? THE BT C V S T A V E AIHARD ? TRAIL i IkWkWkWtmWBkWkWmWkWBKmWBB CHAPTEB XIL On rrarrrriar: frara the Pan. tb csp aizx west abrad. fevr at a rrrpeettal distance by M&rdsJ tbe Tirrera, wbe es trrrd tbe CaMe deJ Pajaro. aad tbMrt the rnidd)? of tbe ctrret saw tb ct-ptlai' borne, held by as 3B-kokiar feow. wb xxsed cariortKJy at ban. Doa Mactiai kVojv! before the doer. diKratfi. tirrw bis brifie to the leacw, tad, nitb ost ssyinr & word to blra. resoictery ca tered the bouse. lie tbea foand biswelf 3a otter dirk- sesa bet after gropi is way. peshed fcmrft. After ' 'vHwuj tbr sarata. be ectered & isjsare yard "rtb rnj doer : ob of these floors to open. aad a taaa wxs Ktaadiax; oa tie threshold. It was Cararra. lii iirer slayer xrmi a? ta barn : the otir walked es. The cx pr.tr t Sosk hira by tbe baad tad whispered. "Gese iti rae. I& raid? led ims tirearb sereral roosa. took bira wp a Scat of Ktairs. aad opeakor a door csa&ected baza into a roam faintly brhted by a It-rap. ""Nov." said Caraera. after cSesiar. tbe door, Irosi wiAci tie Tirrrera nockvi tin be resaered tbe key. "fit dows aad let as TrTk. fsr -sr are is safety. I saast sire yon a few -trsrdf ia exptaaatiaa f tbe rcj-steris wsy la wbicb I broegbt yr bere. "I ca Kstealar to yos." tbe Tirer aas-wered. "We are is tbe xaaasaoa of General Doa SebaKtiaa Gnerrero," tbe capatax tbea re- "What?" tbe 73prero eadairaed. with & of traeasiaess. "Eeassnre yosrself. as oae saw yos ea ter, aad yosr prejieaee bere is qe&it kxjown, for tbe simple reasss tbat I brocrit yoa ia zny private eatraace." "I do not naderstrad yos." "And yet it is rery easy to ezpl&ia. For rea-oas too Joas to teS yon. aad irbicb woald iateres; yoa bxi sKrbtij. dsriar loa SeiasdaH abseace a Goreraer of Soaora I bad a priTtt passare raade. Et Ki 3 body tare -asypelf is ifaoraai si tbe ei isteace ef this coassaicxtiec. s-bk. be added, witb a doTic; Ka&e. aay a: a pna awaiest be of yrcat ulilkr. The roaa ia wbicb we atrr are imrzas- pan of te suite I occspy. ia waka tbe yeaeral has nerer yet set fosi." Bst sappose yoa were to be neat for. i tfhroszb tbe geaeral bappesias to waat "Certaialy. bts I baTe ferestea tbat; It is sy fystes nerer to leare aaytbiaz to rhr.rxx. Akbota it has nerer bap peaed yet. ao oae eaa eater bere witbovt ray beia? iaSemed soon essxi to ret rid of aay persaa wbo my be with at," Tilt is capfcaBy arraared. tad I ass Jtappy to f-ee that job are a aiaa of pra "Seace." "Pradea-e is. as yoa fcaow, saor. tbe laotiser of eafery. Eaas a that bead. Xf yon bare ao oVjeclioa. A taaa, wbo?e Tarn it is rtineoesKiry to aeatiea. bst is -srhaL, as I bare already bad tbe bwaor of tE35as yea, I aa derotrf body aad saL -near yos to ase to oicaia tbe iaforsatiea yon reiaire. aad wtieb be ssappases a bJe to rire." Seaor. tbe Tirrero taswered. I Trr-rV yoa beartOy. for ye taow as well fc 1 do wbrt perils are eoaaeeted wirb tbe ctrryirtr K -of tbes slaaO "TViit yoa are ayiziz trae. bst H t1 be better. I faaey. for tbe preat. for tae to assvtae to be igaoraat of tbess." Tes, yet. ray postooa is precarioas. tbe strarie I aai frrd is is eo wild. tWtt. attbosra I as swpported by siaeere frkssds. I ajsst be prwieat. Tefl a. ttea. wist y kaow as to tbe fate of tbe tzaiortsaate Doaa Anita de Torres. Is sbe reaDy dead?" "Do yoe know wiat happea-i ia tbe carera after yoar fall dwa tbe preci pice?" "Air, b ! ns ; my iraoraace is csnaplete." Caraers reflected for a "Lastea. EKra V-rrirl: b I rrrost nH yos a leaj story. Are jos ready to bear itT "Yf-. tbe otber ajrwerd, witboat besitati&. for tbere are taasy tisixzs I as iraeraat of. wbieb I oarbt to kaow. So speal witboct fartber delay "At tbe rtrae wbea tbe facts oscarred I ara above t tel! yoe I was Una; a: tbe Eaoesda d! Paiar. Heaee I was oaly witaess to a portioa of tbe facts: &t rst I kaow Ma barsay. WVee tbe CoBKaebes cajae. raided by tbe wbcte toea. l Syira de Torres was lyiax zaortaBy weoaded. hoUmg ia bis sdfeaed anas bis daerbxer Aaha, w bad emi- dealy por.e taad. D-: Setrfiwina Gerrrsro wt tbe only reftatios kt to tbe baaless yea? lady, aad beace tbe was takes to bis baeieada. "Wbat?" Iso MartiaJ exekiaed ia sur prise. ""Dse Seiif,nrtff?i is a relaaos to Iaaa Aaka?" Dvi yoe not kaow tbat?" "I bad aor tbe digbtess idea of it." "TVeil. tbis is bow tbe rfiatloaiUp exists : Doa 5e4tstiaa saariiod a ateee of Ie Syira't, a yoe t tbey ware doii ly eosaeded. Still, for reasocu s-r tborooriJy mt.it kaowa. a few years after tbe reaerafs marriage e disease broke oax irbieb led to a total nspeaiooa of ioti rcacy berweea tbe faasiliec" Tbe Tirrero bok bis bead. "Go 02," be said. "How did tbe reaera! rt4re ber?" "He was aot at tbe bacieada at tbe tise ; bat aa txprts was tsi ff to bkru Ts reaeral case post bas&e. t-e&ed greatly taOTed, fare ord lor ber to L Idodlr Ueated, appisud t-evtrti wotsea to wait oa ber, aad retsratd to bis pirtt at Soaora." "SEassoad by tbe Prescb iaraskc I pressree yoa are alicdkkr to tbat?" "Tea. Alxaost iataediatdy after tbes rreats tbe rtseral reraed to tbe Pabaar. He was 00 lonrer tbe saae su. Tbe borrible deatb of bis daerbur rtdnd hiss gloasiitr a&4 tinier. Per a waoie -srtk be resaiaed tbat ep is bis apart tseats; bst, at last, oae day be sat for to to iagolre as to -wbat bad hpped at tbe badea da derirg bis alrfceact. I bad bst little to tall bin. Tbe reaera! lot My all I bad tt mj, aai vbca RED ? I eaded. be. to. reaiae4 riteat for oe tiae. At leartk raifBr bis b-ai. be ioakrd at ZDt for a aoceest aacH(r. "Wbat are J ooou: tbare?" be asl-ei. "I aaj waklaj" I aarwered, fcr tbe orders it asay picae year exceSeacy to plve ae.' He looted at se for a few taozeats a if trrinr to red ray Tery tWafbtJ, aa4 tbea laid bis baai a ray araa. Caraef. be said to rat. yos isare beea a loae tfeae la my s-rice. Wt take care lest I ba)d bare to fimiss y. Yos 4m set lie." be said. "i-rats wbo are too te- telKrcat aad to dear sarbted: aad aw lead a te Ieaa Aaha'r aiertafats.' "I obeyed wfek baasa besd: tbe pea- ral reaaiaed aa br w-iti tie yooar iady. aad I aerer taerr what was satf tetweea tbes. It is trae tbat sow sad tbea I beard tbe peaenl Fjeakift Msdly aiad ascrily. asd Doaa Aaka weplar. atMl epfiareatiT raatinr se eaMtT to bbc : b( tbat was zJL Wbea tbe peeraJ saaw t be was rery paie. Tbe wktow at dcrbrea.fc we !et st for Mexiro, aad !aaa Aran fottowed in a pataaqais. As ms as we re&ebed ocr jovracy's ecd Dsaa Aaka was carried to tbe Cwrveai of tbe BffaaraSaes, wbere tbe simee recerred ber with tears of sorrowfaJ sya patby. Tbe -eaeral. owiac tbe infiv ace be esjoyed. eas3y sncreeded ia pet tsar biraself appoiated rvarfiaa to tbe mat: lady aad inimedwteiy assoated tbe axaaazexaeat of ber wait, wbsrb. as ym doabdess are aware, are ooa'iderable.'' I kaow k." said tbe Xiprera, wbb a d-b. ""AM tbese scatters settled tbe capatax coatirned: Tbe reaeral retrraed " So to arraar Ms aairs. aad baad tbe rareraraeat to tbe person wio (Carted for bis po fsaae dax prerioas ly. I wiB aot tH wbat baapeaed tbea, as yo barw it." Tbe Hrrero raised Ms bead. "Is tbat really aHT" be asied. "Tes." tbe capatax aasuered. X)a yoor boaor?" Doa Mtrri?il added. Vxtcin- Szed!y a: bin. Caraero beskate "VTeH, a, bft said last. CHAITS3 XHL Dsc M'rdtl vzttcbed tbe Txrieas aorsaeats of tbe caxataz. Seeia? at litst tbat be Si aot seeta iaefiaed to aaake tbe coafeaioa be was so fcatpacieatly await iar. be toocbed Ma: sfijbdr. Caraero started as if saddeary braaded wkb a bot irss. "Wbat yme bare t meal to xae aw: be rery terrible." tbe Tferero at leartb said is a iow roice. "So terrible, ray friead." tbe capatax aaswered, "tbat dorb aloae wads ymv ia tbis roos I fear to tell k yoc" Tbe Tirrero sbook Hs bead isy. S;iak, say friead." be said fca a gprrfie roice, "I bar sersd racb aosy dssrsar tbe Itsz few -aio-nffV that ail tbe spriacs of my pool bare bees crssbed by tbe fatal pressure of despair." "Tes, yes are a aaaa carri ia rraalse. I kaow tbat yoa bare straggled trieaspb aady araiast lost fonaae: bet. beMeoe 3 D02 Mr.rrail. tbere are siTeria?s a &oaLadiold roor atroeioas tbaa deatb." "Tbe pity yoe testify for ae is oaly weakaesa. I caaaot dBe before 1 bare a roaiplir.be i tbe task to waick I bere de roted ay wTrtebed existeace. I bare swors. at tbe peril of ay life, to protect tbe rirl wbo was becrotbed to ate." "Carry oas yoor oata, tbs. Dos Mar tial, for tbe poor ebUd was sever ia rreater ps3 riits aow." "Wbat do yoe aeaa? For beaea's aaae erpiaia yoerself," tbe Tirreuo said p&seaoaateiy. "I aeaa tbat I9S SebtFdaa corets tbe weakb of bis ward. I aeaa tbat ' now 1. kssiy aad siaaeiejaJy biyiar aade all b Trtr) aspect, forretrisr tbat tbe aaiorta- aate rirl tbe law bas ceadded to btrc is iasaae, be coldly iateads to become ber rsssrderer." Go oa, ro oa! wbat frirbtfrf sebee ua raaa aare tomear "Oa!" tbe capatax eostiaeed wftb bt- are irony; "tbe plaa is SKsple. boaest, aad isirbly praised by sae persoas." "Erpiaia yoerself." "Wrfl. kaow all, tbea: Geaeral Boa Sefcastiaa Geerrero iatead to aaxry bis ward." "arry bis ward, ber Doa Mardai ex dataoed. "Yes Toe Bale kaow tbis saax." tbe ;g.tJ-T re;.ied wife a lagc. "wki tbe mafefce&bie wiQ. tbis wQd tees wide a baaaa face, wbo pitilessly breaks every oae wbo dares to resist bits. He Is re paired to arrry bis ward ia order to stria ber of ber iortaae. aad be win do so. I uA yoe We bare aow reaefeed tbe paiat I bare bees aismiar. at so bmr. Now lubes to a. I told yoe. I rbis'r. tbat oa ber arriral ia Mexico Doaa Aaha w&s taker; by Doa Sebastsas to tse Gaavost of tbe Btcaardiaes." "Tes, I fasT I can reejesaber yoa sayisr s." "Go i ! Daaa Aafef, was receJred wftb opes arsis by tbe gsoc1 Tiwar. Tbe yoaaf isy. oa trail Sadiax iolf traonc tbe eoaapaaiea of ber cbildaood, treated witb kiad aad iat21i;eM sradstaHy fek ealmaet recaraiae to ber aUad : ber rrief gare way to a reatle aeiaaeboly ; ber ideas, orenbrowa by a frirbtf al catastro pbe. reraiaed tbesr baiaaee. Ia sbort. tbe taadaeu trbicb bad spread its black wiags orer ber brais was drjrea away by tbe soft caresses of tbe aaas." Sa. ties." Dos Martial exdaisaed, "sbe bts reraiaed ber reasoa?" "I will aot veatare to assert tbat, for sbe is ttiB iasaae is tbe opisioa of erery btfy." "Bet is tbat eas " "Ia tbat ca&e. as all tbe world ttMrres k. k zaest be so catM tbe osstrary is proved." "Bat bow did yoe leara all tbese de tails?" "Is tbe sxwt siasple sxaaer. My saas tez, Da Sdtf.KiBS. bas sat s&e Mrecal dcae to tbe coareac witb abesres. aad caaace decreed tbat I recoraixed ia tbe Sister porter a reiatioa of raise. Tbe wortby wosaar. ia br dellsbt, aad ir baps. too. to xsake cp for tbe kr.r sSeace aba U cozpelled to nslnttin, talis xae 1 wbejH'Ter sbe tae aTt tbat is leld and I dae is be roareat. aad tbrp is a rood j df-ai to ixara fraas tbe coarervatiea of a i ira 53e take a srrat inters ia xae, l aad as 1 asn load of ber, toa, I listea to i opt witb jUrxtmr." i "Ok. r ' Go oaT" J tbM tbjoe 1 bare nearly &lbd. It appears, fro wat lay rriatSoa trtls jb, tact tbe snaas ajad tbe Motber So- i ; rior are an arty oapopfd to tbe feaeraTi teas of asarriar." "Tk. tb- Wt wooosa r tbe Tirrero fx nt iand r.k wkaple jaf. "Are tbey aaCT" tbe capatax said witb a loasb. "Tbis is prsbaMr tbe reams wby tbey kwp so were tbe rrtara of tbeir hecrdrr to ber -wbm-. for tbey ooabtl' 1 ' bope tbat. loas as tbe poor rirl is aicsd. tbe raeral will aot dare coatz&n tbe muob be is wrditatirx. Uo fomraatery tbey 00 not kaaw tbe raaa witb wbes tbey bare to deal aad tbe ftruafcoaj. asbitios tbat drroar bim : aa n-nbitio-i for tbe rrati&catioa of -wbk-b be wiB recofl frosa ao criroe. bowerer atrneiaas it aay be." "AJasr tbe Tirrero said, despairiarlj ; ywi , ay friMBd. tbat I aai lost." "Wait, wait. y rd sir; yoar Mtaa doa. perbaps. is aot to de$3ce as 70s ssaajtee it. Yesterday 1 west to tbe coa rent; tie Motber tsxcior. to wboxa I bad tbe boaor of epaakiac. eoaftdfd to xae nadee- tbe asj of secreT lor be'Tmows tbat. altboarb 1 aai a serraat of Doa Se-' bastiaa, I take a dee iatnrrJt ia Doaa Aaita, asd wM! be rted to ber bappy tbat tbe yoaar lady bas erpresMd aa ia teaftoa to roaiess. "Heart-7" Doa Martial (jakity later rapted bias. "We, tbe Motber Saprior asked at So brbar bee a priest or raoak is wbora I bod eoafideacx." "Abr "Yoa aaderstaad, sty friad." T-S yesr "Aad to take bin to tbe cosreat." "Aad." Da Macttel oked ia a cbok tar aaiee. "bare yea Soaad tMs coaiess arr "I befiere a, tbe capatax aarwered witb a KsaBe.. "At wbat tk&e are ros to take tbis cco fesar to tbe coTat?" "Very pood, aad I presmae yos bare amoved a place to seet btae?" "I fhgabi tbiak so; be Is to xaeec xae at tbe Paris r." "I aas certaia tbat be wsM be pcae rarl T "Aad fo ara I. aad aow, sear. do yos aaafader tbat yoo bare lost year tfcae la fisseaiar; to rae?" "Oa tbe rassrrary." Doa Martial re plied, as be Sered bba bis bastd witb a site. "I cow 1 ad nr yoa a first-rate baad at teffiea; a saory." Tbey west oas of tbe roois. Tbe Tir rero xa panted bas borse aad followed Pfl- loco, wbile tbe wipe tir re-eatered tbe wiadfer-, tbe ridr aad tib Sootxaaa a: lerb ated a wiae street. "Tbis is tbe Seesada MoateOa." said tbe peas, "aad tbat rstieaaaa." be added, poiaciBZ to a borseaaaa wbo was eaaaia: toward tbesa. tbe wry Dob Aataaia yoa are lookta; for." "Yos are sare of k?" tbe Tisrero ask ed. "I kaow bba tsSL "If tbat is tbe obm, acrept tbis pias tre, ray zneae. ciaa pa boate. :r 1 aa loarer aed yar sflrriees." Tbe peas retired. Daria; tbe cosrer- satios tbe aewcosaer bad baked is torse alarrs. "Hi L Doa Aatoaia." tbe Tirrero sboeted to bfea. "Onese oa witboat fear.rrawOi a tbe ande, attUnr. tae kaa I ara a friead." "Ok. ob ! It is rery late to aeet a rsese sa ne strees. iob .ua sneered, tboarb be aaraaetd n itbatic bes- wepe to raard a aarpriw, "I aai Martial, tae Tirrero. I as aas waererr u wt rraw aay & -Ok. that is aaSacaat: what do yaa'asaae a bfcfcry arotaMe crop aad oae ? A Uir'nr. eh? I wiB have yoa kd to ary baase by a frcsc aad tbere ieave yoe to-aaorrow. &s i as: ks a harry hat aaow ae oae word." Sfs.k." "Where is Doa Valeatia?" "D yoe wmat a see baa?" "EacessNaly." "Tbea caaae witb ae at oaee, for I ats roias to YaleatiaeT (To be ooataaeed.) Maple sczmr is ia raatttr the saae a caae or leet sosar. atas x aaall par ceatsre of mineral saastaace? aad aa ladscrlhable arcaata aad djkarj of taste. So It has reaaabaed for anaa to eoecuerfeit ataxe sosar aad to atiecapt lf add ta fxrafts of ordinary sazars sack 2rors that the asiad of tbe epl- care hcmiltstistz off biaA-waaat cakfcs ( baa. It appears tbat the aaotber of reverts to the old mMZ c&aae where be tbe doss deserted ber offiprias. where eat tbt- early sprtastlBie of fcb bgf -!( the beat, with trae Motherly ta ho&d days. j sxhaet, Uak tbaa a&dor bar nrotoctias He bas aaade aaaar batuuhaas; socse of tbeaa he has era dared to neister la tbe patent oaane as dbjorerkis of tbe secret obi Mother Xarare t4d tbe stsaie trtro, bat aoae of linos, thoarbi tbey stay atake flrap. has maiie ' ataaie wrap exaepc at tao sosar or- eaLard. of fiaa lrawa 111 an li a Baile caasht la a backet aad boilfad daws orer fragraat wood ftrea. LesUe'c Weekly. Project for a Greater Drrlla. Wbes the arojket for the eoasU datlsr; of tbe sahcrbs of tbe city law a "Greater Beriia' has bnm carried nor tBcHfll ftvwl fiun till! ftnltttt ... . . . will be tbe Koad Jarjrei! dty to K-' repe aad the third largest ta the world, it will tbea bare aware thaa SJL.:OjL.d Ittbatdtasa aad wiH oatraak Paris by about 2T'XfyJL At jsrefiOBt It has abont tAX'O taaaMtaots. 2S0X lefcs tbea the F roach e&aital. aad it tbe third dry of Earofe aad tbe Itmnh la tbe world. "Doctor." said tbe pttteat, after tbe greai jerialit-t had beaded aad wti- j tlalsed aad catechised ' bias, "what , makes toe so serwoasr In Deaaiark W'JO farmers lire on -YotfTe k yoor rr(t," resfaded 1 thf ny ta alaety acres aad 100,000 farm tbe sywcialiic deaaoastratta boweror. 1 crs saake a Urlag oa smaller farms, by his site of his fee. that be retatood u will lareat a artlk caa his owTL-i'bUadeiphia Ilger. tbat will aot rest wbea rlrea reason- Tbe Cblsa Ttees, pehMsbed la PeUa,'aWe care, be aad his can wlM be wd la prtstei la serea dlffereat ItnraiXfc. ocol br tb ds'cjEcan. A Snt rtm of Valor. rralt rnwrri are arata indebted t UtUnjr Uajrbajtk of Cciifarjata Jh a aw rertefy of plana, wbleb Is exn--bqrly prmaisaac. Tbe ilhtratt sbw the raripty at aiHHi: rae-aaiartec Us aat aral sire. Mr. Bwrfesak says tbe rarle ty. trMcb be bs aacd MlracSe. If a kybrid wrllisg wttb tbe Proac prase as oee of Its pcrrats. Tbe rarkty la practfcaHr wdlcs. tbe rtroe br. a saauH keraei sear tbe rteaa td of tbe fruit Tbe Mtrxte Is dark ts caaor wttb tbe boary Mae atom s faaaUi&r ta tbe DajasMMj riaw. Tbe flef is j-eaaww -witii a pwjSfj rhwre itad sw ad alry trttb the bsbst Saror. Tbe rartftf bas aot ret ftSv tested ovta mt California. Hit Mr urtak sfwafcs fa- tnraWT f its abimr t rtand rate the snrw ruac. rfporoms cUaute to tbe Nortb. aad If xt does. It trill be a decided acjitio to tbe already Urns list of pd 9tt hrvebt kBio l-t-inc by Mr. Batrbaak. BcuLrda r. Eartti m.m rtooriaa:. At tbe West Ylrsiaia llrj-rta'jsrt StarJoa a few years aso a test was aaade f board Soars rerss earth floars tor ksriaf beatf. Tbf- ut i ran.d Xt. 31. assd csatttOBod dorian tbe wta- j :r for a fan siod of Ave It I was raxker ex-rtd tbat tbe beard aarta aoor vomH aevre Kwjrslor a ; s tbe comj. Tbere hesre tblrty-ftr bens of tbree bre-f each kiad Str. and tbe beau 00 j tbe eartb Soar laid fe&artr 73 per cat J amre err tban tfeo-e aa tbe lard . 4nor. j. w. Md tbat tbe oerck fir was waraier daria? cold wwraer. aad tbis aieoe mib: caase tbe dlCereaee ta recasts. The oaly sarkaes of aay kiad itarla- tbe test was a ca.v? of roep ia eeaeb bK. Altalfa. for IIojr- Wbecertsr alfalfa caa be rald. tbe 1-fsi. as well as tbe cbeapest. jrk aad baeoB cu le art Jacd, for alfalfa riTe iateai taal Is tbe best aad sells tbe be-t vraUe piawlar te tbe alfalfa ftetas baaitajr dcrttopaicBt. Tbe alfalfa caa 1 W rW ry aaaar iartJoos of Tei- thai wfD ret oat of tbe pwiae iadastry Us Vkszeat jtmbmt mmUs. jprradlnc Mkbiiit. Wbea asaaare b tarad oa the hard sarfare of tbe rroaad i-aave of the sota Me icKTstMLs will be carried away by atoary ralas. At the stmt tbae U is expo0Sfre ta 3tt plow tbe groaad aad tbea haal aaaaare over It. Aa exceMmt ptea is to Fpread tbe aaaaare and tbt dow It wkh a oae-aoree plow. &i as to kt the mtamn near the farfe, sad iaearporated with the top sail. lira Adapts Papplr. A remark blf tnaeiV taaae to Mrbt receattr at the refOoeaee of J. !L Itoh fcia of Aadearied. aear Hazleiawa. I'a. It coaaKs of & half doxaa pop ples laas aauroalxed bw a ctockiar wtas. Chlctcraa for Msrkrl. Cblrt5 hM la tbe autrkot at as aiza a AKara. caaaaared with bef aad aaarua, as ordtoarlty. If they are la pood sbe aad oaadtthw. Paacy fowls j for breeders eoauaaad as hizfc fipsre as beretofore, wheaerer Srrfyaw, Efjed aaeas cbaare haaos, aad every oae wbo caa turn oat a better trio or two aext faH than caa bis aeigkfeora will aad a ready asarkst for then at eres tbe ad vaaced prices. Pracbn VTIthoot Paca. A Marylaad frait jrrower has sacceed- ;ed la ralslar a crop of rxracbes witb . . tfeklas as deroid of tbe asaayla? fexx as Is ax apple. Neat year be proposes to ralf-r fecbes witb a skla tbat can be reaaored like tbat ef aa e ranee. rrn Xotea. Oae roUn caa pfek ture cberries tbaa two by. aay day. Good seeds amst aot oaly look rood. .. - - Arjricaltaral barers In Genaany re- ceiv froea -IS ceats to 11 t day aad woaaaa f rosa tO ceots to CO ceats. J Denatured aWbJ Is bow tAUiZ 1 37 cvbU Jer rUe 1T thv barrel nwl at fn 45 U M t at retail. Tw Cr xfCaaM't asnl'T tbr " lf was Iron tbe dfediltarV t Pwria, 1H-, aud cwisiWfJ f S.iM barms. A borw ttoat df aot aatarslly ca 1 rr . airh boad caaaot bo awde to do w craWlly hf Web ebeckiaa. Tbe I 4r ratio of tbe bed dejads oa tbe j ,topc of soaahler. which return abrupt nrertaus the seffk from beteR urew srertl back. lomarh Wri la Sbr-p. rnaoaoaisof lafesiatW by st ach worai la b-p are briefly notwl been undertakea before ia Aid trie la t roreraaioBt fcalletia. Is prrr.nt j I'rofwor Ilailcy ba called to bu.y tar, tbe lafetatloo of laasbs with sttrav ; tbe bt known writer, on arr!ru!tr acb woraw two reaeral jdaas are JbrooKboot tbe enUre ooaatry, ry aptalcaMe. The ee7auiy be kept bat written up tbe rarl on, ,ub jUoa I a SrTHTwhlch the T . nZ bM, The daarer of eult.l rpialUt of Am redact to a ialBu Ara to. wb published will no doubt finds cror practlcahle; tbe d.rer of lafeta-, j' nl D, "J tk from. 4oach wonas Is larsfly trwtru ' 1 Ue eUaatacttd If tbe Hml row to tbe fall . It i( tiiflotat that hta it can to rather thaa ta tbe sprtac 'the-very hnpartaat tabject of whl Brief aotes are clrea or tbe direct .t I'rofeusor Bailey rwinif. Uji reaxdles for swaacb worass. laetadias rrmt NorSbweat aad its place as oae ol coal-tar, creosote, Metoae aad gas tbe Iradlor wbcat prodocinjr rrRioni by Hae. calliag oa ProfwKJr K. E. fcjj.ott, head of tbe Arricxtloral department at tb a uird cvn.o.. Bisle co11cr f WaablaRton, to rrtrars A. O. Gross aad 11. A. Kay walked this taoet impartaat srucJe. Thsi hit acrofM imaals hvt fall froat tbe ladi- been done by Prof. Elliott and the nub aa ttae ta the Mbf4ipoi Hlror, tak- ter ia now in tbe hands of tbe pjbhtb las a bird ceawis a they w'eat. Ia a era. Tbe article In question coa;iu cl sartp of ctfoatry ISO feci wide aad 192 abot tn tbouiand wards, with nuraer. adles htox they foaad birds of 18 ou Illustrations, aad woud be mffi. daffereat Wad. "Two-thirds of the dent in itJf to make quite book 11 birds (oaated were Ka?i! sparrow. paWiibed teparstely. It ccrenths aad abwt oae-sixth of the reaaalader,'. aebjtct of wbtat prJscUn la crow hiacthtrds. The axt iaM abaad- lt,th t.tne itUn. aat s,ie, wore taeaitaw tarts, cow-j" ' "Hfd to the m,t atnls. ojows. lomd larks aad aware seea." Hartford Oaraat. A Point In Craftlac The eife of the rtock a the rxioa l. saowa la a refort rereatty rat oat by tbe Preach Acadeaiy of Sdeone-s. Two jr trres of the saaae variety, scaadlas b by side, oae grafted oa . m -a a. . . a tar cmstz sou tae outer oa a oaiar. tre frait for a aasabcr of years. That from the !-.' aek was s-na, while that frow tbe oatarc Hoc. was a soldea yellow, yiitk a rtw btasa oa the side toward Che saa. The Utter also watched a third amre er sfert was atore dessse ia lOa frait aad yaire. aad was ricaer la loth add aad Por SmoWtMC )lra(. A writer ta the Dakota larater rjlren tfc aeeoaat of has slawde plaa for woorlor area! : "After the ateat has b-ea ta tbe brtDe abmt two weoks I tahe It oat. pat it r"ftaR ' 7. "f rT, , it in tbe frtlroat. Oar wht froo. alat W Per Ol"" j rs ate to be cons ratalatcd In o. r - ,f.t that the artirlo in la a tab of eoM watr oae day aad physicist of the Elate ooMe, D casta, aad It l tbea ready to tmo' coolop this probirxn, Mr. Beny tUted Take a box aboat foar fe htch and i "Amoat the auctions wtith e two or three feet wide, aad knork t-tb T SMOKE H'JlX. eidas oat. l r a Uie aUnt feel deep a&d tao frri siuare, tbea die a treoeh tbe kstb of a More pipe and eikt laebes deep. Die a small boie at opposite etid rrom tbe bxrxe bole. t in aa old oiat of score pic aad covrr orec with dirt, tbea pat t-ji over tbe saaall hole aad bank ap with dirt. Pat a tia orar larre bole; aa ohl Joint ef pips, aawoaplrd aad satleacd 00 1, will do. Make a are oat of ooracata aad Ta hare a taaoke ti eqaa! to aay sasokc booM." i r a twie aUnt CrBBd Clorrr, article of fcod ts now -Hz pet oa the asarket whlcb Is larrely Bvt by thowe who haro tried tt-'jrroad eJovor. Ctaror bar ts rroaad as an a - - - - ' .- HUQ ratioas of rJnUrr ' h vJ7, Z tth loeortal re- to ab-o ealloat for wmas calves aaalpis. TW rroaad dorer Is to raided with U.uias water aad ST7 , r mhii may i prtMorreu. Timothy liar. Prof. Patter of the MaryUad A- rfc-ttitarai Station, wbo made tosis to desonalae tbe dises:btllty of foods, it aathotity for tbe rUlm that timothy bay Is ls dlsstiUe by Iwnws than by cattlft. This will, no doubt, be a srpr to aaaay. as It bas boretofore beea impj that as a food for horses timothy bay was more wltsWe than nrefereace. 1 lWm m Thr Poaltrr llontr, In constnsctlac a out try house it is thu tn tu- c, 1. ... ' 7 " m tin wnrmia aa iuuu .1 r hn win warm 1 afternoon In tbe wln.or. fibe bouse tv, BAMth 1. ,. . faces the Kta, as Is nmnlly the cus- torn, the sans rays will not enter be-' lore w or wuciwv. auooucti the morn ing Is the most ljxrtaat time for ro cdvtng benefit. Ilorae'a Artlflrlal Leg-, Professor Udriskl. a ltoo)wrx.8t Teter Inary sBrgeon, bas saoccled. after am patatlag a horse's lc at the fetlock Joint, In fitting a leather artificial leg by meana of which tbe animal Is en! abled to walk about and take exercise, NOHTHWEBT HONORED, Prefestar EWatt, f W. 8. c., r. tribute t Cycfoped!. It la well known that I'rof,, M Ralley, ol Cornell unlvtiltj, hai Jh worklDg lot thrtt jtara part cn t entire pobUcaUoo to be known . -n net. American Cyclopedia of Agricrjt0J This ia to be pobllsbed la Wera tol am'a aad It ie expecta) tbat it wl 1 irrrpi uj hb iwjidr pnoJe M tL, rtaodJiru rtiercnco work on rural affair, It baa beca taaoy yean since och 1 work baa been attempted and tvn.tA - i of aoch an cxlcnaira ntlure ha "Y -,':r - cnestion hii tea prepared b cne vb famlhsr with tbo eabject and who it doicr to n,ch to advance tbe iadostry tbroai tL work being done by bis department at tbe rtate experiment station aad at U11 Tariont cereal ttationa ettab nhtd in the sUteaa well ai through the ht pr'docer otcaaixatioa wbch aas lab ' . . A . i 1 . . t I . ttaiea oy aim. AID TO "DRY FARMING Washington 8tata Cotlegt ConducuVf Extonslya Experiments. Tbe problem of "dry lamunj;" now before tbe farmer cf the wau arid re gions of the Pacific ICorthwett bas beca takes vp by tbo Experiment Mat on 0! Wasbiafrton. aad it la hoped to work oat a method of farming for the re gksaa whcb will iocre&rc the r crop bearlnj: capacity. Tbe present opera tions of expert rneoUiion are largely relative to the phytic of so.U, and an in char? of Profeseor li. H IVrrr- roll ' mast aaaaer are: What Is tbe brtt method of conserving rwl istcre? Wbat ia the valoe of difkirc tbe (am metfailow early in the spnee before It caa be plowed? Wbat is tbe va!ne ef tbe tnb-sarfce packer? If tlx crop eaSers from drouth, is it becauM then ', 11 aot tsiScteat moictare in the tow, cr ts it becacse the plants caaavt take the , asoistare from the sot)? ! In the former ce we mot en Ifavcj to dertse a caltaral raethoJ to f T.Mne moittare; and ia tbe Istter rase c cst deveiop a strain of p ar.'t that caa take MWdstare rota the K.i, abicii ia a plant breedtag problem." Fl; ThHvo in Potk County. Fir as birpe aad perftct!y detebptd as those raiK-d in the most far red por tSon of California are crown at tbe town borne of Mrs. E. F. Lucas, n Moo month. Specimens of tbe frrnt wl broaght to Dallas by Mrs. Martha Gos per, who bad beea TislUng in tbe noi mal scbcol town. Tbe fir were of de 1 lei oca flsror and were far topeuor to the California froit otualfy loand in tbe Oregon markets. lira. Lncas tree is seven years old, lbe cnttlnc Having Deea oroogra iw California in 1&00. Tbe tree 1 making "ti'aat r owtn t 1 , . . . I , reacoea a neicni w 1. a crop of froit are borne each year. The ' , v. r.ii.: - ..vIm.. v..M.HM.a- o. raoiiadi frar A i.j i..., ,,t wn fruit linlt been of thTsecond crop and Ulf groan third crop. The tree bas In bearing four years. Good Money In Peach Crop. Shipments of early Crawford preht from Itotebarc this year will aprrcate a total of nearly 20,000 boxes. Thil the estimate given by E. P. Drew, wbo handling the abipmcal of the local fruitgrowers' association, whoe mem "'P embrace nearly all of tbe &ovn & that rtey. C!rowci? re Itd Pr j pfr box, While those of higher graae brought as high as 1.25 per p' After dedocting transportation charge, lktM nrlrtni lt tVi crrowera a nt markfcted in Portland. Karrr Hraro of His. v 8a04y 't Jl know one of Bunyan's ebsracters -Hearfa Esse.- don't yoa? Llttls Boy-Ko. ma'am, bnt If bs.k bunions b couldn't bava bad taoea boan's sac a. Coasplcaoaa ATiiUr "Jobnay," said bU grandfatber, "yJ linger too long at tbs table. I dool hurry with my maala, and yet I rlnUn of dinner Ufora yoa era half throuib wit yours, "Hubr sxdalaisd Johnny, witb V mouth full. "You've had sixty y" aaota practise la astla' shaa I Uts.' 1