The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 15, 1907, Image 4

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    iiiiiiiiiiiiiv Y
it 1A
It I
15 W
ii ' Madras Pioneer
MT IF Published every T hursiUy ny
flitQ j-c....'.
vm mth"
. r,i'
Ktiteicitns second class tnat'er Am:iw
tl, 11)04, At tin' Postoifieo at Madras. Ore.,
iyd"dr"tliQ Actof Consre8 of March 8. IS7H.
Harrlman Interests Hunting
Easy Way to Qentral Oregon
Harness and
T-liyiDAY August 15. i9o7 Survyrs For t,octr,c Mno wr"
Down Warmsprlna Hlyor 10
And there is Central Ornpui.
Mr. JeflVrson Mj'ers told tin recently and mum
Others say the saine that thfn
Tho Doschutca
Mie Greatest Piano Selling Ev,
of Pacific Coast Now in Prog
nt In the History
ess at Portland
Strikes,, Riots nnd Second Great Plre
vont Transaction of Uusincss an
Large Portion of Insurance, Alakln;
A Hundred nnd Seventeen Instrun:
in ban rrnncisco i-tc- Cancellation of
It Necessary to Divert
nts to Portland Store
There Imvo been no startling develop
ments in the railroad situation in
Central Oregon during tho past week
are vagt areas uf riqh f.mi'inv, The ni'ist important facts gleaned from
I.I. 1 1I...1 T T 1. ......
I.nirl in RfintliPrn flrniik nminM nie pms mspaienes are .mu luirnuum
as pood as that in eastnii
jjniatilia county which is liuu f th Oregon' Trunk Line, tho Ilea
supplying the Hum man roMf ,,lrtU9 ,ou,1i ,m8 IScw
yitu from 40 to GO insh-ls ;u
acre oi wueac to nam away? y1
these Orook county lands ai
Ijntilled, uninhabited, waitint;.
vailing, as they have heen fi.
Years, for a railroad. Win if
presumably to finance the enterprise;
and that tho Mt. Hood road lias com
jncwed construction on its electric line
from Portland to the base of Mt. Hood.
Chief Engineer Hoschke q t lie 0. It.
& X. Company lias dispatched a sur
yeying crew from Portland, to seek out
a route along tho East Fork of the
Santimn to connect with the Southern
A COUIltlV lies UU there niilf-.v Pacific at Lebauqn. It is believed by
' . i . .j .1 I Willie uf the Ilarriman oilleials that a
jl'VilJ' HUlil .III V I UUMIiUl, III I' I, , , , ,
? .. ' . . Ix'tter route can be secured along
wouitt prociin-e enough train Eltst Fnrk of tho Si,ntia,n than bv
for twu or three main railroad
present Corvallis & Eastern line np the
main bum nun to ucirou. it mis is
found to lie correct, the new route will
be formally adopted, and the road when
built will follow up the East Fork of
the Santiain. across theCabcadcs, down
the Di'suhu'tes to connect ultimately
with both tho Corvallis it Eastern sur
vey across Central Oregon, and an 0. It.
& N. feeder up the Pesehutcs from its
mouth. ,
While Harrinian is playing hide and
seek with his line into Central Oregon,
the Mt. Hood electric line from Portland
to the base of Mt. Hood is gathering men
and nlaterial for beginning immediate
construction. The .Mason Construction
Company already has a crew of 12Q men
with teams and construction materials
assembled at Fairview, in Multnomah
county, ready to begin work. A force
of men is now blasting out the founda
tion for the power plant on the Sandy
River, and machinery lias already been
taken to the site of the power plant
The Mt. Hood road, backed bv Los
and no cmaintv that if thev m Anjrclcs capital, has given out no infer-
aiti rwiiiinrtitinp tltuir n.i 11 nut ti I ' T
qarnea away next year or ciif i th0 base of Mt. Hood. Recently two
3'ear alter. Win Harrinian I engineers of that company made a recon-
. - 1 1 .
Aa nriic fn.H in Hiu .Tmivixi I I llOlssallCc UOWIl IIIC
r ind several branches, a ctmntr
einhracing many thousands
square miles, with but f-
people and little products
ying i here waiting, waiting, a
it seems hopeless!' wajling.
"Why? Harriman.
Some people have gone ii
there, most of them on irriga
tion projt-crs, but quite a nttui
ber also on uuirrigated lands,
and are raising crops both b
irrigation and successfully, too.
by dry-land farming. The
..already have hundreds of car
loads raised or growing, and
yet after all their toil and sacri
fice and good lairh, their stuff i
pf little worth because there i
no rauroaci to carry it awav.
f S200 pianos Now $114; $300 pianos Novy $171 $40Q plnnoo Now f
$228; $500 pianos Now $285-Oilljr, Jompornry Roorrj rforT)om 4
at Portland Storo, nnd Must Bo Sold ImmoUlatoly
w. I
Through the press dispatches, evcr j j "ftAnd we will oven ntretah u rt)lnt,
pne is familiar with tho trouble and "lipHP who prefer to piirchasoon Ui
unsettled business conditions which ' n2tiMtilliiient plan will he given tlilf
have prevaileil in the unfortunate city , p:e nt a sliirlit advance in cost, In
of San Francisco since Spring Tlaj adTuii to the usual sjinple intoruat.
Filers store tl.ero, like all other how, mi" c,i n 4..1. j
has suffeml from the Ion of trade ami , m UMp.WBUemBJ
inability to secure sufficient iiiMiranee jsMVi a Having as jKiiblu tit fjuV
to cover stock in temporary bnildiiig. jdSSflnnot bu dupliested in n sijjle
Rather than canrul onlers with fc-! attglnViiierlca twlay. It in posttlvflb
toiiesandlosecjuatitiydiscoi' an hpn precwh nt. Vu nut ivoll nfTt)r'l
entire year's supply, seven c . loads -i '; tQiifij to Portland, oxprufcdy for ilu
pianos enroute from the East for wlu. l. ifut;ilOse of aelecting a imuio at thin
there was no available liplay i.r i"r- tiihCu If, however, you eiiimot arnuw
age room, were uiveru-n irom - .toriirt sowjiiven o..lIv. ivi li,, ,,i A.m.. ...
rJ , " w "t.r V " V ' M
Beltinsr. Lace eath
Whips, Bridles, Halte
Flno Handmade IlarnrsM fully mmifl
toed, made from best Callfurnlu
tinned harness leather
r m t...
sn . i'iio.
"'"1 B.
1 i.,Li' . !m..
Notice for Publication
Deinirlineni of i liu Interior
lt ml Olllci at The DtlleM, ()f'tn
July .11, 10
Nnl ce In Mereliv t v,mi Him
C lvhi f. K'tx, of MlrxH, ()ri
Kin Itled iiuilee of Ii Im liilniill
in .Id- tlniil live vetir proof In Nil
I ll'H Xlilllll, viz:
II h'.miI Entry Io 10131
Mi'ch 8, lOi'J. the Juwj
'. 1 ten I, lit 10 r 1,1 e, w in,
Ami I lllll H 'hi litOilf will lie (tj
, Kraiilt O'h'iru, V S, CVnii,
timer, i Mn mil in M lilr iH,
... -....ii.r n inn?
II .1... I... .. I i .,' 1Hllti f
Ii lll.llll'll tilt IIIIIIM 1 1 I
i ir..Vi lui (miillniiniH rend
,ihi, ti l eiiltiVHiliin uf. ilieliMu
J IS Ciii)ii-ll, V ', Mriiii.l. iij
. Lnig, II C i)'v, nil of M
s 6 C. W. Mcnmi:, ite.l,
1 4
i 1. ..
i'f. ( M
, v..
k tu m
..... . ... I saawsri
I'ranciscotot'orUatHl.iuui iiiew in-mi-Mm',,,, i,,airument reserved for vtm
ments are now being sold here n-g ml
less of profits, in order lo net them out
of the way in the quickest hwmIi'c time
in order that they may not contli' t with
regular Fall trade.
Makes Everyfcotfy Knows
These pianos nro makes thut everyH
body knows the finest of Dwker ud"f
Hazcltons, Kimhalls, 'Schumntiiis, nnd
other splendid lines, as well tu a num
ber of beautiful Webers ami Chi'-kerinasf,
Every piano carries the re.ertive,
piaker'e guarantee, duly eouiitenignl
by our Portland hoie, so that j.tir
chasers are jiositively asurel luiupleto,
satisfaction in every instance
In view of tho radical price cut" - th.d
greatest reductions ever made in tlfo
history of the piano trade on the i'HClio"
Coast and the splemlid character of
the instrnmeiits offered, it is an pior
Uinity that no serioush iiicliiifl iuuo
seeker can afford to pass.
. Liberal Terms, too
&klM h1h,u1 tla' rrlu y wish t
Jlyi (ilwo will select the very Imm
4worditiK to our unbiased tn.L--
jVBWU. loueanihen nnungo for jour
'IWM oo wtltt can ho hv
linail. Hetter still, teloiimiih im In I ml
i. ..I...... . ..
i ihihj lur yuii-iwin ineii write, i.r
jcpinj; . imoii as jiosslble.
You Must Be Quick
Remember that this sale is iwi ; jcea-
Fipally please bear in mind thftt thu
falu means quick action there an- mlv
r.. .. i , , i
mufjj; iiuuurwi ami seventeen plan- t.,
lie uieiKwetJ of on this oxtrnonluwrv
lltiflia .mil M.....L. r.... . .
ajj Have been sold. This will m,iauy
ocuieuiuv aunoimconient whiw. ill
bc lirouglit to your notieoof Uia umi-ual
event. Embrace tliisgroiitoppTtiiiiity,
nou, toiiay. ny ihino seleutoil hi I U
ullltlVt.l .....a. ..I. ...... t t
ajtproval. una If ,lot eutlsfai ti.ry in
every respect, you are under no M'w
tion to keep it.
Address Eilers Piano House -The
iionsent Jligliest Quality Vah
sarily for all cah, as wc are v.r.i,.g to ! inglon Street, Corner of Park. IWUand
take half cash and balance ai!' in u 1 Oregon. '
C Z rne"crarr or nt"m
Notice for Publication
llMiMtilmeiil ill tin- I iilerlur1
I. Hill Ollleeiit 'Ii. I Dill--, ()iii..
J l' .'ll,
Xniute i- h-rehv n.iii 1
J inn 15 IJvniK, uf M .ini, (i
Mi- tlh-H KH(!i III ii Hi eiilfi
i. Ilk,' tin ill f)V J'llir prMl III 4fl
.1 til- elilllll, VV.:
.iii)-i...i ISmry N.i H)i2t
i .reh , 1UU2, fur ttie J .ifnejijl
ii -, r io , i im,
Ami Him nalti HhH.f wrl I-h
-irt I'riu.k O.l.Mri., I' n. U
iniixr, at lil Hlllff in Ma Irai,
bViMtmla'' ft, ItHt?
Il lir)le lite fiill-Wlii wlMitii
,irrf I, If. uiiiitMMiut ithleiiee J)
ml eiiHu-hI.mi nt. Mm- land, l: ! i
.MII.-I)P0, OC F X, II W I
rS , ( IIMIII. Mltttf M iln- IJ iiUl
0(6 0. W Moi.iti:. UM
Notice for PublicrtionK 1
COllHOO nnrinn -i t.f
o trouhh, JhmhI
alone win raise aoout auu car
loads of wheat, which must be
iianled by teams J50 miles u
Sliauiko. There aie also fine
i)HMHlilt'ltt llf tile Ii erli
Lllid Ollleo iT'-U D.llen, 'fi
Vmt... u i.uui... ..i. m'-
..,-" . - ii.'iffin "" .il.
Jjiiu O. VVil.xutl, uf M'i'ir, i!
Miti. lllfll li.rti't lf ,Ip M'tlUi
mtke fliMl II W ) ear pnxif in
I lit-) cIhIui, Ut
HtMiififMil IJ.iiry N . MUG
Mftioli 7, itinit, iuriliet iU'I
4 4 'Hid 11 eU li ti f
larf flirti miJ iiriH.t will i,
wire iriAtk 0l rii, V s t
l-iiwr, nt liUiitllU'ln .M f trait,
iii Hepleultiui V, 19 7.
Ill lliillle.t Ilu- MllllwK
nrovi! il Uiiiitii.ii. ii.
s S Mrimu, W It C'K. II
p el
Sp; Ii .
mve lu r
Tnlfl-i ii
rwrtWi., t..i...i
. . n iirr fir
Vt-i, Hint
fiaJ f M i.lra.. o-n,
' "it iniiiii.
.. . . "'",t
' "-ir-JH.Wn,
' .'r ' will lt ,
I, i !n 7 '"'"!
'" vlnftl iim J
It . ll- b....l I .. I
mini, t,;
' V I. Ilflll.t,,,
Notice for Publication
1) (.run 1. 1 a ii,. i ,i.,i.
Foul Ulll
N iiniv u i f'l liv uivi i, nut I
It.ue (?'. HI MnlfkH. llr.,J
'" ii U'"IB11 lurl I IIHIIl
tiirtke MiiHi il .r pr-iyr nt mpj,
M iii ,im i.i , v'z:
llullM'- e. ' ICuv t itlii mi
ltiiurt ll)n, i ..the I ,i (.:
ml .i J -.J -l ,-, l i iu -, r u
And H'HI K I 1 i.f.. f III h Mi
n-J.iie Fr .i.fc (). .urn, I' ,S fiiois
hi ui,-r. i In il).-.- in Mi'tnt, 0 f
unni triiilii-rO. i9'7
IU liittUen He' 'ul'liullli' MlliH
l-i in-ite I l ixmlllitJiiiM rriH
iHhiii. oii'l ruliviliil i't, timUiel H
UC F 'X, III wtiffbr Joti
Ei u, Mdf- I) F x tla. Or.
.b6 U. W. MooBB, Ilrdl.iiJ
Timber Und. AcUod, I. UM
Notice for Publication
I'nllAl Mill. lAil ORtf
Hie (lahM.OiKtin rfttne IK i i.nitUx gum tutt id roan;i:j
w " " ft i. i.iDUM.inn .i i i.iit m Albanu r. . tlelnn., V. o troulit,. iu
yesterday, the Agency PJain T T. , Vl", " ' ,T , " I0" r've m thisH ? yardg "j:-"? "eker w "l ,.,,,1 cilov.......
. . ' JO "ci.c,v iiiiu in.- iiiiu inn wr-6B iur rne mn,i. ..."'.' r- i - uimrict im .
extende.1 across Central Oregon to con- t"e, nw Instructor Vb fl ."'T ?'enr-1 VU "10,r '""tioriH of dot, S
nect with one of the roads seekin- an forin,rJ VhQ' Alo- and aln V
entrance to the Coast. It is known that
a party of surveyors in the employ of
the Mt. Hood line have been surrevinc
-ii, i .ii -
OatSiatid nariey, ana uiiaifi, lino across Juniper Flat and down the
and hardy frtillS, hundreds J Wannsprinf; Itiver to the Deschutes.
if carloads of sumlus Tiro . Engineers familiar with the country say
ucls iiotn this one part of
rook county alone, not one-
tenth of a similar area, and yet
it will not have paid these in
dustrious, entrpiising, worth
people to raise it. Whj?
There is room up there ftn
tens of thousands of industrious,
worth', prosperous people
where (here are only hundred.
today. Why are, the people
not there, its they tire iu eastern
'Washin'on? And why ha
Washington forged so far ahead
of Oreg .ii? Harriman.
Our commercial bodies and
' f$ ;othet;v organizations, and even
the railroads themselves, ai
inviting immigrant and point
ing among other pails ot Ore
gon to these extensive central
Oregon plains and forests and
that an easy pass can be secured acro?s
the mountains that wav, into Central
Makers of Freighting Outfit Looking
Into Local Road Conditions
ffplcklnlf lv"" uil tiu.v-., O ...I
or l.
ThZlnJ"J a, of the . P.ckfne B.l.
uje at PrlncGinn n , ot"ninnry. Aurora t vtJ,aor . ,
Id r)ostr;,.?f.eton Professor 'AL weather LJL tbo . Prosont . -
ars- successful exiinri ,8evernl a"d the quality ,,, "8 ,ns J'r. I -.nn m--n .
aching aad teacK'CnC0 both mhovn aro' 1?, y ! ' Tho r-"'" f'" -tTi. I
ny t if iiiiuluiu of Iht art'l ico.rts
Bi. .i iV i-niliiMl An an "V.i"'
iitntcf iki in tae iin m i!ireit,v.
nous aro Inirrlni; o ' n K0"- T'o
crop win prohnhlv "I0 ,,c- Tho . ,. .". ".''do iv. ., l
. .
A Ilk II
SflnNC Port,a"--Fr3co Train
ban Frnniia, ram.
E. Calvfn iVsVi raI Manager
t express t,n?"erac today t
a . - BLTV n tM . .
t or Snn tt -.ww uii aii iinAw
efc thH wm T"! a.nd within n
'd. o EI Paso and to Vn. a Port- Wh-01ub soTT , , t - 2. U l r 12 .', .
B train already ft ng?!ca-r8" 0o; Jid' t' bh,0w, 82o; U 12 A. in
ween hero -,,, operation OaUv' V ' And Him
bliehf "Koen thnt l.i. x Wllitn. or. I J i.v ....i. . . . .."
k". auKU sooa result a :,", "wninai.
Rce"!K A" gelded that IWiv-
earlier than lai. . "Vfl l.'r ton day . r"' .H"'ke, nf Malm
egin generally ?v' , 1 'ck'nt,' will "'"K"' 'f in
t nl hi el.ilin, vi7.:
PORTLAND Mao . j Iloiiien fH.I mtry No
- ".IO,
In.,.. 1.1 in i.i r - . i .
j. .. ..... . i , in t ii (
ranges, ami
seekers what chances there are.
how thousands upon thousands
of homes can be secured cheap
ly, but when these people aU
how they are to succeed in
farming on lands 100 miles oi
more from a railroad, we cannot
honestly iH thm that they ran
do so; we have lo tell them that
they may have to wait two, live.
teu twenty years, work and
wait without duo reward. VVh) 1
These are some of the reason
why wo leel obliged to discus
this-"undesirable citiz.n" so
'.'much!. Alurgnpart ot Oregon
--indeed, all Oregonhas lain
under a blight lor tho last six
years at least because of this
one man, tho deadliest enemy
in the phape of a single mortal
that a state ever had in all
history -Hayriman. Portland
Uenj. Holt, president, and P. I!. Holt,
vice-proiident, of the Holt Manufac
turing Company of Stockton, California,
wore in Madras yesterday. Their com
pany are manufacturers of the Holt
Combined Harvester, and alfo of trae-
tion engines and freiuhtin outii'f, one
of which they have just iold to the r.r-w
freighting company or'anizel in this
Beetion. Their visit to this W-alitv w
for the purpose of making a pen-uual
inveettuation oi the freighting proj'-ct
for which they aro to supply the equipment.
Mr. V. 13. Holt stated that he believe I
the project was entirely feasible, but
that some work would be necessary on
the roads at several points, The Cow
Canyon grade is the worst obstacle, and
that road will have to be widened and
possibly a new grade built atone or two
pointB, if it is to be used by the traction
outfit. They loft this morning, accom
panied by the members o the transpor
tation company, to mako n more thor
ough investigation of the roads, and they
will also inspect the road via Antelope,
which may prove a better route for the
big freighting outfit.
While here the Messrs, Holt also vis
ited the Little Plains, where Tom
Taylor is running his combined, to see
that machine, recently purchased ot
them, in operation. Air. Holt stated
that this season they had been unable
to supply the demand for their ma
chines, mute than u hundred orders for
combined harvesters having been
unlilled because of their inability to
supply thorn.
Jack Summers, the telephone magnate
from I'rineville, was in town on Saturday.
He left for the Cove in the afternoon, to
join Mrs. Summers, who is visiting Mr,
aii( Mrs. Wm, Boegli.
" "Zl"v oaeago t - -'whole, 28; cracked oQ " '"V1 ulilwii,,i, ,,f, u,,,!,,,,
i lon ' "utJC0Ui ?20 per FJ '.mllm, Ii ..r i. ...... 1
l5 .. " -'.I
irrav ii " '' inum i-.nnrn, i ,
" "M-'.i., . 1. . ..I . .
... in- .1,1,11,. I,,
oiiHept 0, HM7.
j lie liuuifi, ii, fiiji,win f
til iiriivo ins llllilliitM reii-ll
HP Brine Qoorf d-i
regon Clty--i.-(f,nn . .. ffl8M,ih ;;4
"wv i:i'IIIH in !.. I warn t.r -
eSf! P'iee or hops n'JdW?. W
nm ucen ninr! tn av-'ft - 'f
Countv lW ."' n, t S'.n' to.
rhe contrnpi- ,.. wi' m,., ., ,, lo,
KeTfKiA'r 1m" A. andBJ'oultrj fl,;
?orr"TfJllai Needy. scWHo ner n'"
ii. an or CUiver.uMipiifc!(W opring & r(
I 0. W, MooRK,"KeKl8W 80c; d j , ,
nenartment of the Interior oucka, f
JNfOtfce for Publication.
koyH. If '1h
J,, n niilirow--, C Wnwriiiof.
jiiiuniii, Urck'""
H- C W. Mooltli
(Department or me inicnnr
id Office at The Ialles, Oreijoii J
July 81. Wft
h Is .hereby given that
Wnotlcoof Ids intention to in fPpIe,c"
bmniUtatlou proof'ln supuortot bergs,
Uto the ssw sec 23( se'fsc ' V
i t. ,...1,1 m-Anf will lift tllllflli hli of,. !
ATn'Snr V0lT1:!-e -Danes, oreg-oxx
ames tll.! following Wltnessf carrot; A PRIVATE HOSP i T A 1
il "continuous residence upon, sack; VAli 1 1VJA J -- A 1
5acki,OKfouok8aitoriXtt.'- j iri,.i ...Heases, except u(!l, h ..r,
... i-iiiii III! II JH.
C. IK MOOKEi neispor bo
,M -r n-f. onions PATIENTS MAY EMPLOY 'I'in'.rn
- . . ' i rvnw . . -
go Jeta 'iViiiiii,,., u,,!,..,.! .
i ' ., -i veai-. - MiMUfi. hi c(iiini'i-
. . i... mur i t. . iiiiii. inr i ii inriiin r I, in ..
5f proof lit JJUfPort 7c . , T r
5 1 iLfti, Matt, Hospital Rates,
Cr?j.i'a nyron. onfpt. 'i
jou sr.i. H.i ttMniiuB TriWfi.j
(Ulrtt'tnl I" All III f-W" UlUlUtMMKtl
Aul 1. 1. . ...
oll' re itmrf 01
hi ., ,rmUr :i (, -iMUej
;, ... ..I tb -imi i -i
hw. n,r 11. IP 1-r.rwf "B
"i. mlf0 h
. . . .... i,.. , .mliUMI
. -.., " - ' .7,Vi,1,,0wl
I ' .. .... ..I ti,. . .1 Ml h. r W I
... ;..i. Ilfii,a.
we ,
Intu 1
led. ,
D ' nl Wl
IIWU . I , nilt
StiiSSoiw tip. Wool- For further liiforniutlon uddre
Tlio Dalles, Oregon,
sntviiardi . Winin lim, .i
v V l l
I)"iurlllieii . f ii.h hi
i.aiiu uniue at Tim Dot,
sr..,,.... , A "'.
..-..ii.i in n, i..iy kivi-II III
HilpliB. ilo.ire, nl iMirt..
mm iiii-ii iiohi-h (,f ,H
llllllit) HI, n V, .v,.,r )r,,0f
..t i.i . ..i . i i
' itiiiiiii, VI.;
Iloiliesleml Jiilrv K.
.IiiiieL', 11)02. fur i he I, .1 ;i,
" I " i. 1 p i , r 10
Ami i im i nit lij p,..f w
"eforo the C'llhlV !li.rlr ..
iJregilll, 08rl,iMl..r 111, I
iiu iiiiiiicm I III. HWK
PIOVU Ills i'iiiM)0,H r,,Hl
'UidcillVilti(Mi (if, til,.
Jnel 13 Newiilll ,. i.
'OI ft of Orislv m 'J
Ijuuhiuii irry j'Mzj',
TniiUT I..l,AftJu-i-.'
Nnllr.. for Publication.
N ,p,. wlwnw "T"'Ui
v . i nr -- "I , ,.,.i. in mt "
f. . in.- t,m VvKV(ii."-,,
an !l M I I'X w!
f 'tura liHipii . ,
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