: 4k r.ho Pioneer Published every Tliursuny uy " THE PIONEER PUBLISHING CO.- BUBSORIPTION RATE8! One year ..,....., I'-60 Six mo'utlia Throw months f0 ; WILL SOON VISIT HERE BloloQlst Piper Will Visit The Safje Rats at Their Homes 1 1'ry our Imperial washing machine, it U the best. McTnggart & Hye. WkWiSG I1ATKS ON APPLICATION NQ pgQ TJS pfJR THIS SEASON . Kntnrcd ns second olns niatur Annusi '2S, IftOl. at tin Pnstoillco at Mam as, uro.. under tlio Aet of Congress of March 3. 1S7U. THURSDAY June 20, 1907 But Not Spring He Will Return and Mix Tho "Dopo" That Moans Doath to tho Sago Rats A WORD OF CONGRATULATION In n recent lottcAo tlie editor of tlii paper, Mr. S. E. Piper, who lias charge of the Biological Survey of tho Depart- - - r 1 I 1.1 I t, .Mr;.. Mairin ana ijios wu .1 1 , t nre. interested wn 11 11m in 111 m . m k. i .1 i f- itruil in v AirulwM u,..u..t ... ... lnont of Aurit-ulturc nml is 'conducting Plain , tire tQ he congratulated . ' - .. r ,.r .. A ' " " . experiments at Pullman, Washington, M1W I rl I I 1 ' ' ' line, i.iav t-aM.ru, ...... u , fc fleW tesi wUh thpj .the. ,cmnnendation of theii hloclilat5on of rata-iu thla localityi neigiiOoMior tlie sieani.istt.es- dur5 tho ont Bfttt80ll blA if poS of their purpose, which tetliit Libk. e eXp0Cta to 'visit thil Section Wlteq .-o lucidly lor tliem up SOon, to acquaint, himself with oondi- Ittwas nosthall task to Ulidei tions, with a vit-w to beginning the licit! r;.lrW nnH H iliMn 1 r-m no- i.iih teats here early next season. . ', . I Some time ago a box of sage rats were T' V"" i,,"".v Sent u. Mr. Piper for experimental pur- optnions tliat were expresst-a poses, the experiments being conducted Their reward is a great one. at the experiment station at Pullman. linnrrtVHr. :is is als.i thin I Tl,eae teta lmve so fnr provctl highly . . .1 1 satisfactory, and Mr. Piper is confident u. t.m ..,.,..... that the sage rat pest will be entirely ,lias liaa Its most ailtlCtllt prot) eradicated Hy this xprooes3. The .letil SO easiU' Solved'. With pre ent experiments are being con nnr .wfMP f..- nil rli.msfin nnr 'iuctetl on caged rats, the rats being .1111 IIIWN.MJI mm in. 1 iiOmww - M.C. MASON Real Estate, Insurance Collections AImh nriki'HH iif(!iiiitv of Auctioneering In nil 1 1 . ftli-H l" l.nticUn HrotliHir. nirnIiiir'Hlr MADKAS, - 0KE(4O THE DALLES HOSPITAL pur I inoculated with a virus which produces ..a.. xi..:..n 11 .p -es, xLS..uy A ..una ...... . jeadIyt eontfcpious disease, and the .Jiave always Deetl lianatcappen results being carefully btudied with a ns si f.-irmino- distri.t. With it." view to ascertaining not only the effect the Plains will become one ,. "I'on the rats, but the iHssibie danger of contagion to other animals. Later the most prosperous lurnnm HeM t&at will be made, the rats to be districts Ot the ta e. i he wn inoculated and turned loose. has been nointed out, am Mr. Piper has requested a new ship 6thers will follow. The'Magi . "ct of the sage rats from this locality , ' . in order to continue the uxperiments at well doesn't jneail that'watei puHuian)and 1Il0ri.rats will be gathered Can be found anywhere Oil th at once, if possible, and shipped to him Plains at 400 feet depth, but H As soon as the experiments with this ..uemnn rht tl. nlrl tl.,nr, lot are completed, lie expects to visit . I tins section 111 person, to study the con- Ol uuviiiguigo oeiow uw ieve llitioua so that tiie fidd tcats caI1 bti ;Of the river is exploded. 1 taketf'up here early next season lind water on other ranches ma ' .require a little more v effort, 01 just as likely a little less, btr with something definite to g. .oh there will be plenty ot heart for the undertakine. ' J. E. Gardner and P. Han sen, of Portland, engineers ii the employ of the Mt. Hood Railway, were in town la-t Monday, on th-eir way up th CHANGES IN TEXT BOOKS Sweeping Changes Made In Books To Be Used In Public Schools Deschutes. They gave out n information concer tisr ine i The state text book commission baa made sweeping changes in the text books employed in the public schools of this state, only four of the books hereto fore used being retained. Tlia?e,nre the fourth and fifth Cyr's readers, Thomas's Elementary history and tho- Heed 'poller. It is generally believed that the changes are well-advised and" that the commission has made an excellent purpose of their visit, bur Iron, choice in the selection of the new books numerous inquiries made bi 10 "u improve n ... , ,, , ' text books in recent vears, and in the uiem rega.uiiiK tu 1 01 lnethD,ls of presenting the different sub Country and the best , route im Meets tauglit, are responsible for the them to follow up the Deschutes; sweeping changes. it is interred mat tney are making a reconnoisanoe for a route up the river. Thev at horseback, and are carrying very little extra baggage. Th Sit. Hood railway is an electric The principal changes are tho substi tution of iWheeler'g readers up to tho third, the adoption of Smith's arithme tic in place of Wentworth's, Buehler's grammars in place of Reed & Kellogu's, the adoption of Natural geographies instead of Fryc'e, and Doub's United SjatPsr History instead of Thomas's. Fine Handmade Harness When In n'Oil of liarnxf ca" mid m-p my full line -f bund iiihiIc heavy, medlimi mid liglu hiirnesx. Mmlo fr-im Hi.- Best California Oak Tanned Harness Leather AH tlrw Hirleilv t)tt clu- ati.l (JtA It A NTHKI) A Full lit'' of ulii-, Hrhllt'ii Hint HhImM", Ht lie-M II n .1 'Always o n Hand. Shoe Repairim: AH wirk in-iit y anil irniiiplly iIoiih S. (S. LARKIH, MADRAS, OR. iTlo :Da,ll?3, Oregon A PRIVATE HOSPITAL for tiie trei.tui.ent f "II mi'dltml mid BUrguml illBi'uyoft, excupt miiuIi m tr' coiiitigloun. PATIENTS MAY EMPLOY THEIR OWN PHYSICIAN8 TndnliiK School for hihmm In coiiiiimv linn. For Infor'uialloii I'linceruliir the tmme inlilr- siipt. of N'urHt'H. H OS PIT Mb RATES From $10 10 $21 jn-r ' vi.-fk, iimxinllin; to mom, lut'ltidloi: hiv.lal oaii' unit board. Notice for Publication. D-parltneiit of Hie lntermr Lind Oflh e ai The D.lle--. Oru'onJ M.iy 2H, 1007. No'Ich n liereity lvfti t"i WllllHin (). MflktiHp, ot Miilrtif, Or., iih.s tiled iKithe Ot his inteiiitoi. 10 inuUe rtiutl Hvh. er proof In Hiipp-.n n dirt claim , viz: Iloiifxifii.i Kntiy No 1003 iiuiile Iv 17. IUH2, for the J;ei.t ni-l of M-i- 6, lp 12 -. r 13 e, 111. A"it Mitt proof wi-1 ni' tn'inre-Frnik O-horn, I1. S Chh.Ik siniiHr, .a hi-i.lllce in Mndrn:, Oi iron, ..11 July 0. 19i7 lie lllilliex Ihe lollowing VviHieM-e- to (rove Oiw coition. 10 re.eii.-e iipoo, nml ciilttyaliou o. the Imni. viz: D V ItMroi't , Fre-I Uri-en. l.otli of Culver. Oreuon; V J Iti-li..r.l, U 11 litrnHt, hold Meirn- Oretfon. 6jv4 C W. Mooiu; lU-iri-tiT For further lufoiiiimion mlilre DRS. FERGUSON & RBUTER, The Dalles, Ora. McTAGGART & - HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS v GROCERIES AGENTS FOR MADRAS; OREGON U0TI0E FOR PUBLICATION nepiir'ineiit of fhe I nor Lund Ortl.-e t The Dalle-, 0"tf". ' Mi.y 28 1907. Notice Ih hereliv'Klveii ilnit. John Lnwler, of Asliwond, Oregon, lias lileil noiice of Ins Intentioii to nuke tlnal hve-.eur irool in llplorl of his cliiitn, viz: , , IJomeSleii.l E'lTV No 8440 IllUlle Aouiihi 10.11)00. fnr tho l'tn i. 2 mi 3 -nil neliej eC 1, tp U M, r IG e, w Ami Ihiit swill ntnof Will III' 111 '!( 'ef.ire the C"Ullty ClerU .t PrineVlbe, i r T..I-. to inn- I j t"i;oii, nil . u.jr J itiui. lie names lit- following wiiiimhh t" orovehis foiitijiuou resit-nce np.. Ml cul'i v-Htlou 'of, Ihnliiiill, vl-.: A U Kihtiee, (Jolllllrll ll!t'Her-oo, of II iefeek. Oreifim; Clie'er 8 McC"r kle, Knox D Hiih'oo, n A-ho.ii, Or jJ j J I C. W. MooitB, Uegi-ter men S3 vou look r:n t. ouble if )otK& i- - 'Kn of Cjub:- I -. Hurtfr'i cJ 1 iJ l: 3 til. ., J.iiffl-g .UT.B3 "'mJr FINOO.lTWMY p bylb5 our pepuljf ;les-skotguns I PbTOU ! Ali ypur IucaI llor.tH'nra j r J'iHirttaff Ooviln Mr-- 11 3011 ciinuot olitalii, .in hlllp lllrrot, rt)irti t)-r. llil. iijioii roruljit i( Coin. tttt? I'rtcv. 4K1222EI!3 t ! iiitN l.i iut:iiiipi lor 140 I'uur . tl (Ji.1 lit-,i.ic:uilliicir ii : . t r Ii! w a t our lint j 1 ' - -;,rm;uii. ' fir-inn, ' ' " ' - 1 Color ' J r.iy- 1 f t r , :: k 1 i. o. r'- DAILY STAC From Bend to Shaniko and all interior poin New and Up-to-date Outfit SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING ME TUB MOST KCBN'IC iWWVV. IX UKST MATING HOUSKS OX CUNTUM. OUKiiON ANY hf.ViK MM Puily Htages thrUKh Aguncy Plaliii Country nml irt-.- ttl dWnc'-; 1 1 .... 1 . ..... ii.. ...... .... ...,!. .. . 1 . . ... . . . , . 1 I""M")UIIIV. I IUlllll lUlUII.IUII mvtlll IO UXprVKM Ull'l IUTOIrO. 14 treght a Hpecuuty. hor ratdHiuIdreSji J. V. & M. A. ROIHNSON & CO., Alndras, OrCRon or J. If. OVKKTUItP, Asent, Slianlko, Oregon line now under construction Tins cost of the new books is practically . T-fc I il . . l tl ffl .71. .. ' jrom rortlaild to UOVertimeni uieeameas uie om. 10 exenange an Camp, near the base of Ml entire eet of old booka for a et of nqw it' ! 1 ones on the same 8ubects will cost ?4-51, .Hood, it IS said that a good the exchange price being on an average grade could be Secured tor si about half the retail price - railroad through the Barlow Pans into this country and on south into Central Oregon. . Timber Land, Act juneJ, 1S7S. Notice for Publication ,U. 8. Lund OiUt-f. The Dallus, Oregon, , JuneC, 1907. N'o'ii'e Is hcrebv riven that in co in ul in nee with the provisions of the act oi CoiiKrim of June, 1378,.pmiUe(l "An net for the nalo of Iimoer ihiius in niu ninion ui Binurinu, ur con. Nevada and - WmhinKton Territory." a extended to all the public- land States by act of William F. Kad. of Anteiopc, County of Wawo, Ptat of Oreaon. liao, on February 1007, filed In thin ollleo bin Mvom statement No. SMW, for tlie piirnhat 01 me e:iiiev.j 01 iee -1, ip 11 . r in e, w m, And .will offer .proof to show that, tho land nought It more valuable for IU tim ber or fctouc than for aKrleultural nur posai.und totutabllnU hi claim to kkIi IhikI before tho KegUror and Kerelvur nt Tlie Pal les, Oregon, on the 28th day of August, 11W7. He names as witnenses: Thomaa IT. Hurl hurt, of Hhunllco, OreKon ; Horace G. Klbboe, of Antolope, Oregon; K. Dean H union, of Aih wood, Oregon ; At. Kanttrood, of 1'rinoville, OreKon. Anv and all arsons clulmimr ailvorlv ( the ahove-(lftfrlbcil landu are reiueted to file their elnluu In tin omre on or before the faid th day of Augunt, 1907. C. V. MOOKK, 13-a23 Hek'intpr. UNUSUAL COLD SPELL This section experienced very unusual In the Redmond country raw weather last week, the last three days J I : i... .i v xi... i.i,.t 11 U1U H tXK OClllg VOU CUIUVBl. J UI1V weather that has ever been known here. There was from a quarter to a half inch of ico on Friday morning, and consider able damage was done to garden truck of all kinds. There was no frost but the tender plants froze and were killed.' 80 far as can be learned there was no damage to the growing grain, although it was feared that much of it would be injured by the unusual, cold weather. Potato vines were killed down but it Ih believed thai they will sprout again, while most of the other ' garden vegeta bles will have to be replanted. This weather is veryinusual at this season, and follows a most unusual Spring, tho Beason having been very late and an exceptionally rainy one, There was a decided cliango in the weather at tho end of the week, a rain Saturday night being followed by warm -weather on Sunday, and this week Central Oregon i i-having its first touch of real Suimniir weather this year. Reports from tho grain crop of this section continue to bo encouraging. While there are some exceptions tho majority of the farmers report good prospects of a heavy yield, mid tho crops are not yet suffering for want pi rain. Tho grain U heading out. and looks land that can be irrigated i "Valued ai $40 per acre, while 11011 irrigable land is valued al $2.50. or irrigable land ' worth 10 limes as much. Ap plying these iiigurei Ho the lands of ihia section where "there is no irrigation, the aver age land here, with irrigation, would be worth upwards of $100 per -i ere and it wouhi be worth it, too. And it is within .the bounds of possibilities that iii'tt few years parties desiring to buy in this district may have to look' the ligure of $100 pei acre in tho face, ii ligation or no irrigation. HAMPION R EPAIRS COLUMBIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. TIME TABLE NO. 10. Kffeetive Julys, 1901. lHve. Hon Hi Round No. '.. Dally i'i. STATIONS. Hoofid Ho. 1. .1 2.1ft p. 1 . 2.85 P.I 01b?n Sink WhJmi Kloplk Biiinuin Dally I 'MM. .in 2.86 p.m. iz.jv p.m. 'iM p.m. 8.1V p.m. X.1S p.m. 1 3-Sp.tII. A.m p.tn mi ii.wp.iii. vim H.ftu p.m. Morn -i.Wip.m. Kr.ikluvUln i.wp.m., ur'N vairy HJiOrt.lM. 11.10 a.m. it. 10(1.10. -til0a.m. m.ia p.m. 1u.Fia.1n AnfirJ HayCJp 110.21 a.m.l Doimtd (:u.io' Arrfvu. 4.6! p.m. 5.11 p.m. ft.'il p.m. iM p.m. Itourbon Hunt Wilcox Kiianlko 101 B.IJI O.sffa.m. 4.20 a.m. H.fua.m. v to a.m. .Ja,m.l I 4.IW 11. III. ,I)vt. For rat and other Information apply to A, U, CftAlO, Oeneral J'aimenKer Agt., t Portland, OrKou. E. J. VViiok. Agotit. Shahlko Ore. A pennon is beiny prepared, asking for a Sunday mall at Madras, and will be forwarded to the ifep nttn ent as soon as Signatures have been secured The amount ol business done at this office entitles it to the increfe Trortt a six-dayj.' v,jrm. in n rlAitv. nnd it Is nrobnble 4hat - - 1 1 r--- 1 iiiu a nvauiu), um, iiiiu wuun . i the increabe in the service will tbe prompt , better than it has at any lime lit tho Iw cranted. . past three years MADRAS MEAT MARKET D. W. ADAMS. Proorlotor Reasonable prices and courteous treatment to all Orders by stage given prompt at tention and no charge for deliv'ry FRESH AND CURED MEATS MADRAS, OREGON I Z. F. MOODY GENERAL COMMISSION & I FORWARDING MERCHANT.! t l,argc nnd Commodious Wurelioiiho Coiui, iimenU Kollcitcd. l'rorajit attention paid to thorn who im -r uh with tliclr putronuDO, J SHANlkO, ORRQON I V iTV Ac 3v W iOt.jCk.iB (V 0 fW afV nlif A jAfkfl tfl iCcjfkA A A i i i i i 4 OF ALL KIN As well as CHAMPION HEADERS BINDERS AND MOWERS Send orders lo . W. ELKIN SGcnrral Merchant PrinevillB, Of. il-1jr yTCT VST' (f t?r3-ocy 'U JWVU V HCWl 0 r-rm ft A A Mju ion or service i The big Belgian, property of the Haystack Livestock Breeders Association, will be kept al the Leach place, three miles west of Lamonta, during season commencing April 7th. This horse has proven a sure foal-gettef and his colts arc giving good satisfaction. Havsfack Livestock Breeders Association f I Shaniko Warehouse Company GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING flpeclnl attention to Wool flutllng nd ""'''jf..'gUterl' mentB, Denlur In lllacr-nmlti JonI, Lime n . , Twine, 0riI1, of all kiuiU. Sulphur, Wool nnd flralti Srk rtU ' ,Ui Stock Flour and Fee,. Illgheufc pricn paid for IIWm a " Btockl Yards with all thu latest and biw( focllitioB for lis'l"'" Mark floods Onr of 99 "S- W. Co. ' T.G. CONDON, ffltM