Madras Pioneer 1 rie r0L IV MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMEfEFf 12, 1907. NO. 4 & PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FAIR IS POSTPONED New Spring Goods ItmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmMmmmmmmmtammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmHmmmmtm Now. ready for inspection Our grocery line is complete. Remember We can handle all your slock that is ready for markcl; at the best prices. Come in and talk to us , LENA M. LAMB; Madras, Oregon pRANK OSBORN U. S. COMMISSIONER Towiulto Duliaing MADKA8 dllUOON ft? J. Wi French Pros. H, A, Moore, Vtco-Pres. FT. Hurlburt, Cnehlor EASTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY ! FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUCHT AND SOLO DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Qlt. II X HOLD CbAKKK , DENTIST Alt kliidn of DunUl Work at reasonable prices. I'ltlNKVlLLK, OltKQON fyAX LUEDDEMANN NOTARY PUBLIC MADRAS OREGON by the traction freighting out lit. These coudtljqns. have templed the farmer to.jthreah in ,, order to take advantage of an Crook County Meeting Will ltflmeditfto cash market, rather Not Open Until October 24 out (or hay and wait for a inaiKet later on. Althotlgli tlie net price at which grain will open in this market is not ym determined, it is believed that it will be in the neighborhood Excollont Exhibit and Flno Raeo Ol 00 CefltS. Proarnm Promjsod Big Attend ance In Antlclpatod BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE RESURVEY THE LINE nglneerh Relocating Oregon Trunk Up Deschutes ROBERT REA IS IN CHlRdE OF PARTY A CONVENIENT BARN Errors In , Platting ,prmet Survey Said to Havo Caused .Difficulty In Getting Right of Way Q C. COLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC JUWICK OP TlfK I'KACK CUIA'Ell 1'IIKCINCT CULVER F II. SNOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OIlco In Urn Store. MADRAS The third annual Crook County Fair, to be held at I'rineville, has been postponed uniil October 24, 23. 26. 28 and i.r . I i i . zu, inese, dates oeinif morn convenient for a large nutuher OREGON of those who desire to attend The lair will be bigger and bet ier mis year man ever oeiore I r. . I I mm rniieviue is arrancinfr to take care 'if the largest crowd that ever gathered together there at one lime. Farmers and ranchers from 0KKG0N George Rodman, who Is farin- has one ol the best ectuipped Arr.vey of the Deschutes ranches in the county, and one nm W. 9rl tUefUregon TrunK of the improvements on the M",e railroad will be made. i . ranch of which he is iustlv vvitu a full. crew of 20 .men m proud is a large1 barn which he charge of Robert Rea, the work' I I . J M . II Va . I - . - 1 . . I V. ouut ttl a coat 01 $2000. The ms ueii inaugurated atapoinii barn was planned and built 10 miles, above the mouth oL with.the view of facilitating ihe uIih nver, and the surveyors are work of caring for a 'large now in the vicinity of Stierar's number of horses, and eveiy- Bridge. thing is most conveniently They will require, most of the arranged., Both grain and hay r all and Winter for the. work, as are fed from above, through 'he entire survey will have to be Capitol Stock, S25.000 Dopoolto, $2150,000 3HANIKO, OREGON J, H. HANER ABSTRACTER OF TITLES JJ0TAKY I'UHLIC l-'lro lnnurnnne, Mfo Insurance, Surety Howls Itoul Itnto, Conveyancing rillNKVII.I.K, OKEOON fjR A. A. BORRIS MAGNETIC OSTEOPATH ullllfuli f.r. t I -r... Tl... I rrl!lflrt tV fillllnr lltlTO Tl t CI . id! ft l. , ., . . -- barn is efjuipped with a feed 'he government land depart- write to the secretary, Duncan . n , , ... ,.f mi. '1 Macleod, and secure pretniutn A. E. CROSBY i' It o i' it 1 1: tok STOFFICE PHARMACY tin ( iii..ulti I.lne of OruuV Meiliplne, CIiphiIi-hIi, Hoiiu'ImiKI V.Bintxtlos t- MiuiilrluH mill I'lmto Hnpl'llai. (Niiiuiry 11 nil Order I glvu my inrnuml i i:i A (imilimto Iti olinrgti. Unfit ilollt'ory KiiHrniucrfil. Your iro.orlptlou ' 1 ' n i Hlrjcliiiliio miiI 1'ctt Detro)ur. fitdrk Knoili nmt Dljn of nil kinds. ,ii l.itntmnii KoUk. Until 'I'ltoiiei. U'UOLBSAI.K AND Itiri AIU DALLES, lists, so that they may prepare an exhibit for this year's fair We have had an unusually good season, and this end ol the county could malie an ex hibit of grains, fruits and Win- tf-r vegetables that would attract tne attention ot visitors l)U!siKi!nin'il wiilioutilruKS orsuri-fry l Hie iair 10 I lie posst Dill ties ot 11V IIIIL'I l!l i: OMt.'OII .1111 V. I IU B V fiCL' HT I .t e r .1 of .Iruu'lesH Ih-hHhk. Chronic casus "ry lauu iarmmg III tins section. hmsplnlty. CoiiMiltiuion . Itwould be an advertisement 1 riiiiti jtiiiiku rnt'jtti ti iiri itm iiitiir iinrniitt fii " - IV(I1M llbl T I VU M"IIIIIIV"V jfM w I imitiiiuro.OiuKuii. - that would do much cood if our 1 omcc in Adnms UuiiaiiiK section, in t ompetition with all 1 Oregon the irrigated and non irrigated fanning districts of Crook County, could carry oft the n.K.ALui., l'rosidont. . - . tueniiums. and be believe tlini Wiu. Wunxivmu:i! Vice I'rw. ii-uail ue (lone. I!.IULivi.s,Aat. Cashier. T ..jlditinn tn tliP evliihit r.f The First National Bank MADRAS chopper, operated bv a lartre meui. rue roaa passes over windmill, and this same power '"any miles of government lands runs the saw which cuts up the a"d right of vmy - must, be Winter's supply ol wood, and a applied lor m accordance with. grindstone and emery wheel for the plats and field notes of the.. sharpening tools. All . grain survey. It is said that owing . and hay is weighed on a large to errors in the former survey scale, built in the barn. Water the company's application forf for the stock is piped 3000 feet tbese rights of way was' not to the barn from the hills south granted, and that the company of the ranch, and everything in must submit corrected field connection with the big barn is notes an.d plats. haudy and convenient. The distance over which the crew will work is approximate- EXTENDINC FLOUR TRADE lY ll,u Miles, and the interior destination t9 'Madras. The Henry Diutzel, secretary of company has aecently pur- the Madras Milling Company, chased lands and real estate left last week for Southern ln Madras and vicinity. Much Crook coiin tv and Northern of the right of way has been Lake to look into the market M50"11, and when the new' plats OF PRINEVILLE. OREGON ta nl fair, fin excellent speed program fror Madras llo,,r i(1 that Sectio' a li,ed and government rights has been prepared for the en- ast year, just before the mill of way granted the company t s r ..... Hosed down, they had a good "'ill be ready to begin construe- fair, and with the good purses OREaOa,CM..u.S pwnu l,,ttt are oiKred, many good $1 00,000.00 horses will be attracted from the outside. lEAUTIFUL MONOGRAM B THRESHING OUT WELL DINNER SET of 42 Pieces TO EACH OF OUR CUSTOMERS This is, without doubt, the finest offer ever made to our many pati'ons, and we know that it will be appreciated as the most sensible and most useful premium ever placed by any firm. This opportunity to secure so bcautiul . a set on our popular plan does not come vdry often, so We suggest to you that you avail yourself of this opportunity to secure a set while they last, and we will have enough to supply every family. We extend our most welcome invitation to every man,' woman and child to come to our store immediately and sec the sets On display. Monogram Dinner Sets are all the rage, so come and see ihem; choose your design and learn hoW to securo a sot containing 42 piccesi market for their Hour in that tlon 11 is said the route has locality, but on account of the a maximum grade of 1 per lailure of their wheat supply cent. Portland Journal. were compelled to shut down, and could not supply the crow WILL BUILD WAREHOUSE ing demand for their products. '1U. to. .. Xr TV:i...-l 1 T.timlinn tn UI ., 1.1,T tl.S jliho ociiouu lueaaia. iteiiitJi aim umuci 10 uciuii uuuieu ima Ylold Excoodlng Estimates of Grain Production Moro Acres Too J. W. & M. A. ROBINSON & COMPANY Putz expect to be able to keep week for the new warehouse their mill going continuously, which will be built by the Cen- and they are now making ar- 'ral Oregon .Transportation fc rangements to handle a big Forwarding Company, and as Reports from the various trade. Mr. Putz says that the Noon as Carpenters can be threshing crews which are busy mill will begin to grind b' the secured, work will be begun on garnering this year's crop con- 20th of this month, by which the structure, whiflh is to be 50 mine most encouraging, and time Mr. Dietzel will return, and by 60 feet in dimensions, with the yield is running all. the way that they hope to keep the mill provision made for extension as from 15 to 40 bushels to the going without further interrup- 'equired by the business of the acre. It was reported here tion. The wheat produced in company. The warehouse will yesterday that on the Strain this section is of a high grade, be built on lots purchased of J. place, farmed this year by H. testing nearly CO pounds as an W. Liviugstoti, in the tract Links, the wheat turned out average, and the' expect to put north of the Green Hotel. This forty bushels to the acre, which out a high grade of Hour. tract was bought by Mr. Living- is the best yield so far reported ston from A. W. Boyce, and as this season. Harvesting has YOUNC ORCHARD BEARS FRUIT soon as surveyors can be secured been delayed somewhat by the he expects to 'have it platted several very unusual rains A. W. Bovce has a four-vear- into au addition to the town of which have visited this section, old orchard at his ranch near Madras. Meanwhile he has but except for theso short Haystack, which this year , is sold the traction company a delays, is proceediug most sat- bearing abundantly. There small tract, equal to about four isfaetorily. . are p"eaoh, apple and pear trees, lots in size. The new warehouse As the threshing proceeds, and all of them are loaded will be ready by the time the all former estimates of the crop down with fruit. The orchard bulk of the grain in this section will have to be revised, as the is located on the high plateau begins to move, and is being grain is yielding fully twenty- land, similar in character to the bnik by the traction conipaiiy bulk of the land throughout for the purpose of facilitating this section, and it has been the handling of the "large grown entirely without irriga- amount of grain which will live per cent better than was expected, and the acreage to be threshed is larger than was ligurod oik Many who had ex pected to cut their grain for hay havo concluded to thresh. This is duo to the high price of grain at the railroad which makes it possible for the farnijev to carry lis grain that'distauoe to mar tion. The fruit is of a line doubtless-be hauled by them quality and flavor. Tho Boyce during the present season. The orchard is a practical demon- warehouse will also acconuno stration of what may be acuom- date such freight as is brought pushed 111 tins section 111 the this lar by the traction engine, way ol growing Iruit ou'thoingh ply ten u lands, without irriga- ket this season, and also to tin-; tion,' and this section' muy in Improvement in the facilities : time become famous as 11 for handling the crop, promised district. to be forwarded by freighters from hero to the interior, and as the forwarding busineos in iuit ereasos, additional atoi-raom for handling it will bo provided.