i 1 m tfi? t if: The Madras Pioneer lonesome probably LDVEUTISIifQ ItATKS ON APPLICATION Mntnrnd ns second clnss matter AtlRUSt 2H, 1001, at tho Postoffice at Madras, Ore., under tiio Act of Coukicss of Match !1, 189. THURSDAY Dec. 2, 1907 cries in the night took the place of n Published every Thursday by songs ironi ouoirq ox uuuveiiiy -EEriOE angels, N SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Jnt uow aro the miKUtV &n fallenl In this rimrqok and fii'reo months g sagebrush country, where hU godship once roamed and howled at will, in a land once overflowing with jack rabbits, the white man has set up his house and introduced the faith of another God. The Indians attend Christian services on Sunday, the sagebrush wastes grow crops of golden wheat, the jackrabbits are becoming scarce and the erstwhile coyote-god is "sore put to it," being shot at, trapped for, hounded and liar. rassed by every available means. Now a general war is declared against him, with even poisoned carcasses introduced 1 1 . T as a means toward 111s ena. Vale coyote. PLANTS AS RAINMAKERS One of the wettest storms ever known in this district has been Drevailincr during the ,past week, snow and rainlall . alternating. The ground is wet down several feet, which in sures that the precipitation t follow will be stored deep in the soil where it will be avail able for crop growth next SDrincr. While it mav be too earlc in the history of this pountry's settlement and culti vation to state that the break mcr up and twiner ol tlie raw in state capacity such as United States Distriot Attorney, Colleptor of Customs, etc., will bo appointed by the entire del egation, a majority vote decid"- inErineach case. No one but republicans will be appointed. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notico ia horcby Riven by tho under signed, tho administrator of tho csUto of Julius Peyonski, deceased, to all per sona having claiins against said ilecca6cd tq present thein with the nmnpr vnnolmra to tho uiulersiuned at .his residenco near Madras, Oregon, within six inonths from tho first publi cation of this notice. Dated this 10th day of December, 1907. TILLMAN KEUTEU, Administrator of tho estato of Julius Poyenski, deceased. dll)-jiM MADRAS IS THE GATEWAY The news contained in the story that the Mount Hood lands has, through the force of Railway &Power.oompany has Nature, begun to cause more precipitation in this district already, tins seems to oe a fact. This has been the result jn sq many instances where arid and semi-arid regions have been brought under cultivation that t is now accepted as a scientific fjict. While 110 theorv of this i r jnprease of rainfall has been proven, it may be that plants and trees during growth and deca' exhale gases; which on Vising into tne air and coming into contact with the clouds, condense the moisture held in them and cause it to fall as rain It is some such theorv as this orfwhichthe rainmakers work, anlv that they generate the gases artificially. No. doubt the plants and trees could teacii the rainmakers a valuable les son in the business, for it is safe to say that there is some good and sufficient reason for the in crease of rainfall in a section of country after it is put in cultiva tion, it doesn't just happen. "With a wet Winter last season and prospects for another this season, it makes us wonder if the increased rainlall has not. already begun. INDIANS WORSHIPED COYOTE During the coming month the stockmen throughout the Btate of of Oregon propose to make a concerted war on the covotes. in an effort to free theinselves from the depreda tions of these cunning pests among their flocks of sheep, purchased, the Laidlaw town site, 11 true, means that that line is headed for Central Ore- gon, ana is 01 as mucn impor tance to Madras as to Laidlaw. A railroad coming into Central Oregon from the north could not, if it were desiied to do so, miss Madras, and, located as l is in the heart of a great agricultural district, this place will be an objective point. A line from Mount Hood south to Laidlaw could not be engineered up the west side or tne jjes- chutes River for the reason that the topography of the Matoles region and that section lying east of Mount Jefferson would make the cost of con struction prohibitive, even though it did not present im possible barriers to engineering skill. If the route, as recon noitered by the Mount Hood n 11 company's engineers, iouows down the Warmspring River to the Deschutes and then up- the Deschutes canj'on, it would not follow the river above the mouth of Willow Creek and blast a roadbed for every foot of the way from the basalt cliffs, when by coming up the Willow Creek gorge to Madras the remainder of the line southward would be on a level plain where curves could be eliminated and the cost of construction would be only practicall' the cost of materials, beside passing through the heart of 700 sauare miles of wheat land. Madras' is the gateway to Central Oregon for any railwaj' line from the north and is surely destined to be 1 town of importance and MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Afov of tho reasons why sp many are Joining the Modern Woodmen of Ameri ca: Wohavo 000,000 members with 20,000 outstanding .certificates, which is far more than the" two next largest Societies combined. Three assessments missed tho iirst ten months of this year; all claims paid and $3,000,000 cash on hand. First eight months of this year we issued 100,122 now certificates. There aro 175 of the leading Fraternal insurance, societies that have six million members at the present time. Tho Modern Woodmen have nearly one-sixth of this entire membership. There aro six billion four hundred and fifty million dqllars of protection for the willows and orphans carried by the members, of these societies. TheM. 'W. A. .carries One Billion Three Hundred and Fifty Million of this amount, or a little more than one-sixth of all the fraternal insurance carried in the United States- The management expense of this great order has cost cacli member not to exceed tho price of one postage stamp per week since starting in business. W are furnishing GOOI1 UNLIABLE IXSUKANCE to our members for about one-half what other societies charge. Net increase in the following societies and cost per thousand, 1900: Xot Increase 1900. Cost per $1000 at ngo 30 Artisans 5G0 $ 7 SO Maccabees Decrease 12 00 A, O. U. W. Decrease 10 80 Itoyal Arcanum Decrease 13 'JO W. O. W. 5,802 10 20 ModernWoodm'n 00,080 5 85 The cost at 30 years of age in tho M. W. A. has never exceeded $5.85 per thousand in ono year. Compare this with the cost in other societies These are a few of the reasons "WHY" we are writing an average of 12,510 members per month. If this record suits you we want your application for membership. Yours fraternally, J. E. Shears, District Deputy,. 522 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. ' For further information see C. A. Waterhouse, local deputy, at Madias, Oregon. " n21tf I a ftnnri Place to Trade pflflK IRVINE ANTELOPE, OREGON nFMFRAL MERCHANT i Now offers you a splendid as sortment of General Merchan dise at prices that will make you happy, cause you to call again, and induce your neighbors to come with you to . . . . . I FRANK VINE'S AT ANTELOPE The Store That Gives Satisfaction A complete supply oflegal blanliH for 1 tale Including warranty ami quit claim deed, reiil, chattel ami nop mortyam'H, j fto. .luatice court blank and JiiNtice court work a specialty. Notary Public F. J. Brooks. "WE A Big Line Of HEATING STOVES Sco them if you need ono LOUCKS BROS. DEALERS IN FURNITURE Madras, Oregon MAD RAi MEAT m A. LARSEN & FRESH AND CURED MEATS Fish, Vegetables and Country Produce MADRAS, OBI from thatdirection. "besieges losses of swine and nnnlti-ir rPll PJITrntp llMtJ lint. ! i . , M . u.,, a heavy shipping point in the' friend on earth among beasts J .. , 1 1 v. n event 01 a railroad coming in the hand of every man is against mm, ana it win aouut- no graft in d. i. & p. co lnnn rt -t n rx v d ! IT f r 1 A1 ttn f 1 1 I t I iBM Buuia.yiuiuuM. uiu T rftfftrenfte to t ie recent not more than one generation pasaing t0 patent of the appli- cation of the Deschutes Irriga tion & Power Co.'s reclaimed portion of their segregation of 38,400 acres, the Bend Bulletin says: "This action by tne govern ment discounts completely the charge of "graft" that was lodged against the company a few months ago, and proves conclusively that the parties responsible for the complaint were spreading a malicious and damaging falsehood. Tne work of the Deschutes Irriga tion & Power Company now bears the stump of the govern ment's approval." aco the coyote was held sacred hy the. "Warmspring tribe of Indians, and was, in fact, .knelt down to and worshiped by them. It is said that there are still those among the old In dians on the reservation who will not under any circum stances kill or molest coyotes. According to the tradition three or four coyotes would be taken captive, whereupon the tribe would gather around them and bow down and "inoniuk hiyu wawa." The cunning of the coyote, his ability to extri cate himself in safety from seemingly impossible situations and his proverbial luck in keeping his hide whole, doubt less appealed to tho Indian imagination as something akin to the supernatural, and they fell down and worshiped this thing which possessed to such a high degree those traits esteemed-, as virtues by uncivilized Indians, while his weird andj The members of the Oregon delegation in Congress have agreed among themselves that hereafter Land Oflice and Pres idential Postmasters shall be nominated and recommended for appointment by the. two Senators and the Itepresenta lives from the district, a major ity decjding. All oflicers acting ASHWOOD, OREGON NOT IN THE TRUST Mills M miles from Haycreek. Hough Lumber $11.00 per thousand at the mill. Flooring and finishing lumber ?30.00 per thousand. Other pricos in proportion. Address GEO. It. LEE, Mgr., A ah wood, Oregon i 0 A. ! ? Ezzsa VERY i The best in ShanikQ Good Stock, Careful Drivers Best of liny and drain Fed At Very Reasonable Prices 1 D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or. 0 r We Wish You A H APP; 7 1908 SEVEN POUNDS GOOD COFFEE $1.00 One Dollar $10 Madras Trading CompanJ MADRAS, OREGON ywy'ygT'yariy h t m 1 1 mil 1 if "i "i ' i5 L