The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 30, 1907, Image 6

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loesevelt Declines to Interfere
In San Francisco Moss.
Confers With Associates on Question
of Uniting to Get Full Control
of City Government.
San Francisco, May 23. Reports
aro current that President Calhoun
of the United Hallways has engaged
in a deep-laid plot to defeat Francis
J. Heney, seize the reins of the mu
nicipal government under the guise
of a law and order movement, and go
any length in order both to save
himself from conviction and impris
onment under the charges brought
by tho graft prosecution, and to the
advantago of himself in his fight
with tho carmen.
Calhoun has been working for sev
eral days in a desperate effort to
consolidate in aid of this movement
all the moro important financial in
terests affected by the graft disclos
ures. Men high In financial circles
Two Senators Implicated In Blgges
Land Conspiracy Yet.
Chicago, May 24. A dispatch to
tho Tribuno from Washington, D. C,
"Amazing revelations of a conspir
acy to defraud tho United States of
millions of dollars worth of mineral
and timber lands will bo laid beforo
tho grand juries of half n dozon
states within a few days. Tho frauds,
it is alleged, will involve in criminal
charges tho names of men high In
business and political circles. Thoy
River Valley Thronged
Pickers of Many Kinds.
Hood River For tho first time In
two years Hood River will havo a
characteristic strawberry season,
Kelliher Tracts to Be Put on Market
Rninm Tho Stato Land Board has
decided to stand by Its act cancelling
stato land certificates hold ty a. i.
Kelllhor, covoring Bomo 30,000 ncroB
ox-United States Sonator, a man re-
puted to bo ono of tho wealthiest
men in tho world; a railroad man
known from tho Atlantic to tho Paci
fic; two of tho wealthiest lumber
baronB in tho United States; numer
ous smaller fry, Including railroad
ofllclals, coal operators, and men at
the head of fuel companies.
wcro seen going in and out of his
offlce throughout the day and it Is Oregon, Idaho, Montana. Minnesota
aiiegea tnat otner coherences wero and tho Dakotag.
Much of the evidence in there
in Inn1 nf Mir. ntirrt nrwl I r1 lnviti Mmli
uuu ouues senator, one niorrv ctirtr0Ga of Uerrv nickers from
both up and down tho river. This
yoar thoro is high wator. Tho boats
began landing at tho town today, and
from now on until tho Benson ends,
Indians, school teachers, residents of
Portland and towns In tho Wlllnm-
etto Valley and along tho Columbia
Itlver will pour into Hood River for
tho berry season. Hood River mor
chants always expect a brisk bust
ness during tho berry season. In
These men, whoso names cannot some years more money is ronllzcd
bo made public before tho grand jury ?.rom sirawDornes man appies, ana
. . . , , tho returns being quicker, It gots to
acts, It Is declared here, will surely circmnton at once. Plckqrs who are
1. n l .1 li n .1 1 11.. 1 1 , ,.,. t , , . . . . L . . ..
uo muiuuu ujr w uviuuiicu wuicii is i nuopL ana lnuusinous earn rrom z
now in tho hands of tho United to ?3 per day, and somo as high ns
States District Attorneys In half n 3-&- rldo through tho valley
dozen Western states. I fti,ia n.,vw .im, ii,'
mi - I . ..
inese irauas, u was uecinrea yes- ers in a variety of picturesque garbs,
terday In an official quarter, extend from girls in bluo overalls to tho
into a number of states, Including ? n , y. Inamn ,ln, Ma Unmlng red
umuuiuiii, vuiuruuu, tvasuiaRion,
with all Its attondant rush and ox-'nnd next weok, nftor tho now law
cltoment. For two seasons tho river
has not boon high enough for boats
Long Detour to Reach Albany.
held In tho business center of tho I r..u u ' ,j , Alhnnv Though llvinc? within ik
city. It is stated that, foiled In their ! frauda was obtalnetl by Detectlvo miles of Albany, residents of tho Santi-
attempt to get Into touch with the , E ."7
prosecution, through Intervention of rr "i ? " , L"KLU W
the Committee of Seven, Calhoun otain nn,i i,v pranni, t tt ..
Sl! prosecuting the same San Fran-
Z"f'Z m ' tWZl cIsco Brafters. Upon the conclusion
Snn !t.n-vAUJ iliU t w ' of thelr work ln San Frnnclscc, Mr.
planned a new stroke by which they ,Hene . and M Burna expected, to
hope to place themselves in control return to the government 8ePPvlcc for
v " " V-,J i. , rno nrn;ppntlnn nf thn timhnr
mineral land thieves. Some of the
grafters in San Francisco are also
said to be Implicated in the frauds.
urn country aro now forced to tinvel
twice that far to reach this city. Un
safe and damaged bridges aro tho cause.
Wnen the Sanderson bridge was par
tially washed out in tho Santiam floods
I ,-.i.. a 11.. t.nnH.1 .til rhttfiv
goes 1IUO OI1CCI, lliu liuiliu niii ii"'
to Kelllhor tho portion of tho pur
chase prico already paid, and then
ndvortlso tho lands ror Baio to nign
est blddors in trncts of not to excood
320 acres.
Kelllhor was boforo tho board with
a rnnunnt that doods bo grantod to
nsslKiieos of cortain certificates
which ho claimed wero grantod upon
genulno applications. Tho request
waB donled. Ho also requested tho
privilogo of buying for moinbors of
his family somo 1,300 acres of land
at $2.50 an aero, In consideration or
which ho would glvo tho board the
crulslngs of his 30,000 acres of can
celled lands, but this was also re
Tho board took a Btrong "stand
pat" attitude, nnd refused to com
promise or mnko any ngrcomonts
but will put all cancelled lands up
for salo on equal tcrniB to all. As
somo of Kolllhcr's lands aro sup
posed to bo quito valuable, thoro Is
likely to bo somo scrambling for do-
slrablo tracts when thoy aro ofTcrou
for sale, which will probably bo oarly
next month.
Still Applying for S. P. Lands.
Eugene Tho refusal of tho South
ern Pacific to accept money offorod
by Lane County people for railroad
lands, hns not affected tho Interest
In the movement here nor caused any
considerable abatement In tho lino of
will bo able to block tho efforts of
Spreckels, Burns and Heney,
Their schemo as outlined in theso
reports, is to form a new committee
as a successor to the one which has
just resigned under fire, which will
be prepared to resort to extreme
measures. Grasping the opportunity
or the carmen s strike and tho riots
and disturbances in the streets of the
city, the reported plan is for a mass
meeting to bo called under the pre
text of a law and order measure.
From this meeting those who have
been active In tho graft prosecution
, will be excluded on the ground that
they have already refused to havo
anything to do with a committee
which had been appointed to
straighten out tho tangle of munici
pal government.
At this meeting a committee on
law and order will be appointed,
which will go first to Chief of Police
DInan and request his resignation in
the name of the citizens of San Fran
cIsco. If DInan refuses to turn over
the control of the police department
to them the members of this com
mlttee will. It is claimed, immediate
ly declare that the conditions In the
city are so serious that the only solu
tlon Is a vigilance committee and
acting as such, they will assume con
trol of the city. A part of the plan
is auegea to be an attempt to per
suade tho governor to act in concert
with this vigilance committee, using
tne carmen's strike as an argument
to induce the governor to issue a call
ior troops, and possibly to bring
about the intervention of federal au
est open bridge across tho Santiam is
at Lebanon. This makes tho dietanco
Bursting Ammonia Pipe Fills Packing to Albany about 30 miles.
Plant With Deadly Fumes.
Chicago, May 24. Five workmen p- Refuses to Sell Land.
were kilted nnri rpvpp.i1 nthon. 'en-. Eugene Attorney A. u. wood-
last winter, residents of tho "Forks of Innnllcnnts for timber lands nt S2.G0
the Santiam." as that country is local-1 per acre. In tho neighborhood of
ly termed, could reach tho county seat 500 applications havo boon mndo
via Jefferson. But new that tho big from this county nnd the Interest In
wacon bridco at Jefferson hna hovn the outlying districts Is as great no
closed to traffic by order of tho courls ' ns H waa lu tho towns 11 row dn'
of Linn nnd Marion nonntiPH. Hin nonr. ,"b
Crushed Rock for Eugene Streets
Eugeno A carload of machinery
has arrived here for crushing rock to
bo used In tho paving of Willamette
street, nnd It Is thought paving will
begin nt onco. Tho only obstnelo I
innalv tninrprf thlo nffprnn "V" iu ouu rrauuiscu imj way ui puumug mo worK is mo
- nuvu to tender tne monev nut im hv nhniit nrrlvnl nf rnllt fnr thn Wlllnmnttn
uu ammonia pipe expioaea in me 50 Eugeno people for the purnoso of Valley Comnany. nnd thoy aro looked
beef-kllllng department of Armour & buying timber lands In tho Southern for dally. Tho machinery will bo
Co.s plant at the stockyards. The Paclf,c Company's land grnnt, has taken at once to tho rock supply
building was full of workmen at the "7 ", VE 01 Sk,nnCr 8 Buttc'
time, and the deadly fumes, escaping was promptly refused and that the L J ,
from under high pressure, pene- officials In tho office became angry onaa ior uregon.
trated through every department of and 1Ittle short of ordered him out. Oregon CityBunt. O MnMoy.
I rfil a. 11 11 x . i thn Unit Ail Brn Ti s-t n - 9 T.
tne building In such a short tImoLh Pnrta thnaa !,. erleis. hns roturned from nn nfflHnl
that 20 of the men were overcome their money Into the pool have hopes 'vl8lt of Inspection of the government
Japanese File First Citizenship Papers
at Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, May 23. Joseph
Felsuo Wada and Man! Suskl, Jap
anese photographers and residents of
this city for eight years past, today
filed declarations of Intention to be
come American citizens. Theso wero
the first applications of that kind
over accepted in this county. Since
the decision of the District Attorney
that under the existing laws of the
United States there Is nothing to bar
the naturalization of Japanese as cit
izens, tho County Clerk has decided
to accept applications against which
no specific objection is made.
All applications so made will be
held pending a decision of tho Fed
eral authorities at Washington.
which Is expected to arrive at any
before they could make their escape of a decision soon to force the corn-
to the fresh air. All but five of these Pany to sell.
men were dragged from the Dlace bv
their comnanlons In such a serious Malheur Irrigation Project.
condition that it was necessary to Va,e Tne chief engineer for the
take them to a nearby hosnltal. Christian Co-Operative Federation
An Ineffectual effort to search fnr arrived In Vale Sunday from Port
dead In the Interior of the building Iantl and in connection with Colonel
was made by employes wearing safe- R- G- Wheeler, their resident nttor
ty masks, but they were driven back ney nere, left for Willow Creek
by the fumes, and It was not until where they have purchased reservoir
six hours after the explosion that the Lues ror tnelr irrigation project In
first body, that of an unidentified
man, burned beyond recognition, was
taken from the fourth floor. A few
minutes later four other bodies were
fouhd, all of them having been
burned In a horrible manner.
Tacoma After Standard Oil.
Tacoma, May 23. The city coun
cil will throw a gaff Into, tho Stand
ard Oil Company by endeavoring to
pass an ordinance requiring the com
pany to sink its big tanks Into the
ground. This would be a very costly
proceeding and the company is pre
paring to fight tho ordinance to the
last ditch. Tho trouble came about
through tho company's building its
May Llvs a Day or T.wo., but Cannot
wanton, unio, Aiay 24. Alter a
consultation yesterday afternoon at
the McKinley home with Dr. Port-
man, tho family physician of Mrs.
McKinley, and Dr. E. J. Eyman, sup
erintendent of the Massillion State
Hospital and a physician of wide re
pute, a statement was Issued that
there is no Indication that Mrs. Mc
Kinley could long survive tho attack
of apoplexy from which she Is suffer
ing. The doctors say, however, that
they think dissolution will not come
for a day or two. Mrs. McKinley is
In a comatose condition, and It Is
stated that there are no grounds for
hope of a better turn.
Surgeon-General Rlxey reached
nere at 6:45 o'clock this morning.
that valley. The chief enclneer
stated there would be a crew of sur
veyors to arrive here soon, and that
they would commence work on that
project at once. The Irrigation of
tnis valley means the reclamation of
something like 150,000 acres of val
uable land.
Federal Inspectors Will Dip Sheep.
Eugene The Bquabblo over the en
forcement of the new law, which re
quires the dipping of all sheep everv
year, has been practically eettled with
the Lane county farmers, who declared
that they will not allow an inspector to
dip their sheep. E. N. Hutchinson, of, 25c per pound; cherries, J1.75
hatcheries on tho Upper Columbia
He said today that the bureau would
conduct operations with ahad In
Juno and will take eggs between Ore
gon City and tho mouth of the
Clackamas, In tho Willamette River,
A shad hatchery will be operated at
Willamette Falls.
the United States bureau of animal in
duBtry, was here and decided that only
inose hocks snoniu ne dipped that aro
Wheat Club, 84f785c: blucHtem
87 88c; Valley. 83 (ft 84c: red. 82tf?
Oats No. 1 white. 128.50ffi29:
gray, zb.
Rye 11.45 01.00 per cwt.
xjuriuy reeu. tZl.bUftCL'Z nor
ion; Brewing, nomlnnl; rolled,
Corn Whole, $2C: cracked. S27
per ion.
Hay Valley tlmothv. NTo. 1. 117
- . . - " ' '
wi per ton: Kastern Orocon tlm
othy, $21023; clover, $9; cheat, $9
iu; grain hay, 59 010; alfalfa,
Domestic fruits Strawhnrrlos.
"ftcwc per pound; Oregon, 200
nox; apples, $102.50 ncr boxr
gooseberries, 8010c per pound.
itooi vegetables Turnips J 2 por
diseased and that the others wouM be ! K atrrtB' 2-50 ncr. ""; beets,
left alone. Several Federal inspectors Sr'lLlCu Back; BST.C' m
will do the work. 3? Pound; horseradish, 708c
Strikers Are Active.
San Francisco, May 24. In conse
quence of Increased violence attend
lng the extension of service by the
united uaiiroads to several new lines
yesterday, Thornwell Mullallav. an
sistant to President Calhoun, made a
demand upon Chief of Police DInan
ror better protection bv the nnllfH
ior ine company's nronertv and em
ployes. Shortly after 5 o'clock about
house on tho tide flats, violating an
ordinance that the plant should not
bo within 500 feet of anv Inflnm.
xnablo building.
Heads Off of 52.
Frankfort, Ky., May 23. Tho
court of appeals rendered a decision
today invalidating tho election in
Loulsvlllo and in Jofferson county in
1905, thus removing 52 ofllclals. Tho
court declared that tho election was
not "free nnd equal" within tho
moaning of the constitution and that
tnero was much fraud and violence.
Tho court holds that tho governor
has the right to make appointments
to fill tho vacancies.
Eighth-street car at Eighth and Bry
ant Btreets. Tho strikebreaking
crew operating tho car, were badly
Linemen of Four State Strike.
Helena, Mont., May 23. All of
the linemoa of tho Rocky Mountain
Boll Telephono company in this stato
went on strike today, demanding an
increase In wages of 50 cents a day.
About 150 men aro affected. Tho
linemen state , tho strike Is general ' forth to spend mu& oTWhlluS
also over Utah, Wyoming and Idaho, timo in Spain. nouoay
S200.000 a Year for Singing.
London, May 24. In an inter
view with a representative of tho Tri
bune Enrico Caruso confirmed hla
statement that Director Cnnrlnrl. nf
we Metropolitan Opera House, New
xorK, nad entered Into a contract
with him for four years at a yearly
salary of $200,000. Caruso, on Jils
part, agrees to be nt Conrled's dis
posal ror nine months each year and
t 'snt appearances In each
of the nine months whenever Conricd
Spain and England Getting Thick.
London, May 24. Tho Madrid
correspondent of tho Telegraph says
that tho relations between tho Span
ish and British roval fnmlH P nrn lin-
coming closer daily. Members of tho
""tltm Royal family propose honco-
Bill Goes Up to Voters.
Salem Chief Clork Kifier. of the
secretary of fiffifn'M nffirv. haa finioVif,,!
I J - "vvj aaRAi,u
checking tho referendum petitions on
.the Multnomah county Bheriff's bill
anu nnda there are 4,972 valid signa
tures. There were 6,000 on tho peti
tion and 4,006 are necessary. The hill
therefore will not become a law until
it lias been voted upon by tho people
or until the courts havo found some de
fect Flny the petition not found by the
secretary's office.
Long Ride Soon to Start.
Silverton Homer Davenuort. of
Morris Plains, N. J., says that tho
race to have taken nlaco from this
city to New York between ono of his
Aranian Horses and a Kentucky
dlo horso has been postponed pend
ing the arrival of tho Kentucky
horse. This enduranco trip Is to bo
made under tho direction of thn
United States War Department and
It Is understood that the stnrtlni?
point will bo from Vancouver,
Wash., Instead of Silverton.
Astoria Will Aid Railway.
Astoria Tho Chamber of Com
merce at Its' meeting this evenlntr In
structed Its commltteo to assist In Bo-
curing rights of way for the Port
land-oregon & Sea CoaHt Railway
company irom uiatson Ulty toward
tho NehaJom Valley. Tho chamber
also adopted a resolution condemn
ing danco halls.
Clatsop Will Exhibit.
Astoria Tho special commlttnn
of tho Chamber of Commorco ap
pointed to consider tho advisability
of Clatsop County making an oxhlblt
at tho coming stato fair, has pro
parod Its report recommondlng that
the exhibit be made.
per pound
Fresh vegetables Cabbago, Cali
fornia, J2.50 per sack; cauliflower,
$101.25; dozen; lettuce, hend, 350
45c dozen; onions, 10 0120 por
dozen; tomatoes, $2.2504.50 crato;
parsley, 25 030c; artichokes, 65 0
75c dozen; hothouse lettuce, $2 box;
jiuun, fvsw-iwc; raoisncfl, 20c dozon
flonntinnun ft O
..oimiuMm, iiyjoc pounu; nen pen
i'uid, ouvi'.jug pounu: rnuDarb. 4
per pound: cucumbers, ndnflu r.n
spinach, $1.50 per crate; beans, 15c
jjuj jjuuiiu; Hquasn, &uc?i$l por box
vruKun, zpz.5U por
V 1 I aa .1 a m at a i
nuHu.uui luxns, ic per pound.
Potatoes Jobbing price; Oregon
uuu nuuiurn, z.uu per sack; now no
iiui;, uftiamc pounu; sweet pota
iucn, ou jjer pounu.
n..ti . .
uuuer uuy creameries: Extra
creamery, 22 V,c per nound. Htnn
cruuinunes: Fancy creamery. 2 off?)
'J O 1 . .. 4 . ...... " ' "
72, oturo ouiier, 17 017'c.
Butter fat First I'm fin xrnnm
21c per pound; second grade cream!
2c less per pound.
i e2S0;?rCKon fuI1 crca" twins,
10017c; Young Amoricn, 17018c
I'Vl 1JUI1I1U.
Poultry Avoracro nii imrm ia.
mixed chlckenB, 13c; Spring fry-
7 A iix "-"' tvwzbc, old roos-
luin wWiuc; uressod chickens, 100
we; uirKoys, nvo, 13 015c; turkeys
live, per pound, 8c; young duckn
nomlnnl; old ducks, 10018c: nltr
cons, $101.50; squabs, $2 03.
KB-imiiso por dozon.
Beef Dressed bulls, 4 04Uc por
iio ' V""D ""O'lui country stoora,
I (CP sc.
,wUtton Oressod, fancy, 100
10Vc per pound: ordinary, 009c:
spring Jambs, with pelts. 9 010c.
R,J?9Dirrn801' 75 0125 pounds,
Be; 1250150 Pounds, in.: mnmonn
pounds, Cc; 200 pounds and up, 5
Four Men Meet Awful Death on lurn
lng Lake Meamer
flrnnd Havon. Mich,, May 22.
Flvo llvoa woro lost and 75 pooplo
had a porllous oscnpo from death
whon tho Btonmor Naomi, of tho
Crosby Transportation Company,
bumod oarly today In tho middle of
Lnko Michigan, whllo on her night
trip from horo to Milwaukee. Four
of tho victims woro conl pnBiiore, pon
ncd down in tho forocnntol by tho
flames, whoro many of tho returned
passongorB from tho dooks of the
frolghtor Korr and tho stoamor Knn
sas saw thorn at tho portholes, vn In
ly Imploring for holp.
J. M. Rhodes, a passenger from
Dotrolt. wub tho fifth victim. Ho
was terribly burned In hla borth and
dlod Boon nftor roachlng tho hospi
tal nt Qrnnd Rnplds.
Fifty passengers and nil of tho
crow oxcopt four coal puHtiors woro
tnkon off In small boats by tho steam
er Strntford nnd tho Kansas, which
was on routo from Mllwnukco to
Qriuid Havon. Tho Iobb to tho Na
omi, which waa la comnmand of Cap
tain Traill, Is estimated at $225,000,
Tho flro Btartod In tho vicinity of
tho kitchen, between docks, and
spread so rapidly that the whole ship
waa a soothing luruaco boforo tho
crow could got tho flro apparatus
working. Flro Bwopt tho wholo
length of tho ship and tho tippor
works burned llko tinder. It in con
sidered miraculous that tho 'passen
gers all but ono CBcapod. Many of
thorn wcro taken off in their night
clothes, whllo scarcely any ono was
more than partly clnd.
Captain Thomas Traill waa the
last man to lonvo tho Btonmor alive,
nnd his clothing was almost bumod
off him.
Sol Wntorman, of Now York, said:
"Novor will I forgot tho picture of
thofio poor fellows In tho forecaBtlo
who woro bumod. Tho ship wn a
mass of flnmoB. Suddonly tho four
men who had boon asleep In tho foro-
castlo thrust their heads from tho
portholes and called for holp. Tho
captain of tho freight steamer or
dered n lifeboat to go to their aid.
Tho boat wont, but tho men woro un-
ablo to squeeze their bodlca through
tho portholes. Wo could henr them
calling pitlfullly for help nnd hoo
them through tho flames, but tho
Ifebont crow camo back and report
ed It could not roach them. Tho cap
tain ordered tho boat to return nnd
get tho names of tho men. Tbon wo
could hear tho questions nnd an
swers as tho men told tholr nnmos
and residences. Finally ono man
cnllod out, "Good byo; I'm gono,"
nnd fell back Into tho flames."
Ha"1 ramm
'u mm He
President nf iinitn,i d
--- Hum
urand Jury Net,
Hugo Sum n. . .
...Mu,roa tor n.n
're indlcimont, n...
" void Dafec!)
Sim Frnncluco, May
"1'iu or Hun I.'rnnn.
" iiiiiu siiifiii uiimh
was tho brief comment ofu
Hums last night, and it
maka koo.i ,!,
vnij aiiiiuinnnt m., .1. .
by th '",o ,or public
by tho proHocutm JUU IC
nAtMtii..i. . a tin
Bh n of Snn . . 0 cu
ImpoSHlblO thn Ih.11.1..
- iiiui innn t
of tho moat ...... " 01
1.- . " llilk'
uuh 10 wnu Htroot in .1., .
Tho prosecution lms traced
1200,000 with whirl, IT!'
. IV 11
In April, 1900, who tho M f
used for banking purposes"1!
tho nionov rimninn.i ..'. ! 1
tt-i.nn it . ,ur row
v.. .1. nun urnwn nut
4 tuu.uuu, converted Into
roncy and paid over
i'uu on 10 tho Xtnvn.
tho SuporvlHora. -r i WJ
....viihiiiuinu My 111,0 nr
recordB of conference It. '
Of TlroV L. Fnr,1
United RallroadH. Tho fact that
Mayor raculvml inn nnn , '
. . .ui ill
mo uruinanco ernnfiniF n. r
i I'rmii whb learned thro
rink I ttit I ....... .. .. m . A .miv
.u (.unviiuun; oi iiuor.
Fourteen Inillctmonid
turned chnrclni' Pull.....
" and n
prylsora. Sovcntcen 8uporvfor
bribed, so It may therefore bo
ff II fk r MI1nA nt 4t.
...... ut niu Himciraenu w
ItOllI Itl Nlinpvn Tt.1. I. il. ..
rnftfiirwi. Tim 1.1 i.n-i .
...u 4t lUUltlUlUUlJ
act ns a sort of ndvanco guard
draw tho flro of tho defense.
I !. . .
- ruiV, VU0 1U B11IM1I
any noies in them, tho three In
SOrVO Will bo nllnroil in in.U 11,
lrnprognnblo, tnklng advantago
tho facts brought out.
Judgo Coffoy announced. f
thot ho would fix ball In the sum
Japanese General Sees Where Many
of Hla Soldiers Studied.
Now Havon, Conn., May 22. Tho
visit to Yalo University of General
Kurokl today waB bronchi about by I
. . , - M .. .It ., 1.1. ' ITa . n . n , 1. A .. . , ... . . I
.11 . .... . . ... I .....I ft. I til rl t . n r..MHl..ft. 1 . . .
uiui iu Dt;u uiu jiindiLtiiiuii ill ti it;u i iiiiiuau uuiiua uuu ruinam
many JnpaneHO ofllcorn received a
portion of their education. Many of
theso officers served with dlntlnction
nt Port Arthur und tho battles on
Manchurlnn soil. General Ktirokl's
party Included General 0 W. Wood.
United Stntos Army, retired, nnd
Major Lynch, of tho goncrnl Htaff.
Tho party visited various depart
ments of tho collego and nt Wood
brldgo Hall was received by Presi
dent Hndloy. Luncheon was nerved
at tho graduato schools. Thoro were
present Sccrctnry of Stato Itoot, Gov
ernor Woodruff, President Mollon, of
tho Now Hnvcn Railroad, nnd n num
ber of professors nnd faculty men.
Tho party then visited University
Hall, whoro Yalo men numbering
ti.. inn rn u. ti a irin.n in.i nnn.i
11 . . . ..
.uu nt miKuiiiuiiL vji 111111 nil nrr
will bo mado by tho prosecution,
LI1U 111 11 U 1 11 U II llt.dllPll'II III I lilt CII
r inKing oi unocn aro at uoeny
their own rccognlznnco until
o'clock today.
fT. I n . .. . . . I u.
iftja.ft.ifti uiiiuuiil uft lliu uu lua ui man
nnn ... 1 1 1 i. 1 1. ... I .. M
pointed hour today.
"Ml w 111) VHUy fa-va -
euro his llborty pending the irui
nenlnst him nnd Hucf jointly.
- - f "aawv W IIIWII IIIIUIWUI IIIK ' . " - - . ,
i Mr mi in i. a m ii ti v i j ii im
VlUCur- I UUVI Will I1UVU IU Uty U.' T'"
run innn nt n it ii n nnur i nim
'.f ua w -
Ida hnn been
HAtnMMA I . i.. HMiiAMinnii rnnr n
v . I uiuimvi IV Ma n mi vi'"""
f I . . l - I 1 1 MltfA hi
i . .a iH .iinni sir ina nr
circuniBinncuH nun in iu ",u
nun no lurneu nmio o ,iuvmw, -
ft - I . i. n n.i.nn,r n
oi, roC?JBlod' 1()O013O pounda,
8&09c; 1500200 pounds, 77,c;
200 pounds and up, 600c.
Paeildent Earllng 8ays 8t, Paul Road
Will be Flnlahed by January.
MIIcb City. Mont.. Mnv 22 Prenl
dont EarllriK of tho Chlcniro. Mil
waukeo & St. Paul Itnllway. nrrlvod
In Miles City today with a nnrtv of
St. Paul omclalB on a trip of InBpec- President Glass, of tho Teiepnoo
linn nt . nnmtmnv. nlrondv hns clVCn DOnill 1
extension or tun rnni. Thn mnc imu gum ui vv,vuv.
miiea aro maKinc tlio lournov In nn- io P"t up ju,uuv mui w
tomnhllfH nnrl bortv. ... .
..... O Vf t,V I . . a i.j .imAfi
1. 1 1 1 1 iii ii iiii nil fi n i n tr wnt Af w ii fl ii in ii viiiuni iijii uu umhm"'- .
ing tno Mllwniikoo throueh to tho win navo to pui up
I,,,, i n.. v I .1 ..
tiiiiiHi.. nrniu nviniv trr r n a i liiiiii v .
a 1 . ..I II? T. M a SI m rt T I 1 1 1 V I I . ui
iiiiiniiiir r i r nninru n n n m i aa a uuu i a ii miiiaii w i
nnd tm no -win M..MniMa- t.A4.AM I irrnnf inrv. iiinfi uiu i v
a a wu a Ulllll mm uuLnuuii I .a i 1L..A wnr
llnltn nm 1 ,...!. ... t t I in rnnrr nn HiniL'd mill, i""" ..
. u . uu.ft ft. w Iftftftlftlftft A I . . . . .aM in
nn.l - - I Iin In nn.l n rnilfirL llviu '
i.. wiiij i . .-.: nilH
grand Jury." This is ibkob j w .
that moro Indictments aro to follow.
U..ra Rnflrnfld BrldKO-
Now York, May 26. Another step
of tho Ponnsyiriiu'-
Major General Goes Adrift.
New York, May 22. Major-Gen
oral Frodorlck D. Grant had an ex
citing CXnnrlnnnn In thn TTtwInnn rlnnp
yeste day when a goVommont launch tho progress of cu
In which ho was roturnlng from a Railroad's Now York extension n
visit to tho warships becamo unmnn- taken this wcok when plans ior
agcnblo nnd drifted nnvnrnl tnllnH hn. ,,-ft t, i..m.. nf Ihfl Neff YorK
foro it was picked up. Thori : wa a . " . n" 0 submitted
stiff wind blowing at tho tlmo, and wik " , ; Association
wio water wnB choppy, n condition to tno Mumcumi , ,
thnt mmln thn nraii.nn.ini i iim mki,. will form nnrl c " . ,.
General particularly unplonflnnt. Tho viaduct connecting tho Now x
.. "-" ""-, in tvDiiinni i" now Havon "
Signals Of d BtroflS. flnnllv nlnlrnrf im . . ,.,...i
the General and put him ..horo T. ??" Vo longost and bear
" '
Turka Whip Bulgarians.
Horlln, Mny 22. A dispatch, to
...w v, ..MO .iiw,,jr, ii i;uiiuiiiuii I , n otcei
that mado tho prodlcnmont of tho This brldgo will form part w
nnnnrnl nn.ll.,.l..l.. 1 . I . ftln Itlll NOW lul"
.u..u,ftft. )! liuiiiiu i iwiiuuiiHaiu. . no I viaduct connocimB " ;, iih
)ollco patrol boat, In responno to Now IlRVon & Hartford Ko,ff8)rB,i '
Ignals of distress, finally picked up ZVon; iand nnd tho Ponnsy
nla. It will bo tho longest an
lost Btcol brldgo in tho world
. nul.
tho Frankfurter Zeitung from Salon- . Al ."f0 Z Alfonso If
nm. Tiirkoy, snyH that a dotachmont Aiaana, wuy . Northcrn
of Turkish troons Bnceenlni In rnnJ negotiating for an Islnna
turlng tho Btronghold of tho Bulgar- Spain, whoro ho proposos to uu
Ian bands In tho Yonldjo Lngo ro- Blimraor rosldonco, and breed wor
glon, Tho nulgarians loBt B0 mon, 8umraor Th0 oxnmplo or
owing. It Is nlleirod. to tho tnat Hint oughbrod cattio. in h n0-
tho TurkB killed thoir prlsonorH. Tho King Edward ana "'"''rg-g nlon.
Turkish loss was Bovon mon klllod. Iomon Prompted tho n j Jnlorgf
Tho Ilulgnrlans aro threatening to Tho Queen la tnkln K ,patM with
doHtroy nil tho Greek nnd Turkish In tho project, nna.T',M,vs under
villages In tho Yonldjo district. ploasuro tho summer " ar wit
(mo conuin" " "
In England.
Chicago. May 22. Chief of Pollco .. ...m mmd RMi1"'. .1
Shlppy yesterday announced that no Rooieve "'Z 2Ft6vT,.
Nnw YOrlt. . " -i iha IBlBf
uuu ,1, n, UUU I UU llllfjra UI -... in 1)0 lv " tTilll.
bannprs nro dlsplayod will bo por- Roosovolt expects w j on Iiuo
mlttod In Chicago, Tho Chlof's att- colloglRto rogfttta this ? eg0DCO or
tudo Is duo to tho abundant uliow pf son Rlvor, J"110" ,a the race i
rod color In the Moyer-Haywood the Annapol s crow
"sympathy parade" last Sunday. what Interest him.