1 7X W'J . 0 .ion nr lllt a m klllf"1' sirlW irderl a at cdel ! EALTH NO AUGU FOR mm Niwfcr August la the month of inn I ntnrrh. The niucousjn rancs, especially of the lis, re very liable to congxn, nuslng Bummer complalmd tttarrh of the bowels a titer nternal organs. Pc-ru-hnn Excellent remedy for alhe tpndltlons. Mineral Wenlth of ih ffonth. About ono-noventh of tlio nilnornl MABOONI AT THE KEY. production of tlio entire country comes ttnutntt 'riuimirr nml i.IkIiimIhk in froju tlio Southern Htntk Of bltu- ,,,lH" Wt,rUhil- inlnoiis conl, tho inoHt vnlunMo mineral, r,,,l ""I'1"'11 iioor wverwl with n Uio Kotitli produces one-fourth, nnd of c"r,,(;t of nl,,1'!r- T,, w,llls tm Iron about ono-nltitli. Its total conl UK nro 1,1 '"lwooil. HtrmiKO Itmtni- rt'douiceH nmount to nearly 000,000,- "U!",H 11(5 1,1 ,!,u'1' ,,,,pni'r ()f 1,10 000,000 tonn, or moro than one-fourfcli 0,1 " Iltfor'" r,llw'(1 11 yr(1 ,llKmj lllt' of our estimated conl roBcrtc. lloor ""'" " writer ' 1a HuIhp, Ih a Of mlnornl cluuilcnl tnatcrlnln tlio 1,11,10 wlln n tninmnlttlii koy uikii It South supplies morn thnn ono-hnlf, ft,l(1 " ,"r wooden lever, hIho iihcu In ehlolly phonplmto rock, nit of which In truiHinlUltiK. Marconi Ih on tlio pint- producod in Florida, Tonnciwoo nnd forJ"' ,i1h KrmtpliiK the lover. South Curollnn, nnd nearly one-third "Now," ho hiij-h, "Ikj careful. When of tho mineral nlirmuiitn. Of nreoloiiH I hIkhhI to tho electrician fiO.OOO voIIh tonea tho wholo country produce- only .will outer tho room. Stand behind me y;i-Ti,000 worth, with tlio South fur- mi(l toueii notnin. Vo not npprofun iiIbIiIhk ItM fair Hhnre. those coIIm, becaiiHe the current will not Tho hIiowIiir In Iron oro rcflorvf Ih wait for you to touch them; It will (til(! na Kood; n Bnfo minimum In leap otit upon you." .1,000,000,000 tons, or nearly one-third j Tho hIkiiiiI bIvcii, n lever Ih pulled of the natlon'H total. Of worknblolron "d u 'lull 'olw Is heard. Tho needle oro tho South contnliiH ono and one- of tho voltmefer Ik'kIiih to move on the half times nn much nn tlio famous dial nnd to attain all HortH of high tl- r,nko Suiwrlor dlHtrlct, nnd this does tint Include tho deep lylnic Muthorn ore. On n ImiwIh of valuo of product tho South furulahcB moro than twonov- entliH of our oil and moro thnn ono sixth of our kwi. Now York Sun. fib llnd It. Recretnry Shaw puld n tIrU to tho plobelt region, of New England tho past Rummer. Ho stopped one nlcht nt a unit It country hotel, where the youthful daughter of the proprietor oftlclated nn waitress. Seatlnj: hlniBelf nt tho break faHt tablo tho next morning iMr. Shaw OBked: "Ilnve you any brciikfut foo4, young Indy?" Tlio IngenuoiiB llttlo Ver monter tnrcd perplexedly nt tho sec retary, cast her cjoh with BlgnlflcHncc orer tho well-laden table, upon which wnn upreucl the usual assortment of preHorvcB, JellleH, pIckleB, Worcester Bhlrn Bauco, ham, pgg and bread, nnd Btitmiucrd outs "IOxcubo me, sir, but what did you want?" "Why, Borne brenkfawt food, please," repeated Sec retary Shnw, politely. The girl frown ed and then, with Biidden Illumination of the dlHtlngulshed RUont'a meaning, replied glibly, "Oh, yen, sir; wo uavo npiilo, pumpkin, gooKoberry, and I be lieve mjuaHh pie!" And uhe hurried from the room to execute Secretary SIhiw'h order. Exchange. The ftmtr Opium Car. We put very llttlo faith in tho new Kpeclllc for tho opium habit, but Its miccckb in tho region of Singapore cHjualB that clnlmcd here for Christian Science. Ah a result tho Importntlon of opium In the Mnlny Stntea has been reduced from eighty to fifty chcta n month nnd thousands have beeu cured. Tho plant 1b a climber, botanlcally called Couibretum Hondalcitm. A decoc- A rnllurf. 1 )t long ago a man nppearc tho tol and had li Ih card tnko to itor Hnlley. Tho Senator not Ifiilzo tho name, but, In anec i It I h u sun I courtesy, came to re the Htranger whb waltlll took only n few mlnuteHcr-, on of te ,ant ,H , to dcvcloti tint fact tliitl In.) .. .. . .... ... L , , , - , , . . 1 vict, imw unu vi wiiiuu i nciueu ns T'y..ur" ' burnt opium a, the patient Is n to develor lual Hlmply denlred to I a :h." It wtiB the regulatlOK-ert rtunate, kjiIi, and dcHlrmgct to my own country, Bah.'jj flint In your DUBinesH, 017" Senntor lixjulrcd. Tho rufbek uid black hut Hcemed to&iut I tie. rhy, I nm n gentleman. Sr," trnnger replied, pomjiouiily; I nee," the Senator Btildnn "Have you ItiHtltuted linpt- Oceeillngs yet?" I'hiladelpbjc- Ho SIniiyf went In to dinner togcthtfn Lry biiHhful, and Bhc trlisiiu iw mm out. i tnniiy siio,n btxikH, and he becamefit. i "And Hugo?" uhe uBkvd;0 le li'H utyleV" E yi-B," ho replloil. "I fln.n yv lurereBtlug. I've reudfii- hlB IxKiks." h mi Mio nHkeu, "Ilavo youj threo"" I've- oronly rend tbi oiow ho had written bo5" "coU'h, in for tlio bo.it patriotic no or of school children were oBn I, nnd the 11 rat prize Ichiunn. til re otlu wuijy ncctiHtomcd to tme In a day. When ho crnveH oj)lum he Is given two table BpoonftilH from tho latter twttle and nn much from tho other bottle replaces It to till the Hjmce. TJils Is now repeated when called for, but no now opium Ih added. The pntlent Ih aired In from ten to fifteen dayx. It JookH like a plan for "taper ing off," with the assurance that tho medlclno does It. The .Independent Currylnir Tnnna. "Did you want to hire a boy?" ask ed the applicant at a music store. "Yea," said tho manager. "What mimical ability havo you?" "None." "Can you even carry a tuno?" "Yes." "Then you'll do. We want you to hurry theno phonographic records down to tho whipping department." Kansas City Times; ilia l.uolc of Cotiruifc, "Little boy," asked the gcntlo voiced mntron, "how does It happen that you don't catch any of then Cih but the nialleit ones?" "It hnppetis, ma'am," answered Tom my, choking back a ob, " 'cause the other boy rln't afraid to lie like biases, blame their plctur's, an' I am." urcH. "Now," ny8 Marconi, "I will com munlcato with the nearest Httttlon," anil ho preHHCH tho key of the traiiH mltter. There Ih a blinding blue llnHh, and nt each jireHHiire on tho key HjnrkH nearly two feet In length HUtrt from between tho two silvery balls of tho In dtictlon reel. (Jiio of thewj balls Ih In communication with tho earth and tin other with a rod. Each npark repro" hciiIh nn impulsion which Ih coiniiuiiil- cated from the battery to tho rod, and "from this rod the electrician HotH In motion the vibrations of tho ether call ed Hertzian wiivch. 'J'lioms waveH exjmnd In Hpnce In ev ery direction nt a Hpeed of JW0.000 kilo metera a second ; that Is to Hay, hovcii tltncH tho clrctiniferenco of the earth They nro Indeiendeiit of wind and torn pornturo and glide above the Hurfnce of the earth and hum, Htrlklng on their wny tho wireless stations that lie far beyond tho horizon. At each blinding Hash that ncfoinpn nicH the movement of the key a noise like the report of a ride Ih heard. It Ih an awe-lttsplrlng Hjieetacle, the Inventor calmly standing there pressing tho key amid the lightning and tho thun der. The operator Is obliged to Htuff his cars with wool. It appears, how ever, that recently Marconi lntH found means of doing away with the noise al most completely. When the Hair Falls 'WW Then It's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So mako up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any thing else. It's nature's way. Th beat kind of a testimonial Oold lor ovor slsty years." A X4 br Jt u. Ajmr Co., IowII, Hu. a4bv luaoiuwiunri ei 9 CitJClDiDtf I 1 CW O CUtfiRY PECT0EXL. TTlX BLOOD ) WIT Of THE YOUNGSTERS. Teacher Now, Harold, can you tell mo what water Ih? Smnll Hnrold Yfs, ma'aui. It's mud with the dirt taken out. Little Dot (rending) Tommy, whnt is the missing link? Small Tommy- It's papa's cuff button when It rolls un der tlie dresser. Llttlo Hobby (with paper) What's an autocrat, Margie? Little Margie An autocrat Is a person who who owns an autocar. Erleiul (tenslngly) Oh, your cat hasn't such nice long whiskers its my cat-has. Johiinlo (Indignantly) I'ooh, that's nothln'; my cat's got liens. Edgar Dpos your mother ever give you anything when you are real good? Jlmmle No; but you bet she gives it to me good and projwr when I ain't. Sunday School Teacher What docs this verve mean where It says; "And the lot fell tiiHin Jonah?" Hright Hoy I guess It menus tho whole gang JutiiiHMl on him. "Now, Johnny," wild the Sunday hcIiooI teacher, "what do wo learn from tho story of Samson?" "That It doesn't pay to let a woman cut a fellow'H hair," replied Johnny, whoso mother had recently treated lilm to nn unsat isfactory haircut. Young Man (In parlor) Willie, do you' think your sister cares anything for me? Small Willie I don't know, but I'm betting her other follow will win. Young Man Why lo you think so? Small Willie Hceausse nianimn makes me keep out of tho parlor when he calls. TP k. JLt-WL J. Jl UTSEXSEfi 10 SYSTk.DISORtoEREEl tnrrh h not merely nnlnmtitlon of the tissucn of the licad nnd is wic symptoms cl rirSnoiscs la Uiccara, mucous dropping back ! throat. COUtiniinl linVMntid nniftlnrr otn .,i1.t cnm fn lnH. LB a. 111kbLilll. B l. k U LA A V4. 44 4 41 I ll'fl I1T fl I liwi 1' W I Itl is a blood disease Jnhi the entire circulation nml the greater1 WrtMnv And I w cid In f ie Wood 'fli v - V . t V o ,T I sl,wv w,mt ' ll,lv 'id bo quick Sid and du n uhdl, JJlt ! Nothing too exlvo, ii.nd leOttllC body. lcnVC hour nn.1 fnrtn nrlr. nt.l In 1i cvitrm. taken up by the b oodi, rough Us circulation distributed to all I the uystcm. These Rrlties h: the blood Irritate nud JnQame crcnt membranes nudUC3 of the body, nnd the contracting wf8 inrt.1Ile i,ecr.cf"'l other disgusting and disagreeable pis of Catarrh. As thai rra n .11 .c t i, 1,1,. fii, n. bolson ntTccta nil partkhe system. The head has a tight, full wiiuinuauy oiojup, pnina above the eyes, slight fever Bdgocs, IheetomncUlitnndthe entire system disordered and rtarrh for about flftoclcu uv disease. It 13 a waste 01 t m,n, could .'.,?vc 10 lry to cure Catarrh wlta sprays, fo"i 0fbutdoTKS5d ' ,,cs inhalations, etc. Such trcatmcut ! , thon .betran B. 8, a., anBS not reach the blood, nnd can. therefore. flt bottKPnrnrCToUlJff wore than temporarily relievo must be l cleansed tnc tlniQ ilik aoro of 8. H. urmrthened nnd built no. Nothlnp- enuala rich.' fflAT80M' V. S. for this purpose. It attacks tho pse nt ita head, goes down to the very f om ot tlio trouble nud makea n. complcta lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every Icle of the catarrhal poison from tho d, making thla vital stream pure, fresh M I ncajtny. Then the milamcd mem VEGETABLE I1 begin to heal, the head la loosened ptotu disappears, theitutloti Ja built up nnd vigorous health ?. fc. also tones tfc Blomneli ntirl fllnri.c: Inn nml nrtfl Jl!t CL fo the entire system.jou ftre oulTerlng with Catarrh begin tho V. q. and write ni n nfl,.- t . ? i i .tn I lit. ,..-. ----- u uui cnaa mm our liuyaiciuun QtiCa!md ?lve y "P"1 '1Ical uryVuAnna'nritUtnih permanently the blood' tho biooii timn h. i f tdl poisons, nnd at the sa s.s. 6. a. 8. la to Aiirnjrlnte. "Here, clerk! I'm In n liurrj'. I want a book for my husband. It's his ant It for n present. you, and I don't want anything too cheap, either, do you hear? He's a mild mannered man, nnd not fond of sports, ho don't show mo anything In that line. For goodness sake, don't of fer mo any of these trnahy novels, nnd no tnntter how much you try to jkt Biiado me I won't take anything In tho wny of history or biography. Come, now, I'm In a dreadful hurry, and I've nlrendy wasted too much tlmo here. Of course you don't know my husband, but from nil I'vo said enn't you suggest something appropriate?" VYos, ma'aui. Hero is a llttlo volutno entitled, 'How to Manage n Talking Machliie.'" Cleveland I'laln Dealer. Wny of Otm Man. Ho was romantic, but bashful for his age. At 25 it Is expected nowadays that a man should be matter of fact. She was his equal In romance, but u trifle older, old enough, indeed, to be a widow. Tho conversation had turn ed on the ever-Important subject of mothers-in-law. There was a lull In the argument Gazing far, she sighed and sold : "Ah, mcl I shall never havo another mother-in-law!" He looked at her with interest for a moment, and then suddenly blurted out: "My mother died when I was very young!" "It was an Inadvertence, but he could not draw back. She threw herself Intc his arms, and they have lived happily up to now. Pittsburg Press. TITO St. Vltnn nance una all Ncttobh Dts'tuen Fl I O Permanently cured br Dr. KIIdo'b Ur-al Ni-rv llmtorrr.-Bttnd for KIIKK IZtrlal bottU and treatUe. Dr. It. JLKUne, LA., Ml Arch HL, I'Mla.,!'. It Wasn't Ncvr York. A X'ltleman who had occasion to go to an inland New England village ten miles from a railroad was met at the station by an old fellow who look ed as if he might have just awakened after a Rip Van Winkle sleep. Ills horse and buggy were In keeping with their owner's ancient appearance. "Here we air at last," said the driv er, when they finally came to three houses and a blacksmith's shop. ' This isn't much of a place, is it?" said the dopresscd stranger, looking around. "Oh, you don't see all o it from here," was tho reply. "Thar'e two moro houses over behind that hill thar, an' a cooper's shop jest around that bend In the road thar. Come to bunch 'cm all together an' It's consld'ablc o' a place but o course It ain't New York." Woman's Homo Companion. HOWAUD E. nunTOrf.-Aj7Cr ar3 Chemtat. IadvlIlK, Colorado. Hpeclinen prices. Gold, BHTf r, iad, i : uoia, nn ver.Tsc; itoio, we; zinc or Comwr, H. Cyanldo trats. MulilnK rnvelopea and full price Hit ent on application. Control and Um pire work lollclted. lUftreoco: Carbonate na tional iiank. The Prlao Cot. Tako for yourself a well bred cow, get her on full feed, cram and feed nnd stuff nnd cram her for, say, a year. Go to the trouble of washing and cur rying nnd scrubbing and combing her twice a day, get down on your hunk ers, my friend, sandpaper her hoofs, groom her legs, polish her hornB and brush her tall, and by the time show i season comes around you should havo t a very creditable looking show cow. j Sheridan (Mo.) Advance. An Anatnmlcn! Pnsale, richlnd the bridge of your nose Is a little cavity In the skull, tne origin of which apjnjnrfl to bo unknown. It probably was n gland, Consisting of two tiny lobes, Joined together, nnd Is named the Sella turcica. Physiologists believe that this Is the remains of a sixth sense, which was of practical valuo to our antediluvian ancestors, but whether It enabled them to see In the dark in days before they possessed fire or helped them to find their way through trackless forests as wild beasts can to-day or whnt other pur pose It may have served we do not know nnd probably never shall know. Mother will flnil Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothia? Byrup ttiHl at remedy to ubo for their chlldroj auring tuo iteming tjcriou. Tlio Akc of Illacretlon. Senator Dillingham, discussing Im migration In New York, made ttso of' the phrase, "tho age of discretion." "What Is the 'age of discretion,' Sen ator?" asked one of his auditors. "I should say," returned Senator Dil lingham, smiling, "that the age of dis cretion Is reached when a young man removes from Ills mantel the rich col lcrtlon of actresses' and dancing girls' photographs and substitutes the por trait of his rich bachelor uncle." Different. "Who lss that happy, contented-looking chap?" "fj'i, he' n chap who married a girl because she was a fine cook." "And who Is the poverty-stricken, sad-looking chap talking to lilm?" "That's a man who married a girl be- ! cause she was a fine dresser." Hous- ! ton Post Ex tenant Iiitr Clrcamntancea. "What brought you here?" asked the Judge. "That," replied the prisoner, pointing to a pollreman, "but I was drunk." Houston Post ! WE PAY INTEREST On pavings deposits of a dollar or more, compounded twice every year. It is just as easy to open n Savings Account with us by M:l as if you lived nozt door, fend for our free book Jet, "Banking by Mail," and learn lull particular. Address Oregon Trust 8c Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. Her 3InJetj'' Ktluaette. Queen Alexandria of England la strict on such points of etiquette as make It a breach of decorum, for in stance, to hand anything but new and unused coin, fresh from t'e mint to the consort of the British sovereign. To make love to her majesty is pun ishable, by tho law of Britain, with death, unlesss, of course, one happen to bo the king. THE DAI8T FLY KILLER dcrtrors all tlio flic and affords comfort toeiery homo in dinlnii room. sl".ln room and e cry place where flin nro troublesome. Clean, neat and will not Mill or lnfnr.1 nnTthlnir. Lry them onco nnd yoa will sever be without them. ! not lictr br deitori, aent prepaid for 20c. ! BAitOLD B0MXEB, 14 Ditilb At., Brooklyn, K. T. ST. HELEN'S HALL PORTLAND, OREGON A Girls' School of the highest class. Collegi ate department. Music. Art. Elocution. Gym nasium. Fall terra opens September 16. SEND fOR CATALOGUE! UUSINESSCOLLEG TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LU B., PRINCIPAL Quality la our motto. We educate for success; and send each student to u position when com petent many more calls for help than we can meet. Individual instruction insures rapid prog ress. All modern methods of bookkeeping arc taught: also rapid calculations, correspondence, commercial law, office work, etc. Chartier is our shorthand easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES tSErld ffiS2?8HOEB FOR EVERY MEMBER OF--ft THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRICES. t2&7 STlfiin To any ono who can provoW.L. i&aZZJjtJtJZJ )Douwxx dooa not mako & acll l&taujrebrf I more Men's S3 & S3. 50 shoom STEZiW&irzy (than any other manufacturer. THK KEASOXW. L. Douglas fhoes aroworn by more tieoplo in all walks of Ufa than any other make, Is bws .e 1 their exceUent style, easy-flttlng, nnd superior wear j.g q- shtics Tlio selection of tho leathers and ttLer mater als . rci h pa t of tho khoe, and every detail of tho naklng is ! !.rj after by tho must c mplcte or.'inlz ill. . of superintc .idents f rt mt'ttainl fkillwl shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid In tho shoe Industry, and whose workmanship cannot be excelled. If I could take you Into my larpe factories nt Broekton. Mass., and show you how carefully V. I- Douglas slires aro in de, you' would thon understand why they hold their fhape, lit better, wear loneor and are of creator value than any other mke. F.Jv $4 Gilt Edgoand S5 Gold Hond Shoes cannot SimmamtMed nt any, V . 1 1. Douglas sumps his name and price on the bottom to protect you against lug. .lid Inferior shoes. Tako No Substitute. Sold bv tho best shoe dealers everywhere, Tatt Clor A'neleti utcd tzelutittlu. Catalog mailed Jrte. W,tiiUO VOLAM, Jlrocktun, Mau. JiiIIiim CitPMiir. Tho con.sonmtH of lenrnctl opinion Ih lo tho offoct that hlstory'H nil nroniul Krcatost miin wns .lulltis Cnosnr, tho orlBlnntor of Itoninn IniiHU-lullsni. Cno sur wiih Brent uh n Benornl anil grent aa a writer nml upeaker, hut gronter uh a Htatewiian. Could ho havo boon spared tho asBitssln'H dngger and boon permitted to live ton yearn longer ho might hvo not civilization ahead n full thouHitnd years.-r-Nov YorU Ainerlean. j nt all first class drurr stores. It'ri a fortiiiato thing that bableu pan't nay whnl they think of tho buby talk wonioii hand them. ANl'gclablcPrcparationfor As similating IhcFowl nndHcg tila lln the Stomachs andDowcls of Promotes Dlgcslion.Chccrful ncssandllcsi.Contalns ncilhcr Opltim.Morphinc norIincral. NOT NARC OTIC. Jt.x.Smrut sin'tt Aw ItorraStfd- Apctftct Ilcmcdy rorConsllpn llon, Sour Stomach. ninrrlioen andLossoFSLEEi. FB-cSimilo Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. -A Tho Kind Yon Havo Always Bought, nnd whicli has been in. use for over SO years, has iorno tho slgnatnro of - ftnd lia3 been mado under his per jC z-?J77jP r sonal snpen ision sinco its infancy. iuzr?rt 'cctcAtll Allow no ono to deceive you in, this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-ns-grood" aro hut Experiments that trillo with and endanjjertho health otT Infants and Children Esperionco against Experiment What ia CASTOR 3 A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is lMeasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm nnd allays Foverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "What. Colic. It relieves Toothing Troubles, cures Conf tipatlou nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tlio Signature of 'mm iMnNGVOUn ENGRAVING WritelS 1 PLATES FOR PRINTING S HICKS-CH ATTEN f Wk Portland Ore9M SH P. N. U. j4 - No. 33j)Wt montlon thla'jMiper. . H?7" ' "S.'-. " prlco h prices S7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TH CINT.Ua OOMPANT, TT MURR4V aTRUT, Nt VI tOBK CITY. 3PEGIFIQ CO.. ATLANTA. GJUa. t.lii 1 ui u i iosioy, but tVi 1 glond rirp t Ih , u'j4 lu vj v' ti nn'.t Ul lilt' v; THE