ings at Madras Irn, ol llaycrceif wn in town i. I1C WCCK, Joslin of Orlizly, wits a visitor Monday. t he week W of Cnw Cnnyon the first of tile week. McCul urn. , rancher from ' 19 I a a I I. mpCrlal warning maciiiue, it McTaggart & Bye. MLT.Mi til rrlvvlu. will In ' ., . . ! . iv nttcnuini! to nutmieas mm i tii I M Al. II II. 1VIJUU lfc flOII ,f .1.. i .w r .1.- nford has ncen in MinniK" week attending to bUsinesv E. Duchien, o Huycrrti', whs business malieri in Madia ... . lirovvtl wm cuniiuti actriurn II !J. u. I.... Tk. ..i. nan neat oHiiu iy. m; iu Lcc, .01 Ashwood, was in Suturd-iv btiylni; supplies (!l n iit . I T Crnltf and wife 8pnl hr with relatives near Kent, in UI1I V f I Uf lit firet n til pokanc, whe ihe expects t line of robes, blankctsnnil them if you need anything in II (I I nt-Iiii V1'ilrfi "fl ivi, uriiKc nnu u i uvciiuii, ... t ..-.I.I- . I ...It I I II .1 II I I I I II 1 1 If lIW VI Mlltl'l.lf lM Cif i nmm.nrr.t nlnMrinii passed through town yester way to I'urtland. rl Dr.iiv ivhn ha iifrn vutt e i. .. i. . i . ti..i i Robinson accompanied her ...i -. - ..!. he a mcciini' of the school c stiiuui iiuum; item oiiiuiU'iv .. . I .. . . . to succeed the laic John A. . .i. i ifrnn.i rrii rruiriirii inn i:,n ill " i Cornelius, after a three weeks home on the plains. His it i . ? t . . ... t ...- . .. I t. A 111 111 U M LITllia IJ1I3IIL I. I t Wlmm .A l)r... ...... in Crook county, since that - 4 ' ft t. f .1.1 Mr llnrnrr nnl lir llirf- rliil. expects to visit here very inv nrriMr in mpi- nir. i ii i f. . .. . iiirii inn vrvrrri ivi mr iiir I , (- . f ... ni.. I i.i n r. n .I. . .1. ... I. Kin -11 nun MIMI 1114 ..1.1 ...I .1. l. ... speed trials at the fair in The week. Ilr. Fuller took Ills i . her performance Iliac, mid ii niMuri n nnrin e iiniui iiri iuiiii )alles. r ... . . . the first of the week, oi hi n i - f :i inr in iniittmrr i;ttui in o - county, iic bounht one acres, the principal poitiun of riir Miwisf ftiifii E. Roiish rotunicd iiiunnmr, aiior an no- nioiitn or uioro wliloli isitin in tliu Willlun- h. From Poriluiitl Mr. 'h Iih went out to tins tin AIiiMdii f Jiinwh iic- . i.i i - . . jmuy, which uiiy un" 01' lliH DHlltlillg ol I III; (Ht'cum i oinl. Il (WtiHi) u oiipv one Mrs Khod.i' Elmaker and herjittle son, Virgil, were in ( Madras the first of the cek from Lamonta. , A p.irly composed of J , C Kohinson ind wife, Miss I'cifrl Dean, W H K?ce and .lark Church returnrd last Saiuiday evening from the tipper Deschutes coun tiy, where ihcv have been spending (lie past three weeks, The reft er tlmtion of the time they were camped ai Crane I'rairie, They caught plenty of fjh and killrd n few dticks, hilt did pot fct iflil l any hi atne iiss iay l.amson of filial), Wash mioti, who tatted In tills locality last mouth, was mariicd on the 26h of Sep tember to Mr. Walter Kay, who is 'also vell known here. Mr. Kay formerly re tided at I'rlnevillc, but ' at present is en aed in biuintss at Cortland Miss LaiiiMin moved, to Zillah, VVasiilnton; viih her parents, Mr. and Mfa, C. E. Lhiiimim, several years ao, but prior to that 1 1 1 1 1 c she resided in the Culver nrlj;li mtihood, "wjiere she still (has a host of lrieud, lo whom the news of Iter marriage came as a surprise. When Miss Lamson Idt Madras a day or so before the date f hrr wecldinj,', it wils, presumably, to re- (mn to her home in Washington, hut the wedding, which was the happy culmma Hon of a romance betin several years nin when both of he contracting parlies cre resiucms 01 crooit county, had been pre a 1 milled before she started for home, and the wrddhij; occurred at Cortland. Mr. and Mrs. Kay will reside in that city. WARMSPRINCS HAS TELEPHONE Vunii!)riiign is now coiuiKCt '(1 Willi J Iih otitsiriu world by tHleplioiiM, tliH I'iiih lietwuHii the Agt'iioy and Wupiiiitu having htjiMi cofiipltMtfd last fSuiurdiiy. I Iih govtM iiiiii'iit built tliH liiiH hHtwiifii, ilitsbH poiiii.s, and at Wapmniii the utnv lino coiihhcIh wiili iIih long diHiaiico linn Madras, thn nnareat town to iIih AnHiioy aiuKvithin 10 idUhh of it, ha to' talk with Warm- Hpringrt by wuy of TIih Dalles, a diHiance of over 200 miles. iSupHiiutHiidLMiL Covuy has of- fniud 10 Hxtontl tlio govorii' niHfit line -to the ferry, provided the Madras line would he ex tended so as to connect with it at Mint point, and this will doubtless be done in the near future. Edward C. Pease Co. I Incorporated Shaniko, Oregon 1 " " 1 wT 11 ' 1 1 1 1 HEADQUARTERS. s FOR HARVEST SUPPLES lU6t us fill youi4 Hat4 Vest drdfe? I McTAGGART & BYE I I Timber l-rtiul, Act June 'A, 1878, Notice for Publication. United Ktntc" l-aiid Onico Tlio DbIIwi, Oregon, Kit, in, rtxrr. S'otlco In livreliy Klvcn tlmt In romiilluure with the nrovlnloiiH of tlio not 01 Coin.' rem of J 11 no 3, JW7r, entitled "An net for the unit; of t nihcT IntiiU In the Matt of CnMforntn. Ore- Kon, Nuvailu, ftiiil WiuliliiKton Territory," ax vxtetitli-il to nil the public IhikI ulnlos by net (if . 1 Jeini'n II' llorni'v. of Mtulrt-n, county of Crook, ntntf of Orcxru. )in nti May 3, I'M,, tlluit In thltt unicu IiIn nworil tor tii'.. iurciiKko nuJiiitrli of mv CLASSIFIED LOCAUS '10 KHWA1U) will bolail pur head for (itlier or Imlli of tlio followinn-dos-cribed miiiiinlri, dulivured to F. J. IlrooliH, .Matlran: Gray marc, !l yearn old, bay niarc, it yearn old, each branded with a rtmnin V; aro run iiuiK 011 rango near MadniH; formurly owned by Archio Mugon. J. A. JIoh hI'iikci'. hIO-oIO TUKfjl'AKSI N( i-Itt-d cow, brmiklo face ; brand i l-huiiiIiIum letter Y. Owner call and claim property. At my place north of Madrad. I. F. Shuit. 21 rOU SALE Quo Hteel rnnjjo, nenrly jiov; onu HcwiiiK macliiiu, and a fuw iniKcellnneoiiB arlielcri for Bale cheap for audi. MttHt bo cold at once Wji. Ti:hiiii., .Madrafl. "It MtHtuincill. No. Of till! tllic'i Bll'l MI tn III H w 111 l IM Anil will often proof toliov tlmt the Inml Muht Is iptuu vnliiulilo for ItM tlinliur or huhio Uihii for rlttrlctilturHl pnriocn. unit to I'stnh IUh lilt claim to mild Innd he'fore 1'rtnW OnlKirii, t'. H. (dtiiiiilxlntn'r, nt li Is ollJc. in Mniltm, Oregon, oil Hie fith dxy ol DeccuiN.T, IW7. .1. lie tinmen ak wltncMen: John It Drown, aiiiI I'.dmtuu! HeHly, hotli of Ctilvvr. Orn-oii. mid Kiicene A. Ulllett, mid Klmcr li. (fllUm, both of Mndrtv. Ori'Kou. Any And nil pcrito.s cinlmlNt; tnvrviy th nboru'doicribud Ia.nUh nro ru'Uu.-ktod to tlio their clnltnn In thin ofhcu os or before nald nth tiny of December, im. o3kI.'. C. W. SIOOKK, ItoBlnter. ' ' : t Timber juk!, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE .FOR PUBLICATION. United Hates I.snd Ofllre The Ihillcx, Oregon, r-pt.7, 1W7. Notleo U hereby, given tlmt In romplUnro with the proviHloiiA of the net of CniiKrcnn of June 3, lrt7h. entitled "An Act h thennleof tlinb'r Iaiku In the In ten of Callfornln, Ore KonNovniU, and WnxhlnKtou Territory." a extended to nil tlio public land ttatc.i by Act of AiikiuH, It'-, Inez Ftillerton, of Hlnter. comity of Crook, utAte of Oreiron, 1ik, on Kebrimry '2i. l'.K)., tiled In this ofllce her itvorn Ktnteuieiit No .ucM for tho pureliAie of the n ' 'ce 7 uud nJmvJi wc H, tp 12 n, r 1) e, w m. Ami will offer proof to xhow that the lnnd nought Ik more vnltinbli! for It timber or tone than for agricultural purpose, mid to cMnbllsli her rlulm to Mild Innd Ik.1 fore tho County Clerk at 1'rlnoville, OrOKon, on the 10th dny of December, llJ7. 8he unmcii ai wltnenn's: Walter 8 Kullerton. WlHliim H Cantrell, Kdwln II (irahnm nnu Clnrn ',' Urnhnin, nil of 8lnter. Oregon. Any mid nil piTKMK elnlitilng mli rxcly the nbove-deerllHjd laiidi lire riiiieted to Illo their clalinM In thin ofllre on or before tahl 10th dny of December, lfci7. od'i C, .IV. MtJORK, IlusrUtor. Timber Land, Act June .1, 1978. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Ofllce, The DalleH, Oregon, fcent. 0. 1907. Notice ia hereby jivcn that in com pliance with the provimoiiB of the act f Con-.'1-psH of June .1, 1878, entitled 'An.aniVr tlieisale of timber landB in the KtntCHjif California, Orwon, Xova(a. and Wimhinj'Ujri Territory' nn extendi d to all the Public Land States by act of AugiibU, 1892, t . . Etta 15. Fryrcar, of Sinters, county of Crook, etate of Oregon, Una on Alarcb l.'t, 1907, filed in thiH ofllce herworn Htatetnent NovJ875, for the pilrchace of the nwinwi ec 20, wjswl kwj 17 and neisel of kcc 18, t 13 u, r 11 e, w in, And will offer oroof to how- that tin. land fcought in more valuable for its tim!er or Htone than for agricultural imriwerf, and to ce tablisb her claim o Haul lantl before II. C. Elli, U. S. Coiiimiiisioncr at bin ofllce, iu lielitl, Oregon, on the 13th day of December, 1907. ' She names iih witnesses : Jetsc, Wilt, Clarence Kranton, John V Wilt arul William F Fryrear, all of Sisters, Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the- above-dcHcribed lands are requested to Illo their claims in thin oilice on or before said 13th day of December, 1907. . i Ol W. MOOKE, Itegifiter. Notice for Publication Dttpiirtmont of the. Interior l.'.ind Olllee utT'iu Dulles, Oregon, Heptonibur 21, 1907. Notice Ih liuruby given that .Matgitret. Coiniet, widow' of SIIuh ('lin net, iluct'iiHcd, of Mutliiih, Oregon, Iiuh illed noliee tif her Intention tti nmko llnal live year proof iu mijijiort of her tilaltn, via: lloineKtoad Mn try No 11691 iniidb Oill.lfi,M902, for tliu nej of Heu 05, tp 11 h, r 13 e, w m, And tljat nit Id proof will bo made before Frank Ohoru, l'. H, CotnmlH Nlonur, ut IiIh olllue In .MuiIi'uh, Oregon, on Nov, 7, 10U7. Situ iianieH the following wUikihhcn lo provo Iih coiitiiiiioiH rctiltlunoe iipon.liud ciiltlvallon of tlio land, viz: MlleaDKox, 0U Fox, W 11 Hum- eey, 11 J Jlrtttiritol tor, all ot Itulrati, Orton. o3-31 C. V. Muoitu, Heglwter Notice for Publication Department of, tho Interior Lund Olllco ut Tio D.iIIcr, Oregon, September 30, 1907. Notice In hereby tivn Unit Wllllum U. Cook, or Onlver, Oregon, fee 31, tp 12 h, r K! e, w m, Timber Lantl, Act .Time 8, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Ofllce The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 10. 1907. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with thepiovisioitH of the act of Congrens of Jun.-3. 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber landn in the Htaten of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Gottfried Kampfer, of Sbaniko, county of Wasco, state' of Oregon, him on .May 18, 1907, filed in this ofllce bis sworn statement, No. 4101, for the purchase of the nftinwi liai filed notice or Ilia inleiifiou to make llnal tlve-year proof In mjpport of lilt olafm, vl7.: IIorneHteiid Lntry 11028 mnde ud will offer nroof to show that tho land fought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for ntrricitUural purposes, ntul to establish - his claim to Oct. 21. 1002. for the eiHwl anil tlse of , said land before Frank Osborn, li. S sect. 0. ip 12 h, r J4i win, ; Commissioner, at bis office in .Madras, And that said uroof will be made I ! "$on 0,1 ot" y December, . . a. t in Uefiiru bnttiK Oil) im, V H Conimlx siolier, nt bis .ntlUw iu MatlrtiH, Ore gon, on November 8, 1907 1907. lie names as witnesses: Perrv Mon- roq, of bbaniko, tlregon, Conrad Ho iiiitueH the following witnesses to prove IiIh eontluuotiH residence upon, and cultivation of, tho html, viz: 1) W LUruott f Culver, Oregon; J F Corwln, 11 II C.iolt, A W Noyce, nil of Mitdruiv Oregon. a8 sfi t;. Mooitu, HeislHlor 'tiling indicating that . i rt . i i i tit no t oi t ie rotiti lltllil In Mt I r..w'l mill HOW Haiti WlJl bo ex- voriu .Uontral OivkM, juahed as nfpUlly as Notice for Publication . Dupiirtuiunt of the Interior Latill OlUeo at Tho Dallos, Oregon,. fcjoptetnt'tir 21, 1907, Notice Ih hereby glvoiiTlint Paulino Di'gner, widow til' JuIIiih Deg ur, tloueaHi d, of Madias. Oregon, has flliitl notice of bis intention to mulct llnal live-year proof Iu support or Iuh til ti i in r vi.: j Notice for Publication. " Dupartnioiit of the Inttirior. .antl Otllee at This a'U's, Oregon, tSepuMiihur 21', HK)7, .Votlne Is ht'ivby given lltat Wllditiii 1. Matltlioii, nt' Miiilnts, Otegon, has tiled notice of his lutuiilion to niiikti llnal llvtsyuar pi oof Iu support of Ids elnliii, viz: imiiehtoatl Hit try Vo 1BIII3 Hindu .Way 111. 11H), tor the mv4 of see 22, ipis, r lit e, w in, And that said inoof will he made httfoio Frank Oshorn.U. S.Coniiulsslonttr, at his r ..i ... iiiii niHt'U III liiUmi VMt'KI'll) Oil .AHV, U, IIHP( Strasaerantl Chris Harry, both of Mad ras, Oregon, and Sam Compton," of frizzly, Oregon. Any and all persqns claiming adverse ly the alovo-decribed. lands are Vetinestwl to tile, their' claims in this ollieo on or before said Olli tlav of Deeember, 1907. " . osi-dfi C. W. MOORK, Itegistcn Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice for Publication, Tinted States Land Oflioe, given tliat iu tMiii- HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS GROCERIES AGENTS FOR MADRAS, OREGON 1 NEW DAILY STAGE From Bend to Sliariiko and all interior points NeV dnd Up-to-datfe Outfit SPECIAL: ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN TUB MOST SCENIC ROUTE IN CENTRAL OREGON BEST EATING HOUSES ON ANY STAGE LINE I X . ' . Daily stages through Agency Plains Country and irrigated districts t i Crookjconnty. Prompt attention given to express and baggage. Ftft fregbt si specialty. Eor rates address J. W. & M. A. ROBINSON & CO., or J. li. OVEfTURF, Agent, Aladras, Oregon Stianiko, Oregon MADRAS MEAT MARKET D. W. ADAMS, Proprietor Reasonable prices and courteous treatment to all Orders by stage given prompt at tention and no chargfe lor deliv'ry FRESH-AND CURED MEATS MADRAS, 'OREGON The Dalles, Oregon, Sejit, U, 1107- otieeis hereby jjtvtin thai lice re net for the sale of timber lands iu the I il in I ice with tliu provisions of tlio act of Congress ol dune a, iai, entitletl "An iii-u in ..iiiiiiii- vm (.-ki'ii, uii u, ii'ui. . , t r t ! X' , Ho names tho following witnesses tu ata ,. California, Oregon, Nevada, illinium hid ink i4lviaoi'a in . - . 4 t ; - - hK continuous roilileueo upon, and I utl ashingtouTenUory," as oxtendet Honor, tliu laud, viz: , toitll the l'tiblie l.antl States bv net o nrovt) ctiltivulionol Hooky O floblsiui. W .1 Uowhertl, a L Wllflains, John A llolViiiaii, till of .Mad ras, Oregon. V. W. .Mooiii;, Register NOTICH FOR PUULICATION. Juimitiueiit ol the Interior Lantl Olhoo nt 'I ho Dalfes, Uregon, Siiiilnitilitir 'JJ!. 1 1117. .Mil ine ih ni'ieny given in n ehv erlvii loinesiuatl Entry No 10082 liuitle l iowiinl M. Uluekerhv. of Jadras.OreL'on April K), 1002, for the Lota 1 and 9 and j has II lint imllruot' his Intention to uialto Hjni'l of sec 1, lpl2s, r 12 e, win, Ihujl llv-yenr proof Iu support or hU Ami thai Mild prm.f will be made ' nilmiawmd Entry No. UK!W utmla.laroli before Frank Osborn, U, S. CoiiuiiIh. i 3,1102 for the set. of eo i8, tp s," r ia e, stoiier, at Ills olllco iu Madras, Oregon, i w in, on Nov. 7, '101)7, ' Aw Hint said proof will be mada rihe iiauiOH tliu following wIliiessiH I'l'imk Oshorn, U.S. roiiiiiiUsloner, at his to prove her uoutluiiotiH resident)., j ''"'! "'Vi1'1?.' lVT""" '1H?' ' KM lrilini- 41 I'l.lll l' Ir T l, w ,IH - rli'tifsky, W'Ooner( nil tf Mmlras, Or egon, o3 01 C. V, MooilH, Reglator ; Bla i cksmithin S I, Horsashoeing WAGON WORK I have pilrelmsed the shop of P. A. Hamilton ojpitit l.'ningston'h stables nyd solicit yours patronurf Vim will tlud our work the kind that pleases A, W, GULP, - mm Ofelon uDDii. eiutlvatloiiof, tho hind, viz: Miles Fox, 0 O Fox, John Evlck, Peter Killiiiig, ai of MadiiiH, Oregon. nil o!)l C, W. .IfooiiK, Register I ot Aumist 1. 1892, Edwin O. Coon, of Bond, county of Crook, state of Ore gon, has on February 20, 1907, Med in this ollieo his sworn statement No ;ISI0, for tho purchase of tho vVuw).,, tiojnwl and nwjewi see 27, tp 12 , r 11 e, w in, Ami will offer proof to show that the ltuijl sought Is mote valuable for its timber or ' stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Inn claim to said laud before II. C. Ellis, U.S. (mi- uiissiouer, at hUulhYo iu Heud, Oregon, ! i on ino t-iiuuay oi I'ecuiuuer, iuo. lie names as witnesses: J Huston Bonn, F.lmor Niswougor, Charles 1) Brown, Charles 1, Itruol; and Charlen M WeyiTlouth, all of liend, Orogon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tho uhovo-ilocribod lands are icq lie ted to file their clainis in this olllco on , pv boforo said 14th tlay of December, llH)7. oii-tir. v. w. muoiu:, lUt'sur. As to m- j s r; 5 o t;"KJ:l, Shaniko Warehouse Company x GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING Special attention to Wool G-mling and Baling for Faatern hip montB, Dealers in Blttcl'emith Ooal, Lime, and Builders' Material of all kindi. Sulphur, Wool and Graiu Skeka and Twine, Gralu, Flour ami Feed, Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts. Stock Ynrdb with all the latest and best facilities for handling Stock. Murk Goods Oars oi 6CS 07 Wo cd T. O. CONDON, Manaircr. 1- , i