The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, October 31, 1907, Image 2

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Explosion on J. N. Teal Resells
In Loss ol Two Lives.
Connected With Portage Road
Celilo to Handlo Traffic of
Upper Columbia.
t,Ho,i nK 24 In a firo that fol
lowed an explosion on the Open River
Transportation company's steamer J.
N. Teal, at the foot of Oak street, at
4:45 o'clock yesterday morning Mrs.
Amanda E. Jackson and James Collins
were incinerated, Jack llasiey was eon
ously burned and the vessel's supor
totallv destroyed
Whether the accident was caused by
the explosion of an oil burner or of one
nf ,hn hoi era is in uouui. au omtim
5..,.00MonHnn will be started by th
United States inspectors to determine
the facts.
ti.o ctnnnmr wjiq nracticallv new
having been launched the latter part of
May. On June I'O sne was piaceu iu
commission between Portland and the
state portage road at Celilo, connecting
Relief, which was
operating on the upper stretches of the
Columbia, imnng mo iu"
the craft had been in service she never
missed a trip. She completed three
round trips a week. It is declared that
no other boat on the river ever ran
more steadily than she, and this is the
first accident the boat ever experiences
Though not regarded as an unusually
speedy boat, she succeeded in maintain
ing an average speed of about 15 miles
on limir .
Aside from carrying general freight
. . , , . i
both up and down, tne eieamer uunuieu
a large number of passengers. Primar
ily oVia na hnilt fnr the nurnose of
getting an independent Bteamer line
established and to add to it as occasion
demanded, with the view of having
water transportation :aci lines as iar
inland as Lewiston, idano. -ine siogau
of the company was an "open river,"
hence the name chosen for the corpora
tion. nf lnfn fhn ms?or nortion of her car
goes on the down trips have been made
up of wheat. Tne itenei, running uom
Celilo, or the upper terminus of the
portage road, brought grain on the
nlmnqfc nlfocrfithpr and mnil-
UVfU w - - - o
aged to keep enough of the cereal at the
-nnrfnoa in Wwn ihn Teal busv in con-
TWV.,V " J-
nection with the other line of freight
sne nanaiea. josepn js. secre
tary of the company, states that the
Belief will be kept in Eervice.
Before too great a quantity of freight
accumulates at the portage he is confi
dent that another boat to handle the
traffic at this end of the line will be
Crack Oriental Liner Resting on Mud
at Vancouver.
Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 24. The
Canadian Pacific Railway company's
crack Oriental liner, Empress of China,
sank last evening alongside her dock in
this port. Her seacocks must have
been opened, but how, no one can ex
plain. Her main deck on the port side ie
awash with ee-eral feet of water. She
sank and keeled over on her port side,
so that the main deck is now at an an
gle of about 45 degrees. Her engjnes
and dynamoes are entirely under water.
She is resting on a mud bottom, but
the problem in saving her will be that
of righting the vessel and preventing
her from completely turning turtle.
Just after 6 o'clock the steward no
ticed that the water was coming in over
a lower deck. All day the liner bad
been loading flour, 500 or 600 tons of
which is now being slowly turned into
paste in the watery hold. Instantly
the steward gave the alarm. Officers at
dinner hurried to their stations as the
big vessel began to list. All hands
manned the pumps, but it was too late
to Eave her from sinking and soon every
person was ordered aEhore.
Will Pound to Bits.
Crescent City, Cal., Oct. 24. Tho
stranded British steamer Queen Chris
tina lies in tho same position ehe took
when she ran aground last week. The
sea continues running smooth and the
upper deck has been dry ever since the
accident. It is the opinion of local
seafaring men that tho first heavy
storm will pound the vessel to pieces.
There is no chance to Balvage the
heavy articles aboard from seaward, as
it is too late in the eeaeon and because
there are too many sunken rocks around
the steamer.
Gallagher Confirms Confossion and
Says Ruof Expected Immunity.
San Francisco, Oct. 25. When tho
Ford bribery trial was resumed yester
day tho cross examination of ox-Super
visor James L. Gallagher was contin
ued by Earl Rogors, for the dofonse,
who laid stress on tho meetings of tho
witness with Rudolph Spreckels at tho
Presidio when the promises of immun
ity wero alleged to havo been made.
Gallagher said ho understood that Ruef
also could have immunity if ho would
testify. Mr. Henoy protested at at
tempts of Mr. Rogers to confuse the
witness by testing his momory, but
Judge lawler allowed tho examination
to proceed.
At the afternoon session, Mr. Heney,
.,5in rA.ilirppHv oxamininc Gallagher,
called to the counsel tab'o Miss Ella
Coldot, tho grand jury's stenographer,
and from her procured tho shorthand
notes of Gallagher's confession to
Messrs. Spreckels, Henoy and Langdon,
nmiln In tlio latter's apartments, and in
consideration of which tho witness
gained his immunity contract. Galla
gher Identified his signature to those
ThA nrnsecution called ex-Supervisor
John .T. Fnrev. now fa saloon keeper.
The offer of his testimony marked the
commencement of introduction ot evi
lon nf similar offonses." tho couit
overruling the objection by tho defense
to this class of testimony, jjuroy torn
the story of his acceptance of a bribe of
4 nnn from Abe Ruef through Galla
gher for his vote in favor of tho United
Railroads trolley franchises.
First Link of Deep Water Channel
from Lakes to Gulf.
Rteiline. 111.. Oct. 25. A distinct
and important step in the movement to
secure a deep waterway from Lake
Michigan to the Uuli oi iuexico was
tnkpn vesterdav with the opening to
navigation of the Illinois and Missis-
pinni canal, which has been completed
after 30 years of work. The importance
of the event was evidenced by the at
tendance of Governor Deneen and many
ether notables at the opening ceremo
nips. The work of constructing the
canal, which was formerly known as
the Hennepin canal, was commenced
mnnv Years auo. In 1890 concress ap
propriated money to carry on the woik
and altogether the appropriations have
amounted to about $8,000,000.
The main line of the canal. 75 miles
long, extends from the Illinois river,
Hpnnenin. to the Mississippi
river, three miles below Rock Island.
The navigable feeder, about 30 miles
long, extends from kock river at tins
nuint to the main line near Sheffield
and is of the same general dimensions
as the main line.
The canal is 52 feet wide at the bot
tom, 80 feet at the water line, and has
minimum dentb of seven feet, mere
are 32 locks on the main line and one
on the feeder. Water is to be forced
down the canal by a great dam, one
fourth of a mile long, located at this
nnint. Ah one end of the dam are 21
sluiceways, which will be used for elec
trical power development.
Chopped to Pieces by Murderer.
Helena, Oct. 24. A special to the
Record from Livingston, Mont., says
that T. O. Oram, employed on an ex
tension of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul, has been found foully mur
dered near Willow creek tunnel. His
throat was slashed in five places and
there was a dozen ugly stabs in his
chest, while his head was badly bruis
ed, as if with a blunt instrument. The
identity of tho murderer is not known,
nor is there any trace.
Ruef Sentence Postponed.
San Francisco, Oct. 24. Judge
Dunne yesterday postponed tho trial cf
Aba Ruef on the four charges of extor
tion for two weeks. Ruef was also
given two weeks' reepito before being
sentenced on tho extortion charge, to
which he confessed.
Five Hundred Perish in Italian Trem-
blor at Calabria.
Rome, Oct. 25. Horrible loss of life
esulted from the earthquake shocks
that occurred throughout Calabria yes
terday. At first it was thought few
persons had perished, but later reports
add to the mortality list.
At G o'c ock this evening about 200
bodies had been taken from the earth
quake ruins. It is now estimated that
the deaths will surpass 500, but it is
mpossible to get accurate information
on the subject, as many villages are
still cut off by the flccds and the de
struction of roads and telegraph lines,
and no word from them can bo bad.
The earthquake shocks continue, but
they are Blight. The people are still
in a condition of apprehension, which
is increased by each tremor. In spite
of the torrential rain that is falling,
they absolutely refuse to remain under
Talk on Trust Problem.
Chicago, Oct. 25. The Becond day of
the convention of the National Civic
federation was devoted to the consider
ation of "The Corporation, Its Con
struction and Regulation." Prominent
speakers who addressed the convention
set forth the benefits to be derived,from
combination when properly regulated.
The opinion of several who spoke fa
vored national control as opposed to
state regulation. National regulation
was heartily sunported by Isaac N. Se
llgman, of New York. Beth Low, of
New York, also favored that plan.
Plan to Remove Governor.
Seattle, Oct. 25. Nearly the entire
delegation from Nome to the number of
50 arrived yesterday and will go to the
Republican convention at Juneau next
month indorsing home rulo for Alaska
and for the immediate removal of Gov
ernor Hoggatt. "With tho Fairbanks
delegation headed by Judge Wicker
sham and delegations from Juneau,
Skagway, Seward and Valdez opposed
to tho piesent governor It looks bad for
Five Drowned !n Alaska.
Seattle, Oct. 25. Five men were
drowned at Katalla, Alafka, Sunday,
October 13, according to information
brought to this city yesterday by the
steamer Saratoga. The dead are: J.
Iliggins, Seattle; II. Hendrlckeon, Port
Blakeley; Edwin Olson, Arthur Wil
liams and Tony do Pasqualo.
Coos Bay Farmers Add Now Crop
That Brings Profit.
MarBhfiold Tho growing of cranber
ries is proving to bo one of tho most
profitable farm crops for Coos county.
Sevoral ranch owners for a numbor of
years past havo raised tho crop with
profit, but it was not generally taken
up until tho past year. Now quite- a
number havo cranuorry maisnoa.
Tnmt which in known as neat or veg
otable bog is roquirod for the raising
of tho crop, and nearby thoro must bo
unlimited pnnnlv of fresh wator,
which can bo placed under control.
Thero aro, however, many alien tracts
nf Und in tho countv. and cranberry
mmi-iiiD nromiaos to bo ono of the most
important of the farming induetriea of
the community.
W. D. McFarlan, who Is tho pioneer
cranberry man of tho Pacific coast, has
followed the business in coos county
for many years. Ho has a Bix-ncro
marsh which has never fallod to yield
lnri?o pron. Ho has never made less
than $200 an aero clear profit, Bomo
eeasons tho net amount lias Deen great
er. Excepting at harvest time, when
holp is needed in picking, ono man can
attend to a marsh of 15 or 20 acres and
havo time for other farm woik, as tho
nrnn in flooded durlne the winter and
needs no attention. The yield on tho
Cooa county cranberry marshes this
year is particulaily good.
Polk's Prune Crop.
Dallas From information given by
pruno growers in Polk county it is esti
mntpfl thnt thp nruno cron this vear will
aggregate l,U7o,uuu pounds, or a gam
of 625,000 pounds over thecropof 1900.
Most of the growers havo disposed of
... . . . i 1 1 ..t.
their output at o tents a pounu, wmcu
mnl-pq thn tnbil nmount leceivfd for
this vear's nruno cron reach tho hand
some aggregate of $837,500. The larger
nnrtinn of the nrune cron of Polk coun
ty is grown and dried in the immediate
vicinity of Dallas, the town being sur
rounded on all sides by orchards, largo
and small.
Must Extend Original Taxroll. .
Salem The Oregon Supreme court
has handed down a decision in tho caee
of Waterhpuse vs. Glatsop county,
afiirmine the deccree entered by Judge
MnRridfi. in favor of plaintiff. County
Clerk Clinton proposed to deliver to
the stientt a copy or tne assessment;
roll for 1907. and this suit was brought
to enioin that action. The lower court
held that under tho act of the legisla
ture of 1907, the taxes for 1907 should
be extended on tho original roll and
not on a copy.
B!e Lumbor Company Admitted.
Salem The Miami Lumber company
of San Francisco has tiled papeis wan
the Eecretary of state for permission to
do business in this state. This is a
$500,000 concern. The Oregon agent
is W. L. Ducy, ot lloDsonvnie, inia
mook county. The Looso Card Book
company, to have its place of business
at Portland, waB also incorporated with
a capital stock of $50,000. The incor
porators are T. W. Thomas, C. II.
Thomas and W. B. Palmer.
Big Timber Deal In Clatsop.
Astoria A deed has been filed for
record here whereby J. L. Washburn,
of St. Louis, eells a tract of 4,715
acres of timber land located on Upper
Young's river, about six miles from
Olney, to the Youngs' River company,
a Minnesota corporation. Tho consid
eration named is $50,000. The tract
is heavily timbered and the price is un
derstood to have been considerably in
excess of the amount named.
Umatilla Dams Kill Salmon.
Pendleton One hundred and fifty
residents of Pendleton have signed a
petition to the state game warden pro
testing against tho dams in the Uma
tilla river and the dam of the Maxwell
Land & Irrigation company in particu
lar, as fatal to tho salmon which are
said to be dying by the thousands
through a failure to provide proper fish
ladders and means of passage.
Good Water for University.
TJniveraity of Oregon, Eugene Eu
gene has just voted to issue $300,000 in
water bonds for tho purposo of securing
a supply of absolutely pure mountain
water. A stream in tho forost reserve
will be tapped and the water brought
thirty-five miles by a gravity system.
This will insure to the students of tho
University of Oregon pure water with
out the necessity oi boiling it.
Selling Cattle by Thousands.
Lakeview The last drive of cattle to
the railroad has commenced. When it
is finished there will have beon several
thousand head of cattle shipped from
Lake county, bringing into tho county
approximately $250,000. The unusu
ally high prices paid for beef cattle
this year has caueeu an Increase in the
numbor sold.
Mothers' Congress Delegate Wanted.
Salem A letter haB boon received at
the governor's office asking him to ap
point a delegate to represent Uih state
at tho Mothers' congress to ho held at
Washington, D. C, next March. Pres
ident Roosevelt is named as ono of the
directors of the congress.
Bort Will Paint Asylum.
Salem The contract for painting the
interior walls of the state insano asy
lum has been awarded to Charles Bort.
of Salem, at $3,388. Tho contract for
supplying tho paint was at tho samo
time awarded to Fisher, Thorsen a Co,,
of Portland.
Not Income of Road Nearly Six Mil
Hons Accldonts of Soptombor.
.. . mi r l f. M linn fllpil its
Salom ino u. iv. , .
report. It shows tho following: rota
cost of construction and equipmo nt to
Juno 30, 1907, $54,623,084.2; coat o
mile, $021,295.92; gross earnings r,n
operation tho past yoni, W
816.49; operating expenses, $0,9i
821.50; inoomo from operation, ,
972,815.93; income fiom other Hourcoa,
$1,204,302.13; total Income, $7,177,
350.25; deduction, rents, tuxes, in
terest, etc., $l,a83,572.04; net income,
$5,703,784.20; dividend 4 per cent on
preferred stock, $440,000; surplus or
the year, $635,3784.20; otl mirp us
ontry general balance eheet, $-,"Wi-400.03.
Tho following Is a summary of tho
results of accidents within tho etato for
the month of Soptomber piopared by
tho railroad commission from the re
ports of tho various lines: Collisions
ofpaeBongcr trains, 1; fieight trains,
estimated damage to property of tho
railroad companies, $5,160; killed pan
songera, nono, trainmen, nono, othor
employes, 5, other persona, 2; injured
passengers, nono, trainmen, 2, otlitr
employes, 0, other persons, 5. Total,
7 killed and 13 Injured.
Hill Buy's In Astoria.
Astoria Tho announcement recent
ly mado at tho annual meeting of tho
Union Pacific at Salt Lake that the
company had purcliHEed water frontago
and tormlnals hero is now supplement
ed by authentic information that tho
Hill interests havo not been idlo. A.
B. Hammond, who owns largo tracts of
water frontago between Waricnton anil
Fort Stevens, has stated as a posltivo
fact that tho Hill interests purchased
2,200 acres in that vicinity at tho timo
Presidont Hill vieited in the vicinity.
Tho property includes 1,800 acreB
owned by the Flavel Land company, as
well as the personal holdings of Ham
mond. Tho purchaso prlco Ib said to
bo $800,000.
Portrait of First President.
University of Oregon, Kugono Tho
announcement has been made that tho
university will soon bo presented with
a portrait of Presidont Johnson, the
first preeident. Tho Alumni associa
tion and Rev. Herbert Johnson, son of
President Johnson, will make tho gift,
whffth will lw valued ut $500. R. Lo-
Barr Goodwin, of New York City, has
been engaged to make the portrait. .Mr.
Goodwin is a portrait painter of con
siderable renown.
Record Price in Barley.
Weston A record prico of $25 per
ton has just been paid for barley at
Weston, where a great deul of this
cereal is grown, and where tho acreago
is annually increasing. This waa
paid by S. A. Barns, of the Pacific
Coast Elevator company, who purchas
ed 18,000 bushels from five Weston
growers who formed a pool.
New Aaylum Superintendent.
Salem In accordance with an un
derstanding, which has existed for
somo time, the board of trustees of the
Btuto insane afylum havo elected Dr. R.
E. L. Steiner to succeed Dr. J. F. Cal
breath as superintendent of that institution.
Wheat Club. 87c; hlueftern, 80c:
vallty, 87c; red, 85c.
Oats So. 1 white, $29.51); gray,
Barlev Feed. $28.50 per ton: brew
ing, $30; rolled, $3031.
Corn Whole, $32; cracked, $33.
Hay Valley, timothy, No. 1, $17
IS nor tin; Eastern Oreirnn timnthv.
$23; clover, $13; cheat, $13; grain
nay, ?i.i()i-i; anaiia, sim.
Fruits Apples, $12.60 per box;
cantaloupes, $11.50 per crate,
peaches, C0c$l per crate; water
melons, leper pound; pears, $11.75
nor box: cranes. 75cf3l.5 nur c.ratm
I ' ' - f I
casaba, $2.25 per dozen; quinces, $1
1.ZU per box; Huckleberries, 7(?)8c per
pound; cranberries, $1010.60 per
VoiMitableH Tumint. 11.25 ner muV-
" --- . i . i i
carrots, $1.26 por rack; beets, $1.25
per sack; cabbage, lljc per pound;
cauliflower, 25c$l per dozen; celery,
50c$l per dozen; corn, 85c$l por
Back; cucumbers, $1 por sack; onions,
1520c per dozen; parsley, 20c per
dozen; peppers, 817c per pound;
pumpkinB, V4c per pound; rad
ishes. 20c nor dozen: Hnlnnch. Rn twir
pound; Bquash, llc per pound; to-
rnaioea, zoigovc por nor
Onions $2.002.25 per sack.
Potatoes Dolivored Portland. ftrws
$1 per hundred; aweot potatoea, 2c
per pounu.
Butter Fancy creamery. 30(ft35c nor
Veal 75 to 125 pounds, 88$o;
125 to 150, 7$c; 150 to 200, 07c.
Pork Block. 75 to 150 noundn. fia
8c; packers, 7$8c.
' Poultry Avorugo old hons, V
13c per pound; mixed chickmiH, 12
izjsc; spring ciilokens, 1212c;old
roosters, 80c; dressed chickerm, 13f($
14c; turkeys, live, o'd, 10c; young,
18o; geeBO, live, 010o; ducks, Mo;
pigeonB, $11.50; Bquubs, $23.
Eggs Frenh ranch, candled, 27j
30c per dozen.
HopB 1007, 710o por pound;
olds, 45c.
Wool Eastern Oregon avorago befit,
1022o por pound, according to shrink
age; valley, 2Q22o, according to fine
nosa; mohair, choice, 2030o por
ry to
ve of
, on
II gs
Second Trial of Ford for Bribing
Frisco auporvnui.
ltrc-Aiiornw .- - .- ,
1 P li lltH 111 lUO Bill" ' ,
Bll0,tly brorouu,;dnllflv
The l)tCH0c M
l,0' 1 '' I h lonu Cd
UOli uiu jin;
ail. I ....
,lVV!,! n Tm. Mr. Henoy begun
.. .win,. Mtntinir
opening mu.m. v y -
tho nunc mom r- M
'.' . f . 1 1 1 1 m , h hott loin
l'.yMI.V. "" .a. . vlHrtrJonnln
T I' h lH m in" " t - - .
.1. niinil" ,,.,. i Irouds tiol
hi favor oi mo 1 ",IVJ" - -.
.. . xi- ii..i,.iv hUhIo hod In
rancniHo, mi. "v"w" , mV0
line wo inu- ,lM- ,.d.
auk mil' lor a enliven"" -
UHKlllg l"r ' . . M)ll
followed eiosoiy "'".""T. , t. tho
inir statement niado by him tu
jSIy 'i t'" t trial oI.Ford, In which
lhT,!rUyUEtd difference lay In
u ; . iitomont
tho fact ii at uiruKu'" , . .
u lenlay Mr. Uonoy Intimated that h u
Jl . . J .1 Il.wml nil! without
. .. . . .i ..:. u tinlilinu out for a
beliei is ui. Vu.. "-"",",,,,,.
r?"1" " .. K T . on ol
iOlWllUBiim"""K .
.. . .i i. -il...... ,..,.! nnvm'tl
hilllHVI 10 WIO unuu; ,- -
tion. Mr. Henoy and his ablates hnve
ep 'atedly UioUl Uuft r n
tit in n,l Ruof to all when they
aio through with him.
' .... n . .. M... . i. Kin Hi-iun.
TllO BlirpiIDO Ol uiu ui;
ing recalcitrancy ol JonnlngH J. I nil-
.11.... ., 1 Itwl I I It
lips, tho second wumwa
declared himi-elf mmblo to remember
. I .1. t 111 1 I ft
whether ouporviBur u...v
ghor, allegedly acting In tr half of the
United lUilromls and by rwtlo" ol
Kiiof, had P"!'1 hlm ,1,u "rHt hnl ,
$1. 000 bribe before or not until after
' . .i null Mr.
tlio iasfliiKO oi uiu
Honey had great dilllcully in gftt ng
him to admit that "to tho bent ol his
recollection" the offer of money wiu
made In tho period that clapped Ik-
i It.. Siitr.liullin nlK
iwvtJii lie iitivniivv i
Union Colli It Oflt Helon, DIr Re
lay Point.
Holena, Oct. 23. That a thltd great
dam across tho M loom I river mar hero
will be built immediately U no longer
a possibility, it is an assured fact. Kx-
Governor K. T. iiauser nan jnei ru
turned from New York, and ettl that
13.000.000 had Ikcii no-
cured lieforo 'ho great slump in Mocks
and tightening of money. me etaie
in further borno out by the (act
that tho Cup! uil City Power company
today bought from tho state ol Montann
all of tin) remaining land which U to
be flooded by tho back waters, and
which Iks on either nlde of tho rlvor.
While u ortion of the power iteno-
ratinl will bo utilized in Uio Hutto
mines and Anaconda smelter of tho
Amalgamated Copper company, no
small amount will bo used In tho ro
lamntliin ol arid lftniU In this lmmeli
ate vicinity. Speaking on tho subject,
Governor HaiiHer snid that the tluauclal
success of the first two dams waa nil
the argument nenled to enlist capital
tor tne tnini.
Capital Secured and Bottom Lands
Bought for Undertaking.
Helena, Oct. 23. At a meeting of
the local Tclrgraphcrt!' union in this
city hint night tho slnko was formally
declured of and 10 men have asked
Manager Taylor, of tho Western L'nlon,
or thoir old positions. Forty men
walked out iu thin city when tho stilko
was first inaugurated, and tho firht
break in the ranks came several days
ago when one of the ntrlkurtt arked for
roiriHtatement unil was sent to tho Ht.
Paul ofllco.
It in Ixtlieved that tho action cf tho
local union hero will have tho offtct nf
breaking tho backbone of the strike
throughout the Northwest, as Helena,
being a big relay point, Is one of the
mot Important olllccs west of Chicago.
Mr. Taylor believes that before to
morrow night practically 'ivory operator
who quit tho service of tho Wostorn
Union here will ask for reinstatement.
Stamping Out PlaRuo.
Seattle, Oct. 23. Mayor Monro yes
torduy formally requcfitcd Governor
Mead to rcmiest tho surueon iiwmil nf
tho Public Health and Murine HoApiUil
service 10 lake cluirgo of the piophy
lactic meaaurea that may ho iii cesnaiy
to stamp out bubonic dIuimui In H.-tll
and Governor Mead Immediately wired
tho dopartrnent at Washington. Tho
city council han prepared an ordinunco
providing for a bounty on ralH and tho
iKiard of health has divided tho city
Into sunitary districts for tho purposo
of cleaning up tho city.
Drivor Puts Up a Fight
Holena, Mont., Oct. 23, A loiter
from LowlBtovm, Mont., nays that tho
MushoIhIioII Htairo was held
rohbors, but that tho driver, named
Laiincnford, put up bucIi a fight with
ono ( f the robbers that thf Hccond man
was nliliLTd to leavo tlio liorn lm...ia
o iiHHlst his pomriido in crime. While
tho fight wiih In DrouresH thn tmn ..,
away, thus pcrml'tlng tlio iiiuIIh and
other iimttor to oecapo tho huuds of
tho robbers,
Emporor is Much Improved.
Vienna, Oct. 23 Information oh
ained from all murcra Indicates that
tho condition of tho emporor In very
iniwh Imprnvod. Ijist
Kood night for hlm und yeutorday waa
a Sood day, '
Cnnni (IminlMRBB rt- i ....
Ill I. Ill Ull IILIIUI Kit illllllll m
- n
Earthquake Loft Waste,
mil rniitriprn iimm,
otii iniuiuiuuu iiulua Ht
Since tho Qroat Fire 10 Monlhi
r ... 1 1 .J f LI . ii
Han Francisco, Oot. 20.H j.
mnntiiM auo that Bun Frnnci.
.tii t inn nun niiM
l ien hiio iiaa uuou hiiiiummi with i.j.
trial nwuu, uitiu uuirupiioit iinj w
hoiiic pliiguo. H In no Oiponai)&
motit to tnko stock. It does 11 til.
..... . . . "
an onumiBi 10 wruo tno rrii,U
I lm revival. Iho factH and tl. J
...II , ., AWM HltllV ,lti,
IUII iiivii h.v.j .ii,i uiuy tfft
for m-prvoutt to MOO. (Iroiif Ih.iii
Ihnlr rliflil IranifH Int. ..
the Bkv. comiiiorciai avenues ..;
Willi podcswians ami a vat Indottri.
iirmv u ii a into ii mi oven iim
observer hiuhi noio.
Tho Ban Franciscan may be nti
-.1 ....... i ir it.. iiiAu u .. .II.M..1.I
itlni.ii lid thiiinbfl 111 hU vi.i aHri 1.
iti wnai no nun none, nut tie w
1. ........ .,l.. II... II. .1 I... .
I".-' " r - - - ' - v i
tit ro wiih Mailed han not abitcd,
. . i ... i ...... i. ...i .i .
nm liiM.limltiL' tn Hhnw. niul wlik ii
hiiH couio ii now scat for tho vrut wj
kiiwii tlio urn iiiiiiiiiiiL'K htk.
uh much nH In any wlinllur ptrloj
time before tho Uru. They uom
il ....... f.. IH (i. trill
MkyscraiM;ra M or 16 stcrles hldi.
. ' i. i. ..ii.ii... .
is an iiiougii n imii luuig were
-...I.... ..i ttunnivi ti....
no sign of u decrease, nlthouihll
k . i . ..hi
v fiMiiui i nm l ii ii i ii will mi n riTrii
ulllni: off emir tho wlntrrmoc&
I.. ....1 .A
t it i I ill!.. .1 il
iwiuiiviT. in inn niainiiLi in uiu hi
A . tt.. 1I..II...... .. . I.. . .. .
that Ban rrnnclrco could bo balltcu
.... II.. UHiMfit.ri 11 II. rlllvAni t
. inn film iifiii ... , . I i.i i.u. u
.1 .1
. .1 I . I t. I.- I . .1 .
hut ii small decrnwo and still it4
tho comfortable figure of $167,000,$
It hat lieen pointed out I Im tit
lu.llilliiL-n to cost tno.Q0O.OQ0 iftft
flro, but San Franclsec bus dor, fc
1 1 ...... nn .... 1 1 l,t lr iiiiintlii m ll
lUiltlincro'ii nchloveinent was coma
ci upon nt tho timo iui marvelooj.
DurllnKton i Afior Coal.
Helena, .uom., uci. -w a rptnu
i t M . I 1 I .... I A iHfutV
... At ti
It IlIIL'llb Ul I IK IV W " J v w 1
lUlt) v-vJft w. ,.j - -
.1 1 !.. ... III.... - HMMM.
1 IT.. L' lAHtluitll ffti
I l4tf AX. A " ' '
nun liiai cuxiniruriiui) nui " t-
.... , ff. . I. fl.lnu
At 9 iflr 'I II IM Will Ul 1n 1I1C UUIMH
ton iictwn to tho rich coal fitW
ff t.. .... rtl I M flflfi
I TIia rrutil U'llI lOllOT V
1 11 1 11 1 sv " -'
Clark's Fork river
Qrftfleri Toll Storlei.
... .. ,1 r . ...
Ktin (rimnlwtn. IJCl. -U r-c.
11... 1 ..1 11... ti..... r. t.mi liriltfrv tw
..'k...!. ...U ...M.J ' ' " . " .
.. ,1 ,. . t ..ll.l.... f ln.rvirtlBrt
. i.. -'i.... 1... iiiTinn. tit
I'. .MCIIOIH 1111(1 J. J. jihm"'"- ;.
, ..... 1 . t 11... r,wi..i.. w
....1.1. ..ii..tiini(uiiv tne r-'
1 ... II... tn,ki,T I fill
11 h waa uiven wi mu
I......I I f..... iltujivnniinn Ipm. hoiew
I'lllll. .TV iiiw llinLiVl'n'v"i
I -
"MI .. Ul. iini-JIIU tTlFllILAI "
M IWIIITIir III I IIM I - I 1. V llil w -
...ul. .. ,.l..l.f MiiIi.ltlllDCCiw'"
... . f.. ... rriiA RUit
ifinui ii 1 iin iiiiiiimiiii ili icini - - . ,
Itirwi nniiit nm 1:111 lllfft II1I1L HI" .
....... n,.,r,...v ,
v..i ... . i.. ni l. M n i i iiifimicov "
1..1...1 ,.v, .1,. 1 11 lui tho mw"'
. t a I .iar.
necessary In the Uroimai n,um'
-.-ii a. -II. . f-jr Bulltf,
... . . . e 1 fin . I f I II Bkv
n nmi MAMI. I Mil. . II ..i
. .... i .i 1a;I inn
itiiiiii iu iiiiiiifir 11 1 . ijiiiiiv uiv . ..
illMI I Wfl I 4BW " . . .1. Ik
.i a i.. i ii, 1 1 Mir uiu r
I. 1. I tl Aid WIIU
".r." . 1 . " "7' 'fim WwtfrJ
nvii v m m xj v 1 1 t i. .
Union opened ofllco in
today and, according to VW'M
colved hero tonight, IMIIInB" w'11 r
up tomotrow.
.. . USirk.
Htrlker ua uck io " , ...jj.
ii. I... ..i iui 'l' V.fllX " .
............ -. ...iiu
Ing WoHtorn Union tolograpi r; j
reported buck for work yetoJfi((,
woro employed in tno yvcsi"" t
thcHo 10 woro employed v " .
int., whore tho strike was calico
Emperor Is Nearly Well"
. ml... fl U
Vienna, uct. m. iiw iv t
iittondanco upon Kmporor l?'"c'. $
oph yesterday dcoklod not to IW A
further lmllotlnn, M they cv tlr
tilu Knnvutnunoimn U ntOUXQW'M W
faotorl ly,