The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, October 17, 1907, Image 5

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    ji fihfll 1 lift i ' "'-
nes ai mauras.
..r I f Mil! tunc iti frium
UUJ w. --
n nf L.imonta wns A visitor
.t I. nd:tv tvciunir.
Kilder returned Tuesday
i i i i
II. WIlI.lLi 111. lll.l, Ufc-H w
t r . f
Oncil, where lie hu been
t I . 4 I ...I It
down l'riday night to nttend
in Madras, remaining
i'lM J
place from Lruuontn, last
a, out of Portland- known as
ii i.j iii ir.ivr iiv me uu
ii, iwn will speak in .San-
iuiifrr iii ii iiiiicss . l lie
t . It - ....... I
CTK lC lift! biMMIjU Ml ttW
i t t.
ncrc a new imU0
1V tiv fj
t'i r n HlH.
t 1. I a Iilllltlitf
mi iiiwr i iiv iiccii iiiiuiifii:
,.u; with him from the null
- I ... 11 1. . iniiaH iiiliiMli
.. . 1 1 .i .
C rMi w.w in Heml last
i .1.. r -
i id iiii.iiirnv cumcicuuc iii
( i rrh .it that place. On
a r t . I' I
L N". 11. Anderson of
tr I the conference.
1 i.j', ,i progressive young
tl. ILiy'a k iieighboihootl,
the lir t ' I the week. Mr.
it V ltai ln iillrui
d n ill ; neighborhood in
in l j inr a.i.iiiiii iuiii iiuiuiii
i .. i . .. . - ....I
t mil he vim time, however,
It VV II K IS III IIIL' Lllll II.IJ Ull tJ j
Anderson of Arlington and
iiinu irr.
win mirm .v I.nncl i ntnn.inv
- - - - -
arc ai ranging to make an
i i.ii . n
io uc ncKi ai rnncv.uc un
I.. 1....... I I., a,
' r? - -
i i . :
in Kn(;laiul.
c new i ii ii in ins in luvvii un
i . i .
I I I n lttl 1 tklarn
r. Wlndoin is a successful
' h;i . ftiiii). Innrr wnv In mil
houses for two years, and
lie and his family arc
1 II . tr-'
RurrU and family will leave
. . e . t . s . r
duritiL' wliuh tunc hu has
i .i . t t
i - - - i
.1 i ;
CI v ll I V I1IIIVCU till Ull 1119
niifi nni i,itiini it 'i ir'iri m
d which he has near that
t: u v. mver vii in iiiivii lai
le .savs that he attended a
v i:iir ivccnr ;it inn nn v ri
"4 - '
I I.- .U A t..
asson.iiiDii in ru r lion to
fine cxhihlt of stock and
irounntj oi an kiikis. inrrc
.1 I 1 i"l
the spcrd program, that
a race in the comity,
Mr It nil fit Knit frit mm Mill
l;iiiiilt Wit a a.iiii iiv mi w u
- f ....
i t .
avc nrrn mic oi inn mrrai
I V lil I 111 II I till I tLS . 1' IJIJL1 IIIU31L.
BllllWlll IlliUI 111 114 i r
occasion. The floor was
r. i mini tun wfr c n 1
n n -
t .. I....
WIU lllilll IIClLIIlliUllllU
nydrceU, Culver, L'liiion-
each Jicing well repre
I . i
ntiui supper was served
o nuiin uotei.
Den Helfrlch of Lamonta wns a visitor
in town on Tuesday.
Lee oore of Lamonta was in town on
Tuesday, on his way to Shauiko. -
D. VV. Adams left Sunday morning for
The Dalles, expecting to return the last of
this week,
Horn, to the wife of Frank Ulalr at
Yotini;s, on Friday, October n, 1907, n
The lall tenn n't Circuit Court mcel6
at I'rinevillc on the 21st, the third Mon
day in October.
Messrs. Loni;, McLean and Wyman of
Haycreck were in town Friday evening,
attending; the harvest dance,
Miss Susie IJrofjan visited her parents
nt Antelope the end of the past week,
returning Monday morniojj.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. libcrhardt of
Wallace, Idaho, arc visitini; .'it the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Max Lueddcmann in
Miss Winnie Craig of Gtirziy attended
the dance in Madras last Friday evening,
and remained over several days to Visit at
he home of F, M. Loyciand.
Mr. and Mrs. VV. C. Crosswaite and
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Fralcy came over
together from llaycreetc last Friday
evening, (0 attend the Harvest Ball.
Mrs, May E. Bradford was in town on
Tuesday from her Crooked Uivcr ranch.
She had just returned from the county
scat, where she spent the past week
visilitif; friends.
Walt Parrish was in town last Tuesday
from his ranch west of Haycreck. lie
sas that he had splendid crop this year,
the best yield being from his rye, fifty
acres of which threshed out over 1000
I3r. W, II. Snook and family have
moved into their new dwelling, for the
present occupying two rooms which have
been finished n as to house them until
the remainder of the comfortable cottage
In completed.
S. E. Gray has been appointed admin
istrator of the cMnte of John A. ishain,
deceased, and tiled his bonds ihfl first ol
the week. Mr. Gray is a son 111 law of
the deceased, and his appointment wns at
the solicitation of the heirs of the estate,
Ed Kutcher, who has completed the
season's threshiiiK uh his machine, was
in town last Tuetdny. He says that he
had a very successful run this season,
threshing over 28,000 bushels with his
small nViclnne. His machine was
bought this season.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Turner
spent several days last week at their
homestead on the desert near Powell
Duties, Mr. Turner and others owning
land in that neighourhood had very
successful crops this year with out irriga
tion, owing to the unusual amount of
All of our piitroiiH norjli of Culver
itinl In tliti Mudniu cotmtiy owing tix
for liiinlitT urn hurt-by iiotllit.'il thut
wo will accept grain ' Muitlt-tmnii of
tluiHo noeoiuiUi. Wo lmvo arrniigidl
with J. W. it M. A. Robinson t C. nt
MiidruH t. it-colvo tbu grain, which
muul biMlclivoM'd thert),
I dcHlro to lot tho contract for tho
following; Sovurnl thouwuid foot of
lijinbor; 5or0 cordH of wood; pobtt,
who, and hoiiio olhur inatt'i iul; nil to hu
dcljvori'd 011 my lioiuuMtoad iiiuo mlhiri
iiojth of MudriiH.
AIho for building a mnnll Iioiiho nod
funi'hiir portion of piano; ploughing and
pi'oimniig l!0 or !IU iu-ii-h for Hi-wling.
'I I 1 i h in a uiihIi proporiiiiou and anyone
dcwiriim to tako thu contract for nil or a
part of tho above, nddron
A. S. McDo.vAi.n,
iJt nufur, (Jrogon.
TKK.SPASSING-ltcdcow.bnx'klB face;
brand roHoinbluH 1 ( , Owner I'ali
and claim ' property. At my phict'
north of Minima. 1. K. tfuurr. 2t
I have received a good assortment of
heavy work shoes, guaranteed not to up.
B 8. Larkin, Madras. 4t
wulHt goodH, outing IIiuiiiuIh, liulluMiuul
gi'iitn undorwoar. .1. W, k .M. A..
KobliiHon Co.
Fine new line of robes, blankets and
saddles; see them if you need anything in
that line B. S. Larkin, Madras, 2t
NOTICE OUK A I) on tho front pago of
HiIh paper. StorooHcopic vIowh given
away. J. M. A, Kobliifon it Co.
Try our Imperial washing machine, it
is the best, McTnggnrt & Bye.
WOOD WANTED.-H you have any
for wiili). ploitHo call nt thu mill and fiuc
un.-Minima Milling Co. tf
A iiompltMo supply of l;gul blaiiltM for
"iilu liinludliig warianty an I iilt ulaliii
IikmIh, roiil, ohalttd and orop 11101 tgagow,
Bll .liiHtloo court IduiikH llllll JllHtlCO
court worlc iiHpt'olttlty. Notary Public.
K, ,1. HrooltH,
Edward 0. Pease Co
Incorporated (
Shaniko, Oregon
Let us fill your
Harvest orders
Call a
Call and got pricon on (irills, liarrowH,
ptOWfl, 010. 'J. W. fll. At KODIIlfOll
Tlmlier l,nnl, Ai t nnc :i, ih78.
Notice for I'uhlication.
I'lillcl Hlnti-H Ijunl Ollli'i-Tin-
!juII.. (Hiou.Kpt. 10, IWI7.
Kollci-Ii lieioby rIvoii Unit In roinpllMire
with lli itrovliitoiii ol llieuctoi cori(rot ol
Juno H. IH7H. iiiUllcl "An net tor thn tl
llmtR-r liituU In tlit) tUlc of CiilKorulii, Oro
gon, Naviulrt, itnd Wiixlitnpton Territory," nx
exmndwl to all tlie jmMlu luml mhIoh by net of
Aumui i, mi,
JnmiM II Homey,
of Muitrai, county ol CrtwU, ntutu of Oregon,
Iihi un My a. iwrf. riltol In tlilk o l!l re fiU nworu
ilntinint, No. luW. for ths iurclm
of the !i',nt'!4 and nenvr).4' of ree
M, t Vin. r ide, w in,
AihI will offer )inf tonbow thnt Ihelfttnl
MiiiKlit I more valiiHbl for it Umber or touts
tlimi for iiark'UltiirHl pnrioii. imtl to doiaIi
Dili Ins ('iHlin to xnld Imii1 U-loro Frnnk
onlxjni, I'. H. ('ommiMtionr, t III oIIIcb in
M(lr, Urcgon, mi lh Cth ilny of Dct'f inler,
lie name in M-ltntweii: John II Ilrou'il,
Mini l.(linuiiI lleiily, Uali of culver. Oruuoii,
hihI Ktiiifiitt A. Ullfi-tt. nd Klmr N. (Jllliun,
Itotli of MmlrMR, Or(jni.
Any hihI Hit rnMi QinliiiiNij mlvomiy thu
HlKvA-tlt!oHtiHl ;nsl4 nro ruqutwtl lo 111"
tliwlr cliilmn Is thl oltli-e on or Iwiore
ran itny of necoiulfor, it7.
oJ U C. W. MOOItK, HegUter,
Tiinbr r Land, Act Juno 3, 1978.
Ciiiti-d Stated Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 0, 1967.
Notice in hereby given that in coni
, pliance with the provisionH of the act
. of Congrci-M of June U, 1878, entitled
"An act tor the Hide of timber hinds in
the.Htatcsof California, Ol-ccon, Nevada,
and WiiHhincton Territory'as extendeil
to all the Public Land States by act of
August!, 180L',
Ktta,B, Fryrear,
of Sisters, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, has on March l.'J, 11)07, tiled in
this office her sworn statement No :587o,
for the purchase of the mvimrt sec 20,
wjswi sec 17 and neisej of sec 18, tp 13
h, r n e, w in,
And will offer proof to show that the
lnnd sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for airricultural
nii.t ' pui lKiseu, and to establish her claim to
sain lanu ociore ii. u. tAnv, v.
Comnuesioner, nt his office in Bend,
Oregon, on tho lath day of December,
She names as witnesses:
Jesse AVilt
Tlmlwr Uii'l. Act Sum n, JST.
I'nltell St Bit' t.nntt OiUim
TIiw IIhIIpk, Orcaon, bept. 7. 1B07.
Nollrw U la'rt'by glvuu tlinl In i-omiiliunro
ulth tlio iiroH(iIoii of tho net of roiijcreMHif
Jinn il, 1h7S. oiitltltx! "An wt for the al of
timber liimU In the unites, of i sllfornln. Ore-
AtiKust i, law, olllcu on or beforo said 13lh day of
Clarence Branton, John A AVilt and
William F FrVroar, all of Sisters, Oregon-
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are
Inrz Fiillrrlon.
of AlMerc. ronnty of (Jrouk, nt of Oregon,
linn, on Kiibrnnry vrt. luu. Hletl In thin otlk-u
hor rii HtHiciiicnt No war, (or tho purclmn.
of the n 'f w ' uml iiiw iitMid, tp l'i
i, r II is, w in.
Ami will offi-r proof lo hotv tlmt the IhikI
toiiKlit Im more valuable) for ll Umber or
ktonu than for HKrloiilturul purport-, anI to
oluli)lIi hor rlnlm to Midi luml boforu the
I'ounty Clork nt 1'rlncvlllu, Oregon, on the
llUli iIh)' of December, 1ko7.
Sin- niunek ni whituMDs: Walter H t'ullerton.
WIIIUni It Cniitrell, Kthtlii 11 OriiliHiu ami
Clitrn M (.rhbaiii. ull of hiriu, oreeon.
Any ntiil ull purMiiiH niilinlnu Hilvertoly tlie
ubove-ilekcrloeu: laiul" nre rejiuexled to Hie
their eliilin in thin oWt-e on or beforo -u Id
10th tluy of Uooember, 1C.
o3di t". . MOOItK, IlegUter.
December, 1907.
o3il3 C. W,
MOOKE, Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
Land OJlico at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 2, UW.
Notice U hereby given that
George U. O.ddlngs, of -iiisters, Oregon,
has IWed notk-.- of his intention, to make
Una) commutation proof in support of his
claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No I5titi. made .1ay
22, IlKHJ, for the lot 1 ami heV4se4 of sec 11.
ueifneK sec 11 and mvjtinwj ec 13, tp 11
s, r 10 e, w ui,
a nd that said proof will lie made before
the County Clerk al Piiuevllle, Oregon,
on Nov. 15. 11)07.
7o names the following witnesses to
prove his contliiiiou-. residence upon, and
cultivation of, ihe laud, viz:
Lincoln St'vurs uml .Melissa Street of
Sisters, Oregon.
ol0-n7 C. W. M oiik, Iteglster
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
Land Olllce at The Dalle, Oregon,
Sepleinlier HO, 1907.
Nidleo la hereby given that
WH Imn It. Cook, of Culver, Oregon,
bus llli'd not let- of bin intention to
nnikt! Ilniil llve.yeur proof in siiiport
of bl claim, viz:
Homestead Entry N 11028 ninde
Oot. 21, 1902, for thu ejswl and tisef of
sen 0, tp 12, r I I e, w in,
And that said proof will be made
befuro Frank Oxb irn, U. S Coinnils
iiilnii. at Ins nllltt.t In M:iilr:i.i. Or,--
i.nii. nn ' iviiili,.r K. I'm?, i United States Land Oflice.
Heiiumo ili.i following witnesses to Tho Dalles, Oregon, October 9, 1907,
provu Ills ooiUluuourt romdonu upon, I Notice is hereby given that under the
.Hid cnlliviuion of, the land, viz: , provisions of tho act of Congress of
D W lUrnull of I'u'lvr, Oregon; J F August 11, ISIS, and tho acts supple
fWwlti. 11 II (!iioU. A W Hhvom. ull of inentnry and amendatory thereto, tho
' , ' - t-..... ..'n i .1 ,n..
Notice for Publication
Mtiilias, Oregon,
u8 so C. W. MooitK, Kegister
Notice for l'ublicntlon.
Departinolit of tho Interior.
Land Olllce at The Da'les, Oregon,
September 21, HW7.
iVolloe Is hereby given that
WilM.iiii A. M mid inn, of Madras, Oieuon,
has II led iintleo of his liilcutimi to mnke
limit llve- ear pi oof in suppoit of liU
eliilin, viz:
n..ine.Htead Kntrv NTo 1!I1'J8 made .Uav
10, MIDI, iorihu uwt of 2'.J, tp if s, r l!i
e, w in,
And that Mild in oof will ho made befme
Finnic Oshni'ii, II h.lJoiiunlssltiiiiii', at hl
. Ihet) ni Madras. Oregon, nn Nov. it, It'07.
lie names the following viinees to
prove his continuous leMdcuco upon, ami.
oulllv. Hun ot, thu laud, viz:
Uoeky O H.Ui'.ii. XV .1 Uowlioid, A 1.
Wllllains, .lohu Ilnlliiiaii, ail of Mad
ias, Oiegon.
C. V. Mooiik,
oil-ollf BegUier
Mnto ol Oregon lias tins uay tiled in
this olllce an application, No. G&), to
select thu uwlnot sec 25, tp 12 s, r 14 c,
Any and all persons claiming advorse
I ly tho abovo-deseribed hinds, or desiring
to object to tho allowance of tho same,
j should file their claims or objections in
I this olllce on or beforo tho 30th day of
N'ovembor, 1907.
,ol7-n21 C. W. MOORE, Register.
j un an im uu mi uu i.f
House his been thoroughly renovated. No better table in Cen- j
tral Oregon for the money. Your wants will be courteously !
I ' J
j First-class Livery in Connection f
J. V. LIVINGSTON, Proprietor
D. V. ADAMS, Proprietor
Reasonable prices
and courteous
treatment 'to 'all
Orders by stage
given prompt at
tention and no
charge for delivY
acksmitiiing, Horsestioeing
I have purchasoil the shop of P. A. Hamilton opposite
Livingston's stables and solieit your patronage. Yon
will find our work the kind that pleases
A. W. GULP, - fvladras, Oregon
! i7 VK fX tk fi
: m v. m y3HS
Department ol the lutotlor
Luml OIlKio at l'ne Dalles, Oregon,
So,iteiiibtir2:i, IUU7.
Notice Is hefoby given that
Howard M. Illr.cUoi'by, of .Vadlus, Oregon,
has tiled notice of Ins Intention to malm
Itnal llvo-yeiir proof In suppoit of his
ehiiiu, vl:
lluiiiestead Entry No. I(IH ninde .Varch
II, 1W)2. for tho 8i'4 of see t, tp r J e,
w III,
liid that said proof will he iikuIh IriI'oui
Frank Oshorn. v. vS. CominUMluiieit at his
ollleotn ,1adias, Oreuon, on Nov. it. H'U7.
no names iiio toiiowtng wiuiusos (o
nrovo his eoiiMuiioiiH residence unoii. am
euitlviuionof, the laud, vl.:
Mlies Fox, VC Vox, .lolm Evlck, Peter
Kllbuig, all of Maura, Oregon,
oa.olll C. W. JfooiiKt Kegister
Connects with Shaniko
Branch at Biggs
Tim SIIANik'O Tk'AlN
1.1 ii. in. daily, urrivlau at HIiikh nt 11 M a. m
ItutiiinliiL'. ltiiLvtid niein at n. m. uiu
urrlvon m HluuilkM iii Ut. in.
loAVort Shaniko nt
.. in.
Vi.Xi n. in. uad
NO. 2 CMICAUO SIHICIAU from rorllnmt
diuiN nut ktti nt I'UiJ-. uad piumhik'Th for
hiiuulko lino iiiut tuku ldcul Uiun from 1'orl-,
luml mid way Miitiuint. i
1.IICAI. I.UAVI'K POQTI.ANn 7:lfi lllj
iliiily ; urrlM ut IIIkk" t l'i M 1. in. The'
returning Iwiil nrrlMw nt i'nrtliiiid nt i
in. Kor fartliur l'lirtlmilnrs liuiulru of
WM. .McMl'ltltAV, Ooii. l',w. Agt.,
l'ortlnnd, Orouon.
K, J. Vli,SON, Aukst, SliniiUio, Orvfon.
The best in Shaniko
Good Stock. Careful Drivers
Best of Hay and Grain Fed
At Very Reasonable Prices
D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or.
e: -r; 'rz
'J '- :
Shaniko Warehouse Company
OENERAL STORAOE AND FORWARDtN3 attention to Wool Gliding and ualrtfq'r Eantern ihlp
mentn. Dealers in IllacVamlth Coiil Lrjt "qji 3 S gilder a' Material
of all kludi, Sulphur, Wool, anil (Xratn fjacS and T.wliiV, Qraln,
Flour and Feed, IUglaiiil'j pliS for Hides and Pqlti. Stock
Yardu with ritllhs la tail fc! beat fucilitiea for handling Stock.
Mark Goodi Oar oi
"S. W. Co."
T. G. CONDON, Manager.