at oni ,Iar0d Cbtk, the I'rlneWlle lcn ). Snook WM n . rtrr on 'I M'' j... Kieccr nnrl Willieim uomcr - 4 i.m r i nuvsctii s,ne visitors ai . the week. . Commissioner ysuorn office to the room formerly w ! miI,;Iui vcr ...... JlMtSim.l.viMtlni;!'" pat'- " t . .flriJ Mrs. I .i. '" , , K Wall we "f l.williiv, was In of.he tI-. on Lis way Miami) ''" 1 lrt""01 "clKm- .. i . anomberorii.J.T ana ur. crc at 1'rmevirle I.trt wcck, WKmK :k!i to liatil otcr f tram. . c, Wilson' .ml Mwtly haVe lilovetl Osborn u"ve formerly occtl- ..... (- fJl.l.lU nil. I areocci'Vi": over tne Wajhing'in's Birtltday lias mriii.iv units - .---- -j- i I, E Wilimi njjed 2 months ' J' ' . . . I. ..1 ! Ccmclery Tuesday morning, I. .11 f, in iIim rlitlrrli. nhrrci" vrnt on business With Mr I '"" a ncwroau p!a c '. 1 i-amont.i. lie . ...... i.. lie of r r "c" " I .....I..... , .!, lli.lllf l K M- n f the Christian til II nn.lllll M A meeting a l is plncti, l)egln Chli'inl r of Kent and v. nil mr . r w.iv iiiiiiir: 1 1 inn yhr". ihry attended the i . .i f it . . . . as Mm; Mr. Cialsr in the .1.. ....i I. . ..... ... . I v. .. .........B. ...I., toe c ji.try. He came to from Karris. tfarneU re'urned 1.1st Friday alley points. Wtiile away r, where he took treatment --p ... , ,,,, i , w tkdl lor some past, nnd he ; stir uciiciiicu. antier rf 1 1 n 111 -t . - 4 ...i..iitMtli.lllJ IUI ' at that plate on 27 2d 20 of nri hlrl. I. ..II ... . . ., ,,, ,, ,c tmiiiiica t''e I ! .tMern Oregon Wf-W 'tr .1 cliklriri utTntr u'jUIM ieiiig composed of ermui, l f Vlieeter and ntiej 'Ufr , ire many poul fn Wr n ( r ok county, nnd fvht .1 . ... t 1 I. . ' 1 1 I ir iiird n tist tins '"'J .V CfT Mlmr. iir ll.i. Horn, to the wife of Joshua Kanier, j February 5, ir)o8, n son.'- O. Springer was, in town yesterday from his hontf near CulVcr. Conrud Strasser returned Tuesday from rt visit nt the Kasscr ranch on Cherry Creek. Mf, nnd Mrfl, frank R, IJlalr were in town ycstcrdity from their home near Youngs. J. Wi Kobinson sprained his ankle very, badly last Saturday, while lifting some heavy freight in the warehouse nt the store, since which time he has been J nble to get about only with the assistance of crutches. His injuries Were not serious but very jiainfiil. H. 0, Wood was in town1 the first of the week from his ranch near Crooked River., Mr. Wood says that the well which Is being drilled nt the I. V. Lim baugh place has reached a depth of about 300 feet, nnd they have no water yet, al though the drill is in a sand formation and it is hclicved that water will be struck soon. Arrangements have been made to sink the vVelJ to it depth of i$o feet, and if there Is np water by that time, further nr rangements will be made for continuing it I'hc settlers of that locality nre all inter csted in the successful outcome of the attempt to secure water there, The revival meetings at the Methodist Church, have grown in interest and the attendance is such as to tax the capacity of the holtsc. Rev. C. A. Housel of I'rlncville, is handling his subjects in a very Interesting manner, flic meetings will continlic on through Sunday and next week. Mr. Houscl's subjects for the next three evenings nre as follows: Vn day, "A Hackslider's Repentance t" Satur lay, "A I-ast Young Man and His albert Sunday. "The New Mirth, or Mny We Know We Are Saved." livery body is invited to come. Nobody is abided nnd no other church is assailed A ,. .1 J rj 1 . 111 nn iiiicui;cih Discussion lor intelligent people. tti 'r, 1,, Unless .our (irn 1 1 . 1 . . . t -jn l iy was "uround" ,! . . a shallow did the see H 1 1 hi. ,in.. i.i.... a avl hi. groundhog beert " "i! iioie y ins more wHts of Winter would 1)5 in the fur (;, Mut according prophet, who is honored even c"'Mry, the Winter Hits owevt . 11 . A . ku mca to M 'I lIy f fuel, lor ' 'y have had his I 1 HP. Mfi,....r. .....I ' 'HjMvil nun C'J Li 4 Trilav fmn. f.n llorni ,. I .. "ric nicy nave liccn l'i t I mr ii(,tl5i ,'i',Cy 1 '5 Vni l,.u .....1... ..t .va w IH LIIUIIl U '",fN1'' U l' Mordenj M re , who hits died f . HI ii . . .. j omen was wall U,n,jrr f the people of this 'B n ' nt time (1 Ins wl ere he had n homestead.. 1 H s place to Vortlartd oh " "with, nnd "hem tiilifornln. JiU ,..i. CLASSIFIED LOCALS SKCONI) - HAM) WATKM TANK .M'tinlfd, in.g(Kd onlcr, holding iiImjiiL .aW uiuioiihi built lor rwirrow truck wagon.. Will pay ciihIi or gire Kruln in trade. II. I. Wood, Mud ran, Or. ffl NOTJCB. TlioMiidnm I'louriUg MiIIh ImvecloHi:! down for the Winter, and cannot recciro wheat at the mill until further notice. Madras Milling Co. 13 MULL FOU SBllVICKi Thorouchbral Mrowu SwIhm bull, two-yuar-ol l, for Kcrvico lit HckxI'h barn in Miulrnn, price ?-'.ou. j w. Adams. tu-u MJJICT US nt IFTsTuIrWUe Hall, Fcb.Vi7 anil ico the country folktt dauct'. HACK TO TUA.DK Second-luuid hack in good running ortlcr, to trado for Kriuu or plowing. Seo I'rcsl l'iMliori Fldhorvillo. j30Mi MONKV TO LOAN-I bavo money to Joan on uood deeded farm lnmU. Ap ply to Mux Liicddi'mnnn) MiuIiiih, Or. UN'DmlTAKlftU St'I'I'IiIKS - Our complete line of undertaking mipplieH bats arrived nnd we nre now prepared to furulHli anything in that line . promptly and nt moderate prh-ctj, U)ucki llroa.; MmlriiH, Or. jll-lf A uoiiipluto Hupply of IfKul lihtnkH for alu liKiliiillng warrmity 1 1 i .tilt claim Uu'(Im, rwil, clmtU'l and cr inortKngeH, utn. .IiiHlleu court liliiuk-mh I juhtlci' court work tiHpcolulty. No'ary rubllc. V. J. HrookH. MOdERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA A few of tbo reanoiis w by ho inany nre Joining the Modern Wodim n of Ameri 011 : Wo bavo 000.000 members with iU.iiOO outHtiuiding cortifleateH, which in far more than thu two next lamest SocietU-H uo'iiiblited. . . Threrl iiBceBsinpfitfl mlMed M10 first ten uiiiiitliH bf HiIh year: all elaluiH paid and !l (KMl.lXm i'iihIi mi limid. . .... ... .... I l'irt eigiit nlontliH 01 tliirt year wet hhirmI 1U0,1 now eertilieate.s. There are 175 of the leading Fraternal iiHurnneoHoeietioa that have nix million inenmerH nt tbe present time, uie Modelii V6ortincnhao mmrlyone-fiixtb of HiIh entire meiiibei-Hbip There aroHlx billion f.nir iuiimivci ami fifty mllllondilllara of pnitei iimi fur the wiuowfi and orpliaim carried by the membera of tbese aocletlea. Tho M. W, A. earrioH One Million Tbreu Hundred nlid Fiftv Million of this amount, or a little inure tluili one-tiixtli of all tlio fraternal IiiHtliaiico carried In tbe Ublted States ', Tho inaiiiiuonientoxpctiHo 01 tins great order baa eoisl each iiieiiibur not to exceed tbo prloo. of one pnHtaco Stamp ter weeic Hinco.Hiar.iinw 111 iuinuu'. . WMiiro uirjitauing uuuu iii'.iii.inni' lNSlTRANOlC to our mi'inbera fi.r about owMiult what oilier aoeietltw eliarge. Not liioreao In the following aocieliea and ui)Ht por tiio'uaaud, UK)(t: Noi limruunu vm uini Vt iiwu n bi' ArtiBuno 5(10 f 7 KO Maceiibecri Deeruiialv t . O U. W, I)eiiieaV Itoval Areanum Dem-uaao J e -() W. O. W. fi.802f . W 20 MoiloniWooilin'uOO.Ofil)' 5 80 Tiuwunt nt :ui voaiH of ace in tho M. W. A. baa mn'er exeee-led ifn.8.r) per tlioiiHiind In Olio year, t'onipani , this WitlKthocoNtiu other aoeietii-H. TlrfJne are a few of tho reitHoiia "WHY" we are wilting an avorago oflU;51ll inombiiH nef niontb.' If thla recolil flilitH yoi We want you lUjipl lea t Idii (or niblnbiufibi p. Youra fraternally, J. II Sbeaia, Ulittli-t HopittyV 522 Ohambor of Oomir.m-f, X AGRNTfi FOR I T ' 444' 44444444)4y XX' t t V X '."77g sfcCSXi "Xs I B. S H. ! I 4 vi LUVIVIV SHOE t kj wr mtr mm mm am imr 4 S I AGENTS FOR : Standard PATTERNS I SmAfKD, Of?, y t I f 4 4 Annual Clearance Sale t We must reduce our gtcicks before we takei the annual inventory J and in order to do so rapidly we have arranged this genuine' no I profit sale, whiGn will eclipse any event evr held in Wasco Cotlnty a Head the following items carefully. Evelry item is k money-saver 4 I i i i SUBJECT TO CASH PURCHASES ONLY Ladies' Lingerie and Regular $l!35 grade, J.50 " . " 2.73 " 3:50 " Wool Waists Sale price, $1.10 " " L28 " " 2.29 ' " 2.97 iii nil kit- Ladies' Tweed Suits Ladies' Tweed and Cloth Jackets Regular $).00 grade) 7.50 " 5.35 tl 3:00 " Sale Price, $755 " 4,33 " " 4.32 " 2.43 m j In Semi-Fitting Eaton and Pony Jacket ! 1 Styles i i Regular $ 8.50 grade, Sale Price $ 5.00 I 5.00 4.29 I 3.50 ! 10.00 " 6.00 ' 4.75 " 4" Misses Long Goats $ 3.00 grdde, 3.50 " 4.50 " 6:00 " Sale Price, 2.27 1 2.97 T 3.00 4.77 I i l .uii'i nn n up- I B U1 Millinery at Onehalf Price We will close out our entire stock of millinery at one-half the original price. Lhdies Long Coats Sale Price, ' 9.00 grade, 6.00 " .8.50 ' 22.50 V .frii mm ire nu nn uh mm. I 7.42. I 4.50 T 6.23 j 17.00 nan .MM mm i"l' to r Jgf m m V V- W P V- ,jy -V W V- V VVW JJycjjii. jyi iyp. y 4 Clothingi and Ladies rind Mens Shoes at a great sacrifice; All odds and ends in dress goods at One-Half price) and 1 hundreds of other bargains too Humerous to iriention. IHiEIMIieIBIEIES TECE PLACE AOSTID JPTuj&.2& TO COME EAELT EDWARD 0. PEASE GO., INC. SHANIKO, OREGON iXM 52 A. C. SANFORD L Successor to Sanford, Sill & Company 5 r.ter rpra CAPITAL w jf" IllilNrVFRSAI UNIVERSAL General Merchandise GROCERIES, HARDWARE CLOTHING Farming: Implements UNIVERSAL MADRAS' - OREGON UNIVERSAL IP Stoves- Ranges, fieatersl, . Try One, You'll FiudIt The Best You Ever Bought At Any price BOXjID I McTaggart & Bye p Implements MADRAS, OR; Piirtlandi OreuOll. nuclei on December r or liUTiier uiiovrnnuou BOO F. J. 'mmmmwmmmmsm llinKU" Jbcul deputy, at Mmlriia, Oregon, ijytti