J ART & BYE MADRAS, OROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY; AUGUST 22. 1907. JWARE TOtf URU vSLV VIM VW Vv vw v - ffiOt '. ''A New Spring Qoodif Now ready for inspectijrl PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Our grocery line is complete' Remember . tve can handle all your stock that is fcridy for market, at the best priest ,.;.Cornt in and ta(k to us ..LENAM;LAATB, Mkdras Oregon (traHk osbqfiN U. S. COMMISSIONER - ' ' tdwtiJlto Building MAIJUAB '.- dilKOON QB. ItAKOLU CLABKit DENTIST All klmltol Douui Work nt reMOnib'le ptfeei. I'lUHKVILLK, OBKd OH 'v ' MAX LUEDDEMAHH NOTARY PUBLIC MADRAS OREGON u, C. COLLVEF? NOTARY PUBLIC Jcrnct or thk I'iacs CUL.VKU I'RfctUNCT CUUVER OREGON J. W. FrericH, Pres. H, Ay M6ore, VICe-'PrcB, F.f. Hurlbuf't, Cafehlar EASTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AHD SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PART8 OF THE WORLD Capita! Stock. $20,000 Deposits, $$30,000 SHANIK6, OREGON A. . CROSBY l' It Ol'UIET O B POSTOFPIGE PHARMACY " 4 " " i irric iv comjuM Line of llrtiK, Mlio(ne, Chfe'riUraU, Hounchold KemedliV, iKKiib' HHifilrloa Mid l'liuio'Siijiitlle. country JUII.OrVler I kvmt ier6iul Attention it lfft.timtu in charitc fiofn' delivery (ftmrsntti'd. Your refttIjtlon .iy oiii-pinlt. HtrjclinliTe nd Pent Dtntroyor. Ptoclc FMbdi idid l)Io( All klifdj. ,rft fur i:inuu Kddt. flnUi '('limit. WIIOI.BBALB ANli UCTAIL, it SNOOK PHYSICIAN . & SURCEON Officii Irt Drug Storo, MAD HAS OREGON J( H. HANER ABSTRACTER OF TITLES HOT ABY rUDUC Fire Inturnc, Wfe Iniurtncr, Surety Jlond HCm.1 EaUtc, Couvejnoin 1'IUHBVII.LB. OBEOOH QR. A. A. BURRIS MAGNETIC OSTEOPATH Diseases currd rithout drugs or surcery by iiiamiellc osteopathy, tiio nevr sc enw of (Iril.'le.is tifiilliiK. Chronic caies a (ilccla(ty. Consultiulon nee. ItolerencfSKlven to prominent parties of IIIIUloro, Uicroii. Ofticc in Ada'uu Bulldlhg MADRAS, OREGON PILE DALLES, OIIEQON II. T. Xuis, I'mldent. ' T. IS. AtDWiK, cuhlcr. Wut.WctiwwLiii, Vice l'rei, i . - if. iliLCTiM, At. Culiier. NO. 3051. The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE, OREGON I ESTABLISHED 1888 rplUI, fcurplut nd fndlTldid $100,000.00 J'roflti. 1 BEAUTIFUL MONOGRAM INNER SET of 12 Pieces TQ EACH OP OUR CUSTOMERS : ? .' " "';V-' -' This is, ,yjthout doubt, the finest, oHer eyef mttdcTo our many patrons, and we know that it will bQSnpreciated aUhJ,mosLsensibleancl most useful premium ever placed by any firm. This opporturiity to secure' so: "beauliul a sol on our , popularlan docs not c'om very often, so; We suggest to tou that you avail yourself of this i opportunity to secure aset while they lastj anNvd' will have, enough to supply cVery family, . "Ve. extend, oiir m.st welcdme" Ajnyitution to every man, womSn apd child to dome to oifr tore immediately ancl s"Qei the sets on disylay. Motiogram Dinner Sets arc all the rac, so come. . an"dt',se,e them; choose y6ui tlesigi'ijijcl learjvnv to scdUr a set containing 42 pieces '- GOVERNOR IS SATISFIED With Conations oh D. I. & Pi Company Segregation SEHLEflS SLAD OF INCREASE OF LIEN Work Vf Roolalrrilnu Crook Count Desert Is Prooesdlno In Gootl Fslth Say Executive ' ttovernor Ohariiberlnin lias returned from hiif trip of in Hpection to the Bend country, and In lhtei views' given to the PortlUnd papers, freely states his Biuiafactiou over the prog resa being made by th6 big irrigation company engaged in reclaiming the Crook County "desert.?! Handicapped as it is by lack of transportation facili ties, that section has neverthe less developed in the lust two or three years from a barren waste into a populous agricul tural district, with many acres of 1 a'nd already under ditch and growing large crops of grain and forage. governor Chamberlain was in Crook County a year ago. since which time the tran&posi lion from desert waste into pro ductive farm land has been truly remarkable in the Des chutes country, and lie ex pressed himself as thoroughly satisfied with conditions as he found, them. In an interview in u Portland1 paper regarding the project of the D'eschutes Irrigation & Power Company, he is quoted as saying: "The company has spent a tremendous amount of money in building its.irrigation works, and so far as I found, they have complied with their s(ate .con tract to the letter. I talked with dozens of settlers on the irrigated lands and found that they were pleased with the increase in the lien price. The company was doing its work there at a financial loss, and the opinion was expressed by settlers that they were glad if the lieu price' had been placed at such a figure as would repre sent the cost of the irrigation work." RAILROAD BUILD1KC IN THREE MONTHS While the federal and state "officials were at Bend last week, on their tour of investigation, the Bend Commercial Club had a special meeting, nt which Governor Chamberlain and other members of the party wore invited to speak. What rrMSfmssjii siin W If-' '' M. C. MASON J. W. & M, A. 1 I t.!-- r Real Estate, Insurance Collections AU5 iuitursu speolaUy of Auctioneering; In i)U lines. Ollloo in I.otiolca. ilrotliertt (urnlturo store MAU1US,. ..s-ORKUOX y AH TASSEL &tDAyiS REAL ESTATE, LOCATING &! INSURANCE . in tin V "t uftvv UniMiiii; the Governor and of lief mem P H r i TO bers said ivas interesting, bu'EllflLil i U mution camefhmi . S. StatUnr f r of the Denchuies Irrigjit'0dei" Power Company, who !o opportu gufibd tliiTKmliBohj.jJ orstBr over the rich plainsjmaii and my urego ana wi. JoeQ advlBlng cpn prediction that Tr have taken matt s.. ,'ilf i, In T,.-nds and wo arc go ...i, n., h-em. no n on man wi Side of the fin work with anyone ri , " our organization, a llliee inorilUtf. lat tomorrow mornln takeii from the 'nesB of the week b - ' :e will become unlve report or the fQt go half way in th Commercial Ql.tllTh Btrike has boe51 important part Onctlon of the natlona-fW (Mr SjhtiImv n' are now working li ""''Othl n .. ... .i. : - VEA UO,, was Hie nexcious unions tnrougn-i depriherl hnVflv have done ,n call,n aescriDea Dn-iiy Tlth our hearty co. by the company . . ament was made by points for luture raa8a meeting of the (Ul. the segreeatiohers held in Brand's .. , , (ternoon. The hall the people glad by. song and so great he was Confident lfor accommodations . , , Ired of the striking 8truction would be ,able to gain admit OIl this Side of t!nd,6 and remained . , . , . the vicinity until Within three mouthy arrivals had left r MAY CANCEL CCfednatythemee"?ng 2tary Quick. Mr. e strikers that his Sulta Will Be Brought their disposal, financially. "We l our own treas- it Is at your dis- k i. r Is ours, and we As a result of the unU, th'e end. Columbia Southern ; vestigation by state ameeting the 320 , -.- .1 mployed by com- al authorities of thiwlres wag he(1. irrigation enterprises brokers, news 0 , 1 Aercial organiza- Deschutes country, t3 big packing are to be brought aga,ted- r!s?iu" , , . glaring that this Columbia Southern Jerpald and that Company for the pufabneda80d g straightening out the aa telegraphers. ortTTmon... n,n,nMt the private- ouwy. present their the Settlejlr employers, cancelladonSl1 fJ interests of securing a patent already given twin ask for a 12.000 acres of- landfthe press aB company operates on tbir request at side of the Deschutes' hourB1 to secures water for irrigatfcned"ie PrQ- wggic for six laud from the Tum'alo; an nt3 an hour be distinguished fromcon,stitute, a t . -ia hour for Deschutes Irrigation & imployed by Company, whose affairs newspapers r . . . , for $30 a luvestlgation shOw to tr overtime, first-class condition. ech a The principal .cause of to every . ki.. r .if., nin In the uuuuioa ul iuo vmUll!1 Sunday aouttiern company is tne 111 be ai of a sufficient supply of wllh en0t 10 reclaim all of the laudonse, the . . . , .a olllclals, r Muii Qurrrurpnlinn inn r . . "on ocbt6"i'u") oraerea failure to supply the reQQaf -jg amount of water has bron.tT about much strife between?, s'at,es , , , f lal- Tele- eompnny and the settlers utiro in the laud. Of the total of 27e acres in their segregation, soner, and time ago the company securtj6 a pateut to 12,000 acres j whiur men -they reported as reclaims ,nslder This patent the federal authon ther ities will seek to have cancelled,, Measurements made, during tint recent investigation, of the ilpw of water at the point where thevl company diverts the water from of the Tumalo show that the totalled llowof the stream is not sufficient of rtors 7EG0N TA 211 interior point GE S Prt" c"i Outfit and RAVELING MEN StonTKAL OREGON ers' Y STAGE LIXE the r Gene.nd irrigated distriity VXI hourffi's.- and baggage. Jfaat meml ;i ot VERTURFAget, ceptaL,an'ko Oregon . sell, o. to a Press ; sonabh cals on consent to Tl on the par' and :quit t' followed ' country 1 A serious ph veloped yesterday an Ing the nlsht when It L1XUL 1 tXllL Uuu LCIlihtuiUM. places wero tampering wt at relay points. By "plugs" froTQ the switchbo croundlne the wires comnu on a number of circuits wa. ruptca ana in some lusiiiuuea ly shut off. From the developments of yt day and last ijlght It seems co. that the Orderyof Railway 1 graplers will support the commen telegraphers In theV strike, and It not Improbable that the railway t graphers' organlzatlon'will Jje more deeply Involved In tho s.v should It be of lengthy duration. .Vhlle thq strike at this time hw, "the appearance and to some ext!nt v the effect of a general striKe, sucn 13 not the case. A large numoer 01 commercial (operators are still at their keys arid will not go out uniu instructed to do so Dy rresiuuui. Small, 1 . , In Portlanrl tne operators 01 mu Western Union and Postal 'l eiograjin Companies struck last nignt. mo Western Union men were cant-u uu by President Branin of the loca union at 7:211 o'clock. The Posts operators left! their keys at :4 o'clock. Both Istrlkers were very or derly. The mlessenger boys struc last night at 11 o'clock after holdlnj n meetlnir at wlhlclr they formulate a demand for a (considerable Increas In pay. to irrigate to exceed 5,000 acres, and there are 7,000 acres of irrigable land included in the 12,000 acres for which patent lias already been secured. The suit by the state will be for the purpose of taking the segrega lion out- of the hands of the company and the bond-holders, by cancllaiion of their con tract, after which the state could make a contract with a new company to funfiah the requisite water. 4 L. A. Young, of Sagebrush 'Springs was in town yesterday. Gf J. I (odder, representative o 'Jlaka MqFgll Co., of Portland, is inteiviewlngfl tilt; Altylms trade today. , " ' iVXehinau .md v de U t lutjtly Lake were in tnva on l;uesUay,' Mrs, I I .hrirni Innvimr nn tlf .ifiernrnr' pAviov. on ho rJS0 n 30 Cftif. i 8l.d )t r TO- it coi Ut Fatal Flolods In Japan. Victoria, B. CV., Aug. 13. loss of life Is nlortod from ! Japan because of floods.. An to advices recelvJggjp. killed in all and teritil score of lives worW'i ushlna, an Island dock quake which desti aud sent tho Islam , a panic. At TakIJ subsided 20 feet aij were killed and lit '' nneso government piles. Bonds Go Now York, Aug. 1 ond time within six , flvNow York failed todt largo Issues of 50-y w v.?oiu Douus onorou ar 01 ssuos amounting ilk J 'ytu uut'i i;u iuuu;, , W oftWmount of tho bids te'iWWU.ouo. no promiu. tl.tq; ixcopt on four or five 1. uojio ri'iunll amounts. Further (, 0 mado to dispose of tho American Boat Wlri liavft I MMV" Rochostor, N. Y., Aug. 1 J'M'O'aiorlcnn dofondor of tho Ci ing frump Seneca defoatod tho Cf luduionaUoriBr Adolo today in tne the races. r Oregon";'0- 'euW. L'oiupair , 'L iisr: , -'-.'.''-s - J 1