The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, October 31, 1907, Image 5

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    lenines at Madras.
.il of culver was in town
in town
i ii .
(, iy (il llnycruck wns
n i
i . .iiv ( nu t oi i,ninontti was
mi' on leliirnod Saturday
1 inii to MinniKo.
1 , ii Ii .iikI Knlpli' Allen wero
I , ( M )inl iy from 1 Jaycrcok.
. i tttin....'. ,.., ..i. ......
t'' 1. i y, looking nftar Ini Intel-
ui. Walt McCoin wcic
i iir .mil race nt I'ritlcvtllo
c a herd, wtio Imi bum
1 tlioul nt, I'rlnuvillo, ro-
, i Mllld;!)' '
n .tod I'ice Louck, jr ,
, u luesday nt Prlimvllle,
( . ii.k County fair,
w. Robjnson eajject
morning for n I wo
Mil t e Valley points.
.d M W. Ben
i nt Prmeville
ny fair, during th
i .m a victor aavfral
I'll lerllfe, where hit
, .mealing the Crook
d -
! i 1' Intvflk mill man
... Mr. SWwitri hits
.' ;. ul at ftum thU ice
i.aii i the p4l two
: i .ii r) Atteit fCmp
.ul y frntri their home
' " 1 1 , niakiog annual
' tnu bofora Comntis-
'n vMn r Columbus,
i . ednesd4y morn
,i' icr tin, Charles
I uB 61 th big
i i: nd.
to kwe at ' once
family back to
i lain i, where Mr.
l i ning. He says
ny i.iat be hnows of.
t nt i Friday, evening
. it with frjends nnl
ud. He alio spent
1 1 - Halloa, aiuwdhfj? to
n with hlf coninnV
j ' ii t. i
i ' jr., h.S purchased tllC
Mukrt from I).
. ii ukc o the boiincjs
v.tik. Mr. Ltisen cx
iiwi to Madras And (five
1 ii u to the business.
ii. i; mil wits cloned
..i the arly Xtrt of the
" ir in ibttiiy to et uut a
r i' k which hod bean
Hi up The sncka Came
' p mill immediately to-
1 hoy hope to grind
. , 1 ui t hot tniemiptinn.
1 1 ' ii .i largo white itvnn
n "i M .alia the firm of
Am had evidently
.' long flight, and drop
n ui'gc of. Mr. Hai
I ' l)iul ,t a pure white,
.i-ti. nig 86 inehe from
M, Lounsbcrry has none to CowliV.i ,
milt on the Deschutes River to finish the .
woik of installing the bifj water wheel
winch will furnish power for the mill and 1
also for pmhpliiK water for urination pur
Testimony in tho conical of Ralph I), '
Allen against John X. Foley will be i
taken here tomorrow, and tliu case will
probably he vuiy vigorously contested by
both sides. Tim contest niHtUvit allocs
abandonment mid failure to reside upon
the homestead.
Don't forgot the "Halloween ,Party"
at Siuifoid's llnll tonight, (Thursday)
An nppropriata program will be 'presented
and lefreslunenia served nfterwnids. The
public is cordially invited. No admission
will ho charged, hut rt collection will he
taken, the pioceeds to bo for the benrfit
of the Mndnu Public School.' Coins out
and hnve a good time.
Circuit Court closed nt Prineviltc list
wekt n'ut a short session of only tluf.t
dnyi. Judge L.iilalield' presided at this
tenn, oi to the illness of Judge Hrnd
slm. 'I'hn shooting crape ifMihmp
ftoni the rt,sh uneen the hi id
itioepheid;;. ntul whicli wm in be the
moat important case on the docket, w is
continued, none of the Indians appealing
agnlnst the deendnnts, Colbert Holt,
the Indian who was thot, w unable to
appear, find the other two Indian did not
nppsvtr to desire to do so. It is gtneially
.believed that the case wil) be djmiisul at
tho neat term of the court.
Tli Sunday SolitHd gouveiitloti Air
Uk; Mudras iltairiol wiM uiefl lie iUa
.Prou aleilitxIUt (JimrcJi in Mudra
H. unlay, Nvmber U. Following U
tho pruKiani; '
ituKWiNtj ttsmioft
Coimwrniioii brvutt 3. 1C. Craig.
fiOKtnetfM a"Hiitii.
lpotiiuu'iit of eotBUitOeOff.
Cyi'KrfKili'ntl aaiKiiirf.
frpTt of Kni. r,uui(i nt.
' Sunday Hid Wi k," f . D. Browu.
Am t: u noon fuchftioN
BttpriiiU-iid' ''tf'ro,
5irti(l rk)r Mrriu. '
'dtniunl hikI Pr0'U5i iiiSU1iilHy
$tdlHl W..K." Hhv. MurHlitmU. .
"Ti Attaint Onca, aotl Jlow to
Itoiu-t. Timmii' R.-v. II L. UeJI.
A'hJrraitol P.riuit.
1 IVaelwM, nod Woo Ought To
,i. iiiiiriitMii.
'Tliu l'i mm y Ulasriatf," . Ohuilt
liOwiher. -
Siinfr mid prij ti am vio. t
ItllalKlflM ItH'UtiOg.
BlH'OUl nllilfllU.
AdilrafeKi T. .I. Mon. '
ilnrriwl at tho homo of the bride's
INirenta, Mr. and Mm. 1C. Ptilgliattt, on
giinday, OUbr 20, Mr. 1'mnk W,
llniitof und Mits .Myrtle 1'uliihaiii, lioth
of Opnl i'rairtv, Uev. H. W. Wilder
ulllelatSutf. Tuc groom ia u proaiwrona
young rancher of tho Opal Prairie dis
trict, where ho and Ida bride will reside.
Dr. Harold Clark of Prinovlllo will b
lit M.i.licu .iluiiit ll fiml (if Xnvitllllutr
proonred todoall kinda of dmital work
Thoie having work to lo done- ahonld
auo him oarty na hu Mill rotnain bat a
ihoi t tiinu.
f " -idem of tho Oregon
rile, was a Prinoville
v Ho hnd an engineer
i n morning they bnih left
itvu. I-unity how those
i.c.ik nut of sight in
r they get a square
r k glided it m dis
ulil a rnflro id. rruitt'
1 1
i ynting people at Mnd
i 1 1 t evening, nt the home
i'll.ii.f in this city when
I ') unilud with Mr.
dii .it 8 : to o'clock. Mrs.
0 . i r of a millinery siorn in
1 i tiid i a niece of Dr, G.
"i'ii ity. iMr. uuni8 i
' b itclier business, The
)i i disnoscd of llnfir inter
r i d uill muko their home
i n I lilies Cliromcla.
ir i.iK1i..Ii.,I in llm llmiiMstt
,it i i i us lillllUf a lilllw
1 t vv.t evuldiitlv unfoittulOil.
v ii r nil i rm in i ii ii riinii iviiiic
r ti uiii to inin iuuuudlate
ji tlif i')atl, and tliiU they
ii i in nnir im i ii in iimiii nil
I luie li.tve been lepcuted
'' ti n. 1 r riiitvl i-iipt win ii'iic ninlftt
I n j t lie DnitliUieSi J)l)t
n"iii' of thche iiiinors would
..f i . . . j
1 III I 111 Mdflil '111 fill
. -
WOOD WANTKD-lmtuiro at thf
printing otfiew.
II'" IN NlvliD of Imriieaa or rapairn msa
litl WUaon. Will tratlo now harnea
for vluat. o8Hf
PlVNTS KOI! SA l.K-1 lardy, noHimn
tod and will rootwl ldli quality
bluckbrry, currant, loanbrry, rasp
berry and atnnvborry plunta. Km full
iiifiii'matioi) and ptleea addroaa L. D.
WioHt, Hcnd, Oregon. o3Hf
ST HAM ItOLblNtl-llftvt? your grain
stofttn follwl or dry rolled. I huvo
good now eiiipmniit, enpaeity K toin
dailv. Pricea: Stunni rolling, $2.6(1
pur 'on ; dry rolling, $2.tK) per ton. .1.
C. Wityudro, Jadraa, Or. oLMtf
Incorporated ;
Shaniko, Oregon
lt us fill your"
'Harvest orders
TIiuVmt In.l, AeLJuiiu ;i, W.
Notice for Publioition.
L lllll Miitfli 1-Slnt O It I it!
Tin- 0ll, OrV"- H"P
Xotteo l tiiTty given inat In eompllnnre
with I...; i.rov!ionn.if thv wl ui Cunrewut
June 3. tin. 'niltil "An si tot ili" nuts
ilmixr luu.i-in mo mt i.i ukiiiornm. ore-
Timber Lnn.1, A t June .5, lti78.
Unit. -1 Ma ten Land Ofliee,
The Dall. M, Oregon, Sept. (J, 1007.
Notice in lusreby given that in com
uliunce with the luovifioiia of the net
"?' 'YT f r?.. ' k , I "l l;:nH ut .June :, 1878, entitled
222?FlSl tuMU- r'"1 b u' I "An act for the :Uo of timber lands in
Jamo tt Hornejr,
nt MKlriw. crnitii) of rtiHjk, ite of Oreeon,
tiMon Ma it. i'wi. Olwl iu thin oflle Uirn
watewwiu. So.
,tp 19 1, r Wfc, tit,
tlie ftiitwof California, Oregon, Nevada,
ami iieliiiiKtoti 'JY-rritorv.'7 as extended
''W'&WlZWMttoW tt. by aot of
nJ mt'tiwU i see August 'I, 1WI2,
tit. TftM R !7r,.An
.Vud wttl off.jrr.roof Vhnw that the Unit i f SiMlurss eountv of Crfi. lt tiii. nt
e!iKM ) tiioru vdltit.l(rorlittaiWrrune ! "r". eoumy or B:,le, ?'
tuufor ariJtttr) putpMm. mjoiib. i Oregon, boa on March 13, 1007, filed ui
rf.l Ids Jaslw t jt UaA Iwtorc Fmik thi office her sworn statement No 3875,
fchonn, V.a. romuiiMionter, i 18 for tlie imrelissi of tiii mvliiwi mh-
m" , i wj-w4 aw 17 amlueiHei of Sec IS, tp U
llt nw as wltmi: John B Ww. B r 11 , in,
anil KdlfWllil lltl. Until w Culver, Oru, j And 1 ill offi.f nr. mf Ia It. at tl.o
E6g i,. a. ilf. it, bwi iwr N. otlUm. : , ! , . pfooi u aiiow Unit the
both ol )i.irm, Oruyon. . 'and nought is more valuable for its
AAv-ftaUttlrtwrflOKieiaittti iversur toe timber or ulimi! tlmti for acrriioi tnriil
rth.ltlt!i4toMti7. 8if land Wfore II. 0. Tdlif. U. Ss.
C. w. U00&&, Bttor.
Timber Ijind, Art June , UiW,
, Oregon, Mt. 7. 1W
SB 111"
eutUUid "AH ct lor theilof
United States Lsnd Offirt.
The OaltM. Orciron. Haul
Notice Is Iterebr elrea tltat In compHnv
with the provisions of the set of Congreiw ol
lutw :). IH7S,
Gouimieriioner, at Ida office in Hend,
Oregon, on tiic 13th dav of December,
Fho named as witnesses: Jesse AVilt ,
Clarenee liranton, .lohn AV Wilt ami
William I J-ryroar, all of Sisters, Ore-
Aiiy and nil peit-ons cluiniing adverfo-
timber Uiids In th states of Cllf4irnl, ore- ly tho al) ibed lands are
icon, VewuU, ntvt WashtngWm TerrUory.' im rcollw,. i . (.i thoir elniiiw in liiiy
exwnrte.1 to sll the publle lat sUUM by aet of ' ' , ? l"ul.r?,', n iiiih
Mtngust t mri olnco on or before said lllth dav of
Itiei Hlillerton
of HUtors. county of Crook, uto of Oreeou,
US, ou Kebruitry . 1U"T. AIM til this ofliee
iter eworu luieiiieut No at, lor the jarchm
ol ibv it;y"i oi "o 7'S.ud id4w mi- 8, tj lit
s, r 11 . m, . . . ...........
Alio will oner firooi io enow iiihi id mini ,
wiight i more vsluable lor iu clrnber or
bU.iii' thmi hr rlculturl urMeii, snd to
ektAbllih her elHltn to !! leuO buforo the I
County t lor t Priueviiie, uruyon, on me
lulu U of Ieretntir, IW7.
She iittint iu wllliei: WslUr 8 KallerUm.
Wlilimu K mitrull. H UriUiein sua
i;ecenuer, imii.
a8-d5 C. W. .M001U3, Hegistor.
Clurn M '.r aim ui, nil of Wler, oreiinn.
Any ui all ronM eUimlna mtvorsely the
fttMitudeiM-ribi'd Iau.I" ro requenlt'il to tile
their Klftlrax in tht o1Vj ou or before ssl.t
loth day of Ueeeinber, IM.
o.i.l, c. W. MOOltK, lleglster.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
hand Ultlce at TlieDiiUeH, Oieon,
October 2, lt6r.
Notice N herehy Kivon that
(ieorae 11. (i.ddlm,-, of ,' isU'rs, Oregon,
lias notie- of his intention to make
I tinul eoiiiinut.itiou inoof in of his
i . ... i
eiaini, vi.;
j lloinetead K.ntrv No 15KM5, uuule .Iay
I 28, HMxi, tor the lot 1 and M'se of sec 11.
I iieKneW see li und nwjnw' ecc IU, tp 11
I s, r 10 e, w in,
I aiiiI tluit Mild nriMif will ho made hefore
j tl.i n.miitv Ceik at Iiiiieiflo, Oregon,
I on Nov. 15. 1W7.
1 7e n.iiiie the follnwlim wirne5es to
lrovu his coiillntioun lesideiiee upon, and
cultivation of, the ami, viz:
Lincoln M vers and .Vullsa Street ot
Sixteis, Oregon.
olO n" C. W. MoOitK.ltoitlator
I have received a miod assorlineut of
Heavy woih sliotts, jjinranteed not to up.
II. S. Larkii), Madias. -it
WANTIiP-A good young milch cow.
Will pay oaab or ita equivalent. Ap
ply to Da vu W. Harnett, Culver, Or.
. o'.Mtf
waist yowls, otitfiiK llauncla, ladioeaiid
Hunt uiulorwowr. .Ii W. & M. A.
Hobinsou Co.
Try our Imperial washing machine, it
in the best. McTnmpm it llyc.
WOOD WAN'THD. lf you luivo any
for saUs jiloiiHH call at tliu mill and neo
us. Mndiiis Milling Co. If
A utniipluio hiipply of lnmil tdaiiliH for
-ale Imdudinu warranty and ijtilt olnliii
deetls, real, chattel and oro niortgngea,
uto, .lust fen court. IduiikN and Jiihi Ice
court work itspeoliilty, Notary Pnbllo.
V, .1. UrooUrt.
A HOtl'PTiM ifiTO ROW WIIISAT ngiiili;
"-...r.. . .. .. .I..IH. i i ,
, llnll iiiki isoi. iiricoa ou onus, imriun,i
i.lows, otc. J.W.AM. A. Koblnson
A Co.
Notice for Publication
Department of tliu Interior
Land Olllco at Tho Drtllttn, Oregon,
Sfiitointiwr ,10, 1VJ07.
Nwtluo Is Iteloliy given that
vvilif.iui H Cook, of Culver, OroKoii,
dun tiled nollco of bin liiiontioii to
rtiuke HiihI tlve-year proof in mipport
ot hi otalm, vl'.:
IloiiHwieiid Uotry No 1102S made
Our. SI, 10112, for tliu ihw and 4e of
u..,' It 111 I!2m r I I ii. U' in.
And that said proof will be mado INOIlCe JO I rUOHCaUOn
huf.iro Krauk 0t)orii, U. S OommlH-j OK STATK SHLKCT10N
win' er, at. hi oniov In Muilrus, Ore- i ,
gnu. on N ivetnl.-r S. 1H07. ,. Unitwl States Land Olllco,
Ho immea the fidlowing witneb.-ui to lho Ditllos, Oregon, October S, lUOi.
iirovo I conumioiis rosideiiot upon, 'No,tl,l, ! hereby given that under tho
rtiidvUiltlvation of, the laud, v.z: ; provlrions of the act of Contrress ot
I) W H .i iott, of l?lver, Orogou; .1 K Auv-ust M, 1S48, and tho acts supple
Corwin, 11 II Conic, A W Uoyoe, nil ot infiitnrv and aniemlatory thereto, the
Madras Otegon. btato of Oregon has this dav filed in
nK.Jl ' i W. MooItU, Kuirister Ithia olllco itn application, No. UBS, to
I sennit tlio mvue4 sec -'0, tp li' s, r i i e, t m
r ; win. I
' Notlco for Publication. 1 , Any and all persons claiming adverse-
l)e., tlio latermr. J ' "V " . KiV,:lUr.,;,,,.tHl lu,u1 ,,rUe?!"1"1 W
Land Onice ui The Waihw. Oregon. ' ol VVl . 1U',VV,U" 1 ', . Sim' M
- ' 1 1 1 - . 1 -" ...LL- '- " J. -t'J-M-i--i";-,.1: '. , -T-Mf
J. V. French, Pre. H. A. Moore, Vica-Pro. F. T. Huriburt, Ccsshlur
Capital Stack, S29.00O
Dcpoalts,' S 2 50,000
Shaniko', Oregon
D. V.'. ADAMS, Proprietor
Reasonable prices
and courteous
treatment, to all
Orders by
given prompt at
tention and no
charge for. dcliy'ry
; Blacks
f5mithinnr Um
U!il!.Ji;SU.. EEU1
wagon mm
I have purchased the ahop of V, A. Hamilton opposite
Livingston's stables and solicit your patronage. You
w ill find our work the kind that pleases
A. W, GULP, Madras, Oregon
Sep.enihor l, 1Uu7.
" iVolice Is hereby kiuii tlmt
WiUinni l. ilarldioti, of Madras, Oreon.
has I1h'd notice of his intention to uiidie
num. live- our proof In support of hl
elalai, viz:
11' uiohtead ISutry A'o 1HIVKS uuule .lfa
111, ltWl, lorihu nwV, of sous, tpis, r lit
c, w in,
And that said nroof will no mado hemic
Krauli Oshtirn, U- S.Uiiiiiuiih tier, at his .
olllco In Miidrus. Oickoii, on Xov. 0, U07. ,
lio 'naniert the following; witnchses to'
prove Ids i!.(iittnuotiti jesliieiic.i upon, and j
enlllv tluiiol, tho iiuid. vl:
Itocky t' U"his.iu. W .1 Cowherd, .v 1.
iWhtair, John a iiulluian, an ot .Mini
i as, Oiogon.
C, W. MooitK,
oKoil Hulstcr
should tile their claims ov oiijcctions m:
iIiIm ollleo on or hol'oro tho .'lOth ilav ol
November, ll07.
t17-nai C. W. MOOliK, Hester,
The best in Shaniko
Good Stock. Careful Drivers
Bust of Hay and Grain Ped
At Very Reasonable Prices
D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or.
Jopattiiicut ol tho lutni'lur
Land Oftiuo at Thu Dalles, Oiouon.
Sin.toinher !S1, UW7.
Notice U herohv ulvon tlmt .
Howard M. Illneknroy, of Jadras.Orenuii,
lias llhNi notice of Ii.m Intention to make
tiuat flvo-yuar pruof In suppoit ot hl
claim, vt:
Itcinustcud Knliy No. UUtfK inmlo.Waich
, llua for the set., ot sco S, tp U a, r 18 c,
w III,
.-W ,SSw .'sft. , W .fc ,L. , .". a ,sk -- ,
Connects with S,hanlko
Branch at Bigcfs
'I'll II SHANIKO TRAIN limves Slmnlko Ml
7 t. a. 111. it ii 1 1 , nrrh luu nt tiiuKS ut II :u ii. ai.
ItvllirillllK, letti'S illKK 11 ' i-: ! W UII
arrle iu Shuulkoat 5 i. m.
no. 2 ciiicaoo si'liClAi. from I'ortlniKl
i illk nut bl(ii lit IIIkk, HUU 'MellKlT for
hiliuiill,,, Itn,. imikl l.iL., li,.,il lrilln fr.itn Wipl.
Iiul that said proof will he made holme ! f'Vi'lJilli'.VVV!,1:0 UH'al lrrtl" (ro,u lHnt
I.OCAI. i.ilAVUS I'OHTt.ANI) 715 n.
''rank OhIioi ii, l'. S. t'oiiiiulKHliiiier, t( hU i
illleoiu .Vadrns, Oicuoii, on Nov. 0, I COT. I
ll iiiiniMw Hie loi iiwlni: wllncnses to1
lies Wx, tV Kov,' .lliii'it iWlckf IMU ' jfM' vMJJAIUAY.u-IVJH.. v
Kilh.nn, alt of Madras, Oreoii. l'ornuu.l, oreBoii.
ilidly. iirrlvim at 1'Iks at Vi .'JU , in. I lit-
returning uii'iu arrivok iu roiiuinu ut ji
C. W. Jfooiti:, lU'h'Istcr
i; J. WILSON, .Vjent, siuiuiko, ort'Kmi.
Shaniko Warehouse Company
Bpoclnl Httuntion to Wool P'tnling and Baling for Kastern ship
moats, Denlors in Ulacksmith Joul, Lime und Iiuildtue' Materiul
of all kinds. Sulphur, Wool and Grain Sacks and Twin, Grain,
Flour and Feed. Highest price paid for,lliduH ami Polts. 8 took
Yards with all tho latest and best facilities for handllnij Stock.
Mark Goods Oar ol
yV. Co."
T. G CONDON, Manager.
i; s