pilings at Madras. rs. Alex Houk of Culver was In lown brdny. tx Lonjj of Haycrcek was , In town Kilday. flllmm Dlftlr of Youngs was in town Luincss Inst Friday. L W. Adams nnd Mrs. I. M. Liinib in I'rineville the first of the week. tin, to the wife of Lars II . Lnrscn, Voiiiiixilntf. Scntcinbcr It. I007. n I ! .'- i r V Ilnirjht, who resides nt the old late in Cow Canyon, was In town iday. irn, to the wjfc of W. F. Fields, rday, September 14, 1907, n Hitcr. ,W. VVoollcy, n flapd traveling : was interviewing local merchants J Inlay le - .. 1 .1 t 0 ks, J, v- i.ovcan ami cmuircn 01 iko are visiting at the home of A. C. ml this week. i;;h O'lCane, n Bend, hotel keeper, it 1 iivn Turiday j'Vcnltig4, on Ills tn the rallc'Wd. cil W ild, who has liccn spending the ncr on his homestead near thi place, tcrday for Ruiledgc, in Sherman fty V F Helms was in town yester fom Ilnycreck, where he is Viijng ih'ime of his daughter, Mrs. Rolando h I'osa A. Forney, who has been Mrs Max I.ticddcmann lor-ten. kit Saturday for her home at 3w, Idiiho Simons has moved his rcnidence iin.ko, and Mrs. Simons nod her sitr I!rrni"c left Sunday afternoon cir new home at that place. I, K b, who lus been spending the icr at StIUood, arrived here Toes- lid wdl remain for sonic lime look Icr his ranch west of this place. II. Raymond, adjuster for the lot it London & Globe Insurance fevas in town on iticMiay.. Mr, Lai makes annual tups through II Orrgon, inspecting the local Ics of his company. 1 Fisher, of Rccdcr & Fisher, Sent sheepmen of the bhaniko Ky, u at in town last Sunday, on his the mountains, where he' is sum- several bands of sheep. Mr gowns a quarter section of land on y nam Mrown of Haystack was in town ln Mr isrown says tat aunui lot h s t'tnin has already been id, in 1 that ho expects the Blanch thresher at his ranch in the ly or o, to complete the jot). B1 ) e ILiystitck country ll turning Bj, . it 1 tins year. :" 1 i pr, .1 prominent iheepmau e wi inpr-country, wns in town t m iy, on Ins way to the Cas Iv I cre'his shcrp arc being pastured tviiumcr. Mr. Hooper resides in if, of wlii' h little city ho is mayor. s h it the city is now considering ri'i'in of lighting the streets by K F, Hillington, of Albany, cretary of the Christian Church, lit in Madras next Saturday and 1 erviccs will be conducted by lil'ir ,-ton in Snnford's Hall Sun In n " and evening, and urobably free Methodist church Saturday 1 1 1" public is cordially invited I'.MUioi iiood River came in . 1 ..-..! : 1 :.. c er.d days here looking alter interests in this locality. lie very iniici) piciscu witn ms new f I Innil DitiM t.iliMrM It l.'.c ... . . ...if . . 1 m.. ... .... . r-t n.w. .n C 1111 I., nir I mw n cut. II l.nnl .I lent r Kiioucs owns a quarter sec- in mi 1 nn 1 .ir i it I'l.iinc iv 11 if 11 is Harvey Bros. sre Kieccr. who has a fine ranch south of town, has kept the ket supplied with watermelons loupes tins season, ami tor the 11. t r 1 is nlso engaged quite exten ts chicken hnslneis. and while uesuav Mri. Kirner tod ol a w - . - o, - - irM it., iiiiiinii .1... ivw ujr nillV.lt nicy IlilVO UCCII enemy lite chicken industry is section. The covofes had lite bold and lolled a number in the yard in which they sed, Mr, Rleger tlien stretclied iiiu ailing 11IUUUU 111c yaru, vill not cross it. 1 VV, W. Brown was In town last Satur day from Heisler. Try our Imperial washing machine, it l the best. McTaggnrt & llyc, Waller E, i'artish nnd Ralph Allen were In town Monday from Itaycreck. Louis Falkcnhugcn Is here from Cor nelius, Oregon, visiting jils parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ?.i!kcnhagcn, on Agency I'laius, A. S. IMillljps and wjfc left Tuesday lor Palsicy, jyhcrc they will spend two weeks visiting with relatives of Mrs. Phillips. C. C. Ashley, who has been in the Willamette Valjey for several months past, returned (0 Madras the latter part of last Week, Mr . Tiffany, school farrncr nt thu Warmspring Agency, was in town last Monday, buying grain for Fa! seeding on the reservat)on. Mrs. John McTnggart and children returned Sunday altcrnoon from Hay- creek, where they have been visiting at tin home of Mrs, Rolando Parrish. G ' VVcller has filed upon the quarter section in 1 1-14, formerly known as the Idlemiin place, and he mid his wile have already taken up ihcir residence there. M. W, Hennclt left Sunday for Shani ko with Mrs. Bennett and their childien, who arc on their way to the old home in I own. Mrs. Bennett expects Ui visit for several months with relatives and friends in Iowa , 0, M, Hrunsvold of Waluni, North Dakota, nnd A. Carborg of Seattle, spent last Friday in Madras, ldoking over this field with a view to investing. They left Saturday for Bend, expecting to go on into Lake County before returning to the railroad. S. E. Gray and family and Mrs. Max Wilson returned last Friday from Blue River, crossing the mountains by way of the McKenrie road. They were accom- panie'd front Cline Falls by Miss Jessie Isham, who has been ill there for some time rJast, but who was sulllciently recovered to stand the trip home. J. Strain was in town Monday, on his way to Redmond with a load of melons grown on his ranch on the north end ol Agency Plains. Mr. Strain will find a ready market for his fruit nt the Redmond Fair, which opens there today. Lavt year melons grown by W. H. Stone hockrr In . this vicinity carried off the ...tit ' prizes at inc ueomonn rair. , - The kangaroo rat is becoming numer nus in portions of Crook county. Dr. Goflln has one that was caUght in Sher man c6iinfy. Tltey are prolific breeders, and will .soon overrun the country, unless care is taken to destroy them. They arc native of Australia, and may be classified along with the ballot, registration law, and other abominations thrust upon Oiegon from Australia.- Moro Observer. The Central Oregon Transportation & Forwniding Company purchased with their other equipment an automobile for me in connection with the operation of their traction project. The auto is a 16 liars'" power runabout, and it will be used between Shaniko and this place in looking after the numcious details of water, fuel or repairs incident to the opera'ion of the big traction engine, in which capacity it will prove a great tune saver. The deep well which Is being drilled on the Baldwin ranch cast of Bend has reached .1 depth of over 550 feet, without any'indication of water. They are now drilling through black sand. When this well was started it was announced that they would sink the we!) a thousand feet, anyway, in an attempt to secure artesian water. Moore Brothers, who were en gaged in drilling in this vicinity for awhile, have the contract for the Baldwin well, This new plan of freighting by means of steam, traction engines promises to rcvolutioni'c tralllc for this part of the state. After the wheat has been removed from the Agency Plains to Shaniko, there will be plenty of other opportunities for the road train to make money, The Haycrcck coal will find n ready market here if it can be delvcred at $1 1 per ton, or slightly less than one-half cent n pound. At that price a long ton of coal is about equal to two cords of juniper. I'rineville Review. M. A. Meyendorff, a special agent of the General Land Ofllce, spent last Fri day and Saturday in Madras and vicinity, inspecting 11 number of entries in this locality, nnd looking into land matters generally. Mr. Meytndorll went to Bend several weeks ago with the party of state and federal olllcials who were in specting thu irrigation projects of that section, since which tune lie has been Investigating land matters in this county, In addition to his investigation of land entries, he hits nlso been investigating several case of illegal fencing of public land. Mr. Meyendorff left Saturday afternoon for Portland, but expects to return to thfy locality, later jit, the Fid, , mm Edward G. Pease Co. j Incorporated j haniko, Oregon HEADQUARTERS FOR HARVEST SUPPLIES Let us fi!J your Harvest orders 1 Isaac Martin of Culver was in Madras yesterday Dressonds, plaids, suitings, batistes, percales, chambrays, ginghams and calico, all new, at prices that will surprise you. J. W. & M. A. Robinson & Co A o'iniplt'i Mipply of Itj'tl liluiikn for nil- luidudlnu wurrntily innl quit 0I11I111 Iim'iIh, rciil, olntltt-l niiil (iron iuurt-iige4, -li. .1 iiHt : court lilmikM innl jutli:t; nun work n" Hpcolalty- Notary Public F. J.. Brook. Rev. J. K. Craig returned last Friday from Spokane, where lie has bsen attend ing the Columbia River conference of the M. K Church. Mr. Craig's many friends at .Madras will be glad to learn that he has been returned to his charge at this place for another year. The petition of B S. Larkin and others (or a county road running E.ut from the R. R. Young place to the Snowden While homestead has been acted upon by the County Court, which ordered the board of vjewers to meet, view out and survey (lie road, and report thereon. V veterinary surgeon named 1 lines nnd his family passed through town Sunday, enroutu to California, traveling in a large covered wagon. They had eiiht or ten diminutive Shetland ponios with them, two of the ponies being driven to .1 buggy and the remainder following along behind the wagon. The entire younger population uf Madras was out to see the little ponies during their stay in town. B. C. Dove will probably be the first farmer of this locality to ship his gram to Shaniko by the new trafction freighting outfit He has 750 sacks of wheat stored here now, ready to be hutiled ns soon as the road triiltl begins hauling, nnd he has about that much more to haul down Irom the plains. Mr. Dove expected to haul his own grain to Shaniko, but says le can have it hauled cheaper by the traction out fit than he can do it himself. - --- H. F. Diolzel, Hccrotnry of tho Madras Milling Comjmny, rutinnwl last night from bis trip through Luke County ami ecuitliorn Crook. Mr. Dietzt'l'd trip wna for the purpose of making nrrniigciuunts for the enlo of "MudrnH Flour" in that Huctlon, and ho o.jirose much gnitifi uutloii ovor tho HtlccotW of bin trip. Ilo says that n murkot for all tho produot of tlioir mill ia iiHSurcd thorn, and that within n short timo lu boliuvoa tho mill will bo tnxod to its full capacity to mipply tlioir trado. Minn Gladys Sanford and two daugh ters! Mr. Ilnrvoyof tho Llttlo I'liUns, liuvo moved Into tho old Timothy BrownliHl rcBldouco on Agency Plains, nnd will upend thu Winter there, in order to tuku U10 Ninth Cirndo studios from Prof. Fulton. Tho young hulios liavo lliiibhed tho fight grades taught in the Mmlraa school, and uh our district failed to add 11 Ninth Gnulo tlila ycur,! they will take tho Httidios from Prof. Fulton, who wllKtcach thoiu in addition to IiIh dutk'rt in tho Agoiu-y Plalnn tiuhool. A dldpatcli from Bond sitys'n bunch of wild horses that hud jiiHt been rounded up on tho desert and wuro being driven to tho homo corral becamo frightened at a thruHhing mnchiiio mid u'liinpcdcd, nearly tho ontiro band running into n who fence which stood in tho path of tho uttuupedlng herd. Quo Iioiho wuh killed outright, four otlierH died in 11 short tlmo from their wounds, iul Huvoral othoru wero badly cut and Burntehed. Tho horacx bulongod to 1UU Cmrluriuid ,1o Langdon nnd tho uecl- dont occurred iwrv Summor Luke. C.J. Kaufman, a rcprcHentative of M, Seller & Co., of Portland, was in town the last of tfic week. 13. F. Batten, n prominent business man of Bend, was n passenger on yes tciday's Wceisjde stage, on lus way to Portjand. Charles Riohnrdson of Spokane was in town last Saturday. Mr. Richardson is nt the head of tho sales department of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Co., ami has charge of the eale of their irri gated lands in this county. In the list of assignments for The Dalles District by the Columbia River conference of the M. E. Church, in icsxion at Spokane, appears the name of G. 11. Moorehead, assigned to "Crook J County Mission." Mr. Moorehead baa u homestead entry on Agency Plains, and he secured un assignment to no definite location in order that be might move onlo his homestead. He and his family expect to move to Agency Plains nt on.ee. Ewen McLennan of Shaniko, who by his purchase of tlfo Young & Son sheep ranch near that place acquired the title uf the "Sheep King of Wasco County," was in town last Sunday, on his way to tiio mountains, whore he is summering a large numbor of sheep. Mr. McLon iinn him one of tho finest sheep ranches in the Slumiko country, nnd during the three years ho bus owned the plaiit he has enjoyed his full shnro of the proa- j perity which has nttcndotl tho sheep industry. .- . A CARD Wodofircin this mnnuur to express our heartfelt thanks for many acts of kindness to us by our nuighbors and friends in tho hour of our bereavement, tind especially to tho members of the Odd Fellows lodge of Madrns, whose synlputhy and kindness is deeply appreciated by us. Sincerely, Miih, ltoiMio IAititisn it Family. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UNITED STATE8 I'rostilont Theodore Koosevolt Vltw-I'riwitli'i' . Charlett W Fairbanks Secretary ofSints.: F.lllm Hoot SBoroturyof 'J'reiuury (leorso Corlelyou Secretary ot Interior Jus U Gurliolil Secretory t0f Wnn' W II Tntt Sooretiiry of Kvy , .... () J Honnpiirto Stiwretnry of Cominurro 0cnrStrnus lWmustor Onnornl Uau Von 1. Meyer Attorney OQimrnl W'm II Moody Seeretury of Agriculture James Wilson STATE Governor .....George K, ChiuiUiorlnln Secrntury fl Stnto K. W, Houson Treimirtjr G A Steel Attorney Gonwal AM Crawford Sunt. Vulillc Instruction .. . J ll Aokerman State l'rlntar W S Dinmtwny Dairy ami Fooit DoimnUntimor J W Uallcy U B Senators j C W Fulton jJHournoJr !V A Mooro It S lleau TQHalley 8EVCNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Jmlge. , V I. llriiilnlinvr Vronooutlni; Attorney Frank Menefeo CROOK COUNTY Jiulgoi W A Hell Clork . .. , Wnrron llrown Sheriff., v... Frank Klklns Treanurer WP Kins Annosmr J I) I.aFolletlo Heliool Supornnteiulent C II DluuhUlto Surveyor', W H MeFarlanil Corouur Gall SNcwkoin Oomrulssloiwr ' j VawKjlS KUTOHER PREOINOT JllHtlco. ,..,,; M. C. Makon Coiutalilo .. .J M Mayes Jtoail buiurvUur J. W, Llvlnfuton McTAGGAT & BYE HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS GROCERIES AGENTS FOR MADRAS, OREGON I NEW DAILY STAGE! ia I From Bend to Shaniko and all interior points New and Up-to-date Outfit SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN THE MOST SCENIC ROUTE IN CENTRA!. OREGON PEST EATING HOUSES ON ANY STAGE LINE Daily stages through Agcnoy Plains Country and irrigated districts of Crook 'county. Prompt attention given to express and baggage. Fast freghtu specialty, Eqr rates address J. W. & M. A. ROBINSON & CO., or J. H. OVERTURF, Agent, Madras, Oregon Shaniko, Oregon 'MADRAS MEAT MARKET D. W. ADAMS, Proprietor Reasonable prices and courteous f treatment to al! Orders by stage given prompt at tention and no charge for deliy'ry FRESH AND CURED MEATS MADRAS, QRgGON ri : : j UK BB 11.119 B U 0 KmnksmiTninGr mrmn II WlUWUvlIIIlsiciilal dvvi wwwniii aj, , 1 Li mm WAGON WORK I have purchased the thop of P. A. Hamilton oppo.-it LivingHton'6 stables and solicit your patronage, Yoi) will find our work the kind that pleases A. W, CULP, - Madras, Oregon J Shaniko Warehouse Company OENERAL STORAQE AND FORWARDING Special attention to Wool Ceding and Baling for Eastern ihlp ments. Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Lime and Daildera' Material of all kind. Sulphur, Wool and Grain Sacka and Twine, Grain, Flour and Feed. Highest price paid for Ilidea and Pelts. Stock Yards with all tho latest and beet facilities for handling Stock. Mark Goods Car of S. W. Co." T. G. CONDON, Manager. l1k.)'4. I, M