The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, October 17, 1907, Image 4

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i j
The Madras Pioneer
Published every Tjuirsday by
Ono yenr .$hC0
Sx months i s5
riireo months BO
Kntcrcd ns second class mnlter August
Sit, lPOl.nttlio Postoflldo at Mndrns, Ore.,
Under tlio Act of Congress of March 3, 18iU.
predatory nmmala. As mi
instance of tho lossfes resulting
Timber l.ftuil, Act Juno 8, 1878
Notice for Publication
irOWl IIIW SOUIXe, ail iiVUBu- Hm... 1v,n0 Vw,, KememheriU 1007
tiou showed that on ft JNOW vn,:0 s wiv oivon that In couikH-
Mexioo resorvo an uyerago ot Unco with tho i"oyisinua o o "
KlllUU Dy fnr ilm Ruin of limber lands m the
each wolf. Of the Govern men t HtntM of Call fori, a, Vrwon, xeyau.
hunters. Orecoil Will Rit one, cd lo all the. public land states by net of
i i . i- ,
nn,1 ilia ntWa will ho d sir l)U- AllgUSt 4, JBU-.
litiVt lltU V V v. .....
ted throughout the other
torn states.
William 12. Cantroll,
Oct. i, 1907
, In refering to the work done
by the traction company in
Cow Canyon, the Prineville
Review says:
"In thus holpitip; itself it lias bene
fited Wasco county incalculably.
The county Itself lias never expanded
more than the nominal amounts an
nually in repairing the Cow Cauyou
road, which has been a dread for 30
years and over. The Madras company
has done the work iu a few
days, and while the county Will not :
reimburse these gentlemen, it should
do as the general public has already
enthusiastically done tender theui tt
vote of thanks. The work will prob
ably save many lives iu the days to
come, and will make traveling easy."
It might have been added
"that Crook County is also to
receive great benefits fiora the
work on the road, and will, in
fact, be the largest beneficiary
from the improvements made in
Cow Canyon. "While it is true
that Cow Canyon is iu AYasco
County, the canyon road is
traveled very rarely by any
resident of that county, except
ing possibly one or two families
living just in the southern edge
of Wasco, while practically
every resident of Crook Couuty
is interested in the road, which
is their outlet to the railroad.
With the exception of the An
telope road, which is only used
by freighters at certain seasons
of the year, Cow Canyon forms,,
our onl3r outlet. In its preseut
location Wasco County won't
and Crook County can't spend
money on the Cow Canyon
road, although it is one of the
most important wagon roads in
the state. Under the circum
stances it should be made a toll
road, so that some one would
be justified in keeping it up in
good repair.
nf Sisters", noillilv of Crook. StlltO of Ol
ejibn, has on, February 20, 11)07, Hied ih
this offico his sworn statement, No flS3.'.
for tho purchase of the nisei, swlsei of
JUNIPER VALUABLE IH MANUFAbfURE f,00..1.1,1111 nw,nc4 ot SL'C " iVl-g'rl1
And will otter proot 10 snow tutu
, . tu win oner jiruui iu 3in. iiniv
Juniper wood, such as IS used lnnd. Honght Is more valuable Mr its
fn Pi,nl ; ihic Lwnliiv ?q horor stoiiQ man lor aKricuiiunii
for fuel in this locality, is sus ...m,.,S0H. .1(1 osll.biish his claim to
said land beforo the County Clerk at
Piinoville, Oregon, oh tho 11 day of De
ceptive of a very high polish
and is said to be a valuable JLVffi iwJ
...r1 Pm ,'inir (-irmiTiKTi(ri llo naiiin.d as witnesses: AVnlter S
, ,r v r mi t. l'nlleiton, Inoz Fullcrtoii,
A. II. Lippman of Fnnevillo IS Graham, Clara M Uralmui,
now gauienng togetner
Fullertoii. Kdwlh H
Uralmui. all of Sis
ters, Orepon.
A.... ii.wl till inhn!lu f.1 o 1 ftl lllf. nflvorHt
thousand nieces of the woodju- tho wbovo-deseribed lands are ie-
f.. ., fn(nn of IlnhnlrMM Kpw ifuestcd to file their claiuiH iu this oflleo
fo. a lactoi at lloDOkei ie jm m. bcfore snlJ luh d o( Um,IIlberi
Jersey which will utilize tho uh)7. C. w.Mooiu:,
wood for making combs, backs
of brushes, etc. Millions of
feet of line red juniper is being
burned on the desert south of
us, in clearing the laud for
inigation, and ir is appalling to
think ot the waste that means.
Keg later.
Timber Laud, -.-let June !!, 187S
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office
Tho Dalles, Oregon, September 2o, 1007.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Juniper wood is also said to be Congioss of .hino , 1S7S, entitled "An
. ,, ... ,... net fdr the. sale of, timber lands in the
MVi!Mntinnnllv tin tor the 1) r- ........ ..e i:f-:. . n v i..
j r.: i siuies oi . iiiiiuriiiu. uicuun. i.uvuiiii.
pose Ot maKing Jead pencils, mid Washington Territory," as extend
and only the lack of transportn- 1 to all Iho public jaml states by act of
tiou facilities prevents the red t J.Jf S'Kl!
n I l'v.fc.w.. ...w. - "
juniper of the desert irom Doing ments in thlsotllco, towlt:
a source
of wealth to that
Considerable grain is being
hauled to Shaniko by teams,
numerous two, four and six
horse teams being strung out on
the road between this place and
the railroad terminus. Man' of
the ranchers of this district did
not expect to haul any of their
grain themselves, expecting
rather to have it hauled by the
road train, and the temporary
abandonment of that project
has upsef, all their calculations
in the matter of marketing their
product. However, the farmers
themselves, with the assistance
of numbers of freighters coming
through this way empty from
farther south, and who are
willing to load grain out' from
here- to the railroad, are man
aging to get quite a lot of it to
market. It is a much slower
process of marketing the giain
thau was anticipated, but with
grain jumping up a cent a
bushel every day or so, the
delay in marketing their grain
may prove to have been a
bk-ssing in disguise.
Itoad Supervisor Livingston
has notified four property
owners south of Madras and iu
tuis township, that there is
glowing upon their premises
the noxious weed known as
Russian thistle, which they are
required to remove within' ten
days from date of notice. If
not removed by the owners,
Mr. Livingston slates that he
will proceed to enforce the law
as provided iu such cases, as he
intends to rid his district ot the
Russian thistle if it is possible
to do so. He sa'S there will
be no exceptions made, tind
that the farmers of his road
district will have to clean their
ranches oi noxious weeds or
stand the consequences, as he
has been foiced to take these
strict measures iu order to pro
tect himself from being
1 of ItMmoild, couuty of Crook, stnte of OruEOii,
Daniel Greeulmlirli.
of Ketlmoud, county of Crook, stnte of Oregon.
sworn MHiement juot, men aukum -j). iwt.
for tho iurchR.e of the m Va of sec tp 11 ,
iu c, w in,
I'ftu GreenliRlirli.
of Keilmoncl. county of Urook, Mnte of Oregon,
sworn statement No Wl, tllcil Aimust Si), 1W7,
(or the mirchHse ot the ses ol tec '26, ti 11 s, r
it) e, s m.
Auu GreenhHlKh,
sworn statement No. -1261, Jiknl Auk. 20, 1W7.
tor the iiurctiiihc oi the nyiuv'i una iiMmvy: oi
SVU M L Al st r M, W 111,
And will offer proofs to show that the
lands sought are more valuable for their
timber or stono than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish their claims
to said lands before Ii. C. Ellis, U. S.
Commissioner, at his office in Bend. Ot-
egon, on the 1.5th day of December, UK),
They name hh w ltiipssco: y K DhvIoii, J C
iiiort, ot iirevou: Daniel itreen-
liHleh. Dan Ureenhnlifh uuil Ann CireenliHleh.
oi iieniuoiKi, uregon.
Any and all persons claiminj: adverse
ly any of the above-described lauds arc
requested to file their claims in this of
fice on or before said 13th duv of Decern-
A Good
Place to Trade
Now offers you a splendid as
sortment of General Merchan
dise at prices that will make you
happy, cause you to call again,
and induce your neighbors to
come with you to
The Store That Gives Satisfaction
or, 1907.
W. -MooltK,
Timber Land, Act of June 3, 1S78
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Oongress ot JuneJ, lob, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lunds in the
ofnlnj r f C.nM fryit i n frartfrt T c'n 1 1 n
CVUkV1 W i VUlltUi lliU VSlVlJ t UUU. w
and Washington Territory," a.s extended N"veinber, 1D07.
to all the Public Land States by act of ol-:i2l CMY
August 4, 1892, the following-named
persons have filed their sworn state
ments ih this otlice, towit:
Minnie Tillery.
of Lend, county of Crook, "state of Ore
con, sworn statement Jo. JiCGO, filed
December 4, 1000, for the purchase of
the seinej and Lots 1 and 2. of sec o and
Lot 1 of sec 4, tp 13 s, r 11 e, w m.
Leonard G. Tillery,
of Bend, county of Crook, state of Ore
con, sworn statement No. 3(570, filed
December 4, 11)00, for the purchase of
thesjsei, seisi sec 17 and nwinei sec
20, tp 13 s, r 11 e, w m.
And will offer proofs to show that the
lands sought are more valuable for the
timber or stone thereon than for aim
Notice for Publication
United States LandOfllce.
The Dalles, Oregon, October U, 1907
Notice is hereby given. Unit under the
provisions of the act of Congress of
:ugustl4, 1S48, and the acta supple
mentary and amendatory thereto, the
State of Oregon Iihs Uiia day filed in
this omce its application. o. 051. to
select the Lot 2 of sec 2, tp 13 s, r 12
w m.
Any and all persons claiminc adverse
ly thp above-described, lands, or desiring
10 ouject to tne allowance ot tne same
should file their cluims or objections in
this offico on or before the 30th day of
MOOP.E, Iteglster.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles. Oreiron. Sent. d. 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress oi June ii, 188, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in thu
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the l'uolie Land btatea by act ol
tVugust4, 1892,
Ldwin C. Coon.
of Bend, couuty of Crook, state of Ore
gon, has on February 20, 1907, hied in
tins omce ins sworn statement o
Notice for Publication
Department of tho Interior
Lund Olllco tit The Dulles, Oreicoii,
September 21, 1U07.
Notice is hereby lvon that
Muiguret Connet, widow of SIIum Con-
net. deueunctl, of .nniirus, uregon,
hiis tiled notice of Icr internum Jo
make final five-year proof In fclipiwrt
of her claim, viz:
Ilouiextetid Entry No 11601 iiihiIp
Oel.15, 1902, for the nej of see 5, lM
s, r 13 e, w m.
And that stthl proof will be mnde
before Frank Ostium, t. S. ('onions
sioner, at nls ollloe In .Minims, uruKon,
on Nov. 7, 1907.
ho iiuiiies the following wltnet.w
to prove his ooiitlMioiin ripdfii'
upon, and ciiltl VHtlon of, tlin hind, viz:
Allies I) Fox, CC Fox. W II iUnf-
ey, II J littuialutter, all ot .Mitdrns,
o3-3l C. W. Aloonii, Kegistor
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
Laud Olllco at The Dulles, On-non.
September 30, 1007.
Notice Is hereby given that
George C. Hint, of Aladra-, Oregon.
Hum tiled notice of Ills intention to :
make filial five-year proof iu sup-1
port of his claim, viz:
Homestead bntry ,, 11057, made
October 25, 1902, for the witiwi, m-J
n wj and Hwut i bee '-9, tp 10 r 13 e,
w III,
Ami tliut s lid proof will he mtde '
before l'rauk Osborn, U d. Commls
slouet , tit his olllco iu Miulnt.4, Ore-;
gon, on Nov. 8, J9U7. )
lie names the following wiftiobSM to ,
prove his coulimiotH reMdenuo upon,
and cultivation of, the laud, viz:
11 HiuiiKey, V Unnintotter, J i.
Camplie!!, Joliti Wageiiblubt, all of
Mmlrus, Oregon.
o3-31 C. W. Mooui;, Hetrlstor
I Prineville, Oregon
Eleven experienced truppers
and hunters will be assigned by
the Government to the task of
exterminating the predatory
animals in the National Forests
of eight western states. This
Htep, which is a part of the
Government's policy of putting
the National Forests iu the
highest state of usefulness, fol
lows the gathering of data
which shows that an enormous
iloss of stock occurs each year
4in the reserves from the depre
dations of wolves, coyotes, cou-
cultural purjwses, and to establish their for" t,e ,mrehnso of the w'nwl
claims to said lands before II. 0. Ellis, selnwi and nwjswi sec 27, ti. 12 s, r 11
Bend, Oregon, on December 17, 1907.
Thev name as witnesses: Charles L
Brock und Fred A. Ilunnell. of Bend,
Anv and all persons claimini! adverse
ly any of the abovo-dewribod land aie
riiiuected to file their flnims in this
otlice on or before the Maid 17th day of
December, 1907.
ol7-d 12 C. W. AIoohk, iCegister.
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878.
United States Land Office
Tin- Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 10, 1907.
Notice is hereby jjiven that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress ot Juii'; .5, lHib. entitled "An
act for the sale of tiinlier lunds iu the.
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and astiingion it rntory," us extended
to all the J'ubhe Land btates bv act of
August -1, 1892,
Gottfried Kainpfei',
of Shaniko, county of asco, state of
Oregon, has on Way 18, 1907, filed in
this office Ids sworn statement, No.
4101, for tho purchase of the neh'wl
sec 31, tp 12 s, r 10 e, w m,
And will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than forugiicultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before Frank Osborn, U. S.
Commissioner, at bis office iu .Madras,
Oregon, on the 0th dav of December.
Ho mimes as witnesses: Perry Mon
roe, of Shaniko, Oregon, Conrud
Strasserand Chris Harry, both of Mad.
ras, Oregon, and Sam Compton, 'of
unzziy, uregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims iu this
olllco on or before said 0th day of
wicemuer, iwii.
e, w in,
And will offer proof to show that tho
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purifoser. and to establish his claim to
saiif land before H. C. Ellis, V. H. Com
missioner, at his office in Bend. Oretron.
on tne i nn day ol December, 1907.
lie names as witnesses: J Huston
Bean, Elmer Niswontror. Charles D
Brown, Charles L Brock and Charles M
Weymouth, all of Benl,, Oregon.
rny and all porsons claiming ad
versely tne ahovc-oeecrined lands are
requested to file tiieir claims iii this
office on or before said 14th day of
net-ember, 1907.
o3-dD C. W. .MOOBE, ItoKUlcr.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
Land Ollleo at Tho Dallec, Oregon,
September 21, 1007.
Notice is hereby given that
Frunk E, Stanglaiiii, of Madras, Ore
hiis li ed notice of his Intention to
muke final five-year pro.if Iu of
hi olulm, viz:
Homestead Entry No 11167 mad
July 1, 1902, for the nel of sec 2a. tp9
t, r 13 e, w in,
And that suld proof will h made
before Frank Ostium, I'. S. Comnili-
sioner, til his olllco In Mudnis, Oregon,
on Nov. 7, 1907.
He mi men ihe following wltnesnes in
prove Ids coiilluiioiH refhlence iinon.
and cultivation of, the nd , viz:
ivi Uamphell, T it '! ticker. Cert
I)oinls, George V Dillon, all of Mad
ras, Oregon.
03 31 C. W. Mooiih. Ioi;Ht(.r
Timber Land, Act June 8, MX
Notice for Publication
Umiki) Status Land Officii
The Dalles, Oiegon, September 12. 1!C7
Notice is lieiebv u I veil Unit in oiniifl- wmi me jirovnioiis ot tne act or ton-
gn:s or .nine , 107B, eiiuueti "An act lor
the sale of tlinuer lands in the states or
Callloriiiti, (Iregon, .Nevada, and Wiuli-
Ington Territory," ns extended to all the
public land Mute by act ol yliigust 4, 1802,
'ilinber .and, vlet June a, IH7K
Notice for Publication
ILvrrjiiJ Statkh Land Okkick
The Dul'eti, Oregon, August 'M, 1907..
Notice Is hereby uiven that in cumuli-
mice with the piovisiond of the act of
Coiigre-s of June 3, IS7h, entitled "An
act lor the sale of timber ltiudu in the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
anil Washhujtoii Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land states bv uctnf
August 4, 1802,
.Marian Bice,
of Prineville, county of Crook, sttito of
Oregon, has this day filed in this olllco
her sworn Htateinnnt, Iso. 4288. for the
October 24 to 29 inclusive
You cannot afford to miss it.. Every variety of
product grown in central Oregon will be exhibited
Exhibits Wanted From All Sections CI
Trie County
Send for n proinium Hit to president or secretary
Central Oregon Agricultural
& Livestock Association
T. W. I-AFOLLETTE, Prefidcnt
Notice for Publication
I'epiirtineiit of thu Intel ii.r
.and Oilier ut The Dalle, Orctfnn,
v it- i i . . "ldiber il, IVU7.
Ntlc In hereby kIvi-ii ttHt
urryd Ducluei, r llajcni-k, riieuon,
lm (ilwl uolK e or liin lnU:ntlon u iiintu
final five-yeHr proof hi upport of i U
IloiiieiiU-iwl Entry N' irtfiJK hihiIii
n hum f..-ii. ... . . : ."i,r."
ii.-L 'if m-p Mi, ii. i! .,r I5e. wm, n
ill' IIKIIIM lilt IllllllWIML' Is.
ill lliatnalil iir.Kif will ti
muv i: eik
on iVov. II. IW
tlie i'mii
nfir.tfwi.. 7i .-lki..
of Ialoue, county of ' Whitman, state of I"rl"iH 'f tl 4"' 1 cc 27, tp 11
r iu e
W in,
iud will offer proof to ahow that thu
land sought is more valuable for it tlin
her or stone than for agricultural pur.
pope, and to establish her claim to said
land I'oloro the County (.Murk at I'riiio
villo, Oregon, on the 13th day of Decern-
ber, 1907.
hho names as wIluotiriOH: Carriu Den
gars, mountain lions aud other, U3-d5 c. y, moohe, Beguter.
Waslilnuton. has on 3ay 4. VMH, filed In
this olllco his sworn Mt.iteiiient, No. -lOtW, tlio pun-lwhe or the nwk of sec 27. to
11 s, 17 e, w in,
ylndwiil oiler proof to show that the
land'souuht Is more vuiuable toruts tlmher
orstonetuanforaKrlculturai )iirpOM,aud
to oiao'Hii ins ciaim 10 ' sum i.-imi uetoi.1
the Kcuinter and Hecelvcr at The D.Xllon.
Ori'uoii.on the 12lh day of December, 1907.
He names as wltiiesbes: J Frank An- utv ltice. Fred A Hico. Hoboifd Knnil,
derson, (leoruo W MHml, llmarine A ..if ,,f Prineville. Oreuon: Hdwh. Hi!.-,.:
n. all or riiiousc. was l'nuton: I. . "
...:iV ..... 7 ........... " ' I liuiiii iii niBivrn, tiuuuu.
Any mid all ' peonscildlnKversely . Any and all persons claiming adverse-
tho nhove-descrlbed lands are leouested to MX mo imovu-i escni eu kuhib aru re-
file thulr fllaln.H In tins ofllce on or before quostod to Jllo their claimti iu this olllco
said 12th day or JA'Ceiunpri vm. on or neiorc said tiiiii day ot December,
O10-U12 ltelsler. olO-dlU Iteglsttr.
iVflV. I I lMTI
h Ii hi ii en
in iv l Ueoiitl'iuoiuMnhioiice upon, ami
eiiitivat on of. thuhui.i. vl. ' ' ' "
Ualjih a Moore. SVil, Mr,. Wllllnin II
V neynrd. all of .1 1 h . . Hl,k. (),,.",,' ii 1
i nun, or i-i ineviiiM, Oregon.
w. JooitK, UeuUter
Notice for Publication
i 1 1':Virt"l,''d or the Intel mi.
Lund OAk.) at The miimh, Oromi,
NtlW ?l.orubylvi.n tlmt"1" ,'"'7'
U il inn J. Imeuroii.of Ilajt-nielt, Oreuoi .
1 VlmUv" "f 1,U biteiiiloii to imdoj
"lai n vVmr ,"""f h,II,,0,t ot 'l-
mTrTlt Kntry, N? imi '"
is w m Vi (,f l " " 1 16
,'f'H!';ff f'l l""f Will bll III Ulc hefon-
m. ;::"uim?;k nl ,,,ivi.o)o,,
Ifu iiuiiiMM the foliowhm yiIiiicmom to
Hello Allen, of I'lhievllle, 6re.?i.. '
1,111 . 7 u' Mkhii.,
1,017 UoKlster.
I lentil I ...l-lll nf Oil' llll
Lund Olllre at tin Jatf. OnlJ
hi ttmkal
A'otlco lit hereby utt f 'li
WIHk-Iiii (lom. r.i f Imlr".1
has tiled ii' th-e of liU mwitlm l
lliml flve.joai d(M.f a DWI'P;
i .nun, i if., ,
Il.mitead Kulrv N- JM7,l
IS, im, for the so h of 8rr?.V
IH ..
.Ami that tild proof wdlbr rij
riniiK i;iihiii, i . n i "i'"'"",-' ii
...ii.... i.. t... ... . i .. ..i. .ni.
Hinrn ill .Imuran, (leMii
lie i.nini.M Ihe folowil'K '
I'lovo his contliiuom ith I''1"''' '
eiKiivitiioii or iiikiii.ii , ,
oinriiH ii oomiii, it y'd'
(!ooiie Fi-iilni'r.Oi-oriii h "
Hurry, nil ot Madia-.. irii.
oa-oll) tt II' MooiiK
flnl.! Cn Drl
of Stato Select
The Dallt-H, Oreuon, OolobeMi 1 if vim lir.!
the provision! of the sot
i.t Am.iiimI ti IHiH. mid tilt
pleiiitiilHrv Hlid HllHlliI"0
the Hint or Oii(n l",H "i
80, 1UU7, llh-il In IhlHolllcji11
1 1 fill Nil KMft. Ill Mllllll !.
ami Lot IU of si c 1, l I"
Anv mid nil persons
vitixidy ihe iihove-di-i'iir
ileHlrhn to'Ut to th'1
tho same, should Hht t
ohjiietloim 111 thlH Oflh'i'
the JHtli day nrnovimii
olO-nll 0. W, MO