Madras Pioneer L IV MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 29. 1907. - : i NO. 2 The UIU UH.y vlhj vy - t- - s T - -T - - New Spring: Goods Now ready for inspection Our grocery line is complete. Remember wc canliandlc all your stock that is ready for market, at lljtj best prices. vComc in and talk to us LENA M.LAMB, t Madras, Oregon rrrrv rrrrv fTn trwi rwn rrai fYfn rui aw. rt nsii rv nwi nta nwi nw rifri vlva dvi nwi XlX Xt Sfc" tr Kir C y air r HARRIMAN TO SEE TERRITORY Coming North From Klamath County In Automo bile to Shanlko This Week WILL LOOK AT CENTRAL OREGON FOR HIMSELF Railroad Magnate's Interest (n Long Neglected Region Said to Portend Construction of Railroad People Confident That Trip Will Favorably Impress Visitor O unvihllll wiitawriv wiinitiiiw Willi mi i By means of four largo auto mobiles from a Portland garage, E. II. Ilarrimati, wizard of the "Pacifies," will explore interior Oregon. Accompanied by J. P. O'Brien, manager of the llarriman interests in the Pa clfie Northwest, and his hunt (ing party at Pelican Bay, the Union Pacific magnate will personally inspect Central Oregon and see what induce ments it offers for railroad building, says the Oregonian of Monday. Never before lias Mr. Ilarri- FOREIGN EXCHANCE BOUGHT AHD SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD ?! man lingered in Oregon longer ti ct..i Tin nnn Deposits, $250,000 SHANIKO, OREGON A. E. CROSBY i' a o r a ibto it iTOFFICE PHARMACY rr i n ( mp cto I. In of DniR'- Mnicliiw. i liemleulii, ilnuslwld Komedios Snii iHi lric nixl I'lioto Hniiplti'". Country Hull Onto I kIvd my Mmoiil irn l'mt !n Htnrxe. Hfe delivery guftrantet-il. Your urvtvrMlnn ii n i t. velmliiM niid I'ent lHwtroyor. Stork rood nnd Hip of all kliuln. I r J nstmnir Ko.laki. Holh '1'ln.ii. WltOl-KSAM'. AND KKTAII.. .LLES, than was necessary. He has been whirled through the slate . tu Jus private car many timeB. ism jus stay nas oeen snort aim his interest in the state appar ently small. That he will travel through the interior ol the state and brave the discotn torts of midsummer , to look over the territory is taken as an indication that Mr. llarriman if beginning to take considerable interest in this section and that he plans to push the construc tion of his projet ted roads- in the interior is apparently iudi cated by his trip. General Manager O'Brien left Portland last night at 11 o'clock in a special train foi Shaniko. In addition to his private car, "Oregon," the train OllFiGOrs consisted of three freight cars earning four automobiles. cart Chauffeurs to drive the accompanied Mr. O'Brien. Upon arrival at Shaniko thi morning, the automobiles will be taken from the cars and tin 250'inile run to Pelican Bn ADTFDL MONOGRAM DINER TO EACH OF OUR CUSTOMERS This is, without doubt, the finest offer ever made to our many patrons, and wc know that it, will be appreciated as the most sensible and most useful premium ever placed by any firm. This opportunity to secure so bcautiul a set on our popular plan docs not come very often, so wc suggest to you that you avail yourself I of this opportunity to secure a set .while they last, and wc will have cnpugli to supply every family. We extend our most welcome invitation to every man, (woman and child to come to our store immediately and sec the sets on disylay. Monogram Dinner; Sets arc all the rage, so come and sec them; choose your design and" learn how- to jeeure a set containing 42 pieces. ; W, & M. A. ROBIN W i GOIPAISY begun. It is expected that Mr llarriman and his party ma drive north from the Klamath country, p'articularly if the visit Urater Lake, meeting Mi. O'Brien and his lour automo biles some distance north of the llarriman Lodge at Pelican Bay. This is not definitely settled, so far as known and ii ia understood Mr. O'Brien wil 'lrive his cavalcade of automo biles south until he meets hie chief. Possibly Mr. Harrirnju. will come to meet Mr. O'Brien as far north as Odell, which i on the survev of the Oregon Eastern, the llarriman Mm across the state from Natron to Yale, but this is unlikely. The magnate will probably awan the arrival of the automobiles oefore coming very far north Irom the Pelican Bay lodge. It is probable that a detoui illbemade by the party up Ii,. .... i i . i si niw euMeru smpe 01 me ua cades by the wagon road cross ing the range south of Diamond Lake, for it is in this vieiniu i hat the Oregon Eastern is pro jected across the Cascades. But the country from the headwaters of the Deschutes River to its continence with th Columbia is believed to be most interesting to Mr, Harrimai just now. He will undoubtedly slmw the most interest on the trip north from Odell. There the road runs for 100 miles through broad, seemingly end less plains, where the bunch- lras is thick and where wheal i lields wide as the horizon will i replace the present waste just ; as soon as a railroad makes larming profitable in thai isolated region. The irrigated districts along the Deschutes will unquestion ably be visited and the wonders being worked by turning water on the thirsty soil are expected to impress Mr. llarriman most favorably. He will mark out with his eye desirable routes for a railway into that country and, knowing as he does the advantages of low gradients in the modern tratlio world, ho is expected to approve the pro jects of engineers for a road up the Deschutes from its mouth. The trip south from Shaniko with the practically empty automobiles is expected to take about two duya, while the run back to Shaniko will probably laky three. By the end of the woulc the party will return to the railroad and will probably obmo to . Pqrtland in Mr. O'Brien's ear. The special train will wait at Shnniki uhtil Mi. Ilairimau's arrival. D.ehutes is looked upon as hastening the construction b Hiifjh a lino into Eastern Oregon It in regarded a the most "ig niflcant move by the Harrimaii interests in territory ir years. It is argued that Traffn Director Ki uttsclinitt's some what nimiiar trip into that country a few weeks ago to spy out the land must I'ave resulted in a favorable report to Mr llarriman, who is now appar ently determined to see for him self what opportunities for railroad development exist there. As that vast, fertile pi airie lying east of the Cas cades needs bui to b inspected for all who see it to comprehend rue possibilities for great agri cultural development, it is expected that Mr. Harriman cannot fail to be impressed with its futuie. Members of the Harriman r parly who will make the trip in the automobiles now on theii way to meet them are: E. '.H. Haniman, his two sons, Ed; ward Kolaud, aged 11, and -5$ A., aged J. A. Taylor, JuS W. (i. Lyle and W. 0. HiMa ol New York. Colonel Wifiiai Imi tit" H. Holabird, of Los AncelesS's ivitii the party and it isf.ex- pected that Desiaes i7nat Manager O'Brien, attorneys and others in the Harrimai: nav in the interior who-aiv familiar with the local situation there, will t)e picked up and carried along so that they may ive the railroad magnate what evei inioi ination he desires. Prubablj' the trip just mapped out by Mr. lianiman is tn- most satisfactory' thing he could if he had consulted the lo wishes of Oregon people. Con- tidence is felt that if he but sees he country, he will be entirely atisliedthat a line into the interior will pay from the day it commences operation. In the Agency Plains district now fai from a railroad, Mr. Harriman will see threshers at woik gathering 1,000,000 bushels ot wheat. That this' section will become practically one vast wheatlield with the completion of a railroad will be apparent. Mr. Harriman will tind thriving towns along his route where children, grown almost to maturity, have never seen a railroad train. He will find settlers flocking into the conn try, eager to till the fertile soil and waiting only for the encouragement offered by means of marketing their products, to make a veritable garden of the greatest unde veloped section of the whole United States. When Mr. O'Brien left Port and last night he was poring over a map of the state to find lis way from Shaniko due south to the Klamath country. From Shaniko to Prineville, it is said, the roads promise the roughest iveling, but from Prineville south the route is a level prairie road whore fast time can be made. If no mishaps occur, Mr. llarriman should be in Portland by the last of the present wuok and it is believed he will Jmve developed consid erable enthusiasm over at least one portion of the state he has long neglected. The teport night from AY. came in last A. Leo's place, where threshing is in progress, that his barley field yielded 00 bushels to the acre. This ia the b -t viold so BEAT DOWN BY HAIL Umatilla County riarmers Suffer pamago to Crops CLOUDBURSTS FOLLOW HAIL Rich Alfalfa Fields Devastated Hall Stonoa Two Inched Long Cover Ground Several Inches Poop JOHN A. ISHAM IS DEAD sage Just asweg to piess a mes is received saying that John A.Isham, one of tfie pio neer citizens of this section of the county, died at Eugene last night . at 7:30 o'clock, and that the burial was held ac that )laco today. Mr. Isham has been in very poor health for a year past, and the news of his death was notunoxpeoted. William Holder has launched a new paper, the Silver Laky render, at Silver Lake, for tlin mrposo, it is said, of fiirhtitu: the liquor interests. Mr. iM- dor is an old newspaper mit'u, uavaug owneu at various times Tlits nurpoHe of Mr. I I'm ! man to go oier the. tt niton t tin ugh the fnv renor.d ' ni nwspaper at Moro, Shaniko . Jai ippoi -d, M Puneviileard Pulley, but thil bailey nop tl is is.hH fiiv v in STORM.. What is described as the hardest hail storm that ever, occurred, in Oregon struck sim ultaneously in (wo sections of Umatilla County last Saturday afternoon, devastating grain fields and causing damage which will amount up into the thousands. The hailstorm was followed by a cloud burstwhich turned dry gulches hlo raging' torrents, and did heavy tjamage to everything in its path. ''Hun dreds of acres .of fino whpne Rvere beaten into the rrrnnnrl. jfcjjf " tX' juruil it is impossible to tell, the' llirQshed from the unthreshed yTorlions of the field. Bridges, Miicken houses, arm machinery and small livestock wri-p washed away by the flood, and many acres of alfalfa hay in the lowlaudswere destroyed. The hail storm caine pn so suddenly that it caught the harvest crews in the fields, and, there was not even tim.e to unhitch the teams, and as a cout-equence several disastrous runaways were reported. The torm first struck the wheat; belt at the Umatilla Hiver about 15 miles east pf Pendle ton, and from there swept northward for a distance of ten miles, the path of the storm being three quarters of a mile wide. The storm onlv lasted i bout ten minutes, but so fierce was the downpour of hail -tones that in that short time the ground was covered to a depth of three or four inches. Many of the hailstones were two inches in lencrth. and or- i- hards in the path of the storm vere stripped of their leaves and fruit. At Athena the dam forming the reservoir from which the oity's water supply came was swept out, and that umn is threatened with. water famine. In the Athena leighborhood the threshing- was well over, and least damage was done to gram crops, but where the storm first struck, harvesting had just beun. The Cunningham Sheep & Land Company, of which J. N. Burge-s and J. M. Keenv, well viiown in this section, are the principal owners, was heavily damaged, from fifty to one hundred acres of alfalfa having been completely destroyed on their ranches. a. l'Ve I hV V -Mad up the p mlmin nn