The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 29, 1907, Image 8

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    assssBssss- m. m. - -. - .. - . , . , -- - - I
Land, Act Jlhe ft, 1878.
;li-n fni Pill J-nt Inn
.ntcd Stales Land Office,
,c Dalles, Orcjwn, May W, 11)07.
-tk'o is hereby jdven tlint m com
'nee with" the provisions of the act of
.lurcss ot Juno U, 1878, entitled "An
for the Bale of tijuher hinds in the
tit tea of California. Oregon. Nevada.
niild Wntbhi!ton Territory," nsextondea
to nil the JMibUu hand States by act ol
Annual 4. 1892.
KtUi M. Arnold,
of lloml,, county of Crook, state of Oro
iron. Huh on Auuust iu, uhhs, niea in
this ofllee his sworn statement No IWM
for tho purohiiKo of the sonwjij,
ne'4Bw'4 and uwsej sec a, tp 12 s
in n it
And will offer proof to show that the
land Hoiiuht is nioro valuable for its
timber or atone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
Haul land before u. u, Kins, i . c-. com
missioner, at his office in Uend, Oregon
on the mill dav of September, llKJi.
She names as witnesses: John Hloss
K U A'auiihu. William Arnold, Sid
Jsiehol, Cliarles Brock, all of Bend
Anv and nil persons claiming ad
versoly the a I oveu escribed lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 13th day of
September, J1K)7.
j)l-al2 C. W. MOORE, llcgister.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187S.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
The Dalle, Oregon, June 15, 15X17.
Notice is hereby given that in com
nuance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled
"An Act lor tltos-aie ol timber lands in
the states of California, Oregon, Nevada
anil Washington Territory, as extend
ed to alt the Public Land States bv act
of August 4, 1892,
Thomas J. Frvrear,
of Sisters eountv of Crook, state of
Oregon, has,. on December 24, 1900, filed
in this ofliee his sworn statement, No
3723, for the- purchase of the s&jue&t of
sec 22, tp 12 s,. r 10 e, w in.
And will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for' agricultural pur
noses, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Comity Clerk, at Prine
ville, Oregon, on the 12th dav of Sep
tember, 1907.
He names as witnesses: William
Wilt, Boy C Foster, David II Frvrear,
M JI Thomas, alL of Sisters, Oregon.
Any and all persons dunning ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 12th day of
cepiemuer, iwi.
jll-so C. W. MOOKE. Begister.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
Land Ofllee at The Dalles, On-urni,
July 31. 1007.
Xoticp is hereby mven that
Anton Birkenfeld, one."flhe hdrsatil
for the heirs of Anton Birkenftdtl.
deaeaed, oi Mtst, Oregon.
ha Sled notice of his intention t
make tinal five-year proof in support
of his elaini, viz:
HomesteHil Entry No 10337 made
January 2", 1802, for the -4-l nn.l
wjsei of see 21. tp 11 , r 13 ', w in.
And ttiat sni(f proof wdl he nimle
before Frank Oshorn, U. S. Cotnnii.
stouer, at his file in Mdra. Oregon,
on September 9, 1Q0T.
He names the following wituesi-er to
prove his continuou residence upon,
and cultivation of. the land, viz:
A L "Williams, F A .Smitii. W A
Ellis, Frank Galloway, all of Mndr-,
aS to C. W. Mookb, Res: later
Timber Land. A el Tune 3, 17S.
Notice for Publication
United States i-nd OslW
The Halle. Orsgon, June 15ta.lW7-
otlee Is herebv given that in compliance
aith the provisions of the act of Congress of
tune 3, ln..itIii.S'J ' An fti-t for the sate f
timWt an in the state of ta'ifornia, Or
jon Nevada, and W ashington Territory," a
.xtendd to ail the pub.ic land fctatoa by aet
yf AUTitt, Wi,
Pearl M. Davenport,
of PruuvUle. county of Crook, stat of Oregon,
has. on tfyliruary Vi, 1J07. filed in thu ottkf
her sworn blatement No 3817, (or the purchase
of the. i-SnfcJi, mvee'i and ne4vv4 sec 25, tj
U, r lfi e. w m,
Anil will offur proof to how that the land
sought U more valuable lor its timber or sion
than for aerieoltural purpose, and to estab
lish het claim to ml! land before the County
t lerk at l'rintville, Oregon, on the Ulli day of
berjtejnbfcr, l'JU".
i)ie uame as witnesaea: John n Bitter, K
K Jones, barley Stroud, all of Vrinevllle Ore
gon, S W I'oini-ton, of (iriwdy, Oregon.
Any and ail persona claiming adveraely any
of the above-deaeribed lands are reuaenwd U
tile their plalm in thi uOw on or before the
.aid UStb day of September, vm.
jll-gj C. W. MOOKE, RegUter.
Timber Ind, Act of Juno .1, 1S78.
Notice for Publication.
United Platen l.nnit Oftlco
I he Dnllc. Oregon. Slay 23, 1W7.
Notice I lieruliy given tlmt la roqipllanro
with the tirovlstotii ot the nctot I'ongrettst of
Jane s, 1S7S. entitled "An net for tlieoaleof
timber inttds la the olatest of Cnllfornln. Ore-
con. Noxnda mnl WHslilliuton Terrllnrv." nx
e.xteinleil to h 1 1 theiubUo Innd states by nut of
Augim i, iw
Wndc II. IIiiMoii
of rrlticvllie, rnituty of Crook, statoof Orecnn
lin, on September 7. l'.HM, Itlml in this olliee
ills nvora stntemont No. Mss, for tlie )iurcliae
of tin- ti'sw'j ot see ue'o' tnl solie'j
iee its, tp lis, r 1G o, v in,
A ail will offer nroof in show tlmt the lntul
concht is moro valuable for itx HimIkt or
stone tliHti for aRrieultiirnl purposes,
ami to establish Ills elalm to sftlil lntul before
the Comity Clerk at I'rinovlllo, OreKOii, on
the letli day of September, l'.KJ".
Ho n nines as vltne!o.s .Irilin W Collins ami
I, H l.afolletle, both o I'rltievllle, llrocon, ami
J If o'Kelly and O C. Crockett, both of Ami
wood. Oreiron.
Any anil all persons claiming adversely the
above-deserltK'd lauds are requested to tile
their claims iu this ofllee on or before said
10th day of September, WOT.
J27-S5 C. W. MOOIlK, Keglster,
Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1S78
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office
The llalles. Oreeon. Jtliiof'. 1W7,
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the aet of Congress ftf
June , 1S7S, entitled "An act for the ale!I
timber lauds in thu states of California, Ore
con. Nevada and Washington Territorv." as
extended to all thu public land states by aet of
lonard (5. Tlllerv.
of llend, eouuty of crook, state bf Orecon. lias.
on December -t. lv, filed In this ofllee his
.Miorn statement. No.H070for the of
the sse1..,, setsw W of mc 17 and n WneVi see
a). ti 18 s. r It e. w in.
And wl.'.' offer proof to show that the land
bought Is moro valuable for its timberor stone
man tor agrtcuitura' purposes, aim to estab
lish his cairn to said aiul lefore II. C. Kllis.
U. S Commissioner, hi his ollico at llend. Ore
gon, on the Hth day of September. 1SW7.
Ho names as witnesses: Chares I. llroek.
William 11 Urork. Clra A Jones. Wl.liam U
Wi.son. Minnie Tlllery, all of llend, Oregon.
Anv and all nerMins elaimlnir mlvuroIv the
alove-ileseribcl lauds are requesteil to tile
their claims in this ofliee on or before bald
llth dav of Sentombor. 1907.
JU-S12 C. W. MOOItE, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, IS78,
Notice for Publication.
I'uited Hiates land Office
The Ualle, Oregon, Junefi, r907.
Kotlee U hereby given that in compliance
with the i-roxibiouk of the act oi Lpngremof
JuueS, ltSTis, entitled "An aet for the hale of
timber land In the tat of California, Ore
con, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a
exteudod to all the poblle laud utate by aet ol
Auguatl, i92.
Marie IX Uro k,
of Lvtle. eowaty of Crook, state of Orecon, ba,
on January 17th. 1W7, filed In thla ofUe her
Bworu fctateMnt No 87tw. for the purchase of
the w4mH, ei4'M o' 17 "!ii!i
aecW, tpl'Jfc. rile. win.
And will offer proof to bow that the land
sought is more aluable for it timber or Uon
than for agricultural l-unpoaej, andtoestab
lUh her claim to ald land before II C Ellis,
U. B. Commltloier, at hi office iu Uend, Ore
gon, on the Uth day of Septeii.ljer, 1907.
She names u witnesses Charle L Brock
William II Jtrock, ' harle J Conor, all of
llend, Oregon, and Elwood W Koberth, of
bisters, Oregon.
Any and alt pcross claiming adversely the
above-l escribed laxdn are rejuetod to tile
thoir elalui Ik thi office m or liefore said
llth day of St.ptembe.r, qqke, l.ter.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 187S
Notice for Publication
Unitwl States I-and OUica
Tle Palle, Oregon, June C, 1907.
Kotlce it liereby given that in compliance
With tUe prOTigtoni of the act of .Cougrch of
JiiiieS 187a. entitled -An act for4 th.-sale of
rimbJrManiin the atates of . allfon.ia, ore
coii. Nvadu and Washington territory," as
exieaaed 10 all the i-jMIo !' 1 "tales b aet
A,,.t. I. Jofai
& fliiwora T .la." me'nt No mi for the
purcliHM of the e' ud s'4ne of sec 8, tp
l4AndwHWofferiu .f to show that the land
.sought Is wore valuable i.,r lt tiiuU-r .r hioiu
lhau for agricultural puruow'-, and t ub
Uh hficlaliuto said laud 'fV',,1h1fh,,V""
Clerk at Prints ill. , .regn, on tt i"th i -i
Beptitjiiber, 1UU7. . . .
lie name, as witmsscs: M
1'rauk Blinger, A H astwood, V,illiam Uc
I.Ieekln, allof rrlnoi ille, Oregon.
Any and all im.'P'ous nnnmni ., ....
ftUiVf-dfseribed lands an'
tf fir claims in this mi-.- "i
nuiioted t' nif
i ur Tji J n- tin'
Timber Land, Act June , 1S78.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Ofllee,
The Dulles, Oregon, JuueC, 1007.
Notlts? is hereby civon that iu compliance
with Uie provisions of the act of Congress of
June::, ISTh, entitled "An act for the sale ol
timber lands in the states of California, Ore-
con, Jievaila mid Washington Territory." as
extended to all the public mint state oy act of
.ugusi i, use,
Minnie Tillorv.
of Bend, eouuty of Crook, state of Oregon,
h&K.on December t. 19iV. died In this olliee
hor sworn statement No aW. for the nurcbac
oi the sx-'jne, Lots 1 and 2 of sec b and Lot 4
of sue 4, tp is s , r 11 e, w in,
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than tor acrii ultural purpo-e, and to
establish her claim to said land liefore ll C.
Kilt. V. a. Commissioner, at his omce at Uend,
Oreeon, on the Hth day of September. 1W7.
She names a.s witnesses- Charles L Ilroek.
WillUm II Brock. Cora A Jouea, William II
Wilson, Leonard U Tillery, all of llend, Ore
gon. Any and all person claiming adversely the
above -decri bed lands are reo,ue.ted to file
their claim in this ofliee on or before ald
Hth day of September. 1V07.
ill-al2 C. W. MOOKE, Keglster.
Timber Lnnd, Act dune 8, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
United Males Imiul OlKee,
I'ltuDalleM, Oreou, dut.v 1P07.
Notice Is lirieliy uIm ii tnnt In eoiapll
anee with tne p i ImIdiih nf the net of
Comjress of .lime !l, 187S, entitled "An not
lor the Niilenf tint er lands In tlioSnties of
Calilnriiiu, Oienon, Nevtula, and Wtuililnsi
inn Territory." as extended to nil the
Public l.unil Mates by net of August I,
ldvell K. Cooper,
o. I.iinionln, etinnly of t took, stole of
Oicgou, has tills iluy filed hi this olltce his
sworn stnteiiient Nn !ttl!W. for Uu p .lehnse
of the n'j'HWlt, sesw see I, mill
iu Uiiw 4 see St, tp IU s, i It) e, w in,
Anil will "Her ptool in show tlmt the
laml sought Is uioie viiltiuhle tor Its tliuliur
or stone than fur niirleultui'iil purposi-s.
mill to estulilish his tl Im to snhl laiiil
before the Coiiiim Clerk ut IMuevlli',
On Hun. on the J3rd du of Seiiteinher,
lie names as witnesses: .1. W.Collins
mid W. II. Jitistuu, liolli of Primwille,
Anj ntitl tut persons eliilmlm: ntlversefy
the abiive-deserllu'd Innds tire requested to
tlletbeir claims in this ofllee on or befme
snhl 23dtlny ur September. IWr.
C. V. Mooiik,
jylt-sl" Ueulster.
Timber Land, Act ot Juno 3 1879.
Notice for Publication.
Unlleil Hlnlen Land Oftlco
The Dalles. Oregon. J line . W;
Notice Is hereby given that In wimp lie
MllhlliSi.rovlsliijisotlhe act I KJ m
June a. IK78. entitled "An act f or ho f nig I
timber lattils In tlioMatV, l," i' ll X " as
gun. Nevada, anil Washington It rrlt or). J
exleinlud to all thu l'ubllf Land Hluto h act
of August I, mi,
Marcellous M. Tlioiimn,
of Sisters, county of ;ra. '' i.VJ?! i e
has. on Hecember , hum, Hied In Ihl otnee
hls;Vorn MateiiientNof IV Jr thu l,''r,''lB
of the'Lots 1, J, .land I, of set l,1p U . t m e,
"Ami will offer proof to lio V.'"'..''.!'' or
sought Is more valuable for U llm ' '
"".All"'.'. 'Vf ..W.!-'A,,l.r". . ' i 1 1 1 1 Wi i r ! 1 1 1 e
esilllllisil Ills t'liiiiu i" " , ,1...
County Clerk at I'rlni'vlllc. Oregon, on the
lUlh day of September, l1''-., ,. ,,,. Vn.
lie names as linewcs : Itoy I I'i' f "
Ham Wilt. Iiavhl II Kryrenr, .Mlaiilu 'llioma",
allof Sisters, Oregon, . , n...
Any anil ail persons claiming I'lyerselS U e
above ile.crlld lands are reiuesled '' ,"',
their claims lu this otllcoonor laiforo said loth
dav of September. UHi7. .. ,.,.
J II -mA C. W. MOOKK, UeglMor.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior
Land OtlJce at The Dallo, Oreson,
July 31, 1907.
Notice is hereby uiven that
.Way L. Bradford, formerly May E. Van
Mn .tn. oi Afadms, Oreuon,
as tiled notice of her intention to make
final five-ear proof in hupport of her
en in. viz:
II meitead Entry N- 11232 made Juh
10, 1902, fur the nKneK. swJfneK and
ifseM of M-e 14, tp 12 f, r 12 e, v in,
A d that s lid ynmf will be made before
Frank (Nborn, L. Commissioiier, at hi
'fllee in M.-dras. Oteon. n hept. 7, VM1.
Mie name Uie following vitncses to
orove her ron'ituious ieidence iipin, and
1'iiltivation of, the land, viz:
Perry Head, of Cutver, Oremi. W V
ilrown. ot Ileisur. Oruunn, John A Peck
and U b J'rine, both of Madras. Oregon.
C. W. Mooisk,
.i-5 Hey ster.
In the Justice Court for Kutcher Precinct,
Crook County, State of Oregon:
C. S. COWLES, Plaintiff,
C. C. ASHLEY, DefendanL
ToC. C. Ashley, the above-named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you axe
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint tiled against yon in the above-entitled
cause on or before the 27th day of Sep.
tetnber, 19M7, at 10 o'eloel: ft. m., ana iu ease
vou fail to so appear and answer said com
plaint, plaintiff will apply tor Judgment
against you in the sum of Us.tfi, with interest
thereon at H per cent per iinnum from the .0th
day of July. 1W7, together with H0 a a reason
able attorney's fee, aud disbursements iu
said action.
This summons is served upon you by publi
cation thereof for six woeks lu the Madras
lloueer, published at Madras, Oregon, by
order of the Court made August 9. 1907. direct
ing that service be made by publication, and
roqulriag that you appear aud answer tbc
eomDiaint filed herein on or before September
37. 1907. Tbe first publication of this notice
will be Auguit li, 1907, and the last publica
tion thereof on tteptetntwr 26, 1907.
al5-s26 Attorney for l'laintitf.
President Theodore Itpoaevelt
Vlee-PreaMwt Cbarlet W Kalrbanka
Secretary of tote Kllhn I loot
Secretary ot Treasury George (kirtolyou
secretary of Inttirior in V. flarfield
Secretary of Wax W II Taft
Secretary of Nary .' 01 JloiiaparU
Secretary of Comneree Oscar filrauss
1'oatmaster General Qeo Von L Meyer
Attorney General Wm II Moody
Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson
Governor George K, Chamberlain
Secretary ol Bute 1'. W. Iieuson
Treaaurer G A steel
Attorney General ....A JI Crawford
isupt. Public Instruction J II Aekerman
State Printer W Punnlway
Dairy and rood tanamlationer J W Iislley
US'' v jjClou
cwmmm j w VA'llla
( 1' A Moore
BupretaeJHds- JrSirltW
judge W L liradshaw
Prosecuting Attorney Prank ileuefee
Judge ... W A hell
Clerk Warren lirowjj
Treasurer. . .
School Hupersiiit ieii ut
riurveyor ...
('oriuii r . .
i oijuiii-muui r
..Frank Kiklus
. ...WPKing
.1 I) LaKollctte
c JI JJinnid.lie
W K fcIfarlalid
. i.Hil t- Mun
( f ll h lev
SH Stearns
.ti-iiii li-
A Tsliam
M Mii;,es
Timber Land, Aet June ,1, 1978.
1'nited states J.nnd Ofliee,
The Dalles, Oregon, May 29, 1007.
Notiee is hereby given that in eoin
plianee with the provisions of the aet
of Congress of June ll, 1878, entitled
"An net for the sale ot tinnier lands in
the stateaof California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
toall the Public Laml Mutes bv nut ol
August 4, 18U2,
Kdwin 11. Graham,
of Sisters, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, has.on.lnlv 2, l'.KXI, tiled in this
olliee his sworn statement No 21)71, for
the purchase of Iot 1, sefaiieM and
e)jseV4 sec 0, tp 12 s, r 10 e, w in,
Ami win oner proot to show mat tlie
land sought is moro valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said laml before II. C. Kllis, l S.
Commissioner, ut his olliee in llend,
Orcicou, on tho 13th day of September,
He names as witnesses: Marcus J
Wilt, Naucv .1 Wilt, Prank Zuiuwalt,
William A Wilt, all of Sisters, Oregon.
Anv and all iiersous claiming adverse
ly tho nbove-describod lands are
requested to file their claims iu this
olliee on or before said 13th day of
September, 1007.
jll-s!2 0. W. MOOKE, Register.
Timber Land, Act June ,t, 1S7S.
"United States Laml Ofliee
The Dalles, Oregon, June 15. 1007.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 15, 1S78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
states of Calilornin, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States bv act of
August 4, 1802,
Frederick W- Kroger,
of Piiilipsburg, eouuty of Granite, state
of Montana, lias, on September 25.
1000, filed in this ofliee his sworn ttate
merit No 41G2, for the purchase of the
swkj'ne, nw.Use'i and osw1 ec j&,
tp No 1!5 s, r 11 e, w m.
And will offer proof to show that the
land sought is moro valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, ami to establish his claim to
said land before II. C. Kllis, U. S.
Commissioner, at his olliee in Bend,
Oregon, on the l lth dav of September,
He nainos s witnesses: Charles
Itoyd, Henry AVenandy, A C Luca, all
of Uend, Oregon, Arthur P Donohue, of
Iaidlaw, Oregon.
Anv and all (ersoii8 claiming adverse
ly the above-describel lands are
requested to file their claims in this
ofliee on or liefore said 14th day of
September, 1007.
jll-s!2 C. W. MOOHK, Register.
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1ST8.
Notice for Publication.
I'nllutl Statct Land Ofllee.
The Dalles. Oregon. June ft, IWT.
Notice l hereby tiHcu that lu eonil'llatife
with tho provisions of the net of t engross of
Junoit. 1S7S. entitled -An act lor the
timber IbuiU lu tho States of fallfornln, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Torrl ory. as
extended to all tho public land state ') aet of
August t, 1SWI, . ,
Myrtle M. Ihtchaiinn.
of Sister, county of-( rook, state of Oregon,
has. on PecomlaT. 1WW. Illml In lilts ollico
lur sworn statement No i for the purclianc
of the s4tie4 and kum 1 , of see 1 1, tp l'i , r 10
' 'And vl.i offer proof to show that the land
"ought 1 more valuabo for Its timber or stone
than for agrlciiiliira puriM, and to estab
lish her calm to said land before the ( omit);
Clerk at l'rliievt.te, Oregon, on the 10th day Of
September. ISO. ...... rt .....
she names at wltnees: W lllfntn l;t. Iloy
t" roster. K IVmui, V U lluchalinn. all of
UfktfMPsi flraatii
Anv and alt irson claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requeted to nlu
their elalmi in this otllce on or before said
luih day of .September. 1W1.
jtl-sS 1'. W. MOOKK, Iteglster.
Notlco for Publication.
Department nf tlm Inttiriitr.
Lnm Olllfti nt 'Ao ii0tvmu
July nit lt'Oi.
sVotlco Is hereby Klven llutt
Amos A. Ihlitis, iif Minimi. Oreunii,
Iiiih tiled untlce ol his Intention to muKii
lliuil eoiniiitiliUlnn ld'onf In snppint ol his
"''lloniestettd Unity No 16211 nmde June
H, WW, for tho seijiie.'i of see !l!l, and
s'tiiwi mid ih'UhwJi of seotU, tp Hi s, r
' Aiid t'lutt snhl proof will he niilde liefoio
Frank Oiluitn, I). M. (Joiiinilsiluiier, nt hN
olliee III MmltiiM, Oregon, on .Sept. i. IW.
lie names Hie following wltlienei to
prove his I'tiiitluiioiiH reihleiiee upon, and
cultivation of, the html, viz:
P II tittle, VS CtlHwell, ,1 nines Lee, J
W dvlngston, r.fl of .Ma uiiH, Oregon.
itl-Hf) 0 II'. Mooiuc, Keglater.
WepnrtiiKiiitnf the Interlnr '
Lntul OnicotU Tho MullnirK
Notlco li hjnoliy lvnn tliat ymM.
vimuuo in i, or Aim ma. i,,.
Iikm ifoi notion nf hU li.i...... ' VHtn
.n.. J . . ill mi
ciuim. vir.: mi
II.. .....! IJ..I.. ... .......
i mi irniiiiiil I'iiim v ivii, IJL'in. inn, I,,
I. IIKli. for tho M(0t Hi:c !)5, t . i !AB
11 III, Ml
nun tiini sum it our w lie in... in 1 ,
I .u.,k OHhorn,,, " ! ' JTS
oil luu In .W.uhaH,()n.uon,oi, ,s, , ' SJi
tin milium tin fnfotuiii,. .... ' ml
liumt his coutluiintm toNhleii. , . i'lTK u,
mi III vat Ion of. the luml'vixi 1 "' M
, .1 0 Tucker, J I) .Slumps, ii .,.. '
iM-olt, K (liotit, ul. of ,l,hVs (. ' H
iil-sf. 0. W. Mmni .
Department of thf Inti-rlor ''
Uind Olliee at Tin- Dalles, Oregon,
July 81, J007.
Notim- is hereby ivu hul
.Toim W. Collins, of Culver, Orouoc,
has tiled notice of his ItHi-iinon tn
make tinal fiw-year proof in supp -it of
liif. elalm, viz:
Homestead Kniry No 10241 until'
January G 10fr2, fur t!ie i iuoj und
ii in u of see 82, tp 12 s, r 18 w in,
Ami that snt'l proof will ho made
hnforo Frank Oniirji, U. S Cotnmlf
sioner, at his otllce in Madras, Oregon,
on SeptemherO, 1007.
1I- iiMmeH the followinf tvUnesstiS to
prove his ooiiilniioii rehidetiee upon,
and cultivation of, the lnnl , viz:
Oooriie II Os orn, TIhuhhh J Alder-
lyce, Georuo W Koilmuii, Itobert (;
O-hnrn, all of Culvor. Oreuoii
aS-so C. W. JIooitH, Heiilstur
Timber Land. Act Juno S. Is78
fnlted States UndOnicc
Thu IihIIim. urtfion. Junet.. tW7.
Notice li hereby gUcii that Iu i-omjUlatico ,
with the irovllon of the art of t'ongrtxi of
June , 1nt, entltietl -An act for the tale of
Umbel Minis lu the state of California. Ore
gon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended toall the ptibdc laud stales by aot of
August 1. 1MU,
Clinrliw ('. lluchatiait,
ofSlstars, coftpi) of frook, State of Oregon,
has. on Deconibrr A. I'.mi, AInI In tills oUlc
his aworn stutemeut No 71. for the iurcha
of the tiSnw( of sec 1 1. iie;ne) of see 14 and
of ec 10, tp J.' s r lue, w m,
And will offer proftf t" show that the land
soiight Is more valuables tr lis Umber or stone
than fur agricultural pfif ioses. and to estab
lish his claim to said lauiKl'ore tbe County
clerk at l'rlnevllle. Oregon. Hn the tuth day of
sepiember, IW7. v
He names as witness: Wlllfnu 'llt, Itoy
c Kohht. r K Person, Myrlfo MOiuchanaii,
all of Sisters, Oregon.
Any and mi person claiming advegiy ,,u'
Hb.duacrlbHl anils are roo'iestel'"te Hie
their claims In this otllce oil or bufnru salttnvth
day of September, pw.
Jll-sS v. W. MOOIth", Iteglster,
Notice for Puhllcatlon.
Dopaitiiient of the Interior
Land Ollico at The 7ailes, 0-koii,
Jul 81 11W7.
Hdliva U hereby given llutt
Otty N. Hood, of Matlraa, Oicijnii,
lias ftliMl nolici-of his Int. iiiimi to make
lliuil (Miitiiiiutatlon proot iu sup ortot hi
eUlm. viz:
lluiiiea'oail Entry Xo. 16)1)7 initihf June
7, 1WW, for tho hsw ec 28, wse m-c
! and nuK'ie sec 27, tp 10 a, r 11 e,
w in,
Aud that said proof will bo mailo liefore
Finnk Oslioru, V- S. Coiiiiiilaloiii)r. at Ilia
office In Madras, Orejion. on .Sept, 7, JW)7.
llo iinm' the following wltnesDos to
prove hl continuous realdeuce upon, and
cultivation of. the land, viz:
W 11 Htoiiehoc-er, 15 E Kche)iif(jr,
(ionn Loucks, C Jv Loticks, aUof Jailrus,
nl-hd Vj. IP. ilooitu, Keiater
Jcpai tiiieiit ol Hiu Intel lor
Land Oftieti nt 1 J,o Inlfea, Oiecon,
July 81, 1W7.
Notice Is huruhy K'ven that
Itookoy C Jtohlaou, or Jadrfts, Oregon .
Uus llleil notice of hl Intention to make
flnaf flve-your proof Jn support of his
claim, vi:
Homestead Entry No. UH2k iiiudo April
J5. 1WK for Hih w'jtii' ami wJio of sw
15, tp I J s, r 1)1 e, w iu
ylinl lliat said piiinl Mil! Li' miiilii hJoic
Frank (jflioin, I . h. CuiiiiM-iKnu'r, at Ills
olllci ln .U.iiliii, On .'"ii. u Ni pt . 1U07.
J Jr- jih!ii,-h the I'.ln .. in;.' if nHf to
prove in-i innum' i- kIi ik'i; iijioi), and
eultivatioiiof. the ami, vi.:
William ( 'owluiil. William Mailroli,
Tlii'lita - Tavtoi. .1 It Williams, a'l ff
Madin-. On-'.'i.n
il 0 I . W If". ' I Vr I U i j
Timber Iviul, Act Junes, 1STS.
United States hand OI!ke
The llalles, Oreeon, Stay al, 1KJT,
Notice is hereby uiven that tn ompllaiiro
with the provisions ol the act ot Conic re of
Junes, 1ST, entitled -ah art fur the sale of
timber lands iu the states uf California, Or
Bon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as
extended to all the public laud states by net of
August I, Wl,
M. Oille Klfclns,
of I'riuevillc, county of cronk. state of Ote
Bon, hai, on September as, 1W), Uhnl in this
ot)ic her sworn statemiint No tl7, for the
purchase of !t 6. si,ti! and s'ue1, of m i
o, tp 12 s, r 11 e, vr in,
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is m ire valuable for It timber or
stone than for srclculniral purpose, aud to
establish her claim tn said land before tbe
County Clert at l'rlnevllle, Oregon, on the
10th day of September. 1W7.
Bhti a a m as witness : Henry II Blllas, I.
BAIIinghTm, K O Smith, Nancy K Ixnjau,
all of Ihnnevfllf, Oregon.
Any aud all person clalmlnic Hilvrtly th
aboveleaetibed lands arc rciioUfd to nla
their claims tn this ortl on or before aaJd
toth day of Boptemtx-r. ltoT.
jtiHd c. w. MOOKK, IlagUter.
Notice for Publication
pttrtttient nf the lnurlnr
hand OIHce at The DUf, Orrn,
Aujiuai ,ln.
A'oUco la herehy lven thai
George II. Giudfnug, ol fcistart, Oregon,
haa fUed notk-u of liia Intvtill u 10 limit'
final coiiimitmtion proof In aitppoii of liia
claim, vi.: lSntry No lfiltk) i.aile iUy 22.
VIM, :oi t lie Lot , eic!4 "f '
iie'4iieL'of 11 mid iitt Hum of aec 18, tp
11 s, r 10 f, w in,
Ami wild proof will hemiule llfor
i In-dm t Clark, nl l'rlnevllle, OieKon,
on September 10, DU7.
lie names this followliiK wjlneMe to
prove hi coiitinuntia ruahleiiBi'. Upon, Mid
cultivation of, thu html, rut:
MeiiHMt 'reef, Hdwltt (Iralium, IdruvWii
dtiveis and Xelilo Street, all of ilsti,
236 C. W. MOOKK, Heul.ter.
)i iiHt tnieii' o tin liflenor
Land (ifflee at the Dnflea. Oregon.
July m,wi.
iYotlcu Is iieiehy given tlmt
Ilulph II. Voiiuk, of .Murium, Oieou,
hat filed notice of his Inlelilloti Ui mako
(Iniii llvii-yeai proof in atipiMirt of IiU
claim, viz:
oinentead hutrv A'o QSII made Out.
IU, ItW, lorthi! l4-eJ((; ttiiri eiwif nf whs
17, lliiO, r 11 a. w in,
Ami that Haiti i-roor wiif i inade hefom
Frank Ohborn, U ?.t oiniiil-luner, nl Ida
oIJich In M.ulraa Oniiii, on Hojit. 7, IW)7.
llo iiaint'K the fotlowliiK wUnesima to
prove IiU coiitliiiioiiN iililenee upoii,aml
cultivation of, (hit luml, viz:
William II .Stom-lu cker, ll'illiini hoe,
,Iohn hoe, W S yrlawell, all of MailrM,
OtoHoii. (;. W. AIooltBj
:tMs5 IftilSloi-
Notice for Publication
J'tihllo h'ltid Halu.
Tho DalleH, (irogoti, hand (Jlll'-e,
Atitfiiht 12, 1007
Notlco Ih herehy given that, its di
rected hy the ConimlHHlonor of tho
General hand Olliee, under 'provlwlotiH
o'f Act of Coiitfro.iH approved Jiino 27,
11)00, I'uhlloNo. 80;i, wo will oll'iir ut.
ptihlhi Halo, to thu hl),'liiiHt hhMor, ut
ten o'olook a, in., on the 2-Hh day of . r 5
Kuptemher nuxt, at thin olliee, the GOO V fill C VO
followliiK traetofhind.towlt: NICjof1 J V
thoHiq of Kee5,Tpl2 8, II 15 P., V
M. I
Any pomoiiH eluitnliu; advurauly tho
ubovii'dauiirlhud liinda arts uilvJnd to i
fllo ihulr olalnm, or ohJenHotia, op or I
before thu day above dealtiuted fut
mm W F tei UUIV
to t
lnrj a
axlno 1
tone, n.
Vftndy nil.
nklnc It
oh ovcr
Mio Vrcn
ll nnd tht
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V.I urn It f
m nindo)
mu rlor
inrt of a 4
jnled hy U
B Oil
iototfntphei D
)H OI in".
or tho PreKl
the fenco n
fill picture
looauvelt In
Shed miin
exception u
toKrnphfr K
H nioxt dU.
mih and lH
ut Kcein fl
Vleturo ever ti 1
ii,. Mini' hiom
ion .- -
lJo-erlugo i
We make
and our
excel led
pecialty of
Print i no
m o
Pr(lcannot be
f,KJ Will
hero I !
our luwl
It rcml
a '
(i, W. M-ioiti:. HL'iHtcr,
hul ls II. hni - n, Ifeeelver.
tuy of Sci.icnibcr, i'1'