The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, September 26, 1907, Image 3

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rt la nerfcctly natural to rub the soot that lnirfrt. nnrl wh
ta, joints and bones nre throbbing And twitching with tho pains ol
imntlsm the sufferer is ant to turn to the Hnhnrnfc Imttli. i
rnnl anollcatloa, iu an effort to fret relief from tho dlaenne.
Itcr-irrlU.tloa on tho fleah. Such treatment will quiet tho pain tempo-
y, uuituii uvb jiu uncu tuuuiva ouccc on ma real tuscaso because it
not reach the blood, where the cuuflo id located. Rheunmtlsm Is mora
Bkln deepIt is rooted, and grounded in tho blood nnd can only ba
icd by conotltutional treatment IT CANNOT UIJ ItUliDIJD AWAY,
mintfaiu la duo, to nn excess of uric ncid in the blood, brought nbout by
ccumulfltlon in the nystcm of refuse matter which tho natural nvenuca
dily waste, the Dowels and Kidneys, liayo failed to carry off. This
e matter, coming- In contact with tho different ncids of tho body, forma
acid which Is absorbed Into tho blood and distributed to nil
. nnd Ithcuniatinm rrcts nosscssion of the fivntpm. Tim nntHd
nlv Bvmntoms. and thoucrh thev lliaV bo ncaltcrerl or rrHvi.(1 fni' a tlttm
urface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or
iticss, or niter an anacic oi inuijjcsuon or oilier Irregularity. Rhcuina
can never bo permanently cured while the circulation
i irritating-, pain-produchiB- uric ncid poison. The disease will shift
muscle to muscie or loinc to joint, settiinir on tho nervm. mnnlntr
nniatlon and swelllnff and such terrible pains that tho nervous system
en shattered, the health undermined, nnd uerhans the nalienr. hrenme
mcd nnd crippled for life. S. 8. 8. thoroughly clenuses the blood and
un-a mc nn-uiimuu uy iicuimuzuiK lilC HC1U0 nUU CXpClIiUtr Ml lOrctgll
r from the eystcm. It warms and invigorates tho blood so that Instead
oi a weal:, uour dream, constantly deposit
ing acrid and corrosive matter Jn the mus
cles, nerves, joints and bones, tho body Is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaininj
blood which completely and permanently
cures Rheumatism. S. 8. 8. is composed
of both purifying and tonio properties
Just what is needed in everv caca of Rheu-
It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral Ingredient, but i3
ousa WHuna they're qoino.
-Clnclnnntl Post.
Bird Vmnu ITott iho Itftfra tn Purl.
Parisians owe their Intent and most
original faacy la fans to the gnllnntrj
of a well-known dramatist. One of hla
friends, (jounteas , famous sports
woman and capital nhot,1 sent hltn a
pheasant of unusually beautiful col
oring. This prize bird the playwright,
who In alao something of an artist,
took to a chic fanmnkcr whose be
jewelled creations of gauze and pre
cious luce complete tho court attire
of many a royal princess. Under his
workmen's skillful hands the countess'
gorgeous trophy was fashioned Into a
unique fan which, when shut, looks
like a pheasant In repos and when
opened like a pheasant In full flight.
The wings of tea bird form the two
sldes while the central part Is made
of the body and tall. The pheasant's
exquisitely shaded head is used as a
After It was finished tho dramatist
sent It to the huntress. When she ex
hibited It to her friends, they were so
dellghtod with It that they declared
they would carry bird fans and bo oth
ers this season. So now tho most re
cherche balls and evening receptions
show a bewildering array of birds of
pcadlse and peacocks with spread
feathers flaunting their gaudy plumage
against a background of light colored
decollete gowns.
Xiothen Trill find Mrs. Wlnilow Boothia
syrup the Inst renedr to uso for their children
luring the Uethlnp period.
The Sona
of the Hair
entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and
. If you arc suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
tg to rub a blood disease nWay. but begin tho use of 8. S. 8. and wrlto
out your case ana our physicians will give you any information or
;dcafrcd free of charge and will send our special treatise on Rheumatism.
Uttttnm Practice.
counted seven girls taking down
L-nnon In shorthand this moru-
I'nald a suburban Minister. "I am
H tired of this business of turn
lurch Into school. It is a deue-
bn of tha Babbath and of the sanc-
and It gets worse year by year.
fhen tho thing first began, I ad
that I was flattered. I thought
kolltary shorthand writer In my
pow was a reporter. I took un
pains that morning, and I
led all tho newspapers the next
In vain, of coursu. The short-
writer was merely a student of
jraphy, using mo to practice on.
jilcnts of stenography should
Ico on actors and on lecturers, but
lat would cost money. Nothlug
them but ministers, and every
ny, an over our land, young men
romen, with their pada and foun-
pens, go to church solely to im
'their shorthand."
Jaka and (ha Apple.
ras during an arithmetic class In
itry school that Jake Boggs was
upon to solve a problem.
w, Joko," began the teacher, "If
Dure two apples and your little
tr took one, how many would you
Just like to see him try taking
taaid Jake, shaking his flat.
ell," said the teacher, "we'll put
way. Suppose you gave him
; but I wouldn't do It," said
it supposing you did, what would
l?" said tho weary teacher.
bK fool, that's what," replied
si UJ04S t oj nuiiv eqj ijodrao)
lltqwoi vaoaiuio3 oqj ;o eJq.L
Edward Is aulto sis Inchti aliort.
In Queca 'Alexandra.
Aarbtnar to I'leaae.
Servant girl No. 20 was Inquiring
Into his qualifications to became her
employer, fie had answered five ques
tions with apparent satisfaction, and
his hopes were running high, Then
the fatal question: "How many chil
dren have you?"
"Two," he answered, reddening with
his eonse of guilt.
"Nothing doing," was tho flippant re
sponse. "I never enter a family where
there are children."
His strained patience snapped. He
seised her by the arm.
"Say," ho whispered hoarsely;
"come with mo and I'll throw tho chil
dren out of the window. Nay, more,
I'll divorce my wife and marry you.
Anything else that you want? Just
mention It, and It shall be done."
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Whllo visiting the south recently n
traveler chanced upon a resident of a
sleepy hamlet in Alabama.
"Are you a native of this town?" ask
ed the traveler.
"Am I a what?" languidly asked the
one addeascd.
"Aft you a native of the town"
"What's that?"
"I asked you whotber you were a
native of the place?"
At this juncture there appeared at
the open door of the cabin the man's
wife, tall, sallow and gaunt After
a caroful survey of the questioner, sbt-sald:
"Ain't you got no sense, Bill? He
means was yo Ilvln' tieah whon yon
was born, or was yo' born before yo
begun ilvln' hcah. Now answer him."
Taeae Dear Krlearta,
Nan Jack seemed crazy last night H
tried to kiaa a.
Faa Ha certainly was crasr If ha
thoueht aay effort on his part would be
AVfielaWe IVcpamlon&rAs-slmilatiiigihcFbodandRegula-(ingtlie
SU)oacte aodDawdsof
ii ! n n-" 1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promotes DigeatlonJCfccrfll-ncssandRestjCQntaJiuik?Jiar
Opium .Morphine norMiieraL
f.4tt Snug
Anerfeci Remedy forftmsflft
lion , Sour Stomach.UlarrhSa
Worius .Cwwulslons jeven
ness andLoss or Sleep.
aataaaiiaBBMBaS) eaBaaaa
DaCSlmUe S(utVt dt
new Yonrc.
Bears the A.
Signature Jw
Utarlr , 000,000 Acre of Alnaka
Soon to He Opened.
At a dlstnnco of some fifty miles
south of tho arctic circle 2,080,000
acres of land will bo opened for aettle
mcnt In Alnskn on Sept 'M, by a recent
order of the Becretary of tho Interior,
This great tract lias been hold In ro-
servo for a national forest around Nor
ton buy, hut tho project was aban
doned, so tnnny were tho demands for
entry on land which had been found
more suitable for settlement, says the
New lork Tribune. Tho spring nfth
for Alaska overwhelmed steamship ac
commodations nnd filled up the
wharves at Seattle with household
freight but tho order of tho secretary
Is expected to prolong the rush up to
tho approach of winter. Alaska has
been In the throes of a goncral strike
and tie-up, but ns usual In such cases
this feature Is wearing Itself out. Theso
troubles were caused by tho sliortago
of labor In noutheastern Alaska, owing
to the activity of railway building and
the dcvclojnncnt of new mines, culmi
nating In 11 general demand for higher
Agriculture is proceeding hand In
hand with the efforts of government
experiment stations, which aro con
stantly determining what will grow
which heretofore has been exotic to the
soil. So fur,' nil the hahller vegetables
have been mnde to thrive, and in tho
large valleys of tho Interior experi
ments aro being made, with every pros
pect of Buccess, to grow liny, grain and
stock feed cnpable of maintaining
work animals. The great valley nlong
U10 Susltna river In central Alaska
extending north from Cook's Inlet and
Hesurroctlon bny, It Is declared, hn
a mild cllmnto all tho year, owing to
tho warm currents of the ocean, and
will grow almost anything that Is
ralBCd In teinprnto zones.
Most Important to Alaskn hasYcon
tho Improvement of tho trniisiwrlatlon
facilities, both 011 steamship and rail
way lines. In tho Suultuu valley the
Alaska Central railway Inst yoar hud
fortyvicveu and u half miles of stand
ard gauge track In oicrutlon north
from Seward and Its roadbed In ex
col lout shape. Tho torleu of tunnels
and lioavy grade work for tho nex
six and a half miles wcro 00 per cent
completed hint year ami aro now about
to be opened. The seven tunnels In
this section nre Jt.SOO feet long and
with their completion trains will iiavc
fifty-four miles of track. Tho line
alms for Gnlrbiinks, Monntuskn coal
fields and tho Yukon, 400 miles north
wnrd. Tho Copper Ulver rnllwny had
completed twenty miles of road from
Cordova nnd its grade was done al
most to Copper river at tho closo of
laHt season. Much of its heavy rock
work through tho Ahcrcromble canyon
of tho Copper river was completed.
Tho Tanntm Mines railway Imd In
operation when tho snowfall began last
autumn thlrty-slx miles of road, from
Chonato Ollmoro through Fairbanks.
rm. nlnrtM .....1 X- . I. t .
AhIi products. Cable, telegraph and
mall connections nre being generally
extended and already Alaska is ambiti
ous to become u state.
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
Thirty Years
Tho Copper Itlvor and Northwestern
railway had about comploted twonty
mllos of grading north from Vnldea
and surveyors wcro laying out other
routos, Including quo from Catalla to
tho Kayak coal fields and thenco
parallel with tho Copper River rail
way. Tho Valdes nnd Yukon railway
had completed its wharf and ofllco,
laid one mllo of stnndnrd grndo track
and graded part of its roadbed. Tho
Solomon Hlvor railway had extended
Us lino to Casadepagn and pushed con
struction to reach Council City.
Tho Nome and Arctic railway hnd
I purchased tho Wild Gooso railroad nnd
pushed its lino toward Kougnrok. The
Alnskn Short Lino railway, with ter
minus at Illlanum hay, proposes to
push on to Nome. Most of these lines
aro anxious to build Into tho lCnyak
coal fields, whero coal Is plentiful and
of high grndo for coking nnd general
Tho permanent whlto population of
Alaska Is now 8a,000, with 0,000 nom
ads nt work horo and thero. Tho In
crease now averages H.fiOO souls a year,
a ihfura which tho coming opening of
lands Is expoctod to swell nmtorlally.
Those peoplo shipped to tho states last
yoar ?20,aR0,280 worth of gold, silver,
oonner and morchandlso In tho form of
irer an Old Jnpnuuae Legend that
Currlea a Mural.
In olden times, runa a Japanese
legend, a Buddhist priest became ac
quainted with u daimlo'H courier, who
on his Journeys to nnd from Tokyo
would often stop and spend the night
at the temple. He seemed to be n man
of remarkable Intelligence, with whom
ll a
11 wns a great pleasure to converse
upon all sorts of 'subjects, saya the
Youth's Companion. One night when
tho two were tnlklng together the cour
ier said :
'I thank you for the mnny favors
you have shown me since we became
friends, but to-morrow morning I must
bid you farewell and never see you
"Why must that be?" asked the
I will tell you the" whole truth," an
swered the courier. "I am not n man,
bftt a fox. For the nurnose of deceiv
ing the dalmlo I assumed human form.
One of his retainers, however, became
auspicious and learned my secret He
has made a trap and baited It with a
roasted rat, In order that he mnj cap
ture me on my return Journey nnd put
me to denth. Alns! It will be Impos
sible for me to escape."
Tho priest exclaimed In astonish
ment : "Can It he true that you nre n
fox? This Is n strange story. Since you
know all about the trap, why do you
not leave the halt untouched?"
"Because It Is Impossible for a fox
when once, It smells roast rat to keep
from tasting It"
"Why, how Is It," nsked the priest
"that you, whose wisdom Is more than
that possessed by most men, can throw
away your life for tho sake of eating
n ronst rnt? Among men even n fool
would know too much for that."
Tho fox nnnwered with n bitter
lnugh: "Ah. It Is only roast rnt that
can lead a fox nstrny. But men, though
well nwnre of the danger, are caught
by their love of plenHiire, of stronz
drink or of gold. To obtain these they
nor only throw nwny their own lives.
but they bring ruin upon their families
and their countr.v.
"These temptations nre only other
forms of ronsted rab."
A Shada of Reg-ret.
"Are you happier now that you own
your own home?" naked tho solicitous
"Of course," answered Mr. Meekton,
"there is a proud satisfaction in hav
ing my own place. But occasionally I
can't help longing for the time when
my wife kicked to the landlord for re
pairs Instead of coming to me." Wash
lngtoa Star,
There are four verses. Vprs
j 1. Ayer's Hair Vicor makes
a flirt hiilr ornujv VrtrenO A
Hair Vigor stops falling hair.
Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor
cures dandruff. Verse 4.
Ayer's Hair Vigor always re
stores bolor to gray hair. The
chorus is sung by millions.
" Eaforo niln Aw' Hlr Vljor I had Terr
thin i n1 rntf poor lulr. Hut I continued to
tie tho VIor until my hlr rrettlr Improved
In erery wy. 1 hire ttnert It off and on for
th r an Jen jiri." Mas. M. Drvuuoxd,
Newark, N- J. '
Uada by 3. 0. Ayer Co. . Low11. Mats.
Alio manuooturtra of
recnllnr Damage Salt.
In a certain town la Indiana a man
brought suit against a hardware company
for $10,0W daujagps. He claimed that a
rope he had bought to commit suicide
with brokp and thus foiled hi nlan Af.
ter the rope broke, he aald, be could not
get up courage enough to try it oyer.
St. Yitna Saaca ana all Jlerroaa Stieaaea
armaaantly cured by Dr. Kllna'l Urrat
erra Reatorar. Band far FIIKE 12 trial LotUe and
traaiiaa. lit. a. juiuiae, ua., m Arcn uu, i'flua.,ra.
Ifaaaler Woailer.
Indiana claims among its other human
peculiarities a 3-year-old boy wko can
read Shakspeare.
But why should be read Shakspeare
and neglect home talent Cleveland Plain
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen'a Foot-Ease. A powder. It makea tight
or new iboea feel any. It Is a certain cure for
waiting, callous ana hot, tired, aching feet.
coia oy an wrueruu. rnco 23c. Trial pack
LeBoy, Naw York.
.j.. ..ii t , . um., .... , at , , uuiUf X.IUV gi
Copper.fl. Cyantdo tests. Mailing enratopea and
fall price list sent oa application. Control and Um
pire work ollcl tad. lUfreac: Caxtonato Na
uonai iianK.
OWAHD E. nUnTOK. Aatayer ar2 Chemlit,
Leadrllle. Colorado. HDeclmen crlreai UoM.
Bllvtr.lad.jl : lold, 8nvr,7.V::OoId,Mc:Zlnao
Portland Oresm
Addreas Allen B. Olmated,
"Percy, papa, eays you mustn't come to
see me any more."
"Why, Afgie, how could 17 I'm eJ
ready coming seven times a week 1"
Valuable JVorr.
Customer Tbia steak has an old taste
about it.
Walter Sorry, sir, but we can't help
it. There have been several burglaries
In this neighborhood, and at night we
have to put our porterhouse steaks in the
safe, you know.
1 rracticaUr "withe
Quality la our motto. We educate for aucceca,
and send each studtnt to a poaJUcn arhaa eeaa.
petent many mora calls for help than wa caa
meet. Individual Instruction Insurea rapid preeh
rata. All modern methods of booldteapinz are
tauxht; also rapid ealeulations, correa pond en oa,
commercial law, ofBca work. etc. Ch artier le
aur shorthand easy, rapid, lestblo. Beautiful
catalogue, business forms and penmanship fraa.
C. Gee Wo
The wait known rallabla
Boot and Serb
Has made a Ufa study; of
ronta and herbs, ana In thai
study discovered kad la atv
Ins to the world hia wander
lul remedlea.
No Mercury. Poisons or Drugs Used He Cares)
Wi'hout Oosratlon. or Without the AM of a Knrfej
' lfe maranteee to Cure Catarrh, Asthma. Luna.
j Throat. Rheumatism. Kenroufneaa. herroua Dehllltr.
, Rtomacb, Llrer KiJnry TiriiihlearalralXMtManhooo.
, Female WeakneM and All Private Ulaeaaee.
' Just Received from Peking. China Safe, Sura
una neiiaoie.
ir Ton Ai?r AFLifTKn. don"t delay.
It you oansot call, write for aympton blank and elren.
lar. Inolore (iwn In atamr.
. ,VU? - 9 EK W'O riUSESK llEDlCINB CO.
IQ 1-2 Klrat 8t.. Cor. Morrlton. Portland. Oregoa.
Fleese llentloa Thla Paper.
P. N. U.
No. 38-07
W1IES writing: to advertisers ploaaa
lnentlun this paper.
Tired of Their "I'ulnces."
Iu vlow of tho rumor that Georgo J.
Goulit wishes to Bell hla beautiful
Georgian Court, nnd that Charles M.
Schwab desires to pot rid of his city
"palnco," n cynic Bays: "It seems to
bo thoroughly mllllonnlrlsh to grow
wenrj' quickly of your home. Such lav
Idhly ndoniexl abodes seem to get on
tho nerves of their owuers.
There Is a tendency among persons
who can afford to bo burdened with
an expensive house to seek an old
fann-houso In n secluded spot nnd llvo
thero for several months every year.
This Is borno out by a report from
Maine that abandoned farms of that
Stnto aro being reclaimed rapidly and
tho opening of tho vacation Benson
finds many new vlnltora from other
States establishing summer homes on
former farms. Many of these now
settlors aro going In "for" apple rais
The Drmlllrxt Poison.
Prusslc acid Is popularly known as
tho most deadly poluon extant; but
cynnido of cacodyl Ih far moro deadly.
millionth part in tlio atmosphere of
an nlr-tlght cngo caused tho Instant
death of four dogs In succession. The
apor from a fow grains diffused In
tho atmoBphero of a roomful of peonlo
would cause tho (loath of all present.
It doth perplex poor mortal man,
Tho weather's chango to note.
Ono iniuuto he requires a fan,
And next an overcoat.
Washington Star.
Gossips hnvo no uso for people who
refuse to supply them with rnw ma
If It isn't lu you to bo good tliorol
Isn't much uso trying.
I aHafli
A boardlnc and day school for young men and boys. Accredited to
Stanford, Herktley, Cornell, Amhent and all state universale and
agrlcultuial co. leges. The prliielpal has bad 2S years' experience In
1 ortland. .Mas o reservations now. J'or Illustrated catalogue and
other llteraturo address
J. w. Hill, m. d.,
Principal and Proprielor,
They're Worth Climbing For
Preferred Stock Jellies, Jams and Preserves, in glass, come to tho
home table as wholesome, delicious, and sparkling as those "done"
by mother herself and without the labor and overheating process of
cooking; without worrying of covers that don t fit and
jars that won't seal; without the loss of cans and fruit
through breakage and spoiling. It is economy to use
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
rack. a Wkiritir taa Seat ara Grown
They really are lust as fine in quality as any preserves,
Ielliei or Jams can be. There simply cannot be anything
letter, for only the best of materials are used and they aro
put up in great, modem ' 'preserving kitchens' ' by expert cooks.
Btjt and lirlt nit J tki me it ivMtsome Preferred Stock at your Grocer' t
aIXXN A LEWIS, Wholeiile Grocers, PORTLAND, 0RBG0M, D. S. A.
M I I 1
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES T5ccaM.D
m, (than arty ether manufacturer.
JuIh I,ouBlasihoea hymora people
MMllant ttll Ul toil?,? 0t,,,or wak,! U beollJ ' tbtf
ThaialSStlaXoJ thJV.ath.S! a"'1 ?,u.,,erll,r "wr.l.f qulltls.
ti... th ,e'Jh.or.? "Pa ,tllt" materia s tor each part
tLmi,:w"rT d.4tM.1 ot th0 nakli.if Is looka.1 aftarby
.CriiA.OOWp,ftorV,,,:,lonofur',f'"'I,''' .forrmeiiana
ffl hojmakari, who reoelre the l.lghe.t wcei piil.l It" tho
uoo Industry, and whoso workmanslilp cannot fce rxce le'l.
an1 MuVo
. . - a.... w ' ..uo .im miit lunar niHio.