The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, February 27, 1908, Image 7

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Aro to Uo Phono
of Telegraph After
Alurch i.
People Who Object to
Liquid Medicines Can
Now Secure Pcruna
Block SlgnalH Also Will Bo In
Btallod and Many Small
Stations Closed.
ssS5Tmiin Is now offering; Peruna to tho public as a regular pharmi
5ft. u u ImtM ethical u any compound put un for tha me
tlc&l Pf0"- Btrftinlnfj of medical ethics can And any fault with it. 1
BtoMfS.: A nTTVE INGREDIENTS are prominently incornorated in
PTwti.. that the people may Know mat me claims made for Peruna
kTea .j.nortnro we shall make from mcdioal ethics in the oondnnt of
Th0 J? L i ho future, is the fact that we shaU continue to advortiia an6
ttftwv t aon to dootors only, to advortiso for Ahntnn, nniv
ltJ6J.Mnn fraternity would be obliged to recognize Peruna as 'beina
entireiyw"1 Q Tm0
Sr. hall continue to offor Poruna to the people. "We shall oontinuo to
iu nnin our claims for Peruna as a household romodv. Wo shall
"V'.iAimnDly tho people with froe literature, teaching thorn how to uso
xMno toaclang worn now w BvumuuuMB, fconoiiuiff mom many tilings
ft sflt to "tho homo. We shall continue to do this, whether the medical
.tonllko it or not.
p tX are proposing from this time on to take the publio into our confldonco.
tr ithitanding that some imitatois aucL substitutors will be attempting lc
JfOtWlvi" . , . con.itlor fustas BTOOd as Perunn.. vn ftrA trnint tr,
f P..m the voil of leorccy and allow any one who chooses to know exactly
This ought to disarm all honest criticism. We expeot, howovcr, that crit
i m will continue On some pretext or other those who are envious of the
W"1" RI1MPM Of Pflmna will nnntlnnn t fl.l
- aiaa W W W A U U
fault But we are determined to givo
such people no just complaint
It has become a household word In
millions of homes. Our faith in tho
remedy is stronger than evor. Evcrv.
year we expect to establish new nlflnti cr,""f? '' working time of railway
fwehrn lands until tho peoplo of all the world are supplied with this valu- J ''Kniphors Koch into effect on
w. . . March 1.
M8 nomcuuju
tot Jt. If it helps you, bo honest and acknowledge that it has helped you.
If you want us to wo will publish your statement oxactly as you furnish It
to w Wo will add no worus, lane away no worm, ii you wian us to we will
tublia your portrait In connection with It "Wo will not do this without your
written request, without your entire consont
Perona has cured thousands of peoplo of chronio catarrh, In many phases
ud locations. At least that Is what tho people say to us, through unsolicited
(MtimonJals. Peruna will cure many thousand more, in spite of fabricated
ikndcrs to the contrary.
We guarantee that every testimonial we uaVia absolutely true-in tho
f Innrrtlftrre of tho tcstlflcr.
pin'i r p n
We guarantee that every photograph published is the photograph of tho
L . ! Kaam Mint- ft T.nt-rf nrnrA gf a.a f Aatlminfnl vnn nitMmv.
DtnOU WUU3D UUlUf lb wots, tuuv wiwij nvti. v. wtutjr w.biuiuumi KM BUWU1'
liii by the hand that signed it
We are determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than they aro.
by dealing squarer than they dare to. We are determined to meet fakohood
with truth, duplicity with candor, insincerity with sincerity.
Wo know that tho users of Poruna will appreciate our stand. We believe
that tho dealers in Peruna will applaud our course. We expect even our op
ponent! will bo obliged to acknowlcdfp finally that Peruna Is not only on
Lonett and useful remedy, but onoof tho GREATEST HOUSEHOLD MEDI
"I've Had Experience '
With Hood's Sarsaparllla, and am con
vinced It Is a ureal mcdlclne,"-thls Is tho
substance of 40,300 letters by actual count,
received In two years. They tell of cures
of all blooddlscasos.lossof appetite, rheuma
tism, aftcrfovor weakness, that tired feeling,
nervous weakness, dyspepsia, catarrh.
No Equal "I can say from experience
that Hood's Sarsaparllla Is without an equal."
EinnL. UowiAN.llIicacon8t.,Lowell,Maae.
Eozetna "I had eczema and tried every,
thine I heard of, but nothing helped me until
I took Hood's Samaparllla. Thank to this
medicine, 1 am now well," Okokcie Vanaiv
stynk, South Bethlehem, N. V.
Muscular Rhoumatlm-"Mr father
had muscular rheumatism. Was confined to
his bed, He took two bottles of Hood's Sar
saparllla and was entlrelj cured." Bertha
h. 1'criiik, Box 1026, Springfield, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is sold everywhere.
In the usual liquid, or In tablet form called
Sarsatabo. 100 Doses One Dollar. Pre
pared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.
A now fluid of employment for wom
en la to he opened by tho ntllwnyH.
1'IiIh does not mean that the rendu will
employ women telcKniplieni, but on tho
contrary their employment will be for
tho purpose of talcln the placo of tele
graphers, already In the bltvIcc. Tho
future woman railway operating em
ploye will ho eii(,'HKed at the mnullcr
Htntlona taking train orderH over a tele
phone, where formerly mich orderH were 1
traiiHinltted and received by telegraph.
TIiIh new Held will ho oiten to women
when the new nine-hour day law kov-
Following It Up.
First Magnate Why do you always jo
east on this line? It's not hearty aa
short and direct as somo of the others.
Bccond Magnate 1 know It, but In
trying to get passes I have always found
this to be the line of least resistance.
Chicago Tribune.
Wareham Long How near did ye ever
come to beln' rich?
Tutfold Knutt Well, I wuz neit thing
to a millionaire wunst. Me an' ole Mun
tobaru happened to go on a toot the same
night, an' tbey put us In adjolnln' cells
it the p'llce station."
C. Gee Wo
Th. )! known rallatita
Root and Herb
Km iti'1i Ufa ttodr of
Ku knil end In thai
ttid dlKtril nd ! flv.
a nit woaacr.
Khirilnu tn Hurdt.
"When I started In business," said
Mr. Dustln fitux, reflectlvoly, "I re
solved never to tell'an untruth.'
"And you kept your word?"
"Yea. Whenever I had any delicate
business of that sort on band I hired
an expert." vii",n 'fnr.
It wan confidently expected that this
Inw would work n revolution In railway I
operation, and It was with tlitn end In 1
view that the Order of Hallway Tcle
Krnpher procured ItH parage desplto
the determined oppoKltlon of tlio rail
way maniiKorH and even agaltiHt advlco
direct from the White IIouhc. The l ev
olution In coming, all right, hut It will
be a revolution which will relegate tho
telegraph to a back mat uh an adjunct
to railway operation and will throw
thoiiwindH of operators out of employ
ment ud annually will decreawe their
number until they will almoKt disap
pear from American railways.
It wa expected that the reduction
In tho working hours of railway tele
graphers to nine hours would compel
the railroads to employ at least 8,000
additional men at once. It was also
known that It would he Impossible to
ftecuro this number of men when need
ed, and It was therefore hoped by tho
men that an Incrcnsc In wages would
be u part of the revolution planned.
How's This?
We offerOno Hundred Dollars Reward forany
tue of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hail's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O
We, the underlined, have known P. J.
Cheney for the lat lb yeara, and believe him
ferfoctly honorable In all bultness transactions
nd financially able to carry out any obliga
tion made br hl firm.
Wholesale Drtigglsta, Toledo.O
Hall's Catarrah Cure la iken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous aur
faia of the system. Testimonial sent free.
Prloo 75 cents per bottle. Bold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Fills lor Comtlpatlon.
Iriytalhe world
lul rorrtdlM.
Ni Mercury, Polton or Drut Uaed-Mc Cures
taluMit Operation, or Without the Aid of a Kn!f
One of the
MtRiulrcd trom Peking. China-Safe. Sura
anu HCiiaoie.
ir vooAnB AKucrKt). pon-t hixay.
Mr IDF AM hriamid
rUu U.ntlon Thl. I'.,.r
"I soinctlmia think," auld
U8t It would bo Intorestlnir
we origin of somo of the
puraies or the day. For
wonder who Mi
it never rolm imi it .......
"Very likely," suggested Klddor.
wis Nonh."
to tfaco
Instance, I
A llaniuirr.
Marlon -I showed nana thna r
T0U wrotn inn ....I I... .
Hrry- He did?
Marlon Yes. H ai.i i.
of iho happy homos of to-day Is i
vast fund of Information as to the
bast methods of promoting benlth and
hupplnosB and rleht living and know
lodge of' the world's best products.
Products of actual excellence and
ronnonablo claims truthfully presented
and which havo attained to world
wide nccoptanco through tho approval
of tho Well-Informed of tho World;
not of Individuals only, but of the
in nil y who hVvo tho happy faculty ol
selecting and obtaining tho boat the
world affords.
Ono of tho products of that class,
of known component parts, an Ethical
romody, approved by physicians and
commended by tho WolMnformod ol
! tho World as a vnluublo and whole
some family laxative Is tho well-known ,
Syrup of Figs and bllxlr of Senna. To
got Its bcnoflclnl effects always buy
tho gonulno, manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co., only, and
for sale by all loading druggists.
Tli, irt ' ' 1 1 iAa iiswiaw i mSii i wi i imp, win n
tiiri i I1!- futm UlWn A,wnyH Iloufjht 1ms borno tlio Hljrna-
ii. iHuciior, una jiiih uiseii nuuio uuuer uih
JH-rsonai NtintrvlHloii for over ttO venrx. Allow no ono
iii'CCIVO Voil In thin. nniiiifnrrnltu. linUitt IrtllH uiul
" liniaij
tn of Clilldrcn-Exporlonco (rnliist Kxporhuunt.
. What is CASTORIA
noHi. i H 11 ""rmloiis fiiilistltuto. for CiiHtor Oil
wiii!..'i..J.?PM1.H..a,"l Soolhlnir Syrtins. It is lMciutn
m hi, V. ,,u'"r Opium, Alorphlno
a l l Vs "K Jt friiaruntoo.
ntiii i.M ? !' r,,,,ivo Toothing Troubles. curoH CoiiHtlputlon
ui. """'ley. it nssi
iiHant. It
nor other jmrcoua
It 1 oh troy 8 AVorniH
Dlurrliooiv mid AVlml
Tim V ii ii i ,a iwelH, Klvlntr Jionlthy and nuturtU woop.
Clilldron'H ruimccuTho Mother'H Prlond.
m Kind You Have Always Bought
Boar the Signaturo of
n Use For Over 30 Years.
Chandra to Ileanlt.
The railway mnnnRers at first took a
similar view of the situation, but it
boon wns discovered that It would bo
Impossible to supply the demand If all
existing telegraph olllces were to bo
maintained nftcr .March 1. As n re
sult of n careful study of the situation
the nine-hour day for telegraphers will
bring about tho following changes:
1. Tho abandonment of all stations
as telegraph stations except division
headquarters and Junctional points.
1!. Tho substitution of teclphoncs fo
the receipt and the transmission of or
ders and messages.
i 8. The employment of women ns
agents In many stations thus trans-
. formed Into telephone stations.
j 4. The transaction of a tremendous
amount of olllce business by letter
which formerly wns transacted by tele
graph. ' ff. The rapid extension of the nuto
niutlc electric block signal system,
which will make telegraph stations un
necessary. In determining to Inaugurate tlicst
changes the railway managers found
that they had In reality been preparing
for them for years. It wns discovered
nlso that by adopting the most expen
sive system of block signaling train
orders and telegraph stations could for
tho greater part ho dono nwny with.
I The railroads, therefore, decided thai
they would rather spend millions In
providing anil maintaining automatic
block slgnnls which never go to sleep
and which never fall unless they spell
"dnnger," than to spend the Rnme
money In maintaining telegraph sta
tions and telegraph operators. Tho
closing of stations as telegraph stations
Is mado possible liy tho fact that with
an automatic electric signal nil that Is
nccfsxary Is to start trains as fast as
the terminal block Is empty nml keep
them going until a semaphore suys
Hurifi'uii'a Knife Curra II t-iulnclio.
After suffering excruclntlng pains In hU
head for twenty-flvo years, Louis Wolf
son of Cincinnati has ttecurcd rollef by
having the surgeons cut out two nerves.
Tho pain wns nbovo tho eyes and at tho
temples and recurred four or llvo times
n work. IIu hnd consulted tho lentllnir
specialists, tried medicines, various forms ;
of mnsNago mm eiectricni treatment In
vain. Tho two offending nerves, ono on
each aldo, wore between ono and two
Inches long and about as thick as a pin.
They i termed sensory nerves that Is,
nerves which give tho sense of fooling nnd
not control of tho movements of mus
cles. Tho headaches have not returned
since tho operation. Local surgeons say
this Is thu first case of tho kind on record.
The I'rublrui.
"Do you think It is as easy to make
l fortune as It used to be?" asked the
ambitious youth.
"Easier," answered Senator Sor
ghum. "Tha problem Is to do It In
such a way that your friends will con
tinue to speak to you." Washington
Not In the Mnrket.
"When I go Into politics, I am go
ing to hlro out my brains to the best
paying side."
"But when people hlrs brains they
want furnished thoughts; not empty
flats." Baltimore American.
Mo hers will find lira. Window's Soothing
Byrup the best remedv to uso I ox thelx chUdrea
during the teething period.
Tho TarnluK of the Worm.
Mollle I wish yoa were mors
Mr. Simpson.
Coddle My dear, If I were more like
Mr. Simpson, I should have married a
woman more like Mrs. Simpson. St
Louis Post-DITtrh.
Tlio Proper Fee.
What do I get for this stunt?" ask
tba vain, but execrable, amateur.
"If I were a police magistrate," an
swered the manager, "you would get
80 days; but, as I am not, you'll simply
get out."
TTorf It Might Rare ITaippeneat,
"Why, Col. Corpuscle, are you alive
"Am I alive yet? Why shouldn't I be,
"You most pardon my surprise, colo
nel. I could almost swear I read your
obituary a year nroJ"
"It Is quite likely you did, sir. The
papers down my way have had ray obltu
ary la type for years, and It Is possible
that one of them may have run It in by
Ifnd Done IIU Ilest.
Uncle Ilosca did not feel able to con
tribute more than 715 cents to the mission
ary cause, and was not particularly en
thusiastic about giving even that.
"You ought to give ns the Lord has
prospered you," said Deacon Ironside.
"I don't think the Lord'll ever accuse
me of beln' ungrateful," answered Uncle
Hosea. "Six of my boys Is preachers."
Is It Your
Own Hair?
nara Ilird. j
"I admire thnt parrot of yours," re
marked the visitor, rising to take his dc-;
parture. "It's the most sensible bird I've
seen for a long time."
"Why, he hasn't uttered a single word
since you came In," said the owner of the
"I know It. That's why I admire
f'Tn Ht. Vitus' nance ana an Ticrvoua Xtsaaes
f IO permanently cured by Dr. Kllns Orat
fterve iWnrer. Henri for KllKK S2 trial bottlx and
traallae. Dr. IL ILK 11a. Ld.,631 Arch HU, PliUa..Pa.
Might lie Woran.
Mamma "Your overcoat will nerer
fit you this winter."
Bobby "I know It won't, mamma,
hut my skates will; so don't let's
worry." Fuck. ,
Traveler, pause and drop a tear
For Timothy Squiggs, who once dwelt
He vanished from our mortal sight
When he thawed a can of dynamite.
Do you pfn your hat to your
own hair? Can't do it?
Haven't enough hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer's
Hair Vigor I Here's an Intro
duction! May the acquaint
ance result in a heavy growth
ofrich.thick,glossyhair! And
weknoV you'll never be gray.
" I thlnV thnt Ayr-r'a Italr VIor la the moat
wonderful hair (rower that m erer made. I
hare uicrl it for aorne time and I can truth
fully T that I am ai natty pl.aaod with It. I
cheerfully rr-nmnnd It an a aplendld prepa
ration." MISS V. IlKOCRT, Waylarid, Mich,
Slide br 3. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Uaaa.
Also manuraoiurere or
I'enalmlatlo VI err.
"Life," remarked the optimist,
made up of sunshine and sorrow."
"Yes," rejoined the pessimist, "but
the trouble Is there are about nlns
shadows to one snnaino "
for the algnature of K. W. OKOVE. Uaed tha
World over to Cure a Cold In One Pay. 25c
The production of alcohol in Franca
during the Feason of t IKXV1000 Is estl
murod at 70,202.017 gallons. Of this
great quantity 84 per cent was indus
trial alcohol.
It is perfectly natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when the muscles,
nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching with the pains of
Rheumatism the sufferer is apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other
external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing
Mounter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo
rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it
does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is mora
than skin deep it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only bo
reached by constitutional treatment IT CANNOT TJI5 RUBBED AWAY.
Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by
the accumulation in the system of refuse matter which the natural avenues
of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This
refuse matter, coming in contact with the different acids of the body, forma
uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of thq
body, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and paina
are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a times
by surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or
dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma-i
tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease will shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing
inflammation and swelling and such, terrible pains that the nervous system
is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes
deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
matter from thesystem. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead
of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit
lag acrid and corrosive matter in the mus
cles, nerves, joints and bones, thebody is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely and permanently
cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is composed
of both purifying and tonic properties .
just what is needed in every case of Rheu
matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is
made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and
s s. s
P . I "II J " r I" I barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
otGCi-VJiaCl vHfUDher . trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. S. and write
Slnpltat, Strongest,
Baalcrt Dandled
Grabber Made.
Will poll MORB
than any otbar.
i us about vour case and our rmvsicians will trtve mou anv information or
advice desired free of charge and will send our special treatise on Rheumatism.
I! inula Klnil Ilcmily Mnrket.
Of tho $.10,000,000 of equipment trust
bonds of New York Central lines recently
offered for public subscription ?2l,O00,
000 wan taken tho first day. Thoy were
offered at prices to ylold from 4 to R
per cent. It Is understood that several
millions of theso certificates wero placed
Imprisonment for tho manipulators of
trust funds la tlio recommendation or ij.
tVrlu for DwctlptlT. Clrrohr axd Prla flfW MaCk P.
)KJtm a. I5KALL, Manufa&nrer W m W3rW
82lIhwtLorna Arano. S PortlanJ, Oreflatl 3a fe.
seeds iv8?3ft. Jkcojaomy fl
JF hare mads and Vapt Krria fld nnd. M fok ' B'lTmv-irr Vll
M nraa Uilaiet la the world merit tella. M I li ft f I UJlltLy AKf
Ferry' Seed Annual for 1900 B Lr OUNCES tf$!9
tllathwtiol8flflorr arnt riM'.l'. for 9 W3 " 7 tt Tn nrmnMl'na f Vi fot-ntlir'o mAlo. -4. j&Zifir
M iuo aun. Don't aow da mi jou set it. M3 jS ft xn providing me iamuy s meaJs,clon t
Dssr i cq.. -Jp Wi(WM s&cd with anything- but the tW
- MM Dllrlli tlOT1 at a moderate Price. It f&fJ
in i PMUn'2!! makes everything: better. m&r
THE MAN WHO SWEARS BY ISSWv Try and see. ifPerfect
W($$kX Isthomonwho 3228 Money back.
M WJtW5ft thosomosorvice , "
f an-Light-Durable i j
itanteca Waterproof laaW shoes kt all W r? j. W B ii-ttfr tS S
d Sold Ewrywhere aaPRicEB. tor every XjSPaaW o ' rR'Wt' .jT Q
iuwttt CATAioe JfSfi0" L. Oauglaa niakaa and mall a mora -EJjft 6 S
, ! " j JtVjfcT" world, beaausa ihey hold their X;3SmjfiWW
' hapa. tit batter, waar I on oar. and SMW frit
P. N. U.
No. 8-08
WHKN writ In jr to advertisers pleaae
roentlun this paper.
are of mraatar valua than any othmr mmrt.
W. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Bo Equalled At Anj Price
nXtryjlSl'F.h0?' jWi t DobkUs. name ami prion la aUmped on bottom. '.
UkZ?r'X"U ""Jwu. ouoea niaue.1 from rartorr lo .any part of the world, Ilia.
i . a.. Aiuuti wva, uracatou. aiuu.
Take Nn Nubatltutn.
PUTNAM W A ntrT.lTftci nvcc!
K. Iilttonhouso, commissioner of lnsmr- , . . . , , un mm mamw l aaaasi lal wmw vshT sW JL JrmJB
nncolor Colorado, In a repprt of the In- aiifSVrOlSV