Pioneer i n MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. ORqpN. THURSDAY. JANUARY 23. 1908. Fol iv NO. 23 Madras .urn in' NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT jws Wn thoroughly renovated. No belter table in Ccn lOrccon for the money. Your wanU will bq courteously 31 V P t 1 I l I ... .1-1!.. r mnr. ittcndcd to. ncaaqMOficis iui uavcmigiui.ii, 'irst-class Livery in Connection .1. W. LIVINGSTON, Proprietor MADRAS, OREGON A. E. CROSBY PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TRANK OSBORN l S. COMMISSIONER Towmlto Hulldlng MADHAB OQKUON 0 C COLLVEn hOTARY PUBLIC Jvnwr. OF TUB ifcACtf ' CULVER l'KEfilNtrr CULVER gREQQN II. HNOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Ofllco In DrucStoio. MApHAH V U O I U I K T O It ISTOFFICE ' PHARMACY r-.rri... romp eta Idna of I)niK Medicine). ClwmlcftU, Uouiciiold Uoimullcn, ImrrliU' Mnii'lric I'lioto 8tiiilli. Country Mali Orilrrn I Klvo rnxpemotml . ' ..... i it. .4 .. M -.... u V . . . . . 1. ... BtentlOll, A urUIIlO III cuqrifn. rmo kuiuhji:i, luiit ii-ai:rilliuu LiiwrUlty Kirycliiiliio ml Vvtt Dontrojrer. fjock KwI ntid of nil kurt. P' .. .......... nil..,.... ii'itntvuiiv iiufid. tncpor KMtuiii t 1 uxi'v. ii iMf"-""'' DALLES, OREGON UMBER FOR SALE (e have plenty of lumber for sale at our lill, located about 3 miles east of Grizzly jost office on county road. Prices right IcMeekin & Eastwood LIVERY The best in Shaniko Good Stock. Careful Drivers Host of May mid Grain f:cd At Very Reasonable Prices D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or. J H. HANER ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTAitv runup Firo Iniurnnno, I.lfo Iniuranco, Hurnty flondi IV1 Kutatc, Convcyanclni; MINBV1M.B, ' qfJKOON MAX LUEDDEMANN NOTARY PUBLIC loney to lonn on approved reaj estate security. MADRAS OREGON II. K. AM.8N, President. T. M. lUtnwi, Ciwhlor. Wnx Wtmtfrr.uen. Vlco Pres. II. IULDIK, Awt. Ctublor. NO. 3861. , The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE. OREGON x ESTABLISHED 1 888 CnjilUI, Surplus nml Undivided Proflts $1 00,000.00 Harness and jSaddles Belting, Lace Leather Whips, Bridles, Halters Fine Handmade Harness fully guanin teed, made from beat California Oak tunnel harness leather B. S. LARK IN MADRAS, OKCdON WILL TRY INITIATIVE Hood Rlvor People To Try for Now County at the Polla PETITIONS MUST HAVE 7500 SIGNERS Long-Chorhod Hope for Cascad County May Bo Reallzod By Direct Voto of tho Pooplo of HqojJ River, twice unsuccessful in at tempts to get a measure hrough th qlate jeglHlaturo creating thp new county of Cascade out of portions of "Wasco County, will now resort to tho initiativ Bd submit thp matter Jo the people djrect at the Juno electipp. In pursu ancc of this intention several hundred petitions have been sent tq various parts of tho fitato and put in circulation for tho purpoBc of securing the required number of signors. In qrder to get th matter before the people in June, It will be necessary to have 7Qf) signers on the petitions, and these signers must secured between thiB tunc and tho 31st flay of January. Tho committee Hood River having tho matter In chargo feels confident that tho signers can be pbtaiped, and that once the question a new county is submitted to the peopl of the state, the long-cherished hope of the Hood Riverites will be realized. is earn that many many rortlanu rear dents who own property in tho Hood River vaIey are aiding in the movement for tho new county. Cascade County, or Hood River county as it has come to be known, has had a rather stormy time of it. in tw previous sessions of the state legislature The measure was oppose d by the Wasco County delegation, who were successful jn defeating it, in Bpite of a large num her of lobbyists from- Hood River who thronged the lobby of tho state capitol during the sessions of the legislature Wasco County's opposition arose from two sources. Many of the heavy tax payors of Wasco wero opposed to losini: the rich Hood River vallev territory from tho tax-rolls of Wasco County at a time wlicn that county was just getting out of debt. Tho greatest objection however, arose from tho manner which ino uaecauo county lines wore drawn, these lines coming to within few miles of The Dalles, tho county seat of Wasco. iffi mm GGt P355 re a dy 8 Irrigate 8 Pays" k Pays to Get the Best Machinery for that Purpose I : " iWe are agents for the International Harvester Company Gasoline Engines. Simple in operation, fuel saver, and built to stand. Either portable oi stationery in sizes from 1 to 20 horse-power w M. A. ROBINSON & 00. GENERAL MERCHANTS, MADRAS, OREGON This Store will hereafter be closed on Sunday BWNG IN VoiJR CASH REGISTER SLIPS, GOOD FOR ANY KIND OF DISHES ONLY EiB ML HOOD RY. PROGRESSES Power Pjpnt In Operation Will Used In Construction Work Bo Tho Blount Hood Railway ppmpany has set in motion tho first generator at its Bull Run power plan, Tho power thus generated will bo used, to run saw mills, planers, mixers and drills and furnish light for construction work. Water from !eer Creek, wjtli a 080-foot fall, operates tho generator. At Rull Run the ercotion of tho big plant has been begun. It js announced that the company wjll be in a position to, supply ljglit in Gresham within nine months, says the Oregonian. During the week the Mason Construc tion company moved its stock of goods to its new warehouse on the line of the Cedarville-Troutdalo cztension of the Oregon "Vatcr Power line, where it is crossed by the Mount Hood line. A siue track: lias oeen put in and some grading and other work done at this point. It is announced that from this junction machinery will be sent to Bull Run. Several new surveys have been made pear Rockwoqd and there js choice of three roules. From alj ind cations the company is making prepara tions to push the construction on the railway and power plant this 8pring, xne company is gradually securing rights of way ovpr land for which the owners have been asking high prices At Lusted's hill the owner of three acres wanted by the company asked $3000, but the jury gave him only $580 At uresnam, wnere tne company wanted 3.28 acres, an owner asked $3700 and was awarded $800. PLOT TO BLOW UP FLEET Anarchists Planned o Destroy United States Battleships WARNING IS SENT OUT FRQM PAJJjJj Brazilian Pollpa Aro Aftpr Arc!) Con Bplrstor jforolgn Anarchists May. Bo Doeply Involved CRUSADE AGANT COYOTES Crook County Sheepman Keeps Pack of Hounds for Hunting Them of in Sheepmen all over the state are de termmed if possible to eradicate the race of animals known as coyotes. They have inaugurated a campaign of poison ing the pest in some localities while otners Jvounds are employed, and trap: are used in other places. Any and every means is used. State Sheep In spector W. H. Jyltle has solicited sheep owners to assist m the work of exter mination. From Mr. T. S. Hamilton ABhwnod, and an extensive sheepman we learn that he has a dozen hounds with which to catch coyotes and they have made good. These animals Mr Hamilton paid $100 apiece for, but they have proven their worth many times over. In the localities where poison has been used it has been found that the plan was successful, but has to be done with extreme care, lest the suspicion o the wily animal is aroused and in that case, ho would not venture near the hait. Tho coyoto curse had assumed alarm ing proportions in tho sheep country um now win most rncejy abate, owing to tho systematic plans made to get rid of the pest. As it was it had cost wool growers $1,000,000 a vear, The Dalles Chronicle. T? TWO FEDERAL DISTRICTS QUI Introduced In Connresn For Another Federal Court In Oregon A hill introduced in tho Senate bv .Senator 1' niton, to divide tho state of of Oregon into two judicial districts-, one west of the Cascades and tho other east of the mountains, was reported favor ably by the benato committee and has been passed by the Senate. Tho bill provides that tho judge and other oui nais oi tne presont leuoral . district. known as tho district of Oregon, shall be assigned to the "Western District, and that new appointments bo made for tho Eastern District. ttorneya in Eastern Oregon havo for a nunibiT of years contended that the stato should be divided into two federal listiicts, instead of thorn being but one United States Court in Oregon and all federal cases being tried at Portland. A CHALLENGE TO DEBATE We, tho Mud Springs Litorary and Debating Society do horobv challenge any debating society or group of per sons in Crook County to moot um hi oint debate, taking tho negative aido of tho following question: "Resolvod, that tho Government should own and control tho railroads." ny person interested in the neirativo sido of this vital question and wishing to meet this society in discussion of tho samo for tho bottorment of all and a general good time may call on Tho press dispatches of Monday poj lain a story of an alleged anarchist plot to blow up tho Amoricun, fleo now op its way to tho Pacific Coast. Tho Htory is as follows; Rio do Janeiro, Jan. 19, The Brazil: Ian pollco have discovered ananarqhiq tic plot here bavinc aa its objepl tha, destruction of part of the Atneripan Meet cow lying in the harbor, bp conspiracy, while centering in Pyjo Janeiro unci Petropolls, baa rnmifi po tions in Sao Paulo and Minns eraep, An individual named Jean Fedpr, who resided in Petropolls, was the chief conspirator here, althpugh t iQ understood that foreign anarchists. ar deeply Involved in the plot. Fedhe?: Is believed to baye fled to Pao Paulo, and the police, who know him, havo been Bent to that place for the purpose of apprehending him. One of the de tectives who was well acquainted wjtl Fedher, having served on the police orce at Petropolls for some time, Re turned from that place today. Aftep having made investigation there apt) had a long conference with the chief of police at Rio Janeiro, the later gayp it to be understood later that the- San Paulo police are on tho track of the arch-conspiratqr and expect to arrest him soon. v In an official note which thp chief of police sent to the correspondent of the Associated Pres he says: "8ome time before the arrival of thp American fleet at Rio Janeiro the Brazilian government received woH from Wasbington and Paris that anar? ciiists of different nationalities tir tended to damage one or several of the ships of the American fleet, fho names and addresses of the consplra tors were indicated by information which the police hero had received previously from France and Germany, The police of this district are working with the police of Sao Paulo and Minas Geraes and I am sure every .precaution will be exercised ud tho moai. rigorous vigilance observed both on land and at sea to prevent any in Jury being done." W. J. COLLINS DEAD W, J. Collins, step-father of W, H,N Peck, and a resident of the Culver neighborhood, died at tho home of O. G, Collver last Friday morning, aftor ai illness of only a few days. Mr. CollijiH' had come down to tho home of Mr, Collver to visit for a few days, and whilo thero was taken seriously ill, Jus deatli following on Friday. Ho was 71- year of age. Deceased had been a resident of this county for about eight years, having moved to tho Culver district from Carl ton, Yamhill County. Ho filed upon u homestead near the homo of his step son, W. II. Peck, and resided thoro uii until the time of his death. Prior to moving to Carlton he had resided at Santa fJarbara, California. Ho was a member of tho Santa Barbara lodge of Odd Fellows, having been a mombor of that order for many years. His romains wore shipped to Carlton for burial, and will bo laid at rost by tho sido of tho body of Mr. Collins's wife, who died a numbor of years ago. EXCITING RUNAWAY A liorso bolong to Fred Green created somo littlo oxeitoinoni in town Tuesday afternoon by breaking from tho hitehing- post near Loucka' corner, and running away with tho buggy hitched to him. Tho horso ran out across tho townsito flat, into the MeTaggart lot and sovoral times around tho insido of thnt, lluallv loading off towards the Waymiro place. With tho buggy still hitched to' him h climbed the steep embankment thpn-. and thou followed a bunch of badly frightened ' horses out tho Hayeroek oad. Later when caught ho was mhuiK tho buggy and sovoral pieces of harness, tho buggy having been badly smashed in tho runaway. Mr. Groon had driven nto town to havo a tooth extracted, and Socioty any Saturday evomW. or n.Mr, whn lu w3 ""''ergoing that painful James s. Ph-oU, Madras, Oregon, socio.-1 Poratlo "'is horso broke loiwo from Ida taryoftho Mud Spring Literary and I hitching-post, lending color to the old Debate Society, I,, that, troubles never oomo ulntfe, ; ? v; ?! 1 i; 'V v j.v f,. ! "J: - ', i 'i' ) 1 :ul - X ( J.