The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, September 26, 1907, Image 2

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few yards from the mansion belonging to
Genornl Don Sebastian Guerrbro.
Tlio hunter, therefore, would only haro - ..... ,.,, . m.ii,,. for
had a few steps to go to reach homo woumrywiii
after leaving the general. Hut impact- Supply Before Long,
Ing that tho latter might hnve given 1 "Tim Northwest section, comprising
orders to havo his carrlngo followed, ho Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, will
ordered his coachman to drive to tho Am- wtncts tho fullest dovolopmont of Its
me!ln. .. . . . hnnbor Industry within tho noxt ton
inc, "P',? ,nr nt'Vft,nccu. years,' said Professor K. 0. Siocko,
The newcomer walked gracefully up to
,y ,;r ",, """"" ?v i,on(i Cf tho now y eatainisnou scnooi ui
walks of tho Alameda, which was now J. w.1.i,!n atnta col-
completely deserted. This doubtless was orestry at tho Was Mato col
what the hunter desired, for, on reach- c& in.ft r.cconl oonvorflation. J Jt
Ing about tho center of tho drive, ho or- ", about pno-fourth of tho ner
cnnnmuio umuer oi wiu uiuu-u hm.hd
dered the coachman to stop, nnd got out
"Now, Senor Don Jaime," said tho pen- with his companions.
l .... . 1, t ..... - . I . .
is in Washington nnd Oregon. Tho
I ltl7' 8.ini, 1!l!i,nK h!f, h!t !,n "'fV? speak. frnu.k,jr' lf you Plfaso" Valentine, like nil men accustomed to 1 Lako State region,,' including Mlclil-
",: r 1' i , , . V, V lor aoiuinS Deucr," uio colonel desert life, hnd nn Instlnctlvo distrust of gnn, Wisconsin ana aiinnosoia, is mm-
, Z :,n mUS K inn I r?1 c1; . . 8ton which, In his fancy, bored and logged; so la tho Southern
wn? Z wi Tm' ottc" 8 "And to begin," Don Sebastian con- a spy was continually listening. Hence .bolt, including northern Alabama and
"tTv , .1 f V .m 11 0ir: t'!,Uei1, mo, wh0 thl9 ,nnn ,s frora wh 1)0 faad Important affair to dls' Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, tho
.nd?oK,?.r,ritr.rU"- Jt?" htatrf tot 1 Id cuss or ,ous matter to communlcato westVts of West Virginia nd
At the same moment Helhumeur's "This man I. vllln.n n, , V, " !,V 1 ' " S . yngmias tne eastern ran ui
Knowing face could he seen peering sort, as I nlreadv
through the doorway. With his eyes ob- ing you ; his antecedents
i villain of tho worst Alameda, or somewhere In tho environs ' Arkansas and tho sou
have the honor of tell- of Mexico, where after posing Curcu-1 Missouri In n verv few
:edonts aro, I suppose, mllla as sentry, ho believed that ho could 11..,! nfc nM.0nt rhn i
"tinately fixed on thV Geu VdT'l I 1 t ,hV' rt thnn at PrCtont- Ul PPta ' U'
to be impatiently expecting an answer, able to dlscoveJ." I U !T 1, 0 1 United States will bo looking to tho
which the latter evidently hesitated to
"Who re you, senor?" said the Gen
eral, "and by what right do you ques
tion me?"
""Well played," said Valentine. "Ca
ballero, you are a rude ndversary."
"Do you think so?" Don Sebastian
nsked, with a hoarse laugh.
i think I remember. Was nofthjs air councils. On. reaching a thick clump
villain known by the sobriquet of the of trees the hunter stopped,
arngate? , ..,v , . (,m., ,. u.
Beuerni; lunous at wnat nap- said
, l n,r' nnd "'Huttag It to Don -Tho trees have eyes, nnd the leaves
';'"ur'uo lO0K nn ntn " mm cars," Kelhumcur nnswerwl sententlously.
whenever he met him." "Yes" V.ilo,,Mn r,0rV,i n
I must not and will not see him; but smile, "If you do not take tho precaution
cadenccd hiss
nsked w th n ; hoarse laugh. do you deal with him as you think proper TrWo y b? to
' Certain ly," the hunter continued, "and You understand that it is of tho utmost moment he Ind ated the ft cadenc,
I am dellphted to bear my testimony to importance that T t,n,,l,l f Vi. ' . " . " so" cauenci
the fact; hence you had better yield at the arranwmenb. v 7 Zil" ut " lT.ra' ,8. .
which vou ZnZ o!nn t , J nl!,e t0. 1lr0Ve " ncCMSftr tcr of the clump and seemed like nn echo,
winch jou cannot escape.' that I had no knowledge of this. More- "That Is the chiefs signal." the Cana-
;ri r" r;.: :rr ..? ssht of -suc2 - hour, do y0U now
, , ' ... .. " "'" uiu ue repulsive 10 me, lor i believe that wo aro In snfetv?"
"Un,v tnn,i h,,if .!,wn n,, ut,, ZU,.. 7 to weH over 118 we hare no surprise to appro-
- " v.v.v.4. iuw incau juui bend
heThedCanahdran ."rtK lZS' W ? US ta ? Dn J'
ter Riving tho general a respectful bow "Remember, you will be a general and "we musTTsf J rnnnTnf R'
he leaned over the back of Valentine's military governor of ouV richest Stat, frfd
chair. The latter eagerly followed all the Sonora," the other answered. "Whom are vou alludlnsr to?"
Incidents of the strange scene that was "It is useless ta remind me of Tour v V. k n 7 h ? , .1 t
hoin rvia,i Kf. .i i u.. " remina me 01 your "lou shall see," Valentine answered,
being played before him. and In which promises, general ; you are well aware and clapped his hands thrice softly
he appeared to be a disinterested specta- that I am devoted to tou." iL Z. u? 1 V 1 1 , 1
tor rather than an actor. "I know it, of course, and on that ac h h atel7,tt18lIht ound and a gen-
"I am waiting," the general said, as count leave you ffi-nlSt and JoS IZ . ' rt J? a ,
he fell back in his chair with an air 'of and breakfast with T TiL " n5,.gh,n thiAetl and.a 1D.nn emerscI1.'
m,,in. .it ., - ,. ... 7 nuoui iour paces xrom me nuniers, it
7rtT Benera1' J-ne gen-
We will bring matters to an end." eral pulled his hat over his eyes, wrap-
Valentlne said, drawing himself up with ped himself In his cloak nnd went oil
nn air of resolution. "General, you will hastily. On being left alone, the colonel
nt once leave Mexico and give up Dona remained plunged in deep thought; the
Anita, to whom you will not only restore office with which he was Intrusted, for he
her liberty, but also the right of giving perfectly caught the meaning of the gen-
her hand and fortune fo whomsoever she cral's hints, was serious,
pleases. You will sell your estates and At the moment when the colonel rae-
retlre to the United States, promising on chanically raised his head and looked de-
fin) ll naYn f .nt...n rn ni.l. T onn I1h J. . A- 1 - ...
" tu iciuiu, uu ui Biue, i ouau lucii uu in neaven. n fnniiori ho ...
pledge myself to restore to you your saw several susdIcIous nhndovt-n T,rrt.iir. L. ...."r ? ..
Oi,toa ..... x.:-. lne lions aen.
o uvj. auuuL una iu a succesiive manner. lint
was Carnero, the capataz
"Good evening, senorcs," ho said, with
a polite bow. "I havo been nwalting
your coming for nearly an hour."
"We were detained longer than wo ex
pected by General Guerrero."
"Do you come from him 7"
"Did I not tell you I would call on
Pacific tforthwest for much of their
lu rubor.
"What wo rauat do Is to learn to
hnndlo our forests with regard to tho
"Tho picking softflon Is usanllr ono
of ploisuro, for sovornl roasons, to both
Dicker and prorlotor. Tho weolhor Is
genorally fine tioptembor nnd Ootobor
whon men, wcnion nndolilldron oomo
for an outing In tho crnnbherry Holds.
They romo with n camping outfit, pre j
pnrod to enjoy tho pleasures of outdoor
llfo, tho health giving ocean breeds
and a lost from tho city nnd Iiojiio toll.
nt.. ..i. lt.,nu nm Hrriindind
111 JJIUlllllH, iiiivd -
across a plat of ground thrro foot apart
and onch pickor works ooivmiu mw
linos, tho vines making a carpet upon
u'hiidi in work. Thov hang on up
rights about six Inches lilgh and aro
truly beautiful to lo k upon. J ho ner
rles aro a bright red color, and, In
many enros thrco and four d-cp, touch
ing each othor, completely hldo tho
vines nnd ground beneath.
"Tho plokcrs aro given a slx-quart
mrnsuro, and aro roqulred to plok tho
berries clean aa thoy go. Whon tho
inensuro Is full It Is cmptlod Into -a
hushol box, and when tho Ik)x Is full
thov uro tflvon a chock which Is good
j . . - ......
it. .. . v i ...a.. irn in mi . ii( , .
lor to cenm. miu unw 4-t-i r.nri oi Derby il.f..i i
In nvAiwin tho nlckorri and I IJVnh Am1....i tle!tJ
carry nwny tho boxes. My lt pickers J483 Edward V. and hi. .
pickod about throo uusnois per uay. nrd, Duko of York 71
With a scoon a nicker ran gather UO Tor. mohl
bushols a day.
"In tho East tho vines aro onon in- th9 au0 0f Sour.
..... I in. I 1 .....I,. .wl If tlm I "J'li
01 with Insect postfl, and if tho ifcwiCiB.lli.'l,ntl J i '. .
vvorshnvo not control of tho water J1" "ft ,lon ' Amwe
wholo croi Is In dntiRor. I under- I0U" 7 1 ort "'chclleu, In Canij. J
i n. . i i...... i..iI eu. 1
hero at dlfferont times in shipping In JW-OromirfII defwted th R
nlnniii. hut thov soon dlsminear. as tlioy ' At 0,1,1,8 Preston.
cannot live in this climate. io.HPort Iloyal taken br 8JrU
llml ! 1.. II. I 1ll(Vl t'l.. "
more is uionoy m mo umni'vjr ri" pemon executed fM ,
uusincss ami mo inuny uogs ui iiuu- n m naim, Aia,
mook county uro waiting for men of 17W-Englh nnd the AIIIm
i i .i i .... .1 it I . l. .. ... . y,,,r
incuns aim energy 10 uuvuiuji wiuui. m oj ine Utike of ilnrlboroaijl
routed tho French and Ihnhl
ITedoftho Newly Kstabllihed School of For-
van n. iuu ii uumgiun diio vuiit'KU
future crop: that is, cutting to a diam
eter limit, and not leaving tho land to
rover t back to tho stato for taxes, as
has been tho policy of many of tho lum
ber companies in tho iako region. Tho
high prices for lumber will mnko it
possible to leavo trees having a diainet
tho battle of Blenheim.
1717 Turks defeated by Eoi,
Strike Is Made 287 Feet From
Portal of Tunnel.
D. M. Adams, mining onginoor, who
has been investigating recent etrikrs at
tho Orlando mlno, In Northern Idaho.
luts submitted his report to the board 1702 Havana taken by a Driii.1
of directors. Mr. Adams cxprocscs under the Karl of Albemirh.
himself as woll pleased with tho nt). 1700 First Imu of the Noti
peanmco of tho mined. Ho cays in Gaett.
.1710 Capitulation of Bt. BUtla
it-ii int (hub of th St
Cotirnnt. p
17rtf-Uattle of Llegnlt.
. . . . .i.i i ... . ' usauru juu, wus reuiamauiy lame: ue r. u.u uA
fZ t 2 hi; f Lr?lhiS,8rrd'Tn- drew his claw, completely and rece ved tho trees until they havo grown
ToJ (Tr t ItttiS I t DK,tant When us with the most exquisite politeness." right size. All this means, of
en how far I four or five fellows attacked him at once i tW tnv a ,rit t,! fnr kllt.l f .f.
the general coolly asked.
"'Nothi ng; but take care, senor,
have taken an oath, and
told you you must have seen
have detected your secrets. Accept or with machetes and long navajas, he was
refuse, but come to a decision, for this on guard according to all the rules of
ls.the last time we shall meet face to face the art, with his left foot supported by a
under the like conditions. The game we pillar and his cloak wrapped like a buck
nre playing Is a terrible one, and must ler round his arm.
end In the death of one of us, and I shall The attack was a rude one, but the
show you no pity, as, doubtless, you will colonel withstood it manfully; besides,
show me none. Reflect seriously before all went on In the Mexican way, without
Answering yes or no, and I give you half shout or call for help,
.an hour to decide." Still the assailants, who were armed
The General rang the bell and the foot- with short and heavy weapons, had the
man came in. disadvantage against the colonel's long
'Order the carriage," he said to him. and thin sword, which twisted like a
"Then," Valentine said as he rose, "it snake', writhed round their weapons, and
is war to the death between us." had already pricked two of the men sharp-
"War to the death ! be it so." Iy enough to make the others reflect and
"We shall only meet once again, Gen- display greater prudence in their attack,
eral," the hunter remarked; "and that The colonel felt that they were giving
will be on the eve of your death, when ground.
you are in Capilla." "Come on, villains," he exclaimed as
I accept the meeting, and will bow he gave a terrific lunge and ran one of
. u t , ... . . I uuiuiui oiiiuc, me iiuu, us you can uim.
hTh ft?. K ?L I assure you, was remarkably tame; he
. f I .1 1 I i t t
V. hf T M,.,,f .K-f I : .. . ioive io iweucyiour inoiies
ii.i lint-o n. :,,r;:r :Z1 'or the future crop. Then these dovel
J v ..M.W.W nninn iMnla fAMA.i 1 .1 t .1 I
uf" n. IU. I O til lUlUBk iUIIU HI1UUIU UU
well cared for. Fires should be kept
out, and laws should bo rigorously en
forced provonting tho cutting down of
to tho
In that case take care," the capatat ' great need for skilled foreators, and
replied, with a shake of the head; "if he
received you in that way, he Is, be assur
ed, preparing a terrible plot."
"I am of the same opinion ; the ques
tion is, whether we shall allow him time
to act."
"He is very clever, my dear Valentine,"
the capataz continued, "and seems to
possess an intuition of evil. In spite of
the oath I $ook to you when, on your
entreaty, I consented to remain in his
service, there arc days when, although I
possess a thorough knowledge of his
considerable expense, but it will bo to
perpetuate tho rich forests of tho Pacl
fic Northwest, and overy dollar of such
expenditure will return to tho peoplo
aouDiea ana trebled."
New Venture Proving a Succen In
Tillamook County.
"Cranberries raised In Oregon" (g
tho new slocan for the commnrrlnl
cnaracier, ne temnes me, ana I reel on bodies to cry out to the world at large
the point of giving up the rude task now that tho fields of Tillamook county
which, through devotion to you, I have aro producing large quantities of the
imposed on myself ' berries that round out tho Tbanksglv
Courage my friend; persevere but a lDg dinner. II. 0. Snuffer, of Til l
few days longer, and, believe me. we' u .... ...A 1
..hnli nil h nvpnrai." I x?uu' oxnioiioa a oox oi her-
- riam I Drt-tl,l ,.l.Z.l. t .
in iwiuaim vviiitjii wero picKeil
I f at hnnvan (fpenr It V 4 fin
i-iuiuiiiui, uciuic vuu 1 1 vtiu it re iuc uuuuud i ihul liii uuL'ri rna nnnv tnhn i ... ....... . - l rum ino martin in ' r intMAAi .
- . " . I .. . . " w I snwi with n irh "htif I tnn foca t!,nf T Aniamwfc cuuilLV
Yn m you who assure me of the fact." '""ui. .Bn,a:.
jwm. i.i niau juu i . r n n srnn rnp mnn -n! . i. . i - ., . . .. h. nn. Mi. .1. 11
,, 1 . ' r' ....v. occiucu tuc 1 110 pb continued.) 1 n.un uum miiuii kiicse
"Tho lead was encountered 267 feet
from tho portal of tho tunnol, and was
crosscut 10 feet on tho dp of tho lead,
which varies from 12 indies to two (cot
in width. Tho tunnol at tho intersec
tion of tho lead is about four feet wido,
and in cross cutting tho lend moro than
a ton of high grado (hipping oro was
taken out. This oro will avorago 00
per cont antimony, and as antimony
oro is worth f 2 pr unit, tho ore Is
thereloro worth 120 ior ton, on the
cars at Hurko, Idaho. This is tho main
lead wo havo boon driving for for more
than 12 months. Tho ttriko thowa
that wo havo a woll defined, etronx and
persistent lead, carrying a high per-
coniago oi first clns shipping ore, piov-
1777 -American defeated the
Hennlnxton, Vt.
1782 Hrlthih wurshlp
sunk iimr Splthead.
178-1 'ITio Prorlnc of Ntw J)r
1709 Peter Hunter admIbIkI
ant Governor of upptr Catai. 1
1SCX Napoleon laid the flrtt m
tho Aro do Trlomphe it rEa'J
l'aru....Iiadn elected Intota
duchy, ,a mcrober of lU
1800 Foundation laid for
monument In Trafslnr Bqwrd
0011.... ! lushing taken b; titl
1812 Capture of Detroit by 0.l
for about 100 feet on the ttrlko of tho
tamo. ,
Ilie tunnol is no 302 feet under
perhaps suppose.
"That is possible; but enough of this,
tight these gentlemen down," he said to
the servant, who at this moment entered
the room.
When the general entered his box at
leader of the bandits exclaimed: "we
are raisiauen. Ki.iimr linv. .. ir,..,, .,
. ... ... ... . . i - -
as me Danuus asKea tor nothlntr better Vwitoivlnv vena "klaalno- .inv ir.,n.
were picked hnve not been touched for
eigtit years except to pick tho berries.
Because the berries require so little
care anu attention, tho profiUi are very
i. i i - m -r i t. t . I In - fJr ! t At
k !it i .. . wtrBLuru uuruerM oi iierKHiiirp. ronnivnon i uu ucio irum ir h nnin
c- -- - uo uwa nt. tan ii iJOSSHJiy DC TOU fha fipfrf I . , -w . - , .
the theater, which was in the first circle, speaker continued, "Senor Colonel Don for ,ts trout flsljery and its faithful ese berries came from has over pro
nnd almost facing the stage, the house Jaime Lupo?" adherence to tho ancient customs Qf duced 1(288 thaD 825 bushels and witl:
presented a truly fairy-like aDDearance. "Hniinh i" itio ,v.ii et,i rm iinnkHrio wiii., i,..n 1 ' caro would yield 800 bushels. Tl
fn , - - . - -- ' wvumi noiu, 1111I1UIT UaCtt I " vw.i UUOVIICU t . . ,, - . - -
i"! v oox was occupied by the a step In surprise, "who mentioned my since the days of John
IV ,:n:?rr! " !ne repum c "nd Bme name'"' of Lancaster, who eranted tho rlrfifa, n P cke,J 1'0.00 busho' " re frcm
v. uiuc-.iii;uiijph. .-several times uon "I, excellency: a friend" .,,, . " i a tract ne owned.
Sebastian fancied that the president's A friend! "a strange friend who has JTl ?. "!!.l0,r& . J "I commenced tho culture of cran
eje were nxeu on turn with a strange been trj'ing to assassinate me for the . , " , , , . , arrajca , berries in the spring of 1803, and fin I
oviirf'KKlnn. nftar tfhtfli ha hsnt .. i . . .... .. "c In MOW llvorr tnnlr lilu clnn1 nn 1 ..... . " .. " nun
.. w miu mst ten minutes. uiu mat uio vi lien aro well udnnfil in tl.u
whispered raaie remarks to the gentle- "Believe me, colonel, that had we t0W" haU halCOri' and blew hls ,usty climate. They grow VlKoro , nn l
men who accompanied him. Perhans thin Unnnm -hm t.n.i .11 " b antu nn tb hitnrU i.nn i ' .1 n t 3 h uw 1 igorouaiy and
r.ii nrint,i L....i,i i.. ..,", .....,., . ... . I ut propeny prepared
should never have-attacked you. All this the- symbol of Ilungerfordlan liberty, they aro enormously productive wl.ii
is the result of a deplorable mlsunder- Then the "tuttlmen" went forth bear- picking my crop cno year I m'enetireil
standing, which you will, however, ex- lug ntnre sarlnnded with flowers and off some ground and phked tlSm ciro
was not real, and the general's pricked should never have- attacked y
wjupvicuic nuHKt-iieu 10 mm suspicions
far from the thoughts of those against
tl'linm lin lin.l mnn. ...... . . .
"" - ou mou) iranuus 10 oe on cuse,
guaru; nut real or not, these suspi- "But who are you?"
cions tortured his heart and proved to "What, excellency, do you not recognize
him the necessity of coming to an end the Zaragate?"
atKMnrMk8' , "The Zaragate!" the colonel exclaimed
btil tho performance went on; the with clad surprise. "Well. .ni.n,iri
curtain had just fallen after the last act, are you aware that yours is a simmlxr chnso oraneos for Brnm,ii,. n, ' figures at a minimum.
nnu tue general, devoured by anxietv. I trmUV .1 , ......... " "?. ""'""' r. lm. inn
nnd persuaded that hR hn.i rm-in-.i 1: , . l"" Llu"11 ut cimuron who ronowed In . 7. ine
. rtiun . ciLciiciii.-j', a ill u 11 must 00 What I lliolr
maae a perambulation of the tnwn.
kissing everj' lady whom they met and
dmandlng a penny from overy male
fully, and found that thov
the rate of , 000 bushels to tho scro.
Allowing f I PCr IJUHIIO nn ni't nrnflf T
I do not know of an nL-riculturiil nri.!,.i
The sum thus obtained served to pur- tn!,t wi" comParo with it, mid p acing
cnougn in tne theater to testify his pres- he can," the bandit replied, in a sor
once, was nronarinir in retlro ui.,n i.
door of his box opened, and Col. Lupo The colonel looked at him anxiously
walked in. ..j understand the cause of yoir
ah, is it you, colonel Don Sebastian I grier, ne sam; "anu it Is the worse,
buiu 10 mm as no ouerea lilra his hand. oecause mere is no remedy ror it,
ladles tool: tho Kiiii. nd plant tho vliicsj. liicJndInK
1 tho maies paid t'. . ' " ' J'"
u o., c, .muni ,i, van no iiruincd off
uy meaiiH 01 uuciies to tho depth i f 11 1
'Pray do not let me stop you. irpnpmi
T have only a few words to say to you "
"'Our business?" '
4,Goes on famously."
"Not the shadow."
footsteps. Tho
kissing In good part and
up smilingly.
r 1. 1 1 ji.. ....
u.e uocKiiue jury was ; eat 15 inches, and o 0 must 1 ileo h. .
traiwnct nL' morn or mm ii,,.in,.- i . . . .. . . .' . " u '""Sb aiso imvi
11 . , ,, , 7. "U""M , coiurni 01 plenty of water for irrhnitinn
he town ball, electing a constable, who and ibodlng ,.urpofl Al ,0S
Is both a coroner and a mayor; also have 'fn Mino marsh. a that were a
appointing keeperfl of the keys of the euccee.1 without anv wntor .nni r .1"
"Nonsense. You who 'so graciourty T"10" ff' PrtreCV0 nd not copBider it safe Jn view of tl largo
place yourself at the service of those 0 ""dent oflloers whose duties aro outlay.
'Do you think so?"
"Capital ! I am certain of It."
"You may be mistaken, excellency."
who have an Insult to avence. aro forced rut,ier obscure. London
The general breathed like a mnn fmm to renounce your own vengeance." Standard.
whose chest a crushing weight has been "0h' no excellency, what is that you
removed. are saying?"
"I am speaking the truth.
"Can I be of any service to you?" ho
aaid, absently.
"For the present, I have only come
for your sake."
"How so?"
I'UMI T 1.1 i. .
i.e., 1. naa accuaieu to-oay oy a
lepero, a villain of the worst sort, who tne next four-and-twenty hours, not even
says he wishes to avenge himself on a with the help of your twelve compan-
, vuvuiiiuu, rvuvmi uc ueciarea i
you know, and he desires to place him-
sen unuer your protection, in the event "Well, I am bo wrtaln of running no
01 uio omue 01 111s navaja accidentally "sk tuat 1 will bet you one hundred
slipping into his enemy's body," ounces. Does that suit you?"
"Did this worthy gentleman tell you "Oile hundred ounces 1" the bandit ex-
liis name, my dear colonel?" claimed, his eyes sparkling with greed.
"l'es; but I believo that Jt would be "I would kill my own brother for such a
oener 10 mention it in tue open air, sum."
ruiuer lumi iu tins place."
iney lert tne tiieater and proceeded to- CHAPTHIl XXI.
waru tne rortales Ue Mercad6res, which The house taken for Valentine bv M
ICnev Xeltlier Nure Nor II ah v.
You hntn "ffhnt n hrlilit llfHn II. I
the Frenchman whom you mentioned to claimed the society woman, patron
m t0;day..bu.t -u afraid of him." moln nt n L h- f
"Afraid I" he exc a med, angrily. 0 , " 7""' ii uir-
... . . ' "" I ln I., lin tinrlr "U'linon iti.
"Yours, ma'am," replied tho nurso.
"I'm tlie new nurso that kem ylsther
d'y." New York Press.
1 bet you that vou will not Anr
avenge yourself on your euemy within
That'll What Hurt.
"I don't like that there Mrs. Swell
man at all," said Mrs. Nurltch.
"Well, you ain't got to take no no
tice of her," replied Mr. Nurltch.
"But tho troublo Is sho don't tako
no notice 0' me." Philadelphia Press.
A bog once set in tho
lo.( ,l.nii.... f "1
nt . "'""""""'y. aiio nrst coat,
although quite largo, cuts llttlu figure
Jn tho long run.
"I find that tho crnnhnrrl
hero aro of a darker color than those
grown in ino East; those hero are much
superior in flavor, and also weigh moro
to the bushel. Tho slzo of the- berry is
about tho same.
''According to my oxpo-Ienco, the
McFarJand cranberry is tho bant vari
ety for tho Paolflo coast. It Is the lanr
est and most prolific, n splendid keon
or, and by all odds tho best seller. In
the East this sort is considered a poor
keeper, but it appears to bo bettor
adapted to this climate, and grow to
perfection hero.
"I have had good success with the
vuexry unu iwii variety. They yield
well and soil woll, and are of o00d
Tn KW1 ten .n Inhoflt . fonuin I ..i... .. . 1 ' ",,u ul
m mm f w mm ill 111.1 l lull w mli rl l v
ed for more than L'OO foot In dentb nnd American rrpu!4 lU M
,181ft Hlr Peregrine Maltltad i
Lieutenant Governor of brw
1821--KlnK Oeorge IV. of KsrM
lied Ireland.
Cardinal Itampolle bora.
1850 T. McKennon of l'enojii
came Hretary of the Interior,
1S.M) Illondln walkrd nt
Niagara.,.. Foundation
for Kpurgeon's tnbernacl IsU
IBflT Great Ilrlinln and Pnwi
eluded a navigation trratf,
1817 Nrw reform bill rvml U
1891 Tlie Prwldent ordrreJ lU
kee Atrip In Indian trrrito.7
to whltej....Hlritmbip Ti
broke the trnns-AllAnilc ttetd
C days, JO hours and 31
185)2 Conflict twtween Htt
iillneni at Conk Crrek, Teas.
1801 Kxplorcr Wellmnii nni
rived at 'I "rotnuo, IHvlog
attempt o reach the Kortb
189.V-Holler explosion In a
Denver. Colo., killed 'J5 W
Viscount WoUeley uf
Dukr of Cr.mbriilKe ai s
In-chief of the Hr.nh na
1800 Dr. Nnnnon, the 1'oUr e
returned to Vnrdo, after JS1
of thre year and twenty-tki
1EJJ7 Prlnco Henry of Orlram rt
Count of Turin fought j
Paris. q l
1JMX) President Snnclerar'nie of M
of Colombia, resign om.
e lout in enJi'
nralo, Chllfc
KiiKlnuU' Mnllunnl Color.
Why red should havu been wdrctwl
s tho national color becoineii Intelltjsl
dc when we look nt the cross of Ht.
icorge. Sir Walter .Scott, when he
vroto of how "their own ea hath
rhelincd those ml cross (towern," wns
nercly anticipating tho phraso of to-
lay. Hut Oliver Cromwell, when for
he llrst time ho put the Kngllsh soldier
n a red coat, probably did as much as
ft. (Joorge to monopolize red as tho na
lonal color. The aggressive color has,
lowt'ver, many meanings and linn lent
;spf to ninny HHPs, in the days of
h Itoinaiw when It flared on the head
f a slave It stood for freedom; In tho
1'iys of the French revolution It stood
t freedom barked br liIm-. -iiiin in
ho streets of the city to-day the red
rofs stands for succor, Ko far hack ns
ho reign of Henry II. there was a red
ook of the exchequer, a record of the
'antes of all who held lands "per Imr
"iam." nri nt this moment persons
,r niupn in the scrvlro of the
'fle And their names entered In a red
ook rniion Chronicle.
l'n il Uro vrrri) Crime.
C-nn you point out a imiu who at
o ago of thirty Ii:m not committed lit
I'me 111 nis Jfc. a crime that would
nt him to the peiilteutlaryr' re- ,00,7
a trusty t the penitentiary tJ
tlT day. "I (I not bt.,,wvo Uiat roatalp
jjoro In a im,n living, excluding, for
He looks of the thing, the clergy, who
TUm Xclrnco of !
t t iL . ImI.
has not .I,.,,,. ; ? ' ... r M'or r at
, , . . 11 uring nun aciiooi uoiizrens nt ixuiuon,
, , "m recolvwl his Just deserts. Crelghton-llrown lnUl ih tU
'U lliwars a cninl r.pluw. l.... until,.!. it (Irut Inv.i in thl W
sends a mnn to tho penitentiary, Thuro two scientific can, the f"'
are men j , for ntc'allnL' chlrmu Mpcclcs of cerebral commolloa
or clover seed or nothing nt all. It Is ",,cond ,ho lrH-' of 0"19 6 Z
easy to behind h. wii. "'nt association renters by i w
manv in, ... ' "r utB nftinlilvn Imiircssloil W-
bol ' " W,' TuM Ihown also Wke of dieUr
with L ' , 0"? " 11 ,y "c''"'tt" children, and ridiculed .b.
between n.,.,l . , unco innt iinii wn especially nu
that I lav T 1 P, ,,,J'HeIr ,n 11,0 ,,rnln' y,n hat ,b!f
unit 1 nne ix-oii cmifiif n,.,i 11 1 .1.- f .uim tl
not Columbus Dispatch. . toos aro the cnuso of cnr. ;
working brain did need, M nn
I il!eT. ,lu which tho chemical con
When n nrltlsh nroncrlv nronortloned. nnd
n Vork harU , gestlhlo and palatable. '".M
tho VlHltiriK vessel - Z "'"'' as ntj
rough w(,ujer w, ' , ; ,tl,7uA "ln supply an abundance o I'HS
nnn n..t . . ",UI n Broun of Amorl i ..n i.n m v ied (0
ed tho tale or " , 'I T rei,out' huo mU" tU
windy that '. ,,ny. 1 "U wu" w heavy meals.
homo. "uw" "nu 10 walk : " Z
miu, tiint w hid u-i. m.i.. 1. . i . inri,i..u i n man w
we encounii.1 ... "' 10 oc iH-
laughed ti,; :, , ' ? "'!L?f n.'y." or nt wl,oa K mwv
a hunt "l' ,v,,j It blow a Tvoru.
0 nard thnt t took tnr ....... 4 . ... ,-.r. xr i.., , rhoos
I'rinco Umw ,,, ; " "" " "01a , - . u
It blow tlm n ' ovo" thon woras mat aro omy
In order tO tint - ..1
of binding x,ZeXUl7 0 the Pctlcs
n.-.i . m. "UD'ens fet. 11. a nut
City Nlcco Aren't you o
for dlnnor, Undo Illratnt
TTnnta 1 1 1 pjj m I JTOH "
Sltu ' ueiu"o,d Why, I done dmd
0 V