The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, October 31, 1907, Image 8

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.. . Wi'fma,,, llir - " 7
-- - 1 1 " 1 " 1 I
The Madras Pioneer
kotiee for Publication
of State Selection
. U. fl. T.nnd Offlrpi 1 u
Tlio Dalle, Oregon, October 1, lOOi,
Notice Ip hereby given HiiU uniler
the provision of the ot of Congreus
of Amriist 14, 1848, and tho notM sup
plementary Hint ntnondntory thereto,
the Stnte of Oregon has on September
80, 1007, filed in this oflice un nppllcn
tion, No. 6So, to select Lot C or see 12
und Lot 13 or see 1, tp 10 f, i 13 e, w en.
Anv nml all peroiJH olnlnilitv; hiI
veiselv the nboVenleHcribed Innit, or
ileslrlmr to objeet, to the til'owance of
iherfnme should Hie their claims or
objections In this otllee on or before
the l&tli day of November; 1907.
ol0-nl4 C. W. J1O0HE, Kecistur.
Notice for Publication
Departi'Aunt of the Interior.
Land Olliee at The Dalles. Oiottoii.
Sept. ID, V.W.
Notion is hereby given Hint
William Uaj creek, Oregon,
has filed notice of Ms Intention to tnnRe
litinl five-) ear pioor in support of bis
olatni, vli: , .
Iloinustoad Entry Xn 130(4 nimlo Jnnv.
?1. V.W., for the mv of see 32, tp li s. r 16
e, w in,
. And that said pronf will be made before
the County Clerk at PiineviHo. n 03011,
on Nov. 11, j(W7.
lie namen ttie fol'owing witnesses to
prove his continuous reside cc upon, and
cultivation oi, the In ml. viz:
ifalnh S.lfnme. Seth Moore, William II
VhuM ard. at? of Majereek. Oreycii: Mr
Hefte Af'en, of Priiuviife, Oreuo.i.
C. W. .ViHIllE,
hlQf iVjji-ter.
Timber Land, Act Juno 8, 1S78.
Notice for Publication
United Nates Land Omco
V Tho Dalles, Oregon, fcopt. Btb, 1007.
Notice is hereby given Ihnt In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress t
Juno 8, 1878. entitled "An art 'or tho a 10 I
i. ...,. '....lo i, tin, inieM of Cafltornlit. Ore-
Ron. Nevada, and ftiudiltiglon Territory," a
extended to an the pubiie land states by net
of August i, . ,
" L'll.n T 1frhi-lni
of Bond, enmity of crook, mate of Oregon, litis
on April 10. 1W7. filed In thla olllet her sworn
statement No. .nu, Mr the purehaso of tho
.e' .so'i of see ft, nsne., and ne'4mvK see 8, tp
And will offer proof to show 'that the land
soueht Is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural, and to eMail.
H.l, bur n Aim to sum ncioru 11. . i.ui.-i
f S commissioner at lit oftlee In Uemt, Ore
,,f, or. 1I7.
She names as witnesses: John Moss, of
Sliders, Oregon : John Kry, Cora A Jones. Frank
U .Minor, ueorge .. join's, mi oi wnu, uiyn"
Anv nml nil uvrsons elalmtug adversely
ii,., ,,iv..iIi.cnrflxMl lntids aro rcntiested to
file their claims in this olllco on or before the
sahU&tu day of November, 1W7.
8H-n7 c. v. MOORE, Register.
department of iii- Intel br
Land Office at The Dal lev. oiviroo.
ep1enibi'i 21, 1007.
Notice Is hereby r",vii that
i .leni C. Kans. ot Madras, Otesnn,
bus tiled notice of hi?. Intention to make
final wminuiatioii proof in Minpu t of his
claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 1:U75. made .Vav
11. 1W. for the .o.V'.i ..f sic H. s.'4swj4
aid. neitsw'4 of s.-e 5, tp 11 . r lie. w in,
And Hint Miid proof wiM he made hefun
Ftank Osboni,-U. Couimis ioner, at his
ofBce in 2athu'.. Oregon, on Nov. 7, Wt.
llu name. the foIlov;na witnesses to
prove hfs continuous l-esiilenee upon, ami
cultivation of. the laud, viz:
Ueore S Maye, X P I'oulseii, C E Bye.
N i JjBJHiings, nil oi Madras. Oreson. I
6S-o81 C. W. JfooiiE, ISeRister
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Oflice,
The Dulles', Oregon, Sept. 3( J907.'
Notice is herebv iiiven that in com
l)liance with the provisions of tho net
of Congress of .lune ;i, lbib, entitled
"An Act for tho wile of timber lands in
the stutes of Cnlifornia, Oregon, Nevada
and ashmuton lemtory, ' na extcntt
ed to nil the Public Land Statefl bv nut
of August 4, 18U2,
Charles L.' Gist.
ofSieters, county of Crook, stnto of
Oresnm, has, on ' March 12, 1U07, fileil
in this office his sworn statement, No
:W4. for the purchase of thue.lfiewf and
Lot 6 of sec 6, and nenwj of sec , tp
12 r 11 e. w nu
And will offer proof to show that the
land souabt is more valuable for its tini
ler or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, ano to csuuuisn nscmuu to saui
land before II. C. Kllis. IT. S. Commis
sioner, at his oflice in Uend, Oregon, on
the 15th day of November, 1IH)7.
lie names as witnesses: Edwin Gra
ham, Hoy Foster, Charles Carson,
Frank Arnqld, all of Sisters, Oregon.
Anv and all peisons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to lilo their claims in this
oflice on or Infore said 15th dav of
November, 190
C. W. AlOOKE. Register.
Notice lot Publication
Department of the Interior
Ltxml Oflloo ntThe Dalles, Orecon, .
September 21, 1007.
No! Ice la hereby trtvett I hat
Miles 1). Fox, of Madras, Oregon,
has Hied notice of Ids intention to
make Html five-year proof In support
of his olalm, vizi
Homestead Knlrv No 10432 made
Muroh 3, 1002, for tho siiol ami nM
of 10 h, r 13 e, w in. , , , ,
And that said proof will be mnde
before Frank Oxborn, IL S. Commis
sioner, nt his i ttleo In Madias, Oregon,
on NOV. fl, 100-,
Ho names the following witnesses to
provo his continuous, residence upon,
ami cultivation of, tho land, vli:
110 Dove. Ernest V Doty,' .TIC
Campbell, C 0 Fox, all of Mmlrasj
o3-3l C. W. Mooiik, IleRleter
Tl.nlHirLrtllit.AfltJllliO.1. 1.178
Notice for Publication
Pnltc'l States band Ofilco
Tim Dalle, Oregon. Peplember 'IV Wf
The imiiis , v m cmPllKnco
Timber Land, Act of Juno 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
United Stales band Olllco
I liu Dallus, Oregon, Sept. fl, 1907.
utl U linriOiv i'lviii tli nt lu rum nl Inure
w Itli the provisions of the act of emigre ot
I, ,,,! isTs ,,1,11111..! Ail ni.t for IhoNiilnof
timber lamis in the Mates of California. Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public laud states by net of
August 1, 1BIW,
Joseph U. I'laypool,
ot sisters, county of Crook, stato of Oregon.
ha, on September II, 190. filed In this !
Iil sworn statement No .liVi. for tho purchase
of the x Jmv'v tlimr4 of ec 17 and ne.'iu'
see 18. tp 12s, r 11 o, w in,
Vint will offer nrouf to show that tho land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stono than for agricultural purposes,
ami to establish his elafui to said land before
the county riertt at I'rinovine, Oregon, on
the nth day of Oecember, 1W7.
He names as witnesses: Ouy Caypnol, ,W 8
I'lillerinii, both of sisters, Oregon, and 1. K
Allimtliam. ami Uarrv Abrams, IhiiIi ot l'rltie-
ille. Orvvoii.
Any mid all neraons elalmlUK adversely the
nlmve-do-'crilHMl lands are requested to tllo
their ciaims in this omiu on or before said
llfh ilny of December, 1007.
o i-n.j i . iv, -Huuiiu, ncgisicr.
Timber Lnml, Act Jimb 8, 1878
Notice for Publication
, United Stn66 Lnml Olllco,
Tho Dnlles, OivRO'hj AmkubI JU, ITOij
Notice is liercby given tha in vow i
pliiuice with tho protons off ho ml
Congress of .time :( IH78, entitled An
fict for the sale of timber lands in the
.States of California, Oregon, Nevnhj
a-ul Washington Territory)" as extendtn
to all thel'iibllo liimd States b.v act of
August t, 1802, the follovlu-nuuu.l
persomj have hied in this olllic their
hwoiii strtteinents, tnwit :
Alexander Doroshia,
of Sandpolnt, county of Kootenai,
..( M-MI'll UtlllOllll'Ilt NO.
lllwl April It. 1007, for tho 1'"' ;hUixI't " .V,l it ffor ,.rool. to -hoiv tbit t
theswjscl aco 28, iiwjnel nml h Vnl .r
sec U!l, tp 11 s, r i o, w m. ".'.ffiS,1 "R1 M O b' fo e
xotiiv Is hereby islvn
with the provliluiis oi
.liuuiit, W. o''". iMifofii a. Ore
timber lamu " ' B , n ivrrltflWt"
ftou, Nhvmla, and W 1 ' V,,, ifftto fiy net
Herbert A
of Snndpoliit, county of ICooteitai, stntc . , MHdr.. oreon. "" "f j;
r ,1.1' ..... t ......... I !h)IR. .m. ...... wlttifiHiS: laoli " "
ill lllllllll. hwiiiii nn.i.-Miui.' -v
Thoy nm a wum-sw
.1 ..M-lnol ,t,.4 and nwlset of fc0 U8, ! V'" S'r .SZ v iWi,v..i,l Madra.. Or
ujiivi, - - l, IM'II,
liled April (I, 1W)7, for
ef, set net
tpll s, rluc, w in.'
the pmcliRsa of
mid Urn o won, oi vHrT. ' VI
ii i - l nml I.nctell M l:)?
nf simna
Hcnrv C. Deionliia,
..,.1.11 m.n.ns rlalmli-ii adi-rscl) h
a, ,".i,.1 iuihU nrr r,Mimei i"
of Sandpoint, county of K.K.tenai, ulate ri"iV.dJm. in !- " "r v',,r"
of Idaho, sworn statement o. :m I , j .lay of nomwr. iw
Notice for Publication.
Do urtuient of the Interior
Lan-i OIeeatTlie Dalles. Orison.
.September 21. 17.
Notice is hereby given that
Xaura Pearl peck, formerly Laura Pearl
Tucker, of Madras, Oregon,
lias filed notice of her intention to make
final fire-year proof In ' support of her
claim, viz:
, Homestead Entry No 107fc2 ma-do Jfa
3, lf02, for the ue4' of sec 13, tp 12 s-r 12
e, v in,
And that said proof will Ve made before
Frank Osborn, U. S, Coiiuiiisstoner, at his
oflice in .Madms, Oregon, on Nov. li, 1SD7.
HUg name-, the following witnesses to
prove her continuous i esidence upon, and
cultivation of, Hie land, viz:
, 1 .V Linibaugh, U L Evans, .1 C Tuck
er, D.G Itogi'ioafl of .Madras. Oregpn.
C. W. Moons,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S.
Notice for Publication.
United State Laud Office.
The UaHes, Oregon, June 12, 1967.
i No'tico is hereby given that iu compliance
arlth the provision of tho act of Consrets of
.tuue 3, 187S, entitled "An. set for the fale of
Umber lands in the states, ol California, Ore
eon. Nevada and Washington'' Territory." us
extended to all the public innd states oy act of
August 4,
! . William U. Bishop.
of Wcrmsprings, countr of crook, 'State of
Oregon, has this day filed in tin oflice li is
Kvorii statement No I1S9, for the purchase of
tiie-,' j, sejiiw !4 and nes '4 see 7, fp 12 s
r 11 a.-w m.
, Ana will offer proof to show that tho land
soiicut is more valuable for its timber or
yoiig than for agricultural puriose?. and to
establish his claim to mid laud before Krank
Qsboin, lT. S. Comini-sioiRT, at his office in
31 ad US, Or., on the uth la of December, l'Jo7.
Iffjiames og witnesses; Claude C Covey,
xieiiia' c .luzie, ij-jis j. itisiiii;. oi warm
siHrlrfes, Oregon, and Ora Van Tasul, of Mad
i Any and all persons, c lalrr.ini; adrerhely the
aoovt-aeseriDeu lanos art- rvqueneu iu nic
thelrolaims in this oBii-e ou or Wlute said
fitb day of December,
03-d6 O. W. MOOllE, Kegister.
Timber ljnd. Act June 3, 1S7S
Notice for Publication
United States Land Olllco
The Dalle. Orecon. Pent. C. 1D07
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 18, entitled "An act for the sale of
tiwber lands in the states of California, Ore
son, Nevada and Washington Territory." as
extended to all the public land states by act
August H, JMfJ,
.1. Huston ilean.
of Bend, county of Crook, state of orceon, has
on February 20, lno7, filed In .this office his
sworn statement No. s;w, for the purchase of
the nwi.4nel4, ne'nnW and Lot,! of see 7 and
sw'-.eli fee . to 13 s. r 11 e. vv m.
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone
tbau for agricultural nurnoses. and to estab
lish his claim to said bind before II. C. Kills,
v. s. iomuitioner; at nis otnee in iienu, Ore
gon, on-tne lltii day oi oecumoer, nw.
He names as witnesses: Edwin U Coon.
Elmer Niswojiger, Charles D Drown, Charles
L llrock, Charles M Weymouth, nil of llend,
Any und all persons claiming adversely the
nuove-ueserioea ianis are requesicu to me
their claims in this olllce on or before the 11th
day ?f Jlecombor, 1SW7.
S12-S12 C, V. MOORE, Itcgister,
Timber Land, Act Juue 8, 1ST8
Notice for Publication.
United State Land Oflice
The Dalles. Oregon, June 12. 1907.
"Notice is hereby given that incompliance
Vim me provisions oi me act oi . iiiigrf's oi
June 8, ISiH, entiUed "An act for the sale of
timber binds lu tbs states of California, Ore
eon. Nevada .and Washington Territory." as
extended Xo all the public land stales by act of
August 4, jb-:,
Claude C. Covey,
of Warmspringa, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, lias this day tiled in tills oflice his
fWvoni, statement No 4100, for the purchase of
tlie nel4iml4 of sec 7, nnwjj fcee 8, and
9tlAw'A 6Ce tP 12 g- r 11 e, w m.
Ar.d win offer proof to show that the land
Dbught Is more vaiuab.'e for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purpoee, and to estab
lish his caim to said ;and bufore Prank Osborn,
U. S. Commissioner, at his olllco lu Madras,
Oregoi) the 0th day of December, 1U07.
He narfes as witnesses: William II UUhop,
Henry C.K-inzle, IoulsJ Kisifig. all of Warm
snrings, Oregon, and Ora Van Tastul, of
Madras Oregon,
i Any and all porsons claiming ndverkely the
aJjovo-desoribed lnilds are reijuested to file
their claims In this onlce" ou or before said
5th daytif December, 1B07.
o3-d5 C. w. MOOHE, Iteglster.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878,
Notice for Publication
' United-States Land Oflloo,' ' ' '
' Tho DaJJoe, Oregon, September-U, tOO't
lffotlco is hereby given that in compliance
'.vith tho provisions of the act of Congress of
Juue a, i78, entitled "An act forthetuloof
timber lands in the states of 'California, Ore
xgon, Novada, and Washington Territory," at
extended to all tho public land ktntes by net of
August !, lbitt,
Ituth Naylor,
of Moscow, county of Latah, state of Idaho,
has on Aprlj lfi, 1U07, fil'-d tbii oflloe her
sworn statement, No :ai7u, for the purchase of
the vfiiwii, senwH see 11 and iiaUnwkf e
!3. In tp il s, r W e, w in,
And will offer proof to show tjjat tb"
laud sought is more valuable for ititin.i-i
or btono than for .agricultural i m-
poses, ami to establish her aim to f u i fiu,.i
before the Ueglvter and Jteeel'- r i i,,,
Dalles, Oregon, on the 11th day oi I' m i
fihe names as witnesses: John Pavldnon, of
Moscow. Idaho, John If Botten and Julia
Dolten, both of Troy, Idaho, 'lliomu- ( omlou
of bhaniko, Oreaou.
' Any and all i r-oiis clriiuint ad v i -, 1-. tin
boM' 'l'-.cribid Jati'la tu a- . , n -1 1 f., m,
"heir claims in this office on oi i lore -ml
Uth day of Decembf r, mo:
3-1j C. Yi. MUOItE, glsfcr.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S73
Notice for Publication
United States Land Oflice
The Dalles. Oregon, bent. 6. 1007.
Notice is hereby civen that in comullance
with the provisions of the aet of Conuress of
ounes, is, entuiea taii act ior me saie oi
timber lauds In the states of California, Ore-
con. Nevada, and u ashliiL'ton Territory. ' as
extended to all the nubile land states by act
of August 1, 12, the following persons have
fl'ed their sworn statements iu this office,
low ii :
Mary fl. Cyrus.
of Sisters, County of Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No 31178, filed April 15. 1907,
lor the purchase of the wb4'no4' and BeJnwJi
of s-ec It, tp 12 v, r 11 e, w m,
nena i-. i yrus,
of Si-ters, County of crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No. :i.'77. tiled Anril IB. 1907.
for the purehoi-e of theiiuei, ejjjuw of
sec id ana se'sw. n-c J . , in n s, r li e, w m.
And will offer proofs to snow that the Jands
sought are more valuable-for the timber or
.tone thereon than or agricultural purposes,
and to establish their claims to said lauds
Timber Land, Act ot Juue S is7b.
Notice for Publication.
Putted Sta'tee Ijind Oflice
The Dalles. Oregon, Sept. 10, 1MX7.
No Hen i herein- civen that In eumnliaiiee
with (lie urovlsioiis of the act of Comrross of
June 8. 1S7H, entitled "An act for the safe ol
timber lauds iu the states of ( altfornla, Ore
gon. .Nevada, and u ashlugtqn territory, as
extenueti on i lie l'uoi c i.miki siatea uv act
of August 4, 1S!,
Sarah A. Ketchum,
of Prlnevllle. countv of crook, state of Ore
gon, ha- thfs day tiled lu this oflice her sworn
statement No 4l.s, fur Uic purchase of the
ilA and s jaw sue No 2S, tp 11 s, r II) e, w
in, .
And will offer proof to show that tho laud
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stouu than for agricultural purpose, and to
establish her claim to Mild land before the
County Clerk at l'rlncville, Oregon, on the
13th day of December, ltsff.
She name as witnees: Lizzie Lafoilette,
I'rod A Klce, Carrie D Klce, all of Prlnevllle,
Oregon, and Melissa Street, of Sisters, Oregon.
Any ami all persons claimine adversely the
'above described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this oflice on or before said lath
day of December. 1907.
o3-d5 c. V. MOOKE. Iteglster.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78
United States Land Olllce
, The Dalles, Oregon. Sent. Jl. 1007,
Notice is hereby chen that in coumiancc
with the provisions of the act nf Coneress of
June :J, lh7S, entitled "An act for the sale of
Umbel lands lu the states of California, Ore
con. Nevada and Washington Territory." a;
extended to all the pubic laud states by act of
AllgllM 4, lO'.r.,
John Davidson,
of Moscow, county of tatah, state of Idaho
has on April lo. 1907, filed iu this office his
sworn statement No ,Tjf2, for the purchae of
uic se'4 oi sec i nnu nenej see 20, ip u ,
r 1G e w m,
And will offer nronf to nIiow tlmt flu. lnml
'sought is more valuable for its timber or stono
man ior agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the iteglster
mm ju-rei ver in i ne iiaues, urecou. on me
11th day of December, 1907.
He immes as witnesses: John W Ilottnn nml
Julia llotten. both of Troy. Idaho: Itufli Nuv-
lor, of Moscow, Idaho; Thomas Condon, of
anaiiiko, uregou.
Any and ai; persons claiming adversely the
above-described apils are fiindsteij to file
uieir ciaims in wnimce on or ocioresalu Iltli
nayoi uecemocr. rn.
03-d5 C. W. MOOBK. Keirlster.
illl A m il l. 1007. for the mirohiMMJ ot ,oj.l8
tho nisei, iioIboJ and ew4 of mtc- 6,
tp 11 s, r HI e, w in,
Harriet H. Mooiehone,
of Portland, county of jriiUnomfth,
stole of Oreuon. sworn stBtemciit No.
4188, hied .ltilyft, 107, fur the pnrehaw i
of the ujnwj, iHinwt ami neti oi mx
28, tp II s. r 10 e, w m
ml wi
C. W. MnK, Register.
Timber Un4. Aei Jump . lW
Notice for rubllantlon
t'ultwl Wale Und R! '
The Pallee, Orceon. Mo.l r i
v..,i i. i.nri.v niven that iu
r iui, win. V" Vlsto;,. of the ?,'
II offer prfvifs to show that the I a, vtt. eniitied "An e fr '
iu.,,1- u.n.fiit ura innrx viiiniinn ior iiib iimiatr lamia in iu pww - -
. .... .... I "":"-v.ll. .nit WMhlhBWn l
illlKTVl .....uv .i.i-'.. ....... r - -
1 m , . , am
puhlte It
in l-rri'"
I." .It
l.l I ll
of u a. li
I in i.'ll..
cuilntal (uiriHises, and to osUblieh their
claims to said latuls before the HegiBter
and Hereiver. at The Dulles, Oregon, on
Novembr8, 1P07.
Thy name ns wltnctc: Michael
O'Connor, and William 0. Manon, ol
Tim Or.r.n .lolill tJer.utt.ia.
Henry C. Deroshia and Herliert A. iforj HnwW ,tS,
Aiiauil 4. ISi'J.
I Almarln A. And i'"
I of totoitm. rotint-y M w,m1n
Umm on Mart. 1807. lib-
'liMMTtfrii siaiewem So W, ...r m. i mm i.m
i of the w' of see 22. Ip 1 1 . I !. .
And wlfctoder proof to lio Hat ilm lan-t
. "L. w.i l,li (or o. I'm I., r ..r i..i...
FIIHKJI. W WW." 'r; . . , M .
Notice for Public'.
itii TJlllttUl HtllloH Inn,l rt
..i.i... iu i ii.i. : ii ii ii,
111 1(11' IT llll 1 Ml IlllgiUl.jt .. III
coiiKri'Ssor.Mincn u,H ... ,i:n
ritr i ii toiii, in ii. ... ."t. mi 1.,
..r rl..llr.. i .. ""iii III il. "
in .yitiii'niuii, wicuun , .,,: ii
ink on reifitory," UH ,,x, ,. '" vim
INiblloLnliil Ntal.-s by Hi
oi ,.i inn ii-, coiiiliy III ( I-,..,. V
on, Iiiih this dav iift.(i ,
hiisnor the aw'iiiw , iu ' I
III, Htildimh and m J.
. II).'. w m. b ' ""lif
inii wik oner pronf p. i
III. "ran . " IIIOIO MI'Utl' lOfft;!,"1
r s dim than fur .. . '.UIHi
iiiHluiOSluhllsli her ,.,, " It
Miroro frank (Mmin. t ? m
lior, ;lU7.
lio iiniiiOH ,ns wiin, ,
itni. .Mli.iilo fSifi,!,, i
villi I'lliiui.l nfl ..r i n r.l.
. .... ...,,. ,,,.,,, ,,,, , n,.-'.
Any nml till ppranh. , , kl
' r
.i. . .- . . .i . . . .
tiio niuivuiiwoiiiiii lu,..
fltu Uieir ulntiiiH in un ,
Mini tJtliiluy 01 Direiui.. .
oiidS '
Deroslihu of SundiMiint. Idaho:
.1. Noskev. of Cliebovmn. MielilvAti;
Alexander Deroiliia, of Handpyint,
Idaho; Daniel A. McDonnell, of The
Dalles, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming wlvrso
ly any of the above described IbJkIs re
iidUt'irted to Hie tlidr elaiins In this
olllce on or before the said ttth day of
. rAkw A -if ii..kin.'
uvrmuer, iwi . v.. . iU-vir,
a 'JO -oil 1 . Itegister.
.mlUimilnirit Tbl:
12th day of iwwnwb w
Wuf l widla, 4 rank Ano....
Palou. WablDkioi lolin t I. '
Iko, Or"B
Ay4atIMec,tw,n",,' r ' '
it4ttiwA land life nstttl "
I llieirelalovs In lljta oBlw no of '
aih day ot necemtwr, iw,
os.!& c. w
V.OOttt ll 'Ki ( r
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior
.Land Olllce at The Via lies, Oregon,
jeptiiniher 21, l'.J7
Notice is hereby iriven that
Oeorae . itankin, of Madras, Orecon
mis iiieii notice oi ins intention to imilv
fluid foiiiniiitation proof in suonortot lii
eiuiiii, viz
before JI. (',. Kliis. U. S. comniHsioner, iit his
office in Bend, Oregon, on .November 16, 1-.W. , ljiii,i..inil Kntrv Vn. 1 If'id mn.ln f.irnh
iney name as iin'ieg: uuwin i.riilmm. , ,,,n- , - ".,.. ; .r;. ,
touio U I ' v"' 1 "' n'i"c?i ociir?4 .iiiu ;ie;4
Clara Orabam, Hoy c Foster, Antonio
1'rahau, tieorge F, Cyrus, Itena F. Cyrus and
.ary u i yrus, oi sisieri, uregon.
Any and all ktm.u "laltnlng adversely any
oi tjie aiX)e oeserioeo lands aro reouested to
tile their claims in tills of nee on or before eatd
Pith day of November, 115.
si2-irM ' C. W. MOOKE, Register.
Tirafjer Ijnd, Act Juno a, 1678.
Notice for Publication
VJS. Land Oflice, The Dulle, Oregon,
Heptembor 11, 1i7,
Notice Is hereby given ttiat in compliance I
wiin me provisions ot me act oi i ongresoi
June :), 1S7S, entiileil "An aet for tlietaloof
timber lauds In the states ol California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to ull the public Jand btates by act of
John If. Rotten,
of Troy, countv of Latah . statettof fdabo, has
on April IS. HW7, illed in this office his sworn
statement Np 391, for the purchase of the
eH" K, sen w4 and n '4nc see 1M, tp 11 s,
1 10 e, w m,
And will offer proof to show that the
mini sougnt is more valuable lor Its tim
ueror siouo inan ior agricultural pur.
posoB.andtoeituUIIsh his claim to said land
before the iteglster and Receiver at The
Dalles. Oreuon. on the llfh davnf necemimr
J007. '
He names as witnesses: Julia Rotten, of
Troy, Idaho, Ruth Savior and John Davidson,
both of Mokcbw, Idaho; Thomas Condon, of
Any, ami an persons claiming adversely
me atJove-deiicrlbtHl lands nti- rumimiKii
iiiv .iiu.i uinuiiB in 11111 uiiii'u un nr iimnm ri.r
aiu um uay oi uuceuioer, 1W7,
f. W. MOORE.
03-d5 Reiflst.r.
sei oi Mt'ZJ.' tn il s. r il e. w in
Ami time .".'lid nroof will be 111:11 In befrin
Frank Osborn.' U. H. Uoinniissioner. at Ida
omen 111 iianras, uregon. on xw. 7, v.w.
lie iiainos the fodowimr wltnobses to
'prove his continuous residence upon, and
ciiiuvHuuii 01, tiiuianii, viz:
ij ii uakor. Jr reil JJavls. JI O Jrwln
Wiill.nn JIcElrov. all of Jadias. (lri?on
t. - - - -----
o3-o31 0. r. Mookk. Keirlster
Notice for Publicati'oii
Department of tlie Interior
Land OIHue nt Tlie DaUos,, Oregon,
September 80, 1007.
Notice is hereby civen that
"William Harper, of Madras. Oreiron.
has filed notice of his intention to make
Jlnal five-year proof in support of his
ciaim, vizi .
lloinestead Lntry o. 10201. made
Jan. 10, 1002, for the nw of sec 12. tt
in n - Ifl ... ... '
JU n, 1 IO U 1Y ill,
And that said proof will be miulo be
fnr. rr..,...!. ul,..;. ir ti r
luioiiuun vpuuin, lj, a. VyWiuilllKMlonur,
at nis oince 111 Aiauras, ureiron. on iov
llu names tlie following witnesses to
prove ma continuous residence noon
and cultivation of, the land, viz t
W 8 Williams, 0 C Vox, Mill's D Fos,
nr 11 1.M1 .11 ..'
i iJiuwiiiiui, un 01 laoras, uregon,
o3-31 C. W. MooltK . Reirlster.
Timber Land, Aot Juno 3, 1878
Notice for' Publicalion
United States Land Olllco
wu'.'i . ,1'he 1'alles, Oregon, gept. 11, 1&07,
Notice Is hereby elvi-h flint in ,-oiiir,lln,.n
with the nrovlsions nf lhfl m-t nt C,
Jun 3, 1S7. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the states of California, Ore
eon, Nevada, and Washington Territory" as
extended to all of tho public laud Mates by
act of Augubt-1, lMy, "
A Julia Rotten,
of Troy, county of Latah, ataio of Idaho, has
on Apfil 15, nd7 .died in this oilice her Vwiirn
statempnt, Ao. ,W0, or lot- purchase of the
Iff'4 rf"J,n"( wK aee au, tp 11 1, r 17 o,
Aiii v. ill offer proof to show that
in- lujiu Boupiu js more valuable for Its urn
;ir or i-ioin- dim for agricultural
I'l-'i.ofc' and 1 1 ft., 1,' 1, i,.r claim to aaid
I lnml 'iL-iorc i In- Hi hi hi ...d ICfwli-ur nt Tl.u
I'- I. 1, Oriui, on tin :n 1 day of December,
I She names a ttllnesses: Toim If Rotten, of
Irov, Idaho: Ruth Na or and John OiivirUi,,,
1 1 ... 1 1 . .r ,. -
1 .-iii ,1 iiini-ti.Y iijni.
NotTbfc for rubficatron
inn 1 ; . iirt'itoii
ann ull i-i'i Mill c
11 bin
1 hi 1
III . 1
O, 'I
'k-cribi-il In nil-
claims m till- olbe
f Deci'iibcr. l'.in?.
c y,',
1 biiliiiii ( un l-,u, of
liming ad' r . ly the
Hie n '(in ,ted tii Mi'
on or bi fore said Uth
WODltU, Hcgjter.
Department of the Interior
Land Olllce at Tho Dalles, Oregon,-
September at, 1007.
Notice in lierebv L'lven that 1
Pauline Degner wjdow of JuIluoDeg
tier, (leeeaHed, of Madran, Oregon,
iibh men notice of IiIh Intention to
niuKe linul Uvo'Veur nroof In auonort
of IiIh claim ( viz:
iiomeBtead liutry No 10082 made
April 15, 1002, for the Lots 1 and 2 and
4ne.J of sec 1, tt 12 h, r 12 o, w m,
And tlmt hiilil proof will, bo mndo
I, nf...-,. I.V,. ,.lr I Tt a It-
"uiiiiii j-iiiiin ivniiwin. i, r. . ' I.OI1I III H-
Blouer, nt hltf olllce lb 3laiJra. Oregon
pn Nov,' 7, 1007.
fcjlio iihuioh tho following wltnehfjcs
to provo her uontintioun reHldeiloo
upon, and cultivation of. tho Ipnii, viz;
ireu Jiei)HK0, Ji uombrowo, O Waw.
rit'ofnUy, W Oomer, nil of MudrnH, Or
!'Kii.. . - . . ,t ,
io3 3l 0. W. Moou'u, lieglflter
Departntonf. of the Interior
Laud Office Hi the Dalles. Oi on.
Sejttember 21, fltffl.
iVotlee l hereby given that
Wilheliu Comer, of Madroa. Oregon,
has filed 11 tlce of hit Intention to nujko
fliiat tiv"-ji::r proof tn HUpporl ot hla
claim, viz:
IIoiiieHieail Kntrv No 1M77, mnde Anrll
15, jttKJ, for the mV of ee .tp It , r
13 e. u in.
And that aaid proof will be made before
Frank Otbom, IT. S. L'oniuHaiiiiur, at lib
olllce iu MndniM, Oregon, on Nov. n, 1V07.
Ho na now the fnflowlnt; witnes-es to
Move his continuous re.odenre Uon
euttivaiiou or. ine faun, viz
Timber Land, Aet i one X 1 '
.........,. fl fll. ...... ..I' ,.. I..........
oi.'ij.1 ii .'-."1111, 111 uiiiwi, isr icon, I
1 I - T- II .1. ..L .71 -
.n-oie J eiinirr, vinupiMV li llgvecH, vlll is
Harry, all ot Jladras. Oregon,
oH-hIH V llr. Mooiik.' ItoglKter.
fnlUdHlal Und c '
The IHllo. unlipm. iWau wtsi' 1 . 1 -:
Xnlle i hereby (tvw thai iu rywi
with Ibr protloit f the net o.ltJn'" "J
Juurs. is7,niilkd "Au tor
Umlx-r lands in the Hlalm of t all(rnl "
run, Nevada, and Waahlntton lerrlr
. tended u U tke Pumlelnd MUW l t
of AugitU i, mi.
1. Frank AnderaoD.
of fajouaa. roaolf of Wbtliuaa, uiof Ws.'i
liiglon. has, on Vay 1, 17. fllinl lu tt. s- .nw
ht on Mtemnt Se. w. ior tt.. pi.t. !..
ol the fipelf ola and r .1., ip 11
. r t? e, 10,
And will offer proof w idw tiist 11 land
aoiiuhl in more valuable f -r it. t.i.ib. .t moiie
than lor agrllsuliurn: nt-.. . n i i.iuil
Huh hi elaira t.' ' Knd l-. li- tbv Km
and 1 ter and KH"'r ( Tt i'ailrs, f foo, on
Ibe Ud ol l... 'i.'wf, tajT
Department of the Interior
Laml Olllco atThe Duller', Oregon,
, 9eptoinber2l, 1007.
Notice in hereby i ven (hut
Kebeceu Frai.ceit Peck, formerly Re
tieccu Frances Tucker, of Madrm, Ure
gon, has filed notice of her intention to
iiiako fioitl five-year proof in aiipport
of her ulaiin, viz:
liomeriteail ICnry No 10783 made
Mty 3, lf)o2, for tho witii und e
awl 13', tp 12 a, r 12, w in,
Ami unit eapl proof will be made
before Frank Oaborn. tJ. K. (mml.
Hiotier, at hl olllce In Madr, Oregon,
on Nov. 0. 1007.
Bho iianit'H (he following wituee
(0 provo her cootlnnoiiH residence
upon, and cultivation of the laud, vta:
I V LimbniiL'11. fl L ln. J f'
Tucker, JJ 0 Itogur", all of Mudrn.
He naiflt'. n- iin.-.p, ( lan-nre D While,
AlmarlneA Atideron, Oere A Mirbawl, all
of PaiouiH', V aniiifmion, John lit Mil, of
Shanlko, Oregon.
Aeyandall i-Tor?t claiming adii-rtelr tha
biv iVtaeriU-d lauds are rwi'i.;-! ! In Hie
their elalio. 111 iiitu utllc li or It Id said
I-'lbdayof tHtrii,br, UNT),
o-15 H.-ltr.
TltnU r Ijin-I, Act Jutir h:.
CaiTf.f. Moo f io orrvir
The lull. , iin-B.'fi, s, (.leuiir ".,
JfOtife I herein y m lht III i tfi i.llanM.
oa 31
C. V. Moork, KegUtr
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
Land Otllce nt Tho Dalle, Oregon;
Heptemlr 30, Ifl07,
Xelfce Is lierebv given that
Walters. William, ( Jladrw, Orccoo.
liae fllotl notice of Ida intention 1.. m.U
final flve-yoar proof in support of liU
claim, viz:
llouieHtead Lntry o, 102.13, imule
Tun. 16, 1002. for tlie nwL of 11 i
10 a, rl8o, wjii, r
And that fain nroof will In- mml.
fore I'rank Unborn. U. S. ( 01Iiffiiabirii...i-
... I.:.. ..111,...:.. -f.i. . '
1110 uiiieu 111 .ilHUIUH. uretfOll. (111 ne.
8, 1007. " '
Jiu-nitmea tlio follonlng to prove Ida
uuiiwiiiiuuB remouaico upon, ami cultiva
tion 01. 1110 ia;i(i, viz:
William Harper. 0 C I'm.. Mil,., n
umi! '. .I. 1 ... K '"r"
rs, .m j 111:1111 Jirowniiiii, all of jMuririta,
Ci W. M00UK, ItoglHter.
Willi ID prui i.i.-n-of ica-' y in Ik. ul I .
Juli.'lt, W7a. Ptitlib-d i llu .!. 'f
iirotiet land in u.- - . 1 .iifun, nr.
Koli. Vd. ami , iti'.ii f-r. i' ( a
extended to all IU 1 ut-i.i ,1,11. 1 Ui-- l. t
of Aujiuii 1, IxW,
John J. Moi l
of IMjue, (Kinuty of KlfvftrbM ii of M 1.
tana, baa, on Jul a, 1. DM In n,i, ,n,.-. 1,:.
awurn altMnt Kia. a7( for Mm w.r i.a.
llmSmif4aiidSniri eJU, tp i.' r 11 . u
And wtll offar uroof teahow th.i u,.. i,,, 1
ought U wore vafoabW fvt li. m,i--r .' o.
than for aarieultural par;--, audi' .
llnh hl etalm to aald In 1 axe 11. 1 1 1
v. H. ComiulMlimar. at 1, - on,,,, n, 11.,,. .1 . ,,
fon, n the Wih da of I- . eii,i f, 1
He nam.. a Hm .. Uar.i.. 1 1 ..,, ,
Kalb'X, Artbor t Ilfii .i,-..- wi n.. . i;; ,, .
all of Laldlaw, Ore, n narli IUii.i .,1 u.-i 0
Orfo. '
An and tl mmm 1 1 ..wing ad.. r
Tftubor Lnmi, . t ,
Notice Tor IuII nation
l iilted Stat, 1 1 , ,,.
The Dalle. (Iri.m.i, .
...Li.-a, iiviii.k 'I
miee with the pinv 1 1
t.'IIUre nf .lune !). I".
foi the !. i. (lu, , , ,
C:tlfllllila, fii giili ',
mil 7Vu ion, ' ...
I'nblU Land Mat. 1.
ti' -.rce
nf l'u'ouao, .'niliii j
U'allltlUtni lift..' 1,11 - ,
till- iifbi i' lit tu, 'i,
flit llll' Initi'li.i-f ,,f '
57, . , ,,f m-. ,
Itit, tp il a, I h t,
And will 'df..r pi,,.,,
land atiiiiiht I" iiioh , , ,
or aWuie tii111 fiA 11 v-1 ,
rtOll " -lnliil-(lt h. ,
lMfute tlie It. Klad i ,.,
'We , (lr g"ii, on t 1
Iri-f, Pj;.
He ItHliiPt ,'H u lid.
ilelnii. A I iii i. r iltt- i
I W lute, ati of ) i,
John Luteal'. Of Mi..
A uv and .lt in-rc ,
the aovt il. , rilk-il i u, i
lllfii.i'lr 1-1 it 1 1,1 a tu 11.. .
alt l-ili da) of Iiw . mi.
S-I6 ' '
Notice for PtUiutioa
Di'PflflfHeiit ol it 1 f
Ldnd (into Mt the I ,. u.,4.
TCntloo la lioreby if.v u ti at
Allatlll W. t'1. nf tr
una iiiwi iiolic of u n,lr
....... .. . . .
iioiKe uiiiii iivihvenr umr ( m ,
of lita elnini, VI:
IlniiiiiHiiail Kutry ' . ,'i
(let n, IIK12, for the 1 i?
Iirf OI a0 Sll, Ip Z a. r 3 K(l I
liaid Kiilty No liiSJ, nial
t f.M. e. . - . 1 ....
1 wo, utr 1111! in uw i hiui
0, tp 15T r, r le. w ,
Ami Unit uil.l pr f wi 1 K
hofoiw Km nk ()biM 1 ,
alotiur, nt lila ollleu in MiifM.Of,
Mv. 7, 1007.
II., initiiu. 11. r..ii..,i M..i,.
umi on It I Vu I ton nf. Ho I I id
l d llOjrnr. le i'. . i'vxl
Ikiui, hII nf .MpiIii ijyui
W li'iiliiian, f th . r ' fc.
1- M f . . .
Notice for Puliitslioa
''p.llUlM'lit '
Land titi at TI
- . r. ., i . . . .
r,",fu ian
tUeira.alm lo UU ate
ltb fy of 1)0001 bef. IW7,
uh15 '
1. ,-(. .1 in,
of 111 ll.f Mi l
; . 'i r,
Timber Land, ot June 3, lgfa.
Notice for Publication,
Unltod H tn ten Lnml Olllce,
v., .1 1 . , r''.V l,al,lL'. Oregon, 8pt. mi,
KOtlce to hurtlbv l'Ivhii lion 1,. .11.:. ' ..
wlththoprovlHloniiof tho act of Cbiiifr tm tit !
Junoii.lhk entltleii "An iict for "KdSS
iiniuer miiim in uio oiaica 01 Callfurtlla Orn.
Kon, Nevada, and WaililiiKloii Territory " nt
extfcndfcd to ail thu publlo land htai", vTct f
Auiruat 4. 1KW, HiaWoilowli,C.i?nwl tt,,,'
have fl Ifil their auorti ,iiii. .. I. ' .."!"
olllco, tbwit: """n
, . , ,, Ib'tijamln 1'. KielioU,
of Laldlay, county of Crook, utate of Ofceon
aworn Ktatoment ftp. awftj. filed April , Wn'
for the purchiiHO of the nliei-j. uWhwh amf
Lot 1 of Keutlou a; tp 11 . u u. w m A
Mbtv H. ffii'l.ou Hl
of Laidiau', county ol Crook, atnte of Oreinii
HwoniJitidcmoiit No. Ikuw. i,P A.!iii 'JeWl
6?'! H '.Tm!1"' U'U 8 H,,U 1
i-jlwaril V. Ilean.
of Lalillaw, eouiity df Crook, atate of Orouon
aworu utatement No. hum, fji( April a Tww'.
(Ar the purchase nf tlie a'imu, mvWiwii ifnlf
IM 1 of we 5. tp U a, r II , w ttl1"
And wli offer proof loahow thai tba linnln
J'"iKl't la won; vaiuab e for tin. tmlror t"n2
nivi.-'ni innu ior aKrieiiiiurai puriMmna nml m
ffWi ' VW- ""t1"." ! "J1 !-" t?f"J " Vl '
0. Kl in. If. H. Cumm, iiiii 11, 1,1. ..1.1
iiui,.i 1 .... m.......... "'.r"..rii" no 11
Hii'i a,niit, mi nwrriu iu r I'.
, Timber Land. Act Jim. . i..
Notice for Publication
,M. (l I , ,
Wall. iT'A'iKf V" K"" ""' U l'J"7.
ssu C, w: .rM.
an. 5e.i. and ivuiib,ui., "il V.1
,,, , , ciiarlea ilcX. nH",
offlrUaly, i-oiiniy o CrooK, iaM f n. .,.,.
ban iliMdav lllail in il,iV.iW? "'..0'P0-
II iiaiiiui an HltnraaM: l, h.,,!),.,,.
abVvJ.dfl'.rllL'r'ilnf'f, u'i"dtlK adverM.1,' ,lC
08 ,IS ' W. UOOHK,
iVfdd e U Ii. reh) uiv
U-hi A. !avt.'
l:a pfed llolb e of li
filial flr-) pln-W
t'fHllll Vl
IL. 1. H xteml l: iitr N -
iwc. tm iin .t,!!,
11 w '1 me . ii li a, t It
Alld Hint " U.i prnn,
I' IUnh INImhii, l',
' Itiii? Ill Mailt Mt, '!' .
, iW:.
lie un uiea the fn'
pi.i' ia eoiit'intou-. 1 -coilivuimii
nf lie l.i' 1
U lllliun .1
fjlN.IRH V Ivlltlllkl'l 1
alf f itw.ln.H. Ores.-.'
-ol 0. U . .
Notice for Pubfication'
. . Wonitrlment of (ho Interior
UtldOMlccnitThe-nallea, Orel;" ,., '
.Co.HllerebyXnt.m?,' ,07"'
Z!!' KmnhM, 'TMatlruHor.
oun iiiui not on tt l.l.
DopitrHtioiit f t I'H"
Lnml Olllco lit Tlio I il r "-rfi
Notice l lioTiibv i- vi ' t
Wlllbtiu J. Cowliord, of
Iiiih Illed nollco of 1.'" li.lcnlH
iinilm final flvi"'"r l" "I 1,1 1
of IiIh claim, vlr.t
UoinuHtfiiil Kntry N 1UW
Oct, 10. I0OU. for the e. i
weo II and mw.Hw J of i-eeJ.ip MM
Ami tlmt aalil proof will l'
lie fore frank Oaborn. I . H, (1
011 Nov, 0. 1007.
1111 uuiiien mo ioiumviok
provo IiIh poiitlntioiM naiiM'
.....1 i.i... .,. . .1. I . T .'III
uiui uiiiiiviiuoii 01. intwaiiiii t
ii'iunv j iiiMuntini u '.:: ,
n inyior, a n runup, nn ot
1 .:"7 iu.o
MOJO! J, n , nioi'li'
lliov niiiiu- it v. itni-.
and Hoy (J 1'imU r 01 hUiern. fireunn
i-d n firniiiiiii
an, I IV ,, 1
lltllll llVo eiiiie . " r" 10
fblHoliin,vis ' ' fl",,,,"rl
HoillCHleiiil I,
mi awi- l buM 0 'fft.
w in,
1 .. .1 j 1. ,
a onor. 1,1 l.u ..m. ... . ' V ." ouiniin-
.... v. . 1 " in dinur
t ia, r l3o,
111 lr NlcIiolH, Mar; K Ni.'li. I,
man, Lni'iiaw, ore'on
Any wpi mi ier' 1 iiiiini-,,. ilc ,1
' Jiw -'i'iiii..d I..,. . ,,. ,,,,;
1 nil th'lr el; mm in fi.,j ,.n.,.. .'
iif0e Haul 1 tli 'li.Ti.f V,,, In)M f "
5'-" - . HOU th. Ib'L-l.t
tt II
, a I
uuiiui miiiiiu
reenn .", 01 ftlmf.
niH, i
1 o3 31
iTotice for Publication
. . Dunnrtmnnt of t, li,tlf
Land OIKco ut The Iwllr.
. Seiitein inf 30.1
Iftn en la lioroliv u "en 1 nil -.
Whltiior, widow of Mi'i u
i',.iimiI ,.iM.'. ...I. ,,.i,,....., MiUkfUlll
1,11 j ill. 1.1 ....iIm.. 1...- .,1 ni nil it
linn' live-year proof m I,I,U'
ruin,.. ...... ,
ll,.,,,,.ul...,.l 11. II. IIH1"'
"iiivnmnii Ullll , .-- , 1
LJ(K)2. for IhoKeliau of "
and aonwij of (tee 7. tp 1r' r ,
, 'I nd Hint hl proof w.-i la-w
Iowa, lowlU OltilK'll"" ""iiicr '
nriiir ImforuOoiiiui f',; a tU.
n.,1.11 in 11 il mi il ..null!. ill
- -- Krltl
wumiaaea wilt appein
horn, i, a. OoiiiiiiIhmiiiip
,iadiai, O,'on(,ii, un N
Uiio iihuioh the foil m
prove hU contliMimi 1
ill I 1 u.i tt... a.
Mlti.u 11 I.NiL in tV..v VhW
llfllll . . - . . a ,..iiTI ,1
ii.iiiiiiiiiH. 11 1 f nr iiiniriii. witia'ii'j
r .re
nt linn1
tt 1
ii .
flfj-lff 1 "0; v; mouiik. m