The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 30, 1907, Image 8

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    IP -
Buy Residence Lots
I - First Addition To . Madras
Buy a good residence
lot in ideal location
while prices are low
For particulars apply
at the office of the
I Madras,
'he Madras Pioneer
Notice for Publication
Di'pm ttncut of t he I nterior.
Land uilice at The Dalle, Oregon.
May 2S, 1D07.
'nli e is hereby given that
John U. Trotter, of Younss. Oregon,
)ia fllfd notice of Ills intention to, make
tiual five-year proof in support of Ii'ik claim,
viz: 1 5 ''.
Homestead Bntr-v Nn 11211 made July 8.
Ht02. for thd niiisw'i. swkseji and
kUsw'f sec 27. tu 9 s. r 14 e. w in.
I-lndthats id proof will be made before
Fiank Osborn. tJ. S. Commis-ioner, at his
othne. in Madras. Oresron. on July 8, 1107,
lie names the following witnesses to
more hit continuous residence Upon, and
cultivation or. the laud, viz:
G K Luuuhlin. of Madra, Orecoil, S D
rercivnl. Charles E Ciaig, W W lirown
all of Youngs, Oregon.
, C. W.Mookb.
m30-Jy4 ' Itegister.
Departm -nt of the Interior.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
May 28, 1!H)7.
Notice i hereby given ihat
Peter Ki burgi of Madras.. Oregon.
lias Hied notice of his intention to make
final five-ear proof In support of Ills
fhiiin. vizi
. Homestead Entry No 10682 made March
28. J'.'W, for iic Se c 28, tp H s, r IS e, w in,
Ind that said proof will be made before
P Frank Osliorn, U. S. Commissioner, at hi&
onice in juauras. uregom on July , lwt.
He names the following witnesses to
prove ills continuous residence upon, apd
cultivation of. the land viz:
'. -( C C Fox, Miles D Fox, Howard Ulack-
, 1 ' erby, George V Dillon, ail ot Madras j Or.
c, w.
ucparimont oi ins interior
Land Office at Tht Dalles, Oregon: '
Muy 28. 1007.
I Notice Is hereby given that Charles K. Craig,
ot Youngs, Oregon, ha tiled notice of his
Intention to make final tire-year proof Ut
support oi ins claim, viz:
HomcsteHU Entry No, luohO, made March 27,
1SXK. for clAncX, neXtcli nee 2s, and nwmv
Ami that said proof will be made before
Vrank Qhborn, 0. S, t'ominiiIoiier, at bis
oHlce in Madras. Oreiron. on Jnlv Rth. 1J07.
lie names the following rvltneea to prorc
Discontinuous rumuuuee upon, aim cultiva
tion ol, the land, "viz:
K A lirown.S I) PcrclTftl. J c Trotter, V W
Drown, nil of Youngs, Oregon.
jnSO-Jyl ItcgUtur.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at tTbc Dalles, Oregon,
i 41 ifay28, W7.
Notice Is hereby given that'
Ben J. Wan berg, of Jfadras, Oregon,
has tiled notice of ills intention tor make
final comiuutation proof in support of his
claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No 13395 made April
VO. Ml, for..;tho 3iswjf of soo 28.
iwlftoH $M 29, noiiwii bee 82 and
nwJu'nwU sec 83, tp s, r U o, W in,
And that said in oof wi il be made before
Frank OiAiorn, U. , Commissioner at his
gfllce in Madras, Oregon, on July 8, ;W7,
He names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of. the laud, viz:
weorge a ijaugnnn, itaipu a urown,.
o m 7 nomas. James uarton, an or mm
tas. Oregon. ,
, CAW. JJooitE,
Notice for Publication.
Department of tile Interior.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Maj 28, 1.M)7.
Notice is hereby given that
Krnei-t V.Dnty. of Madras, Oregon, v
has tiled notice of his intenti' n to make
final five-year proof in support of his
claim, viz:
Homestead Entry Xo 15558 made Marcli
21, W02. for the w'se.i, and e'swM' sec
25. tp 10 s, r 1!5 e, w m.
And that said proof will be made before
Frank OMjorn, U. S. CoiiuiiSsioner, at his
ollice in Madras. Oregon, on July 8, JH0".
He names the following witnoses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, the land, viz:
C C Fox, all of Madras Oregon.
O. W. Mooiik,
piSO-jyl Itegister
Lands to Settlutncnt ami Entrr. iJejinrt-ini-nt
of tbc Interior, General l'.uid Otilce,
Washington, D. C, Jlay 11, 1907. .Notire is
lieroby given that the meant public lands in
tho following dixorlfifd nri"-. temporarily
withdrawn on Oi-tobor 'jn ui.. Iitcemlnjr in,
lues, and January 18, iiwo. for nroposud addi
tions to the OftM-ftde National Forest, Oregon,
and not otberwidv withdrawn, or-scned or
appropriated, will by authority of the Secre
tary of the Interior be restored to the public
domain on July Ti, 1WI7, and become subject to
ettlcmcnt on and after that date, but not to
entry. Mine and Hdei-tion until on ami after
August ai, 1D07, under tbe usual restrictions,
at tbc I'nltcd States I.aud Office at Tbe Dnlles,
Oregon: In Totviisbip one (1) North, JUngc
eleven iiii r.HM, me houiueuM ouurier OI Bc
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dafles. Oregon,
Ma 28, l'.D;
Nfitlce is hereby given that
Iddison Eagles, ot Madras. Oregon.
has filed notice of his intention to make
final commutation proof in support of his
claim, viz:
Homestead Entry Xtt 13972 made Nov
11, lUOJ, for these1.! sec SI, tp 10a, r 11 t
w m. ' '
And that said proof wllWie made befoie
Frank Osborn, u. b. Coiiimlssloiier. at his
office in Madias, Oregon, on duly 8, 1W7,
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cu Miration ut. the lund. vizi
WCTorril, W Hlehardson, AN'illlam
Eagles. A'. S. Jennings, all of Madras,
C. W. MooitK,
mUO-jyl itegister.
Notice for Publication,
Department of the Interior
Xand Office at Tim Dalle., Oregon,
May 28,-HHj7,
Notice li berebv given that
Mary Young, one or the heirs and lor the
heirs of Margaret J. Dodson, deceased, ot
Youngs. Orciiouj
has tiled notice of Iter 411(0111011 to make
tinal five-year nroof In suonort of her
ciauu, viz: 4 1
Homestead Entry No. 100f7 made Nov.
!J0, 11)01, for the viuwU and wswif of
sec zu, tp lu s, r a e, w in. 1
And that said proof will to made before
Frank Osborn. IJ. ti. Commlssioner..:ft.liis
onice in jirtoras, uregon, on ,miy , jvuv.
tibo wane tho following witnesses (o
prove iter continuous 1 esidencu unon. and
ciiltlviitioii of, the land, viz:
iKiiuani rtioneiiocicer, Jill young, WII
Ham Lee, E1 Kutehcr, all of Matlras, Or.
O. W. Muoitic.
mSO-Jyl Itegister.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
Zand Otilce at The'DaUes, Oregom
May 28, 11107.
Arotico is hereby Ivn tliat
Andrew 't'ellefsim. of Mndrna. Orinrnti,
has filed notice nf .his lutontion tit iniiti-n
final commutation proof in support of bis
claim, viz: r
Homestead Entrv No 11007 made Janu-
ary 10, HMM Vor oiiauli nee 0 ami w I ft wis
sec 10, tp 10 h. r H 0. w m.
And that auid proof will bo made befdro
Frank Osliorn. IT. H f:nini.iuini,,.m t nia
office In Madras, Oitigoir, on duty 8,
He names the Allowing witnesses to
prove ills COntillunuK nKlb.ien unon. mill
cultivation of, the Ilmd. viz:
rrcd Fisher, Italilh Young, O L Pftxton,
James Fleck, all of Madras. Oregon.
... . O, W.mSoiik,
"30jy Kcjglsten
(I), twelve fig), t
twenty-five (2r),
(:t') south and u
tlou thirty-two (33) and njithwett ouarlr of
Toniisbin ulevcu
I'.ange nine (!), that part of Sections one
thirteen (13), twenty-four (21),
. twenty-six (2T.) ami thirty-five
uatt of the Metollus l!lvcr ami
all Feetlou thirty-six (:): in Toansbio
ten (10), Hango ten (10), that part of Sections
iweniy-eigni rjnj, iwenty-nine &), thirty (:il,
tblrty-tbree (31) hikI thirty-four (ill) south and
vtvi 01 mm river, aim ail eociions thirty-one
li j nun miriy-iwo i.s) in jownsnip eleven
(II), I'.ange ten (Hi), that part of Keotfous two
inree eleven (U), twelve (12) and thir
teen (18) south and wont of said river, all
Sections ten (10), fourteen (II). fifteen (10),
twenty-two (12) to twenty-seven 'Si), belli
inclusive, thirty-four (i), tlilrty-iire (:') mid
thirty-six (?)); South and East, Willamette
Meridian. Oregon. Warning is hereby ex
pressly given that no person will Is permitted
togalnorfixereiMiany right whatever under
any seiiiemeni or occupation iiegun prior to
July 27, 1UH7, and all such settlement or occu
pation is hereby forbidden. H. A. Uali.ikiich,
Coimnlssloner. Aiproved: Tnos. Hvan,
Acting Secretary of the interior. inia-Jyisi
Tho following oiroulnr has
been issued from tho Gt'iicrnl
Lund Ofltou to Kt'iiisioirt and
HtitHMvers of dintriot land ollloeu:
Silts: Your titientiou iH
cnllod to Mint pint of tho not of
June 29. 1000 (1)1 Slain., H02).
which leads jtvS followsj
"That no noting julblio sluill
bo authorized to lake aoknowl
fdpnienti, administer oaflie,
certify papers or petfoim an.v
ollicial acta in conneutiou with
nitUtoiH in whioli lio ia counsel,
attorney or aent, or in which
he may bo in any way interest
ed before any of tlib dispart
men ts aforesaid.'
Although this statute forms a
part of tho act of Congress
atuoudinr section CHS of tho
Code of haw for tho District ol
ColUmbith it has recently been
construed by the" Attot'noy
Genera 10 nmilv to notaries
outside of that District; and
von are therefore directed to
scrutinize all aihdavits and
papers iiled in your ollico lor
the purpose of seeing that I hoy
are not executed in .conflict
with this statute; f(Very res
pepifully, li. A. Ballinokk,
Notice for Ptibilcatloo.
J)ei nrtin nt of the Interior
Lund Otilce nt The Dallcx, Oreiron,
.tiny 28, 1W7.
A'otice Is herobv slvcn that ,
Ralnli 1. Ilrnwn. of Voiimis. Orecon,
lias tiled notice of Ills Intention to iimke
final live-year proof In support of htoclutm,
llome.stcnd Kntry No 10811 made May 7,
Vi 'l. for mv'n-'j, M-'.HW'i of ,ce 1)0 and
e,1 t wh sc Ul. tp fl it, 1 11 e, rv in,
Aim tnat. sain proot win no nnuie oeioro
Frank Osborn, U. -S. his
luce In .Uailnii, Oregon, on July B, VJ'Jl.
Ie names tln follow ins wltnenses to
nnire his eonti'iiioiiA residence upon, and
cii ttratlou of, the land, viz:
W W llrown, S I) l'erclvnf, G K Crulc.
all of Yoiiujjs, Oregon, Otto llolfchl, of
.Uadras, Oreeoii,
L". W. .Wooiik,
inOO-jy I Itegister.
resident Theodore Itooovolt
Vlce-t'resldeei Chftrle W Kalrbanks
i?eeretary of Suite Kllhu lteot
Secretary of Treasury Oeorge It Cortelyoii
Secrotaryot Interior Js It Uarfhtlll
Sccrotry.of War W II Tr.fl
SeerotaryNif Nary (J J ItoitapHrttt
Hfieretary of Commerce Clear Htratit
mnuster (letters! GM Von J, Major
Attorney General Wm II Moody
Secretary ot Agriculture Jmt Wllwu
Corembr ......Ororgv K. CluuiWrlwIii
Timber Land, Aet.liine.'!, 1878,
Notice for Publication.
U. S, Land Ofllec, The Dalles Or..
Jlay, 25, 1007.
Notice is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of (oil
Krebsof Junes, 788, entlUed an act for
the saie of timber lands in tint state. of
California, Oregon, .Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," a extended to ntthe puo
IIc land states ! act of a it 411st 4. 1802,
Victor J. O'Coniiot
of Redmond, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in thU ollico his
sworn statement No. 11571, for the purchase
of the nwJfHwJf sec 1, and e''uoK and
nw'se 2. tp 12 s, r 1(5 e, w in.
And will oiler proof to show that tho
hind sought Ismorc valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish Ids claim to said
land before the County Clerk nt I'rine-
vllfe, Oregon dn the 1st day of Augusts
lie names as witnesses: .1 V Villi,,
ami v 11 jiiisioiij 01 1 riuevKfe, Oregon.
Any add all persons claiming adversely
(lie abovo-described lands are requested to
file their clulmft In. this olllen on or In. fiii,
said 1st day of August, 1907.
, c- W Mooitu-,
m80-jy25.. , . itegister.
Suurutaryol Slnte..
Attorney Gtmural
Supt. 1'uhllc Instruction
State I'rinftr
Dairy and food I)oinmll(iiir
i; S Senator..
.1. W. tlenton
OA Steel
.A )f Crawford
J It AukeriBKii
. W S DunnlwHy
. J W liHlloy
j f W Pulu.11
' i J liourne it
Vi C Jtawlpy
W It Ktlft
SupremoMutlge! H8an
J'Jdjfo , ,W I, liraddiaw
l'ronefntfna Atlorimy fmilt ileq(tre
J,"Je v , 11011
ct'fc Warren llrown
Sheriff p-ruIj ljifelns
Troasurir .' v p Ktnw
Awioor r.,.K..J f) UPollotte
Suhuolgupurfiiteiideut.... (J It DliiH'tddle
Surveyor v It MoParland
Coroner , Gall SNoiynom
CoramliMilonor Hayloy
. I 88 8tuiim
Jll'tlce J A Ullinn
Constable j m Mayon
Iload SuiHirvUor Ocorge Union
' .- r 1
Notice for Publication.
Department pf tho interior
Jiimd Ollico at 2'lio I)aJas,Ori,
; ; , ''! -May 25, 11(07.
Aotleo is Jiereby given' that )! .
Jollll K. Kvlelf. nf irili-n. (lrnfm
has filed notice of his Intention
final live-year proot in support of his
claim, viz. 1 , f- -ft
iiomesteati Kntry o 1012ft ullule Mdrcli
, 1D02, for the hw. of sec 28. to 9 s. r 111
win, i' '
And that said nroof will he tnnvtn tu,rn,n
the Kcuister Hntf itecelver. nt ''tin Hniiu
Oregon, on July 0,107.
Ho names this following' witncsncs to
nrovo Ills continuous reslilenen mum ami
cultlyotioti qf, the laiitj,.vlz;
M eui) Kox.'O 0 1'oxJ Howaht Iiiaclcer
by, Jtospoo Gard, all of Madras, Oregon.
(!. V. 1ftliu,r
If jou obliln a KJrearm ofrisub:
fill qa-.H;
Tin txporiinctd Hunter's and
UiiUimsn't Ideal
s a rellabis, unerring STVH3
by thoetlnj tur pjptiUf
o onu iiu'ri
Aslfc j-nnr Ideal irimJWnin
or flportliijr UuoiU Jliol'.
clmnt for tho rVJJH.
If you cuiuiol iibhdn, v.
itil; illrout, wmjii,
p-fii.niion receipt 01 1.
Iwlmrtrrornlx'run'nlit'iiliiimiL ' r'
T I ' rrlmt
Olifcopeo I'nlN, TXfF V, f
When: you Want
We make a Specialty
Commercial Job PrM'1
and our product Cannot
celled, A it ial oMet wi
convince joti
uMjyl Jteultiter.