V. , I v ... ! . , A 1 HftrlvnA . I' Cintk left Wednesday lor North I ma, Wiuhitltfiou. ... . . i i 11. i .... 01, VV. Ill icyii"ius W III IUVTII Sitturfclny iiom CUlver. nines 0, Kicc and Lex Loiitf were in .. ...... I.... I...... I I II TUIIIUHI ........... . I . . infA . . Hill) V V. v.uvcy iiiiu I'll. Jimmy! school Inrmcri were lit town yesterday in i lie wutrnMHiuus micncy. V. LiintiiU(;h h,ts (lie best yield of VIM ' -" '-11 " ci i .ii. .i. . i4..i -,. - , I r I Im nrri . I I t 1- ....!, I. ..?.! )rss iM)0(is. mams, si iinus, uiuisics. ., rtfc-u tlirll mill ilrltriaM fflt llCVVj 111 JIHW3 WJUl OMijfSssw "Ml if v. ivi i is iit st .if t ...i.... r.... li ll,. 4; ...,... morning; irum iW3Mim, r aain)j;.ii I... !... Iiaii lit nl ltiil n hfin nf lin ifir Conference ol the cicrnmn Mctli tr i. tin ivi r f i ic mnn amis zirivinii horse bt-c tma frightened and ran with ilnoiuiiiir Mm tvl.inn from t!it ric fracturing the larjjc bone of her right bjiht below the knte. Dr. Long was lllllllll.ll litin lllliuiilti 1 1 v v v. v ... m r . for San Diego, Califo'nia, where will spend the Winter in the hope of i .i . . i . ... 1. 1.... t.. . (II MIC II LIS MIIICICU iui a VCIII Wl IIIWIU Mr, Loucks drove in to Shaniko e . . .1 l. II 1 IILI. I11IU IIU11I lllllt I'MlhW MMW III i:r IIICT IIIU III 31'LiLllL.I 11 IIIIWI llllft Willi vI.ij;ncss and his family. 1 r.. Wnnru If Kmili rMMriirl met t--tl ...I i. I . I . .! ... .1.. 1 . .J Mt.t.t mla fllM flltf flllr1lt ill fur i i I I ... .1... x sue iiirci upon, up iu-uic imic left U.e Dalles, and she will sccuie in dec tunc, unlc&d sonic adverse ii tot wuli u Squatter's light" should i K f r'li.i ic m iiim in if rirtr- -i . . . i f. . . i .i.,.. T I I K lll Ul III14III.U 11 Mil VWS plate in order that he may complete W 'lkhe has so successfully launcjit il, sr i mil i .iiniiiiiiiiuic tuiiii.ii wwim l ' On Mfthodist (Ittiioiniiiatiun at i... m ...i.. 1...0 ......... r..1,iu ...lift IttuM (lit Iimm .vniiiil'lllniif i; i ii nft'iw 1 1 1 v.. v. y imiih t tiw Hfrl.i l IT. N Moisc, a prominent businew f Oin.iln, Ncl)raska, has been in vi nity for several rinys during ilie k, lookinj; over the country with a v to investing. Mr. Morse shvs he t-anl a great deal of the great wheat of t cii'mI Oregon, and that he Is . . . I l 1.. I i.fL.- 1 1 if a Viir.iiifjii iiiui laisurciv niiimnu 1. 1 A ll.ll II.. .lull . u . ... I t it . m1 ( Uli" V IUtU y. IAV W'IC3SU IIIIII9(.II rrailv nlcascd with this immediate ion, vhi It hcithinks in time will be- . ji--.. ...i. i. ii.cj Magurss nnd family left this t i . - i f - - nui i r i.oi kngcici i" jni ua. i,r . f.tihrr, Nlr. Hoiden, who is .1 . j.. i i. t. dt-Mrcd his daughter and her family .1 a . .1 ft A - IS .1 . .... ly i iiled line, having a homestead he i. itne i mini, uut on account oi ins hr.dth sold out and moved to j'ort' Since that time his health has not .i .. i i .. . i . . ..i i "i M i in In, di'S of helm' huiiclitcil. i and Mrs. .M.igness expect to return to ft rn. I.imt iirrt.iiaclMr It lit (ltilkit the yield his year is goin . to be rr a I uind Ih ui was ant cmaicfl. A nrr irum iiir i inni l'rniim rfiiiiiirv. v i. m lown the first of the wtwh, v. . ) ii intertsttd in one of the thresh- in i hnes operating in that locality, in every case (lie gram tney I turned out better than wns ex- t-ii iy tne owner ol tnc land, Ilia in f . . . v rlmm i rr mm Irwin iiitui.lii insii'ince ne cues is tnc oeorgc K()(l l inch. Mr. Hodman expected about Iui -lifts from the thresher, but got i" bushels, about noon last Thursday ft strnw .. .i i . r .1... it. .. 11 lIJi; UHI11VII111 til A IILtllllJl 1 1II1M I, who lives southwest of Methodist caught fire and was completely wcu, mill m uic biuiic nine ia pigs burned to death, entailing a loss of i -Ti 'riri . i iim iirMc tin t n r vw iinri f thn nrHiiiciia llinr ninrniitrr A Lt-rva iiuu it ii uiu aiiawuiic ill me liad been burned, and the ntw nne in nriir ir jii rinnnr iinrin ii ki i fini begmi blowing nnd it Js supposed to ( . i . .i. . . i.i . ..i i... iiiiiiicii to iiic inc siiinuiucrniL' snurKS old strnwpilo and commtmicnted re to the new straw, which was lit rnncili.mil Mln mna uiai fiiti . in n oen in the lee of the bnrnim? nnd Mr, Hnrtnagel wns driven in his efforts to save them by the rom the fire. He places die value straw at $ioo, as he had cut his with a view to utilizing the straw for tnd the i8 porkers were easily another $ioo, Jiln Reed and Will Harber of Culver, were in town Monday, Try our Imperial washing machine, it l the best, McTnggart & Myc. , Miss Ulive Hlnir was vjsitiug in Madras yesterday froiii her home at Youngs . Mrs LinnaB, Wood and ,Mis I'earl Dean were visitors at Hnycreck on Saturday. Sheriff1 Frank IJIkins a lid family sprnt several days at their ranch on Agency Plains during the wrck. Sam Coinpion was in town l;ls( .iit'ir day Irom Gilrl!y( looking. ;i(l0r butiincss for the Compton '& Uee Sawmill. Miss Rosa Forney of Uoicpw, Iilnlio, arrived here Wednesday evonipg, itul will spend a week or more visiting .Mrs. Max Lucddem.uini , All the lumber is on (lie ground for thn Snook cottage, and cpr'peni,ers began work the (irst of the week. I. F. Shuit has a contract for the carpenter work. Dave W. Harnett left the first, of the week for Portland. He expects to spend a month or more vuiling in Pnriland and other points in the Willamette Valley. Smith & Williams piK.nl (hroitg)i town Saturday with their threshing outfit, headed for Agepcy I'lainS) where lliey have contracts for tliicshing a number of fields, W, H. Rodman was it) Madras, at tending to business yesterday, from thf Warmipring iry on the Deadline . He plans to go to California to spend the Winter. Miss Susie Hrngan, who has been visit ing her parents at .Antelope, icttirued yes tcrday evening, and has resumed, her du de as bookkeeper for J. W.&. M, A. Robinson & Co. Leo Lafollettc and J. W. Collins were in town the first of the wenk (mm Cow Canyon, where they are personally super vising the work on the new grade for the big traction engine Max Wilson left the first of tile vee,k for the Watmspiiug Agency, whete ic will work for to months or moie, punning and decorating tome of the government buildings. ' J. 11. Coo of O'Neil was m town last Friday, on his way to Shanikp, Mr, Coe win formerly in the bank atSlmniko, but is now engnged in holding down n homestead near O'.N'ril. A ooiiiplfiii htipply of h'gul bhtiitCH for -uli) Including wnriMiity mnl ipilt iiluitn 'lueilh, real, rliallcl atnl nrop nun tgiiKi, wtl!. ,)llHtll!H ('OI)rt lllUllkH Mtlli jllxtluc L-onri work UHpuelulty. Notary Pulillir 1'. J. Hroohh. Miss Susie Cowhsrd lefi Saturday it r Piinevillc, where she will attend the County High School during the ensuing term. Miss Susie finished the eighth grade in the Madras school 'duting the past year. Gottfried Kampfrr, a stockman from lower Trout Creek way in town last Fri day. Mr Kampfer had a leg broken by a kick from a home Several months ago, and (his is his first dip to town since (hat tune. The fracture has mendetl, but he is still quite lame, and has to use a cane in getting about. ld Kutcher was in town Friday, after repairs for his threshing machine, having suspended threshing for the day owing to a slight accident to the machine, lie threshed at his ranch last week and says he was well satisfied with theyiuld. The rye went 15 bushels to the acre, the wheat better than so bushels, nnd the oats about 35 bushels to the acre. S. K, Gray left Saturday morning for v. I 11 I . ! !. 1 ... i nine Kiver, wiicrc ma wue nnu cuiuircn 1 liavc been stjendini? severnl months :ii the home of Ira I sham. Mrs. Gray crossed j the mountains to b at tbo bedtitdo nf her father, John A. lihnni, whose death occmred Inst Wednesday. Mr. Gmy and his family will- drive ncrots the mountains and arc expected home in the next day or so. G. Springer of Culver wris in town yestculay. He says he will harvest this year the greatest crop of his lifetime, While he has not threshed he is'confidcnt his wheat will go 60 bushels to the acre, his barley at least 5c, and his white dent corn 'HVell," said Mr. Springer, "it is so high," indicating with a sweep of his hand a point near the ceiling of the Journal office. journal. Monday being "Labor Day" nnd gen erally observed as a legal holiday, the opening of public school in this district did not occur until Tuesday morning when an unusually large opening attend nncu was registered. As the announce ineut had been made that school would open Monday morning, both teachers and a number of pupils were present at the opening hour, only to find that the vaca tion was extended for another day. The attendance is quite satisfactory for the opening, us many of (he pupils of the Madras school cannot attend school until nftc-harvest, when there will ben, notice able increase fn the attendance ut the school. Edward C. Pease Co. Incorporated! Shaniko, Oregon , . W2jg '- jy HEADQUARTERS FOR HARVEST SUPPLIES Let us fill your Harvest orders McTAGGART & BYE HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS GROCERIES AGENTS FOR MADRAS MEAT MARKET D. W. ADAMS, Proprietor Reasonable prices and courteous treatment to Orders by stage given prompt at tention and no charge for deliv'ry FRESH AND CURED MEATS MADRAS, OREGON ., . tiunu .mi bii ina Grizzly La ke Lumber Co mpany The company's mill is now running and will soon be able to fill orders for Rough and Dressed Lumber Moulding and Shingles The yard at Madras will be stocked with building materials including DOORS and WINDOWS Tho snliwimm tit the vaiil will ulso find time occasionally to build TANKS, WAGON 110X133 CUPBOARDS, ETC. Tho company is installing mont machinery, niul is better than ever proptued to supply tlio demands of its cuutomcra. Grizzly Lake Lumber Co., Lamonta, Oregon J.uiwim I C .niwuumj 1 aaunniimuu I 1 ureen ncu mi u 0 Hotel NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Mouse has been thoroughly renovated. No better table in Cen- tral Oregon for the money. Your wants will be courteously attended to, Headquarters for traveling men. a I 1 First-class Livery in Connection j .1. W, LIVINGSTON, Proprietor MADRAS, OREGON .iiuii Muuu uu im uiiiin HU 11 1 B Blacksmitiiing, Horseshoeini WAGON WORK 3 I lmvo purulinsed tlio shop of 1. A. Hamilton oppouito Uviu(?Hton'HHtnl)loAtuid HOlio.it your patronage. You will find our work tlio Kind that pleasea y A. W. GULP, MADRAS, OREGON i NEW DAILY STAGE! From Bend to Shaniko and all interior points New and Up-to-date Outfit SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN Till-; MOST SCENIC ROUTE IN CENTRAL OREGON ' BEST EATING HOUSES ON ANY STAGE LINE Daily stages through Agency Plains Country nnd irrigated diatrictp of, Crook county. Prompt attention given to express niid baggage. Fust freght a specialty. Eor rates address J. W. & M. A. ROBINSON & CO., or J. H. OVERTURF, Agent, Madras, Oregon Shaniko, Oregon L 1 S O V it 1 i V B The best in Shaniko Good Stock. Careful Drivers Best of Hay and Grain Fed At Very Reasonable Prices D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or. 1 i , t Z. F. MOODY GENERAL COMMISSION t FORWARDING MERCHANT LtxrgS am! Commrxlious Warehouse. Consisni.i'-nts Solicit! i'. Prompt attention paM to tlioo who iaor ua wit- their patronage. i SHANIKO, OREGON (OS to -f -y X Shaniko Warehouse Company OENERAL STORAOE AND FORWARDING Bpecial attention to Wool Oding and Baling for Kaetern' ihlp mentB, Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Lime and Builders'' Material of all kindi. Sulphur, Wool and Grain Sacka and Twino, Grain, Flour and Feed. Highest price paid for Hidcn a,n.d Pelta. Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities for hnr.dlina Slock. m m I Mark Goods Oar of "S. W. Co." T. G. CONDON, Manager. MadrayftfegorJ ELK DRUG STORE Caries a good line of fresli rfrltgs. -and patents. Pre scription york and family t' recipes made a specialty T. A. LONG Physician and Druggist,, MADRAS, nnECON A. M. WILLIAMS & CO DEALKUi IN Dry Goods, "Clothing Furnishing Goods 1 ftMuimt the writs Hl'S ASH 1 Vis ORECO 2o8