The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, February 27, 1908, Image 3

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    mill' III H . 1. ii
IS ft jnt nun
lor uur
Busy Headers.
.oflho Lobs Important bul
i.i.mi! nir tvonm
iiv .
cf the rl
tho nocosalt)'
hoH reduced
Mnntnnii nointa 10
mi unions deny
, rate ,r0,s
..(rAnkonyhna given a m
t .... r flflimuirn. in- vfssiv.
rwi r ill u" '
HTi,. Rattle fair.
. . ,ii vnuntnU 08 ior snip
irirnii""' -n-- i.... ,i
.;!, NorUi imvu i
ni.lna by a com
... n nrnirthnldtt ttllll
"""Zn . ..fair liHt 1h in offect
' t i ...i
, Pullman enr company m ih.
tb eull no iiqi""
thrOllKll ly "lairiuK-.
. .Imfd IV 111.,. 1 I1KII1MI
in iinilorao oxtonalvo ro-
.i tho Mnrfl IH anil nnvv
. i u..i
hjre coiiuuuiiiv" n ,' : , :
Frinctrco'a packing nouso umnci.
in im itindn tit onco.
gva n.i "
..ll.l.lUr, nf Hill 111 TIT 0 COSl mill
iDtereU of Illinois ana inmann mr
parnoieof regulating tlio output
nBholdlnir prlcpB is under way.
I - -
. it to It- nf wnr urlfli
i 1.AI I. mm nvvfifjvil at
an FAftl.
DOmtXirOI Dianioru nvuuvmo mmu
lexpelieJe for drinking.
... , .
l f. t. .-1 a Ifiinmiriiin nnhlnrnflM.
. i till... ...II!
hone In Washington, D. C. horo-
I II. a VtuMi Ma(ah r will
Bin Fanrclsco to woleomo tho flout
I arrUal thero.
. ii . . t..
n f i pi it i h i fl v i ii 1 1 1 ii v i n ikiirnin
I ipend 11,000,000,000 for tlio con-
if J . ....
i .1 I ltl tf .1 ....
k Buiin n l liuui li i AI4 una . u unbi u w
ham nut r-n rfiiirimn nnn irnnnrar-
cloficd Its rhops at Topoka, throw
A ttnJ . J l a
ztwvmen oiu 01 employment,
lrffA rtitrf nf fltA final nona utnk tr
i ii mill iti if lit i v it t. uiii urtrifi iririri
r mnfiuinnH.
commutod by tlio czar.
iiuhf ill Mriii I it ti i u tc u r rn n
on Linneo territory.
kn7i 1 t... I .11. 1 li i it ii in mi vii mi ii anni inriniTin
tab with Moiocuin tribca.
" - ' V'frlln
city 1876,000 n year for franchlioa.
inwppinee, will start homo Fobru-
New Mexico Must Depend on Future
Development!. .
WBuJiitiKton, Fob. 18. Notwlth
atundliiK rcportH nont from WnBhlnxton,
no nKruoimmt Iihh boon mmln liv iAa,t.
in conKfCBfl to miRA'a bill nt (!, Fr,day February 21.
anMlon nf 0,1,.h .1.. . "V ' ... Wtt8h W". F 21.-Bonntor Iloy
V. ntirn ami Keproauntativp French, of
tory of Now Moxlco Into tho Union. ; Malio, Uhy Introducod lh tho sonato
Tho facts of tho chbo aro briefly m lo. , n.n(l 1i("ho tho bill prepared by Idaho
lOWfl: I onuupmon nmeninrig tlie 28-hour law.
1.1 1. ..jii .
A delegation of Now Mexican,, ht-adJ f,h 7 ' " 'I LTiT
od by tho Kovornor, camo to WaHhlnir- KOlnir from ono Bbto to anotlu.r Hl.nll
ton Bovoral weoka no to Hurvov tlm maintain an avorauo minimum
Hold and detrinlno
thoro wan prodpoot of
Intlon tli Im eoenlon.
wan to liavo boon
moro Now Moxloann
10 miloH nor hour rnrn llin ftmn itin
aioclc In loaded onto cars until tho des.
tinatlon 1b reached, deducting rnnnon.
booked by 100 or tt,"o tno for ctopa made for feed and
had tho out look, water. Tho bill provides a flno of 1100
whothor or not
Btatohood IokIb-
Thle doloKatlon
been favorable Hut after conferring I to 00
with tho loadora In loth branches of 8Ped.
coimroflf), tho advanco guard dooldod
that elAtohoocl legislation could not be
Bocurod thin BOBHlon, no matter how
many men appeared on tho scone to
uru.o te onaotmont. Thereupon tho
"big lobby," was called off and tho
original delegation went homo.
Two propositions wcro submitted,
but no pledges of any sort wore ulvon.
FIrBt, It was auggostod that It might be
well to Bond a oongtopslonal party to
Now Moxlco during tho coming Hummer
to make an Investigation and drtennlno
whothor or not conditions In that terri
tory wero such as to Justify I to admin-
nlun Into tho Union. Tho other woro-
Billon was merely to allow tho Now
Moxlcans to como to Washington in
foreo noxt winter and appear boforo tho
territories commltteea of sonato and
houso In supportof tholr statehood bill.
for fnlltiro to maintain this
An arnondment to tho postcfllco ap
propriatloon bill was introduced toduv
, I... I . . 1 - m
uy nonaior i'orakor.
Bovon Filipinos may rocolvo Instruo
Hon In tho Unltod States military acad
omy, nccordlng to a bill paasod by tho
Bonau) louay.
Washington, Fob. 21. Tho timo of
tho houso of reprosontatfvea today was
devoted to consideration of what ia
known as tho District of Columbia rail
way franchiBO that la, tho bill provid
lug for oxtonclon of streetcar lines to
tho new union station. Tho subject of
universal streetcar transfers in Wash
ington oltclted special nttontl n and
no disposition was manifested to
amend the provision oxcopt to strength
on It. Tomorrow also will bo given
overvto District of Columbia business.
by a
1 . 1 . - . .
iciAJiL Hiin i rrnnt in rirtriiii
IDff fitumnu ovr.L.L.1 . t im
a -- 1 j lAiiiuuni IJIlIf III nil
Vi9 Bon I II. ....... I. 1 I. I
, ihimiu UIU llllllio,
rDiiiuniiN in r fi 11 illmii iu j.&..i..
emnloyea and tronhln In nmini
nw 1 rtwtr 1 1 1 t i 1
tno World. An I
1 . " HiqiKIIMIilllt
PA IivaUi.... 1 ,a . V.
. ""'"" Ul"' u" u,o lorueui noor
'woingor building.
An evidence of the nasalm? nf dm
-nun, in Miown mv tlin fm-t
"Oily 5,000 Western n l
w loric attor goods.
An Past linmi.l C'..M n in
uuuviiurn i-aciiio
iraiti wiiH
Uli. nn. I Inn fifu
Ami 1 1 . Willi
woegeUbles demolished. Throo
mP' aro Blinnf-un,l I,. 1 i. .....
. i'ivii lu iti imiiiir inn
Tff0 Inen wntn lin.,,1 i .!... I. I
M II II 1 . ----- " " -
'.iiuwBiono, a. Y,
i!M.p,lUlhl"havora,Md 'und
W UlitreiBod Jewish families.
WhlWaw Hold hn rfttnrnn-J f 1.1.
L Hi n ti . i , .
'"u(ir to uroat Urltain.
Corcnn nn,i t . . .
flllA 1- . 1 " WMU UAUII1DIUII
D OJ0 organlKod at Donvor.
A PttWl niv.1,1 . . . .
In.... " "! II 1)111 Ul uxtnt-
u, ,, y valued at
Honors of Vice Admiral for Evans at
Catlao, eru.
Lima, Toru, Fob. 18. Tho Ameri
can fleet, which -is steaming up thn
wost coast of South America, Is expect
ed to arrlvo at Callno noxt Thureday,
and tho government has ordered that
Hear Admiral Kvans bo tendered tho
honors of a vice admiral. Tho cruiser
Corono Ilolognsi left Callao tonight for
this port.
Everything Is in rcadlnoss at Lima
and Callao for a glorious welccmo to
tho Arnerleunn. The ofllcial program
Inoludcs a great banquet which will bo
given by President 1'ardo to tho ofllccra
in commomoration of Washington's
birthday. On Friday Admiral Evans,
If bis health permits, will visit tho
preMtlont and tho visit will bo returned.
on hoard tho Connecticut. A bull fight
has Ixs'ii fixed for Monday, at which it
Is expected nearly all tho oflicois and at
least 6,000 of tho sallora will have an
opportunity to tea tho sport of tho
country. An excursion to Mount
Moigga has beau arranged for Tuesday
and on Wodncaday thoro will be a re
ception at tho American legation. Tho
war rnlnifltor will givo a dinner to the
American otllcora on Thuriday, Fobru-
ary 27, and tho following evening tho
National club will givo an ofllcers' ball.
u t I .
"luiui irom
Countess von
i boon
""enslcbo, at linrli.
Mja Ktnllv
in .1..7. ima) 'il yRrfl biio I10
- irom linr Hi .
HUHwtlon of n..lmnnl.ll. i-
rr k..i viiiuu lion hi i, r ii una
UllllflP 9 m 1 .
Conw t;r?. 1,10 k country of
oAmcricanin ' Z 'B.?'nnncd
whiio th :z: rim"i-.
Reported He Has Plans for Career
in the Senate.
Washington, Fob. 18. The story has
been put .m circulation in Washington
to tho eftYct that Ul fiord Pinchot, chief
of tho Forest Bcrvico, will retire from
sorvico at tho close of President HooHe
volt's term, and go WoHt to grow up
with tho country. Tbo report goes on
to eay that Pinchot has a deairo to mix
in politics, with tho hope of ultimately
being cent to tho ponato from tho state
In which ho takes his residence.
Slnco Mr. Itoosovolt bocamo presi
dent, Mr. Pinchot has boon a vory pow
orful man in tho administration. Ho
wua holding an insignificant oflico as
chief of tho forostry division of tho Ag
ricultural department. Governmont
forestry work was thon In its Infancy
and tho work of 'Pinohot's division
counted for llttlo. Mr. Pinchot quickly
Interested tho president in the subject
of national forestry, and whon tho pres
ident became Interested tho division
Btirunu Into nrominonco, and has crown
Btoadlly to its proaent proportions. Its
growth und tho oxtenslon of its work
would not have boon poBBiblo but for
tho aid of president KoobovoU.
Thursday, February 20.
Washington, Feb. 20. Bocauao of
tho death in this city today of Senator
Latimer, of South Carolina, both
branches of congross adjourned, the
senate almost immediately after con
vening and the houso an hour after
ward upon rocolving ofliolal notice nf
tbo senator's death. In eaoh chamber
resolutions of regret wore adopted and
a commlttoo appointed to accompany
tho body homo.
Most of tho timo tho houso wan in
session was consumed In tho reading of
impeachment charges offered by Mr.
Waldo, of Nnw York, against Federal
Judge Lebbcus R. Wlllley, of tho
United States court at Shangimi, China,
which wore referred to tho committee
on judiciary.
Chaplain Halo, in his prayer open
ing the senate, referred feelingly to tbo
death of Senator Latimer.
Tho immigration committee, of
which Mr. Latimer was a member,
also adopted resolutions of regret.
Wednesday, February 10
Washington, Fob. 10. Senator Bo
rah, of Idaho, droppod a bomb in the
United States senate when ho proposed
to amend tho existing law by pioviding
that Unltod States senators and repre
sentatives in congress should not bo
permitted to act as paid attorneys In
any Federal court in cases In which the
United Suites government ia Interested
directly or Indirectly. The senate was
droning along, considering tho Hoy
burn bill to rovlse and codify tho Fedo
ral statutes, when It readied that pro
vision undor which United States Sen
ators Ilurton and Mitchell had boon in
dicted find convicted. It was bore that
tho junior Idaho senator unexpectedly
proposed his amendment.
Tho sonato in executive session today
ratified the arbitration convention be
tweon tho United States and Franco,
which was signed on February 10. A
naturalization treaty botween the
United States and Porn also was rati
fied, j
Senator Knox introduced a bill pro
viding for a systom of postal savings
Washington, Feb. 19. Tho bill pro
viding for tho taking of tho thirteenth
census occupied most of tho timo of the
cession of tho hcuao today. Progress
with it was Blow becAiieo of numorous
nmendmonta offered, which In tho
,maln wero rojectod. Tho bill was
amondoi in ono important particular,
hmvnvnr. and that waa lhnitinir thu
con bus to the mainland of the United 'secretary of tlio navy for papers and
Washington, Feb. 18. Speaker Can
non's presidential boom recoived mark
ed Impetus in the house of representa
tives today whorfctfloiitol, his colleaguo
from Illinois, brought tho suject to tho
fore as tho climax of a half hour's
pooch. His remarks were bosod on ths
fact that today was tho J) 4th annivors
aiy of Cannon's first speech in lh
Boutoll ppoko with enthusiasm, and
when hd closod with tho romark that
within tho next two months "the plain
pocplo of tho country would join tho
voters of Cannon's district in confer
ring upon him tho nation's final
honor," tho speaker was given a great
Keen disappointment was folt on all
sides whon tlio, speaker mado no reply.
Ho stepped from the rostrum and amid
cheering rotirod to his room while tho
houso consldorod pension bills.
Most of tbo day was taken up by a
discussion of the bill to provido for
taking the next census. Ite considera
tion had not boen concluded when tho
Monday, February 17.
Washington, Feb. 17. After a brief
loglslutivo session today tho senate or
dered tho doors closed and for several
hours discussed tho Witherspoon nomi
nation. During the executivo session
an agreement was reached to consider
the cccan mail subsidy bill on Wednes
day, and Stono, of Missouri, announced
that ho would speak on the Aldrlch
currency bill tomorrow. An amend
ment to tho mail subsidy bill was In
troduced by Lodge, which authorizes
tho postmaster general to contract for
carrying ocean mail in vessels of the
third class and to pay a subsidy of $2
per outward mile on voyages of 4,000
miles or more.
An amendment .to tho Aldrich cur
roncj blll'was Introduced by 8tono.
Washinsgton, Feb. 17. Tho legisla
tive, executive and judicial appropria
tion bill, ono cf the largest supply
measures of tho government, was passed
by the house today after several hours
discussion. The amount carried is
practically as reported by the commit
teo, $32,330,573. Macon, of Arkansas,
continued his policy of attacking all in
creases in ealaries and they wero accord
ingly rejected on points of order by
There was a lively dobate over the
provision giving discretion to heads of
departments to remove or reduce inca
pacitated employes. A provision was
adopted that incapables should not
draw pay.
Representative Hughes introduced an
amendment to the Sherman anti-trust
law remedying defects affecting labor
Saturday, February 15
Washington, Feb. 15. Tho house
committeo on military arratrs touny
agrcell to the report on tho army ap
propriation bill, having completed
Us amendment increasing tho pay of
enlisted men of the various grades
of service. The bill as It will be re
ported to the bouse will carry $85,
254, 0GC, which Is $9,413,081 less
than tho estimates submitted. Tho
amendment Increasing the pay of en
listed men is intended to place the
nrmy service on a footing compar
able to tho navy service.
Washington, Feb. 15. Ropresen-'
tntivo James, of Kentucky, appeared
beforo tho house committee on coin
age, weights and measures today to
mnko an argument In support of his
bill to restore to tho United States
gold coins tho words "In God wo
trust." On ' leaving the committee
room, Mr. James said, he had been
assured that his bill would bo re
ported favorably next week. I
Washington, Feb, 15. With a
view to tho raising of the ill-fated .
battleship Maine and tho "proper
burial of Its dead, now lying , with
the hulk of that vessel In the har-1
bor of Havana, Cuba," Represonta-1
tlvo Sulzer of New York today Intro
duced n resolution calling upon the
rounor from
tilM Mriii... - 4 in H
press uuam, , woiiB-tfargo
Heno a .iT :,nr .u'voring a package
' 00 In K0ld.
stole a sack
No arrests
have been
Deadlock Is Unbroken.
Frankfort, Ky., Fob. 18. Tho Ken
tuoky goneral aBsombly has balloted for
a month to elect a Unltod States sena
tor to succeed James H. McCroary, nnd
Is apparently no nearer nn olectlun
than it whs on tlio first ballot. In tho
first voto ox-Governor Uockham, who
liad been nominated at tho Democratic
primaries, revolved 00 votes; ox-Gov-ornor
liradley Republican caucas nomi
nee "4 votes, while bovoii Democratic
votes wore scattered and ono Republican
absont through illness. Thero has boon
no change.
Sultan Is Only Smiling.
Romo, Fob. 18. "Tho sultan Is rub
blng his hands," said an ambassador of
ono of tho loading poworB in oxplining
that tho only country to profit by tho
breaking up of tho European under
Btandlng lu tho Balkans would bo Tur
key. Bo far Turkoy has' only cousontod
to a commission to study tho proposed
Austria railways and has not as yet
glvon Iho concession, and years aro no
cosBary to obtain concessions from tho
Lumber Company Assigns.
Murfressboro, Tenn,, Feb. 18, Tho
firm of W. B, Earthman & Co., dealors
in lumber, have assigned. Tho liabili
ties, It la said, will approximate $700,
000 with aBMta betwoon $600,000 and
States, Alaska, Hawaii and Porto Rico
' Previous to the consideration of tho
census bill, Henry, of Texas, taking his
cuo from Bontoll's remarks of yesterday
lauding tlio speaker, urged tho Repub
licans to bring in an employers liabilty
bill and a bill requiring notice boforo
tho issuanco of Federal imlictmonta.
A petition for the impoaobment of
Judge L. R. Wlllloy, of Shanghai,
judgo of tho Unltod States court for
China, was presented to the house.
Tuesday, February 18.
Washington, Feb. 18. Tho Aldrich
currency bill was opposed in tho sonata
today by Stono, of Missouri. During
Stone's argument in advocacy of tho
plan for governmont guarantees of do
posita in National banks Bacon, of
Goorgia, took occasion to opposo that
proposition at somo length. Bacon de
clared that, if such a plan wero put
Into effect, stato bankB would be put
out of business, as tholr deposits would
find their way into National banks.
Tho bill to rev Ibo tho criminal code
of tho Unitod Statos was considered
during a couplo of hours In tho aftor-noon.
correspondence bearing on tho Inter
national stntus of the question, and
tho rights of tho government of the
United States in the matter.
State Line Not Marked.
- Washington, Fob. 18. If the houeo
of representatives acta favorably on
Senator Heyburn's bill, recently passed
by tho Benato, a nico fat surveying con
tract will be awarded early in the com
ing summer to some man who wants to
romark tho boundary lino botween Ida
ho and Washington. The senator's
bill appropriates $25,000 to defray tho
exponso of roaurveying this line, which
was originally laid off in 1874. It has
boon known for Bomp time that tho line
has not been comploteely marked and
does not conform with tlio boundary
prescribed in the statutes.
Ferguson's Body Shipped.
Washington, Fob. 18. Tho body of
Arthur W. Ferguson, late executivo
socrotary of the Philippine commis
sion, was shipped on tho transport
Sherman, whioh sailed from Manila to
day for San Francisco, and will bo
brought to Washington for intorment.
Lease Lands fcr 15 Years.
Washington, Fob. 10. Tho houso
committoo on toirltoriea today favorab
ly reported a bill limiting tbo duration
of leasing of agricultural lands in Ha
waii to 15 years. The committoo also
favorably reportod a bill authorizing
! the payment of Hawaiian postal sav
ings bank deposits. Whon tho territory
May Rearrange 8tars.
Washington, Feb. 20. Prosldont
Roosovolt is considering a proposition
to roviso tho national (lag by iuj entire
ly now arrangoment of thi bUks. On
July 1 another star muBb bo added to
tho flag, to ropresonb Oklahoma. Tho
plan of Dr. A. M. Martin, of BIcom
villa. O. calls for a coomotrical deBign,
consisting of flvo area in combinations. 'of Hawaii was created tho affairs of
This mouns a big star with flvo points, Hawaiian postal savings banics wcro
tbo center bolng ooouplod with a fow , wound up with tho proviso that tho de
poaitors bo paid bytho Unitod States.
Oregon Represented by Floats
dlcatlve of Its Resources.
Portland's great annual inatitulon,
the Rose Festival, which was inaugu
rated last Juno under such auspicious
oircumstraceB, will, this coming June,
be consummated on a scale to broad
and grand that it will have a general
appeal to the whole state of Orgcon,
and an Individual appeal to every com
munity in the commonwealth. The
grand jubilee, which will be one round
of pleaaure for the whole week begin
ning Monday, June 1, and ending in a
blaze of glory the following Saturday
night, is not for Portland or Portland
pedple alone.
One of its most spectacular and bril
liant features' is to be the magnificent
street pageant. This Is a competitive
event open to all cities and towns of
Oregon outside of the Rose City. Thore
will be grand prizes, the capital prise
being a princely sum in cash wltb a
number of costly souvenir cups and
other trophies of great value and
Up to tbe present time about 20
oitlea and towns of Oregon have been
beard from, each showing great inter
est in the tpeclal state parade, and
several of those towns, through their
business organizations and "boosting"
clubs, have sent representatives to tbiB
oity to confer with the Festival manage
ment with reference to character of tbe
floats wbicb will make the most effect
ive showing for their communities.
The Festival association has teenred
tho services of a master float builder
from the East, who is now here with a
corps of assistants ready to advise with
all who desire to enter the lists.
Tbe railroads of Oregon, and the
whole West, in fact, are planning to
give special reduced rates on all lines,
good for the whole week of the Festi
val. Special low rates from Portland
to all points in Oreogn.
Every town in Oregon ia invited to
enter some characteristic float In the
"All Oregon" parade, and the Festival
association invites corespondenoe and
personal conference with cities and
towns, large and small, in this all Im
portant matter.
Publications for Farmers.
The following publications of interest
to farmers and others have been Issued
by the Agricultural department of the
Federal government and will be fur
nished free, so long as they are avail
able, except where otherwise noted,
upon application to the Supsrintendent
of Documents, Government Printing
Office, Washington, D. C:
Bulletin No. 110. Report of Irriga
tion Investigations for 1001, under di
rection of Elwood Mead, chief of irriga
tion investigations. Pp. 401, pis. 64,
figs. 12. Price 50 cents. ThiB is tbe
third of the annual reports of the irri
gation investigations of this office. It
deals chiefly with the duty of water,
but contains also reports from four sta
tions in tbe humid states, where irriga
tion Is not a necessity, but a meam of
increasing the returns from farm lands;
a report on tbe underground water sup
ply of the San Bernardino valley Cali
fornia, and tbe second progress report
on silt measurements.
Bulletin No. 80. Tbe Use of Water
in Irrigation. Report of investigations
made in 1890, unuer the suverpision of
Elwood Mtad, export in charge, and C.
T. Johnston, asaleatnt. Pp. 263, pis.
60, figs. 1&. Price 30 cents. This bul
letin explains the methods in use in
the arid states in tbe distribution and
use of water in Lrlpation. It gives a
large number of measurements made to
determine the duty of water and the
losses by seepage and evaporation from
canals, and discusses tho methods by
which the water supply may be more
effectively and economically utilized in
the production of crops.
Bulletin No. 104. Report of Irriga
tion Investigations for 1900, under su
pervision of Elwood Mead, expert in
charge of irrigation investigations. Pp.
334, pis. 25, figs. 29. Price 50 cents.
This report covers the second year of
investigations relating especially to the
duty of water. The reports of the field
agents contain also a large amount of
information on laws and customs, agri
cultural methods, crop returns and
other subjects related to irrigation. A
progress report on tbe quantities of silt
carried by a number of southern riven
ia also contained in this volume.
Idaho Corn Show.
On tho, 2d, 3d and 4th of December,
1908, there will bo held at Moscow a
stato corn show under the management
of the Idaho Agronomy association. Not
only will there be a show, but also a
rousing program, which in itself would
nav the armor to como to Moscow.
Tho subjeot of corn will be taken npl
and discussed from a practical and sci
entific point of viow; the soil will be
conslderod in its different phases; irri
gation and dry farming will bo talked
about and tbe various live stock, dairy
and horticultural subjects will be con
sidered. "
There will be some good premiums
offered to the winners of the show.
Now Is the time to begin preparing by
planting somo good corn and getting in
Tell your neighbors about it.
Do not forgot the date. Mark those,
days on your calendar and plan to come.
For further Information address, R.
E. Hyslop, Superintendent Idaho Ag
ronomy Association, Moboow, Idaho.
Mako a symp of flvo pounds Btigar
nnd two cups water; boll until clear.
Wash, stem and seed one gallon chor
rles, drop In the syrup and boll thirty
minutes; skim well. Fill alr-tlght Jara,
eeal and put In a cool place.
To Clean a Steel Knife.
Cut an Irish potato In half, dip one
of tho pieces lu tbo brlckdust which
Is generally used for cleaning knives,
(tub the blado of tho knife nnd the
itulu will Immediately disappear.
Assays Over Six Hundred Dollars
to tbe Ton.
Appearances Indicate Greatest 8trlke
Ever Made In State Ore
8eems Unlimited.
Reno, Nev., Feb. 18. At the 50-foot
lovel of the lease of John Kearns, on
Balloon mountain, at Rawhide, today,
Tom Kearns set off a shot that uncov
ered a breast of ore literally alive with
gold and assaying clear across the six
foot opening more than $000 per ton in
gold and silver, making it by far the
largest gold discovery in the history of
Nevada, if not in the world.
The strike is only a short distance
from th estate of tho Balloon Hill
company's property which sold last
week for $600,000. Not since the dis
covery of Tonopah has the excitement
been so Intense in Reno. Tonight more
than 200 residents of this city, many
of them businessmen and others clerks,
left for tbe scene. This rush has been
going on for the past ten days on re
ports of strikes from tho camp, but the
confirmed story of the Kearns strike
this afternoon baa added to tbe excite
ment. The population since last week has
grown to 6,000 and is being added to as
rapidly as conveyances can carry for
tune seekers to the camp. Tbe ore to
all appearances is in place. The vein
forms a contact between the main back
bone of Balloon hill and joins the conn
try rock to the west, which is altered
porphyry. The gangue is in a moder
ately solidified kaolinized rbyolite car
rying about $3 in gold to $1 in silver.
Rushing Troops to Frontier to Fight
'Bt. Petersburg, Feb. 18. The alarm
ist reports of the possibility of hostili
ties between Russia and Turkey, which
have permeated all stratas of Russian
society, have assumed the proportions
of a veritable war scare, to which the
sensational press is devoting ita biggest
The situation is taken seriously, not
only in military circles, but also by
conservative politicians. M. Gutch-
koff, leader of the majority in tho
douma, announced bis intention to
night of raising at the next meeting of
the committee of national defense the
question of the nation's readiness for
war. This, he believes, is of tbe most
vital importance, in view of the news
from the Caucasus and all parts of
Europe. He also purposes to interpel
late the minister of communications on
the ability of the railroads to transport
troops qu ckly to the frontiers.
The douma, according to M. Gutch
koff, will be guilty of criminal negli
gence if it permits the country again to
be drawn into a war for which it ia
wholly unprepared. The surest means
to avoid a rupture, he said, is serious
preparation for any eventuality.
Strained Relations Over Coaling Sta
tion May Bring War.
Stockholm, Feb. 18. Tbe relationa
between Sweden and Russia .are decid
edly strained at present. The tension
lias arisen because Russia insists upon
being released from the agreement made
when Sweden surrendered Finland, that
no naval stations or fortifications should
bo established on the Finnish shores
adjacent to Sweden. The part taken
by Russia in the Norwegian integrity
treaty and her present attitude on the
Baltic "closed sea question" also have
greatly irritated Sweden.
war is feared in Sweden, because
Russia for some timo past has been pre
paring to establish a naval station on
the western shores of Aland island,
which is 25 miles fiom the Swedish
coast and only a few hours by steamer
from Stockholm.
Prosecutors in Conference.
Los Angeles, Feb. 18. Following the
report of impending Federal and state
prosecution of the railroads of Califor
nia upon charges of violation of the
law, II. E. Duncan, special agent of
the Department cf JuBtlce at Washing
ton, was today in consultation with
United States District Attorney Oscar
Lawlar. Members of the State Rail
road commission and Assistant Attor
ney General Raymond Benjamin ar
rived today for the purpose, it is said,
of examining the books of the Santa
Fe and Salt Lake Railroad companies.
Canada Will Stand by Japs
Ottawa, Ont.. Feb. 18. The Japan
ese consul was inquiring at the depart
ment todoy as to tho truth of a report
from Vancouver about tho arrest of two
Japanese under tho Natal act. Tho
Justice department has no information
but its officers have instructions to
test every caso by habeas corpus or
otherwise, .so as to permit the Japan
ese to land. As soon as the official
copy of tho Natal act has beon received
hero, it will bo disallowed.
Standard Declares Dividend.
New "iork, Fob. 18. Tho director
of the Standard Oil company declared a
Quarterly dividend of fclfi tier share.
The same amount was paid in the cor
responding quarter Inst year. Standard
Oil is an unlisted stock. The amount
I of etook outstanding 1b $100,000,000.