The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, February 13, 1908, Image 1

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    The Madras Pioneer
NO. 26
-nit in"1 "
It Ml
The best in Shaniko
(Jood Stock. Cnrcful Driver's
Hcst of lluy mul (Iniin Fed
At Very Rcnsonnblc Prices
D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or.
H w.;u tin .mi
en Hotel
I ...1.1.. .nnnxrlnA Mn L,.M.,. lKL. . C
1 Oregon for tho money. Your wants will be courteously
'.LUto. Headquarters for traveling men.
IfSt-CiaSb L-ivcry in vuuneuuun
.!. W. LIVINGSTON, Proprietor
. k M Mm I 3L TV T
H hm nu ,u
V U O I It I K T 0 K
C,r. i a ( ' tf of !rlK Moilii'lne, OliomlenU, Ilouniliotil Xomwllw,
... i t i.'i.iiiiniR in iijinrvfb crniv uu ivvi uiinmiiit'ini. i uur nniprrii nun
ji , .nine niiM ritki I'ltoirojforn. biwk i oimu miiiihji tn mm ifimu.
Is ,it Koiliika. lliiui yii(iiiOM. MUM-iAl.r. ami ur.TAlU
LUivlbtri hUK bALL
We have plenty of lumoer tor sale at our
mill, located about 3 miles east of Grizzly
post office on county road. Prices right
McMeekin & Eastwood
'"is, can-., o nv hrini cimve nnr incf innfnre phi ritan s woo I cans,
i ' it4V4ii tumiriw vi iwi-wnmviv . . j
any ol price, mUst he closed out. ' Special dish sale, come and
dP. conts; 0 bars "Golden Star, 25 cents.. Uur line ot medicines to be closed out at prices
at will -,ell them. All fnrm mnrlnVn rnrlnmd. Six-lWscnovvcr ''Internalional" Gasoline encine
- - - mwm fallow v f
Towiullo Ilullillni?
Jvmcr. or tub Vkack
Onico In DniB Hlotu.
Flro Inurnnro, Uto ItiHiirnqcd, Burctjr Iloml
item I'.stato, Conveyancing
Money to loan on approved
' rea estate scturity,
II. F. Auxw, I'retlilont.
T. M. IIamwin, Cahlcr.
Will WuinwKtLKii Vlro Pres.
II. IUlua'in, Ant. Cimlilcr.
NO. 3851 .
The First National Bank
('npltfti, Hurplut hiiiI Umllviilcil
arness and
Beitiner, Lace Leather
Whips, Bridles, Halters
Klnc Iliui'lina'lc HiiincfiH fully Knarnn
tiwl, jiiiulo fimii hoft Culiforiiitx Qnk
tiiiintHl lmrnesH leather
misses and cm dren s coats
see them. 7 bars "Dandy"
v J
AnnotincuinoiitH of cntilMnt(!S tiilMlnhcil
Uti'lof this lien'tlng nro paid for at rCKiilnr
Fpr Sheriff
To the voters of Crook Ooimty: I
liproby anUoiinco inycnndidacy for tlio
olllee of Sheriff of Crook County, on tho
jtcjMibllcan ticket, subject to the ap
proval of tho Heptiblican voters at the
primary to be held in April.
For County Clcrjc
To tho voters pf Crook County:
hereby announee rnyaelf a candidate for
the ofllco of Cpunty Clerk, subject to he
approval of tho Democratic voters at
tho primaries p bo held, in April.
Waiiiikn Brtoyw.
For CountySciiool Superintendent
To the voters pf Crook County:
hereby announce tnypolf a candidate for
nomination, on the Republican ticket,
to tho ofllco of County School Superin
tendent. Your support at the pri
inaricH, April 17th, will bo truly appro
ciated. Sincerely yours,
J. F. UlanciiaiU).
To 1 the Democratic voters of Cropk
County: 1 desire tiie nomination at
your hands at the primaries in April for
the.olllce of County School Superin
teudent, on the Democratic ticket, and
your support at tho primaries will be
heartily appreciated. Sincerely,
W. It. Cook.
l nereny announce mat l will uo a
candidate for County School Superin
tendent of Crook County, subject to the
action of the Republican voters in the
primary election.
' M., A. LniWA.v,
Oneil, Oregon
For Joint Representative
To tho Republicans of Klamath, Lake,
Crook ami urant Counties: J wish tp
inform the Republicans of Klamuth,
Lake, Crook and tirant counties, consti
tuting the Twenty-first Representative
District of Oregon, that my name will lie
presented lor your consideration at toe
Primary election to ho held April 17,
MH)8, asking your suffraues for selection
as one of the Republican nominees for
Joint Reprcontative in said district, to
be balloted for on June 1, 1908-
II. A. Rkattain',
JG Paisley, Or.
For District Attorney
Subject to the approval of tho voters
of Crook and Wasco counties. I an
nounce my candidacy for the Republi
can nomination for District Attorney of
the Seventh Judicial District at the
coming primaries. 41 nominated and
elected 1 shall endeavorto discharco the
duties of the office faithfully as the law
TI10 Ualles, Ur.
To the Republican voters of tho 7th
Judicial District: '
I desire the nomination at your hands
to tho ofhee of District Attorney and
will imnreeialo your votes at the comini;
primary election if you deem mo worthy
of your support.
W. I'. All 1UCS,
Laidlaw, Oregon.
A icwot tito reasons why so many are
olniiiB the Modern Woodmen of Ameri
We have 900,000 members with 20,000
oiusiaiHiiui; ccruucuics, wiucu is iar
i . ;n 1 1 .1.
more than the two next larecst'boclotics
Three aRse?3ments missed tho rtrst ten
months of this year; all claims paid and
Il.OOO.OOO casli on Hand.
First eight months of this year wo
issued 100,122 new certilleates.
There aro loof tho Icadiiii; Fraternal
insurance societies that have six million
members at tho present time. Tho
Modern Woodmen havo nearly one-sixth
of this entire membership.
Tlioro uresis billion tour Hundred and
fifty million dollars of protection for the
willows and orphans carried by the
members of theso societies.
Tho M. AV. A. carries One Rillion
Three Hundred and Fifty Million of this
unount, or a uttie-moro titan one-sixth
f all the fraternal insurance carried in
tho United States
Tho management exnouFO of this great
order has cost each member not to
exceed the prieo of 0110 postago stamp
per week since starting m business.
Wn are furnishing GOOD RELIABLE
INSURANCE to our members for about
one-half what other societies charge.
iiot increase in tlio following societies
and cost per thousand, 1900:
Net Increase 1900 Cost ior $1000 At ftgi SO
Artisans 500 $ 7 80
Maccabees Decreaso 12 1)0
A. O. U. W. Decrcaso 11) 80
Royal Arcanum Decrease 111 so
W. O. W. 6,802 10 20
MoilornWoodiu'ii 90,080 5 85
The cost at liO years of ago in tho M.
W. A. has never oxeeeded $5.85 per
thousand in ono year. Compare tliis
with tho cost in other soeiotios. These
are a few of tho reasons "WHY" wo are
writing an averago of 12,51(1 members
per month. If this record suits you wo
want your application for membership.
Yours fraternally, J. E. Shoars, District
Deputy, 622 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
For further information see F. J.
Hrookti, local deputy, at Madras,
Oregon usUf j
Leases of Lands Being Made in Culver and
Opal Prairie Districts by Company
Region That Has Long Boon Known
to Show Indications of Oil To Bo
Thoroughly Prospoctod
PlanB hayo been made to begin ot an
early date prospecting for oil in this
vicinity, and tho numerous indications
of oil which have been found in this
district will be thoroughly prospected in
order to determine whether or not oil
exists here in paying quantities. These
plans havo been perfected, and it
stated that there is sufficient- capital
behind the enterprise to insure a thor
ofigh investigation of the various pros
pects, and actual drilling will begin just
as soon as sufficient leases have been
secured upon the land in the immediate
vicinity pf tho poipta where the first
wells will be sunk. Mr. Frank Forrest
a prominent stockman of this county, is
now engaged in securing these leases
wnicn 11 is reported aro being very
generally signed without any opposition
it nas been known lor ncvcral years
past that good oil prospects had been
discovered in this section of Crook
County, and several years ago an option
was taken on the Dave Barnett ranch
with a view to makintr a thorough in
ve'stigatipn of a prospect found on his
place, but this plan never materialized
and up until this time there has not
been an effort made to follow up and
test any of these prospects. Theso indi
cations of oil, have been found in
territory of considerable scope, covering
practically all of this cntl of western
Crook County.
11 is tne plan ot tno present prospec
tors to sink several deep wells, prepara
tions having been made to go to a deptl
of a thousand to fifteen hundred feet
The leases under which the prospecting
will be conducted are liberal in their
provisions for the land owner, whose
interests in the land and in any discov
erjymade upon it are amply protected
Among other provisions iu the lease
one imii u no on is lound in paying
quantities, but water is found, the well
becomes the property of the land owner
without anv cost to mm except the
actual cost of tho casing. If, however,
artesian water is found and no oil, the
land owner agrees to purchase the same
at the customary price of a well drilled
to a depth of 000 feet, irrespective of
whether the well has been drilled to
uepin 01 iuuu or L'uuu leet. And, anv
rancher in jthis district can afford to pav
the price of a OUO-l'oot drilled well to
securo artesian water on his land. In
tho event oil is found in paying quanti
ties, the lease provides for a royalty of
ten per cent to tho land owner, so tht
in any event he, the land-owner, has his
interests taken caro of and cannot but
be benefited by the work done on his
place. Tho leases also provido for an
option on tho land, at u price fixed by
tho owner.
Well Known Attache of U. S. Gener
al Land Office Dies at Portland
F. MeyendorfT, one of the best
known of the special agents of the
U. S. General Lund Olllce, died in"
Portland hist Halurduy ut tho Good
Samaritan Hospital. Ms. Meyendorfl
was quite well known Jn this county.
Last Heptember he was a member ot
tho party of federal and state olHohils
who went to the Bend country t
Inspeot tho Irrigation projects there
Ho did not return Vlth the party but
spent some time iu Crook Couuty, in
vestigating land mutters. Ou his way
out, Mr. Meyendortreame by way of
Mndratf, from Priueville, and spent a
day orto heio looking over hind mat
tors, Mr. Moyendortr's life was 011a of
varied experlenees, ami he was 11 most
entertaining ami Interesting eoiiipan.
Ion. lie was 11 Russian by birth, tuut
because of too ardent sympathy with
a revolutionary uprising, was for some
time ti political prisoner In Siberia.
Securing hU release from Siberia ho
uunit) to America, and for many years
he has been connected with the Gov-
eminent service. He was the prlnul.
pal witness for the Government in the
hui'1 fraud prosecutions In Colorado,
Wyoming and Utah, ami wub ouu of
tho mast rolluble niou in that brannli !
of the Uoverument service,
Convicted of Conspiracy ln lega
Fencing of Public Lands
John II. Hall, cx-Unitcd, Stnjea, At
torney for Oregon, was found guilty of
conspiracy against the Government in
the Federal court at Portland, that ver
dict having been returned by tho jury
last Saturday morning. Hall was in
dicted jointly with W. W. Steiwcr, H.
II. Hendricks, C. J5. Zachary and othora
in connection with the unlawful fencing
of Government land in "Wheeler county
Hall's, connection with tho caso ars.jpg
out of tho protection ho is alcge(
have given tho other members of (ho,
conspjracy while he was U. S. Attorney,
In return for political favors, bestpfl-pd)
upon him. Ho demanded n separate,
trial on the charges, which has just,
ended in his conviction.
The extreme penalty for ppnspiracy is.
a fin&ol $1Q,(X0 apd imprisonment fpr.
two years. Hall has not yet been sent
fenced, but he has been given until
April 1 to file his motion for a now trial.
In connection with th,e close of
the Hall case, it is, announced
thqt the remaining land fraud cases, 22
in all, will be taken up at the Apnj
term of the Federal court. Mr. Hencyj
who has successfully prosecated thelamf
fraud cases, including that against Hal(
just ended, may not return to prosecute,
all of these cases, but it is stated that,
ho will conduct the prosecution of tho.
Binger Herman case, and that against
ex-Congres6inan J. N". Williamson.
Married at the home of John Oorop
bell, in Prineville, on Wednesday, Feb
ruary 5, 1905, Mr. Thomas A. Taylou
and Miss Maude Durham, bothdf Mad
ras, Rev. Dr. Dunsmore of the Priner
ville Presbyterian Church perforniing;
the marriage ceremony. Only a few
intimate friends of the bride and groom
were present to witness the ceremony.
Tho above news item, which reached,
us from Prineville too late for publiea
tion.last week, came as a pleasant sur
prise to the many friends qf tliQ
contracting parties in this locality. Tltfe
bride is the daughter ot Mr. "Wulliain.
Durham of Agency Plains, where she
has made her home for several years
past, and the happy groom is to bo
congratulated upon having won so
charming a helpmate. Mr. Taylor is
one of our prosperous and progressive
young farmers who is making, a success
in this country. He is farming oxteu-.
sively on the Little Plain, whore ho and
his bride will make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor returned from
Prineville last Thursday.
X. II. Pinkerton has rented a largo'
wheat ranch in Umatilla, consisting of
about a secti' n of land, and expects td
leave for that piace within tho next two
or tnree weeks to take possession. J-iio
ranch is situated within seven miles of.
Pendleton, and is said to bo ono of tho
best rancnos in that vry prosperous
wheat district. Mr. Pinkerton expects
to sell off some of his farming imple
ments here, and ront his farm on
Agency Plains, where ho has about a
so -tion of land. He says that ho expects
to hold on to his land in this locality,
and that within a few years, when this
section has rail traifaportation, ho
expects to return and make his homo
hero. Mr. Pinkerton has boon 0110 of
the most progressive farmers. of thlSi
district, and ho and Mrs. Pinkerton
nave many menus nere wno win regret
to see them leave tho community.
Lake County will be Hie hccuo thin
year of a eountyseut light, as the am-
iltiousj little town of Paisley Is mak-
ng uti effort to hai'B the coimtyseat
moved from Lake view, Us present
Intuition, to Paisley, The reason urged
for the removal of the onnnty.beat Is
that Paisley is, geographically, nionj
out rally located, and will make t)m
countyxeat more oasily accessible to a
majority of the eltiKens of Lako
County. The town of Paisley a loan
ed about 11 11 If way between Lakoviuw
anil Silver Luke.
Married at Culver, Wodnowlay, Feb
ruary. 5, 1U0S, Miss Lena Martin uiul
Mr. Ralph Pock, Justice of tho IWu
Collver performing tho marriage rite.
Tho bride is ono of Culvur'a popular
young ladlos, and is tho daughter of .Mr
and Mrs. J. W. Martin. Tho groom i
a prominent young ranoher of tlm
Culvor section, and has charge of th.
rauoh of his fathar. Air. W. II. lV.-k.