iiniil li'nfiitri"in i at Madras. Den Ilclfricli was in Ulwh yesterday ; from Limohtn. j H J. VV. Cook spent several dnys nt Uie ., u.i.ler was In loivh t ! t t i AGENTS FOR B. & H. One-buckle SHOE ......n 01 I - AGENTS FOR Standard . ....mine, uai - i tiiiiiinr ,.n...r,on of i Saturday. l ..it t t H . I. lit! 14 r i.nidlil . . Irnttl Port. I '.. ...10 IIUIIIL. I PATTERNS r ...... vUllnrA .11 .n. 1VI C ci- countyseut during the past week. MV, and Mrs, JrAeph Stuart of Youngs were in town Wt Fritiay and Saturday. Willis W. llrown was m lown last Thursday and Friday iTrom Ins ranch nrnr Itclsler. Mr. and Mrs L A..Ihtnt were in town last Tllijrsday from their home near Culver, Jestc Window, ft 'riromincnt rancher t t nnd ex-Sheriff i. r , IJljm har J, mneville wr.c In town ..la ' ; anno, of Agony " 1 on t"s yiciay. Coonty journal- A.H,onof llewler visited the p.i' week. I, Mcueearl I l Medhee of ' ... .,mn vsteiday attend- !atic business indMr5,Hm. Hollar oi -ru l.i t ...tail KVffllllll'. ,re,nli)n m - il . I.,.., .Inn tin I IV i a,, oorje i I M j...(nl C ( "vey " tbeasen. f,.n, m iu.. Atttnru IllM l. u .ir n . riu "kv,,w II. H - I md Mrs J "in i n : w....v .... t,nfM.U Hall in Mndrnv, c tit " i... ...niii.. icturning home in inmg Rand I n Nn-holsof Hoy nn l.v nwday evening, dtlicmec-nofh'- Odd Fellow t this plat- e n hlln. 'alhcr of Mrs. J. J.; arrived here yi-Merday from nomination f"r i"tinty school tendenl, w.i in inwn with his tori 1'ir l 1 .r neigWioMtoou inn iv afternoon. Merchant if ( ulver was io town urcuy wh . loa-l l freight irom heighirrs a'l report the road ttopoK'w i .inyii to Shaniko iibailcoiiuriui.il tt has. been l. a, tiotisci, who nas ueen r . . f i . - : - I. ..I I!.. .. iter. j rt v ra g in nuitiing u JCHCJ Ul icjtill iiiuciihl:-) iu hic mi rnnrrn in iiinrii r-, n . i ii 1. r.t I .1 . l . :at Prinevillc. Pex.iva! was m town Sunday home near Youngs and spent the . no wa, PM.fr ill ittirinir Ihr t ti i i parents tf Mr. McUuijhlin i AIIUIIIIII 911'B w v iTiiifii m 1'iyscai . i . . ., n, y 1 11,11 I C i ... i .ii m iir.ui'ii'cn U, mvuiK to sickness in hi in in I it - . 3 RI'IIIIICU ill II1C of rtspon a he has received to county piprrt at the teachers' me vine, we tinitrn ho from the (.'ulver district, was in AUdras Ust Monday. Jim Head and Miss Heilc I.andii came down from Culver last Friday to attend the dance in Madras. Mrs. Howard Turner has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i'crry Read, nt Culver, during the week. J. J. Itinton brought down a load of lumber from the Cirirzly La'c Mill for Madras partict, lastI'hursday. Will Harbcr and Walt McCoiu were down from Culver last Friday evening to attend the dance iu Simfoid's Hall. Henry Sachs returned the first of the week from a trip through Western Ore gon anrt as.fr south as Redding, Calif. Jamrt 1 1 clfrich passed through Madras yesterday returning to Kstacada from a three Weeks' visit at his old homo at LamonUi ). W. Robinson and Howard Turner left, for Portland last Thursday, and spent several days in the metropolis looking after business matters. """aic. thi Martlia Pcttlt of cy fr r, on, ,,r,1(u mil lit if nir. "JJohnni- i .impbcll of Madras W "ty certificate, Class of Rrdniond, who U cm- "h'lH.r..at.s department of " ( ", wa in Mndi-.ii .t nl"ay m tle ta,road. He c nn ,,'r- tt rush ,10 mn JUIl ,11 .... ..... ., irni, ,U ln;jt ,)cw "Pcoiiim, ... s.eadily, and. that nthstimnmrks very noticeable 5n'ltr,u is llmier the canals. -Marlras Uivis.n,, flr ,ilw r,, rlMi'.i. i . "Mii'MlilI t Uftr-i'ill II -iwviHiuil Will J10IU al place Satuwlnv nfi imU - , ; H wi,kh tlme a ... hi. .....i. . " Wl Cillll Til... .1 in, iii'iiters of hve 1U."'S -dify w.ll )e !,,, e who h.n , . . Kri in n ri ier lie " ii dun i. i. . . j iiriiifiiiii I....,.,..! , yof Prinevillc, nron.lnmt rtil. rT'" 1 M. Ual.Uin. inhh Wllllipk ini.l l.'.i Madras Sumtn.. ... ,. han.l "" iiuuii. on us lh7bywy of Madras 0 avo"l the bad ,n,t. good r - UKh "C,l0n ,TC"5 nn their way to Rev. J. K. Craig lequcsts us to say that owing to the fact that the church building is only nvaihhle one hunday in the month, lie wlH hercaficr conduct ser vices nt Madras only on the third Sunday of each month. Johnnie 'Campbell, who last week seen icd n third grade county certificate at the teachers' examination nt Prinevillc, will fill the position in the Agency Plaint school ii ccntly made vacant by the rcsig nation of Miss Marie Galloway. J. R Mcndenhall and Arthur Rey nolds were in town last Tuesday from their ranches near Culver. On their way in thev. found a man's brown fur glove, which they have left nt Culver post ollice, where the owner can secure it. t Mr. and M$s. J. Is. McDowell have moved Into Madras, and expect to make their homc here for the present, and pov sibl' will remain permanently, although Mr, McDowell says they have formed m definite plans yet. They are occupying the rottage owned by Miss Delia Sweeting, The Prinevillc Creamery company shipped 6oo pounds ol butter to Portland yesterday where It has been contracted for by a commission mctchant. This is the firit shipment of butter this count) has ever sent to the outside world and looks small brside the many tons of tlu same commodity that have been im ported Prin,cvillc Joilrnal. He sure to hear Profrssoi Ii. R. Moon's lecture on 'Mind," including a dis cussion of spiritualism Christian .science, mcnta healing, etc., nt Madias Friday evening, February 28, at 7130 p. m. Admission 10 cents Mr Moon gicatly interests his hearers, mil dmibllcss has a treat in stoic foi Friday night. Martin Pratt, formerly a "homesteader" on Agency Plains, has been appointed manager of the Multnomah football team for the coming season. Mr. Pratt has been tackle foi the Multnomah team for eleven years, and is one of tlie most pop ular players in the Northwest. He will not play during the coming year, but as manager will have an important part in the battles of the Mullnomahs on the gridiron. last Wednesday's hvemng rclegmm contained a good picture of Mr. Pratt in hU football uniform, i CLASSIFIED LOCALS ,AND FOR HUNT l7o iumch cultivil twl land for rout, K miloH Boutli of Mad ma. Will elmrgu M orop for uao of land. Wrlto to 0. H. Relkuap, Chinook, Wnxlh fL'O-mUi 1 SHU A. C, SAN FORD for Syracuse plowH and ropaiiH, MiuIiiih, Or. Il.iti MACKINAW'S, STORM COATS, mini' and oliIWiron'H milta muHt uii,go. .1. W, 51. A. RoldiiHon k Co. ST RAM HOLUNO Havo your grain Hti'iun rolled or dry rolled. 1 lutvc good now equipment, enpacity 1ft tout (tally. Priees: Stoam rolling, i!.rU per ton; dry rolling, $-.00 per ton, J, O.Waymlro, MudraH, Or. olMtf Try our Imperial washing machine, it t the best, McTnggart & Hye. A coiiinlole btipDly of legal blaiiUu for muIu Including warranty ami qiiltoliriui oodH,reitl,oliuttol aiuloroii mortgage. eto. Juatloo court ulaukH anil jut ion court work aHpooInRy. Notary I'ubllo. F. J, DrookB, Annual Clearance Sale We must reduce our stocks before we take the annual inventory and in order to do so rapidly we have arranged this genuine no profit sale, which will eclipse any event ever held in Wasco County I Read the following items carefully. Every item is a money-saver SUBJECT TO -CASH PURCHASES ONLY Ladies' Lingerie and Wool Waists Regular $1.35 grade, 1.50 " " 2.75 " 3.50 " Sal e pnee, $1.10 1.28 2.29 2.97 I T n u mn go na i n mi ho mi-in Ladies' Tweed Suits In Semi-Fitting fiiton arid Pony Jacket ! a zj two X Regular $ 8,50 grade j I " N9.00 " i " 10.00 " 1 " 6.'00 " 4.75 " Ladies' Tweed and Cloth Jackets Regular '$9.00 grade, 7.50 " 5.35 " 3.00 " Sale Price, $7.55 " " 4.33 " " 4.32 u " 2.43 1 1 - Sale Price $ 5.00 i " 6.27 T " " 5.00 I 1 a I s 4.29 3.50 I Misses Long Coats 1 4. '$ 3.00 grade, t 3.50 " I 4.50 " T 6.00 Sale Price, -int S Millinery at One-half Price We will close out our entire stock of millinery at one-half the original price. Ladies Long Coats 9.00 grade, Sale Price, 6.00 " 8.50 " 22.50 ' pi u md h " all fc-u J 1 t S I 8 S I a 2.27 2.97 3.00 4.77 U 7.42 (I 4.50 i( 6.23 1 17.00 -J Clothing, and Ladies and Mens Shoes at a great sacrifice. 'All odds and ends in dress goods at One-Half price, and hundreds o( other bargain too numerous to mention; EElBlvIBEIS THHEIE PLACE Xj-ST TO COM2 EAELT PEAS EGO., INC. SHANIKO, ORFGON fj A. C: SANFORD Successor to Sanford, Sill & Company General Merchandise Agent for Syracuse Chilled Plows, Schuttler and Molinti Wagons and the "John Deere lines" b wssm mm mm wmmmti Ice THE. UNIVERSAL rerfGcr it and I My prices are right anil I will take wheat at Shaniko prices less the freight, on all goods I handle or v carry ' MADRAS, - OREGON hum I.JI III UnUl HI IiKJ . JH fl l'iir Ml,. -.IRSH-tSJUB. "UNIVEfisk EVERY RANGE , WARRANTED UNIVERSAL z5luvcs, JKciiiirc, lieacersis Try One., You'll Find It The Best You Ever "Bought At Any. price 5 SOLID ZB-5T McTaggart & Bye Hardware, Groceries Implements MADRAS, ORl