The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, September 05, 1907, Image 6

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Drive Wisconsin Telegraph Op
erator From His Key.
Western Union Office and Records at
Arkansas City, Kan., Burned
by Firebugs.
' Chicago, Aug. 29. Attacked by a
mob of striking telegraph operator
John Laux, a non-union operator in
charge of the Postal company's office in
Waukegan, Wis., was forced to leavo
his key yesterday and fleo for his lifo.
Thb offico was olosed laBt night.
When the strike order was issued
Mr. Laux refused to walk out. He was
visited Tuesday by a committee of
strikers from Chicago and urged to join
in the fight against the companies, but
he refused. Yesterday a largo crowd
of strikers went to Waukegan and pro
ceeded to the office. As it entered Mr.
Laux escaped through a roar door and
hid under a barn, where he remained
for several hours while the strikers
searched for him. Telegraph blanks
and others papers were torn up and
thrown around the office and the strik
ers completed the job by nailing a big
sign across the door with the word
"scab" printed on it in large letters.
The Western Union office in Waupke
gan is closed, the operator having quit
when the strike was ordered.
In spite of the efforts of the telegraph
companies to discover the men who are
tamperingwith the telegraph wires,
mere trouble was experienced last night
than at any time since the strike began.
There is practially no trouble in send
ing messages East from Chicago, but
the service to the Pacific coast and to
the Southwest is uncertain.
"If the telegraph companies got com
petent operators they would have less
trouble with their wires," said Secre
tary Wesley Russell. "We know of a
dozen cases where incompetent oper
ators have burned out the wires."
At the offices of both telegraph com
panies the usual information was given
that all business was being handled
Dispatches from Arkansas City, Kan.,
today stated that the Western Union
office there was completely destroyed
by fire. All the records, furniture and
instruments were destroyed and the lo
cal authorrties say the fire was of in
cendiary origin.
Luke Wright Says She Has No Money
for Gigantic War.
Seattle, Wash,. Aug. 30. Luko E.
Wright, ox-ambassador to Japan and
prior to that govornor of the Philip
pines, returned to this country today
on tho steamer Minnesota. Speaking
of Japaneeo conditions, Mr. Wright
"Thoro will bo no war between this
country and Japan. In the flrat place
I do not boliovo that Japan is able
financially to wago suoh a war as a con
flict with America would involve Be
sides, it is a fact that tho Japaneso gov
ernment is sincerely in favor of peace
and will bond every effort to keep tho
relations between tho two governments
"I hope nothing will happen that
would induce this government to con
sider giving up possession of tho Philip
pines. We must retain those islands
and dovelop them as they are capable
of being developed. Furthermore, wo
need thorn to strengthen our trade rela
tions with tho Orient."
Would Get Greater Revenue From
Corea Out of Land.
Tokio, Aug. 29. An important state
council which was to have been hold
today has been postponed until Friday,
owing to tho fact that some of tho min
isters and elder statesmen from out of
town have been detained on account of
the recent flood and consequent damages
to the railways. The council has been
specially called to consider Marquis
Ito'B plan of Corean policy, necessitated
by the new relations established by the
last convention between Corea and
The details of Marquis Ito's plans are
unknown, but the fundamental points
are believed to consist in effecting a
thorough reform in the laud system,
which is now in a chaotic condition,
and also the establishing of a new sys
tem of judiciary and police on the Jap
anese plan. These measures will
naiurauy do consideraoie or a Uram on
the Japanese treasury. It is thought
that Marquis I to plans to ask an extra
annual outlay of a little over 1,000,000
yen for a period of five years.
Scared Foreigners Flee.
Pittsburg, Aug. 30. With their
houses slipping and creaking and win
dows breaking, Beveral hundred for
eigners nave deserted their homes at
Port Vue, a suburb, fearing death in a
landslide which threatens to bury Scott
street and 25 dwellings. The trouble
is caused by the digging of a new rail
road cut 100 yards below. The earth
between the cut and the hillside where
the houses stand is underlaid by a soft
shale soapstone, and the whole mass is
slowly moving towards the cut. The
past 24 hours 100 yards of Scott street
dropped 30 feet below its original level.
Fruits of All Kinds Promise Well
Hop Outlook Bright.
Eugono HoportB from ovor tho
county givo a much better account of
tho grain crop than tho estimate given
8omo timo ago. On the whole, the
crop will bo abovo tho average
lhe work in tho hop yards has com
nionced and tho yield will bo good. If
pickers can bo secured to got in tho
hops during tho good weather a splen
did showing will bo made a lull aver
age orop of splendid quality, with less
bad effect from llco than usual.
In potatoes and Into vogtoablcs tho
yield will bo largo. Tho recent rain
was worth hundrods of dollars to potn
to raisers, who will get a bumper crop
and a good price for it.
Grapes will bo bettor this year than
for many seasons. Thore aro not many
vmoyards hero, but those who have
careiully looked after this fruit have
found it a most satisfactory crop to
raise. Peaches are a good crop; tho
sarno is true of pears, but tho applo
crop is a little light.
The question of help to do tho har
vesting may lesson tho profit of tho
farmer of Laue county, but nothing olso
threatens his return this yoar. Tho
whole county is experiencing a prosper
ity it has nover before known, and tho
merchant who is watching the condi
tions is looking toward the largest and
best trade from tho farmer in tho his
tory of the county.
Special Interost
Alumni and Frionds Rally to Support
of "Mother Normal."
Monmouth Tho conditions required
by the new Etato board of normal
rehools will bo mot by tho Monmouth
school and it will continue to run.
President Reeslor says that tho canvass
for funds has proceeded far onough to
justify him m making this definite an
nouncement, although only one day's
time was given to meet the terms im
posed by the board.
Many letters are being received from
the alumni of the school sending in
their pledges and assurances of loyal
suport, and tho loyalty of the citizens
of Monmouth, which has always been
an important factor of the "mother
normal," is again manifested in the
quick response with pledges to com
pleto the cash deposit asked by tho
By the loyalty and sacrifice of the
faculty all departmenst of the school
will bo maintained the same as hereto
. It .! ...
iore ana me institution will open
promptly at tho announced timo.
in Mild Production
on Coos Bay.
Marshflold Tlio chninbor or com
morco of Marshflold will on September
10 and 11 hold a big meeting for the
advancement of the dairy and hortloul
turn! interests of Coos county. Thoao
who have accepted invittatlons to de
liver addresses on this occasion aro
Proeldont J. W. Kerr, Professor O. I.
Lowis and Dr. James Wlthycombo, of
tho State Agricultural collego at Cor
vallis; Mrs. Waldo, Stato Grango loo
turor, of Portland, and William Schul
merlck, of Washington county, Thoy
will talk on dairying and horticulture,
and Dr. Korr will also sneak on Eomo
educational themo. It in expected that
Congressman W. C. Hawley will aleo
be present on this occasion.
Thore has beon a llvoly Interest in
tho dairy and creitmory business in Coos
county sinco Stato rood and Dairy In
specter Bailoy'a recent visit hero. Ho
pronounced Coos county an ideal place
for tho dairying business and expressed
tho bolicf of possibilities of groat in
crenso in that line. Addresses to tho
residont of tho rural district woro made
by Mr. Bailey and ho appointed Mr.
Yoakum, owner of a dairy farm, to act
as deputy dairy inspector for tho
Apple cuituro is also recoivlng moro
attontion than formerly. P. Duffy, un
apple buyer, of Sydney, Australia, is
on Coos lJay looking over tho orchards.
Ho has bought for shipment all of tho
Gravonstein apples procurable and tho
fact that outsido buyers aro coming in
to this territory lias given new interest
to the cuituro of apples.
San Francisco Supervisors Bribed by
Telephone Company.
San Francisco, Aug. 28. Soorolary
Troasuror F. W. Eaton, of tho Pacific
States Tolophouo A Tolcgrnph company,
was culled to tho stand yostordny by
tho prosecution In tho on so of tho GIiihh
bribery trial. Ho testified again to the
drawing by him .of about $50,000
worth of checks in February of 1000 for
which no vouchers wero turned In, IIo
did not know who ordered tho checks
drawn or who signed them, Tho re
cords thereof were destroyed in tho llro.
Cashier William J. Kennedy was
called. IIo testified to tho drawing ol
110.000 and $5,000 chcokH In February,
and told of tho subsequent return to
tho company of $7,000 or $7,500 in
ferentlally comprising the bribe mon
eys loturnod by Bovernl supervisors on
demand of Halsoy, after tho granting
of tho Homo Tolophonocompany'afian-
chlso application, according to the
claim of tho prosecution.
Mr. Honey Introduced memoranda
from five local banks allowing tho with
drawal of approximately $50,000 in
Fobruary, corresponding to tho total
amount alleged to havo been paid to
tho supervisors at that time. Ihomas
E. Sherwin, formorly travollng auditor
Scores of Workmen Thrown Inti
St. Lawrence River,
Structures Noar Quebec Was Mile and
Half Long, and Half of It Fell
Without Warning.
of tho telephono company, testified to
similar 150,000 entry on the books of
the corporation, which ho was auditing
when thoy woro destroyed in tho llio
Subjectes to Severe Examination
Glass Bribery Trial.
San Francisco, Aug. 29. State Sen
ator itusseu .Lukens was a witness yes-
v terday in the trial of Louis Glass for
bribery and was subjected by Assistant
District Attorney Heneytto an examin
ation which could not have been more
severe had he been placed on the stand
by the other side.
Senator Lukens was preceded in the
witness chair by Benjamin A. Pendle
ton and Eugene T. Thurston, Jr., who
were members of the city council of
Oakland in the fall of 1905 when the
Home Telephone company was seeking
a rival franchise in that city against
tho efforte of the Pacific States com
pany to maintain its monopoly.
Mr. Pendleton and Mr. Thurston tes
tified to hospitalities extended to them
by Agent Halsey, of the old company,
and by Lukens, who was in its employ
ment as a lawyer, but no testimony
was forthcoming of any improper offers
being made to them. The prosecution
will conclude today.
Anarchy Rules French Navy.
Paris, Aug. 30. A full report of the
senatorial commission on the explosion
March 12 at Toulon, which destroyed
tho battleship lena, just published,
charges that the disaster is directly
traceable to irresponsibility, general
indifference and lack of harmoy pre
vailing in the navy. The report de
mands the inauguration cf several re
forms, and says that the various branch
es of the naval service are divided by
jealousy and there is no superior au
thority. Each branch works apart, re
sulting in a state of ansrehy.
Want American Education.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 30. Tactai
Wan, a mandarin of the second rank,
came to Seattle today on the Hill liner
Minnesota in charge of a party of ten
young men and six young women, pick
ed by the Chinese government for edu
cation in this country. The girls will
be taken by the mandarin to Wellesley
for a five year courfe of training and
the young men are to enter Yale and
Columbia universities. Some will be
graduated as engineers and the others
given a preliminary training for diplo
matic missions.
Moores Heads Blind School.
Salem County Superintendent E.
T. Moores has been elected eunerin-
tendent of the State Blind Echool to
succeed George W. Jonea, who has ac
cepted a position as superintendent of
the stato blind school of Illinois.
Moores is a graduate of Monmouth
Normal school, a teacher of several
years' experience in the public schools
and has served seven years as superin
tendent ot the Marion county schools.
Mrs. Moores will succeed Mrs. Jones as
matron of the institution. The chango
will take place September 1.
First Brick Kiln in Coos Bay.
Marshfio'd J. W. Utter, formerly of
Idaho, has just completed tho first
brick plant of uny size on Coos bay. It
is located on Isthmus inlet, one of the
tributary rivers, and a kiln of 76,000
.... '
DricK has oeen completed for tho mar
ket. This is the first really successful
attempt at brick making in tho vicinity
oi coos nay ana that the material can
do produced here at a reasonable cost
promises to revolutionize the building,
as brick shipped here sell at a practi
cally prohibitive price.
Danger in Using Stamping Machines
Aioany liy a most peculiar injury
to his hand, growing from continued
use ol a stamping machine. County
Recorder Grant Frohman has boon
confined to his homo for more tlian a
week and will not bo ahlo to ubo his
hand for somo timo. IIo was indoxing
instruments and using a stamp, the
handle of which he struck with tho
palm of his right hand, for soveral days
two weokB ago. Though (ho work caused
no pain, the palm of tho hand suddenly
grew vory sore and his entire hand
swelled up. II has already been neces
sary to lance tho hand threo times.
Local physicians have characterized tho
injury as catarrh of tho hand.
Reduction is Appreciated.
Eugene Tho recent action of tho
Southern Pacific in lowering tho ship
ping rates on fruit in and out ol Eu
gono is generally appreciated hore. Tho
chango not only benefits tho canning
and packing company, but indirectly
trie man engaged in raising any kind of
rruic. Heretofore the cannerv has ra
ited its cutput to certain varieties of
fruit that would also be in demand on
tho market. Since the change of rates
the cannory wants all kinds of fruit.
United States Proposes the Allotment
Ameng Nations.
Tho Hague, Aug. 28. The United
Slates delegation announces its willing
ncsa for all countries on tho American
continent, including tho United Status
to huvo four judges of tho now Interim
tional court appointed for tho 21 conn
trios ot this continent, on tho under
standing that thi? reduces tho number
of judges to 15. It is understood that
tho -Americana he no Asia will bo allot
ted two judges and Eurono nine.
lho examining committee has com
pleted tho first reading of tho revloed
version of the American permanent trl
hunal proposition. Mr. Choato ex
plained eomo doubtful jurlsdictiona
points. The Moxican delegation an
nounced that it opposed the court bo
causo it is impossiblo to secure equality
for all countries in tho appointment of
Kuy Iiarboso, of Brazil, mado a long
speech in which ho protested against
tho appolntrnont of judges as projected
in tho American proposition. Ho in
(dated that this question must ho settled
in a manner which fully recognized tho
equality of tho powcra. Tho mooting
was then adjourned until September
Best Quality Ever Produced.
Wallowa Tho wheat cron In thin
valley is just being threshed. Tho
quality is the best ever produced here,
and the yield is the largest for several
years, boing from 30 to 00 bushels nor
aero for fall Bown wheal and from 25 to
35 bushels per acre for spring sown
wheat. Tho barley and oat crons are
also abovo the average in quality and
Deep Enough, but Not Too Deep.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 20. Tho state
ment contained in yesterday's dispatch
es from Washington that most of the
water for anchorage in Puget sound is
more than 00 fathoms and that hence
all of the naval vessels coming to tho
coast cannot bo accommodated here has
called forth theprotestof SenatorPiles,
memoers oi me cnamner ot commerce
and others. Thev noint out that the,
government charts show the harbor at
n - i .
Bremerton anu vicinity has an average
depth of about seven fathoms, with an
extreme depth of 24 fathoms.
Will He Trust Lawyer?
Georgetown, Ky Aug. 29. Caleb
Powers, in commenting on tho proposi
tion mado by Governor Beckham to
furnish W. S. Taylor with a military
eBcort to protect him if ho comes hero
to testify in tho Powers case, said; "If
'laylor refuses to como to Kentucky
will he agree to let any competent law
yer in the state, agreed upon by three
non-partisan Democrats in the state
not actively engaged in politics, try his
case if appointed as special judge?"
Cleveland Is Very III.
New York, Aug. 29. It Js announced
that Grover Cleveland has again been
attaoked by acute indigestion, and has j
consequently relinquished his idea of
visiting his summer homo in New
Hampshire. Mrs. Cleveland has re
turned to Princeton from Now Hamp
shire with their children.
Criticise the President.
Boston, Aug. 30 The 100th anni
versary of the abolition of tho slave
trade was observed by representative
colored citizens of the country who were
attending the annual meeting of the
Nicaragua Movement society. At tho
evening meeting an address was adopted
calling upon colored voters to oppose
any candidate for president endorsed by
Roosevelt. Tho address severely criti
cised the president and the governor of
Oppose Anti-Japanese Agitation.
Boston, Aug. 30. Tho Boston cham
ber of commerce today adopted resolu
tions deprecating agitation as tending
to call forth all feelings between the
United States and Japan. It declared
opposition to any legislation intended
to discriminate agalnBt Japan or her
Appeal to State Commission.
Salem The Jacobson A Deflaven
company, of McMinnvlllo, has. filed
with the Oregon Eailroad commission a
complaint alleging that the company
had a carload of sulphur shipped from
Albany on August 16, and so far havo
been unable to get delivery of the same.
After spending $1 telephoning, the
company learned that tho car was Btill
in Albany on the date of complaint
August 24. Tho railroad commission
will investigate.
Will Rebuild Shipyards.
Bandon The Price shipyards, which
were destroyed several weeks ago by
nre, are in the course of reconstruction,
and will bo within tho city limits in
Btead of two miles up tho river as for
merly. The new location iB adjoining
tne ucdy muis, which are nearly com
pleted and which will have a daily out-
put or iuu uuu xeet ot lumber, thereby
making Bhip timber available at littlo
Will Trap Hostile Moors. '
CasaBIanca, Aug.30. General Drudo
haB decided to dispach a portion of the
French force five miles south to endeav
or tojtrap tho Moors. The preliminary
iimiH or ou prisoners charged with as
sassination, pillage and connivance
with hostile Moors has begun,
Sultan May Be Killed.
London, Aug. 30. Tho Tanirior cor
respondent of tho Tribune telegrufihul
uiiuor reserve umt there is a tumfx that
Sultan Abdul Aziz has been assisaina
ed in tho palace ut Fez.
Mazagan Acclaims New Sultan.
Tangier, Aug. 30. It is announced
that the sultan's brother lias been ac
olalmed sultan by the entire population
of Mazagan.
Farmers Will Hold.
La Grande Threshing in tho Grand
Ronde valley is now woll undor way,
and grain iB beirnr delivered to diffnr.
ent warehouses. A fow salo contracts
fcr wheat havo boen mado at 08 cents
per bushel, the purchaser being tho
lour mill companies. Most cf tho
farmers do not caro to sell now and are
holding with the hope of receiving 75
Supreme Court Rules Published.
Salem The now rules of tho Sunromo
court lmvo beeh jublished in pamphlet
form and Clerk VC, Moroland has
sent a large number oiNUiem to lawyers
n various parts of tho flMte. If any
lawyers Who des rn nnnlnA havo bean
overlooked, thev will hn Bonllod nnnn
ijpuuuion to &it. Morelan'
v neat (jvow crop) Club, 82c
oiuestom, aac; Valley, 80c; red, 70c
Oats (Now crop) No. 1 white
sza.&u; gray, $23.
wney (Kow crop) Feed, $22.50
o per ion; Drewiug, J2424.50; roll
ed, $24.6025.
uorn Whole, $28 per ton ; cracked,
Ann '
riay Valloy timothy, No. 1, $17
jo per ion; eastern Uregon timothy,
$1020; clover, $11: cheat, ill;
gram nay, fucajiz; alfalfa, $1213.
nuiier ancy creamery, 3235c
per pound.
rouitry Averneo old hens. 13c ner
pound; mixed chickens. 12c: Pnrincr
..I.I.I tn , ' "
uuiBKens. joc; oiu roosters, 89c;
dressed chickons, 1617c; turkoys,
wvu, lutojioc; geeso, live, 810o;
ducks, 10c.
Eggs Fresh ranch, candled, 2027c
per dozen.
Voal Dreflsed, 08Ko per pound.
Pork Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 8
8Jo; packers, 78o.
Fruits Apples, $l(nl.75 Dor box;
cantaloupes, 75c$1.50 por crate;
peaohee, 4085c per crate: blackhnr.
riofl, 45c per pound ; prunoa, 5076o
per crate; watermolona, lic
per pound; plums. 25r2i75n .r
I;, pears, toe (ojjl.Zo per box
grapes, 75c$1.50 nor box.
Vegetables Turnips, $1.75 ner sack:
carrots, z por Back; heels, $2 per sack;
asparagus, 10 por pound; beans, 3
6c; cabbago, 2; celerv. 11.25 nnr
ukzoh; corn, zoraaoc ner dozen: mi
cumbers, 1015o por dozen: lettuco.
ieau, zoo por dozen; onions, 1520c
per uozn peas, 4f7oGc ner nound:
pumpkins, l2c per pound; rad-
lBhos, 20c por dozen; rhubarb, 8c
purpounu; squasn, oucf 1 por crato;
tomatoes, 4050o por crate; sweet po-
utwes, ic per pound.
Onions $2.252.60 por hundred.
Potatoes Now, $11.25 per hun
dred. Hops 40o per pound, according to
Wool Eastern Oregon, avorago host,
1022c por pound according to ehrhik-
ago; vaUoy, 2022c, according to fine
ness; mohair, choice, 2033o per
pound. ,
Secretary Wilson Predicts Future Un
loss Forests Aro Savod.
Chicago, Aug. 28. Secretary of Airri-
cuituro James Wilson, who was In Chi
cago today on his way to Washington
after inspecting tho government foreat
presorves In tho West, declared that if
bettor euro, more gonornl nrowiKution
and a fostering of conditions aro not ob
served, tho fcresta of tho country will
practically bo wiped out in ten years.
"Forest fires," ho enld. "should be
guurded against, and for that protection
the government has emnlovcd tlions.
nnds of men to watch for fires. A Her
eon can riae tor miles through Mich J
117! I.. 1 ... .
km, r itfcuiidui ami -Minncdota arid seo
barren eectionB whero formerly crow
great pino lorests. Fires havo wipod
L fllf. . ....
uiu minions arid mi ouh omni um
worth of tho best of hardwood.
"President Roonovolt has done much
for tho preservation of the foresto. Ho
has added moro than 160,000,000 acrea
to tho forestry reserves and would havo
made moro had not tho last congress
cut him down. Ho appreciates moro
man many private citizens tho great
worm or our lorosU). Tho East is do
pendent entiroly ujkhi our Western for
ests lor ita best timber."
Bomb 8ent to Cortelyou.
Tl.Il.1..l..l-l i
i JWJUUVIIU1IU,, AUK. ZM. Tlia or.
plosion of what appears to have been n
largo percuslon can in a nackairo ad-
.1 1 a- At . ... . r
ureeseu 10 mo secretory of tho treasury,
ueurgu vAjrieiyou, created oxoltomonl
in NIcetown, a substation of tho Phi hi.
dolphla poatofflco, today. Tho box,
which was collected from a box 1 n thn
northern t-octlon of tho cltv. wn rn.
coivea uy Mr. Koberts, a clerk, who
Bays it waa four inchos long by two
inches wido. What was Insido the
packago, aside from tho exnlosivo. thn
ouiciaiB win not soy.
Quobeo, Aug. 31. A section of tho
now bridge across tho Ht. Lawreiirn
rlvor, llvo nillea below thin city, col.
lapsed Into yesterday, carrying neores of
bridge workmen nnd rncolmnicH into
the water. It Is estimated Umt tho loan
of lifo is at least (10, and may exceed
that number by 20.
Tho bridge was about a mile nnd
half long and hrflf of it, from tho soiith
shore to midstream, crumpled up and
dropped into lho water. Ninety men
woro at work on thin flection of tho
structure,' and tho whistle hudjjhlown at
5:30 for them to quit work for tho day,
when thoro camo a middon grinding
aouud from tho bridge midstream.
Tho men turned to soo what hud Imp
pencd, and an instant lator the cry
wont up: "Tho bridge In falling."
The men made a rush ahoroward, but
tho dietancu was too great for them to
cscapo. Tho falling section of tho
brldgo dragged others after it. Tlio
snapping girders and cahloa loomed
like a crash of artillery.
Turror lent llootneaa to the feet cf
tho frightened workmen as they sped
shoreward, but only a fow of them
reached safety before tho last piece of
iron work on tho south elioro was
dragged Into (ho river.
Near the Bhoro tho wreckage of tho
brldgo did not go bolow tho surface cf
tho witter and eight workmen whore'
mained abovo water woro reficued and
taken to tho hospital at Levis.
Tho steamer Glunmont had hut
c lea ml the brldgo whou the lhft sec
tion foil. Tho water throrn up by tlio
debris camo clear over tho hridgoof the
steamer. The captain at once ordered
out all tho small honta, They piled
backward and forward for half an hour.
but thero was no sign of lifo.
Tho Quobeo brldgo was begun about
novitn yeara ago, nnd was to havo been
finished in 1009. SubsIdliM had been
granted by tho Federal nnd Provincial
governments nnd tho city of Quebec,
and tho estimated coat for work was
110,000,000. Tho Phoenlxvillo Brldgo
company, of
Pennsylvania, had
tho construction of
Organized by Pacific States Concern
to Keep Out Rival.
San Francisco, Aug. 30. Tho task of
showing that tho Pacific Stntea Tele
phone if: Tttlegmph company in 1005
sought to prevent tho entmnco into
Oakland of tho Homo Tulophono com
pany by orguntzing a "straw" Homo
Telephone company and obtaining for
it a franchise waa resumed at the con
tinuation of the GIiihh bribery (rial
yesterday. Will turn A. Beaifly, nn at-
toruoy of Ban Joxo, testified (hat ho
had hid in tho frnnchico and furnished
a surety bond of $2,600 to the Oakland
council, and then had signed and do
livercd through Hulgoy nil of his stock
holdings In tho "straw" company to
E. J. Zlinmer who at that timo was
auditor of tlio Pacific fitates Telephono
A Telegraph company, fiubflequently
tho schemo was abandoned nnd Zfmrner
went to tho clerk of tho Oakland coun
cil and caused tho franchise to bo for
faited nnd tho bond released. He re
ceived for his BerviccH $100 a month
and about $11,000 for oxpenseH.
Dolman dieted from tho witness tho
statement that tho legal papers con
nected with tho attempts of tho tele
phono company to suppress opposition,
had boen proparcd by tho legal depart
ment of tho company provided over by
Mr. Pillabury, who on tho stand Bworo
that this work had been solely under
tho direction of Glass.
Has Columbia Name Plate.
Man ranciBCO, Aug. 28. After tout
ng for weeks ovor rn'lcs and milea of
water, the shattered narno plate of the
ill-fated Columbia has been nioked nn
ii.. . i . t . . .
un uiu ocoun uiioro uy ihewiloof an old
sailor who crulaed In tho wrecked viv,
BOi when she was one of a proud Act t
on tho Atluntlo coast. It wiib Mrs. Al
Gibson whe recovered tlio broken nnmo
plate ci tho Columbia. Mr. and Mrs.
uibBon llvo at hdgomar on tho ocean
snore ncur Mussel rock.
Big Fire In Frisco,
Han Franclscc, Aug. 28. Tho book
and printing ffitabllHhmont of John B,
Al ..XT. ..I. ..I 1 .... n r f 1 i ,
wuiiiunuii, iii uiu rsurisorno fitroot. wna
totally destroyed by fire Inut night. Tho
firms of Baclgalupl Hobs! A Co. and
Main Winchester, Hdjolninir on San-
.. . i j .. i .
pmiiw nwvuu, himo Huucreu sovoroiv. iih
did Greenwood. Heiso & Ca. ntwl rr.
Itothenborg, on the Washington streot
'Hi. iho total losa ia eatrniated at
New Call for Arbitration.
Bait Lnko City, August 31. Tho
Commercial club oLgalt Lako City to
day panned .nnd through Km committcf.
on arbitration telegraphed to Prosidont
Koosovolt, tho presidents of both tho
)Ig telegraph companies, tho president
of tho Commercial Telegraphers' union
and oyer 50 commercial clubs in various
parts of tho country a resolution urging
that tho differences between tho com
panies and their striking operators bo
submitted to arbitration. Tho good
ofllcca of tho local commercial club to
this end woro tendered.
Say Strikebreakers Desort. S3
New York, Aug. 81. fn a circular
sent out today by tho ofileora of tho tol
ogrnphora' union it was declared that
tho strikers would Ignoro any sugges
tion of a compromise nnd stand im
movable on nil demands, It waa also
asserted that many alrlkohreakora hud
loft tho companies and wlioleRiilo do-
flortlons are alleged to have (akon plnoo
from tho working forces In tho ofllcca
yesterday. Tlio public was asked to uao
mulls instead of tho wires.
Europeans Leave Capital,
Fez, Morocco, Aug. 28. Tho Euro
pean roflldontfl of Fez, oxcontinir tho
uormana, loit hero yoatorday for El
Aralsh. Thoy wero escorted by troop.
Enjoins New Rates to Creameries
Chicago, Aug, 81. Judgo KohUatt,
In tlio Federal court, on complaint of
14 creamery conoornu of tho Mlddlo
Wefit, temporarily oniolnod 14 West
ern railroads and llvo express compan
ies from establishing, Boptombor 1,
now rates for transporting milk and