TV A i , . -" -v:..-..., . jr-ir j 'V liif (;, AlllnxliRni or Lower Wkigii wa h nilor in Madras yesterday. 'lorn, 10 (lie wife of Glumes uifgby, on tiliiy, AuKtitt 13, 1007, n (tminhtcr, r.Uober( Unborn and Mii Helle Lulls iptilr were in town shopping y Mond Mrs. H. 1'arrish left TiieitUy , cxpcciiiij; (o spend teveral - ' ' ' r 7 ' ' iHfl I I'ortl k tlh A LdCloV )cAli (bcal me ;EDC1,npmenlUi 4 I). A (iloi ins a Ijeld of lurlcy in owcll lie tint coinpclcnt Judges my U thrtjfjo hiislicli to the ncrn And iti uwlliy f.irmii);. Wlm mid thai colrM h'on was a, barren dceri? Lllettdjlletin. J S.ivn of Haystack whs in town j'iteid.iicr n load of supplies. Mr trowu ein threshing at his place in JgMiouul, lit? ha somrtliiiu' ovrr a iliitlf flit lis fftt-ctt fiiwl ln nr-tl. j.r '"-- at " imvII I I V4 III ,l Mill Iproinbtl; yield 1 A tufhav cnnlniimuF ic Inn coiiMiinffjre last Friday afternoon nt to 1 i l'W'iuj'hlin's plnce on ilif lhi fc vMnie stack was struck l J 'ifri ami was destroyed in a fe uin.i(iok County Journal. . n.ird, who Ins been spsnd- "iSuyncr at College 11 ice. Wnl. IHiMtj&d yesterday momlnj; on k1 QI pepd a few days visiting it9llimjn law, A. I'. Clark, o. V l'pjfn, and in looking alter hi' inn tljiulncaluy. Ki fdcr killed a lar riBrarhfir h'Mim oih of (his plnr hi dfffiin wrck. Jhe was riding hick and discovered ' the sn ik- di iliemllit of her huric. Mis lytlKmOiintrd and killed the snake wind scvn rallies nuHs Krcd Minkhain were in j iom TttCMlay, on their way io Laid- Uerc yTey were summnned by "h Lii.ii Mii.iiU i.f l.'jsi1llwtikt tlif ftfrf I'lnkham's mother. Mr mb'xx ,r"o,y 't,,i1 jtici"sMrl l.lmk- his- Jiltv (rwkc-:lty. NoUry IHiWJt l). Br.-. h l U U "!; of Hooi Kwtr ,1 eiJer r.r ihp I- rce Msshow t, bnM ipailrtly mMing in ii toii.uini nit; I-inlay etess. Itt:3,amj rxtfijm); nvtr Sumlay r,b!y n imi'fi to attend. :fit lm. k'.rbr nics of the tectum pwlit m n.t bumUy liy if,? leitatmi). The Iwttan BtlHst ihcic ate l.irj;t quAutMlf nf luol iIik crop icricn.iayi mn tlirC'.ltitii: louiotro-v, beifinmup rrr.A f? ne I! .(T-I-Hl'ttts threshing wfit&in 01 ,ne W h"rcP Irow.-iw.r.l l.v I v i..nM ...UiOjnpiHy. Alter he llnislies in. t liSnnikiilm fi,t of la.t neri. f'Mhhisown, then swing ferbumc Mr. J-mes Ins ttm ty u" m Acncy 5,u"15 5iinK. it ..t from Shanilu-. m oti. &.l,cc,s lo tnrP" ,,,r a "u,ocf I ..... . sr en re ly ir operation b (he lunr ...iit, nf 'fltlWl l J ..m..i.ii.m !c " LfthMie lh. Summer letcnni 1!lc!iflistofihee,,k- elmr4jri, gmninms . w, .L.i ..ti ..iiif VMS. ,i H - Ko'Jinwn & Co ll.jSf. nt p Sosrfu lit i a 1 1'iitpanfed by Mbt y Uli'f Thr IMII'S. hn sjjfflwas'foiiiierly Miss Mnuc io.iws p'acc, and she and hr h;J VeJIde at Cilitier, Wasliloginn i3H of liuit came in from tit frultffauch last Monday lor thr eB Virketf .Mr. Hoeli his an tinusu ga cSp this year, and finds a m.ljket at this place and I'tinr- liTsctop of tomatoes will be ripe alyTfqr itiatkei within a week Kutcber arrived at his home nea sdtftn Monday with the nw kntrjuaclirnc which he has recentU n, and t!u! ll.e hrsjer setlJ5iavtiig inade the trip out from p will bo ripe In the nctUoJjn rccottl time Mr. Kuichn Edward C. Pease Co. Incorporated Shaniko, Oregon -. . . . HEADQUARTERS FOR HARVEST SUPPLIES 1 Let us fill your Harvest orders W!A2 MADRAS MEAT MARKET D. W. ADAM, Proprietor Rcnsonnhlc prices nnd courteous treatment to nil Qcders by stage given prompt at tention and ho charge for deliv'ry FRESH AND CURED MEATS MADRAS, OREGON McTAGGART & BYtr HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS GROCERIES AGENTS FOR MADRAS, OREGON NEW DAILY STAGE From Bend to Shaniko and all interior points New and Up-to-date Outfit SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN TUB MOST. SCENIC ROUTE IN BEST 'KATING HOUSES QX CENTRA!, OREGON ANY STAGE LINE paily Htages through Agency Plains Country and irrigated ditrict of Crook county. Prqrnpt attention given to express and baggage: lyiut freght a specialty. Kor rates atldrcsa J. yr. M. A. ROBINSON & CO., or J. H. OVERTURF, Agent, Madras, Oregon Shaniko, Oregon SUMMONS ""W npenj W & t . A ll . . " """-ir court for Ktiiolivr rrocinci, ke I n in the tear of their stoir WiW ?. htrh. Wlim compl-tixl tllUW I'ffctJitnnt "ctitelundl.iil( or Kraio tin. K.H. SeS'T.? , XJWt&SXS!!!; MiMing wil! be rushed to coinnle ireiulr-it to at'l'Vr ' wur the . I Inf ftlMil M .Mltfkl .ttl If. lilt, ftltfll'lf.fttl. w io be ready when Uw Iiim liuMt'oii ur t!tnre the Kill Juv of 8p- at 1U o't'lUCK . in., oiiu in ujCr, riu munor mn coin- Biiiuy ror jiniKrniH iiiM.m. nltii liucnvet r nn ii ii in irum ine 0111 ir hIUi 110 a ii rcinon- ltd illMjiirnciiioniii In i tix)ii you bj iMi 11 1 - wri'k Hi mi' ,MMurai Mnlr, Ort'KOii. by AuuiutO. 1D07. dlrvitt- liy itilillitlon, unit Hpcar kiiiI uiuu'tir trio Jin or lefiiro Huiitemtiur lleiitlmi of (hi) not I in -...I ... I. I.I !....- hAIKI ...' I'l. almr w. wn. r j. iittooKfl. fXttornoy fur rinliittfl. com m after harvest T. A. l.nnj. has nurchaiNl il, hwuie.1 of P. j . Jamoo. knstn a uruj Stnrr, at tins ..lac. iiu. '"wwds taken place l,,t Krt.tny. '"K im tjeeii tonducuuv the ' an July .(, a n4)i interest in it, i.k Mt ---- attirV U4moncime n r... . . "ui.itiii nni rX,nuwl1,e1rtel)e d4MMw I "r l The busioesj ;-wnuniifa at the old Maud nil.. i. :"':,lKtl fire llmrr iiW4T lit lilt'1 "Mr th.n tl.ey have Uecn , VUrm 1,JSI -i'e.ter It ,, ' one in thr t ttlt , . ''sinn Mt,i tii i:c ( in r.i si rd iiis i,. : " n sVtrl, . .. - a shi K . . u 5IC llI mil ..a n I r!"ii,u,..,,;i;. " number r.f goitres.. I.,,...... v" "'"Kl "uaiili U 11(111 rl. .11 , .. '.ii ill ni i ' -. ... h..... ... . u,u,,,,,,' !. 4hckir. ' w"r" lnili. .in "'dicre, Ti,., i ?r 'y hfrt D0,W "'e ' i nthm... 1 " i lie fe ii,i, ::""""eiy a in(.,i i? "'s in the to, . ' '""Wl -v nun I W S 1 irizzly Lake Lumber Company The company's mill is now running and will soon be able to fill orders for Rough and Dressed Lumber Moulding- and Shingles The yard at Madras will be stocked with building materials including DOORS and WINDOWS Tlioualosintui at thi' yard will ulso find time, occasionally JLq build TANKS, WAtiOXHOXES CUPHOAUDS, kTc. TIio company id iiBtalliiig more maeliinory, ami is hotter than over prepared to supply the dumanilM of itH cuHtomors. Qrizzly Lake Lumber Co., Lamonta, Oregon i ASITIED LOCALS E'r All AlaslV H ItivHHiit'iiiioit will bo t Ii or l,,ali including nn iuveatign IV .ito tliu ( inrncter of th CUY . .. i dUKIIl lipOU tlltf IfUlJUimMj tin results of tin4 Inns under ihV Onro.v Act. Green Hotel nllrul t , I 'frn i w va I SC. v I SSiv lmmVn flP tiid w ssssv sssa in s (till innH II"' Ar: 3 toWt'. MM feinl san ia !ilt, Ii ji CjJiASON tate, Insurance , bUIIBUIIUIIb" ' TTho tnUt'Hu nin'olnl'y of AticfioneeringJ In all Ih'UH. Ullluo In LoucUh Hrothornturiilturtotore AH TASSEL & DAW8 iny REAL f:StATE, LOCATING t INSURA UNDER-NEW MANAGEMENT n thoroughly renpvated. No better table in Cen- r the money. Your vants will be courteously Headquarters for traveling men, v ,jass Livery in Connection i "W. LIVINGSTON. Proprietor OREGON 1 LIVERY The best in Shaniko Good Stock. Careful Drivers Best, of Hay and Grain Fed At Very Reasonable Prices P. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or. i sttl ftf ttt Z. F. MOODY j GENERAL COMMISSION & i FORWARDING MERCHANT Large and Commodlaiia Warehouse. Consignments Solicited, Prompt attention paid to tboso who iavor us with their patronage. SHANIKO, OREGON mithing, Horseshoeing WAGON WORK 1 I liavo purchased tho shop of P. A. Hamilton opposito l.ivingflton'riHtublesanu nollcit your patronage. You will Unci qui' work tho Idud that pleases A. W. GULP, - Madras, Oregon X shaniko Warehouse Company to to to to to to GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING Bpecial attontlon to Wool P-vllng anr Bnling for Eastern ship mento, De&lors in Bhic)8nlth Ooal, Lime and BulUJers Material of all kindi. Sulpltur, Wool and Grain Sacks and Twine, Grain, Flour and Feed. Higheat prica paid for Hides and Pelta. Stock Yards with all tho lateat and heat facilities for handling Stock. Mark Goods Oar of "S. W. Co." t. G. CONDON, Manager. ELK DRUG STORE Carries a good line of fresh drugs and patents. Pre scription work and family recipes made a specialty . --..-mm ,11 WSJ 'I 1 "til' -'g;r T. A. LONG Physician and Drucoist ii) i' s , a. m. Williams &, ggSL ury oUsf Clothinfe, Fumjshlng Goods jPQOTS AKI) SHOES III ATS ANn 0AP3 I I J i 4 ti'i' -V, Si, 1 "ti . 'r.'iW f4i-iirt:s-niMS,l