Timber Lund, Act Juno , 1S78. Notice for Publication United States Land Ofllco The Dalles, OrcKon. Sept. Mh, 1907. Notice in hereby given that In compliance with the provision of the net of Congress of Juno .1,1X78. entitled "An act for the naie of timber inmla In the Mate of California, Ore Kon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to nil tlio piibjiti laud states by act of August 4, 1893, Notice is hereby given that on August of Hend. eounlv of Crook, state of Oregon, has The Madras Pioneer Notice for Publication OF STATE SELECTION United States Land OiTioo The Dalles, Orepn, Sept. 4, 1007. Notice is hereby mven that m A turn 2D. 1007. the State of Oretion. bv its dnlv authorized agent, in due form, filed in this ollleo an npnlicnfiou to select as indemnity school land the wjswi mid ojso.t hoc .iL, tp 14 s, r in o, w m. Anv tiiul all persons claiininir adverse ly the above uesorilieu lamin, ortles'iiiiig to object to the allowance of the same. Phoulll file their claims or objections UI sisters Oregon: John 1-Vy.t era A Jones, Trank this Qfllco on or before tho 20th dav of O Minor, tleorgo A. Jones, all of llond, Oregon. Any aim an persons claiming ntivoryoiy the above-described lands arc requested to tile their claim1 in this ollleo on or boforu the aalu lBth day of aov timber, I'.Hu. on April 19. l'.W. tiled in this oineu her sworn statement No. S391, for tho purchase of the fe'-eVi of see ft, n.'-ijtioJi and neluw4' tec 8, tp ins, r u o. w in. And will offer jiroof to show that tlie bind sought Is more valuable, for its timber or stone than for agricultural nurnoses. and to cstab' lish her rlnim to said land betoro 11. 0. Kills. I'. S. Commissioner at his oin-e In Hend, Ore gon, on the llltii day of .November, 1W7. Mic names as witnesses: joint inosi. oi ucionor, iyur pVlo'M C. W. MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Inturlor Land Ollleo at 7'ho Dull.. Or.. Sept. 19, W07 iVnti'e is hereby given that . (oM-plilne Kolibtio-, formerly .Josephine jieen. wiutiw oi rnu ureon. ueconseu, of itmtrao, Oiupon. has filed notice of her intenti on to make wml live-year proof In support of hoi .claim, viz. Homestead Entrv No !!!S0 made Abv. jwii, tor me m-h sec i, ip 12 s, r is e, w in. And thnt said proof will lie made before the Register and lleeeiver at Tho Dalles, iimi names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the laud, viz: TJtilbert .Jenkins, .1 11 Homey, H X GU- ani, iv y .ifUKins, i-liznuiiih Jiicnauls, all ot Jlatlras, Oregon. C. W. Mooun, sl9-ol- Register, sia-n? Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78 Notice for Publication. United States Land Ollleo. The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 5, 100' given Iotjce for Publication Department of the Interior Land Oftloo ntTho Dnlles, Oregon, September 21, 1007, Notice Is horeby uiven thnt Miles D. Fox, of Madras, Oregon, Iihh Hied notice of Ins Intention to make llnnl five-year proof In support of his claim, viz: Ilom-sleail Entry No 1043'-' made March 8, 11)02, for tho sine! and nlse.J of sec 2 Ip 10 h, r 13 e, w in, Ami thai H.-ilil proof will be niudo before Frank Osboiu, V. 8. Commis sioner, at bis ollleo In Mudras, Oregon, on Nov 0, lt'07. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ami cultivation of, the land, viz: 110 Dove. Emost V Doty, .1 K Campbell, C 0 Fox, all of Madras, Oregon. o3-Sl C. W. MooiiK, Kcghdor Notice is herebv thnt in eom- Tl mbor Land, Act of Juno 3, IS7. Notice for Publication. United Glutei Land Ollleo I ho Dalle. Orepon, Sept. .1, UW. Notice Is herubv uian that In comnllanro pliance with the provisions of tho act. "'Kb the provisions of the aotot t'ongreiw of f fVn, f T,,.,n -i icTQ ,...:n,..i J.utia , 1S7S, entitled "An net for the sale of i. . ; ; .V U'"U"V"V' timber lands lii the slates of California. Ore- .ah j.ci ior iiiosaie oi iimocr lands in gon, Novada and Washington Territory," a the states of California, Oretion. Nevada extoudeil to all the public limd stotys by act of and Washington Territorv." as extend- "....... , etl to all the Public Land States bv act of sister, oountr of rr.Mik. state of orr.mii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Intel ior Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon. September 21, 1007 Notice Kliereby given that Jem C. Knas. of Madrns, Oregon, -has hied notice of his intention to make iinai comiiuiw.tion proof In suppoit of his tpjiiiiu. viz: Homestead Entry Xo, 1S475, made Mhv U, 1904. for the sete of sec (J. ssivji .urn iif;4wtt oi si c o, in n s, r He, W 111, And Unit said proof will be made before irank Osliom, I . b. Commissioner, at his oince in jaoras, uregon, on ov. 7. 1'.iOi. iie names tne lofiowmg witnesses to prove liis continuous residence upon, and ctiftivntlon or. the land, viz: George S Mayes, X P Potilsen, O E Bye X S Jennings, all of Madras, Oregon. S-o31 C. W. JfooitE, Kegister Notice for Publication. De artment of the Interior Laiu OSiee at Tho Dalles, Oregon, 3 . September 21, 1907. Notice is hereby given that ' .Laura Pearl Peek, formerly Laura Pearl i i ucKcr, or auras. uregon, of August 4, 1SD2, Charles L. Gist. of Sisters, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has, on March 2, 11K)7, filed in this ollice his sworn statement. No !1S40, for the purchase of tboeswia and i,ot o of sec l, and neiinvi of sec . ti 12 s, r 11 e. w in. And will offer nroof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur- noses, and to establish us c aim to said land boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commis sioner, at bis otliee in llend. Orecon. on the 15th day of November, 1007. He names as witnesses: Edwin Gra ham, lloy Foster, Charles Carson, Frank Arnold, nil of Sisters, Oregon. Anv and nil niTSnna I'luimine nil. versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this ofliee on or before said loth duv of November, 1007 has, on September tl. 1MW, tiled in this office his sworn statement No :Uti, for the purchase of tho sw 'iliw!, ' : of mo 17 and lie1 ,iieV, sec IS, tp his, r 11 c, w ui, Ami will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for It timber or Mono than for aKriculturiil purpose. oiiii i csiaiinsn ins viaun to sam mini ueiore the County Clerk at rrineUIlo, Oregon, on iue inn nay oi necemoer, 1W7. lie niiirnm as witiiea-es. tluv C'avixvol. V S litlerion, both of Sisters, oreaon, and I. I! AiuiiKtiam and Harry A brains, both of frine ville. Orciioii. Any and all persons claiming adversely the nuuvu-octcrioeu minis are rmiuesieii 10 rue their claims In thli etllce on or before said 11th day ol Hecember. Iixr7. o3 18 C. . MOOltK, Iteglster. Timber Land, Act at June 3 l!7tj. Notice for Publication. rutted States Land Offlce Oreron, Sent. 10, 1907. The Dalles Notice Is herein- ijlveii sl2-n7 C. W. MOORE. Register. Timber Land. Act June :i, 1S7S Notice for Publication United States Land Ofllce The Dulles. nrnroTi Sont f. 11V1T Notice is hurtdiv frlvcn thnt Iti ..nm,.llu,i..a with the nrovisfnns nf thn mt nf Cnticm., nt June a. 1S7S, entitled "An act or tho sale nf timber lands in the states of California. Ore- iron, Nevada and Washtlif ton Tnrrllri extended to all the public land states fiy act Aucnst 4. iww ' August 4, It!)-.', J. HuJton Ilean, of Hend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has on February 2C, 1907, tiled In this otticc hi sworn statement No. Ssso, for tho purchase of me usjiie)j, ne.'4n4 ana ixi 1 01 sec 7 and has filed notice of lier intention to make f! final fire-year proof in support of her ennui, iiz; . Homestead Entry No 107S2 made Jav S, 1MJ2, for the nei4' of sec IS, tp 12 s, r 12 e, w in, And that said proof will be made before Lrank Osborn, u. is. Coinniissioner, at his omc.u in jiauras, uregon, on ov. e, iswt. isfie names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: 1 V Limbaugh, II L Evans, .1 C Tuck- jer, D Ct Kogers, all of Jiadras, Oregon. C. W. MooitE, ' Register. And will offer nroof to shmr thnt fl. ft I ii ml sought is more valuable ior its timber or stone than or agricultural purposes, andtoestab lish his claim to said land before H. C. E11N. I . S. Commisioncr. at his ofllce In Hend. Ore- gon, on the 11th day of December, 1907. He names as witnesses: Kdwin C Coon, hlmer Nibwonger, Charles D Urown, Charles L llroek. Phlirlcs St Wovmnnfli all nf lln.wl Oregon. ' ' . Anv and all rnr.snns nlfttmlnc nrlvnrtfnli , I. ftuuttlCTHUtU JHUU3 tfiHt in iviiiihlinn with the provisions of the act of Congrens of June , ls7s entltlwl "An act for the sale of iimuer lanus in tlie Maten of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land States bv net of August I, 1M2, Sarah A. Kctchum, of rrlnovflle. county of Crook, state of Ore gon, has this day filed In this olllee her sunrn statement No Wis, for the purehano of the -4-u4 mm 5wi sec .o si, tp 11 s, r in e, in. And will offer proof to show that tho land sought Is more valuable or Its, timber or stone than for agricultural purines, and to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk at 1'rlnevllle, Oregon, on the 13th day of flecemlnT, 1507. She names as witnesses: Llzrle Lnfollette, 1 red A Kice, Carrie D Klce, all of Prlneville, Oregon, and lellsa Street, of Slstent, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverely the aboe described lauds are requested to tile muir cianns in mm ouice on or be I ore said lS(h day of December, 11X17. oa-ds C. W. jfOOr.E, Iloglster. Timber Land, Act June 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, t'nlted States Lund Ofllce The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. II. 1907. Notice is hereby glon that In coinp.'iame with the provisions of the act of Congress of June , 1S7S entitled "An act for the sale of timbei lauds in the states of California, Ore- iiuii, .icmim nun ii MHu ingioii jerritorv drlunilml ..a,. .1... - . . . . Timbor Land, Act Juno Jl, 1878 Notlco for Publlcntion United Slates Lapd Ollleo, The Dalles, Oregon, August 2J, lUOr. rr. .,!.... I.. I I... ,,!,,, ,i lll.lt III COIII iMiuui ib mivi',1 pV . I .i ... ..f pliance with tlie provision of he net J Congress ol .nine ;i, mi", f"' v aetfor the fide of timber IhihIk in tho States of California, urotfon, ..,i w.,ai,t.i.,M 'I'l.ifliin v." iih e.leinletl to all the Public Und State by act of August -I, 1802, til.' lo lowi i g-i m m persons have Med in thin ollice then swoin stateinenls, towit : A li.vniulor DilfDnllill. of Suiulpoint.e.-untyof KiHitonat, tn to of Idaho, sworn stateineut iNo. .KM", tiled April (1, UH)7, for the purehaiw of thuswisai see 1, nwlnei and nuwj see oil, tp 11 h, r 17 e, w in. Herbert A. Pertwhla, of Sandpoint, county of KtMiUmal, ftflto of Idaho, sworn nUttement No. Jfl'w, flhtl A lu ll , M)7, for th puwlmiie of tho winoi, senei ami nwjaer of nee 15J, tji 11 s, rlue, w in. Ilitnrv (!. lleitishlll. of SandiHiint, county of Kooteiwl, Htntf of Idaho, HW'im 8tteieiit .No, .wl7. tiled April fl, 107, for tho purclmiw of thes8et, Mvk ana etwt oi tp 11 , r 10 e, w ui, Harriet K. Moorehonso, nf lV.rtlaud, county of Mnltiiomnh, state of Oregon, worn dUtement No. 4188, tiled July 5, 1TO7, for the pttrclmiio of the winw, seinwi and neiwl of $tv 28, tp 11 , r Ui e, w m. And M ill offer proofn to show thnt the lands sought are more valuable for the timber or atom thereon titan for arri cultural iniriMwea. and to eaUblish their elalniK tosaul landu before the elUjr ami Kei-eiver, at The Dallei, Oregon, on ovellltt, 1W)i. They name an witneMcn: Michael O'Connor, and William U. Manon, of Tlie Dalle. Oregon: John Uerwi.iitt. Henry C. Derrmhia and HetlnTt A. Deroshia, of SanlMiiit, Idaho; Anthony J. -N'oskev, of Ciieboygan, Michiirnn; Alexander IVrodiia, of Hudulnt, ldalio; Daniel A. McDonnell, of The Dalles, Oregon. Any mid nil itemon claiming advi-w ly anv of the aimveilewrilied lamln are rcnuestod to tile their claiuiR in this ollice on or before, the wild 8th day of November, UW. C. V. .MOO UK, m2U-1 Keinster. nanu'd poton III till OIlll'U . 'rimborl.niKl.ActJuiioM!!;!! Npticc for Publication Pnltedfllftto" biuidonipo The Hallos, Oregon. Woit0lilbor lfH)7, Vntlce Is hereby given that III roinplliiiico .riih he PfiM -loiix of the act of CoiixreVno i, i isViT entitled "Ail act fur (he sale of ; .mil li he Hlalf ,.f California, Uro . ! ",H " ' i" ,d Wash.nglo.. Territory." SV, J. .! n i all Iho Pit bile land Mates ny c ifAugii-tl. l''' lmn L'f have on AnguM'. . nifl their sworn staieincnis. mn. Nfllle II- !' ' . , , of Hlmnasho, county of Ww: ntoof "reK"" Lwori i"uminl &. Ml. for the purchase of ,v "' Luelea M. , . , at aimiiaOio, eomnr of a "f jwn. ,worn"talini-nt .o. fur the Hireha stone than for Hrlrullutl WInwh. u W establish lhrlr,olal ",''' Zl' '? nee In Madras, oreton. on Ieeeiiilsr 7. Ilr7. fhy name wltnw' m ine ' vey ml Vane il wwu, of warnmpruiii. y , h. orvcnii: or vme.. i """('.y and all w-rn clalmlna adversely tha thelreNms In lhi omr m or wmiv m day of DtMtawr, ivw. Timber Liuil aT? ...A'otlctih,!,,,,!,.. 2 "'VhSI nice will! tin. ,, -.71 ttM, OOMKrCeH Of.l,'.i N" 2"i for iiutaiiiK i,f i ';i''H'nt,it? Timbor Und, Act J . Notice for PuDlloatlon t'nltiNt Slates Land 0c, The Dal le, Oregun, Kollee l hereby gnen Heptemtatr I'J, IMT. that In fsjiiii.lianre with the provision ol the ael of i .tigfc of June t, Is.s. eiitllhMl "An ei lorine m timber lands III llie siaies i t,m"riiin. rr. mi. Nevada, aim nauinan iriMii, , intended to U the puWIc and Ulm b) . I yt AUautl 4, IMri, AlmarlneA AnderwOI. of Ha louse, county oi human. ,"' w ' lUBt.Mi lias, "it mmr I, nau. hmhi omcv i hi sHorn talc me nt M. tmi, tor tor puri nsr of the w (4 ol mfc a. I 1 1 r l? e. w m. xm mh t. offer iifoof to hw that the land sought Is more tai.uablv fur lit H tuber r fit" 1 uv.v?m. of Madras, c,:, T.VV OII,.Ml,U ,1, ,''H!J iworn Mtnioi '"'i h , rl l liiini' ill 111 aw 1 , ' li :'v"''S,.ua,,.!'UJ.'H; 1 t' , vy 111. '""ioiI Mono tiuui r. .V 2 rl'kl ........ niimiK l!,)1ir,, Ifi'.MJ lit .Minlrnu n. ....... 1 .K.M her, iw;. ' "-eu.a , Mie unilll H ik tn mil, Ml uioL iT' fii Villi TitKNel. iii ,,r r . ,,'iu ..Any mill nil i.,,. inn uliovo-dck. ,i ' "mi ""MA mi liiiui' nfiitiik ... 8nlitmiid.u ,,ni. "' Tliiiber J,tui,r, Uj olice for Public I'hl)alk.a,(,r,vll '-"""I "IIWIJ Willi IIIK I, (.'flllltriMNl or ,.!. for tlio aaii.r i., , Ualtfornln.Ori u.,, toil VVrriiiiM. ' ruhllo LhiuI m.i! I!W8, ' II u, 'mia.i W iJ I, (I'lll i "i riwoiiKe, c n aaliltiKU it. day of December, 1907, sl2-dl2 C, W. MOORE. Kecister. 1907. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oreiron, June 12. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tho act of Congresi of June 3, 1S7S. entitled "An act for the sale of umDcr mnos in me states oi Lalllonila, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all tho public land states dj- act of William U. Bishop, of armsprinps, county of crook, state of Orogon, has this day filed in this ollice his worn statement No 1159, for the purchase of nit iiu;i, sciiffji ai'ii ueiswj$ sec 7, tprjs, r 11 e. w m. And will offer proof to show that the land fought is more valuable for its timbor or stone tnan tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Frank Osborn, U.S. Commissioner, at his ollice in ill auras, or., on tne etn day oi December, 1907. He names ts witnesses: Claude C Covey, Henry C Kinzie, Louis J. I'.ising, of Warm springs, Oregon, and Ora Van Tassel, of Mad ras Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ivbove-deeribed lands are requested to file meir oiaims in mis omce on or before said ntn nay oi uecemiKir, mn. JiuuiiL, j.egiiier. dav of Decemher. lf7 aiusi i, jw., j on ii ua Vinson, of Moscow, county of Latah, state of Idaho, has on April 15, 1907, fljed In this ollice his sworn statement No 39s2, for the purchase of '". ""-'4 "i mic Bcuni'M ec aj, tp ll s, r 1G e w rn, And will offer prpof to how that the land sought is piore valuable for Its timber or stone inii ior agricuiiiirai purfioses, and to entab llih his claim to said land before the I'.eirlsier ami iieceiver at me Dalles, Oregon, on the iini ub- ui ieccmoer, iwi. He naineM as witnesses: John llottnn and j una duiiuii, ouiu in irov. 1'IhIio; utith Nav Notice for Publication cimrtiiient nf ihe Interior. Lniiil Ollice at The inlli. Ott(on, :epicDiber 1, IW7. Xoiico Is hereby jtlven that I'icil II. Orcen, one of the-heirs and for the hulrs tt Filti (Jrecn, il-asHl, of Mndrft, UreKoii, has filed notice of liU intention to make niial five- ear jiroof In Mipport of hi claim, viz: Iloineatead Kntry A'o HUM made Nov. It, iwi. ior inete or ec i, tp IX , r IS u, w in. And that said proof will lie made before tlio Kcfiistcr and Keceivi-r ai I'hc Dalle, LiejJon, on iictonvrxi, iikjt. He names the following wltiiea to prie hi colli liiuoiin residence iiimih. and uluvatlnii of, the laml, l.: li II llameit, .1 V C-rwin, .1 W CfMk, .1 .1 llintoii, nil of Mniirn", Orcpm. s!5-ol7 C. W. ,1OOltK, Kexl-tPr. I'Ollllli . u I. .. '! thin oOini hi. ' vl f..r n.V. ' ' Wil man icw nue'ibinrw. ""J""."' """" KeUoU . I ,. . ."vll ami KMalverai Th Dallv. orvgoa, o tbc ' lP ' r t. i w , Uta day of MMtuiuer, iw. aiiiI wllloifrr He name aa wIuhmmm: lor W Hlel.aei. laud aoncht i clarrue I) Hhlla, i f rank Ari, etloljoi utoiie than t..i lou.c, WMhtnfWn, lohu Ueall, of Hlian WuIlu, ,, Any and alt pertnn rialml ng ad ri y i he i aiiove dinrrllwt land are rvijuettwf l air UieireUim la lb) uflUw ua or liaiorv 'd i 12U) ua; oi itmuar, iwi uHVk C, W MOOltK, flier I fimher lnd. Act June S, 17. K0TIOI5 rOIt I'UUIi0ATI0H. t. . 1.1, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78 Notice for Publication. United States Land Office The Dalles. O retro n. Jmn i" inrrr Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provUious of the aot of ConKreaa of m. VrtS, eutitled "An act for the aaleof uiuoer jhuiik in trie state oi LalllorulH, Ore- UOU. Nevada and Washington Tnrlinrv exteudad to all the public fiiiid sUlos by act of Claude C. Covey. oi vi armsprmg, county of Crook, state of yruKuii, ji in (uw uay men in tills olhce his awora Wteutent No im, for the purchase of ia 54ue4 oi sec 7, nwiiww see K and wfcswK sec 6, tp 12 h, r H e. w m. And vrl.'i offer proof to show that the land fouaht Is more valuable for iu ti ill Imp nf tr,n tiaii for agricultural purposes, and to estab-' lish his aMlnt to taid .'and before Frank Osborn. I V J- WIHH11M1V1HJ1, HI Jl ID UIIIUU ill M Hi J f KB , Oregon, on tbeetu day of Deeember. 1907. II nawea w, wUnesses: William II HUhop, Henry C Kinzie, Louis J Itlning, all of Warm- anu ura van Tael, of Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1S7S Notice for Publication Dnited States Land Offlce The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 6, 1907. Notice Is herebv iriven that in rnninllunw with the provisions of the act of Coneress of Junes, 1876, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, rirn. gon. Nevada, and Washington Territorv." extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, lbVi, the following persons havo n.eu meir sworn statements lu tins ollice, towit: Mary O. Cyrus, otSisters, County of Crook, gtate of Oregon, sworn statement No, 3978, tiled April 15. 1907, for the purchase of tho swue! and se!4nw4 of sec 17, tp 12 s, r 11 o, w ra, Rena K, Cyrus, of Sisters, County of Cropk, statu of Oregon, sworn statement No. J77, filed April 15, 1007. for the purchase of the nw.ine54, eUnwU of sec 13 and be'--4sw!4' sec 17, tp 12 s, r 11 e, w m. And will offer proofs to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the timber or stone thereon than for agricultural piirpocea, and to establish their claims to said lands before H. C. hllis. L'. S. Comniitsiotuir. ut i.u ollice in Hend, Oregon, on November 1C, 1907. They name as witnesses: Kdwin lirahaid, Clara Graham. Kov C Foster. Antnnlri i: Trahan, George F, Cyrus, Kcna F. Cyrus and jiary u uyrus, oi sisters, uregon. Any and all persons 'iaimfng adversely any of tho ubovodescribed lands are requeslel to uie meir claims in mis oinee on or belore said lOlbday of November. luu7. nia-nll c. W, MOORE, Reglsler. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Lund Olllee ut The Dullof, Oregon, SeplLmbur2l, 1007. Notice is hereby tel vn that Helieeca FraneeM l'eek, foriiiorly It. becctt Frances Tucker, of Mailnt-, (Jro nn, baa IIIhiI nntleo of br inti'iitliui to InregoT,. U0i TU'""HS C"a"' mke ll.ml five-y,ar proof ului spring, Oregon, Sladras Oreirou. Any and alt pcwoiis claiming adversely the wyufimvmui.Mvu inuu nV reiiuesieu 10 nle tfcelr cMmMln this oitico on or before said uiu uuy ui uucumoer, ivu 0M15 C. W. M00UE, ItegUter. Timbor Land, Act Juno S, 1878. Notice for Publication United State Land Offlco, The Dalles, Oregon, September 11. 1607. rtotluo Is horetir i'Ivhii thnt in i,,,ni(, With the provisions of the net of Conifres of Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice for Publication U. S. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, September 11. 1907. Notice Is herebv irivan that In With the urovisinns of the act nf Clinirrui nl Ilina O .... 1 . f ...I ... . r- .. . I v'u,c ''i triiiincu mi nut ior trie saie oi iimuer lanus in tne amies oi California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as vwni,cu ...I iuuiiu ihuu states oy uctoi ISP., jonn li. iinttun of Troy, county of Latah, state of Idaho, )m on April 15, 1907, filed lu this offlce his orn statement No 8M, for the purchaae of the aim swneM c SJ, tp 11 r Ik u w in ' And win offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for lis tim ber or stone than for agricultural nur poes,and to establish his claim to said and before the kfuii.ir nmi iiu,.ui.,u ... -n.. v!me' 0eoou the "til day of Decombor, Anv and all tiertonii cifmlnr. miru,ui, ,t... abore-dexcrlbud ands are requested to file inuir uitti Hii in uiis.iiuec on or oeioresald 11th ua ui wvvinwr, i.Oi. 03-d5 c. W. MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior -Land Ollice at The JValle", Oregon, . , , .September 21, 1U07. otice is hereby given that fieorue V. itankin, of Madras, Oregon, has bled notice of liis intention to mako tinal eotuniutation prool in support of hi i;i.iuu, l l.; ibniiehieail flntry Xo. H2I0 innile .March 1, l!0.i, for the w'ik'X, sene4' and nek" seM oi see 27, tp 1 s, r U o, w in. And thnt hald jiroof will he mude lefore v taiiK osborn, u. is. uonimlsaloiiur, at his ollleo in Madras, Oregon, on Xov. 7, IU07. He iiiiiniig tlie foiiowlng witiieaawi to prove ins loniinuotid resilience upon, ami cultivation of, the laml. viz: Ji KJJaker, Knd Davin, M G Irwin, llliain AlcIIlroy, ail of Andraa, Oregon, j oSJ-oSl ' 0. W. Moouk, Iteglster of her oIhIid, viz: Homurttead Entrv No 107S8 inailo Alay If, .!()" for the hU,. .ml L: nwi ofheo J3, tp 12 h, r lJi, w in. Aim unit fal (I nroof will I... ueforo rrniik D-diorn, U. ri. (Jominla Hiouer, hi him ollice ill .MadriiH, Oreitou. on Xov. 0. 1IK)7. She imnitfft the following witoeHi j (Jnl(4 Kiate Ua4 Oftoa, The tialle. tirafoa. Kvpicmlwr V7 Notlro l brreby givea thai In iwpllai.. with the trnll..ruof the art ol t'oocnw June . IX eutiilod "An al ior Urn Mi i Umber lands in Ue Huu nf California, r gon, ,sva4la, and Wtuhinaiou tarrtiurr." xtBdrd Ui all ibe fublle Und Huutm by mi of August 4, n, i. Prank Anilrnn. oi I'alou. euunly of niimaa. llool w.l,. I inniMii, Iim. on May I, nan, flitxi in ibi om. , hi sworn laiemani So. a. lor Ik puf of the e'te!, of aa 'li and . i II 1. 1 17 a, m wi. And will offer proof In show that Ibr land ougiit i more valuable lor IU timber or i.im man lor agricultural pntvm, and l Hkk. tub hl claim to td Utt before iko knal terand Keralrer at The ttalln, Oron, h in uf ui weevnioer, iwi. Henaatmaa wltnatae; Clarrnee iwhlttr Almartna A An4artn, Oeorg W Mi-hi. il oi raiousr. nMnueioa; ohn uell. ui enaniao, urogon. Anyan4atl peraoos rllailng Mlrrly the abtivaaaeriaiMi Ia0 an riueiI m nw inoir eiaims in inu mini on of aalora lb id Utb day of fMmbr, UW7, l.v W unritait oW kwauf i.-.... ... Ue, Orig ,ii, "IT, IfcW. Il iiniiiew nt v i daiwm, Almatiii. I) U hlfe, nf, .i .lolin I.OK-alf, .,f . Any Jiel aff (be aiwu't' ii m r ,,. ,i flletliolr eialiu . aaiil Itth iU) of Ii, otMlfi ' ,"ii,tI ' '"tUbl I iIIVT.l itl '.'t,l n- owl ;r '.fs.l t tl Timber Land. Act Jnno S, irfft. notiou ron publication. I'xmto rirt fuan ornot The PaiiM, Oregon, arpimUr 4, WW Nolle u hereby liven that m M.nMi.kU Willi till' llfOVUIllIU Of llin a. I ..I . .......... ..i June, lS. entllUNl -i. wi , J lltttber laiids in the Main nl I IK,..I. r. gon. .xva4a. ami Wuhnuui. T..m., 7. to lirovo ior ciifiMiiiw.iiu Motgnu, mom lllliile . of Butt.-, ronnty ol KlUerbow t.i. r. u. tana, ha. on July, UM am ,u o8lP4, hu ?'!? V1. tor ,h l the tu. and nw we . tp ja . r u r. w Andwlll offar proof tothos mi u.. 1....1 upon, and ouliivathui of tlio laud, viz I V Linibguirli. II L R Tuoker, I) 0 Itogorr. nil (,f li,uiraa' Oregon. 3 SI 0. W. MOOltK. ll.,l.far , - - - p, " fuabbj tut n UmUrr or i..tw Notice for Publication Jiepartwent of the Interior Lund Oflioo at The Dalles, Oregon, September 80, JU07. Notice in herebv iiiven dial Walters. William, of Hadraa. Ormn haa filed notice of bin itit,,ti Aft it tnnlff. fltigl flvo-year proof in aapriort of bin claim, vk: ' HouieHtead ICntry No. 1023, miule Ian. J6, HM, for the nw of aec 1 1, tp 10 , r 13 e, w in, ' 1 1907. He names as witnesses: June -i, 178, .Tnlln lMtl,n ..1 ?ftV,,l,li,0 ,lutb Baylor and Johli Davidion, both Of MosfOM'. Illalio- Tl.nmf. ,., I Shanlko, Oregon. Anv and all nersona Mnimi n ..,.. ..1.. the alK)e-decribal lanffn ,.r ?,...T..!r.,i file their clairna in thl ,. rtn7. ... i' 4,1 said lltli day of fiecernber, vM. ' C. W. .MOOUK, itogl8ter. Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1678 Notice for Publication United States I. unit Ml .., .. The Dalies, Oregon, Sept. 11, 1007. .IJpUoo 1 hereby glyon tfiat lu compliance Notice for Publication Department of the Interior Land Ofllce at The Dulles, Oregon, ' heptember .10, 1UU7. Xotiee ie herebv given that And that Haiti iirrmf Will lu m,l 1... William Harper, of Mndraa. Orogon, foN b'rank Oalxirn, U. S. Ooinmiaaifinr Haa nieu notice 01 IiIh intention to make i "a oineo In Mailraa, Oregon on v.v flnal flve-yoar proof in ennnort of l.i 8, 107. ' w" ' uv' s, claim, viz: He name the followim? in tip, 1. I Irniinuluu.l 1.',.l,. ihmil I limnli,..,MU ! iUH Jan. 10, 1902, for the nw of m: 12. to tloti of, the land, via 1 ' tul"va- ilk 1. i 'i ... 1 11 w 1 ? "i, xiiiinui uar per, u v Foi. MibM li A ...I o..:.i ......r ...in 1.. t . 1 mm: if. ' . ,.; .T. "v" " .1... vnni,r.iiui iiiuui i; iuhuc (! I niinuii Jtrowflllll). (til of iiadruM fore I rank Oaborn, U. S ConiuiiBaioner, Oregon. t. v. mqohh, Reglatur. .... . mi. n 11, uiu lano fire.' :ui. 1 a. 1 ommlMloner. at . tH m,!,,! UfB, gon, on II. i.tib day of Herein lr. WJ ' rimJTnl.f.W Ma.l,a,U Aubrey, rrauk a nayion. Jaafcaoa I'luiiir, knrt OreSoL 'H,- Cbmtl,m -4Mi: !tn?l?l J?'Zi "iwaelr lb. n ,IA Notice for Pubb Deimrltni'iit o'lhelt J haiiti uillce nl ti,.. Ii4iiw,ft(j ipleltiU'Jl Aotlce la hereby g mt'tj Autlu W, ( ti p, if M,J Iiiih niHl iiothe nf hMnl tniiHeiiiiui five-j.nr prwifftl III 1111 Ulllllll, viz . llouieMeml l.u'ry n wet w, juii-, i..r Hie iu- .i nej of fct-e L'O, Ip 2a r!Sr,fcl """"I inuy i, 011 ini-ii . . . . .. .. .. . I so, ip n , r lit e, Wmi, Ami llial aaul 1 r f vbi befiir 11 l'fiiuk O'borfi. t f louur, nt lila orlb 111 MUfi Mv, 7, 11107. Ho mime Hie follovrlerrd provi fi!i coiilliui. 1 iri4l xliil eiiltlviilliu. of, iheUsi t H (i Hojrrn, hi IV fcil Iniul, nil of .Mndfrtf, Offsl W Hoilinaii, i.ft niver Ow 08 1 C. Mooiu I Rgli.r. o-d6 An lit for luf.ilU n nV ia0 ' t of C. 1 of ti. ,., riul,.'l?.ii, J.UP.u J. IWa, eiitltlad "An act for fhe .,! I f at h'tB ollice in .MadriiH, Oretion, on Xov. 8,1007. HenamoH tlio following witiieittseB to 1'i.jvu inn i:ujjuiiwuiiH lUeUietlCO UJIOII, ujiu uuuivuiiuii 01, iiieianu, viz; W H WilliamH. 0 C Fox, Milea D Vox, m jiiuniiiiiu, mi oi iuauriiH, orouon, o.'1-.'U C. W. aIoohk, lleKlHtor, t Notice for Publication Department of tlio Jnterlor Lit nil Ollleo at The DalleH, Oregon Hoptemtier 21, 1007. iwitice Ih hereby kIvoii that ai 'limber Und, Act June g, ww. Notice for Publication. United Htate Ur,rt )Wm) Junea, , entitled "An ' ' f?f! ? Mf laii.u In the Httc of (.aiTforr.la a,u extended wi all the public li .tXVbv L. !? haie fllwi their .;., - Peraonii ollice, towit: .n in tbl . IWttilMtnln 1 v(uiw.i. flf f.Illllluw fiminii I fj.'t. . . of Miniiaw, coniiiy of t:rt,ok, Haut of fir.u..., aworii aUtenwnt No. w.i, nliiU Anrli 1 extended to all the public land itale. bv'a'et iX', Territory" aa ' l" I Z1 " ,V r 1 "V.' " "ul ' ' '1! ?.r U w m.' Augu.t 4, 1WW. m ae t of An iiiiit !i iiii9 ,uu" um ' "" ."":"".! ''".""".""'"" of Laidlaw. eouuiv'f. V-OTi.- . iYlPT . . . ----. huh men notice of IiIh Intent on to nworn tut.Mi.eiit ... m ,.W :ri ",.."r,'"u. SlfiH Sm ' vT,-L'"r I,roof ,n "mmL MffirMiWir lAu VK; HonioHtoa.I Kntry No 10(182 made of uiniaw. eout?of 1 J'u, , ttr Alir fi. 10(12. f,,r flw. f f.fu 1 1 o ....,1 Uworil utaleiiient hi,. . TKn V" - for th t.,r,,,h.. v.". onuvt 1,1 Ht'0 J, II 2 H. r I'J O. Will. 1... ..:.': .V'TT'."' 'I " 1 . , ....... . I ttUIlU li. UlllltlOil A tn- .l.w...... .i viijiucr iniiu 111 mil hhi6m 01 CHIHoriilii rirA. I i...,.J ; . " mo aie oi i in .".ii'ijv kivuii mill, gon, Nevada, and WaahiiBton Territory." ai In , 1. .10,t 5i V"".1. .P I'aiilino Deuner. widow of .liili.m Mr.,, uxtenueu to an 01 tlj net of Auuuiit -1. l02. Jiilln Ilottc-ii Timber Und. Act June 3, 7, Notice for Publication riTi raTn Lnii omn ' ... " " "F mit tit lana befor. ihrCoiintt Notice for Publbbj Wepartiiitti' 1 I Land Ottiee nt 1 , in "iillf U It b-rcbj r ' . I.ewU A Ham- '!! tma flfeil ihhIiv f ' "" flniil fu--year ' 1 r taint, vl; IIuiiiumUmiI bull liv liAtt, lor the ,1 . . nwj-i ip 1 r a Ami mat mu t i i-1 I tii'di Oalfii, 1 ' n.tt 'dtlee In Mailt a. i (i. IW. He nam' the ' ri pntttfhlaeoiit.i. ' i-iiilfvalbiii nf, ti.. 1 William .1 l: ' I ii ttji kllii! , 1 ri nlf of .Mailr.vJi, o. 0R-11NI C ' 'I. (banfor agii,.iiitiir ball bin rial,,, , 1,!' Mil at frfn. -villa. Orei 7.Z 77. .. .. .... """, I'wewner, nwr. ' " "i 01 W HYlM)ard. ut)i abt"i.1t?"Hl3.0'i0,,,''' '"r-t, th. C W. MOOltK, Itoguur. uj iuftOiiw, iMJumy m Jtltt i, $iho of Tdfilio nfTrm. am..i., i r . lia on A prills, likr?, tiled iii this of ic her" SnAA ufflcS nirtti!L,,i 1,a;?r V'. " KivornKUteuiBnt. No ami, for the puichane of itateLent v Mn,l H11""111 ,,Mr ."' i,,,i ...iii . .., , . .. m, Alio will oner nrunr tn alu.w kj, i. land pouglit it more valuable for lu timber y. s.uoc '""ii ior aLTioiilluriil tmr Alld will offer the land ,i ht ,f.i: .,nil ,"" T... !"."' 1 - " 7.7 lUl JL IJIJI- e8W.tld to oitabliali her olalui to .aid faiid lurntiuii a,, 1 !. , i'f! 1 V,r MtbMiItiiral fiafore tho Hok iter and it,.iv, i Vnl " '".l7?- a' u 'V. blUh her claim to aaid JWI Oregon, on the lit., da7 of number: W'Knot WtfSW&Z??, Mohcow, Jilflho, John it llotlen and j.'.ii ","7.! ".f ..'?.!!?' Jo.1' I'tt.n. of I'm; Notice for Publication iii.iimi.?J!i:.,.,.,,iv.,:.f'' '' Luther K. klllBboli, of Or- nag ll I oi J nolleo of i.iH M(..(I. . itikw llnnl Uvi..y, r , or ,,l,,11,)"tl "' " ' .. ...1 7 . "1 , "! awi 'i aoj..j 1 w in. fioneoiv, iiiauo, jonn ji not en and Julia T i iiini.TT. I....I. v ' j'-'iu-ji, o any ana ail pereonf ojalm Anv and all i.n ruins nlHlmlnr. n.ii.nrcoi.. n... hbo e desorlbwl lands are xormaMtwl to file tht-irclainis In tbit offlce 011 or before wild llth day of Uecorabor, 1C07. ' "u 3-i0 C, V. MOOltE, Kofiiutcr. t. ndeervlv tl.g I It. r. 1 iauu lire i. 1 iiiuir oiaiina in iniu aiums M r.... day pf Wccembor, lt07. o-dS c. W. MnmiH k0i.,.. 7 " ..wo. .1.1 ii, j . a. wIiiiiiiiih- thereon than for acrl.-t Mioner, at bin ollleo in Mmlraa, Oregon, namhiuii thi ir i.;aT.,i 1 Oil Nov. 7, 1007. ' Kllla. V. H n.mmL . . .... , ".'.I1. A lAit I oWr.. T i5.. . ami ... ao su. H 1 ,. i- ' And that Hubl nroof will bo m.ii. Anil wbi offer i.roif 1., ,!,.,.. .1, ,,,... , i ..!, ' before Frank OHborn, U. H. (JommlH. Sm bo miulo "Ri" oil iimi liliriililiu ..... ' "V I laiLllMtl IT Li r f..lt..-al.l:'.i,:7..;."m,.V' abi.ir ..1 1.." tlUlllll. IHl.lnl. '" II ' ..v ..IB lllllltl. i, ai1,.f-,.u Jleii,),(iri.goi,,oi, Nov;,nVr j, 1,1 1"" 'v. 0. IU07. ' w,"Ki nmi iff.v n u,.t, u.. . . 4 minimi, unri I, , f 1 fl 1 1 1 m 11 1 1 . 1 I., 1.. '. Aiir nun 11 1 1 1 1 1 i . Of tfi bf. (1. 1 , " "nT"1 loflla their Han,, . !ui , ,,u biifore mild lftth ,f, iVo nr;.. .... fr 8I10 iiitmoH tho followlni' wl t uohhoh to prove her lioiitlimoiiri reHhlonco ujioii, ami cultivation of. tho laud, viz: Fred Deiinke, J Dombrowo, 0 Wuw. rJuofriky, W.aomer, all of Mudrau, Or- j iK 'ii. lo3-3l C. W. Moonu, Keglator H '.rahaiii lii'hiui,, I ... ..rri.11:""!' ii... KOTIOfi ruiJ Qeimrtiii' Lulil Ollko at 1 Notice U ben ' Willlitni J. ('.ui ' baa filed in!" iiinho lliial hvi of bin olalui, vi lIomeHifiiil 1 ""v Out. 1(1, lOu'J. fi r 1. H-u 8 nut) aw 4 ,, ' w III, Ami that lotl l ' boiuro t'nuik f) ' liur, at lila ih mi Nov. tl, 111117 Ho mime 'in f pruvu Iih "'i ii" and null) vii 1 nui 1 Umjky (J Ho'-'" A Taylor, A s To OriiKon, n!IH! V. V f h 1 11 r proof Hi si m in I - I ivinf r.i .1.1.1 I pi,""! Notice fd Depiirfiiu i'' Laml Ollh't- at 1 Public f ilielntefl Aotlcu li hi'r' b Whfimir, widow o Ueaaed, of -'leililt h haa llled notli e 01 Hun' flvo-yein J'fot eliiliii, viz: ll'iinoiiiimil I' ot' 1,1(102, for (he 1 Hint 101,14 11 U'M of xi .hut Unit Hubl pr Iowa, towit: Oatli poar buforu ('niiii Hiiiiiof ASiullioil' i' wiun'Mim win ai) bui lii L ri. ('oiiilin .Uadniri, Oivkoii. 00 Mho mniiet the 1 liiovn lib. emit no eiiltlvutloii of, Ihe - .I iia""-il I'i'inW'l . ihJi f.A ... in, rl K'furt.t infl Kl''.nll ,f il. ... ' ,:r' ."'. a.. 11. MixiItK. itegi'mer si turn l) toy, Wllllnma, itliof.Vadr I"8 31 W, Moouk, iuflt'or o!l !ll 0. W- Ml