; I . . . ... . I mm.i.- r ...! A .Innn .1. 1B8 The Madras Pioneer Timber Land.Act June 3, 1878. ' Notice for Publication. United states Lund Office, Tim Dalles. Oretron. .lul 18. 1007. Notion is hereby given tl.nl in eonipll nnco with the p ovtsions oi tne act Oonru9 of Juno 8. 1878. entitled "An net for thu saloof tlni er lands in theSiaies of California. Oneon. Nevada, nnd Wasiiinii ton Territory," as extended to nil the Public Lund States by net of August 4 IKU2. Edwefl F. Cooper, of Lnniontn, county of Crook, stnte of Oregon, nns tins nay tueu in mis ouie iif sworn statement N'o 8(538. for tlio pmelms-e of the n'jsw'i, seji'sw? sec 4, nnd lieli'nw'i sec 9. to 12 y. r 16 e. w ni. And will otter motif to show that tin1 fnlid sought Is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purpos- and to establish his eliiim to said Iain before the County Clerk at I'lineville, Oregon, on tho 23rd day of September, M17. lie names as witnesses: J. W.Collins andW.ll. JTuston, both of Prineville, O recon. Any and all nersons claiminir adversely tlio aOove-deseribetl lands are requested to flletnelr clatms tn this oince on or uetore said 23idday of September. lm. C. W. MooitK. jyll-sll) Kegister Notice for Publication OF STATE SELECTION United States Land Office The Dalles, Oregon. Sent. 4, 1907. - Notice is hereby given that on August v, 1UU7, the State ot Uregon, by its duly authorized agent, in due form," filed in this office an application to select us indemnity school land the w.swj and e.sel sec 32, tp 14 s, r 10 e, w m. . Any and all persons claiming adverse lv. the, above described lands, or desiring iu ooject. 10 uio allowance ui me same, sbould file their claims or objection in this office on or before the 20th. day of .October, 1907. sl2-o24 C. W. MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior Laud Office at The Dalles4 Oregon, September 3, 1907. Notice is hereby given that John 1 Sumner, of .Madras, Oregon, lias tUed notice of his intention to niak. final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: . Homestead Entry No 15054 made April 5, 1006, for the nwktiieM ot sec 31, tp 11 s, v 1 ! i- irt Aim that said proof will be made before r rank O.sborn, U. S. Commissioner, at liis onice in Madras, uregon, on Oct, o, jshj. He names the lollowing witnesses t prove liis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: II 22 Cook, Jfae lliiiton, J J tlinton and u n. iMsson.all of Jfadias, Oregon. S5-03 C. W. Mooue, Kegistcr Timber band, Act Juno 3, 1878. Notice for Publication United States Land Oflieo Tiin Dnllos. Oroeon. Sept. Mil. If07. V.II..I. l.nrnhv flrlvntl til III 111 COmDtllUICO with the provisions of tlio net of Congress of ,...,! iu'-j nxtliioil "An net for tho HIUO of una , ... ........... .... ---- . ,, i...... VV,nVl Kn Torrttory,1' lis tlmbe'r lamU In tho Sln.r of Callforu.,,. Ore extended to nil the pub,io land states l,y act roii, Novnda, and Ml'Rton .Territory " as August !, 1R9-, tho folluuliiK-nniiU'il persona Timber Land, Act Juno 8, 1S78. Notice for Publication. United States Land OfTlrc. Tlio Dalles, Oregon. Sept. 0, 1907. Notice Is herein- clvcn that 111 compliance with tho provisions of tho act of CoiiRressof Juno 3. 18.8. entitled "An act for tho sale of nf Ml 1. 11 St 4. 1S9'2. Kiln J Hnrrlne. of Ilcnd, roimty of Crook, state of Oregon, has on April 1, 1907, tiled In this oflk-o her Mvom statement No. JW91. for tho purchaso of the sp,4pci of see 8, n'iiic'i and lieHnu'i sec 8. tp 13 s, rue. wm. . , , , ' And will offer pmof to show that the Innd soucht Is more valuable for Its timber or Mono than for nKricnltural phmkwcs, and to eMab llsh her claim to said land before II. C. bills, V. S. ('olnmlsloller at hlsofllce in. Hend, Oro con, on the 15th day of November, 1W7. Sho names as witnesses: John Hloss, of Sisters. OreRoiii JohnKry.t'ora A Jones, Frank O Minor, decree A. Jones, all of llcnd, Oregon. Any and all jiertons claiming advetfoly the above-described lands aro requested tn file tholr claims In this olllee on or before tho said loth day of November, 1907. slMi7 C. V. MOORE, Register. per in this Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, 'The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 5, 1907. Notice is hereby given that m com pliance with the provisions of tlui act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1S92, Charles L. Gist, of Sisters, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has, on March 2, 1007, filed in this office bis sworn statement, No ;S49, for the purchase of theejhsw4 and Lot (J of sec o, anu ncjnwi of sec , tp 12 s, r 11 e, w m, And will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before II. C. Ellis. V. S. Commis sioner, at his office in Uend, Oregon, on the loth day of iSovember, 190. lie names as witnesses: Edwin Gra ham, Roy Foster, Charles Carson, Frank Arnold, all of Sisters, Oregon. Any and all persons churning ad versely the a bove-d escribed lands arc requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 15th day of November, 1907. sl2-n7 C. W. MOORE. Register. havo Hied their sworn statements otlleo, towlt- Ucnjamln F. Nichols, of I.aldlnw, county of Crook, stalo of Oregon, sworn statement No. fftttl, tiled April 8, 11HI7. for tho purchase of tho n!$ne4, nctnvi and Lot 1 of Section 31, tp 11 s, r 11 o. w m, Mary K. Nichols, of Laldlaw, county of Crook, stato of Oregon, sworn statement No. SXii, tiled April 8. HH)7i for the mirchnso of tho Lots 1,2, 3 and I of sco 0, tp W , r 11 o, w in, Kdward K. Dean, ot Laldlaw, county of Crook, stato of Oregon, sworn statement No. 8953. tiled Aprils, 1907. lor tno puronaso oi mo s'ainv'4, mvtfmv " Lot 4 of sees, tn 12 s, r 11 e, v m. And wll offer proofs to show that tho latins sought is more vaiuab.o for tho timber or stono thereon than for aprletiitunw purposes, and to establish their claims to said lands before II. C. Ellis, v. S. Commissioner, at tils onico in uend, Oregon, on November 10, r.H)7, Ihev name as witnesses: Kd. II Oraham and Uo C Foster, ol Sitters. Orouon: lloniam In F Nichols. Mary K. Nichols and Kdward F nnn. oi iauuaw. urcso i. Any n'nd all persons clittmtnc odvcr.oly any oi the niovc-(lc'M riiieu minis aro requested to II In their claims in this ntllco on or beforo said 10th day nf November, 1907. sl'J-nll C. V. MOOUE, Kegister, Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878 Notlco for Publication United States Land Ollkc, Tho Dalles, Oregon, AuUHt 2-, lW); iSotico la nereny given n. f dianco with the provisions of tlio it to ingress of June :i, 1878, entitled A laiulH in tho Notice lot Publication Department of thu Interior. Land Ollico at i'lie X)alles, Oregon, . Sept.!!, lOUr. Notice is hereby civtui that . . William . I. Branstettcr. of nfadras. Or. lias filed notice of his Intention tto, niake tinal nve-je.ir pioof in support oi hi claim, viz.: Homestead hntrv .o ltlirei niai ol'cov 21,1002, for tho wl4 of sec 83, tp" , r V.i e. w m. And that said nroot wl l lie made lieforo Frank Osborn. U. s. Coininis-ioiier at ills oflice in Jfadras, Oiegui,on Oct. 5, 00i. He names tlio following witne.-vses to prove his continuous reside ce upon, and cultivation of, the bind, viz: C O Fox.. John Kvick. Y 11 Kamsev and Joe Arncy, all of .M.idra.s, Oregon. O. YV. iVoom:. s5-o3 Iteaister. Notice for Publication OF STATE SELECTION United States Land Office, . The Dalles, Oregon, August 17, 1007. Notice is hereby given that pn Mav 24. 1907, the State of Oregon, bv its duly authorized agent, in due form, filed in this office an application to select as in demnity schocl land the geinwi, swf ew! of sec 20, nejnw and nwlswl of sec 32. tn 11 s. r 14 e. v.- rri. . . Any" and all persons claimin'e 'adverse ly the above-described lands, or desiring to object to the allowance of the same, sljould tile their claims or objections in this office on or before the 11th dav of October, 1007. s5-ol0 C. AV. MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication OF STATE SELECTION United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August 17, 1007. Notice is hereby given that on July 5, 1007; the State of Oregon, by its duly authorized agent, in due form, filed in tins oince an application to select as indemnity school land the swinej and nwsei of sec o0, tp 13 s, r 12 e, w m. Any and all persons claimini: adverse ly the above-described lands, or desiring to object to the allowance of the same hould file their claims or obj'ections in this office on or before the 11th day of Ootober, lt)07. sS-olO C. W. MOORE, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1&78. Notice for Publication. United Slates Land Oflice, The Dalle, Oregon, June 12, 1907. ' Notice is hereby given that in cornpllauco with the provisions of the act of Congress of June Ii, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the Mates of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land ttutes oy act of Augu&U, 1892, William II. Bishop, of Warmsprlngs, county of crook, (.tate of Oregon, has this day tiled in this oflice bis Kworn statement No 1159, for the purchase of the HueJ4, eejn wli and neswj sec 7, tp 12 s, r 11 o, w m, And will offer piOol fo show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or titouo than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to taid laud before Frank unborn, U.K. Commissioner, at his oflice fn Jladras, Or., on theCth day of Deeembor, 1907. He names as witnesses: Claude C Covey, Henry C KInzie, Louis J. Rising, of Warm HprlngB, Oregon, and Ora VanTamel, of Mad. ran Oregon. Any and all poreons claiming adversely the ubovo-dofsorlbcd lands are requested to Hie flielr claims In this otlloe on or before said 0th day of December, 1&07. 03-d3 C. W. MOORE, Rflgliter. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878 Notice for Publication. United States Land Oflice TheWalles, Oregon, Juno 12, 1007. Kotico is hereby given that iu compliance ivith the provlblons of the net of Congress of June 3, IMS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the btates of Califurniu, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to All tho public land states by act of August 4, 1812, Claude c. Covey, of Varmspriiigs, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this otllcc bis sworn ktatemcnt No -1100, for the purchase of the no!4nc of sec 7, nnw tec 8, and tolitw'i sec &, tp 12, r 11 e, w ni. Ami win offer proof to Bhow that the land r-ought is more valuable for its timber or stone than or agricultural purpoxes, and to estab if all his cJaim to said 'and before l'runk Osborn, U. 8. Commissioner, at his ollico in Madras, Oregon, on the 6th day of J)ir ember, 1907. lie names as witnesses: William II JIIbIiod. Henry O Kinsle, Louis J Uihing,'dl of Wunn- Hpringe, irugou, anu ura Madras Oregon. Any and all persons claim nuovc-ucsrniH'U lands art- tneir claims iu tins oiiir- on Ctli day of DeetmbLr. l'J07 Timber Land, Act June 3. 1S7S Notice for Publication United States Land Oflice The Dalles. Orecon. Sent. C. 1907. Notice is hcrcbr eiven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore- con. Nevada and Washlncton Territorv." as extended to all the public land states by act August -i, lbltt, J. Huston Bean. of Bend, county of Crook, state of oregon. has on February 2i", 1W7, filed in this oflieo his sworn btatement No. 8NJ9, for the purohn'sc of the nwiineli, neWnwJi and Lot 1 of sec 7 and swiise1 sec 0. to 13 s. r 11 e. w m. And vein offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable ior its timber or stone loan lor agricultural purposes, anu to estab lish his claim to said land before H. C. Ellis. V. S. Commissioner, at his oflice In Uend, Ore- con, on the 14th dav of Decemlter. 1907. Ho names as witnesses: Edwin C Coon. Elmer Niswonger, Charles D Brown, Charles L Brock, Charles il Weymouth, all of Bend. Orecon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this oflice on or before the llth day of December, 1907. sl2 dl2 C, V. MOORE. Register. Notice for Publication Departm nt nf the Interior. Land Office at The Dalle.-, Oreuon, September a, 1SK)7. Notice is hereby civen at Jiuamira V. Limbaui;h, ot Madras, Or., .i l - l .r . . r ,., . ... . - ins uu'u nonce oi mis uiieuiuiii to uiiiKC final live-tear nroof in sunnort of bis claim i viz! Homestead Entry An. 1 1512 made Oct. (1, 1!02, for the Lot 1 of sec H, tp 12 s, r 1!5 e. n.'jne.'i and neKuwVj'of sec 21, tji 12 s, r 15 e, w in, u-liul that said nroof will lie made before I rank Osborn, U.S. Commissioner, at his mice in -Madras, ureson. on uct. , iWi. lie names the followini! witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation f, the laiiu, viz: J C Tucker. .1 1) Mourns. Lee lVck .latnes L Yoiin,', all of Madras, Oregon. O. . MooitK. sa-oS l.ei:lster. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S Notice for Publication United States Land Oflice The Dalles, Orecon. Sept. 5. 1907. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Concress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lanus in tne states oi iniuornia, ure- iron. Nevada, auu uaslilneton lerrltorv." as extenueu to an tne puouc lanu states uy act of August I, lb9-, the following ersons have n.eu ineir &uorn statements in mis oiuee, towlt: Mary O. Cyrus. of Bisters. County of Crook, state of Orecon. sworn statement so. 3S78. tiled Aorll i.. 1007 for the purchase oi the swline'4 and b'AnylA oi sec li, ip i s,rne, w m, I'eiiB V. Cyrus. of Sisters, County of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn 'statement No. 3977, tiled April 15, 1807. for the pure-hate of the mviie, eUnw'J of sec 18 and seViswW sec 1. tp 12 s. r 11 e. w m. And will offer proofs to snow that the lands sought are more valuable for the timber or stone then on than for agricultural purr-oso, and to cstablih their claims to said iHiids before II. C. Ellis. L. S. Commissioner, at his oil ee In Heud. Orecon. on ovembe 10. l'J07. They name ad witnesses: Edwin Oraham, Clara Oraham. itov U roster. Antonio () Trahan, George F. Cyrus, Ilena K. Cyrus and jiarv ii i vrus. 01 aisiers. urecon. Any and alt persons claiming adversely any of the aboe described lands are requested to tile their claims in" this office on or before said 16th day of November, Ui7. 12-nlt C. W. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land OlUce at Tito UalU's, On-uon, Septembers, JJ07. Notice is hereby tiiven that Anna C. Scbreiber, of ilatlras, Oregon, has filed notice of her intention to make final commutation proof in support of her claim, viz: 1 Homestead Lntry No. 14071. made :.tiK.2b 1003, for tlio swtit scinetf e,lse4 of sec 17, tp 11 s, r IU e, w m, vine! that said proof will oe maibi before Frank Osborn. U. S. CoiniiiiShlon. r. at bis oibce iu 3fadras, Or.on, on October 7, 7907. .She namo3 the folfowintr witnesses to prove her continuous resilience iinon. and cultivation of the hind, viz: uonrnii aenretuer, .loiin ti .iloelirltiK, W E 1'Okcr, Fred Henske, afl of .ladras. Or. fc5-o3 C. Y. .1OOltK. Iteirister. Timber Land, Act June 3,578. Notice for Publication. United Maies Land Office. The -Dalles, Orcon, Jttiy 1S.1S07, Notice is hereby given that iu compil- ance with the provisions oi the, act of Congress of June Is, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Matos of California, Oregon. Nevada; and Washr ington Territory." as extended to nlZ the Public Land Mates by actof August f 18V2, Clara Cooper, ' of Lamonta, county of Crook, Mate of Oregon has filed in this office her sworn statement No 8037, for the purchase of the ueK ee '.. tp 12 s, r Hie, w m, .finu wnt- oner prooi to snow tnar tne Notice for Publication (ISOLATED TRACT) Public Laud riulo. The Dalles, Oregon, Lund Oflb-e, August 12, J007. Notice is hereby given that, us di rected. by the Commissioner of the General Lund Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, lOtiO, Public No. 303, we will offer at publio uale, to the highest bidder, at ten o'clock u. ni,, on the 2Mi day of September next, at this office, the following tract of land, towlt: NISI of theSEi of Sec 5, Tp 12 8, It 15 E, W 31. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds ure advised to file their claims, or objections, on .or before the duy above designated for sale. C. W. MooitK, Register, Louis II. AknesoN, Receiver. States of California, Oregon, a-td Washington Territory," us extended to all tho Public Land States by act August -I, 18D2, tlio fo.lovlii-iujiiHHl poisons have filed in, this oillco theli swotn statements, towiti Alexander Derosbia, of Sandpoint, county of Kootenai, f itii ill of Idaho, sworn statement iNo. uvw. filed April 0, 1007, for tho puiebaso o thoswjsej sec 28, nwuej and ninwl sec aft, tp 11 8, r 17 o, Win. Herbert A. Derosliia, of Sandpoitit, county of Kootenai, jjUtto of Idaho, sworn statoinont No. .llo. filed April 0, 1D07, for the nucliuso of tho wjuei, se.nel and mvjnil of sue J, tp 11 s, ride, w in; Uenrv C. Derosliia, of Sapdpoint, county of Kooteiitti, stidc of lilaho, Hworn siatonieiu no. lilwl April (1, 11)07, for tho pureliaso of , tliesisc, nesel nnd sejswi of aoo 2o, , ...ii.. .. in .. ' IJI XI P, 1 IU U, H 111, Harriet 15. Moorohous.e, of Portland, county of Multnoinali, state of Oregon, sworn statement iNo. 1188, filed July 5, 11)07, for the purchase of tho wjnwl, sejnwl and nojswl of sec 2;l, tp 11 8. r 10 e, w ni. , , it And will offer proofs to show that the lnmls sought aro inoro valuable- lor the tiinl)ir oi; slope thereon than for agri cultural purjoseH, aipl to ostablisli thuir claims to said lands before the HegiHtur and lteceiver, at.TlioJ)alles, Oregon, on Novembers, 11M)7. , . , They npnio ur ..witnessfs: Miphael O'Connor, and William O. Mason, of The Dalles,' Oregon; John Doros:;i, Henry C. Derosliia and Herbert A. Deroshia, of Sandpoint, Idaho; Anthony J. Noskev, of Cheboygan, Micbigtui; Alexander Deroshia, of Samlitoint, Idaho; Daniel A. McDonnell, of Tho Dalles, Oregon Any and all persons claiming advorso ly any of the abovo-doscribed lands aro requested to lllo their claims in this oflieo on or boforo the said 8th ilay of November, 1907. C. W. MOO H 15, a29-o31 Uogiater. Notice for Publication 2A-jnrtmeiit of the Interior. Land Oflice at Thu Dalle. Orotton, . .September l'.. 1W7. Notice is hereby given that Fred II. Green, one of the lielrs and for the heirs f Fihr. (Jieen, deceased, of r...iw.., rr... ..t.llllll. IV.'ll, ( bun filed notice of his intention to make i final (ive-ear nroof iu support of hU claim, I Homestead J.ntrv Ao lu'Ml in:i o .ov. n, Il01,fortliote.of fceet, tp 12 h, r 13 e. w III, And that said nn of will lie iniule befon- the Itegister and IJeceivi r at I lie Dalle. Oregon, on Octobers, J'.HJi. lie names the Pillowing n itneiw" Ui ! prove his continuous residence iimu, and cultivation of, the laud, h: K II Darnell, J F Corwin, J W Conk, J J lllnton, all of Madras. Oregon. sl5-ol7 C. W. MOOUE, ItegUter. Notice for Publication. Department of tho Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. September 3, 1007. Notb'e is hereby given that Conrad Schrclber. of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of ids intention to make i i .... ..t. i r . . t..nt.i.. ii.. r i . i luiiusouKiinBiiioro vhiiiuoiu ior nn umoer una! ,'oifimutatlon proof ill suiiport of his or htone than for agricultural purposes claim vizi e ami to establibli her claim to said Jand iomCst'ead jintry No, 1H570, made Auu. before the County C erk at I'rinev ffe, 28. m,, for the vgso of hec 17, wwH Oregon, on the 2!ird day of September, nb4 and nenwof Sec 20, tp 11 s r J3 e, W III. And that said proof will be made before blie names as witnesses: J. W. Collins and W. II. HUStOn, both Of Prilieviile. IVrimlr llnhnrn -fT. S.'fViiriiMlvW.i...,- l.U I 1.. T , .1 .... n llli;u 111 JIlilUKU), WICKUII, till VU'lDDL'I I, oiegon. Any and all norsons claiminir adversely the above-described lands are renuested to lile their claims iu this office on or before said 23rd day of September, 1U07. C. W. Mooiik. jyJ8-sl9 Register. 1W7. lie names the following "wltfieesea to Ora vmi Toioi, tf Iming .dvirfc' ly the e renit-atcd to lili' .V. i...r. i vvivit PII1U Notice for. Publication COAL ENTRY The Dalles Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon. Aug. 15, 1007. Notlco Is hereby ulvdu'thut Florence B. Collins, of Prlnevllle. countv of Crook, state of Oregon, has on Mav 23, 1007, filed in this offlco her appli cation to purchase, under tho provis ions or section 2347, U, H. -Revised Statutes, tho ntnvl4, "enwjtf unci tnvJa'se of section 32, tp 11 8, r 10 c, w in, 1 Any and ull nersonfl claimlns'tftN versely tho IhikIh ileHcrlhed, or desir ing to object for uny reason to tfio salo thereof to uppllcaut, should file their affidavits of protest in this office on or before the 28th day of Septem ber, 1007, otherwise tho application may no allowed, prove liis continuous residence upon, and cultivation or, the laud, viz: Aim C Schrclber, John O Moelirlng, W E Poser, Fred Henslt') all of Madras, Or. " C. W. Mooiik. s6-o8 Register. Notice for Publication 1 1 Dennrtni' pt of the Ulterior. ' ' Land Office ut The Dulles. Oregon, Senturn ber !!. 1007. .Notice is hereby glvon that James L. Voudl'. of Oulver. flt-eimm lias filed notice of his Intention to make final five-year proof In support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No fiifiliS made July lWll, for tlio H,'.;sw'i, noL'swtf and soli nw' of sec 2D, tp 12 h-; r 13 e. w in. And thatsald proof will bo made before Frank Osborn, 17. S. Commissioner, at bis oJIce In .Madras, Oregon, on Oct. (), 11)07. JIk mimes the following witnesses to prove Jiisbontl'iiioiis residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: C yunter, 1 V Lhiibaiiuli, J C Tucker V U Lovelaud, all of Jfadras, Or. . t . U . jlOOItK, 1.O08 Register, Notice for Publication Department of the Interior Land Office at The Dallj. Or., .-opt. Ill, l07. Noll e is hereby given that Josephine Hobbitis, fonnerlv Jownhlne (ireen. widow of FrIU (Jreen. deceased. of.ladra, Oiegon. nas Hied notice or ner intention to make nuui five-year proof Iu ampnort of her claim, viz. Ilouitwieail Kutry .o WHO mnilu iYdv. II, UK)1, for thu i'U tec I, tp 12 1, r 18 e, w m. And that said nroof will Ims made before the Register and i'.ectiver at Th DnWta, Oregon, on OcUiber 21, 1W7. .She names the followini: wllnuMe lo nrovo bur continuous rtwldeiiei! uimiii. And cultivation of, tho laud, viz: yjeiuort .leiiKlns, .1 11 lloruoy, 15 4V GU tiii, R V Jenkins. Klizubaih ItlelmiiU. tl of MadniB, Oregon. C. V. MoottB, 3l'J-ol7 I(ifltr. Notice for Publication Denartment of the Interior Laud (Jllkv at The DiiIIi'k, Ofegmi, .-1'pteiiiber 8, lw7. Notice is hereby given that Ida IS Hice, of Madrna, Oregon, has filed notice of her intention to mnkti llimt commutation proof in support of Iter claim, viz: Homestead Hntry No Ifiglp mado July 8, 1M, for the swi, of.iec 85, tpj2-,r 12 e, w III, .dud that said proof will h mnUe before Fratik Oaboin, I". . C'oiiiitiiatlnupr. Ht his office in Madras, Oregon, on October C, 11)07. hhe iiamoi the following wltumuieji to prove bor continuous resilience upon, ami cultivation or, the land, viz: J K (Jrotit, William Ilaiiibley, W II ilIIIor, Hhea Staniih. all of Miuhaa, Or. t5-oU C. V. JfooiiK, KdgUtor Notice for Publication. DoimrtuiCiit nf tlio Interior bund Ollico at The ''""OpSk. Notlco Is licroljy given that Siunn' i. llvniu, of .Miidrim, OrBon, )ia Died notltw of ji Intention to imiku llnul five yeur proof tn mitiport of hur claim, viz : Hometeitd Kntry No IIMl miule OotQbar 0. 100a, for tho nUiiek unil Unw' Of m !ll tn l ii, r U a, w ni, Aim tiint nuui p rmtiic UHimrn.. u. H. CommUiiliiiiBr. Ht hl , that aula proof will lw made lieforo oiiicu in JiHUfflH, int-Kou, on oetolmr 6, W, dub im nenuiu loi otviiiK WIllluwuil to prOVO InlrcoutiuiinuH rodldenee upon, and oiililvii tlon of, tliulanil, vz: J (3 tui'kor, Jninon I,Voiing, I.eo 1'uck, J I) StcuriiH, all of Mudran, Orogrm. e8-o3 ItegUtir. lIoticc lot Publication Depn?tmj!nt of the Interior Lund Office, atjTlio.Dalles, Oregon, r i . ' u , f August 20, 100, Notice Is hereby 'given that Nancy K. Logan, 'of .Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of hur Intention to niako final flye-year jiroof in support of hor claim, viz: ' , Homestead JJnfry No 9767 rhiulo Kepi. 21, lWl, , for tho e; ny ami oKuwJ (4 sec 17 tp 10 st r ;!l o, w in, a ml that said proof will bo tnado lit fou. tho County Clerk' at IVIhovllle, Orrtfnn, on October 7. 11107. " ' fcilio naiiieH tho following wllne( . fo prOVelllircOIltllltlOIISiesldenre mini. - ,i cultivation of, the land, viz: Frank ijlkins, of Madras, Oregon u, 1 lien lam n FJouhm. of I'l-itieviiii. ir REMEMBER THE PIONEER JOB OFFIC WHEN YOU WANT NEAT, CLEAN, PLA Printing AT REASO NABLE PR HIGH GRA SUPERIOR DE STOCK W TYPE FAC MACHINERY WORKMANSHIP ' V J , r. PIONEER hum ihniiiit AtittO nins i.xhinn i. mm B3-d5 C MOOiK, ltrglstcr 22fi20 C. W. Mooius, Itegiater, bC-o3 C. W. MOOItH. ltiiiltiV, ' r? - w '