The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, October 10, 1907, Image 2

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    T) T-1TTTI mun
CIIAPTER XXII. (Continued.)
Without speaking, the sister made the
visitor ji sign to follow her, nnl led them
to the parlor where we have already taken
the reader, and where tho abbess was
waiting for them.
"I had tho honor, madam," M. Rallier
Raid, .with a respectful bow, "to send you
it is my greatest desire to see her cscnpo
from her persecutor."
I am thoroughly convinced of that,
madam ; that Is why, feeling persuaded of
your good feeling towards your charge,
I ask you to tell me what authority you
require In order to give hor up to me."
I cannot, senor, allow Dona Anita to
veyed by two of his acolytes to the con
vent gate, and tho good-hearted porter
had not refused him admission, but, on
the contrary, had eagerly given him all
tho assistance his condition seemed to
While tho lepero was gradually regain
ing his senses, his comrades naked ques
tions with that caution still peculiar to
their Mexican nature. The sister-porter
was a worthy woman, endowed with a
very small stock of brains, and fond of
talking. On finding this opportunity to
Indulge In her favorlto employment, she
was easily led on, and, almost of hor own
accord, told all she know, not suspecting
the harm she did.
When the three lepcros had drawn all
they could out of tho sister-porter, they
rirn Miilnh In Orclmril.
Tho average results of the different
methods of orchard culture ut tlio Ohio
.Station, covering a period now of six
yours, are quite markedly In favor of
planting tho Iron In sod and mulching
tho trees. Tim trees on too pun uiu
ir.Mir-nnim ( ),
Il Amllrtt.xr.MI,.
ainny reasons imvo boon
for tho prevalence of- rll,timnj
It Ih by noma nnlil to bo tho rZ
nursing anil Infnntllo treatment i
duo to early practice In wrltln
drawing, to lo tho outcome, of
education and heredity, th.i
yesterday by one of my servants, a letter, quit this convent without a perfectly reg-
in which I informed you of this morn- ular order, signed by Monselgneur the
lug's visit." Archbishop of Mexico, who alone has tho
les, caballero, she at once answered, right to command here, and whom I am
1 duly received this letter, and your sis- compelled to obey,
ter Helena is ready to go away with you,
whenever you express the wish. Still
permit me to make one request of you."
"Speak, madam, and if I can be of
any service to you, believe me. that I
shall eagerly seize the opportunity."
"I know not, caballero, how to explain senor.'
myself, for what I have to say to you Is
really so strange that I fear lest it should
call up a smile to your lips. Although
Dona Helena has only been n few months
in our convent, she has made herself so
beloved by all her companions, through
A liOTT I'niiHrr Unit.
A safe anil secure poultry nm thnt tr(,a(eu lim, nin,0 tl heavier and more
requires less material than a high pen vti?oronn erowth than under nny other
hastened to leavo tho convent. Just as can Do matio rrom intns sawcu in BJ.,,tom ot cuiture, and liavo produced
they emerged into tho street, they rounu winch would mauo tno sines - hm (jom,u h niueh fruit. Under tho cum
themselves faco to faco with No Carnero, ' high, Kinking tlio framo of scantlings .....i,,,, nml cover enm mothod of cul
the general's capataz, whom his master nn,i fi,0 top of sawed laths, box boards tunj no tr(H?j niiuj0 Vl.ry nearly ns
had sent on a tour of discovery. They or mnr mntorlnl. The top of tho run , Krmvt, nml tu, futility of tlio
ran up to him. and In a few words toM houU1 mmst nlmost eIltlr(ly of trBp Th() ncU howoVur(
"iS.ta USK ",ta of old.hnrnc for (lmt Uk) , reMlltMf r,KanU
bled Inwardlv at the revelation for ho un- . 'hleh wll look well If cut neat. (m KWWh ,, ylt.u, of fPtlU
And If I had that order, madam, all derstood tho terrible danger by which his 'J- Tlio Illustration shows ono oi mo nro ,llf,,rlor to t10 KrnM lliuch method
your scruples would bo removed?" friends were menaced. Hut Carnero was doors propiwd up to biiow uio wnnmn- tlu, Hl,r.)rH,. thing.
Yes, all, senor." la clever man, and at onco mado up his tlon more plainly. Tho doom aro l T)0 KK)rpat r,.sj(M ,,f nl wero ob
4 mi wouiu nave no runner umiciiity minrt to his course ot action. reet long, tno lengtn or a mm, aim way
In allowing Dona Anita to depart?" Ho greatlv nralsed tho lencros for tho ,e o P in foot tho other wnv and still
I would deliver her to you at once, skill they had displayed In discovering j ot l)0 ,ul'y being eonstructwl of
tne secret, put somo piastres into mcir , , t mntprn
1 . a, aI ft rA n a wm II
"Since that Is the case, madam. I w... hamls. and sent them 'oft to tho general. I rj', s t 'ra d oor Is an Important fc Ml , M J"
ask you to do so, for I have brought you with tho recommendation, which was' UI trap loor la nn Iniiwrtanc rin wnBhwI nm, Kul,c,, m ,uy
that order." nlost necessary, to make all possible turt. us " l,crll,lts tlle t!,ll,ur ,0 cl ,uP heavy fills wero necessary, and
"You have It?" she said, with undls- speed. Then, In his turn, ho began prowl- easily for removing top soil nml repine- ,,ractkH, m1 t() Q n,n,ioIUH nt
guised delight. 1UK round the convent, and especially the
Here it Is, he answered, as he took carriage, which Curumilla mado no dim
her charming character, that her depart- a paper from his pockctbook and handed culty In letting him approach, for the
uro is an occasion of mourning for oil of
"You render me very happy and very
proud by speaking thus of my sister,
"This praise is only tho expression of
the strictest truth, caballero. We are all
really most grieved to see her leave us der I had the honor of giving you?"
tnus. bull I should not have ventured les, sir."
thus to make myself the interpreter of "In that case be kind enough to allow
our regrets were there not a very strong the young ladies to put on secular cloth-
It to her. reader will doubtless have cuessed that
isne opened It at once, and eagerly pe- the animosity tho Indian had on several
occasions evinced for the enpatar, was
rused it
"Oh, no," she continued, "Dona Anita
is free, and I will "
"One moment, madam." he Interrupt
ed her, "have you carefully read the or-
prctended, and that they wero perfectly
good friends when nobody could see or
hear them.
Tho capatai skillfully profited by the
confusion created in the crowd by the
carriage entering the convent, to throw
In, unpcrcelved, the paper M. Kalller had
found. Certain now that his friends would
reason that renders it almost a duty to ing. and, as their departure must be kept be on their guard, he went o(T In his turn,
speak to you."
"I am listening, madam, though I can
guess beforehand what you are going to
say to me."
She looked at him in surprise.
"You guess! Oh, It is impossible,
senor," she exclaimed.
The Frenchman smiled.
"My sister Dona Helena, as is gen
erally the case in convents, has chosen
one of her companions, whom she loves
more dearly than the others, and made
her her intimate friend. Is such the case,
"How do you know it?"
He continued, with a smile:
"Xow, this young lady, so beloved not
only by Helena but by you, madam, and
all your community, is a gentle, kind,
loving girl, who, in consequence of a great
misfortune, became insane, but whom
secret, allow jny carriage to enter the
tront courtyard."
"What must I say, though, to tho
young lady's guardian? I am going to
see him to-day."
uuin time; ten nim that you may
succeed In getting her to consent to the
projected marriage, but, on the condition
that it be deferred for eight and forty
hours. In forty hours, madam. General
Guerrero will not come to claim tho hand
of Dona Anita."
after recommending the spies he left be
fore the convent to keep up a good watch,
and walked in the direction of the Plnza
At the corner of the Calle de Platcros
tnlned when clean cultivation through
out tho reason was practiced, nlneo no
humus or fertility wiih udded to tho
nml tho ground
lng with frosh earth, or other caring 0H, of (h(J fonr(h ytfar
for tho birds. The frnmo material Is
of 2x2-ntcli scantling nt tho corners,
The abbess, who understood the Impor
tance of a speedy conclusion, left her
visitors in the parlor, and, in order to
avoid any misunderstanding, herself un
dertook to fetch the two young ladies,
after giving a lay sister orders to call
the carriage into the first courtyard.
The leave-taking was short, for there
while the side strips are nindo of Inch-
boards sawed 2 Inches wide. The earth
he saw a man standing in front of a pul-! under this run should bo slightly
querla. The capatar entereu ino pui
querla and let fall a piastre which rolled
to tho foot of the man standing In tho
doorway. The latter stooped, picked up
the coin, nnd restored It to Its owner,
and the capataz walked out, doubtless sat
isfied and cautiously continued his way.
mounded for tho sake of dryuess.
Furm nnd Home.
The trees set In sod and hnvlng n cir
cular area cultivated nbout thorn gnvo
very good results for tho first two or
threo years, after which much better
results were secured by either tho
cover-crop method or tho grass mulch
method. This method of culturo was
tho most cxihmisIvo and laborious plan
adopted. Its chief usefulness Is on
Biniill, very rough or stony areas, where
mulching mnterlal Is not nvnllnblo, or
on home grounds where nent and light
ly grounds nro desired.
l'Vrtlllarra for MrntTtirrrlra,
Nitrate of sodii Is n valuable fertil
izer for strnwl)errle nnd rnspborrli4,
nml slu!d bo applied with itowdered
phosphate of lime.
This application to strawberries will
sometimes treble the yield. The tar
ries are larger In slxo, handsomer In
color, more solid nnd liner In flavor.
I'lovrlnir nnd Ilroufchta
Subsolllng nnd drainage are systems
thnt should be practiced In connection Ordinary manure will not produce such
On rcachinc the nlnza ncaln. the man of . with each other. bUhsoinng wimoui results, ns it Is not converted Into plant
tho pulqucria. who was probably going drainage Is more damaging than bene- ro umn nrtor tni ,icuw, 0f (nt.
the same road as himself, was nt his Ilclnl, ns It nllows the wntcr to ncctmiu- fruit.
heels. Into nnd there remnln. ir the system Xltratn of wiiln nml
"Helhumeur?" the capatar asked In 0f drnlnnge Is mnde complete there Is phiitu of lime nro imMmllnted by tho
" uom nr oecicr man (loco cuiiivnuon. as- i nut nt nun., .....i ............i.... .
, ( fc ,1 llrlUIft Jlllkl 111
'Eh?" the other answered In the same
"Tho general knows the affair at tho
slated by the subsoil plow. Tho grent cost of Icm than $10 jx-r ncre. using
I fear of those who nre opponed to sub- .joo pounds of tho mixture, which con-
i i , i
your renaer care nas resrorea to reason. , nnt.. - i thnt Mm,- nm viiiw.I1imI in , i. ,
cmi i ....j was no time to ose n ra n comnllments. nvnnt-- If rnn rfn not make hasti. Don m'" ' iat they nro compelled to tains the three Ingni cuts
secret, before all from her guardian. The youn& Indies drevv down theJr veils. Martial, Don Antonio nnd the two ladies turn up soil from below, which Is not necessary to use for fmllng plants, nit-
1 i i.i. .i . I - . . . . ... . .1 I it. I . ii... tl...
who, not contented with having stripped anu Proceeua to tne courtyard under will be attacked on the road while going uesimoie, us ii rcquirra wine iur uiu
her of her fortune, now insists of robbing sui(lance of tlie abbess. The carriage to the quinta ; warn your friend, for cold undersoil to become proiwr plnnt
her of her happiness by forcing her to had been drawn 08 close as possible to there is not a moment to lose." food ; but the subsoil plow docs not.
marry him." lue clolslers. anu tno court was entirely When be turned back, Helhumeur tad ns mnny supiwse, turn up the soil. Ir
"Senor, senor,
as she rose from
ishment blended
you that you know so many things of
rogen, phosphoric ncld nnd nn nlltnll.
-Andrew H. Ward in Meehnn'f
" the abbess exclaimed le"' e aooess, tne sister por- disappeared; the Canadian with his cnur- Blmply ,miverzt,s it. Tho ,(lan uiy
her seat, with an aston- "7" awerwuc wmj " pursuetl is to plow the soil in the ordl-
. ii t. uciuiiuc, i ;je airection oi valentines iiouse. ah . ,, , , ., .
with terror, "who are t. m - . I . . . . nnrv ninnner. fol owlnir In tho samo fur-
I w " .... ....... u IJUH b UL
A Onntl MnrLrl I'rnr,
Hie old market favorite pear. Loulso
Honno de Jersey, Is still one of the Ix-st
ior lue cnnaiuz. aa uc ua iu nu ir- i ........ .1 irn...n ...,.0. . ..
th ra?oo. i: ... .1.... v... ' rows bchlnil the 1 rst n ow. with n sub- """" '""m i"i"nr ot mo t rench
whioh T holioro,! tho rrhnlo .rl,l " l' O i"S u licuiar nurry, ue ijuiewy wamcu ua 10 . .
. - - -t,"" tho Kent Oflllcht hia n I J a ai-,A If .u- H.. . f.,.,,l ,! mf. . FOlier. IO WHICH SIIOUKI IK IianiOSSiMl
n - -. . V. . . V. 1 1 I mi H. HllL'lC uu luuuu ,110 lUHOIC. 1 ' .
Without belntr seen, and hid it in tho lml- l fi, nnc.lnn with nil hl nonnln.
"Who am I, madam? the brother of low of his hand. After kissins? the nnt ,i nrtioniorir with lilmtoif
a- ovvUUU W - 1 wv.j Mb.a.a
iieiena, that is to say, a man In whom abbess for the last time, the young ladies By an accident, too portentous not to
three horses, In order that tho work
mny bo thoroughly done. As the first
plow moves on, leaving tho upper soil
y0"rTnn 'Vnu6 confidencc-" Jk the 'ea f"d D Martial t have been arranged beforehand, not one broken, the subsoil plow, coming after
ot his horses couiu oe mountea ; tnreo ir Rjimil(l an In tn dinth ir nt U,t
'Go on, caballero
' "The guardian of Dona Anita, either
that he has suspicion, or for some other
motive, wrote to you yesterday, ordering
you to prepare her to marry' him within
twenty-four hours. Since the receipt of
this fatal letter. Dona Anita has been
plunged in the deepest despair, a despair
further heightened by the sudden depart
ure of my sister, the only friend in whose
arms she can safely reveal her heart's
secrets. Did you not receive a visit
yesterday from Don Serapio de la
Ron da?"
"Yes, that gentleman deigned to visit
me a few moments before I received the
fatal letter to which you have referred."
"Did not Don Serapio. on leaving you,
say these words : 'He kind enough to in
form Dona Anita that a friend is watch
ing over her; that this friend has al
ready given her unequivocal proofs of the
Interest he takes in her happiness, and
that, on the day when she again sees the
Franciscan monk, to whom she confessed
once before, all her misfortunes will be covered, and probably have spies at our
enueu :
7 Inches below the plowed furrow (a
were foundered, four others had been bled,
the midst of this the capataz arrived foot' .lf .PMe). thus rendering tho
with a look of alarm, which onlv heisht-i nctuaI UCP" "eep. though not
ened his master's passion. Carnero pru- mixing tho upper nnd lower strntn.
dently allowed the general's fury to grow The .ndvnntngo Is thnt moisture Is re
a little calm, and then answered him. tnlned when rains nro not frequent, ow
He proved to him in the first place Ing to tho greater cnpnclty and depth
that ne wouiu commit n serious act 01 un- 0f absorption nt the time of rnln, nnd
pruuence uj aiaruug in pursuit n,R0 Kreater jnoHturo from caplllnry
typo of penr and Is
highly recommend
ed for tho .Vow En
gland and Mlddlo
States by tho offi
cial list of the de
partment of agri
culture. The iinmo
Is being more nnd
more shortened to
lionise, which Is
nough to distin
guish It from other
I his mnr hns
front, as did M. Hallier, after previously
whispering to the coachman, that is, to
Curumilla, two Indian words, to which
he replied by a sinister grin. Then, at a
signal from the abbess, the convent gates
were opened, and the carriage started at
full speed, drawn by six powerful mules.
It was about seven o'clock in the morn
ing. The fugitives for we can give them
no other name galloped in silence for
the first ten or fifteen minutes, when the
Frenchman gently touched his compan
ion's shoulder, and offered him the paper
he had found in the carriage.
"Head," he said.
The paper only contained two words,
hurriedly written in pencil :
"Take care."
"Oh, oh," the Tigrero exclaimed, turn
ing pale, "what does this mean?"
"It means that In spite of our precau
tions, or perhaps on account of them,
t . . r 1 1 r
ior in inese couiounueu auairs a man
never knows how to act in order to de
ceive the persons he fears, we are dis- are one of my oldest servants, and to you nbout an Inch of space from tho sur- n"nual croIm- !t nlso does well on pear virtue of the porosity of J In cu.thnt.on for more thnn n
nunciamento which was about to decide."10 m,bso11- 7.M T. l'n"' 1,,,t rlKlHnl tree Is
Soil for Pott-il IMnnta. " V ' "'
soil to bo used for pottal plants Soutller ''"nice, nnys American Cultl
lxt a mixture of leaf mold from v,,,or- , A,,ou -hcli inmr. It
his fortunes. Then he remarked to him
that six peons, commanded by a resolute
man, would be sufficient to conquer two
1. x 11 1 1 1
men prooaoiy ouu.y nrmeu, anu, in aaii- th(J W(X), ,,,, , j , 10 .w ns naniy ns nny and suc
tion, shut up In a carriage with two la-1 cliarconl Is-lng nn lit,n,vo- WIU nM fnr "orth nH 0trlo and In
dies, whom they would not exposo to tho Iw"""-re" lurt '"Pnne- t f . if,..,,.,,.,,
risk of being killed. These reasons being lne,lt- of broken jKit shoul.I Is, "S!1!. ,"Kl'U"1 w,Mfru
good, the general listened and yielded to Put ovwr tlw lralnnge hole, then enough 3 lr
ti.Dm I soil tint In so that wIii.ii Mm imit ,.r 11 ls " iwr to grow on milneo
"Very good," he said; "Carnero, you 1 enrth Is placed in the iot there will be ro0(H. IrlticIriK largo specimens and
"Yes, Don Serapio did utter
"Well, madam, I am sent to you, not
only by him, but by another person, who
is no less than the President of the Re
public, not only to take away my sister,
but also to ask you to deliver up to me
Dona Anita, who will accompany her."
"Heaven is my witness, senor, that I
would be delighted to do what you ask
of me. Unhappily, it is not in my pow
er; Dona Anita was entrusted to me by friend's bosom.
her sole relation, who Is at the same time
"And what will become of the young
ladies in the event of a dispute?"
"In the event of a fight, you mean, for
there will be an obstinate one, I foretell.
Well, we will defend them as well as we
"I know that; but suppose wo are
I entrust the duty of bringing back my
(To be continued.)
Kclluae In Mldncenn.
"It was like fairyland In nildocenn," . put a spray nozzlo on the snrlnklor nnd
said Captain Lockunrr, of tho British giro them a good watering, Blinding
fur-n or the tn tin. ri. nf . ,,.t 1 1 " " "liner large near, choleo
Fill in the soil all around the ball, nnd "')ce,mcn" averaging about three nml
unv-iiim mmm iiiuK. 'mo HK1II Is vol.
lowlsh green, with reddish brown
checks nnd dots. Tho flesh Is whlti.
fine grained nnd buttery nnd the flavor
plensnnt nnd spicy, it ripens nlout
pnek It moderately tight. Finally give
the pot n tap on the bench to settle tho
soil. After nil the plnnts nro nottod
steamship Erroll. arriving from l'oko-1 with nowsoanors for rwn r ti.. w,t" to Bhnldoti In enrly Oetolwr. Its
haina, In describing a meteoric shower durlntr sunshine until ro-oHtnhi'uii.ui BllII,lnK innlltlen nro excellent, nnd It
"Ah! there is that chance; but I never mm nn eclipse or the moon which took Never uso n largo size not for a mimii. ""n ""K mo nrsi or ino genornl
tninK oi mat until atter the event." place while Ills ship was on the long rooted plnnt If you do tho soil will l'urJBU P-"rB-
uuua .rtuiui urn net ueuu in ner vnvnirp. f)n tho n trlit nf nctnlu.r 1 cnn. 0...1 tl.n .,ln...u ii.
- - " - t v. 4 AI1X lilt.
Heassure yourseir. senorita." the ..n i,. rtn i .... florilnir nnd Vnouinw
hJVhT ilU,r ","w,rtby 7ZDC??T' ?"d; lb.Ve..a'1: , inoon ecilpse. and the're was a furore I . E t0 he " mnrlcot ?" ' r.n.tly ! mMnKo
w.v ....v, ,j ....un. uicviin m re. icm, iui iuo uuuu ui juui vuiKu wigiii 1 . . , should ho carofnllv m-ipjoil ntwi .1 I IS not n Da a I ceil IixmI nml nniui .
fusing vou. it is to him ninn thnt t m ho rwrnndspii. nn.i rhnnt, tntr. ,,i(L. nmoiig the Ciilncso crew of forty-scven . Bn011lu ',0 cartfuii) Hortod nnd puckwl lV ami must not,
bound to deliver her." rht . v .tin ho nniv D Vn.oT" n ' men. When Uie shin touckod ut Uonn. aB to Rlzc' HUnP nn1 Is bet- ,uru,"r 10 mm '"'"Mvely. A rn
By tho uso of ensllngn tho rntlon
"l-hls objection, madam, the justice of sides, remember that if you have enemies Kong the entire crew walked from tiio ! lcr oc w lut eggs having different col- "'" 01 M"""lH onsiinge, 8 isiunds
which I fully appreciate, has been fore- you have also friends, since they took the ship. Cnptnih rcklmrt sat dlsconso-1 orc1 fi I1p ,n tllc Ba'ne Package; "r clovcr "ny 1 lmul of hrnn and 1 of
seen by the persons whose representative precaution to warn us. Now, in all lately In his cabin a few hours Inter neItlier 'il'l OEgs varying much In "nKt'' l,10al will cost about 10 cents a
I am. Hence they consulted on the means probability, this unknown offer of advice .i, ,.a ivm.f !. 1 lzc be placed In the smiie nneknL'i. kv. (lfly n,1(1 o nn nearly bnlnnced nn r,,n
Krniirylit film tltnf ft.
inui uiij ... , --' 1 i. a.. mi.... ...
forty-seven hnd returned, laden with B" m,,mm I-'"ectly clean, and ' " "; nuion will be Isittor
Chinese incense, josa sticks and Are-, ,f Bllgl,tly Koll0(1 U mny 1)0 wiped clean Ktl than 0110 comiK,Ked mostly of
works of all sorts. with n damp cloth. If bndly soiled tho iry fK"1' "ml "l fisllngo can he
For days after the ship had sailed CRg" 8,1""1 1)0 M' tor tho wnsh- w " ,ro' n Rllno ni at a cost he
h.wi. fi. t?o,i on t. lng refjulred to clean them Inlnroa fii.ii- ,ow thnt of any other food thnt
Valentine had entrusted to him, and possessed acknowledged cleverness and Ocean, the men would hold a daily ser-1 11 discarded eggs can bo "v i"""'"-1-" t" rann.
Iinillloil It tn tho nlltlOtO fillful nr. ut-lll on,l If VnlnnllA I t.t iai. . dlSlXlSCd Of at HO I flft nf tlln n)onnn- I
..... . , , ... , u,u,,;U nun .-ni.ujii.-u iiiun VJCO Willi UlOir HlUlllCOIOrOU gOAVgaWfl. . ' . mill Flttld ytlpn
"UMint la thluV" clio .. .........III 1 ti.i il.i. ... ... " " loiia nrnMIn ,t nim.l.v.. t.i .1 .- ''t
a., ,i, nui.cuiuiivu uiiu ioutu uiuir mnciiina- Aftnr tiiov had lnximo liili tnnl tl.n i-ggs mnv Im
Madam,' the ! renchman answered, tlons, it was solely through the habits
to remove the scruples by entirely releas- will not have stopped there but thought
Ing yon from responsibility. Father, give of the means to come to our assistance In.
this lady the paper, of which you aro the the most effectual manner."
bearer." General Don Sebastian Guerrero had
Without uttering a word. Don Martial organired a band of spies composed of
. i e I : . i i . . . . .
iook iroiu ui pot-net uie oiauK signature leperos ana scoundrels, who, however,
"that paper is a blank signature of the which bo contracted during a lengthened
President of the Republic, who orders you life in the prairies, and which had be
to deliver Dona Anita into my hands." ' come an intuition with him, so fnr did
"I see it," she said, sorrowfully; "un- he carry tho quality of scenting and un
fortunately this blank signature, which marking an enemy, whatever might be
would everywhere elso have tho strength tho countenance he borrowed.
of tho law, is powerless here. We only The Convent of tho Bernnrdlnos had Tho State of Washington produced
nioireciiy uepenu on mo temporal power, naturally becomo for some days past tho 10,500,000,000 shingles in 1000 fiscal
After they had become liabltual tiio . """'"B '""ets j,gg mny ,)0 Fe,(1 mco ,,n J()t
cnptaln discovered that tlio Chinese, bo-l1"" K "'"Ppmg cases or In they can get the baric ,,f , ' "
llevlnir that the meteoric shmvor ,i Btnn11 Ptol)oard loxes, according to but thev wunotim... ,i.. T5 trw'
neving that the meteoric shower nnd ":Z Z , ' """'ding to out tney Hometlmes do niueh diimn,.., tk
ecllDse wns a dread sign of the gods, ' l,ow tlicy aro t0 1,0 rlcetod.-G. A. orchnrds. Wrap the trees with S ,m
were attempting to propitiate the splr-1 I'r, extending the paper several Inches
iui.-.uw iwk luifsnim. t . uuo mo ground. This method not oniv
Tlio Russian thistle, which wnH con- PventH the depredntions of mice hut
sldered n dangerous pest In tho West nlH0 Wirve,i to protect agnlnst tho' bor-
linn nnt imriiiiil nu rn, .. ' nm 'I'lm .. . . r
J? TJZ LJ i.Ah.! ye"' r.8 "" out. ; poctod. It seems to thrive best IZZ root above the KroZ.
ders from it" '1, n,-!. .i , put or tno united Mtates. Washington U noils, and is not partial to all kinds
X took a side glance, full of cdblSs nt' SlirirSS JSJ?1" X TV " " "2. If
despair, nt his companion, whoso face tho alarm ; and though M. Rallior was
was still smiling. not personally known, tho fact of 1i!h b.
"What would you require, madam," he ing a Frenchman was sufficient to rouse
continued, "In order to consent to give suspicions.
up this unhapj, young lady to me?" While the Frenchman nnd tho monk
"Alas, senor, It is not I who refuse were conversing with the abbess, a lepero
ompllance. Heaven la my witness that pretended to hurt' hlmaelf. and waa con-
The Corn Cultlvulor.
470,000 or 18 per cent more than , subdued the Canada thistle, and ha. much im irove. IIT . T.I"
1005. In no other Stnto does tho year
ly output approximate 1,000,000.
peon very neueiicini in Hovornl fitatea. . . 1
Though It Is not a desirable plant tn inost i n , V . 11 wUI nl
have on tho farm, the f.J ,Bt i0 " w,,l, H,,lrt to plow corm
Ohlna has ten rallwayn In operation, have learned to keep It In subjection ,1 . .. "r B,l0uld ,M t
with a total mileae of 2,235, or about bo longer fear It ubJortlon given attention by niakorflFormor
! oa-tentli th4 or Qrwt BrIUla. ' ' ln Iowa "omeatoad.
Hty. tl,,, , : ,
Jiieoluinlcal law am) nth... 11 l
causeN, according to tl
James Huwyer declares that tho ,
..lit III 1 tln nt tl.. f ,1 ... . . '
the fact thnt In t.rli.,ii.. .. 'mb
used tho right luuid for th0 ifuJ
of offenso, hu aa to keep tho W
tho vital npotna far ns uohhIM
Uio nssftult If au adversary, nl
cxiwrlmoiita and otmorvntlom
prtvo thnt HlnglohnndednMs 21
tho result of faulty or Jl
Hon. -
It la n curious Instnnco of liumnnh.
tmrlncHs that Bhould one eye, 0tJ?
or ono leg of a child show nk'n. !f
inlntHhcd vigor, Uio pnronU would I
tniitly seek the ius of nnd, If jw
ble, tho romwly for thnt lamcnui!.
condition; yet for somo Itiexpi.
iniinwn ui iiiujiiuiiD inn ion unndoftii
aveniKe child U ruthlotwly nnd dtuu
ntoly neglectwl, until In mnturo Jct1
It U undeveloped, usolesa and ikgg,
uiiiu.-vx-niinrj "l'l'honKe.
I A A . 1 ..1. ..
viruiui ousorvnuoiis ilftY0
that out of every hundred perHnitsa
uuo una worm oigniy nro congcalUjhl
nmhWextrouu tlmt la to say, thc;aj
Inxllnetlvcly reach for nn oblfct d
. . . . . . . " i
fitner naiid, nmi only require proper b
siruciion ana iraining to duvoSop
linndN and arms to au eijuul drNtfl
strength ami ski ll.
Of tho remaining twenty, mtcbI.I
will bo right-handed, while the iti
three will show n natural bla UniA
the loft hand. The cultivation of tziil
dexterity, therefore, offer no Inrjj
nhlu dltllniltteit, nml tho eeonoahj
physiological and psychological tituM
tngtw are enormous.
It Is said that thu Jnpnneso nlJjl
can line thotr weapons with njual ibl
In either hand, for they nre train;
be .tKUiiiicxtorous from chlldlwot Jti
school they are taught to write vA
draw wlttt lxtli hands. In drawing dB
pnlntlug no auptmrtlug device wfuttfel
Is umhI, tho entire arm being uoplo;til
The German educational autborltl
too, nre nt present giving contldffit;
attention to toft-hand work, ?;riil3
In their technical and mecb)al
schools. The studon.'s nre taujM ;
saw, plnue nnd hnnimer ns well fM
tho left hand ns with the right. toltb9
economical nnd Industrial luipon
of ambidexterity Is (Irmly Impr
iikjii thu minds of young men and tc
One to whom n tenant lea
premlm-s ln held. In Hevk v. ilfc
sola and W, Grain Co. (Iowa). 71
A. (X. 8.) Wtf. to be ns fully ettoif
to (pii-stlou the landlord's title u !
tho tenant himself.
The ncknowledgment by n
thnt n right of way over adju.8
tmjiMirty la permissive nnd utJt!
revcK-stlon Is held, In Hchwnr t. MeJ
tin (Ky.). 7 r IL A. (X. 8.) Oil,:
to hind talus after he secures Utl !
the Inudlonl's ustate, to whKh the I
of wny Is nppiirtennnt.
After the maintenance of n rallr
mvltch In a nubile Htrevt for te
yimrs under the expr consent of i
abutting owners, It Is held, In Wdftfl
vs. Fisher fOre.l. 7 U It. A. t.V
Wl. tlmt neither those who garc i
eonsont nor their successors In
nro entitled to Injunctive relief
the nllcKi-d nu I wince.
Failure of auccetwors In title to
whoiM' undellvonsl ditrd to real
hns been recorded, to remove It
the record. Is held. In Alabama
nnd Coke Co. vs. Gulf Con! nnd
Co. (Ala.), 7 I It. A. (X 8.) 712,'
to estop them from denying tne
of a stranger who purchased the P1
erty In rollanco on the record.
CorililuM Klnllir eiv. 0lcbr.
Kenntor Kludhv M. Clllloiil. of I
nols, tellH Uils story of tlio laic
Oglesby ;
"Ono day a man. who hnd a
favor to ask, went to see OglesbJ.
started In to (latter hllil. Ho rcoow
the different high iwsltlons 0w
had held and tried to mnko tw 1
man feel proud of what ho im
and what Im was.
Diflnshv llMioned Imimtlently f
few liilntitM to tho fulsome fl'1!
and then arose abruptly and, cjremi11
fun ft it
"I'm nothing but a doggoncd trjH
and tho lntorvlow wn nt nn ciw,'
vUllnr twit nrcn having R ClllUKI
stnto hla errnnd.
Carofullr Be!ectl.
Ono of tho most reinnrkablo f'
of llfo In New Bouth Wales u
rrlmlnnlB Into
working citizens. Of tho 80,000 ttt
. i.. i min onrwvi wrn or llAu "
illUiU 111 1U1 V,VVV ,J
nvii.n it is nnlil thnt on borl
American liner a boastful Auti
nssertod loudly and over and oven
that "tlio mon who eettiou a-
iltr ftillHlhlO lot
yea," anld an Amorlcnn qulcwj
have nlwnya understood that tney
sent out by tho vory best juoj,w
J. iMItU )TV W vwaaf .
fnr orJiera WW
the Job of alttlnif at the M m