ENSE Or PAUHIJ F letcncc Is Called by Secre tary ol W Dcparimem. EXPREB8 OHAHQES HIOH. M a f JIJTANT liENtUAlb WILL GO . .1 i?nri ficat ona i . n( Liun! ' 8tfl,o Roiervo. to Do Subject 0f Ceuncll at l,P'' by ... i .Tim. 2. Adjutant gonornla orn..-i-- , . ,. t), three rnoliio suuua wriK .-inn .m.l Cullfornlu-huvo been ,t ,,..- fnnitrr n ini in irii in IV 1110 VIW ul ri Mm Wiir dot: ' .. ,i, Lm. Adlutunl Gone W. K. HUM i " . " . .i ... i.ii.. .... Hin mil nun uiiiiui mm nnnu ll Otis Ilmnllton, of WaBhlng- m ninrl Kust Saturday. . i. tr... I 111) II' . t or this con icroncn m rM,",J " illnrly Higiilltciitu, iniiiwuing wiu mincnt'H determination to prepare nnv CIlierKOIIl'IOH mill may Knnu the West. Tint principal topic of .It-ration at the conforciico will bo of training volunteer conai ami- it-i-orvcH to man uregon, wasniug .ml Cnlifirnia fortification!!. Tho a J. .Ii.... ili.i I t fit I Vitlll. in III L1IU H - - e operations will Ilkuwlto bo taken It is mated tliut tlio mooting will it In af wiment of National uunni in mast arllllory work. Tlio . ..Il.itnnt irnlinrillM will tlfV IlkelV ;,,;," n - m with tho task iineau oi lecruii nw coast companies for thin bit jWelli-Fnrgo Accused of Dlicrlmlmv' tlon Against Merchants, ' Sun FrnnclBco, Cal Doc. fll. Inter-1 state Comtnoruo CommiBhlonor Frank- lln K, Lnno, Imlay hold n hearing of tho complaint of tho California Com inorolnl association, comnm.,,,! t m 1 "u" V 411 inoionntllo firms In thin city, charging umi TTiun-i'urKu jvx press company with concealing from tho public tariff soiled nles thut had boon tiled with tho Inter fltato Commorco commission In Wash, irigton and with making unjust and dia. erimmuiory rntOH. Tlio actual question iiivuivou, nowovor, waa wbothor or not mo (tianmy ralo cf 8 ounta a pound irom now lone u huh Frnnolaco for Hlilpmontn of 10,000 to 20,000 pounds nppiioa w uuiit or nHsomblod ahln inontfl, gathered and forwarded by a forwarding ngonoy to ono conoorn or flUNOOlAllon organlxod getting tho lower rnto, tho hlm ultlmaUily Intendod for numerous con- aiguoca wbo woro designated by num mm THE NATIONAL CAPITAL FUND FOR EX-PRt8IDENTb. t onator 75 Or Z and SZ h oi 1,10 '' the ono conslg oTSVlfirntarSi , Th, d,ft'09 of Crimination "ro ..:,." based upon tho rcfunal of tho express company to transport a shipment of iu,uw pounus consisting o( 443 pack ages, Irom Now York to tho California uommorcial nieoolation n Ban Knm, Cisco last August, at tho bulk or iiimn. tlty rato of 18 por hundred rxruridn. tlio company charging tho regular packauo rnwj. iimaipo alleged that tho ox press company chanted a hlolmr rntn than that published and filed with tho Interstate Commerce commission, ihn latter being wilfully concealed and hid. den from tho public. This complaint avers wiai it, is a distinct v o at on of tho intorstnto commerce net. T .. i l in HiiBwor, mo fxnress comnnnv denies all tlit allrgatlons mado, nnd cliargos thnt th assoclstlon resorted to subUjrfngo In order to extort unlust dis crimination In Hit own favor, and based Iti) refusal to grant a quantity rato upon tho shlmont In question on tho ground that, whtlo consigned to ono consignee, It was Intended for moro than a scoro of firms. Allison Favors Some Such Action by Congress WUHlllril! On. Jail. 1 Hm.nrnr WI1 llam It. AlllHon, of Jowa, chairman of uio commitieo on appropriations, favore action by songresH looking to tho caro and support of oxprosldents of tho united Htntes. In an intnrvlow to night ho referred to tho recent utter. ances of ox-l'rcsldent Grovor Olovolond on mo Hiibject, and agreed with him that some provision should bo mado In mis direction. The matlor dcBorvcd COIlflldornlInn n( Mm Imtwlu nf o,. ,..,. for tho purposo of , Bfl"' Bn(1 undoubtedly would rocolvo to, tho shipmont Jn t,niCfl of Tno,11H" Jefferson, who uiou poor, iir. Allison said, tho gov ernment would have dono wol li nnv his debts. At present Mrs. Gnrflold in receiving an allowanco from tho eov ornment, and ho said that to mako pro vision for ex-presidonts would cause on considerable drain on tho treasury, an rarely have thro boon two of tlmm allvo at tho sarno time. MARINE CORP8 NOW COMPLETE Full i ii... ?.........! m !..- nr envurui iiiumiia uuhuihi vi.ft . f ii t.i. f been I" Mtlllllllllicauuii wiui viono- Finzor, Utick nnd Hamilton on it . a i ... .i..r..n,. riniu im (UI)JCCv Ol Cinini. uuirnou. ilaysnno ho htibmlttid memoranda 11... n f 1111 iiMt1MW)f1tl . i ... .... 4 nf 4 ! y f nillklt t rs r I defense usaneuvers In Slay, as m tlio permanent, suiting aside oi !.. . -..I !..... in iiiihiili T isuiii iiii.j lua iui nun T l .1 l-.t U.. II.. i 1 1 .. J . I . I . I coast nnjuiuiib KunurniB un lunni Tliere appeared to ho u disinclin uinoni! Infantry commandors to ii. i...f t.... .in riniu niiiir i iiiiiiinnii'n 1111 iirLiinii v Conceited onji-ction wiui nlso e io ino momn oi .tiay tor tnnnoiiv as It is ullilciilt lor tlio avorago utman to leave IDs business or at tlit bum' t mo of tho snrinu Ii known, however, thnt tho War rtmcnt will llnd It necesfary to ii ..i... ..i ..i i. i inuiu iiiuii u iimii ut uuiini, uviuiiBU. uiaj u I iiiwiu ui iiBn uiiiriiiiii. I iiiil aieg mouiii iool uin iiium titwH tint. r...i It l. I.ll ... . jusi. ii is ueuevrsi mat mo gov- fin. h iii nurnn ntir iv wnni ' - . , ....... ..... ... ..i I., il i a m h I'lviwi in i nil firtruii oi inn m ' organiuNi. EXPATRIATES IN CHINA. VICTIMS OF JAP MOB. , .. j. - , couver, B. C. t j fi bnu )owm men, nlno member of tho rn iinrvirtfii. ... . -t ........ isttv i nuuuw1 IhtiV had Clirlv thin rnnrnln In mintr ntiti.. ii. ....i. i ..i .. t n iin mi. . n i . it - ,t vitu nuiQh 11 'V'k;iiiut ilUlfli llllll Jll'N III II T in I v.m h ...... . 1 II v uiijmiivnu uiu lit nil with their long knives that havo .i . v... iiLAWHiiHiiiitHi iiv .i. irnHr. MCUOimlil, WHH DilHfiilltf a .Tun. . . .. i r. " - I flLnrn u inn i. .Mni ........i.i .1 , ....vi, i'luai e 111111 ii 1 una ATM tiniil.tut II... I . . I'IUU-KIHBM WIIUIOW no glass smashed and tho frair- wcrncti m ,i. 1- wiling un UIU HIUUWUIK coro of Japanese appeared from inn nr.. I I. . 1 1 ' . . . ..... HV ft IU UI , in UillJUIIIii nuttons and ofilolnl rnrw. bnfc 8eal Choit of NlrWnl. 1 chest containing 2.8fif) fmm car etunliK in front of tho Main J'UHt carbarim i i-on n.i Judge Wllfloy Warts Congress to Make Lsws for Thtm. San FranciHco, Cal., Doc. 3..Iudiro f.. It. Wllfloy, of tho United States court at Shanghai, nirainBt whom charges of improper conduct of his court havo been preferred at Washing ton, nrivetl In Han Franclfcc this morn ing on the Pacific Mall liner Manchuria from the Orient, and after a etny of two dayn In this city will proceed to tho na tlonal capital. On Ixmnl tho Man churia with Jiidiro Wllfloy was F. M. Brooks, a lawyer, who has filed an ac tion for $50,000 damagos ut Hono lulu, charging tho head of tho court in tho Far Knat, together with his clork, L. II. Illckol, with const piracy in stop ping tho practice of Brooks In Hharifihai. Judgi Wllfloy denlcHl that ho was KO' Ing to Wmjlilngton to meet tho charge preferred against him. "I am going to Washington," ho fa Id, "to aid In dniwinu an act that will extend to Amcrlcnus In China a more oomploto body cf laws than they now havo. Tho laws now in forco com- priso little moro than Is embodied in tlio common law and are so indeflnito as to bo absolutoly usoless. It will bo suggestod to congress that tho Califor nia codo of laws bo mado to cxtond to China, whoroiu auoh laws aro applica ble. "In addition to this mutter, I am journeying Kast that congress may ho asked for an appropriation for a proper Federal building at bhanghal, where tho American consulato and courts may bo under ono roof." Complement of 8,700 Men Is Enlisted, WushitiKton. Jan. 1. General 151 llott, commandant of marlnea. renortl to BecrcUiry Metcalf yesterday that for tho first time in many months tho ma rine corps was now un to it full com plement of 8,700 enlisted men. Gen era! Klliot reports that not only has he secured an uio mon Ho wanta. but baa wumirawn fr nn tho nowsnanora advor tlsomenta calling for recruits, and ho is now In a position to pick his mon when there Is need for furthor- recruit ing. Tho reasons assigned for thin state of affairs represent tho donreusod condi tlon ejf industries, resulting in forcing men to obtain employment outside of tho factories, mills and rninea. and to such of thoao us aro not ablo to perform milor's duties, yot would mako ood soldiers and desiro to see tho world. tho marine corps offors a tempting ro- fugo. Undo Sam Gong Behind. Washington, Jan. 3. The forth- coming report of the government's re ceipts and expenditures for tho month onding Dec. 31 will show u decreaco in tho receipts as compared with Decem ber last year of $8,520,152 and an in crease in expenditures of $0,381,414. making tho net Iopb for tho yoar $17,- 010,600. Tho decrease in receipts from customs Is $0,895,059; from internal rovonue, $2,708,045. Miscellaneous receipts increase $1,135,452. Increases of expenditures aro: Civil and miscel laneous. $3,000,000; war, $1,500,000; navy, $4,000,000; ponslons, $2,400, 000; public works, increase from $4, 843,711 to $8,899,000. Immense Traffic Across Ocean. Now York, Jan. 2. Trans-Atlantic passenger trnlllc during 1907 was in creased by nearly a million passengers over the traffic in 1000. Tho total pas eougors carried both east and west has reached tho enormous number of 2,957,- 328, according to figureB given out by the North Gorman Lloyd company. Tho movement has been reator than In 1900 by 072,040 and 1,451,151 groat- er than In 1004. Tho pasengerH from Kuropo to tho United States number 099,340, which is 200,000 in excess of the entlro cast and west trnllic in 1S04. TWO COMPANIES ON GUARD. oneral Funtton Advises Consolida tion for Sake of Economy. Washington, Jan. 34. Tho War de partment has been in correspondence by telegraph with General Funton In Han Francisco, relative to tho disposi tion of tho troops at Goldilold In con formity with the president's intentions to maintain tho forco thoro, pending tho meeting of tho logisluturo of No vada. Gonoral Funston intended a reduc tion in tho number nf troops at tho mining camp, but tho War department haa decidod to rornin there all of the present force, numbering 283 men. In tho interest, however, of simplicity, and to avoid tho maintenance of a con sidorublo nurnbor of officera who were not needed, it has instructed General Funston to consolidate) tho companies into two. Bank Condition is Good. Washington, Jan. 1. Senator An- kony has hud sovoral conferences re contly with officials of the Treasury do parunont concerning tho interests of tho nationul banks in tho state of Washington. During tlio recent finan cial flurry somo difficulty was experi enced in tho far West by reason of tho inability of tho banks to obtain the actual money from its rcsorve cities or even from tho subtroasurles. Mr. An kony fools confident, after his talks with officials of tho treasury, that the situation has been greatly relieved" within tho last few weeks, and that from now on tho sarno difficulty will not be exporlonced. Oil Burners to Be Tried. Washington, Jan. 3. Possibly tho fact that California produces great quantities of petroleum inclines. Secre tory Metcalf to favor tho uso of that fuol in tho navy, where it can bo done beneficially. Therefore plans for tho now torpedo destroyers about to bo proparod will probably include a re quirement that thoy bo designed for burning oil. Tho fact that the newest British boats of this class, which have attained the extraordinary speed of 40 miles an hour, ure oil burners, has in fluenced our Navy department in favor of tho udoption of liquid fuel. Sailors Meet Defeat. Wahington, Jan. 2. The Seamen's union met temporary defeat today in tholr light against the employment of Chineeo seamen on Pacific coast ves sels. Representatives called upon At torney General Bonaparte todav and expressed an opinion that the employ ment of (JiiineBo on the vessels was a violation of tho exclusion act. Bona parte informed tlio committee that ho could only furnish tho president and tho heads of the departments affected with their opinion for optional action. The union will potition tho president. UBAMNO PAUT IK A WIGHT. rrtmn Oounn 'IV 11 of Vint KxpciW mico UikIit Uio Spot Mitlit. It was awful. IIoneHt, It wna. No ono will ever know what I mifTere-l. I hml never dreamed that I would have an opiortimlty for yemrn yet to appear In the title role of a Broadway music al comedy, aays Hertha Mills In tho Now York Globe. One rear ago I wna !nglnjf In tho choir of a church In Hr. Joseph, Mo. To-day ah, me, I run the Ilurdy Gunly Girl nnd carry, ho Mr. Carle tells me, the chief vocal re ilKMiHlblllUefj of the performance. ' I !nwj?lne no one can understand how I felt on the Monday morning Ito fore wo opened at Wnllnck'n, when Mr. Marks, tho manager, told mo that tre newspaper announcements wcro cor rect, that ho and Blchard Cnrle had decided to let me slnit tho title nark I nm told thnt I said "All right" nnd "Thank you" without the BMnhtest show of agitation. If that report Is true I don't know how I masked my feelings so cleverly. I was running hot and cold from tlio ton of mv head to the Holes of my feet, and from the moment the manager told me until the tlmo came for ray first entrance I was icnred green. For a moment I thought of running to my dressing room nnd locking my jolf In while I had a good cry. I also thought of refusing to go on nnd of a lot of other things which would pre vent my mnklng a little-fool of myself on tho stage. Keally, I believe my only nnson for suddenly plucking up cour age?" and taking the bit In my teeth wb the possible feeling of pride and pleas ure which my friends out In dear old St. Jo might have If I aucceedol. When Mr. Lawrence, the stage mana ger, nnany rusned up, tapped mo on the shoulder and Bald, "Now, Bertha. ltB up to you," I nearly fainted. anew rnnt only a tew seconds separ ated mo from the owfulest of awful things, a New York first-night audi- enco, and I wished I waB home wftt mother when I started out on thi stage behind Mr. Anglols, who playi both the organ and the padrone. Th footlights blinded me and I was the most heartsick ?lrl on all Brondway until I heard the sweetest noise In the whole world of noises. A pair of Ital ian street musicians dragging a hand organ must have struck the people on the other side of the orchestra as a pretty and novel picture, for a great round of applause went up the mo ment wo appeared. That applause wan the most felcome sound that ever came to my ears. Without It I am absolutely certain that I would have fainted right then and EPIDEMIC OF GRIPPE Spreads Through Hie East Like Prairie Fire. VICTIMS BY TENS OF THOUSANDS Feared That Epidemic May Surpass 1 hat of I889-9C Street Car Service Is Crippled. Jail Wrecking Glass' Health, Ban Francieco, Dec. 31. Affidavits havo boon Bervod on District Attorney Langdon by T. 0. Coogan, Loals GIbbb' attorney, in his attempt to got his client out of full. Tho district attor ney will file counter iifildavlts. Dr. Koland K. Hartley and Dr. J. M. Wil liamson stato In their uflldavita that thoy vlsitoil Louis Glass at tho county jail and that ho showed 'matkod gene ral physical deterioration and goneral derangoment." Thoy ay they found him in u norvous condition which will pormanently Injuro his heulth. Raises Rent of Hot Springs. Chicago, Dec. 31. A dispatch to tho Tribuno from Hot Springs. Ark., says; Announcement was mado yesterday that tho United Sbit oh would double tho prico for its healing hot waters inn in,, I .... I l - - n . .. . . - r,-- ".u,T iiniiv wiiii il in imrnr inn nr,ir ni run vmir. null liiiii tin rn i m f l 1 . 4 1 .... . . " ........ . , voHioniay on What s nutnn. Tin hot wntor now sds II I N I i !..... 1 .. . . ---n . tr..,.,,i "ivmioii. ii was poneod oy mo government ai fau por t io I'edenil streot carbarns to tho -- . uiiilu in iin omintnil w mn j "v. l-ll l IU(l, ir Officers uio in annum for enen tub supplied. J no bathhoiiBO owners stato they aro unublo to moot tho raiuo. More Stolen Mall Fn..H of innfu V - Anotlior largo 01 '"ml hits been found wuf 7,f now . ,,," u'" "r8t WllOU WilH left w I'wiirii mnlnt-a n ..l.i . - --""VI u vjiiriMLimiM n if n r. t.. il ) VI uocka. monoy or- .. Mn IVinif in Mm mtlsli Ihn ti. 1 " (mivii I dui Y v J u si(is i i wi ii "u IMIIll'IKIil It'nwst MH 1 lit I e Jm nrw, y. " win ag- nireauy rusorvod, H Ittfl ll'n.l f ri" ' I "V llVIVIIIH HV II r I ,": ' K1"0" Ihocaso. Somo ,iu T,v u,J.mi itinera from vurl- mu UIl 10(1 Hln nn wnrn In Headquarters Are Secured. Denver, Deo. 31. Tho headquarters of tho Domooratlu National convention will bo at tho Biown PuIhco hotel, which has roidsteiod a request from Chairman Tom TaBgiirt, of tho commit- too, through Secretary Mills, of tho Convention leaguo of Denver, to re serve 50 additional rooms, hosldos those As soon aa thcee made tho other hotels of tho. city will bolgu to muko reserva tions. Torpedo Rn.. .- ... '"i Hraz . T.,., n m. itrin.. 1 . -V lUt HULIU I llin HIE floct In ii" . .''.'""K 'P.W" iillgHBl I-. iu in. nrrivml inn hum 'roin l'nrf. ...... vw. .im - ui oimiii. 'irlrilflurl. iVnm u.1" which i,,r. .":.i:v.: v ""-"I r TSi Mi.. t " IWTnSLOft 1 Bleu El SnAKU S.H1UUVI yon th . i0?" Wl18 tlo'yl ground at Sheepshed - uy uau weather, Garnets In New York Bedrock. Now York, Deo. 31. That Now York City roBta on a vast mass of garnets la tho dlsoovory of Ktilph K. Morgan, an i mlnoraloglst, now visiting In a maiB of rook thrown up it i il a subway oxoavaiion, no uibcov un the dumping at Sheepshed bay he found a number of excellent gamete, Engineers to Tour Coast. Washington, Dec. 28. Colonols Leach and Lockwood of Uio loard of United States engineers, will leavo for tho Puoifio coast on January 0, begin ning with California, and will hold public hearings on a number of pro jects, including Oregon undertakings. People will havo tho opportunity to present tho local ncods of their com munities. Both tho ofilceis uro loyal supporters of coast developments. It is suggested that .Portland propuro to presont necessary works for its section Steamship Company Embarrassed. New York, Jan. 2. Announcement was mado tonight on bohalf of tho Con solidated Steamship lines by D. II. Campboil, tho treasurer, that tho com pany would default on tho interest on its $0,000,000 collateral trust bonds, duo tomorrow. Tho official statement oxplains that "Owing to tho provulling flnanciul conditions it had boon com pollod to dovoto Its earnings to pay ment for new ships anil honco is unublo to moot tho coupons maturing." No Action In Bristol Caae. I Washington, Deo. 28. Mombors of tho Oregon delegation in congrosa mot and informally discussod tho Bristol caso but no action whatsoovor was tak on. Tho matter may come up for moro formal discussion later but. no an nouncement of plans bus been mado. Cruisers at Plchlllnquo. Washington, Jan. 1. Admiral 8e- breo's eqnadnn, consisting of thecruis- V I , . . 1 .. ers loiinofneo ana wapningiou, navo arrived at Piohillnqno, off the pouthern coast of Lovor California. Their noxt stop is oxpoctod to bo at Magdalerm bay. Viscount Aokl 8ays Farewell. Wttshlmtton, Jan. 2, Viscount Aoki, tlio Japanoso ombasBador who was re cently recalled by his homo govern ment, bado furowoll to wusnmgion Monday. Ho will sail from San Fran- olsoo for Japan on January 7. Oregon Postmasters Appointed. Washington, Jan. 2, Oregon post masters appointed: London, Jamos L. Baton viooI N, Uoguo, reslgnod; Mil) City, Mabel McRae vlco E. J. Bryans, resignod, Figures Are Astounding. Washington, Jan. 1. Tho engineers on tho i'anama canal are dealing in vast figures and tho canal record con veys m a graphic manner an idea of tho magnitude of the work to bo dono upon tho locks. It is stated that the mount of concrete to bo need in build ing these locks would suffice to con struct eight-room city houses of tho generous s'zo of 30r30 feet with two storieH and basement nnd with concrete doors and roof to the number of 22,842. Jumpers May Get a Chance. Washington, Jan. 1. Tho Bartlott mining assessment bill did not pass. Tho Toller bill, which is similar, pass ed the senate before tho holidays, but, it is understood, will not' pass the houso. Falluro to pass such legislation I mroma f.hnf. nil minim. ih,Ima nnn I t.aw v.a.vv .... ... ... UlUlltig which tho required amount ot assess ment work wus not dono during the calendar year 1007 can bo legally jumped after January 1. Urge Brownson to Talk. Washington, Doc. 28. Lino oflicers in the nuvy aro urging Admiral Brown son to publish correspondence relative to his resignation, holding that Rixey's statement was really inspired ut tho White House. It has developed that tho acceptance of his resignation was announcod 15 minutes after it had been givon to Socretury Motcalf to take to I'rosident Koosovolt. there. Somehow, I mannged to get through the first verse of the "Hope On" number without suffocating, nnd then I notlrnl that the wings were crowded with the chorus nnd other members of the compnny. They were waring their hands to me nnd whisper ing words of necourngement. e finished the first chorus of the song and got a real, honest Injun en core. Figuratively speaking, I grabbed that applause as If I were drowning, and It was a straw. When the nolge started I wns almost hysterle'al, but ns It kept up I felt myself growing nerv ous, nnd by the .time we stnrted to sing nnoher verse I had recovered my voice and was as eomiosed ns I ever wns In the church choir. I made up jny mind thnt Bertha Mills would show a houseful of first nlghters that St. Jo wasn't so very far behind New York. I snng th chorus six times the open ing night, and when I finally got Into tho wings tho stage hands, my girl com patriot, Mr. Marks and Mr. Edward Jack, the business manager, said all sorts of nice things. It wns natural, I suppose, that I should go through the rest of the perormance ns If I were on air. After the first sortg I wasn't a ! h!l- nfrnld. Around the World in IO Seconds. Washington. Jan. 2. In accordance with u custom begun several years ago the naval observatory last night nt 12 o'clock sent a Now Year greeting around the world. This is elono by prearrangoment with tho telegraph nnd cablo companies, and tho messago com pleted tho telegraphic circuit of tlio wcrld in about 10 seconds ' timo. Maybe I wns tickled next day to find that the critics had not noticed my nervousness. If they had I am sure I would have Itcon Just ns bud every suc ceeding evening. Now the opening Is two weeks gone, so I feel all right again, but I am telling the gospel truth when I say that for four days after tho opening I didn't eat anything ex rvpt some dry toast, some tea and two club sandwiches. And as for sleep well, I don't think I slept n wink. If I never nm npplaudod again by a Xew York audience the knowledge thnt I plensed n llttlo bit on that first night will always seem a fair reward for the four years I spent In study. Gen?, but I wns seared that night! Chicago, Dec. 31. Deadly grippe, which has already fastened itself upon nearly every city east of the Mississippi river, is spreading westward with ap palling rapidity. Not since tho terri ble epidemic of 1889-90 have there been such lavages by the fearful malady as at tho present time, according to special dispatches gathered from many sources. Mild, open weather, highly unseasona ble, is held responsible by health authorities. Pittsburg is the chief complainant. So many people there are ill that tho streetcar service is crippled and office buildings are practically empty. Be sides Pittsburg, New York, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Boston, Milwaukee and other Eastern and Western cities were reported to bo wrestling with thn disease, a number of deaths in each city occurring daily. "La grippe, ob the French call it," said Dr. Herman Spalding, of tho Chi cago Health department, "travels with the epeed of a prairie fire. It travels along the lines of transportation, as it Is carried by travelers fbom one city to another. To is decidedly contagious and there is no effective way of check ing its spread. If other cities become badly affected, Cbiago is sure to bo hit, becaueo of the thousands of travelers who arrive dally in Chicago from every point of the compass." From New York word comes that the grippe has begun a devastating crusade in that city and that among its victims have been opera singer s and many actors and actresses. There were 03 deaths in the metropolis last week. Besides this there were many deaths from pneumonia, influenced by the grippe bacillus. Physicians in Boston say there are at least 00,000 cases now in that city. Cincinnati has 2,000 cases and physi cians say that new cases are developing by the score every hour. ON SECOND STAGE. Battleship Fleet Rio for Hawley in Society. Washington, Jan. 2. Representative and Mrs. Hawley made tholr first bow to ofiiolal socloty in Washington Mon day evening as dinner guests of Vlco President Fairbanks, On Friday oven, ing Mr. and Mis. llawloy will bo guests of Mrs. Roosevelt at n musical to bo given at tho White Houeo. Taft to Talk Politics. Washington, Dec. 28. Secretary Taft will mako his first political pro nouncement since his return from abroad at Boston, December 30, in a speech bo fore tho Merchants' usBoolutlon. Congressman Calderhead III, Washington, Deo. 28. Representa tive William A. Caldorhcad, of Kansas, ia critically ill tvith double pneumonia at his apartment in this oity. ronnoiiuiice All Around, In the Norman ierIod wealthy per sons who wished to do tlte hnndsomo thing by their town nnd tow-nspeopk says nr. J. J. Raven, In "Tho Bells of Englnnd," often gavo a boll to tho church Instead of endowing n chair In an Institution of learning. Then, as now, donors wero moved by a variety of motives, but that, of course, did not lnterfero In tho least with the sweet tenor or bnss of the bell. There wns tho Anglo thane. Lyolf, who, rich In goats and slice), was much disturbed by nocturnal thieves. Tired out .with theso troubles, according to Doctor Raven, the author of 'Tho Bells of lCngliuul," Lyolf sold many of his animals and bought a bell, which ho gnvo to tho abbey. When ho first heard Its sound his Joy broke forth Into Jocularity. "Nyu," ho said, "how sweetly my goats blent mid my tshecji ban!" Lyoirs wlfo presented another boil, nnd Doctor Raven note's that tho "two rang out In plenst nt ae-cortl" a so-' Atlantic nuonco uuexi)ectcdl Bweot. annnrontlv. voted to Leaves Trinidad Janeiro, Port of Spain, Dec. 31 .The Ameri can battleship fleet weighed anchor at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon and steamed for Rio Janeiro. Accompanying the fleet were the supply ships Culgoa and Glacier. Early in the morning the signal went up from Rear Admiral Evans' flagship Connecticut to prepare for dearture at 8 a. in., but owing to a delay in the coaling of the battleship Maine from the collier Fortuna, it was necesfary to change the time of sailing. .Long before the hour set a myriad of small craft, chiefly launches and steam yachts, moved up and down along the lines of anchored battleships, the mer ry parties aboard shouting farewells to the departing visitors. Thousands of residents climbed the surrounding hills to view the great ships as they moved outward on their journey of 3,000 miles and more, while boatloads of excursion ists went to the small islands in the gulf and others to the floating dock to catch the lost glimpse of tha ships. ihe Meet presented a magnificent ap pearance as it steamed out in four col umns with the supply ships tiailing, a distance of 400 yards separating one di vision from another. With the Con necticut in the lead the battleships headed for the Booas and steamed ma jestically through the grand Booa and thence along the northern coast of Trin idad. An average of from 10 to 11 knots an hour will carry tho fleet to the end of the second lap of the 14,000 mile journey in about 12 days, and it was announced by Admiral Evans be fore his departure that he expects to reach Rio Janeiro on Friday evening January 10. Natives Facing a Famine. Hillsdule, Mich., Dcc.31. Secretary II. S. Myers, of the general conference of Free Baptists, t?nid today: "Ac cording to advices just received by me from our missions in Bengal and Oris- sn, India, four months of rain is tho usual allowanco in Lucknow, India, in a year, but during the year 1907 it has rained only four days. The result is famine everywhere. Thousands of the population are Buffering and before re lief comes noxt August hundreds of thousands must die unices relief cornea from Christian lands." Fatal Row Over 5 Cents. San Francltco, Deo, 31. Arthur Sassman, a oonductor of tho United Railroads, was shot and killed today at tho intersection of Twelfth and Folsom Btreots by Bona vent ura Aroieri, a pas senger. Previously Aroiori bad ten dered a transfer which Sassman had refused to honor. He then paid a cash fare and began to arguo tho matter. Sassman Blappeel Arciori in the face and tlio latter drew a revolver and shot Sassman. Kxcuses uro like them, but uo good. Earthquake Breaks Company. Hamburg, Doc. 31. Tho Trane- Firo Insurance company has liquidate on account of the fact that moro than half ot its capital weeda ; Lota of was lost by the Sun Franoisoo fire and earthquake.