The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, September 12, 1907, Image 4

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    ft. ',.
The Madras Pioneer to wimt we'll ketch Hub win.
ten Every sign known to
Published every Thursday by lllltur IS IlollGrm it out iuuu.
-the piJULisiiiNH co.- We're goin to git a dundy, I
euopoaiPTioN RATES: . tell yer. I ain't been a watcli-
WlJSZCr"' lf imrfer these aiirua in ther Die-
"TiJreo mniUiis bo go n woods fer 25 years fer
nothin', and the bears eonnV in
Seventeenth Annual Fair
V m mAtw "m m -r m
close to town is a sure sign.
nUK,l&0iro,,S? cond class niattor Aucust Another one is the bark on the
2D, 1P0I, nt the I'ostofflce nt Madras. Ore., .
under tho Act of Congress of March 8,187U. trees. Whenever it gltS 11 S
thick as it is
Sept. la, 1907 Get plenty of wood, friends,"
concluded the woodsman, "and
OUR KING has spoken git it quick, fer you'll have use
1 -
The uncertainty with reference r mighty sudden."
to a railroad for Central Oregon
is removed. The expectation Mr. Harriman oilers as one
that jt might be built gives reason why he will not'build a
place to the disappointment railroad into Central Oregon,
that it will not be built. This that they would have to shovel
is the onlj' logical conclusion snow several mouths out of thej
from Mr. Harnmaate utterances, year. This is tho lust ofhoial
and he gives the reason. The announcement of the fact that
region is too thinly populated, in the future the railroad mag-
theie will be snow to shovel nate will confine his operations I
several months in the year and exclusively to that region
there are districts that would "where they don'tshovel snow."
afford no traffic, savs the Wall
eti a. - -" n 1.1 ai.. mi. .
Street wizaru, uiaimiy. xuei RESOLUTIONS
policy is not to build a railroad
to develop the country, but to Hall of Mt. Jefferson Jodge No. 13G,
let the countiy develop for the J - Ft
benefit of the railroad. A mil- Madras, Or., Sept. 10, 1007.
linn bushels of in Mir e, your committee appointed to
Jlaystack district this season is draft "solutions on the death of lko.
' ' . I t r 1 1 . 1 .11
waiting for the railroad. It i arnsn ue 10 rei0" as 'oaows:
WOUld T)e five million bushels BrotherParrish joined tho Odd Fellow
as soon as the railroad is -built. Lodsc in 1S77 nnd 1,a8beo ""right, j
nnrl Mi frmo-l.t mi'ir in n pnnn Sd and faithful 0dd Fellow. a,ld was
Crook County Fair
Prineville, Oregon
October 24 to 29 inclusive
You cannot afford to miss it. Every variety of
product grown in central Oregon will be exhibited
Exhibits Wanted From All Sections of
Tne County
Send for a premium list to president or secretary
To "bo Hold at
The Dalles, Oregon
October 8, 9, 10, 11 spc) 12
Qranu) Stock, Agricultural nnd Hqrlicullural Exility
Every class of Industry will be represented
An old-time fair with the new-time features. Premium
lists will be furnished at any address on application 0 le
Secretary. All contests confined strictly to the District
except Klickitat speed horses will be admitted. F0I
particulars see Premium List, or address
J. M, PATTE;R30N, Secretary
J. L. KELLEY, Prudent
Prom September 1 to September 15 I will sell fruit
the orchard at the following prices;
Apples, 50c to $1 a bu?
! Pears, $1.25 to $2 a bu,
Central Oregon Agricultural Prunes plums, 4clb,75c bx, $1.75bi
" , . . . . . Pfrhpc i?r Ih S5r. hv R7 9 I,..
& Livestock Association tW"rZ: Z' . n .' ZZir
.uitijjcs, iuc iu, ji.uu a uux
William Boegli
deceased on September 2, 1907, nt Port
land Oregon, where he had been taken
of fwp would pay for the exten
sion. The biiiklini? of the mil
"v 'u n. . i I in tho hopes of his receiving some bene
road would, in effect, create the L . ,
five ipillion bushels. That,
lioweyer, is not the Wall Htreet
method. It has not the charm
wnrtliv brotlipi
oi me Aiion aeai or me therefore be it
000;000 gathered m by with
holding notice of the.Union and
Southern Pacific dividend.
fit frqin special treatments.
Whereas, Our Lodge has suffered an
irreparable loss in tho death of our
and fellow-worker;
T. H. LAFOLLETTE, President
llesolvcd, That in this great bereave
ment wekxtend our heartfelt sj mpathy
and friendship to his widow and family
t r .1 -
Meantime, as to transporta- and relatives, and commend them to
tion, Mr. Harriman holds Ore- inm who doeth all things well."
til ni -1 J
goil in tue 1101J0W oi UIS Hand. Resolved. That a copy of these resolu-
QregOU hns 1,72Q miles of tions be spread upon the minutes of
railroad, Washington has 3,200. this Lodge, a copy be forwarded to the
Qnly three States ill the Union family of our deceased brother, and a
liave a smaller percentage of copy be furnished the Pacific Odd Fel-
railroad mileage per 100 square low, and our local paper for publication,
miles thqn has Oregon. A rea
son for it is Mr. Harriman. His
policy is not to build railroads
and not to permit other people
to build them into territory he
owns. That is why he bought
the Corvallis & Eastern. Other
wise it might have beeD ex
tended into Central Oregon.
Now $ qannot be without Mr.
Harriinan's consent.
Seasons win come ana go
and flowers bloom and fade.
Ann will grow older year by year
BIDS WANTED Sealed bids will be
received up to October 1 for furnishing
100 tons of steam-rolled barley, de
livered at Madras, Or. J. II. Wenan
dy, mgr. B. M.S. Stage Co,, Bend, Or.
lands for sale. Also locntliiK dotiu
Prineyille, - Oreg
GRAIN CHOPPED I have n good
grain chopper, capacity 25 bushels per
hour, and can chop your grain for toll
or cash. L. A. Young, Youngs, Or. i
Yours, submitted in F. L. T.,
J.vo. T. Diz.vev,
Fred Davis,
B. C. Dovk,
NtW Pfl&btMUtK bbtiVlut BULL FOR SERVICE. Mv hieh-lirrxl
Red Polled bull is at the Livhmston
Ihe Railroad Commission has issued barn for public service. For terms
orders compelling the O, R. & N. Com- see J. W. Livingston. A. P. Clark,
nnnv in ostnlilisli n now lnpnl ninnnnnr I OWnCr. fi5-12
, j - i'"--
service between Pendleton and Portland.
I i f nr T- s" n. i -ri i
trains to leave Pendleton and Portland . A',un ?, ; , 00 . , T,8?' c?w
jor naie, wiu uu irean miuuie oi uciO'
Notice for Publication.
Di-niitiuentof Hit Interior.
Land i.nieo at I lie JaHc-, Orison,
v , , .St-iitciiiher !i, 1UU7.
otI e is licn-by nivcn that
Con i ad clHuili;r. of .Madras, Om-jjoii,
l;.ih III. il lidtkr (if his iiituiitfoii to mnk
liiial ciiiiiiniitulloii proof In .tuimnrt ol he
claim, viz:
...."i'ead rfiitry No 1 ltl70. made ,lu.
2b . J'.W, i:r the wXHli u( we 17. Invl.
ne' and miws-W of mc 20, ti II r lit t.
w m.
Anjl that smI(1 proof will be made before
r riiMK UMinril, u. a. i;on
.... t .
ie names the followini; witness's to
pn.vehN coiitiiiiiotis re-hluncu upon, anil
cultivation oi, the land, viz:
iiiia u cnioii)er, .John (i .Mnehrlnj;, V
i Poser, l ml HuiibKc, ail f Madras, Or.
c. . moouk,
r rank Obhurn. U.S. CoiiiiiiUii.ti..i ,.. i.i .
,t t . ..ft i n . i ...i ... i.. w.-.i . .
on uii kiuiih hi mini, unniiii e" u-. i-mti; in .uiuuus, ureon, on October 7
VatiTasselifc Daviti, Madrns.Or. j IS f
The best in Shaniko
(UhhI Stock. Careful Drivers
Host of liny mid Urnln Fed
At Very Reasonable Prices
D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or.
respectively each morning. This ser
vice will be an an extension of, and take
au iuOJjW1. mx x Bw tho placJ o the pregent ,ocaj
on building canals without giv- hetween BiggB and Portland) ag the now
iug a tinker's whoop for the train will conncct with the 1Ieppner
designs of the Harrimans on Condon and Columbia Southern
that planet. The churchyards branches. The trains will leave Pendle-
Jiere DeiOW Will anniiail V aaa CO ton and Portland in the
their population, and Mr. liar- making a through daylight service for
rim ail, transportation king in thcaccommodation of the local travel
his kingdom of Oregon, emper- which has long clamored for a more
or in his empire, will go on convenient service between these points
pla3'ing his game of high finance The present Biggs local affords conven
in Wall Street, and when abltn- ieut service for the travel between Biggs
dantlv ready will build a and Portland, and the extension of the
jailioad into Central Oregon, service was ordered by the Railroad
but not before, What a Strik- Commi.sipn after much complaint from
inrr il 1 n a t vn tinn M.o cnpnrnnl townB IurtllCr 0aBt W,)1Ch Were c0'
affords to Oregonians to seek
the opening of their waterways
and become as far as possible
independent of the railroad
regime that has long been and
still is the bane of the state.
Portland Journal.
ber; good milker. Apply to 31. L
Loucks, Madras, Or. VI
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
Land Ollice at The Dalies, Oregon,
isentember 3. I!i7.
Notice Is hereby iriven that
.Inhll I4. Slltlltlf.r fif Afnflrnu rtitrki
iiiuj JiiniT, !, nln.i .,!.... ,.r i.i, ... ,.r..i.
i iiiuu iiwiili; il inn iiiicilLlwjl Lfj lllillvt'
liiial coiniuiitatlou proof in support of Ills
claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No 15051 made April
o, r.utj, ior uie nwnej or sec ssi, tp il s,
r VJ e, w in,
And that said proof will bo made before
Prank 0born, IT. S. Commissioner, at his
otlicu in .Madras. Oregon. on Oct. C. i'M7.
Jh' names the lollowing wiinesses to
prove ins coiiunuoiiH residence upon, and
cultivation of, the (and, viz:
II 11 Cook, Jae Hmion, .1 J Mluton and
ir tr ,r...t vl
w i ai innuu, iiu in ii.uj .is, wieKOii.
so-o3 O. W. Moouk, Helhter
Jim Tompkins, the Mt. Hood
woodsman, whose prediction of
a severe Winter was so amply
verified during the past year,
predicts even worse things this
year. Mr. Tompkins bases his
calculations upon the habits of
bears and other animals of the
mountains, the bears this Fall
foraging almost in the door
yards of lanchers, to fatten up
for the coming "peeler" of a
Winter. He says:
"Them snow storms we had
Jist Winter won't be a marker
polled to content themsolves with the
service afforded by the delayed trains
from the East, The service goes into
effect thirty days after the date of the
Governor luorg K. Chamberlain
SuurHtury of Bute V. XV, Ilutison
Treasurer U A Steel
Attorney General A M Crawford
Supt. Public Instruction J II Ackerman
Btftto Printer XV S bunnlway
Dairy anil Food I)ommliiioner J XV itrfllcy
IT K KatiHlnri: ( O W Pulton
i J Uourne Jr
Congressman j W C Ifw'te
1 . , (FA Moore
Supremo Judge J its Dean
JihIbo XV A Hell
Clerk WHrrcn llrown
Sheriff . Frank KlkJns
Troaurr v p kIjik
Aaewor , J I) I.aFollette
SoboQl.Supertileuilent C It Iduuiddie
Surveyor XV It MoFarland
Coronwr Gall S . Newborn
ComiatMlouor i " LIJ.,ayIo"
i faSbtuartu
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, August 17, 11)07.
Notice is hereby given that on May
24, 1907, the State of Oreuon. bvita dulv
authorized agent, in duo form, filed in
mis oiuce an application to select as in
demnity school land the selnwl. nwl
swJofBec 21), nelnwj and nwJswl of
sec ,Y, ip ii s, r J4 e, w m.
Any and all persons claimim; adverse.
ly the above-described lands, or desiring
m fjmuci to ii o a lowanco n tun mtinit.
phould file their claims or objections in
this olllco on or before tho 11th dav of
October, 1907.
fa5-ol0 O. AV. MOORE. Reelster.
Notice for Publication
United States Land Gfilee.
The Dalles, Oregon, August 17, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that on July f,
1907, the State of Oreuon. hv tn lnlJ
authorized agent, in due form, filed in
this olllco an implication to select as
indemnity school land tho Hvv.nel and
nwlsej of see .'50, tp l.'i s, r 12 e, w in.
miy nun an pcrsoiiH claiming ad verso
y the abovii'deseribod landH.
to object to tho allowance nf H It) Ulllllfk
should file their claims or objections in
this ollice on or before the 11th (lav of
October, 1907.
HG-olO C. W. MOORE. lteirintor.
7)urtinent of the Interior
Land Ollice at The D.iles, On-goii,
M'Ptt;uiti-rU, ;Ho7.
Notice Is hereby given that
Anna C. Schreiher, of .Madras, Oregon, filed t.otice of her iiiteiitimi to uiukt
fiiiiil coniimitation proof in support of her
claim, viz:
Iloni.'stead Entry No. llti?l, niale
Aug. 20, 11)05. for the sw4it .,, i.e'iiie'4
ee,' .if hi;c 17, tp 1 1 s, r l!l i w ni.
Au-i that mild proof will m mad'1 b fore
Era. k Oshorn, L. S. Couiuilsiloii r, at hU
office In M.tdras, Or gon, on October 7,
Mie iiamas the folfowlng wilnesKcs to
piovuliur continuous resilience upon, anil
cultivation of the laud, viz:
Conrad Sclirelber, .John (3 Moehrlng, V
h I'oser, Fred Ilenske.atl of M,ur-M, Or.
i-o-oll c. V. MOOUK, RuKlstor.
, Notice for Publication
Di'partin nt of the Interior.
Land Office at The Dalle, Oregon,
yr t, , , , , oitfiriU(jr SI, 1007.
Notice Is herebv trlvcn mil
I mandril V. Lliiilniugh, ot Madran, Or.,
'iiin iiii'ii jiuiilm! (I Ills linciHI.lll to IIIHKC
llnal five-) ear proof hi supiiort of lih
claim, viz:
lloiiiestead Entry No. ll&j'j made Oct.
0, 1WJ, for the Lot 1 of nee 15), tp 12 s, r lit
e, iiJ-fneL; and iii-'inw.f of sec 21. tp 12 ,,
r 12 c, win,
ylnd that said proof will be made before
iMank O.sborn, L .is. Coiuinissioner, at hit.
otllce in Madras, Oregon, on Oct. 7, l!07.
He names the following witnees to
prove Ins continuous nwldi
cultivation of, the land, viz:
.1 C Tucker, .1 O hteams, Lee JVck,
.lames I, Young, all of Madran, Oregon.
C. XV. MnnifP
s5o:l ituulfcler.
!.rxe and ('ominHliou War i- f oriiluiiiitfiit HoluM
l'mniiii ...i.i ... .i .... . .. . ..
- r""1 U'Ww huh mtur U i
wit. i their patronage.
Notice for Publication
Department ofthe Interior.
Land Office at 7'he y;alls, Oregon,
v. .i , , , . .Sept. SI, IIW.
Notice Is herebv ilvcn llwit
II Hani .J. Hranstettcr, of .Uadras, or,
has hied notice of his intention to mala'
llnal Ilve-jcar jnoof in hiijiiHirt of hit,
c aim. viz:
..te's)t'ail1 ,c,lt,y No 'olo:l Kbv.
21, 1510J, for the inv1,' of sec S::i, tpiis, r i:i
e, w in,
Aim that said proof w I ho made ,urr
rrank Oklioru. IT. .s. ConiiiiiuwiruK.i- i
office In Afadras, Oregon, on Oct. S, 5Hi7.
"u " inn louowing witnehhoo to
peen J4otel
House lias been thoroughly renovated. No better table in Cen
tral Urcpn for the money. Your wants will be courteously
attended to. Headquarters for traveling men.
First-class Livery in Connection
dW, LIVINGSTON, Proprietor
l "" n n mi
prove his continuous residoueo upon,
cuaiyatlon of, the land, viz: .
C (3 Fox. .Inliii n v.vU-v v ii it.,..
and Joe Arney, all of .Miulras, Oifgon.
S!) ItdL'ktH
MAPS KIM?IC-Tl.o 0. It. k N. Co. Ktm
has oii hand a number of tho Imgo
Hystein wall iimps issued by t,0 com.
pany, for free distribution to those
desiring thum. Application hIioiiUI h
inado to K. J. Wilson, ayeiit at Sluuj.
iko, Oregon, .yj
.wt if
Grizzly Lake Lumber Company
IordSyS tn'" 15 "0W rUnning and wiH soon be ab,e 10
-MSh and Dressed Lumber
Moulding and Shingles
'11 1 J k UlllIUIn.i.. ..1 il
T VKM W u , S::r'w,n Hi"- oeeitHlonully
" ''1W.V '.S (M'Dlhi i IHU1
l.,ullll .. ' """"MIIIJS,
'"H "I""' Mlili- nil... I:, i ....
the domandH of it, . llnt'.rM OVor l"'ul,uml 1,1 m,,,,
Grizzly Uke Lumber Co., Lamonta. Oregon
Kg'f """"""