The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 15, 1907, Image 2

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Bonaparte Will Get Officials nl
Harriman Linos.
Operators Refuse to Work With
union Men at Los Angeles.
Chicago, Aug. 9. Tho tolodrnph
operators who are employed by tho
western Union Telegraph Company
In Chicago wont on strlko tonight at
12 o'clock. Tho troubles was nrbclni-
Vatod by tho Los Angeles slrlke,
Vhlch was started two days ago.
Proposes to Proceed Against Princi
pals In Violations of Anti
Trust Laws.
, Now York, Aug. 8. A special dls
'patch to tho Now York Times from
Lenox, Mass., sent under today's dato
That criminal prosecutions will bo sions
Tonight tho local executive board
of tho Commercial Tclographors'
Unlnn met and discussed tho remov
ing of tho mou who refused to work
wlthi tho non-union operators em
ployed In Los Angclos. "Wlion tho
men Were notified of this stop all
operators employed in tho overland
division of tho local odltfo refused to
work iny longer with tho non-union
men. Wnen this action was tnkon,
Night (Ahlef Harry Prlco ordered all
who rofiusod to work to loavo tho of
fice. He then wont into other dlvl-
and requested tho men to go
into tho overland division. In ovory
Icaso ho was met with a refusal, un
til over 70 men wero sent home.
Tho grlovaiico committeo of tho
union called oo Mr. Price and noti
fied him that unless every man wns
reinstated by midnight every union
I in n n In thn nlllcA would ho called
torney General Bonaparte to Wash- out. This was refused and promptly
ington. at midnight, by a prearrangement, u
Mr. Bonnparto was asked if action, whistle was blown and every opera-
nnronnnllr. mtnrf l,ll,.,l..1 ,,, r Ompioycu in U1C IHII1U UI"C, IIU
taken in tho near f uturo as a result
of tho Interstate Commorco Investi
gation of the Harrlman railroad sys
tem wns tho Information obtained
"hero upon authority this afternoon on
tho virtual evo of tho return of At-
tho exception of six wire loop chiefs,
including Mr. Price and his t.vo as
sistants, left their keys and with a
bo Included in tho prosecutions. He
replied somewhat emphatically: "I
have noticed a good many complaints round of cheers filed out of tho of
tbat criminal prosecutions against thc T various' morning news-
trust magnates and sentences of im- papers had been notified of tho con-
prisonment for them have been very templated strike and they also quit
infrequent and. in fact, for nrnctlenl work.
nurnoses unknown. It ia nnrfeotlv Tno local officials of the union to-
Eugono to Have Botter Buildings and
Comont Walks.
Eugeno Aside from tho loss of stock
and furnituro suffered in tlio flro of Au
gust , tho general result has boon and
will bo very bcnoftoinl to tho pioporty
holders along vVMamotto street, and
to the city. Tho council has definitely
decided to extend tho firo limits and it
is likely that all future buildings put
up on North Willamotte street will bo
of brick or stono.
James Sanford, who lost about half
tho buildings destroyed by tho recent
lire, will erect a modern brick on his
property, tho work to commonco this
fail. A hrick building will bo put up
on tlio isetmnn pioporiy una tho bal
nnco of tho block is too valuable to bo
allowed to lio Idlo.
Coment sidewalks 'aro being put In
along wiiianieuo sireoi, with ono or
two oxcoptiens, as far as tho donot. ami
ovory foot of sidowalk in tho front of
tho tiro line has boen taken up to give
p'aco to cemeui walks. The council
will likely order all tho board walkB
(supplanted by comont.
Hop Outlook Good.
"VVoodburu -Thcro will bo a largor
hop yield in this section this soason
than In any previous year and tho
quality will bo mostly choice Tho
true that, in my opinion at least, a n,Sht stated that the day operators lice have practically disappeared and
Better moral effect would he pro- empioyeo. uy uio company, bwsi oi all but a few old yards that have
aucea oy sending a lew prominent UUI" uuiuiig iu tu nwuii, wumu rt
men to jail than by a sreat deal of fuse to go to work in the morning.
litigation, however successful, against This will include all branch offices
tho corporations they controlled
"Some time since two corporations
and their respective presidents were
indicted Jointly for violation of tho
anti-trust law. If tho corporations
were guilty of such, It would be hard
for the lay mind, at least, to see how
their presidents could be innocent.
Nevertheless the jury convicted the
corporations and acquitted their
throughout tho city.
Native Tribes of Morocco Bent on
Extermination of Foreigners.
London, Aug. 9. The horrors of
tho looting of Casa Blanca by native
tribesmen are becoming known and
been given no attention aro making
a fine showing. Sorao of tho nhl
J yards are looking botter than for
tho past flvo yoars. Tho now yards
snow up wen anu win mako an ex
cellent record this year. A party who
has made a thorough inspection of
tho yards of this vicinity was in tho
city yesterday and reports tho out
look very bright, corroborating tho
opinion of others as to largo ylold
and good quality.
Tung 1(4
tho Muni
tsiimate I40,uuu unios. Mooni nil
Snlom Katlmntcs from tno mom i ,
.. .. . .ii. n..ii..i i
conservative uoniors oi hub wmui,
who have mado a tour of tlio nop- ,.,,,
. . .. . .... .i ;" i
growing territory ami ounorvim hnK jmrl
conditions ciosoly, puico tno nuu , , ,
crop for 1007 at not to oxecod 140,- Ljrmj
uuu unies, as compared to approxi- H.,om0,i
A Atn m it... .......... k x f I
mnioiy iuu.uuu ror ino huhbuh m
190G, and this oHtlmnto may ho re
ducod fully one-third moro by ron
8on of failure to socuro picking
Tho crop aeoma to bo coming on
vory unovonly, and nil yards, gen
erally snoaklnir. aro moro or less
spotted, while tho number of mlHsliig rising,
hills In most yards Is remarkable. last wo
Many fields aro well advanced and lllauca,
the burrs aro fully developed. Those hurrylnl
glvo promlso of an abundant yield, and in
with corresponding high quality, points
while on tho other hand, In tho inn- tirotort
Jorlty of yards, tho vines aro still in I'mU
blossom, with a vory small porcont- convoiU
Itliu bonil
tor with!
hud Hlx
a direc
ago of hurra well sot.
thntx .nillnl In Indn Inn 1. n InJ.
t. . . . rt - , buv.t ii:i.uai ia i mm ill i u Uiiuu9
nnrJ arrnn r of the natives against all Europeans.
tef'Sf' l"8"-1? Prosecute The 8ltuation in various coast towns
?.r . llJT Ms worse. The natives are excited. A
OllUUOlUID 1U1 (1UIUUUUS Ul IU HUH- rr-n- l T,l 1 Tt..
20 Per Cent Decrease.
Hillsboro Tho hop crop of Wash
ington county tills soaHou bids fnlr to
bo 20 per cent leas than laat year's
product. This shortage Is
lack of cultivation owing
wonthor nt a time when yards should
hnvo had care; to lieu and luck of
spraying; to tho low prices prevail
ing, and to tho fact that there Is
somo blight In many yards that luRt
season wero free from fault.
Last year's Washington county
product went about 8,000 hales, and
it Is estimated that this season th"
output will bo slightly over C.000
hales. Iu many dl8trict tho Ilco
havo boon prolific and, as spraying
is oxponslre, mnny yards wore not
given any spraying whatever. So
far as can bo learned tho quality of
hops Is up to tho standard, this
county generally loading the state In
this regard.
Lano County Keep Up.
Eugono The lion yield in Lano
county this year will approximate
mo crop or last season, f it In nil
harvested. Tho prospective low
prices for hops and prosont IiIkIi
Anti-foreign sentiment is growing
as a result of the activities of fanat- ,ast ses8,on ot tbo Legislature and
any reasonable probability of
cess, it does not care to prosecute ioi nu , . hnnrimi hom n tv. an ,
ir. P eral outbreak. A number of Euro- nrintimr. Printer D
pean families are preparing to flee wIn bave tho journals printed.
iier; Th,? Anse,rJJ .tr,bes; bound anJ "ady for distribution
Sfn. !Tila'L lcJ2,Vy....f the middle of this month.
;f :; " r7" ""J1L. Journals for tho session of
iuv .11UU1IOU iiuiiiuriiiun 1 1 go
u.ive practically no control over tho
State Printer Is Busy.
Salem Secretary of State Benson
has completed the indexes to tho
House and Senato Journals of tho'nrlccs for ll,1)0r mny Influence a row
iu uukiccl mo nnrvost, arid tlioro
havo been threo good but small
ynrdB dug up this year, hut tho qimn
of Mori
Ulu neal
any pc
Mo rood
duo to volvodi
was ui
ho wn
pro toe
at da
no so
way t
the iu
off Mooj
(Cauii BlHticfJ
haa lioon
liuvo boon a
irs, and tho
night has
hhohhIou ot
Irene h nnd
rlrat ohotn
Tho Fron
ronot ehnrg
If tho nutlvofow.
iolla. Tho I'pHSh
fndod but ni mo
Un rosldoutti
of Casa llliisSIln
of tho nutiM
Itod In tho 1)
HuropoanH iiQ
i u.... r
mco niiu njmfl
. ...I.I.
tramps nun
bonrd to V
ocean coast Miu
im of tno AVMn
two powo(.ar
noticing of H'Jmin
their action tOSka.
ight no protOffiftn
io Btnttfu or tf
holr wlMlngne i
aln roHtoio orj
Ithor countrlca.eT
Uing at CnHa
oro liy tno nt
Saturday nlt3
ifllcor in comtil
Employes of Both Western U j
u" i-osiai Go Oat.
Mo,t of Large Office,' 0f
Now ldl -h W411
Order to Walk Out,
atClcTotr'lko01 bth
unH.Top0ka, bailiJftr
Oliorntorn nt a. , . I
Omaha. Port , l' u'?' St. I'J
nwnlt oors fro,n vL ?d,,H
boforo BlMklhg 1 mli M
V..... v... 3
I . . "nivviiiuiii in
UlOIll or Hnn "
l.i . .. '(( iir kn f
.h.n nuur nay rnr ,1,. " "
novon nnd oniuimif i. " w1
work nnd recoK n inn ?" ?! l
Molh eomimnlo. " ,,on'
to fiKht to ' :r. "7 .f0 porp
Brloviinco. ' U0Dyth
I t..,,t .l ...
.a til.V . I J iL'DIUUIlL Ktlinll . ..
.orlBh "tH iorii at connilllH-union
o land a rorctrrilho .....i ' . i "'u "unicu agrecml
ho Kronch cort.Fu- vo """""uoiiai exDojd
do ho wn KIV4 4!
Iioro nununy t;
Tho Frcnchm,'
tho bench th
on by Moorish!
flrut encoun
nuKtnlnod all U
ronchinoii fou
ousulato and ufj
Isor Galilee to n
o at onco opoc
everyone to have acted under the dl
rect authority of their superiors.
"If It can get a case against any of
the superiors such as justifies a rea
sonable hope on the part of exper
ienced lawyers that he can be Dun-
ished personally the department will situation
uuuuuuicui iaitu uavuaiage oi tne
opportunity as soon as it Is pre-sented."
.i... ... : . party" wimuimwi
tlty of hops will not bo materially from lanlsh cruiser I
changed. Tho long, dry. cool weatheV "iPnTlamll'd an,
Jl'. l!r'n' nJ tho consulate, '
tho quality at this time is nbovo tho
Hops Early In Dallas.
Dallas Hops In the Dalian dlnlrh'1 n.
it were not ready for d strlbutlon
until about tho middle of January of
rri ... I J ,lll tlliu IJ1U IJIUIJUrU-
th Pnmn7 TCi ... " m ol lHC indexes lor tne journals i " eany crop, vormlti havo takor
nA,ito r n: appeared in nearly all of the yards, kk
niir n ms ii,u,. i. i.i i i " i
hot weather and. vigorous mirnvlriir i
-" ------"riww i
lSIy. isa ,B,,anca In. bm- year breaks tho record.
"""""t wu ueiore protection
could be arranged for the, JewB and
Europeans there and elsewhere on
the coast and In the Interior.
The news from Casa Blanca as to
tne situation there today unites in
New Professor at Albany.
But Morocco Must Also Grant Other
Demands ot France.
Tangier, Aug. 8. Upon tho de- showing that the bombardment was
mand of the French Charge, Moham- conl,n"ed for longer than was first
tne buitan Here, has reiterated the tection resulted in an nnnnrhinltv
X 1 it -. . . .1 t 1 ... VM "V
juBirucuons ne naa previously issued oaroarous looting, rapine and
I'rospecis or low prlcos early In tho
season caused mnny of tho growers
Economics in Albany College. He
will soon arrive In this city to ar
range for the coming school vear.
The new Instructor is a graduate of
Park College. Mo., nnd also of tho
to assure the safety of the Euroneans ni.I,aKe' wlt& a" the accompaniments f.,n.coton Theo,Steal Seminary.
at Tangier and other ports and ?!LdfL a.nd h
towns. ,U"UIUK jnirues could not control the , ' -huiiuio um in rniicuion
Albany Itev. Frank It. Zugg, of(to cultivate lightly In order to snvo
Charleston, Ind., has boen chosen for expense, and as a consequence the
the chair of History, Sociology and,p ?n' ,e'"Kht. No trouble Ik an-
""'i'""-" Buniring picKers ror nio
yards in this district as many havo
signified thoir lntontloriB ofplcking.
situation. Moorish
..-! Ii..
Anatole. LulT IV"""". flUD'7
th hm; "ur4 w in nrst French
bardment of C.iRn ninnfn hna imon au" wwiess.
. "... ' ' If la nniit Ann.l i
He has had
mv. t-i t. i ... PHuaiiuu, Aioorisn niithnrltv LnnJ
the A
the I
to ko
In M4
ho ml
of thi
rpniilntHnnrwl Ytv Vio TTVmnV. n I. L
who wilTuse her a dhwt French and
a guard to protect the French Uiw" 7 r Li n, "'uejacicew are
.New Portland-Frisco Train.
. 17u," i"ul lu rencn ashore at CnRT PHnno V V .V: . Dan " rancisco uenerai Manager
Consulate will Immediately be landed i.aV Lasa B anca ard that or- e. E. Cnlvln fSnori ni-,iPr in.u, tn
at Rabat. "een restored. The Euro- nut prnrA min rvir , ni7 T.r,;:
utr.iiiM inprn ara on anr rv. , . I ....... -w . . . w
. oatv, tllt ,0H orintlt nt Qon To n.lo.n nn.l
Picking Begins September I.
Aurora -Jf the prosont good
weather contlnuoH, tho hop crop hero
will 1)0 lllliy nS ariro im lnl vmii- Inlrm.l
several "nu 1X10 Hiauty equally as good. Tho of Ca
I imps aro mirring out flno, tho hot geo
weauier naving killed tho lice. The stoam
crop win pronably bo flvo or ton days
earlier than last yonr. Picking will
begin generally September 1.
o ni,i
lond of tho tologranh Otlfrntn.. .
- i . . .. ""' a
y Pioyou ny mo Wentern Union tJ
... I . r . a
r khiiiu company m Chlcaeo. th ti
'! I (frniilinrii In nix. .11 ... 1
j. iiu wuior cities tbrooi
Ir ""1 "o u"it"l States quit work i
1 A I ... - .A .
g. loniny. 1 no 000 men cmnlorH 1
d tho I'OBtnl In Chlcngo, who belooJ
wmj samo local of tho Commcri
rn..i .
She wns Jolneitiii ' 'OKrnpnerB union no the Wctti
ho crir3u. L '""'. ",u,,,lur.Br nn who itt
both find unlJJWO wor'"B coduuioih
.imunltlon had ;fx- "u.u',,,,,u, .r. naiiractory, I
Is firo Is said
ShTof w,,th lh ,Wf"out of tho ToJ
mi nijui tin operators enaeaTorl
transmit tno bun new of both ii
ffitv K'rapn compnnlcg, where, under
tL't mnl conditions, fully 1,G00 oca i
necessary to do tho work.
'UMIra I .fvs.uiu I.IIIUU Vii
"ii . I which hecanio Invnlrml In
" trouble togt'tlior, together with
W I ....... t ...n.. ...L. ...I. u t. .
i iiiiiiii'ui ui iiivu uuu worn, i
.jtii i. umu wu. t iieivua, iv. III
huh City, 330; Dallas, 105; Pi
worth, 40; Colorado Spring!,
and Donvor, 83.
In Now Orleans the men cmpld
by tho Postal TelCRrnph C'ornfa
loft their kej'B to enforce demis
mado on tho company several vci
oua to tho An
a fort nt tho
tho hillred at ono of I
crulKiIt it 'aa qwcKi
nml r
A Ii French la ad
wentlc aud Joined
nnrivl conaulato, A t
pean ier oi i;aa uian
Thlialnder of tho
roBldlK Casa Illanca
puctlvo consul
;o on board a (
hhoI in tho linrn
nnd Spain havo
of a Frfrich-Hil
tho powers slg!
ran convention
I States, of tho
llhln the (ermn
dealing with t
o. Tho next r
t dopond largel
t CiiHii Illanca
upntlon of that
The French Charge d'Affaires has
made the following formal demands
upon the Moroccan government:
"First That the Moroccan auth
orities at Casa Blanca nlace them
selves under the orders of the com-
manuer of the French forces.
"Second That the security of tho
French citizens at Fez and other
Places in the interior be guaranteed
"Third That the Moroccan nnfh.
orities hasten the reparation for. the
uiuruer oi ur. iiaucnamp.
"Fourth That the Moroccan au
thorities expedite the preparation for
the application -o-f the reforms agreed
upon by the Algeciras convention."
life amone thn m , oi oi san Francisco and within
the bomi. 7':i"u 'TPeck thlH will be installed to Port-
Brakes Are Bad.
Chcago, Aug. 8. Western railway
m.'ftiager3 are considerably ;n?ifnio,i
by' the charge that the inability nt
i . . .
iwi-uruitcH now in use to control fast
trains Is responsible for many wrecks
uuu mo iunner intimation that they
are refusing to equip their trains
with now brakes which havo been
Buccessiuny tested by the Pennsvlvn
nla. system. The Westlnghouse peo-
jiie uuvb iienectea a Drake which, it
Js alleged, under hard tests la 50 por
cent more effective than anything
now in use, but .the railroads are
Blow'to adopt It.
Japan Cooling Down.
Victoria. B. C, Aug. 8. Tatsuya
editor of the Japanese Trado Journal
of Toklo, arrived hero today to study
the condition of Japanese on tho
CoaBt, Ho said little further diffi
culty was expected with reuard to tim
complaints from San Francisco, Yam-
oaita anu iiatton, irom Seattle, who
-wont to Japan to represent real con
ditions to tho Japanese had been
very successful, and Japanese who
had not known tbo real state of af
fairs were less prone to complain.
Disarming Moorish Troops,
Pnrls, Aug. 8. A special dispatch
from Tangier this afternoon says that
the Moprlsh troops composing tho
garrison of Casa Blanca havo been
disarmed and that their arms and
fimmunltlon havo been deposited at
tha French consulate. The Moorish
officials havo confided tho protection
of thecity to tho Franco-Spanish
appears to Im I. t . . . .. . .....
greater than was first mrfi. S. l.u. V"n UB'
jut:it; ia u iruiu uiruau; iu UJuruiiuu
between here and Ogden that has
brought Buch good results that the Ilarlev Feed s2l n(vo . i
Kenerai manaeer has decided that tho 1 h.JzZ J ' .r1'502.2 P9.1 9n!
Wheat Olub, 80c; bluoatern, 82o;
,B..ujr, ow, Mil, IOC.
Oftls No. 1 whito. i2r,t
Pnifug. 7 A pH
rocolviero from Tarn
ttlng in tho U
Innca. nrcordll
viarrlvod from
.natolo, rontlnj
lout Hfy, and was stll
whour Anatoli- loft
Simdil veiling. Tho
fired ntnl of about
The sher of Moorli
run I tho hundroij
pnrtyl ntnrirtfH klllei
Tho licit wouudud
12. iFronchmon w
MaritK Bldl Marouf
France May Have to FUy.
Paris, Aug. 10 In spile of
firm Intention of the French gorej
ment to keen within tho terms of I
what AlgecIniB convention In Its dcalla
Mult with Morocco, tho French pri
i'-i clearly foresees that France, nnlj
H tho situation rati dlr Improves, i
iS.-i. onlorod unon -a lone and heavy ta
ip tho 1th0 nwwBpnnors expreas the oplnl
1 1 mi r Krnnrn. uuun wuiuu iu "
""I . iniriton nf ri'Hlorlnir sccurltr In
K.?!! " illHtiirlicil emintrr will fall, may j
rfiuu .......... ... . ,,,
. :'. i . i rrii"fHfi rn npriinv in mtu iii
........ .....I Minn nrniifin r De cui
Tw Warships for' Salvador.
oau r rancisco. An- o
sioned for three months with a lareo train will carry only express nnd
DHiiiny oi ammunition and a careo of Ina,, uul muy lUKV um uuggugo
quick-firing machlnn mm. i
est and most deadlv vnn fkn o 1 U4rm Rvlna ftlorl Pntk
, areata was ready to sail
last night. Tho nMmr Cni...L ..:r ..
ship, the President; Ys alao n reld - three
ness to follow the Art L. zl I
i . r, i ni... . ..i
Corn-Whole, $28; cracked, 20 por Fmiclonsuiato for tl
iaifflM. ' i nm" ure?on u,nU'y, Tbo cMil tboroupon
itllaVZd: clover, lfl nl.n.t main ,i .. 1 .
general manager has decided that tho ' brewing nominal rolJ X K. r'.l3 A"K' V,A tft
service bo extended. It is expected the . oi Yn K' nornimI ' rolM MAO tlio hin say tbo mill
Oregon City Fifteen centals the 11214323. clo7r in. r. mo cui iiiwoupon (
ling contract price for hops andVjSilmV tS&W' Llh tf10'' lho prUa l" U(SI
rco contracts havo been filed In g i.10' fl,falfa M314. commdor compliol nr
gamaby. The
nroviHlnnofl i
-r; '.aontn8 and ViJfumi
pp loe", iyarraed' Boticg a'j ho BcUj from H. A. andll xouury Average old hons, 12 nHtur
oainted rivand Ar?ta have l,ee'- OWWm of Neodv. 4C lflc per pound; mixed chlckons, 12 "3
hP n f.lgny Wa,r color- The' hav. - TlM flSl-.f,yit spring chickens, 1510o; old rooauS
neen BtrenEthenori in i, . inf- . .... .. iJnnaa sao.. 1 1 ... ' ,w"wi
tion of additional,;,. . "a"u . Notice for Publication. timbe. Y' , ?ia "'"ur 8 il7c; tur- t
She the ofllco of County Recorder C. B.
contractor is Ed. C.;
gets from H. A. nnd!
1 1 .. i
T1..K,.. 17.. ' T--si... 1 kUIIIIIIUUI UUIIIIIIIU.1 lllil
liutlcr Fancy croamerv. Yiu.avxc .n.- - n... .
1 ner iwiinil - merr i;imii3 w uiu i
per pound.
IZ r,T (L !' HZ !n-tety .hot at tho fir
Remarkable Meteor.
fn?In? ' Aug' 9'A remarkable
morning and was visible slowly mov-
acr"8S, ,the heavon from the
southwest skies to the northeast at 5
o clock, it presented tho appearance
cmot about tho size of a foot
tiaii with a tall apparently 50 feet
long, from which showers of meteors
iell Continuously. Tho Imll nt a
greenish yellow color while the tH
was wh te. It did not appear to be
'rnl Department of tho Interior
fjid OftJccatTlio f3",0
Texans Amend Constitutlisi'. ,
Austin. Tex.iH. Anr o p0;i ..
i . ' r v Mmh j
turn received tmm rif.v'a afai
filfrr int-i Vil.i it .1 ft. . I
v,u wiroKnout tno sstate to i
P3BS Upon Severjll nnnnHtitMnSUtl i
amendments Indicate that thoiMi I
PTiaiD8 for ft conflate
..w..,v, UU itgricuii.wrsu.on-
legislature and fnr n JiArMiii.
ninnt ifllt . . j . r - k I
""" " I'rouaoiy uo defctkiatsV.
i jK
Russia Will Rebt.irVl i&i
at rt i . 1 :
A ULL'lHIII TL' All.r Tl
Department intends, in Yh
mo uiirront year, to Ii
battleships of a low typ
placement is to bo m o
.....yni. iz-mcn gunw,
uunuries, turblno nf.
speed of 12 knots an hoi
ilv 81. 1007.
i. l.i.raliv rrlvnll that
'"'"' lf.lM. nr..,.....
A notice of Ids Intention to ink
iMHtuutatlon prpof'In supuortof Ii)n
SadKnlryKo. 161&7 Hindu Juno
. !. ,i,i nrnnrwlll bo mndo buforc
jj&vnuf" .... ... i.t-
ttlmriii U. JS. i;ohiiiiibdiuiii.-i, ui. inn
iY?V'h un?..nn. on Sent. 7. 1007.
K the Voflowlng WltiifHsra to
r'"?.i.,tiniu resilience upon, and
Lducffi C K f oucks) altof Madras,
gy, Moobb, Heglster
TTI li
t,cb rim snsss
-'$r-if u s ii!u-"i
WVllvv tin
fe"yer 't
r" .a til.
lA..?'7rfwlll b
riiMUons rwi
1 'A mm i
p. Ore'gon,
11 10 IIIUKO
o of hla
iadf) April
io4 oi, see
milo boforo
tiert atlils
M. 7, 1007.
Uimsw to
uph, ami
si Alauron,
inn, ail of
! ltegii
rod, N
lie Un borgB,
Ines Coal Land!
Ch onno, Wyj., Aii
Fodofl Court JviIko
Kggg French ranch, candied. 22 artorh? .ove.,;rulod
hroofi 13, 10. Lcnolmiil
koyH, live. 12fair,ai tnrtnvu -u',.u..i
nlinlnn nnn n. . '
V .M""""' KOOBO, 11V0. Hll
'uvaDi tAUfllt;
tiiuoo23o per dozen.
cif Fruibi Chorrlofl R3kTiy . , ""job b. 13. bcnobn
ST annieB si fiivl or 1 a,,PnJ ! AlcPjjlamy, recently
"U1LILB' JkJrKw kx; Bpltren. of cjaplraey ti dofr
canuiioupes. monl n tho actu s tU
1 -A I .... I . 7 M
i no fudgo irnpCHod ui
i i m
oacn on iioii)P)Oic
ndh $20,000 fine,
wlioh ho dOBlstinted
al minors Eh
of tho 4"itB;
N o n, VegoUiblcB Turnlrm. m 7r. . thlr
.fflMrrota, $2 por Back; li .i ' f t 11 to Jail n
.i.-i. ' . - ier i ii i'a
iar'o 1 "1 -P"-8. 100 por pound; iWna. . .
m-k2i "W" Pr pound: cn b wiin. 9i ... ' l mono u
' - i x i it-1 s r .
.pound; celery, $1.26 por dozen com "Monn, !
2B35cpor dozen; ciicumberB, C0c$l ,t(,,0'1,0"J,
jui I.-A; IOUUCO. IlOlld. Win a. .. . u
Lnonlons, lo20opor dozen; Tgno iXrtklH
, Pfl i 20o 'per dozS v ,,!Ull
' '" SZfl0! ' W8. poand. Hlmllar I C
'l -'vv J-sti-nniTii 1111 IIU 'I 1 t a I lintiu
jgneipouml; cows, flrooan?,r.teS; lo3
Mutton DresBod. fnnnw on United
11 fJ.noiinri- nr.l nnr., eo,.. ' ' . w"w
I'ork DreBsed. 0Min
11 .1(111 . 111 .
tors, ( "oo. iwiorn Orogon, averacre bit f at
lu" ('1022o por pound. acL, tI i!?.. Wtliogn
jyll-alage; valley, 2022o. aenr llnM"r ? '
riock polled to undertake n punltirc
khlt HtIon to Fox, after which It wj
holla " impoSBIDIO io wimm-. j
w l! c" wl,h th0 Hrltlsh n EfiJ
r'1' I . ..... ,. ,.i..u t.,..n.mnnt fit All
-ilsii'lo "B n irl' 0"",uu,u7, :,r,J
Ln.irii. .nanroii tho nrestige oi Cr
-noorn. I ... ,, iiirnM.fl
about ri"H rKi". ,V.,, py
The Krenel. hombnrdmcnt o Cm mi
n,h., win nnvo a Biniimr ,
' An expedition Io Fez.
u. lory t Tej c, Kcuir
I awivr pnrni o .
t tho
M..mnf Io Victor HUK'
..ouia ahl. io. A simple P!
III unovn., " I Ifltl
Idlcai stono Is to bo placed at
loo In commomoratlon m
Hugo. Tho sponsor of the mow
ti-fiu r.... r.m.lH Cttvans, w
,d loLn.,i dm nctlvltloB for the
. v,.r" ......,.ir or m
iren vniion oi m u -. n,.ifeB ii
hattio, and It is no -tfCC
ground upon w""-" " The Iorl
tho Hlmplo nionunicD . T ' ,
lion will Uo "TO v j-v
mortnl unni : d lofi
.mm.nrlnl w 1)0 dcdfcaieo
I for a tho end of tho yenr,
l Jioi-
ain-ii. Pa iiroaci uoh ,t. ...
hero ...... 10. loo "
JBA YWf not earned
ron( i-" month.
;ib" 1 iiivKinmi uir m - . ..jb
iclainy, Ti.rt ,n. na Hll0wn br tMSTsi
. il0' ' Htatouiont, IflHUod paw. dlyMe,
ww nII(I nvniiui'"'
. Atin. I tJi . I fill '
I nflnr n OliargOB '"'.,-. ,im
. .T' t 0.17.301. WllHO i?
-n. Mb 5,3&H, uuu,
'"TWOlity tliail wbb oani ,
''lthtrthS nl,.mbla Life M Pffi
fltlOll Of n i.iplHrn. Aug.
..ho ??! Kt inlfMoon.nni
Nnw 1
of tho J
oru & Dei
,flK,e" ft lie aoidon Onto, a
pa for ft "l.".r nm- and nl
orfyJ; Sly It belonged
m nnu .1.. innunr i
CC7 tlnforo Spnrica, v, - " nnc
1" T;w. Ark., who -"
. trV0d OP
qa mile'
'l rain
Ti B" .
tha r""
Mysterlou PlP"
' i- Ariz..
rnwn OP' all" "ri",Xa M
outtl.oro.v:h cho-jru
-nhlo to ihglMW
ST" r- . I..llt nUYUM' "
nsM: mnhjilr ""It or t
fUt au'rlng the Pat lw o
' "w.vxi, trvaua n joan(i, 'by the