GLASS IS SENTENCED Must Go to San Quenlln Peniten tiary for Five Years. DEFENDANT'S AGE CONSIDERED Telephone Official Convicted of Pay Ing 50,000 to Kill Franchise of Rival Company. 8an Francisco, Sept. 5. "Five years for Louis Glass" was the news mes sago that sped with incredible rapidity to all parts of the city yesterday mom ing from the Temple Shoirth Israel California and Webster streets, where was imposed the sentence that brought to a dramatic close the second trial of the vice president and former general manager of the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph company, convicted last week of the crime of bribery, a crime for which tho extreme punishment un der the law of this Btate is 14 years, Only a small crowd, made up for the moat part of lawyers, witnessed the im posing of sentence. When the usual preliminary motlonB had been cleared away tho court said: "Has the defend ant any other legal cause to show why judgment should not be pronounced up on him?" Mr. Glass arose in the pew immedi ately back of his counsel. His face was very pale, but in his bearings there.waB neither boldness nor cringing. Looking the judge full in the face, he answered in a voice that was clear and steady: "I have no reply, your honor, except that I am entirely guiltless of this charge." "There are two general considera tlons, said the judge, "pressing upon the mind of the court in determining the measure of punishment in this case The first turns upon the situation of tho defendant himself. A man well advanced in years, he baa appeared in this court charged for the first, time with the commission of a public offense. The other consideration Is the nature of the offense and the effect of such crim inal transgression upon the institutions of the country iteelf. The certainty, rather than the extent of the punish ment, should control. Weighing both of these considerations, I have reached a conclusion as to tne measure of pun ishment which I feel will be both just and fair under all the circumstances presented. "Louis Glass, it is the judgment of the law and the sentence of the court that yen be confined in the state prison of the state of California at San Quentin for the term of five years." PROSECUTE ALL THIEVES. Oregon Land To Fraud Cases Are Not Be Dropped. Washington, Sept. 6. "There is ab solutely no truth in the statement that the government will not further proae- r a ti r 1 t..ii AUiiuK .tiuuicv uoiiuat AuesBii buiwy, when shown a dispatch from Portland minting a sfcorv reo.flntlv minted in that city. "The land fraud trials will be resumed at an early day. "The delay thus far has been due to several causes. Mr. Heney, who con ducted the paBt trials, was more famil iar with tne pending cases than any other official, and at the time be went to San Francisco he expected to return to Portland and personally handle most of the remaining land fraud cases. His work at San Francisco has been so ex tensive as to make it impossible for him personally to take up the land trials in Oregon. Naturally some de lay was occasioned in acquainting other officials with the facts. Then, too, to ward the close of the past fiscal year there was a shortage of funds. The new appropriation became available July 1, and, so far as I am aware, there is no particular reason why the Oregon trials should not proceed." Woman Holds Up a Car. Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 5. For the second time within a week a streetcar was held up and robbed at the muzzle of a revolver ,by a robber so Blight and possessed of such delicate features that the police believe the crime to have been committed by a woman in man's attire. Just before midnight last night a Hooper avenue car between Ascot park and Compton, in the suburbs, was boarded by the robber as the car round ed a curve. The motorman and con ductor wore hold up at the point of a revolver, yielding about $4. Wants to See America. Rome, Sept. 5. The Corriere d'ltal la is authority for the statement that a priest attached to the church of Santa Maria Magdalena, impelled by his de sire to visit the United States, embez zled $24,000 of the church funds and disappeared. He is supposed to havo started for the goal of his desires. The wardens of the church have lodged a complaint against the priest with a local magistrate and it Is hoped he will bo apprehended. IS THORNLESS WONDER. Burbank Tells Irrigation Congress of Latest Creation. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 6.--MoBt In teresting among tho addresses dollvoied at the Irrigation congress jesterday waB one by Luthor Burbank, the wizard, who told of offorta to produco a thorn lesa cactus. j Resolutions on national land policy wero adopted and a Blato for officers prepared by tho committee on organization. A resolution was introduced by tho Outdoor League department of tho Cal ifornia club, through its chairman, Mih. Lovell White, declaring that Ni agara Falls are menaced with destruc tion through tho rapacity of tho power companies located on both aides of tho river. The resolution, which was re ferred to tho committee on resolutions, urgod that tho congress approvo tho act of the American Civic association in its attompt to preserve unimpaired Niag ara Falls, and urging congress to enact necessary legislation. Luther Burbank, tho expert on planta, who appeared before tho con gress Wednesday nignt, was aguin called on for an address. Ho told tho congress of his experiments in trying to produce a thornlesa cactus. He hadall but succeeded, ho said, a lack of nutri tion being tho only obstacle to be over come He predicted mat mis uioin- lesa cactus would become the great fod der of the arid region, for all kmda of stock relish it and fatten quickly. About 200 tons can bo crown per acre, an extraordinary output compared with other kinds of feed. Tho development of the high nutrition is being assidu ously pursued by Mr. Burbank, and the grazing men will soon have some im portant news from the wizard. The congress adopted a resolution de claring that there should be no thought of making a profit for the government through the sale of timber or granting of crazing privileges. Bona fide min ers, stockmen and farmers Bhould be only charged a rate for such privilesges which would meet tho government ex penses. Other resolutions adopted provide for the establishment of bureaus of hy drology and drainage in connection with irrigation work. A resolution calling on congress to aid Irrigation in any way possible was also passed. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST JAPANE8E SEIZE ISLAND. GOOD OUTLOOK FOR OREGON. I SEES HARD WINTER AHEAD. ONLY ONE FLEET. One Roosevelt Does Not Propose New for Atlantic. Washington, Sept. 6. It is author! itatively stated at the Navy department that President Roosevelt does not con template the creating of two battleship fleets. Nor does Secretary Metcalf, nor even the general board, wnicn is sup posed to represent the extreme views in naval development, favor either the division of the present magnificent fleet under Admiral EvanB' command or the creation of another fleet in order that there may be a formidable Ameri can! navy in both oceans the Atlantic and Pacific. On, the contrary, it is regarded at the Navy department as better policy to maintain one perfectly equipped, well drilled fleet, free to move at will to any part of the globe at Bhort notice, and the present plans contemplate the increase of the strength of the existing Atlantic fleet from 18 to 28 battleships. This will afford a command as large aa can be properly directed by any one officer and it will moreover about mark the capacity of porta and dry docks in any particular section of the world So it is asserted positively at the de partment that there is not the least in tention of keeping the battlehipa which will go to the Pacific permanently in those waters. That fleet, it is added will Burely return to the Atlantic sea board after it has fulfilled its mission and demonstrated the feasibility of transferring such a vast naval force be tween oceans. It is suggested at the Navy depart ment that before the gathering of a similar number of naval vessels in the Pacific becomes necessary the problem will be solved by the completion of the Panama canal. It is pointed out at the department that, even were the president or the department bo disposed, it would be impossible for them to provide for an other such fleet as Admiral Evans present command without congressional authority. Large Freshman Class Enters State University This Year. Eugono Prospects are tho boat for a banner year at tho Unlverelty of Oro gon. Tho frcahman olass will in all probability numbor 200, an increaso of 50 per cent over last year. Ono favor able sign of tho growth of tho univers ity in attendance and in its standing nmoncr the institutions of tho West is tho fact that a largo numbor of Port land students who havo boon attonding Berkoloy and Stanfoid will this fall transfer .to Oregon. Freshmen from Portland will numbor about 50. A great advanco Is also noticed this year in tho standing of tho high schools throughout tho state. Scarcoly a high sohool from Roseburg to Pondleton but that will send from ono to a dozon stU' dents to the univereity. The unsettled status of the normals will also contiih uto to tho attendanco at Oregon. Accommodation for tho inoicase has been seon to, and a good sized women's dormitory has just boen comploted. Tho new library, which has been under conatruction since about June 1, has been completed and accepted. The time for moving in has not been dofl- nitely set. The campus this year will be a great improvement over tho past. Captain Brigga has kept a small force steadily at work on tho grounds all summer, and is sotting them in splendid condi' tion. in appearance very much like tho Lewis and Clark fair grounds. Hood River Woodsman Reads Warn ing of Nature Hood Rivor Jim Tompkins, tho Mount nood woodsman, whoso predic tion last fall of a hard wlntor wnH vorl- fled, is out again with a pronuncia tion to tho effect that tho coming winter will discount that of last year, and will in effect bo a "pooler." Mr, Tompkins again bases his prediction on tho habits of tho bears, which, ho atatos, are nioro numerous in tho lowor valley than last year, and nro foraging almost in the dooryards of tho rnnchors to fatten up for a "powerful Bpell of killin' weather." "Them snow Btorms wo had last wlntor," Bays Mr. Tompkins, "won't bo a marker to what we'll ketch this winter. Every sign known to natur' is hollorin' it out loud. Wo'ro coin' to git a dandy, I tell yor. I ain't boon a watchln' for those signs in tlier Oregon woods for 25 years for nothln', and tho bears comln' in closo to town is a euro Bign. Another ono Ib tho bark on tho trees. Whenever it cits as thick aa it is now, look out. Got plenty of woo J, friends," conoludod tho woodsman, "and git it quick, for you'll bao uso fer It mighty suddon." TUTTIE ACT INVALID. Can Fleas Carry Plague? Berkeley, Cal., Sept. 5. The depart ment of bacteriology at tho State uni versity is planning a sories of experi ments on bubonic plague, tho objoct of -which ia to determine whether tho Cal ifornia Bpeoies of fleas transmit the dia oaso through a common rat to a healthy person. Fleas and rats will bo collect ed from ships that come into San Fran cisco from Oriental ports, whore plague la known to bo prevalent. Cannon to Help Alaska. Fairbanks, Alaska, Sept. 0. Con gressman William bulzer, of Now York, predicts that Alaska will bo a territory before 1909 Is ended. In an interview Congressman Sulzer said that he has obtained the absolute promise of the speaker of the house of repre sentatives and some of the members of the committee on territories that tho Alaska territorial bill will be acted upon early in the next session of con gross, which convenes in December. He is certain that the bill will pass and Alaska will get the rank of territory. Try to Kill Grand Duke. Berlin, Sept. 6. The Prussian rail road administration has offered a re ward lor tne discovery ol the persons who wrecked the St. Feteraburg-Berlin express near Berlin shortly before mid night, resulting in 11 persons being 1 1- jured. Presumably it was tho work of anarchists or Russian revolutionists, who hoped to kill a member of tho im perial family who waa paid to have been on the train. The train was derailed and several cars telescoped. Would Use Bears as Dogs. Copenhagen, Sept. 0. Captain Amundsen, who in 1005 concluded the navigation of tho northwest passage, is making plana for a larger expedition to the polar regtonB. lie ia credited with the intention of using polar boars in the eamo manner as dogs uro used now. Public Wharf at Oregon City. Oregon City After trying for more than a year to bring about the estab lishment of a public wharf in Oregon Citv, tho promoters of the project havo at last been successful and the city council has authorized the establish ment of a grade on Mosa and Eleventh streets from Main street to tho water front, this action being taken prelim inary to the improvement of the Btreota leading to the site of tho proposed dock, The cost of tho new wharf will be about $1,500, the money being sub scribed with the provision that the streets be improved by the city. Cars Still Scarco. Eugene Tho scarcity of cars on the Southern Pacific company's lines for lumber shipments et'll continues in this vicinity, and some of tho mills are clog ing down for an indefinite period. The big mill of the Booth-Kelly company at Wendling closed down last week and Geo. H. Kelly, general manager of the company, says the mill at Saginaw will be closed on October 1. The mills at Springfield and Coburg are now running a day ehift, and will probably continue in operation despite tho car shortage. Fruit Goes Out by Carloads. Freewater The Freewater Canning and Preserving company has leaped its cannery to the Webber-Russell Can ning company cf Seattle. This firm is shipping by carloads peaches, pears and prunes tc the coaat cities. Ranch era everywhere are complaining of their inability to secure pickers, and a far more serious shortage in fruit boxes However, the fruit season in this vicin ity has been unexcelled for three years, and six and seven carloads are being shipped daily to eastern points. Unequal Assessment Makes New Road Law Unconstitutional. Salom In a decision juat rendeerd Judgo William Galloway, of tho Stato Circuit court for Marlon county, do- clured the Tuttlo good roads law, aa en acted by the legislative aspombly of 1905, unconstitutional, becaupo of its provisions of unequal assessment of coats for bucIi improvement. The ques tion was raised in tho case of tho St, Benedictine Abbey vs. tho Marion County court and other county officials, in connection with tho proposed con struction of a macadam road between Marquam and Silverton for a distance of four miles. The law provides that the cost of such improvement shall bo assessed to tho property located within a radius of one milo upon each side and at each end of tho proposed im provement, and tho plaintiff com piaineu mat, under uiib system, a property owner at either end of tho stretch of road to be improved would bo doubly assessed in case the improve ment bo extended. May Establish Naval Base at Gate of Philippines. Washington, Sopt. 4. Nowb from Yokohama that Japanoso "oxplorors" had occupied and holatod tho national flag over tho island of Pratas, near tho Philippines, attraotod much attention hero becauao by this not Iirh boon added to Japaneso torrlttory an island within 120 miles of tho Philippines, which would furnish an admirablo naval base, Japaneso poBBOsaions nro brought al most within tho archipelago, bocauso Pratas island 1b less than 00 miles north of tho twontloth pnrnllol, ivhieh was tho international boundary of tho formor Spanish dominion as doilnod in tho treaty of Paris. Prataa island, in connection with tho excollont anchorugo nffordod by Pratas roof, would bo very sorvlceablo to tho Japanoso, should tholr navy oporato in tho waters adjacent to tho Philippines. Tho roof, tho northeast point of which Is about elovon miles from tho island, is a wind barrlor of circular form, in closing a lngoon with water of from fivo to ton fathoms. Tho reef is about 40 miles In circumforouco and betweon ono and two miles in breadth. Thoro are two ohannola leudlng into tho lagoon, ono on cither aido of Pnitua island. Thoro aro several 'good anohornges In from ten to twenty fathoms of wator, tho position abreast of tho south chan nel being woll adapted for naval pur poses. Tho War and Navy department ofll olttla say thoy havo no official informa tion about this new acquisition of tho Japaneso nation. POSTPONES ALTON INQUIRY. INDORSE ROOSEVELT Irrigation Congress Approves of President's Conrsc, PRESERVE CALIFORNIA BIG TREES Also Ask That Grazing Charges on Reserves Be Reduced to Actual Cost. Railway Loses Franchise. k IS i iiiDany ine city council lias an thorized tho city attornoy to institute proceedings to revoke tho franchiso of tho Albany Btreet railway. The fran chise 5b to be revoked has been running about zo years and was renewed a fow years ago for another quarter century. Only a horse car lino has been oper ated. The line was sold last wintor to C. E. Sox, truatee, representing an un known purchaser, who agreed to elec trify it within a year. Eugene Immigration 8cheme. Eugene At a banquet given by tho fcugeno real estate brokers it was dead od to keep a man in Portland during beptember end October to divert East ern emigranta to Eugene and Lano county. Support was pledged from the .Merchants Protective association and tho Commercial club. Two hundred dollars a month has boon subscribed for that purpoee. PORT LAND MARKETS Judge Landls Adjourns Qrand Jury Tilt Immunity Claim Is Settled. Chicago, Sept. 4. Judge Landls, in the United StnteB District court today, ordered a postponement of tho grand jury investigation of tho rebating charg es against tho Chicago tfc Alton road, growing out of the recent trial and con viction of tho Stnndurd Oil company until Soptombor 24. It was goneiully bollovod thut when court opened tolay a letter would be presented from Attor ney General Bonaparto, settling the quottion of whether tho department of justico intended to prosecute an action against tho Chicago A. Alton. Tho com pany has claimed immunity, asserting that it was promieod by former District Attorney Morrison, that if it- aided tho government in good faith in tho proeo- cutino of the Standard Oil company it would bo exempt. No such letter was, however, presentod in court, cithor by Judgo Landls or by District Attornoy Sims, tho Buccessor of District Attorney Morrison. District Attornoy Sims said the facta had been submitted to the department of justico and a situtaion had recently arisen which mude it necessary that ho havo time to submit certain additional facts and circumtsanccH to tho depart ment. Judge Landis then granted tho adjournment. NOTE8 OF DISCORD. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 7. After four days of addresses and diBcuf-slonn, tho Fifteenth National Irrigation con gress yesterday took up tho big work of tho gathering, when tho roport of tho commlttoo on resolutions was submit tod by its chalrmun, nx-Govornor Georgo C. l'ardeo. Thoro Is an indorsement of tho policy of President Hooeovolt and his adminis tration in connection with tho policy of reclamation, irrigation, foroet pres ervation and conservation ol resources. Tito departments that havo tho big work in hand aro indorsed. There is a recommendation that tho government only charge enough for timber cut from forest reserves to pay for mainteimnco of tho forest service Congress Is asked to pass a law providing for tho preserv ation of tho Culnvcrs big trees by tho exchango of other tlmbor land for thorn. Tho irrigation congress is asked to rnnko overy effort to havo tho seven teenth soHslon of the congress held in Washington at the snino timo the Nu tionul congress is in session, and pro vide lor a committeo of livo to promote tho matter. Protection is also asked for tho beet sugar industry and aid for tho work of irrigation, reclamation, preservation and conservation. Tho only resolution objecting to ad ministration ideas is one protesting against further enuclrnont of legislation favoring Philippine sugar to tho Injury of tho beet sugar Industry of in Amer ica. Not an objection was mude as tho resolutions wero read and hearty ap- plntido followed. There was a spirited discussion on an amendment which Judge Kakor, of Modoc county, California, sought to havo added. Thin was mudo n special order for today. Judgo linker's amend ment asked for the removal of tho duty on lumber coming into this country. Today's session which ia to mark tho closo of tho congress, promisoa lively dovolopmonta. STRIKING OPERATORS 8UED. pro hunt- They Seek the Noble Elk. Albany To kill an elk is the nounced ambition of most of the ers who are now leaving for the moun tains in this part of the stato. After a closed season of several years, it will bo lawful to kill elk after the 15th of this month, for a period of one month .bach hunter is limited by law to one elk, but the members of the hunting parties now equipping for the moun tains will be satisfied with this legal limit, thoush they are very desirous of killing that one. Has Brood of 220 Albany Chris Van "Chinas Dran, of this city, has raised 220 Chinese pheasanta this eeaeon. He haa been more suc cessful this year in hatching and rais ing the birds than over before. Van Dran was one of the pioneer pheasant raisers of Oregon, but this ia the larg est brood ho ever raised in one season. The demand for Chinese pheasants is such that he could easily soli twice as many as he raises and could contract for rill his brood in advanco. tho An-districts Many Hops Moldy. Aurora Tho hopgrowors in rora, Hubbard and Uuttevi He- are in tho hardest kind of hick this sea son. The weather for tho past week or 10 days has been an injurious factor in the ripening of the crop, and hi a num ber of the yards mold has appeared to such an extent that tho yards will not bo picked. In fact tho yards are very scarco where there la not more or Iops mould. The prairio yards aro tho freest from mold. Record Price for Pears. Modford All records in tho salo of bartlett pears Iiob been broken by tho sale in Montreal, Can., of a car from tho Byrnl orchard in tho Modford dis trict, of car No. 1028 for the gross sum of $2,650, or $5.05 per box. This nets the growoTs $3.77 at Medford. All tho returns to date are highly satisfactory. Wheat - (New crop) Club. 82c: oiuestem, 83c; Valley, 80c; red, 78c Oats (New crop) No. 1 white. ?Z3.ou; gray, S23. Barley (New crop) Feed. $22.5-&a 23 per ton; brewing, $2424. 50: roll ed, $24.6026. Corn Whole, $28 per ton: cracked, szy. Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $17 lb per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $1920; clover, $11: cheat. $11: grain nay, sn(a)l2; alfalfa, $1213 uutter i?ancy creamery, 32J1,35c per pound. Poultry Average old hens, 13c nor pound; mixed chickens, 12c: soring cnicKens. JZjtfc; old roosters, 89c; dressed chickens, lfl(&17c: turknvH. livo, 1616c; geeso, livo. 8ai0a: ducks, 10c. Eggs Fresh ranch, candled, 2728c per dozen. Veal Dressed, 08Jo per pound. Pork Block, 75 to 160 pounds. 80k 8Jc; packers, 78c. Fruits Apples, $11.50 per box: cantaloupes, 50c$1.00 per crate; peaches, 4085c perorate: blackber ries, 45c per pound; prunes, 5075c per crate; watermelons, llc per pound; plums, 6075c per box; pears, 75c $1.25 per box; grapes, 50c$1.50 per box. Vegetables Turnips, $1.76 nor puck: carrots, z per sack; beets, $2 per sack; asparagus, j uc per pound; beans, 3 5c; cabbage, 2c; celery. 75cail nor i . . uozon corn, ZDMaoc ner dozen: ou- cumbers, J015o Por dozon; Jottuco. head, 16c por dozen; onions, 1520c per uozon; peas, a(a)0c per pound; pumpkins, l2c per pound; rod- lahos, 20c por dozon; rhubarb, 3o por pound; squash, 50c$l porcrato; tomatoes, 3D60c por orato; awoot po tatoes, 2o per pound. Onions $2.252.50 por hundred. Potatoes Now, $11.15 per hun dred. Hops 40c por pound, according to quality. Wool Eaatorn Oregon, avorago boat, 1022c per pound, according to ehrlnk- age; valJoy, 2022c, according to fine ness ; mohair, ohoico, 2080o per pound. Irrigation Congross Hears Doclara tlon for Free Lumber. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 4. Discord ant notes ran through tho proceedings of tho rational Irrigation congreee and tho name of Preaidont Roosevelt also figured prominently, on ono occasion j. . . t ..t it ino country's crnoi execuuvo being ro- forred to in a manner that meant criti cism of hla policy in connection with the Owens Valley wator project. Thore was also criticism of policies pursued by other government oiliclnls. Tho first break In the reign of har mony camo Hhortly beforo the noon hour. After Gi fiord Pinohot, govern merit forester and porsona! ronrosenln tivo of Mr. Roosevelt, had dolivorcd an address on "Conservation of Rcsonrc es," Judgo E. Rakorf, of California, moved tnat it be the sense of tho con vention that all duties on timber bo repealed, In view of tho statement of Mr. Pinchot that tho supply of lumber in thia country would bo exhausted within 20 years If nothing was done to protect thorn. Tho motion was second ed. It waa then moved that tho resolu tion bo roferred to the committeo on resolutions, in lino with tho plan adopted earlier Jn the duy, when tho motion oi Matthew Doughorty. of Utah. - t 1 1 -v . . " aa amenucu Dy .nidge itakerl. waa car ried. This would shut off dobato. Responsible for Wreck. New York, Sent. 4. Afred If. Smith, vice preaidont and general man ager ol tho New York Central railroad, must stand trial on a cliaigo of man slaughter in tho socond degree, growing out oi tne wreck of an oloctrlo train on tho Harlem rollroad at Woodlawn Feb ruary 10 laat, according to a doclalon handed down today by Sunromo Court Juatico GIgerich. Tho decision ovor rnloa a demurer mado by Mr. Smith to an indlctmont charging him with being responaimo tor wio death of Clara L. Hudson, a passongor. 8ultan's Favorites Slain. Casa BJanca, Sept. 4. Letters ro coivod hero from Fez declare that tho Tazzl brothers, Abdul Krlm bon Sli. man, tho Moroccan forolgn mlnlrjfcor, mm uuimm, wiu uuiiun's second repre sentative at Tangier, havo beon aesasal. nuted by partisans of tho Cald of Me- ohuar, tho official who introduced am- iMissadors to tho court of tho sultan. Thep oxerciand almost comploto domN notion over tho sultan and to thorn ia attributed tho ruin of tho ompiro. Tornado Hits Georgia. Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 4, It waH reported hero Into laet night that a tor. nado ctruck Fort Gaines, On., a town of 1,000 pooplo, 100 miles southoast of montgomory, last night. All commu- Refuso to Pay BUI of Postal Telegraph Company. Chicago, Sept. 7. A now phase in tho strike of tho commercial telegraph ers dcvolopcd today when the i'ootnl Tolegruph company began suit against tho union for the recovery of ft debt of $120.30. Tho hill is for messages sent by the union during the month of Au gust. Payment waa refused by officers of tho union on tho ground that the company had failed to send some of Uio meBagMi. Ono tologram sent to2Hot Springs after tho slrlku began whs not deliv ered, according to tho officers of tho union. When tho regular month's hill waa presented Thursday tho collector wub asked to furnish proof that tho messages hud beon sent. Tho company decided it would furnish tho proof in the Municipal court Septombor 11, on which date tho suit will bo heard. Classify Postal Clerks. , Chicago, Sopt. 7. Thirty days' va cation at full pay for all clerks and carrlora in tho postofllco sorvlco and & classification of tho sorvlco abovo tho $1,200 grado, tho present limit, hna beon adopted as the policy of the Post. office department, and will bo urged by tho postmaster gon em I at the coming Bcsslon of congress. Frank II. Hitch cock, first assistant postmaster general. accompanied by R. E. Hoch, private secretary of tho postmaster general, was. in Chicago tonight and said that tho department has boon committed tc such policy. Board of Health Men Resign. San Francisco, Sept. 7. Dr. Jules Simon, president of the local board of health, and Dr. Power, a mornbor of the board, tendered their resignations today to Mayor Tuylor. Tho mayor, in speaking of tho matter tonight, said' thut ho expected other'memhers of tho board would resign, and that in that event tho appointment of an entirely new board would dovolvo upon him. It ia said that tho resignations grow out of lack of hnrmoy among tho health olllcors in tho manner of handling tho local bubonic plaguo caseB. Arrested for WlreTamperlng, Chicago, Sept. 7. Goorgo S. Ulrd- Holl, a member of tho Commercial Tele graphers' union, was arrested today on a warrant charging him with mali ciously tamporlng with Western Union telegraph wlro in tho suburb of Mayfair on August 22. BluUoll admitted that ho disconnected two of tho company's lines, but declared ho had boen in structed to do so by a wiro chief of tho Woatorn Union, and therefore could not bo punished. More Indictments Come. Pittsburg, Sopt, 7. Attornoy Pal mer Chambers, who has had chargo of tho collection of tlio evidence for tho Voters' Civlo league in tho tax recolpti frauds, onnoiinood today that thoro would bo 200 additional Indlctraontu drawn in those casca. Ho said thati nloat on by wlro with that soction of theeo will include men as prominent bb tho etato has boon out off. J thoao alroady indicted. i