The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, October 31, 1907, Image 7

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m jl tjt
tcuiiar ioaiseiT
Llcctlon, proportion and combination
J. i n.i 11. i
W0 prOCCBB uy ninvu niuir jumuuiui
i arc extracted and nrosorvod,
DcctlvcncBS, UBcfulnoBi and economy.
iik the- wldcnt rniiKe of diseases,
"ig tlio most good for tho money,
Intt tlio moot medicinal merit,
the Krcatcst record of cures,
id's Sarsaparilla
mial liquid form or In chocolated
I known nsgarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
WIim Moved !!ltn.
bs dwelt next door to Mr. Hood,
wo reputation wunu't good ;
ad no, one day,
lolilm moved away
lid not like the neighbor Hood.
General Demand
WolMnformod of tho World han
boon for a ulinnlo, pluaHnnt
lclcnt liquid lnxutlvu roinedy ot
v nl no; a laxatlvo which phyal
C could nnnctlou for family uno
go ItH component partn nro
to them to bo wholeBomo nnd
beneficial ! effect, accontablo
iiyHtcm and Kontlo, yut prompt,
ipplylng that demand with itn
hut combination of Syrup of
ind Kllxlr of Senna, tho Call-
VK Syrup Co. proceods ulonK
llnoB and rolleH on tho tncrltn
laxutlvo for Its romarkablo
Ir ono of many rcnoonfl why
fcof FIkb and Kllxlr of Sonna In
etho proforonco by tho Well
ed. To get Itn bonoflclnl effecta
buy tho gcnulno munufac-
by tho California F1k Syrup Co.,
uid for hiiIo by all lending
ItH. Prlco fifty contH por bottle.
, . ! u
M Mr for c
and guaranteed
Every oarmcnl guaranteed
Clean Light Durable
5ulti3S2 Slickers 3S
MOttMTOtMtti irfnwnm
uutc fit it mrAiift
i "",,l117iti' -
Ipsto California
md Wonders"
Portland to Los Angeles
lirough San Francisco
irtUtlc book with 114 beautiful
1 plililirs hat Lie 11 publlMied by
ltliciii 1'nritlu ('oiiiiimiy lllimtrai-
nil iti'irrlblu ' the attraction of
frill Irrlnl road unit the rn .iilry
III wtilrii u pnito, it ran In! ni'
i uy ntiiiuiK Ki renin to tnn. h.
aiur Ki'f name msmk-t, ro'im
ixi iiiiikiiiik, Han Francisco, (at.,
yon kpi ready to o Kt re in cm-
t you ran ave two Ihl nUoI mliv
any a inrniiKii trip direct to l-lil-rlthoiit
change, first or second
y purcnaiui k your tioKt't over tne
; N . Nhort 1.1 no. I'lilon l'arlllc
llrnro.t .Sorthwi'ttern, Addrt-it
ny to any t). it, . n, spent lor
omiilciB Information. in. Mo.
f, Oriieral I'miutmcr Agent, 1'ort-
hi uaitin1 voici"
se to Nature
flctor Talking Machine with taper-
K every sum oi musio anu hour
It hrfnii Iherv-to stav thu taf.
.000 could not f court for tivon onn
illlediit ban I selections, beautiful
eomlo ruolttlom mi a stirring mrl-
ng Machine
o tli worth of what you par over
hi in nasi rieatore aiwi hiuiiioi-
anting maclilnrs cost lorn than tlio
ore ia no economy in thu purvnnto
use thgy do not kItu real olUfao-
Ctor Is lint inn olr u talkliiu inn-
fnuilcal Initrument of tlie hTuhent
r not Imliato It reproiluco thu
1 or tono of an v Instrument oiaotlv.
Ithout the torotehlDK. crutohliiK
k alway preient with "ohuap"
tcly ncwVlttora nalnwln nrlrn
nil $23. Lnrgrr mathinea from
i up to $100. Cat)' termor pay
m, CLAY & GO.
Ill and Morrison Sts.,
pp. (he I'ostofllce
Nc, 43-07
rltlns; to ndYarttiiora plena
" vuia pnpar.
T)'iliolil Vrvnr,
Typhoid fever Ih a preventable din
enHo; ho nbKolutcly provuntablu, Indeed,
that It Ih no oxiiKKcratlon to wiy that
Homebody Ih to blame for every cane
that omirH, nlthoiiKli, ho devloim are
the ways by wlilelf the Bcrin travelH
from ItH nolirc-e to ItH (leHtlnatlon, It Ih
often very dllllnilt to place the blame
wlicru It beloiiKH. It Ih, broadly npcak
Iiik, a country dlHcaHoj that Ih, the llrnt
ciihch In mi epidemic In n city are al
most ahvayn attributable to a contam
ination of the milk Hiipply, or of the
water mipply at ItH origin or iiIoiik IIh
(x)iirHo In tho ecjiintry. After the dlH
(miho Iuih Kt well under way It may bo
upread broadcaHt by other meaim IIIch,
for example.
In certain partn of the country It
ttmially provalln more or Ichh all the
time In the form of Isolated ciihch, but
In cltlcH It often breakH out In epidemic
form. Apart from tlio water or milk
contamination, typhoid fever Ih not In
frequently carried to tho city on Hal
ndH and vcKetableH that are eaten raw.
The (llHoum) Ih'kIiih In from one to
two weekH after tho lnfectliiB material
Iiiih been taken Into the Htomaeh. The
Unit HyinptoniH are Indellnlte head
ache, Iohh of appetite, hoiucMuich Hlllit
chllln, ami a general llHtleHHticHH and
Uwh of HtreiiK'th. Tliene HiiiptoniH In
crciiHo In Hovcrlty for a week, accom
panied by Hteadlly tIhIiib fever, higher
lit thu evening than In the morning.
I)larrhoei Ih frequent; the headache Ih
often exceedliiKly acute.
Ah the dlHciiHc proKrernvn the phyHl
en I foreeH are greatly depreHned. The
tongue, and mouth are dry, there Ih ex
cvhhIvu tlilrHt, and there may be delir
ium. In very Mireru mrw the pntlent
Huh on IiIk back, low In the bed, mut
tering IndlHtlnctly and plucking aim
lCKHly nt tho bed clothcH.
In favorablo cjihch Improvement
comeH In the third or fourth week. The
fever decllncH, the tongue lK-comes
molHt, the patient taken an Intercut In
IiIh Hiirroutidlngs, and an couvaleHceuco
Ih cKtnbllHhcd, begliiH to clamor for
In no (IlneaHC Ih careful tiurHlng ho
liuortiiut iih In typhoid fever. Indeed,
In many cane It may be said the pa
tient owes IiIh life more to the nurse
than to the doctor, nlthoiigh with equal
truth It may be mild that In no dlH
eamj Ih the constant watchfuliieKH of
the phyHlclau more needed.
Hut the (hit It.'rt of the nurHu nro not
confined to wiring for the patient, She
Iuih the grave nonHllilllty upon her
of protecting otherH from contagion.
The polhon Ih thrown olT In the dlB
chargen fnn the IwwelH nnd bladder,
and theno Hhould bo kept for at least
two bourn In a vewtel containing an
equal amount of hoiiio jKiwerful (IIhIii
fectnnt la-'fore being thrown away.
They Hhould never be thrown on tho
ground In any place where the rain
would wiihIi them Into a Htrcam or well
or clKtern. They had better be thrown
Into a hole In which Ih put at the xnino
time a quantity of copperas or un
Hlaked lime. Yonth'H f'oinpanlon.
Xn that oft mid-land whero tho breezes
Tho North and tho South on tho gonial
Is It a Catarrh Remedy, or a
Tonic, or is it Both?
Borne people call Poruna a groat
tonic. Others rofor to Poruna as a
groat catarrh remedy.
Whloh of thcao people are right 1
Ifl It more, nronor to call Parana, a ra-
fArrh rnmndv flinn tn noil tf a inn In? I air,
Our reply is, that Poruna la both a tTbr0UKit &to'unly ot Kcnt n fffai"
tonlo and a catarrh romody. Indeed,' nodo nodacyf the Delegate,
thero can bo no effectual catarrh rcm i
Cdy that is not aho a tonio. Burly nnd big and IkiIiI nnd bluff,
In Ordor to thoroughly rollovo any In three-cornered hat and bin coat of
A foo to King Georgo and tlio KngHHli
Won Cacar Itodncy, tho Delegate.
Into Dover Vlllngo ho rodo apace,
And IiIh khmfolk knew, from Ills anxious
It wnj matter grave Uint had brought
him there,
xo tno couniicH tiircc, upon tno ueiaware.
case of catarrh, a romedy must not
only have a upcclflo action on the mu
cous membranes affoctetl by the ca
tarrh, but it must have a general tonio
action on tho nervous system.
Catarrh, even in persons who are
otherwiso strong, is a weakened con
dition of somo mucous membrane.
Thero must bo something to strength
en tho circulation, to give tono to the
arteries, and to raise the vital forces.
I Perhaps no vegetablo remedy in the
world has attracted so much attention
from medical writers 03 HYDEA8TIS
CANADENSIS. Tho wonderful effl-.
cacy of this herb has been recognized
many years, and is growing in its hold I
upon tho medical profession. When I
joined with CUBEBS and COPAIBA a
trio of medical agents is formod in Po-1
runa which constitutes a specific rem-
- .7 r a . . . . . . i
cuy jur cuuutu inat; in mo present i great,
State of medical progress cannot bo ' And your vote alono may decide lt fate I"
improved upon. This action, rein- i Answered Itodney tlicn : "I will ride with
"Money and men wo must have," he
"Or the Congress falls and our causo
dead ;
Give us both, and the king shall not work
his will
Wo .arc Men since tho blood of Bunker
Comes a rider swift on a panting bay;
"Hollo, Kodncy, hoi you must save tho
For the Congress halts at a deed so
forced by such renowned tonics asL
nflT.T.TWQnWTA niWUflPMOTO riAT . It
spcd ;
stress, it la Freedom's
9Qb iffST
2 3 2aft
14 190
ftvi POV.VO
6$ at
12 20 '
2CK 30
Chicago Hxanilnor.
A I'roJiKllcnl Ailvlm-r.
"Thnt llnaneler nayH ho would never
take anything to which he did not con
sider liluiHolf entitled."
"No," aiiHwered .MIhh Cayenne; "but
lu hiicIi mattei-H he Invariably relies on
tho advice of tho Bhrowdeat lawyer hu
can 11 ml."
KiimvltMlwo In Hulk,
Teacher Wllllo, where Ih tho ali
mentary canal?
Wllllo (eagerly) U'h down there In
Panama where tho KiorlH' Htraw hata
"91D0 from. Ilaltlmoro Ainorlcan.
Lota anil I.oIm.
"Do you bollovo that naturo could
innko a man of a monkey?"
"Sure; thero aro lota of girls who
can moko a monkey of a man." Hous
ton Tost.
Tho farmer Ih tho mout Independent
porson on carta wuon ms wuo is
away from homo.
IS MSA and CEDEON when stands It?" "To-night; not a mo-
qxju, ougnc w matte tnis compouna mcnt spare,
an idoal remedy for catarrh in all ita But rldo Uko the wind from tho Dela-
stages and locations in the body. I ware."
From a theoretical standpoint, there-(tr ,..,,, ( T. u . u u
fore, Pcruna is beyond criticism. Tho i day
Use Of Pcruna, Confirms this opinion. I And tlie Congress sits eighty miles away,
Numberless testimonials from every But I'll bo in time, If God grants mo
quarter of the earth furnish ample I grace.
evidence that this judgment is not,To Hlmke m fist Jn KlnK George's face."
over enthusiastic. When practical ex
perience confirms a well-grounded the
ory the result is a truth that cannot be
Worm Yet.
The timorous Clilnamnn fled with aglllt
Y, but the boys grabbed bis Q and yelled
"Kill It!"
Then tbey cut off the said
Q close to his html,
While he dnnccd around like
a P la a
Ho is up ; ho Is off I And the black homo
Ou the northward road ere the "God
speed 1" dies.
It is a gallop and spur, as tho leagues
they clear,
And tho clustering milestones move a-rcar.
How's This?
wo onoruno nunurcu Dollars itewarainr any
Catarrh Cmo.
K. J. CHENKY & CO., Toledo, O
We, tho underpinned, haro known F. J.
Clienoy for Iho lat 15 far, and believe him
verf;rtly honorabto In all bulincfi transaction!
and llrianclally able to carry out any obliga
tion tnado by lil firm.
Wholoalo Drtieelsti, Tolcdo.O
Hall'i Catarrah Cure li ken Internally, act- ,
ins uirectiy upon ine uiooa ana murom ur
larci of tho lyitcm. Testimonial? sent Ireo.
l'rlro 76 rents per bottle. Bold by all DruKftliU,
Tttku Hall's Family 1'llU lor Constipation.
Artlallcallr flpenklnir.
.Mrs. Kawler (looking at photograph)
It's an excellent picture of you, but It's
an exceedingly poor one of your husband.
Mrs. Crossway I know It, but 1 like
It all the better on that account. He
makes such an admirable cr foil, you
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Doara tho
BIgnaturo of
Tbe professor was welcoming a niece,
who had just returned from a trip abroad.
"Had a fine time, had you?" lis asktd.
"Perfectly splendid."
"Yet you were going around between
showers all tho time.'
"Why. how can you Ulk so J It didn't
rain a drop while I "
"Don't Interrupt me, child. I know
what I am saying. It was raining when
you started away from here and It's rain
ing now. Comnrehend?"
An 11a Tails It.
Just as Mr. and Mrs. Fsrguson wer
getting off the street car at tbs crowdtd
corner downtown, Mr. Ferguson felt a
hand slyly inserted lu his pocket.
Hut he did not turn bis head.
lie recocnlifd his wife's dell-at touch.
Is Your
Hair Sick?
That's too bad ! We had no
ticed It was looking pretty
thin and faded of late, but
naturally did not like to speak
of It. By the way, Ayer's
Hair Vlcor Is a regular hair
grower, a perfect hair re
storer. It keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
I am well acquainted with Aysr't Ilslr
visor anit I Ilka It vary much. I would pa.
rlallr reoomintod It ai an axealltnt drenlnir
for tho hair, keeping It loft and iiuooth, and
preventing tlra lialr from inllttlntr at the
endi." UlNMia 1'kitz, VeeJum, Mloh.
Mad by J. O. Ayr Co., Lowell, Uui
aihu uuugturar oi
It Is two of tho clock ; and the fleet hoofs
Tlio Fleldsboro' dust with a clang and
It Is thrco; and ho gallops with slack
rein where
Tlio road winds down to the Delaware.
Four; and he spurs into Newcastle town.
From his panting stc ho gets him
j down
"A fresh one, quick ; not a moment wait 1"
And off speeds Hodney, tho Delegate.
It Is live; and tho beams of tho western
Tlngo tho spirc3 of Wilmington gold and
dun ;
Six; and the dust of the Chester street
Flics back In a cloud from his courser's
ft Is seven; tho horseboat, broad of beam,
At the Schuylkill ferry crawls over the
And at s.sveu-fifteen by tho Itlttenhouse
Ho flings his rein to the tavern Jock.
Tlio Congress Is met; the debate's begun,
And Liberty lags for the vote of one
When Into the hall, not a moment late,
Walks Caesar Hodney, the Delegate.
Not a moment late, and that half-day's
Forwards the world with a mighty stride;
For the Act was passed ere tho mid-
night stroko
O'er tho Quaker City Its echoes woke.
"We aro free!" all the bells through tho
colonics rung.
And tho sons of tho free may recall with
Tho day of Delegate Rodney's ride.
Klbrlgo S. Brooks.
Curlnu I'lnoo Names.
Chicago Is an Indian word, meaning
wild onion or skunk weed. Chesapeake
Is also Indian and Is variously inter
preted as highly salted water, great
waters or country on a great river.
Chautauqua Is also an Indian word
and has had eovoral Interpretations, as
n foggy plnco, a bog tied In the inlddlo
(referring to the Bhpe of tho lake), a
plnco whero a child was washed away,
whero tho fish nro taken out, place of
cany death or, finally, place whero ono
was lost. Des Moines Is usually sup
posed to refer only to tho Trnpplst
monks, nnd It Is also connected with
, nn Indian word meaning tho road. Nl-
ngara Is nn Indian word, signifying
across tho strait or nt tho neck. Shen
andoah is Indlnn and means tho sprucy
stream or a river flowing nlongsldo of
high hills. Massachusetts means nenr
tho great hills or tho hill shaped like
an arrowhead or, again, the bluo hills.
Mississippi means great water or gath
ering In of all tho waters or an almost
endless rlvur spread out. Leslie's
TlKer Cut l''lrcuuii'a Mm cot.
Although llrumeu's mascots ami pets
nro not uncommon, tho men at the
central station lu .Manchester, N. II.,
have ono that Is unusual. It Is a large
tiger cat which has so ovorconio the
usual fcllno aversions as to rldo to the
flivs on tlio apparatus with apparent
Tho greatest pity In the world Is
when two frlonds who have been use
ful and ngrecablo to each othur tiuar
Every part of the body Is dependent on tho blood for nourishment and
fitrcngth. When this life stream is flowing through the system in a state of
Eurity and richness we are assured of perfect and uninterrupted health;
ccausc pure blood is nature's safe-guard against disease. When, however,
the body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of
its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble 13 manifested in various
wnw. Pustular emntions. tiimnlcs. rashes and the different skin nfFeettona
chow that the blood is in a feverish and diseased conaxcion as a result of too
much acid or the presence of some Irritating humor. Sores nnd Ulcers aro
i the result of morbid, unhealthy matter In the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca
tarrh, Scrofula, ContagJou3 Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood
i disorders that will continue to grow worse as long a3 the poison remains.
These impurities and poisons find their way Into the blood in various ways.
, Often a slugtrish. inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of tho
avenue3 of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and
j form uric and other acids, which are taken up by the blood and distributed
throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases 13
another cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and
microbes of Malaria into our lungs, and when these get into the blood in
sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Somo
are so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old
constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they aro
constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood is the source of all dis
ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed nnd purified the body is sure to
Buffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best
remedy evpr discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any
and all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely
and permanently cures blood diseases of
SHfe Ste every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so
VT fi thorough that hereditary taints are removed
aT an(l vveak, diseased blood made strong and
0 9 healthy so that disease cannot remain. It
cures icncumausm, vjaiarrn, tcroiuia, sores
and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious
Blood Poison, etc., and does not leave tho
slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of
blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature'3
greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and 13 absolutely
harmless to any part of the system. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class
(Lrug stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write.,
Aceordlnar to Ilnlca.
Sentry You can't leave.
Soldier But I hare the captain's
eral permission.
Sentry (Importantly) Let's see It
Transla'cd for Transatlantic Tale?
from II Motto per Itldere.
r-TQ ftu Vrmy Dance una Ul Nervous DtiaM
I permanenur enrea aj nr. mine s urriu .
Kirre flMtorer. Beril for KHEE 2 trial botU and
trtatUa. Dr. K. ILKllae. LA., 831 Axcli bt-. I'hUa.,1'.
The Wenatchee Valley Irrigated Ap
ple Orchards aro paying $500 to $1500
per acre this yea". Cascade Orchards,
one mile from Leavenworth, is now on
Fale. Get particulars free Tom
II. C. Peters, 622 Alaska Bldg., Seattle
So SlnirDlar.
"Funny," said Baretop, "but there
was a time when the barbers used to
peak of my hair."
"Yon mean before you began to get
bald?" asked bis friend.
"Yes. Now they speak of my hairs."
Philadelphia Press.
Mothers will find lira. Window's Soothing
Byrup the belt remedr to uto lor their cktidiea
during the teething period.
"Do yon think tbe rallwaya will be
frilling to obey the law?"
"Oh, yes," answered Mr. Dustln
Stax; "we'll obey the law all right
But not until after our lawyers get
through explaining It" Washington
Write Us
Portland Oregon
20 Mule Team
will cleanre ererr article in four kitchen or dlnlnjt
room make them brt3htand for nilter or pewtr
fire a high pollh. All dealer. Sfimple, ItookJet and
1 rlorfiame "WHIZ" 10c. Pacific Coait Eorax Co..
Oakland. Oal
Cock Up.
Bacon lias he been successful with
his new airship?
Egbert Partially so. He goc3 "up
In tbe air" every time he tries to start
the thing. Xonkers Statesman.
IIP cpffs
r ,
1 BB
A boarding anil day ictiool for young men nnd boys. Accredited to
Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell, Amherst and all state universities and
agrieultutal colleges. The principal has had 2S years' experlenca In
l'ortland. .Make reservations now. or Illustrated catalogue and
other literature address
J. W. HILL, M. D., Principal and Proprietor, PORTLAND, OREGON
Fresh from the Ear to the Can in Maine
Preferred Stock Sweet Corn is racked for us there because
.1 ! , l? t ? J . .
uic manic eon anu cumaic tuiiiumc to prouuee mc sweetest,
tendcrcst, most delicious corn in the
worlds canned right in this wonderful corn
garden gathered and packed the same day, with
original crispness and sweetness perfectly prciervcd.
This is the secret of "sweet corn goodness" in
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
?atk4 Wkinnr lh art Oram
Tbe pick if tit crip PREFERRED STOCK atyeur Cncer't
If & LEWIS, Whalesalo Grocers, PORTLAND, OREGON, U. 8. X.
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES
OfC ft f&n ( Temrxyanawho can provaW.L.
f0,UUU bou&am doom not make, as II
f7aufatrl I marm Men'm $3 A S3.SO ahoon
nDWf M than any othar manufacturer.
Tni5 REASON W. I- Douilas shoos are worn by more people
In all walks o (lite than any uther makois lrauw of their
excellent stjU, eaav.bulug. and auperUir weari ig (Qualities,
Thonelectlou of thaleathun and other materials for each part
of the shoe and every detail o( the making la looked alter by
the moat compltta organization of superintendents, f orumenand
skllledshoemaksri, whorective the hlshest waties patdlntho
shoel nduatry, and rhoo workmanship cannot I e excelled.
If I could take youi ntomylarce factories at Drockton.Maas.,
and show you how eartfully W. L. Douslai shoes are made, you
would t lien understand why they hold their shape, fit better,
wearl onrnr and are of rraatar value than anv other make.
My S4.00 and 8S.OO GILT ED OE Shorn m oannot bo mauaHmd at any mnktm.
CAUTION I The genuine have Y. I.. Uouflaa name and prlco stamied on bottom. Tka
Wo Habatitute. Ask your dealer for W, L, Douglas shoes. If he caunot supply you, send
direct to faetory. Biioes seat everywhere by mall. Catalog f re. W. U. Douglas, Urockton, Mass.