Pioneer IV MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY, OREGQN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26., 1907. NO. 6' Madras l ne IN TRADE AT Prices uro (ircutly riMUU'uu, iih wo me planning to LENA M. LAMB FOREIGN EXCHANCE BOUGHT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD A. E. CROSBY i- nor iiiktuii i 4 " , .a. iAi wtv i joa kQi jf jm jttl J??, jcnt jem in jra. m vr a jt indu iv VlV vlV viay av viB.v vv vulv vrav&v iav ua-v v-lv vkv um vstv viv vslv vj vav wv WE WILL TAKE HEAT 1 0 GENTS PER BUSHEL & LOSE OUI UUK EN I IKE STUCK wjwv 'rr vv -vjtr vsv Tr."v y.'v v v.'w v.v kjf W W -HT -r- -w -w- ti- 'yjr- ' 4 STERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY 0 Stock. S25.000 , I.,, nnnn SHANIKO. OREGON UFFigK FnAKMACY n t imp 110 ni nriiK. irjcniv", ut'nirnm, iiihuuuuiu Koinvuiu, A (irn'liiHtc In rlikrgu. Hfo ilollvcry Ktiarnulccil. Yo'ir iircorip!l(in I k 1 111 nn K'Mlnkx. Until TIjuiiux. WIIOJXSAI.K A.M' ItCTAII,. , OHliJQON I TIFuL MONOGRAM DINNER SET of 42 Pieces TO EACH OF OUR CUSTOMERS This is, without doubt, the finest offc ever made to i .1 . . mi i ,1 i :li i (.1 IJIUUCU uv U.IV llllll, I lUf UlUIlUllllt IU KVVUIV. ov ULUUUUI u, out Ull UUI 1 11 I I I . I . 1 - . 1 . . J I I I 1 . fl L J I " ' WW J this opportunity to secure a set while they last, and wc nniv nviri mmnv. wn nxinnu our iuosi wcicunic mviinunn io evciv man. i t i vr 1 . i 1 it j , i i .i i . . ' l oman ana cm a to come io our siorc immcuiuieiy una sec nnnnmm limner Sl nrr n the rnoo. so come nnrl si 0 j ' - U ------- - w i W. & M. A. ROBINSON & PROFESSIONAL CARDS. pnANK osionN U. 9. COMMISSIONER Townilte Uullchws MA0IIAB 0,KKU.0f pit. HABOI.D CIA ItKE , DENTIST All klmU of Dcnmi Work At rovionnulp prlpc. WUNKVIM.K. OltKOOt fAX LUEDDEMAHN NOTARY PUBLIC MADRAS - . OREGON fj C. COLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC JlWlCK Or TJB I'KACE CtJIA'KIl IMCKCINOT CULVER ureqon II. HNOOK " PHYSICIAN & SURCEON onini lii Prnlt Ht'iro. MADHA.H O.KEGON J H. HAN EH ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTAI'.V I'Um.IC I'lro Ip.nurnnrc, I.lfo Iiunrnnro, Surety Uondu HcbI KHtnte, Convcyanclhi;, 1'IMNBVIU.E,- OKKOO.V It. F. Aixrx, Prctldcni. T. M. lUunriM, Catlilcr. W'ii.i WpntwsiLRR Vlco I'ru. II. IULiiAl.'f, A-at, Cwlilcr. NO. 3061 . The First National Bank OF PR I NEVILLE, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1 BOB C'AplUl, Surplus and Undivided Proflu $1 00,000.00 A. M. WILLIAMS & CO DKAI.KIIS IS a Drv Goods. C othiner. rr. r i u J 07 I rurnibiimg vjuuus -HOOTS AND S1IOKS HATS AND CArS UHE DALLES - ORECON i i . our many patrons, and .... I L .1 'I If J will have enough to ... ' .i . ' ! i. .. uie sets on aispiay. tlipm; choo5e vour ' j COMPANY LOOK OUT FOR THE GARS Traction Enalne and ftoad Tralp Expected Soon DEFECTIVE BOILER FLUE CAUSES DELAY Big Outfit Making Satisfactory Prog roas Oh Trlol Trip A Fow MlsT (laps Havo Occurred i! K. II (lariiiiiaii had dp 1 lined hi vint to Central Ore- lionlpr.a month he miglit have 3 MMI llOW Hie people of this HeC Hun are going io oveieoine. m a ineaMiiv, the great handicap j pim;rd upon them by Hie- H r rinian policy of blocking all railroad extension into this counjry With only a few slight mis Imps, due to a defective flue and narrow pluces in the road trav eled, both of which pun be eas H.v remedied, the big traclioi ugine and road train ot tlie Central Oregon Transportation I'orwaiaincr uoniDanv is making a satisfactory trial trip out from Shauiko. and it bid iair io ouer io some extent, a solution ol the very trouble some transportation problem for this immediate section. rpi,.. i.:.. i. r. tji :i. I Xllf 111 CillllH If 11 OIIUIIll.l i nstSunday and proceeded with out nils ijit tor n flinfiii.r... r about 12 miles ouirwhen a de- I fective flue caused a delay ol several days. As soon as thi.- could be repaired the journey was resumed, and was proceed ing ,"08t satirifuct,,ril' unn a airow place in the umv uan yon grade the train got off ilie grade causing another slight delay. These accidents have ' I delayed tlm arrival of the road . . . . train at Madras, but it is ex pected to reach here this even ing or in the morning. With delays, the initial trip is re - ported to have been all that couiu have oeen witiea Dy the promoiors or me enterprise 'in . i I ino trip out was neuessurnj siow, as some woik nua to oe i i . i done on the road this lust trip. . I out even with these aisaavant h . . I aget, uie nip was mauein . i Uttl OA lwk,r ..ili.1 .... ...!.... I uuuui uu uuuia iiuiuiu J""'""r! time. When they cot in cood worKing oruer, it is expected 1" 1 l that the trip will be made in less than w hours, and the (nun win oe operated night and flit .1 da , I i i f ... j. , 1 1 1 I i.i apu ui ino unavoiuaoie ueiuyi. wiiiuii imvo imeiiueu uie .1.1...... 1 ...1...T .1. au..w....H ui ti.w uriv iiiuiiK ........I.:.... nr l ....... project, tno.e yet remains pien . I . ,1" ty ot time for moving a big lot of grain to the railroad before the season of extremely bad m,ir1 h.4b in 'Pli ntv ,nra in , , , i. hit miut-ntiHi Iiiivh ii nii'rv nir capacity of 2000 bushels each - J-h trip, and by running ,the tiatu -a . I . night and day, round trips be i ween AJndrasnnd the railroad at Shauiko will bo made every 4S hours. Grain is being stored hero now in every available private warehouse and store room for shipment by the trac tion outfit) as soon as it begins to operate regularly, and when the big warehouse in process of construction for the traction company is completed, that, too, will soon bo filled. There isabiglotofgraininthecoun- , f p .i p try, and most of the farmers have conoltKjed that they can- not afford to neglect their farm- ing in order to haul their own itin. when ihe 1 1 ucl ion colli' puny offers to haul wheat lor 20 cptiis' per bushel. Luddi iVn io making a reasonable Hare lor hauling grain oul to 1 nt raujronu. me traction com puny will reduce fjie price ol incoming freight from 60 to 05 cents per liuntlred, the present price by freight teams, to 35 or 40, gents' per hundred by' the traction outfit. WINTRY HARVEST TIME Snow Has Fallon In The "Wheat Bott" Already. That the fluently advertiser "Alberta country" is not tli real lano ot milR and lioriey evidenced by the following let ter, addressee!- to the Wa Walla Union, and written U Theodore Benriult, formerly that city, but now a resident o Raymond, Alberta; "1 wish to inform ,yon ot i VtJ17 severe storm avIiicjIi lia g"W 'or tlie past IWl days, snow has tallen to, uepm oi nine inoiies. urops were laid fiat and ad jrraH is in a very oad shape. JL'he crops as a whole, were very good, am everything looked toward, a bountiful harvest. I may say however, that the beet sugar crop is line, and I am fortunate ,n hu,vi''g 225 acres of good oeets. "Yon inav use this lurrer jis j ya P's?i my advice to auvuiin miu wioura io iea; Washington or even the United r.. .. . ouue8 18 uot lo Pari wiiu ev rri luey av nntu tney spend a winter in Canada." OPEN FREMONT RESERVE Next Saturday, the 28th, a ,arge tract of timber in the southern portion of this count, heretofore withdrawn as a por Hon of the Fremont Reserve, will be restored to entry, and a big rush is expected to takeplace is this is probably the last chance to get a timber claim on this side of the mountains. The lmot win bo thrown ooen to set- ,lt;ment next Saturday, but en trv CIlnot he made until Octo ber 28. the 30 day period beina U.lowed for the initiaiion of ' " hereon. Timber crnKserw and locators . who hnve cruised out the tract f , ,,a Kf,.t ii.,.. wju certainly he a uood mauv applicants disappointed, for the applicants outnumber the tim ber claims three to one. Many - will nrn iiiitit tlm Innrl i cnan ni O "."w ...V. ...v ..W WWW.I ir -m OIlHIlfi.i u Wct.lb5sh ,.HH; -r- , " (iHllPH MlMrH :,. (mlftl. n.mftH,.s fn rl1M ,.,,H u 5s 1.Hn(irtHfl tllJlt snmH nfmlft - -o - . hmve ;Uready uone ou to the land for that purpose, but this will avail them nothing, and y OperaiB IO UlOir llllliry. US i he notice oi the opening of the ... r o w Lv effort to beuin settlement irm't sneeni v wnrns jio-jiinMr betore the date ot opening MUST DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS Road Supervisor McLaughlin has been waging war on nox- lous weeds iu uiook county. The most bothersome and uumeious weed he has to con tend with is ilie Russian thistle. i fow Vtilir8 Iliro thero was not much of it to be found in the county, but today, especially a,onS Crooned Kiver, plenty ot 11 f,, luu" i ipre -S rapidly and the roadmaster is tl inLto Blamn it nllt. Pl.otl. 0,ty owners that do not obey orders will be prosecuted. Crook County Journal. Z TO TEST DRY FARMING Experiments Wll Be Carried On AtWafmsprlng Reservation INFORMATION SOUGHT FROM FARMERS. Govornment Officials Want BonaflL, Of Ranchora Experience Mat- tor of Interest to' Everybody Tl. ih government oinciais in charge of ijlie WarmspringH res ervaiioii are making arrange ments io conduct a dry farming experiment station near, the agenci , for ihe. purpose of mak ing a thorough test of the vari ous dry farming methods advo cated throughout the semi-arid legions of the West, and to de termiue ihe best uiethod of con serving the moisture, eo impor tant to successful lamming in f hi;- district, where the. rainfall is deficient in many years. Iu i his connection it may be stated that Superintendent Covey and Ins assistants a the Agency ' have been greatly iuteretjted in, the "Campbell system"- of dry laud farming, the principles of which have been so successfully followed iu other semi arid re gions of the West. Mr. Coyey has bought a Campbell subsur- face packer, and will give the Campbell methods a thorough" trial at the experiment furm. In connection with the exper- . imeutal vyork, Mr. Covey has. addressed letters to a number of farmers in this section, mak- " trig inquiries regarding methods , of cultivation, kind of crops and general results obtained by . them. This inf umatiou will be of great advantage to them in carrying on their experiments, and it is urged that those who receive these inquiries will feel sufScieut interest to send a prompt reply. The experimen tal dry land farm at the Agency will be of great benefit to all the aimers of this locality, as a lemonstration of what can be iccompli8jied by the so-called 'scientific sou culture" in -this section for the land at the Agency to be employed for the purpose is practically identical with that of the high plateau lands ot this region. uid the, conditions us to climate i ud rain fa I are the same. Iu lis letter, Mr. Covey states that hey will be glad to iurnisli luv one desiring it information regarding the results of their experiments at any time. FILING ON CASCADE WATER POWER A press dispatoh from Eu gene says: b. v . uurtis, ot San Francisco, who during the past wo years has made numerous lings on water power sites on several different streams in Western Oregon, including the MoKenzie, the Willamette and the Sautlam Rivers, ha filed with the clerk of Lane County. i notice of appropiiation of 13,- 000 inches of the waters of Odell Lake, in the eastern end of Lane C unity. He has located a di al to extend several miles west' and flow int Salt Creek. It is thought Curtis is work- ng lor tue boutmug racuic Company, which had several crews of surveyors in that viciu- ty during the past year ascer aiiiing the amount of power to )e developed from the different streams, with a view probably to utilizing it some day in the operation of trains over the mountains when the proposed no lrom JNutrou into Eastern Oregon is built.