The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 15, 1907, Image 6

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im -fisi--t,-r. - . Tm rrx nn r. m i i ravvc
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CHAPTER V. 1 1ty tlint tho peons regained all their merry
The mitt rose : its beams played on the carelessness, and regarded the mysterious
jarembling yellow leaves of the trees, and flight o( the guldo as an accident of uo
Hinged them with n thousand shades of I real importance.
IJ,J..l mi - ,.li. I Y . ... .. 1
miu.nau mirnie. inc nirus. coinv npsiieu 1 il wns. nenep. witn yi-imi nrnmiainr nr- - - - - : : t . . ..
irnSiiitn i,oi,. tr,v .tin tt. and the caiwitns wero then again picked ; mental trees. It In known as tno yei
tearoh the nwnkontm? of nature was as chlefi. rommnn.1 nn, nronArod under his UP by tho redskins, and at n sign from i,w.ncck caterpillar, nnd Ih uminliy
sjwendid and imposing as it Is in nil directions to dig the trench which was
igiMtuuuuuiioug countries. 1 inienucu 10 protect mem ironi
f? I HIM I F' Jv
VM tram.
by 4ee ' black crape, frml
tpmtm wsat 't, ana so wen i"h ?
rohwl t1pr uri.ks. that it was entirely f
innoH)Io to recbgnizo them.
"Wlmt do these men want with me?"
he muttered, , as he lot his head fall oa
his chest (Mtdly.
"Patience I" said tho man who had al
ready spoken, "you will soon know."
Thero was a short delay, during which
the conquerors appeared to be consulting
together in a low voice; while doing so,
an Indian chief, who was no other than
tho Jester, entered the hall. Tho general j
BttMMer I'et.
Tho Illustration shows ono of tho most
destructive of Uio mnmnor Insect pouts,
which nttneks both fruit nnd ornn
a sur-
piJjThe leader of tho caravan left his tent prise. This trench was to be bordered
mnd gave orders to strike the camp. The by a line of tall stakes, running across
itent wns at once folded up, the mules the open space between the rocks, which
5Yere loaded, and, so soon as the horses gave the sole access to tho terrace.
were saddled, the party started without At the moment when the leader pro-
Wr'1'1 or t10 niornn nieal, for they ceded with several peons armed with picks
? 'generally breakfasted at the 11 o'clock and spades toward the entrance, with the
iffl' wit. probable intention of marking the exact
-4?TV?'. JL"e caravan advanced along the roati spot where the trench was to be dug, the
..(''r iivm oanra it 10 me unucu oiaics, ai rapaias npproncneo, ana said witn a re-
stances. I "MI amo, I have an important commu-
i' t, ul'm ue jcii iiiu enmp, iuo cmei ui 1 10 mnite 10 you.
the caravan spurred his horse nnd joined I Ills master turned and looked at him
the Indian, wlio was marching alone In with ill-concealed distrust.
front, examining the bushes and apparent- "An Important communication to mak
X performing all the duties of an cxpe- to me?" he repeated.
exencea cuide. Uurum 1 a. thousU he "lcs."
.heard the hurried paces of the Mexican's "What is it? Speak, but be brief.'
- a uorse, nu not turn round, but continued 1 nave discovered a grotto.'
$!roitJnK along on his sorry mule. "What?" his master exclaimed, In sur-
SiTifZ: 1. Indian, said the enravnn rhlof In onse.
3r'. Spanish. "I -wish 1o sneak with vou on an "Yes. excellenev."
i ilmportnnt subject; be good enough to put "Where?"
lMS- j MW ... . .
yrv-ios. your usual silence lor a while and
WfUSWtr lilfn nn linnnof mnn Vaii" nntm.'
ed with me at Santa Fe to lead me, for
the -sum of four ounces, safely to the
frontiers of Upper Mexico. Since you
5 wtSJliave been in my service I must allow
jam. x im, e uuijr unu rensou 10 jiraisc
"There." he said, stretching out his "cro "r r ,I , W"IKl"1 l . 1m.
arm; "behind that mass of rocks." .. " ,u
A suspicions look flashed from behind Proowtr. own surprise! by a party
his master's eyelashes. 01 . K,
"Well, we will enter it together. Fetch "vo muies, one 01 wnonr was ot
some torches of ocote wood, and show a cc"n'" e. wnue mo other appeared
us the way. By tho by. do not forget to efnr!e 18'. nn.d Yho In,sh.t 1)0 "PP0"
. srour nmdence: but we are nt this mo- brine weanons. for wn lcnnn- not 1rln cl08e,J' related, through tho rescmblanco
frneut in the heart of the Rocky Moon- men or beasts we may find in caverns of the,,r fcat,ur were treated with an
stains, that i. to v i,nn FA.nnfit thus nrwnlnr- on n hifh m cxquisue- poiucness iney were rar irom
the most danircrous nnrt of our I'nnmor. The Mexican wlootnl It- of M. expecting by the Indians, and conducted
. .Two dflvn nin rnn nft.i , troii nf on wJioi mnnim tti.n.i.f , to to tent, xhe curtain was then low
fT ..... I ... ... I fn ttnVMll fhnm fMm ttA
Virow Indians, very lormidab e enemies rely, ordered them to take their numkotn. "-""v "
i-,of enrnvan. nnrf T wnnt to mnsnlt r-ttU I nnd. hti1rllni tha othnra lrvr fmsut I the Indians.
- sou as to the means to emnlov to foil but not berin anvthinir until h roftimwl ine newcomers, at a signal from their
' & Jtho snares in which these Indians will he made a signal to the capata that he conductors, ranged themselves with the
., try to catch us." was ready to follow him. Carnero had , . wcro iwcriui men
A- The Indian felt in a bag of striped followed the arrangements made by his WDm ""J1 'mu prooaoiy not given
5 calico tlirown nr hU EiiniiMor nri nr. mnstpr n-lh nn vll ro hut n.hi 1,1 a chance to defend; othenvlso they look-
itsfraHced a greasy paper, which he opened not deem it prudent to risk any remark, . , " w .-u una
Jand onered the Mexican. tor he silently bowed his head, and walk- M . .
3Wmri. t., .t.t-it a. .-:, 111 l j .i .u. ti. .i.. . , . I u.wo masseu mpn toor thiIr ntn nn
. . ii.ii ir, iiiin . i up miipr nsk'pn I in I ru i iii :i i i 1 1 j - iiiif. 1 1 1 n m n t. inur mnirMi I " - - - m
?ires. certainly: vour enrarement. WpII the entrance of the crotto. tl,t Kranlte blocks, and tho Indians who
wba has this to do with the ouestion I These granite blocks, oiled one on ton carri1 the general laid him on the ground
i . . i Mn u r , rri
.asked you" , o the other, did not appear, however to wl . "i-1 " irjouuni. xuo
Curumilla, still impassive, laid his fin- have been brought.there by accident, but. I1"80". 10 "eemea to be the president of
gers on the paper, at the last paragraph on the contrary, they appeared to have .s 8ln!st?r nimbly gave a sign, tho
ef the engagement I belonged in some early and remote age to
"Well, what then?" the Mexican ex- n ciumsy but substantial edifice.
f claimed ill-hnmoredly. "It is said there, " would not bo prudent," said the true, that I must trust entirely to chief, "to venture without precautions
yboi and leave you at liberty to act as into this cavern. Prepare your arms, mu
you please for the common welfare. What chachos, and keep your eyes open : at the
proves to me that you are acting for our slightest suspicions sound, or the small-
tV" 1 . . i I .1 .LI..1 1L.1 -
'coiamon weiiare, ana mat you are not a uuject iuat appears, ure. uapatax.
.rraitor I ngnt me torches."
wor1 traJtor 80 distinctly nt- The latter obeyed without a word; the
'Jh.. tered by the Mexican. Curumilla cave a leader of the caravan assured himself at
Jp 'tIpTr 1fln(V nt thn prvoalrnf nlitla hia I a zlanCC that his Orders hnil lurnn nmn.
,.i :,rwhole body was agitated by a convulsive rly carried out; then taking his pistols "lt not your P,aco, t0 thus."
fjy'.'Ai i, .i ii t rmm Mo Koii- t,. ,a . .i. I Then he remarked to the Jester.
fc. . - IT illU 1 , UC UUCiCU IVtU VI IU(W UlCUiH- I Mo w.h, 1V- .IA.ACU 1 11 II 111, UliV
- " JjPrebensible guttural exclamations, and I n each hand, and said to Carnero :
. l. r 1 1 . . i . I I. T r- 1 1 .
;-'rere me .uuiuiu cuuju euspeci nis mien- I iuc irau. u i ouij- just inat
luona ne was seized round the waist, lilted yu saoum uo me nonors or this place
the saddle, and hurled on the which you so unexpectedly discovered.
KKround, where he lay stunned. Curu-1 Forward, you others, and be
' 'jHUlla leaped from his mule, drew from I guard
' Ifaia belt four irold nnnccn. lmrlivl thnm nt I The eizht men went into th mrorn nt
. . . I . ... . I r i. l t . i. i
vJ'Ythe Mexican, and then bounding over the me l the capataz, who raised tho ,UK l" ""u ",ut wu" rapauiz, moy
precipice mat bordered the road, disan- I ircuea aoove uis neau, uououess in order I "c i"-
neared. to cast a sreater liirht. oc oI tb second caravan, In front
kTbe situation was becoming most crit
one of the masked men, transported on r.,,,,,,1 i ....mhor nlonif tho lirnnclion
to mo vomnero.
Ono hundred nnd fifty to two hundred
Indians, mostly armed with guns, nnd
ranged in good order round tho terrace,
tho center of which remained free, faced
the cavern, having among them tho dis
armed Mexicans, the baggage, horses and
Tho tent still stood In the middle of
what was to hnvo been tho encampment;
but the curtain was rallied, and n horso
mnn was standing in front of It, as if to
defend the entrance.
At the moment when tho party emerged
from the cavo and nppenred on tho ter
race, tho horsemen dmwn up nt the en
trance of tho defile opened out to tho
right and left, leaving a passage for a
small troop of men dressed in hunter's
garb, nnd whom it wns easy to recognlzo
as white men; two ladles, mounted on
ambling mules, wero In tho midst of them.
This troops of strangers was composed
of eight persons altogether, leading with
tbcm two baggage mules. As the men
of trees, feeding on tho follngo until
the limb Is entirely denuded, when they
migrate to nnother limb. Tho female
dei8lts Uio eggn on the leaf of tho
trve, where they nro usunlly hntclied
during July, nnd tho yonng Insccta be
gin feeding on the lenves.
Tho full-grown moth is shown In the
imnor imrt of the Illustration; Miie
cnternlllnr Is nbotit two Inched long,
with n dull yellow bnnd Jimt bnck, of
tho black head. This pent Is fnnilllnr
to most formers, for it tuny be found
In nearly every section of tlw country.
f w
ptlsoner's bonds at onco fell off, and he
A good wny to rid tho treen of them
Is by spraying with pnris green, but
if this Ih not denlrnblo becatnw of fruit
on the trees, n torch mado of cloth or
small rags nnd saturated with kcrowno
may bo applied to the Infest ml limbs
nnd tho Insects destroyed In this man
Dob; KnunnKe No Joke.
Tho old Joke nbout eating "hot dog"
found himself once more able to movo i ' no ,oko ,n Ocrmany nny more, for
bis limbs. uo less than 7,000 canines of vnrlou
The general drew himself up, crossed breeds wero slaughtered nnd eaten by
bis hands on his chest, threw his body
back haughtily, raised bis head nnd look
ed at his judges with a glance of with
ering contempt.
"What do you want with me, bandit?"
he said; "enough of this; these insolent
maneuvers will not alarm me."
"Silence!" the president said, coldly;
t is not your place to speak thus."
Then he remarked to the Jester, who
was standing a few paces from hirai
on your
the subjects of Kaiser William Inst
year, according to a rcjwrt from Consul
Georgo X. Ifft nt Annnbere. Tho eat
Ing of horso meat seems to lie. quite
general In Germany, for no less tlmn
182,000 lwnses wero slaughtered for
human food In 19Q0.
"Horseflesh Is very generally ndvor-
used in mo ue mi nn imperii, say
Consul Ifft. "esneolnllv In thow In
uring up me omer prisoners, old and ; large Industrial centers, nnd most Ger
V! mUit hcar What E0,Df? man cities have at least one market
wnlch makes It n specialty, claiming
to bo said,'
The Jester gave a signal to the war
riors; some of them dismounted, ap
proached the prisoners and, after loosen-
jtfc"! Sound himse
jt S; la unknown
fj1 L v feiddea foes,
ical for the chief of the caravan ; he nto which several passages opened. All
Sound himself abandoned without a guide, at oncc the leader stopped and listened.
regions, doubtless watched by Olsten, he said to the capatax, "do
and exposed at any moment I J'on not "ear something?
for It n higher pcrccntnge of nourish
mcnt than Uint of beef, venl, mutton
or pork. Neither Is It unusual to ilml
advertisements of dog meat or for tho
purchase' of doss for slaughter. In tho
Tbey thus reached a rather large hall, 01 tDe ",,Dun1' -tnD. at a signal Irom city of Cnssel recently the police. In
tbe Jester, the horsemen closed up roun
the white men.
(To be continued.)
to an attack.
4f,i The march was continued; no suspi
cious sign was discovered; and the Mex
,( "leans were justified In believing that,
witlrthe exception of the time they would
v be compelled to Jose, the flight of the
v-t Indian would entail no disagreeable con
JfK sequences.
" ..-O-.... wmuuh, WttiUCiV
The latter bent his body slightly for
ward and remained motionless for some
I do1 he said, drawing himself on.
jt sounds like distant thunder."
"Is It not? or, perhaps, the rolling of
subterranean waters."
"I can swear that you are right It
would be a piece of luck for us to find
V rather pleased than annoyed at the dis- water in the cave, for it would add great
appearance of the guide. Far from com- to our security, as we should not be
plaining odeploring tbe delay In the con- obliged to lead our horses, perhaps, a long
p ywnuance, ot me Journey he laughed at uu"ln m unnir.
fwfiat bail, happened and made an infini- "I will assure myself at once of the
'& $fiSde LPore or "witty Jests about truth. Tbe noise proceeds from that pas
ato,. which considerably annoyed his mas- Mse. 80 let us follow it As for our
iter, whose joy was merely on tho surface, men, they can wait here: we have nomine
,, wuo in hls heart curd the mishap to fear now, for If the pirates or the
4.4" 'hich kep them In the mountains and Indians are ambushed to surprise us, they
exposed them to the insults of the plun- would not have waited so long before
- derers. '-f doing bo, and hence the assistance of our
"Pray, , what do you find so agreeable P' 18 unnsary
wpatnas nappened that you are or
(Jfect to be 60 merry, No Carnero?" be
irjengtb asked.
JM'Forgive me mj am th. e-nntaz an.
swered; "but you know the proverb.
fJVuat can't be cured must be endured.' "
t "Hum!" said tbe master,
' 'And besides," tbe capataz added, n
fc feftACtooped down, "however bad our po
'Mtkm may be. is it not better to n(an.i
tk,Af little before 11 a. m. tbe earn rnn
Ijrwcbed tbe terrace, and it was with a
?jgjng of Joy, which they did not at
to conceal, that the peons recog-
eie eirengm oi me position,
'aTef. shall stop here for the nresent."
:tlJMexican said, "Unload the mules,
and flight the fires. Immediately after
l'elkfast we will begin entrenching our
'Ivim;"' ; -Tpons obeyed with the speed of
mi' Vjao-' ha vo made a long Journey and
are beginning to feel hungry; the fires
were Hkhted In aa -Instant, and a fiw tnn.
?t later the peons vigorously at-
wckco :meir roaue tortillas, their tocina
.V mad '' tklr ceclMa those indlKnon
' ' i - r ; i. r-Tv ie-
tseuisoi every Mexican meal.) When
the hunger of. his men was appeased the
KA " i.ijinuc
0 hLnt ivca 7
"ow," b said, "to work."
-iudb v
5,- ..v -nnlnmiKn trr
Vinatr uTe position - which tbe leader of the
fyetll'S ttt wan fancied. he had been the first to
'6lie mail, verJ flni! whore he had made up his
"i tliA Bli'iiV.-rUB,t WM admirably selected to
!? tfUeipUji?l Intrenched camp, The Im.
Ill Hi a Btaibtiudcro heverlne at a nrodli-tn...
llistory Harr.vo the preclHi, and guarSed
Uri)liU . ' Wl fV MWWIH BMSMj
Debornlnir n Kblaocero,
A rhinoceros which lived In the Lon
don zoo.was troubled by It horn, which
grew down In front of It mouth, so
that only with difficulty could It eat or
drink. To save Its life the keeper de
cided on amputation. The horn of n
rhinoceros Is not a horn at all, but an
accumulation of hair nnd skin which
has hardened and become cemented to
gether by somo gummy substance. Tbe
owner of this one had a very touchy
temper and was not easily approached.
Its keeper, however, decided to .. Jry
what he could do. For some dJ" .It
required nil bis eklll to persuade the
beast to come to tho front of the cage
nnd put Its horn through. Then fori
Bomo days he stroked the horn, much
to the' animal's disgust at first, al-
The capataz shook his head doubtfully, though later It seemed to like Jt When
num. ue saio, me Indians are very It found he meant no harm It Jet him
j. oeneve u would be more pru- take the horn In his loft hand and then
with the right Imitate the motion of ft
saw across It When this had been
done some time and the rhinoceros no
longer minded It piece of -wood was
held in tho right hand, and at last
searching for a lost dog, discovered n
private slaughter houso and arrested
tho proprietors, who wero apparently
making a regular business of stealing
and' killing dogs."
In tho city of Chemnitz alone, Con
sul irrt reports, CDS dogs were slaugb
tered for human food In 1000, this be
ing nn Increnso of eighty-eight over tho
previous year.
dent to let the peons accompany us
"Nonsense," said his master, "It Is un
necessary; we are two resolute and-well-armed,
men ; we have nothing to fear I
tell you." '
They then entered tbe passage. It was
very narrow, and ran downward a t.n wlien even tn,B 1,0 Ipnfper worried tho
Incline. The further they proceeded the animal, a real saw was brought In and.
more distinct the sound of water became ; the horn cut off without the slightest
' wo" e"u" mat at a very short dis- remonstrance from the owner of It
mute irom me spot where they were, per
haps but a few steps, there ran one of
those subterranean streams so frequently
found In natural caverns.
All at once, without being warned by
the slightest sound, the leader of tho cara
van felt himself seized round the waist,
his torch snatched roughly from bis hand,
and extinguished aimlnut IL rorV nnl film.
self thrown down and securely bound, be
Hardeat ot All Metal.
Tantalum has been hammered Into
sheets, which are extremely hard, air
William Crookes, V, It. stato that
"a hole had to be bored through a plate
of this metal and a diamond drill was
used, revolving at tbe date of 8,000 rev
olutions per minute, This whirling
fore he was able to attempt the slightest foroo was continued ceaseJeeeif for
resistance, so sudden and well calculated three dayB and nights, Wbea lt was.
,7""' rlRQ wrnero had been found that only a small .depressioa
mrown down at the same time as his mm loon had been drilled. an It
.. - --
a moot point whlcfc bad stiff rM the
more damage the diwHd ot tiw tantalum."
master, and bound.
Cowards, demons!" the Mexican yell
ed, show yourselves, at least, so that I
myuMnw ,wUh whom 1 ve to deal."
Silence I Gen. Don Bebstln n....
n " .wtwlt t0 our at. tor you
have fallen Into the power of men who
will not liberate you."
Gen Guerrero made a movement of Jm
potent rage, but he was silent; be ner
celved that th. n,i.t. !. .'. Pr
.H , ot me snare
Friend Yo teefc yep? bate year
establishment &m Kth ae te tmvik
blm tbe bulM, ,1 u4erstwd. Hew
tteiisfn Trimmer.
Tbe trimming of n hedge Is properly
the work of an expert, miny years of
practical exierlence being requlretl lie
fore first class
work csh be accom
plished., As a rule
expert hedge trim
mew employ n cut
ter having but a
single pair of
blades. A Virginia
man thought that
a trimmer could bo
d v v I s e d which
would simplify tbe
trimming and as
sure greater accuracy, Accordingly bo
designed tho Implement shown In the
;JIlutratlon, It comprises a pair of
tknires, containing numerous .cutting
jfeetb.. The knives are attached to piv
oted handles, one knife moving over
tho otherf When tbe latter are grasp
,ed, one In each hand, considerable
power can be applied to the cutter,
hereby over a foot of the hedge can
"be trimmed In a slHgle cut It would
be impossible, with this tool, to trtn
too much In spots, forming an uneven
jturface to the Imlge. Tbe extreme
length of the blade Insures hh even
cut throughout
Caell a tek Food,
Tfre Kew Mexico Experiment 8ta
jtloa has liwed a very creditable bulle
tin dealing .with tbe eomposltlon and
.feeding value of the prickly pear and
&tlr cacti. The spines, of the cacti
are removed by singeing with a torch,
The pretela eoatent la the air-dry ma.
erlal raus from 2 to JO per eeut,
the rrttii ie nrmm. wirt The
cctl eompar farorsVly with waay
JtotMm plflt. IItoff the great
6McvHf In the way of utillzlHg eaetl
as fwae has beea the spiitea, but
,attte tbaf eaa he. rmrd by the kwssii
sajL atfsTsw tamd aliaUi t tlie stoekaMa ot the arm
tum ot? Biieloees Maa (weasv
7hleg JmnmX,
Hum. MiluV l.UMlIlll rStvst
"Hook irarnliiK" for farmer MCyi
Iwon a thluc to IhukU at In tle pHt
It HOilll it I Lit tiu.iKfht (hat an iluianrt'i
mid one or two pntek oltlctf XWtU
woro nil a tnan needed to make
comnotent to "run n fnu.M We HrPh
getting past that day, nnd d0jng it at fft inA
prutty fast pneo, In our tunes. 'iu"tttJe
. ... .41. I I-.- I llS..
of the report just puuimiiw ps '
commlmloners aij)0lntcd n couitta O'
yours ago In the Btato of LoulMau
Investlgnto.crou iKmt, with pnrtlcul
reference to tho boll weevil mid tho te
rlbln inlurv lt hiur wrought to tho
ton crop. For two your thcue comtnl
loners hnvo been studying and expet
iiiw.ntiiitr on ths State farms In tit
lied river region, and now they sen
word out to tho world that they hnvj
succeeded In growing cotton that caiKs
not ie hurt uy me iwu wcovh. jui
how they have dono this wo must wnv
to lenrn. Tho great fact Is that tin
have dono It Think what this
mean In inonoy to tho farmers of
cotton growing giaten) Not will
benefit of tlelr wrk stop thm.
iwoplo than the cotton grower a
torested In cotton. We nil bY!
for the plant nnd Its product.
tho iwor man down In Oie Wot ubi
quarter of tlw city to tho tnllltor
In his beautiful home, we nil need
ton In some form or other. And
farming" cuts the cloud which
hung over the men who grow the plant
nnd lets the sunshine out all over th
lo(nto TeU Hi C(twrldtn
The university experiment sfntlo at
Cambridge, .Mam,, report that
variety of tests woro conducted" or
light loam. Tbe sprouting of eeda
before planting did not appear very
useful for ordinary purjionH I'ltiur
Ing entire tubers kvo letter rwulls
than the uho of ait seed pieces. Tubem
weighing nine or ton lo the po;w;l,
or tMi to t Inches hi sire, were most
suitable for planting.
Feed Imported from Bcotlnnd pro
duml wpially good crops the flrt nnd
second years, while tlw third year the
crop wns much reduced, Tlw mvord
. 1
. H tot
I mm ,
I lllBtSJLil.
frcssjiWW.1'"""' T'-
.. 1 SSSBfi
Mmwm fw.. t rtn
m N Via W i, ,
tx)v tH I Mgmu. r'nt tiii
my hiv. ti; u.i'm. i
KtbeTP 1
tO l&'Ht.nrm"'
wit nun iirrii
"mm vii hi
mm - - ;;S
Ella f bad weather by croak.
lOijbeforft a itorm.
fiiltie iwj-s Ihnt there Is real
ly won to believe that tho green
tnjkj ijoroewhnt cxjterlenced m
n-iiistlc conditions and acts ao
cIn fine weatlier ho skip
olifng the branches of tires,
H'tlvertv. eatchliit- flies. At tlx
growth, Induced by weflther eondltloiw fljV( wjnter ho ecks tbe water
In JD01, had a very Injurious effect on'nralniaelf' a bed In the tnud un-
tho ttwuing quality of tho iwtntocs. tJ0wlng spring call him out
The best mult ou imr light larl . to bis war on tho tile.
were ecuredwjth n fertlllawr nppllca- ; frog oa the ladder without
Hon consisting of 17fi iunds of siil-'doehea thft weather eondlllona
phnto of ammonia, pounds of suir-C rlws to look oul for flics
phosphate nnd 160 jtoumbt of sulphate wlIrcuitaBOJ8 accra favorable,
of iK)tah. On thu light lonin l the Qar hasd, when the weather U
best yield wa seen ml where this ' coUunp hi II rcmliided of win
some application of fertilisers, togeth-justlacflvely retires to bury his
er with twelve tons df barnyard sol the .Iwazlunry mud which
manure per acre, was ucL Tbe barn
yard jnnnure n lotto gavo good results,
betse Irettom of his prison.
Profejwlonol growers of small fruits
have been on Uio lookout for souii
sueb sntlsfador' derlco In which ttrt
J gsTya Plckftl fruit ran !, 'ona in resani w
ly the picker. an who presiuea ot u
These devices have JaJtclten, Wvre a
taken many forms,1 swiunoseinwt to her mww
the majority con- Ti wo mm otC An . f
slrtlng of ImskoM IaaW' TlbWe anaounced one
and similar rccn- a yoaiij carpenter who
taclcs, which are badThcr domain for m
secured to tho body wt4'iw 10 ma tot m
' I " l" Jill KIT. J .Ca' JT-" y, .J-J
suit oAtiieues. vast Improvement Arc -Z
li32s,hjr heart filled Wlia
here, tho. Ihyentlon of n Xavr Jersey
man. it consists of n leather recep
tacle which. Is attaclKMl to tho arm,
one end overlapping the palm of thd
band, tbe opposite end being sealed.
Tbe open end Is shaped like n scoop.
As the operator picks tbo fruit
as berries, cherries, eta, lie drops
i .i.i:. il.,.. i.. ii... 1 . tjir lipnrt 01141
ui viiib iiav la uiu Jiiuiw sunn;ii.'t miunn JJ- - ,
tin.., InunllAn f 1i,,a, i ull tllAt Shfi W M
aimn- .t. I..J
loeeiWtfc treaaure, aa e
fct - -Xr&mm
briskly. "1 P" 1
... i4 "7lt' -,i.Uti with Wf
uo vuitiva, tuuiuvn, viti, uu uruiin il - w&:mmv uu," .u
i.. it. im,. .t.... . ' . . . . .nenmei wu
i sny way inienuro wna tar rree yXM H 10" i u fcii
Y ihjhTisiH 0' ms, f
4,.rt rights tnyscl.
tTM tOO W to
sitting under J"T
; 'I'd 0 M
inoTement of the nrm or hands.
thero any likelihood of the fruit
out of the receptacle,
ChUUhko Hat.
niQ aiBcane known to tbo
growers as black rot, or stem r,
comu Into promlucnco within t
few years, and Is said to be al
blnrnnco to cabbngo growlujfS
crul States. From n recent
bulletin prepared by tbo cbl
division of vegetable patboloi
peartf that no way Is known
tbo dlseuse or of entirely r
locality of It when onco It Isl
tabllshed. Tbo whole subject
mcnt way bo summed up In o
preventing, Tbo dlsonso Is
fined to tho cabbage, but attack
ber of species belonging to the
family. The planting of otb
for a long series of years Is
lie the only satisfactory way to
of this disease of the cabbage w
uas ooce ueceeHi serious.
dol' An'
t .1 .L.
riart I tried hlw.rLu
it iUrld. l
you rJ"7ralihf
...t,i.i t her i
H 10Oi
fi laud
m x m
Tlie summer feeding of lioepj3not
dlitleult Tiiere Is no other animal thai
can be shifted from field to Held In
summer to consume tlie weeds as can
sheep, When handled In this way,
they will kee) tlie fence corners clean.
To what better use could you put your
weed than to turn tliem Into mutton?
iKiutrM a grower
fact that they also enjoy and thrive
upon aeo4 grass. Ih order to keep a
L ,i-g olvtiere -
t0. .rata l m
Ig w
ould na train
t( .n.l;ed. B'"
igO TO'" ' J
... up ....
I -'111! - uu.
i . lUrMBi '
iow s .of
nil ii
In New Kuirlfliul 'rr . to Pr0""'. , im "
lHt do not overlook the . JSoigllW S tw
OV m Tin
large auaaber on a mull farw you .1 t tiit)l),or "Tke '
.utM utall aat1u mil nlanau lilrCil lv i
thetn'ofiesi, fW tWs gives them short, i
Wnder sjraM, whkfi they like beet, ami
them healthy by net -allow'
bsf mm rewalu fxa am patre .
. .j
' - y HUM nOSII l MCWr