vifle-rrcniiiei'' tj
Beerctary oi fiiato atmtltM
Secretary ofTreamiry atoruM
fiecrctary of Interior jM
Secretary of war tjf
Btiorilinry oi r.Ty
hocrutnry of Cominrco. To,tl
I'iMtinMtflr UOIiarni
Attorney uunorni j.h
Hooretiiry oi abuv."
Oovornor "w ti)
BiicrnUry ol Htmo
Troanurur jXfrfl
Attorney aoniTl hlm
Hunt. l'iiI.lleJiiiri'"' ,VSD
Btato vrlntor.. - ji
Dnlry mid Food pomm. .
U B Hoiifttom 1 I"!
.... ...
UOiiKulu' I ,1,
JlKlfJO.., fflM"
rronucuiiiiB An.'.."-'
.. -,IWTV
onoor. u- i
JiidKO H'irtH
(Jlurk.....' .w$m
Hhurlff, ' ' m
Trciunrer " "'...iPjjjB
Hchool HujiorHiitoii'ieiu l,U9
Hilrvovor ' GiU'V
Coroner , .. P
r4....luulnni.r ... "'" i '
v.iiiiiiii".".-- I
tJOIKploio "''flB