Madras MADRAS, CRbOK COUNTY, QREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24, (907. NO. 10 Pioneer i m Tu n lie n r fOREICN EXCHANGE BOUCKT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Block, $23,000 ...... A. E. CROSBY I' It 0 I' It I K T 0 H IK an mm . trio around llio world I botttir wliiiotukinif thin WE WILL TAKE ' WHEAT s h GENTS PER BUSHEL f ('(il.r-llM.ll.iil.ll.lll.M.l'lil'.lMlM.iM.ll.i'W'lil'llll.l'liM.I'liM.I'IIIM'liM.Jil.M.I'lill.l'il'l,!'! iPurtli'H kuowliiK tlit'hiHi'U'fH uidobled will plenso bring gj iiit, or st ttli with cooli. Triceare f$roatly reduced, us wo arc planning to iOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK f t'UK.iWnl'll"'' M,i(l.'t1M1lli(llM.Il.lM,ll,n(,f11(l,(1,lil'llM,((l,'' LENA M: LAMB 1 inch, Proi, H, A, Mooro, Vice-Pros, F.T. Hurlburt, Caehlor JTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY t soslts, $230,000 OIIANmU, UHtbUIN 1 OFFICE PHARMACY Comn t ie Lino of Rimr'. MihIicIih'h, ('homlciUii, Ilutunliold Ramcdfe. (Uidrh.i hiiiI I'lioto HuppUm. Countrjr Mull Order f kIvo my pcrMHint Orndiinto .ii clinri0, HUi ddlvory (,'imrniilui'd. our prescription , Hlr 'iliitU' mid l'ot litro)nr. HlorU Koodii.nnd f)p of nil kind. tmn Kodak. Until Thoiio. WHOJ.ISAl.K AND ItKTAlI.. OREGON' Costs To Join Our Travel Class And Take a Trip Around tho World In 60 srlil In CO minutes nt almost no cost Hint sounds prood, nnd you wilt onjoy It still this Journey us a member of our world's trnvi'l class. v will talui you with us 'on IJioucnof tlioglolio. You will vluw with delight :)io moat txmutlful Hccnod ot ruuch ulnrv mnnl rv m tliniii'ii of llin L'lnlm. Vim will vluw ry land, fiom our own coimtrv. Aincr ca. tlirourli tlio United Htntci. tlutmrli ti MimmiiIi 1).Ih it..r ! i.nmi.1 ll.lii mm. llin iiinitfi.filnu of Ui.ll.ii.lniill WWU UlllUhUOliaiJIi (lilliUHl. I.M..I.JT J , .UUIill'iiiiiuiii.irMn . fc- . nuiui fiKia'.ic countries inciuuiriK uowery jnpnn umm wuuuoriiu uiniinry ui hid urieuv, wiu.ii puupio uaru iiccomo no Dus, tlirouuli our Ihlaml poskomsIoiib. In fact from ono end of tlio uloliii to tho other. Iinuglno yourcolf talam on rririiiofH iiiiiHii ni.wiLiiiioiiiiiiirLuiui)utT iswtiioiiincosoriniereHini every lpleaiiniit,er? Could nnythlutflio more enjoyntilo, or could niiythlnK bo more prii'jiiiu irko anu lliaicveryoro limy mKU lliniiiK'i "iir iiuurni iniui. wi nuinin iruvei umsn is l'omcuivi-u uy rlenn Trnvi.l fll Auw-lniTnri nml 1 4 n. itchiIimi of I lio most fortllo minds Of World Wldo tmvulurs. nnd 1m nnt lrnlv Soasiiru and enjoyment and education of Imndrods of thouHaudH of iivople. Art bo wouucnui onu oonuurui scvniw oororo you iiiroiiKU our niurwiiinu inun in. n nnu it you join our ii'bYucia&s buu may wivu us iuiib vuuugu iu Here is Our Offer Wliou you lmvo )iiiroiiocd IID.iki chhIi Ttii'nihniidlso nt our Hloro wu will kIvo voii ono of thu uhovu kcopuN iihxolutcly frco 1' iiriiu'r, in orucr iiiix you inny hucuru n coniilute sot ot world's vm vIowh, wi minuuiiro that (or every nildlllniiul ilol Jiir'n wdrlh of inreluiKeH vn will ireoiit you with (mid bountiful colored view I'M.K ('oiiuutud hrliiK your friondu nnd m'lli liri to our htoro Aiidnoo thcuo hvojioh mid view on exhibition J:W,&M, A, Robinson & Go. General Merchants MADRAS, OREGON PROFESSIONAL CARDS. pRANK OBBORN U. S. COMMISSIONER Towiudlp Ilu IMing MADItAS ORKOON D 111. IIAItOLD CIAHUK DENTIST All kind of DenUUVorJc nt rcmonablp price 1'WNKviLLK, oni:aoj 0 G. COLLVER NOTARY PUBLIG JmicK or tiik Vkack CVhVEll VMtpiSCT CULVER ' OREGON II. BKOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON onico In Drug Storo. MADKA.S OltEOON J II. HftNER ABSTRAQTER OF TITLES 1,'OTAJtY rUHUC I'lro Iiiiiurftnfp, Mfc Iiisurnnrc, SuVoty Jionds Item Entnto, ConvoynncliiK I'fttNKVlM.K, OKKGOK I). F. All ex, President. T. M. Baldwin, Cashier. WiixWunzwRiLRH Vtro Pro. H., A Cashier. NO. 3851 . The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE, OREGON ESTABLISHED t 088 Capital. Burpfii Mid Undivided I'roflU $100,000.00 A. M. WILLIAMS & CO DJ'Al.KUS'lN Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods HOOTS AND 8HOE3 HATS AND CAI'8 the DALLES ORECON Minutes. tiotmnnv. tliroucii lovulv Iiittb1n nil miiviimi v..v..f..i .... lmrt or inn worm, could nnv- educattiiB? This Is tho trip that has mado It ixissllilti for us to " iriuw, n-nny no cost av an, m you uuuiing. 'Si 2 s BIOCK THE TRUNK LINE V 4 arriman. Hurries Surveyors i Ino Centra) Qrcgori PURSUES DOG IN THE MANGER POLICY Engineers Will Spy Out Strogctlc Points to Bo Held Against tho Conning of tho Orogon Trunk Equipped with automobile for crossing the stretch of Interior Oregon irom email ko to .iviumaui rails, a party of engineers and surveyors, car rying field liutrumonts and camping outfits were litis tied away on a special train from Portland last night over tiie 0. It. iV y. by General Managers O'Brien. Their orders are to cross the state from north to south, with the supposed purpose of spying out the slragotio points and holding them against the Oregon Trunk Line, the Independent railroad that announces its intention to build up tho Den chutes River from its nloiith to Mad ras and on to Lakevlew, sayo Sunday's Oregonlan, Officials of the Hurriman interests are reticent as to tho purposes of the expedition, which was kept secret. But the oiiject of the trip seems to he to run counter . to the Oregon Trunk, tho only railroad, that now threatens to enter tiio Harrimap preserves, as Central Oregon has come to he known The Barrimun people contested the right or the Oregon Trunk to tiulid a railroad up the peschutes. canyon from the mouth of that river 100 miles to tho nig level plain of Central Oregon, panger threatened the Har- rlman interests when the Oregon Trunk entered the Deschutes canyon and the legal department was put In motion to head off the threatened in vasion. Tills failed, for the Oregon Trunk is now possessed of rights as far up tho Deschutes, as the moutli of White Itiver, a distance of 45 miles. Lest the Oregon Trunk continue its triumphant progress through , the Carries a good line of fresh drugs and patents. Pre scription work and family recipes made a specialty T. A. LONG Physician and Druggist MADRAS, ORECON M. C. MASON Real Estate, Insurance Collections Also makes a specially of Auctioneering In all line.". Otllce in Loticks ilrnthors" furniture store MAI1RAS, - OREUON "WE HAVE A Uig Lino Of - HEATING STOVES Sco theiii if you need ono LOUCKS BROS. DEALERS IN FURNITURE Madras, Oregon Harness and jSaddles Belting, Lace Leather Whips, Bridles, Halters Vino Ilniulinitihj Harness fully guaran teed, inudo from bes.t Culifoi'uia Oak tunned ImrnosH leather B. S. LARK IN MADRAS, ORC00N ELK DRUG STORE state, plans for which arc under way, the Hnrriman people apparently feel Ituccesgary to stay tho procession as soon as possible. ThiB is doubtless the object of tho expedition just sent into the interior, From Deschutes: the party will travel by atitomob'lle to Madras and Bend, and engineers will go over the Upper Deschutes Valley, seeking the most practical route for ii railroad and pointing out the only feasible lino for tiio purpose. Ti'at these stragetlc points will bo secured by thp Tlarri man, 'interests and that these engineers will bo busy In tho Interior for some time is taken for granted. Although Uarriman interests cannot see their way clear to spend money in building roads Into Central Oregon at present, aH says Mr. Uarriman him self, in view of the condition of the money market, the Oregon managers appear to have carte blanche when it comes to blocking other projects into Hint lerrttpry. This has heen demon strated any number of times. The danger that the Oregon Trunk may become n -II ill line at any time lends inducement to the Harrimun people to forestall the only live oppo sition project that openly plans to invade Oregon from the north, east or west. The party of engineers referred to In the above story ca'rno out from Shan iko last Sunday, going on into Central Oregon by way of Haycreek and l'rhievilteand hurried on to Burns in the southeastern part of the state The engineers are said to have been accompanied by General Manager O'Brien, Attorney W. W. Cotton and oilier Harriman officials, and the an nouncement was made that from Burns the party would go to Hunting ton on the O. R, & N. From this fact, and from tbe further fact that the Oregon Trunk Line has not been sur veyed farther south than Madras, from which point on south it would have the choice of half a dozen routes, It is rattier to be inferred that this party has somo other object in view than that of obstructing progress on the Oregon Trunk Line. HERDERS AND INDIANS MIX Have A Lively Fracas With Booze and Guns at Rosland A serious shooting scrape occurred at Rosland in the southern part of thh county last week between three herders in cuarge of the Yancey sheep and tjireo Indians from the Warm- springs reservation. The stories of tiie affray as toid by tho Indians and by the other parties to the fracae differ very widely. each claiming the other' to have been to iilame. According to tho story told by the Indians, they went trt"lheslieep camp on a peaceful mission and were attacked by the sheepmen, when the general mix-up occurred. The herder?, however, suy that the Indiaus were filled with fire water and had heen giving them trouhle all day, riding through the bands of sheep, discharging their pis tols and shouting, in an effort to sepa rate the bauds. They w.ere warned to desist but were too full of whiskey tr heed the warning, and the. fight was finally precipitated. One of tho In dians received a bad bullet wound through ills thouldcr, another bus a bad buulp wound from a I. low with a ritle, and the third Indian Is badly .beaten up. Tlio herders escaped with out any injuries. Colbert Hoto is tiie name of tho Indian who was shot through the shoulder, and Wdllie Miller was the recipient of tlio pleas ant little attentions from the herder which left him with a bad scalp wound. Tho name of the other Indian Is unknown. Sheriff UI kins left for tho soeno of the shooting immediately upon re-' celpt of the uewt, and the herders and wounded Indians were brought to I'rinevllle for examination by the dis trict attorney. Colbeit Hote, the Indian who was shot has the reputation of being a bad man, and It wad lie who several veurs ago killed an, Indian policeman on the reservation, for which ho served time. In tlio IrueuH at KuHlund lie was shot by Fred Snoderly. ADAMS-LAMB WEDDINC Mr. D. W. Adams mid Mrs. Loiin M Lamb, oih of this place, wore married at Tlio Dulles on Wednesday of last week, although tho announcement of tlio happy event was not mado horo until tlioir return on Sunday evening. Mrs. Lamb has heen visitini; friends in Spokane- for several weeks, and upon her return was mot at Tlio Dulles by Mr., AduniH, whore a quiet ceremony was performed in the, presence of a few friends, making them man and wife. After spending a day at Tho Dalles, thoy returned liuino, driving out by way of tlio WurniBprltiga reservation route, WANTS CLINE FALLS, Mt. Hood Railway Negotiating for Ejig Power Site FALLS DEVELOP 50,000 ft'ORSE P0WE. Purchase. Would Practically Announci Railroad Extension Into ' i V Poschutes Courttry It is reported that tho Mt. Ilood electric line is negotiating for the power silo at Cline Falls, ou the Des chutes which, lends an air of sub-' stantiallty to the recen t rumors of the extension of that road across Centra Oregon, to connect with the Mbffat road at gait Lake in the formation of d new transcontinental line with Port land as tbe Pacific Coast terminus. LaBt week two representatives of tho electric road passed through Madras from Cline Falls, where they had been looking over the property ivith 1$. U. Hurlburt, one of the owners of the power site, and it is rumored that a, deal for the property has practically been closed. This rumor has not beet , confirmed by either the purchasers or. the owners of the property, although it is definitely known that negotia; tions are under way. Should it be true that the Mt. Hood road lias purchased the Cline Fall property, It confirms absolutely tho, recent rumors of tbe extension of the. Mt. Hood road up the Desohutes Into Central Oregon. No other motlyq than that of utilizing the falls for the. generation of electrical power wquld have prompted the purchase, and the. power to be developed at Cline Fall would unquestionably be for the oper ation of the line up tbe Deschutes, aq tbeMt. Hood line can develop ample power nearer at band than Cline Falls for tbe operation of its enter prises, should tbe extensive line up the Deschutes and through Centra , Oregon not be contemplated. This fact will make, tbe announcement of the purchase of tbe Cline Falls prop erty by the Mt. Hood company practi cally an announcement of their plans. The Government measurement shows a flow of 3800 cubic feet of water per secoud at the falls, which drop a sheer 30 feet in the canyon of the Deschutes, and it is estimated that 50,000 horse power cau be developed at tbe falls. FISHER HAS PROMISING COLT Fred Fisher returned the last of tho week from The Dalles, where ho has been attending the fair and carnival held at that place, and which ho saya was a great success from every stand poiut. The exhibits in the pavilHon were good, the attendance was large and the racinc was first-class. Mr. Fisher took to The Dalles with him his three-year-old colt. Babv Itov. with which lie took second money iti ono Harness event, uaoy Kov was ulso exhibitejl in tho stock bhow, and was awarded the first prize for sinjjrle r.adsters. Mr. Fisher Is pardonably proud of the fact that hitt colt took tho lilue ribbon in his class In tlio stneh exhibit, and lie in also very much pleased witn the colt's performance in the harness events." ' FAILED TO FIND ELK Superintendent C. C. Covey nnd W. LIT- Bishop of tjio Warmsprings Agency were in town last Friday. The former hud just returned from an expedition over to the headwaters of the Claoka- mas after elk, the expedition, how ever, faiiiug in its purposeas they did not get any big gumo ut all. From September 15 to the 15th of this month was an open season for elk, the first tltno In Ave years that it was hwful to kill this species of game, and only one oik by each hunter could lawfully be killed tills year. Mr. Covey had two Indian guides with liiui, and had been promised sight of eik, but although thoy spent several days looking for them, thoy did not find the herd. STAGE DRIYER WAS LOST Paesongors who loft Shaniko on Tues day evening's Prinovillo stage, relate an aggravating oxporiehco. Tho driver was a new man, unfamiliar with the roads, and instead of keeping tho Prino villo roud took the ono leading tQwmd Hakeoven. In spito of tho protests of passengers wjio were familiar with tint route, tlio driver carried thoni out on tho wrong road thirteen miles before ho wuh finally convinced of his 1 mistako. Then ho drovo back to within about 1 four miles of Shuiiiko and took tho right road, and the stage with Uh wcai passougers reached Heisler station a 1 5 o'clock in the morning,