The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 29, 1907, Image 7

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ling llic Siomachs nndUowclsof
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promotes Digcallonflwffii!
ncss and KcsLConlalns nciuux
Opiimi.Morphinc norJMlacraL
pi mtt i
JXtPfkta Sttd"
Anerfec r Remedv for CoronflJ
lion , Sour Slomach.IJtarrhoa
"Worms Aonvulsions.rcvcnsn-
ncss anJLoss or sleep.
BcS'uullc Signature of
1 - m
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Signature Ajl
r Jfv In
jjA Use
VA For Over
Thirty Years
"My State," Wild the Virjlnlnn, "I. tbo
mother of President."
"Yen." mild the Ohio man, "hut the
old lady linn outlived her boya half a
century or uioro."
I'rufcKiloiinl Advlcn.
Physician You'll have to bo careful
tills BUiniucr ana uot overeiert our
elf. PatientThen you think I outfit to
take ii vncntlon, oh 7
Physician Certainly not. Didn't 1
Jutit tell you not to ovuroxert yourself?
Tim Con viT.ntloii of Coin.
"Money tuIkH," nald the succinct per
son. "Yen," answered MIhs Cayenne, "nnd
omo of It seems nt present to he quite
gossipy nnd scandalous In Its remarks."
Washington Star.
A errnt IrrlKatlou project Involving nn
expenditure of about $'-'.000,000 ha been
authorized by tbo Kccrctary of Stala for
Worm 'Hi I ii (f About Them.
"Appearances," remarked Mm. High
mtm, "are no deceitful."
"I don't mind that no much." alabed
Mrs, Amblih, "but they're o cxpcuhIvo
to keep tip I"
Hy una of X-rays nnd tlio elnoinnto-
rrnph, mi apparatus for repeatedly pho
tographing mot lug objects nt very brief
Intervals, scientists have succeeded In
photographing movements of Internal
organs like tho henrt nnd lungs. TIicho
moving pictures when reproduced on
n screen are of great assistance to
medical men.
Thcro In a story going the roundH to
Uio effect tlint n rock has been dlscov
crcd In tho vicinity of Monterey Mexi
co, which by simple rubbing omits olec-
trlc Hpnrks nnd produceH n blue light
of remarkable clarity. Hamplcs of tho
Blono have been hciU to tho geological
Inntltuto nt Washington, nnd also to
Thomas A. Edison for analysis.
Hy tho uo of corwreto n very tnll
lighthouse was constructed In n very
Hliort period of time nt the Point Do Ln
Oouhrc, nt tho mouth of the Olronde
rlvor, In Franco. The building In 22T
feet high nnd nbotit thirty-five feet In
dlnmetcr nt tho brine. It wnH flnlHhed
In rilno montlw nftcr the commence
ment of tho work, nnd cost $00,000.
Tho hnHto was owing to the fact that
tho Hen had threatened to wash away
mo oia structure, winch was not so
high nnd somewhat nearer tho water.
German nrmy officers have recently
experimented, with satisfactory results,
with a now form of rifle ball Invented
hy nn Italian, 8lg. Col-RIgottl. The
projectile terminates at Its front end
In a wrcw-shnpod projection, the pur-
jwso of which Is to Impart a more con
Minions revolution to tho projectile dur
ing Its flight. The effect Ih Bald to
be to give a much longer range nnd n
flatter trajectory, with tho samo orlg.
lunl velocity na that of projectiles of
tho usual form. For some renHon tho
Invention was not accepted In Italy,
but It 1b Bald that this fact is regretted
by tho Itallnn authorities since the suc-
ceBsftil experlmentB ln Germany.
Great expectations nre entertained
Trace of (lio Teildr Hear.
When It tit up on Itn lmunchea, In
nnut for mtchlni? (Hen:
When It ogles you, my children, with 1U concerning the future development of
wicked little eye: I tne "telepheto. Invented hy Prof. Korn,
When It rcni'bcM out cnnnilntly, lu for- of Munich. TIiIh InBtr?iment, with tho
pnwM In tht nlr nd of Belenlum, n iultnnco iKBfle.v
That In the time of peril, dear! No ,nR t0 1millnr vmKrXv Df varying lt
I'rcullnr Tlltiiloo Drama.
Drums lined In. Hindoo rellglouii pro
cokhIohb aro called doles. They are
made of baked earth, and noinetlmtxi
a yard long, nnd twice na Inrgo at tho
electric rcfllRtanco In proportion to the
nmotint of llg-M falling upon It, trans-
mltH a phottraphlc Image over ordi
nary telornph wires. One oftho most
micceKfrful exierlments of Prof. Korn
during lnnt winter was the transmlo-
rontor an nt either end. Kottle dmmi Hon of a I'hotogrnph of the King of
nr., thin connor bnHltiH or bowIn. rovrKKlnJ over a circuit connecting Mu
ercd with parchment or cnlf-kln,
which Ib held In place by nn Iron hoop.
Hrnilquartrra for Information.
Dicky You don't b'lleve that tory
about Little Ited Uidiuj; IJ'XaI an' th
wolf, do you?
Kitty Coumo I do.
Dickw-Well, If you'll Jlst write to
Prek'dnjp Itoowvplt nn oak hha about It
I you It's a fako.
Knerr Ilelfrr.
O, that itory look too lonr. I
nt to read It.
Yes, you do. It's a story about
n you don't like.
fO It
nlcli nnd Nuremberg. Tho photographs
nppear crosBed wltli fine lines, but
tboHO hnrdly Interfere with tho dis
tinctness of Uio picture. Tho photo
graph of King Edward was transmit
ted ln eleven and one-half minutes, but
Prof. Korn hopes to render the, proc
ess virtunlly Instantaneous.
om sm
Xll . I
Whenever a rorc refuses i . laase the blood is not pure and
healthy, an itt.hould lx?, but jP incfi poisonous genua or some old
1 lood taint which has cornnf , i , . .,,d the circulation. Those most
i,o..ii.. .,m:-i...i ...m. -..J ilcci aiui?... . i.-.i 1 .i.i
ye cou. . . . . In t)mt mysterious way known only
i i 1 Tiirrowa red and anrjry, festers and to lm'cr lowci-or, they kept
Tennonre Lorer flnntcbed Drlde
from Her Mrotliera.
A gfod story of a lover tlint capturod
his HWtfthcnrt and carried her off and
married her In the good old Homan way
comes from Texas, says tho Memphis
Com:nercInl-Aij)enI. It apieara that
Kd Grief haB Ikhii nruch in lore with
MIks Klla PranclB for some time. The
courtship, however, was carried on
very much against the wishes of the
young lady's pnrentH. For some six
months they had kept their eyes right
ujxjn her nt church, nt school nnd at
home. If they wore not watching
Borne person
. filujrcrinh
which has hitherto been
legs or other part of t!
cats into the stirrouu
Ulcer, fed and fcept op
KTit.l 1 . fl
nuuijmj la more iryi
The very fact that it.
lor suspicion; the
Old orc, and c
Washes, salves,
face of four yoar
wan a omau pim
frradually utow
n ovorv wnv
alarmod about
novoral pli7D
iruaiou mo uv
to uToxr wor
vortlnoa nn
and af tor U
now pura
poon nn
u. a. a
W uouy. f,;.
Minrr tissue! ... .... j .
I . it I..J Willi W JUCU W1U 13 bUl.UIUl.CU.
cn bv the Inf. . . . ...
tvr ana uwn.ijj anJ t tmcnta i3 gooj rcason
jcanccroua uiccrs is uact oi every
hnS ZC ihfl tllc trouble is an inherited one.
cclnlly n appUC(i directly to the sore, can
br inuceu a y VnUancntjjood ; neither will rcinov
ItU a soro on raW Sore with caustic plasters or tho
j t"dVnE;,tP'8 knife make a lasting cure. If
ia?Br and woreLvticle of the diseased flesh were
. itLrtti T liociuni. ...... 1 1. ...... 1.1 i.
! it und, opnsulW ..,.. ... . 4t . . . .,'
ltl.ooroonllnu40 CANNOT BE CUT AWAY,
IrawB.O.B. ai , i
"T QfulSt ft wWflox0Sf the blood. In 3. S. S. will be found
' 51 rp.;.itny from f --dy for pores and ulcers of every kind.
. B. H., 'Vntith0Broro ullu unequalled blood purifier one that
T T DllVil v.
and iiUhy
ii. H., wa t ha
Birrn ot tno i
ouroais. nnfl. qweI,,. ,. . ,. .,
ll'l,y wieaiisea it ui an jjujuuua uuu
ftt Union, Ohio.
'directly into the circulation and
up a cor-
reHpondence v.'iui eacn ouior, sno as
suring him upon every occasion possl
blo tliat her heart was still true. Last
Sundny morning slw conveyed the In
telligence to her lover that she was
going to visit her undo In tho Ilynds
vor community, and would likely only
lio accompanied hy her two brothers,
ngod lf nnd 17 years. Tills news was
sufficient for tho young man nnd he
mndo preparations accordingly. He
came to Dresden nnd procured the noe-i-ssary
license. Ho thon Bccureil tho
son'lccs of W. House, Ksq., n bosom
friond of his, nnd posted him nenr tho
rondsldo where the wagon was to pass.
At tho hour of 10 the wagon came roll
ing along, and sure enough tho young
Indy wan In it sitting on tho front sent
between her two brothers.
As It passed a certain point he camo
out of ths bushes, halted It nnd reach
ed for his sweetheart. Tho brothers.
. It irets down to the very bottom o
ouble and forces out every trace of im
ly and makes a complete nud lasting;
H. S. S. chanrrc3 the ounhtv of ths
1 so that instead of feeding the diseased seeing what was about to happen,
ihm 1 whlwkxl nn tho mules to innko tlnun
tllRELY VEGETAtfatcd, Inflamed flesh with liculthy blood. I pull out of tho way, hut tho young
b u Iih is formed, all pain and Inflammation, 'American had taken tho precaution to
ticcrln3 to iliAti ft ft lincj nnrifioil Mood flirt bnih! H mil foiKX) JllHt ncrofla tho rnnd
.a a tiMftlxd Cm a . a. . a . 1 . . a. 1
IftavcS. the piacu , 13 lor saie nc nu Jirsc cmss unicf Biorcs. m rront nnu swung ouio mo wagon
una uiccrs and any omcr mcuicai uuvica wltn nn nis sirengtn ami tno team
pore is permanently cure
r,H trr our sncciai ioa
0U desire. We make:
the book or advice.
a omn prmvm W. L.
not ma ha a mmii
3 A mhoem
r mnnutmaturer.
o. G.'Xir'Z-Zi THE WOflLD
gfVwwtm vf ou'oru liymoro neoplo
THIS 1U2A80N W. le, U liueuima or their
In all walks t "f" "'f'lor wearing quijlltloii.
UinuUont atylu. eiwyfinnterluUforeiieh jmrt
M,u olMtlouf thulfklnir le looked after by
of tho nhiio, iuhI ovurf iitemluiiti.forenieiiHiiil
tha moteoiniliiorhtt whubi pah I In tho
iuillixl houmiikerj, cannot lio Moolleil,
tlioo Inilimtry. ami i rlu8 at llrockton.Maw.,
If I eonlil t iku yutiiLlitii ilioemironiiule, you
anU uliow ym how fl their ehaiio, fit lotlor,
wear lonuur aixl rinU ShBBaannot km mny prlam.
Mv4 0llt FigW'flce n "'u l"ttom to jirotootyou wuainit liighprlaM
"Mr i.. Duitiilat tnto. HolJ by tho bett ilioa ileaferi eTerywhsre.
Aid Inferior linea
og mailt Jn. W,JUliUUUliAli, llruoktuu.afaM.
soon came to n BtaniiHtlll. Ho seized
tho girl with loth arms nrouiul tho
waist, while tho brothers hung onto
her foot, Imt llko all lovors in such
cases ho pulled her looso nnd they
struck across tho open Held to find tho
Justice. Ho was not very far nwny
and the knot was tied before you could
say "Jack Robinson."
After tho mnrrlnga tho couple, fenr
Ing that tho father, who hnd JubI lost
a daughter nnd gained a son-ln.lrrw,
mlfflit carry out hla ofton-expresed de
sire to thrash tho life out of both of
them If over this hniortant ovont
which had Just occurred did occur, got
In tho JtiHtlco's buggy and drove to his
liotiso for dinner, where thoy could at
tho ennio time hnvo tho protection of
tho luw. Tho boys ln tho meantime
and gotton out of their uotlou to visit
their undo and had Btrtifk for homo
and told tho story.
Tbo old man, finding hit daughter
had lieaten him, rode one of the inulos
back looking for the fleeing couple. Ho
learned Hint they were at tho Justlee'fl
roflidonco and culled with Mho voice of
a roaring lion, rkjulre House went out
to see him, nnd 'after much dlscuHlon
and jMjrBiinslon ho agreed to take his
daughter back and receive his newly
mndo son-in-law Into IiIh family n one
of them, nnd they put the girl on tho
mule, while the father rniid boh walked
homeward together, dlscuBBlng tho
weather and crops like old-time friends.
flnvfrt Mnnler nt Mnarcnln, Stink n
Hliiifla of n Cirli, bill Illoil Ilnpor.
An Imiulry nn to the limit of ago of
horses Is reported ln a German farm
Journal by Dr. N'orner-HarenBlnirg,
who has collected Information far and
wide on the Hubjcct, says the New York
Sun. According to his conclusions thir
ty years would seem to he the equine
equivalent for tho human "three score
and ten." It is a good old ago for
horses, but ninny reach It nnd not a
few Burpnis It,
The oldest horse of which ho could
learn any definite fncts was a roan
mnre bred in the government stock
farm In Hungary. n"l "he was nt least
4." years old when she died. In 1852
she was nnBlgned to Lieutenant Theo
dore von Lcyss of Lomburg, serving in
the fifth regiment of uhlan1?. In the
next year horse and rider were trans
ferred to the twelfth regiment, nnd In
1850 they made the entire Italian cam
paign together. At the battle of Ma
genta the lieutenant was cut off from
his regiment by n body of French
troops. His brave mare carried him to
safety by an extraordinary leap over
a, stone wall.
In 1&.VI Von Leys-i got Into financial
difficulties nnd In the following year he
was obliged to part with his mare to a
comrade, who used her bb road horse
uutil 1805, when she passed Into the
stablq of n major of Infantry. With
him, It Is believed, she made the cam
paign of 180(1. Then Von IOyss, who
furnished the facts to Dr. Xorner-Hn-reuflburg,
lost sight of her until 1873,
when he found her, alas, serving as a
cnb horse In Vienna. He kept his eye
on her after that and ln 1882 she had
sunk to drawing a delivery wagon for
a manufacturer' of paper boxes. Von
Leys8 by this time was In better cir
cumstances and he bought back his old
friend nnd comrade to take care of her
until her death.
This took place In 1892, when she
was fully 45 years old, according to
the Btock farm record. Down to the
end she was employed dally nt light
work. She wns a well-set-up nnlmnl,
with unusunllyclenn-cut, graceful build
nnd limbfl. Two days before her denth
she refused feed for the first time In
her life. Her skeleton Is now set up
In Uie veterinary college ln Vienna.
The great age she reached is all the
more remarkable when her military ex
igences, Including thelmrdshlp of two
campaigns, are considered. Her biog
rapher considers her career as estab
lishing the ndvantage of allowing hors
"ntraeltr of rtnrena.
A case of remarkable sagacity In n
pair of ravens Is related In tho Field.
Two collie dogs were hunting rabbits
and the ravens were soaring overhead.
As tho dogs drove tho rabbit out Into
the open, near the top of a hill It ran
straight Into a trap and was caught.
As tho dogs enmo near the ravens came
down nnd by loud cronklng managed
to drive away both. They then started
to devour. tho rabbit, which they quick-
iy uispaicneu. j
Tho word "bumper," meaning a
drinking vessel, derived Its origin from
the Ktmian Catholic religion.
It was the custom In Kngland In an
cient times to drink thelicalth of the
Pope nftcr dinner in , a full glass of
wine. This was called "au bon pore,"
from which wo hare tho contraction
Luck In Small 2Y a in tier.
"I hear," said Hi Trugedy, "that
while you were playing In one of tho
country towns a Are broke out In the
"Yes," replied Low Comedy, "and
there might have been a horrible panic
but for one thing."
"What was that?"
"There weren't enough people ln the
house to create one."
Mothers will find Mr. Winlow Soothing
syrup tno ixit remedy to uao lor tcaixcxmarcu
' luring the teething period.
Poor Thlnir.
"I don't suppose Miss Tassay ever
hnd any beaux when she was a young
"No, she was too dignified nnd old
fashioned." "And the men don't like her now,
"No, Bhe's too kittenish now." Phil
adelphia Ledger.
IVHy Woman.
"Women are such convenient liars,"
declared Mr. Jefferson Judd. "When
tho Wigglnses were here to dinner you
kept saying Mrs. Wiggins didn't eat
enough to keep a bird alive. You know
that wasn't so."
"Well," retorted Mrs. JudcL 'There'i
different kinds of birds. You may
have had a cana'ry ln your mind while
I was referring to an ostrich." Kan
uaa City Times.
fit. Vitng Dance ana &U Kcrvons Dta?as
permanently cured by Dr. Kline' a Great
crva IWutorer. KeDd for I Ht.t. izirioi Dome ana
treatUe. Dr. K. H. Kllzir, LA., 931 Arch Bt., PcUa.,la.
Ilia Knar Job.
"Isn't this a wearisome sort of occu
pation?" asked the customer. "You have
to remember so much, and answer so
many questions."
"Not at all, madam," answered the
book store salesman. "All I have to
remember is the titles, names of authors,
and prices."
"You sell a great many of the popular
norels, don't you?"
"Yes, ma'am, but I don't have to read
BMing by
On ravlnga deposits of a dollar
or more, compounded twico
every year. It is just as easy
to open a Savings Account with
us by Mail as if you lived noxt
door. Send for our frco book
let, "Banking by Mail," and
learn full particulars. Address
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
Not AlTfiiy Snfe.
"Don't you think a man ought to tel)
his wife nil about his business affairs?"
"I should say not. A friend of mine
wUo was about to start on a Journey bor
rowed ?50 from a rich old uncle and then
told his wife of it. He was wrecked at
sea, crushed in a railway collision, or
something of that sort, anrl when his wlf
collected his life insurance, of course, she
felt bound to pay bark that loan."
Don't Push
The horse can draw the
load without help, if you
reduce friction to almost
nothing by applying
to the wheels.
No other lubri
cant ever made
wears so long
and saves so much
horsepower. Next time
try Mica Axle Grease.
Standard OH Co.
No IMirlit to Complain.
"See here!" cried the Irate man.
en to become fully matured before thoy vertlse merely that we
. . - x . i . . i hnlfltinco n n fl Tl n f ' '
purpose to sue you. Look at my head!
You professed to cure "
"Walt a minute," Interrupted the
maker of Fakeley's Balsam; "we ad-
cure partial
are put to work. No horse set to work
while green, he thinks, could possibly
have gone through somuch and lived
to such an age.
Who Wouldn't nc SIcUT
On n family druggist's prescription
file Is nn oft reihinted prescription bear
ing number 37111. The Latin of the
twentieth century reads: "Itedpe. Tick
etorll Theatric! Numera duo Slgne.
Take this afternoon. Dr.
Obviously It is an order on the drug
gist written by a reputable physician
for two theater tickets and the patients,
mother nnd dnughter, nre enabled to
take needed treatment nt n matinee
while the busy husband and father re
mains nt work. The reason for the
ncheimo ns told the druggist by tho
doctor was the absolute need of mother
nnd daughter for recreation nnd as
Uio druggist hod a theater ticket office
It was readily and .satisfactorily ar
ranged. New York Sun.
(iencrnaa to n Fnnlt.
Congressman Perkins was In the of
fice of a friend, a Justice of the peace,
when a couple enmo In to be mnrrled.
After tho ceremony tho Justice accepted
a modest fee, and handed tho bride nn
umbrella ns she went out
Mr. Perkins looked on gravely, and
nBkod, "Do you always do that, Char
"Do what? Marry thorn? Oh, yes."
"No; I moan bestow a present upon
tho bride."
"A prosent? Wliy, wan't that her
umbrolla?" gasped the Justice.
"No; It wns mine," replied tho con
gressman, sadly. liaptlBt Commonwealth.
"You have observed wild nnlninls a
great deal?"
"Yes," answered tho sportsman.
"Have you noted nny peculiarities?"
"Divided peculiarities. Some of them
absolutely Insist on not behaving ns tho
naturalists say they ought." Wash
ington Star.
A Dunirt-rottN Cune.
Ono of tho surgeons of n hospltnl
naked an Irish help which ho consid
ered tho most dangerous of the ninny
cases then In tho hospital. 'That, sir,"
said Patrick, ns ho pointed to a caso of
surgical instruments. Philadelphia In
Klixhteeu Vutcrtin lCiuiiloyc.
A London firm of electroplate makers
has In Its services eighteen men and
women who have been worklug for It
from fifty to sixty years.
"Well, I was only partially bald when
I started using your stuff; now I
haven't a hair!"
"Well, then you're cured of your par
tial baldness, aren't you?"
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Kase. A powder. It makes tight
or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure (or
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet.
Bold by all Drucgists. 1'rlcc 25c. Trial pack-
agomaiieu rntr.. Aaure&s
LeKoy, fow York.
Allen S. Olmsted,
It Is a strange fact that the word
"dunce," meaning a stupid person,
comes from the name of one of the
most eminent scholars of his time,
Duns Scotus.
In the Reformation the works of the
schoolmen fell into disfavor with the
reformers, and Duns, who was tho
leader of tho schoolmen, was often
spoken of with scorn by the votaries
of the new learning. As time went by
the name of Duns became a byword for
utter stupidity.
P.orcm Hello, old man! What's tho
matter? You look disgusted.
Cutting Yes, I feel that way.
Boreni Why, what have you run up
against now?
Cutting You. I didn't sec you soon
enough to escape. PhU.dolohla Press.
A Hair
Nearly every one likes a fine
hair dressing. Something to
make the hair more manage
able; to keep It from being
too rough, or from splitting
at the ends. Something, too,
that will feed the hair at the
same time, n regular hair-food.
Well-fed hair will be strong, and
will remain where It belongs
on the head, not on the comb!
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold lor over sixty years."
JR uado py J . O. Ay or Co. , Lowell, AXaaa.
r Alio munuf.oturera of
Portland Oregon
Before Going Elsewhere.
342Vi WashlngtonSt. Portland Grtcorr,
A Girls' Fchool of the hlhct clas. Collegi
ate department. Muic. Art. Elocution. Gyo
nasium. Fall term opens September 16.
Quality is our motto. We educate for success
and send eacn student to a position when com
petent many more calls for help than wo can
meet. Individual instruction insures rapid prog
ress. All modern methods of bookkeeping aro
taught; also rapid calculations, correspondence,
commercial law, ofllco work, etc Chartler la
our shorthand easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful
catalogue, business forms and penmanship freo.
C. Gee Wo
The Well-Known
Root and Herb
Has made a life stuOy cf reels ard herbs, and In thai
stu'yU5 veieJandls givlnj; to the wcrld his won
derful remedies.
No .Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used He Cures
Without Operation, or Without the Aid
of a Knife,
Ha Eua--antoes to Cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lvns?,
Tl.ioat, Kiicnmarim. Nervousness. Nervous Del iN
hy. Stoma Ii, Livar. Ku:ney Troubles: also L i
Manhood, r emale Weakness and All iJrtvato DUaaioJ
Just Received frnrn Pel;lnc, China-Safe, Sur
and Sellable.
If you cannot call writa for symt ton blank and clrci
lar. Inclose 4 c na In stamps.
102i First St.. Cor. Morrison,
Portland. Oregon
Please Mention This Paper.
P. N. U.
Nc 34- 07
WIIKN writing to uilvortlf urn jileuso
liicuf Inn tliU paper.