The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 30, 1907, Image 5

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    ip 'at Madras,
L .nl last
Seek , '
m& of tuivcr w... ...
nW . ....... on
f SI l',cy.
F-creiome.1 lt Friday.
P'L . n.u.tctly conference
w ,.. Inst Satuii ay
Kiel.elaibecii work'-
81 ' t..., narticiilnrs UIly
r.Z . Madras, Or. 5 W
,4 Davis arc the ImMllnR
Lt. Marin LUl,your
Sihm. Ty will Onci you
in -1 11
E' ,..rAII
r" - I. . ... mill (illicit.
,jpfV-e H mnpihc ytrtt.
Lj. M.nn' '". e visiting
Lest ) riii-iioii Agency
leofiLuplvc ami M. Van
VjCitt returned "ny
JjC. ttlifir Ihry IWMI IJCUn 111' fir.wv! Lodge of t!)c
jfjiii ..t ol ''M Fellows,
If V' mwI I. I- regory of
.111 . uv morning for Bond.
qfj..ft Sunday and Went
A J, r 11 t M 'X UlCdtle.
. 1 1 1 1
rt 1 1,,;, . .i ami irr.i i.i.-iypuui,
r. t n.vs 11 tic Federal
p , n inn I heir habi i
,.si ai.vl .ouct m
I i;e Conipmy Ins
fjjj. J "!l 1119 IU llittl Ulllll
. , ' ii .iMh' onecs, .iikI nftor
fi.eaall !' will be at! win
tS 1 a ,n rr.t, ft. urding JO
P. i.rMimg iitoncity In
hfct? 1 the business men ol
iii a." ! fir t .morrow (Friday
t - p . H . .n SiinffirU Iwill,
ii r a .i.ig fur a i-'uurili
itriSijn a' tin pLice. Kvery
Jm.a.i!! a jjootl cclfclna '
usj'jarn'l the inceilii, .
Lne w,i in town je first
VVllliiiin Ilnle of Culver wn In town
on Tuesday. ,
Mf, Kobertii Grant win In town yei
tctday from Ctilvcr.
- Austin Culp and wife Were in town yes
terday from Opal I'rniiie.
J. C. Kobuison nml wife returned Sat
mday afternoon from The Dalle.
Try our Imperial waili'tntf machine, it
the licit. McTncKiui & Hyo.
Kryo'iJ'nUonfd Wheat, the best on
the market, nt Madras I'liarmaoy. n.jtf
H. I). I'crcival and wife wcro in town
1 1st Saturday from their ranch In 1'orter
.Sprint; Canyon.
Mr. C. IS. I.imson nn"d Mrs. John
Snxton of Culver were shopping in Mad
ras ,on Tuckdny,
The children of the Chrfotitin Sunday
school spent yesteiday picnloin,' rtn the
Dcvrlmlr.J Uivr.
The Hiblc School of the Chilian
church will have Children's Day cxer
cle at Sanloid'l Hall, Sunday, June 2,
at 8 p in-
John W. CHin of Culver wn In town
liiH filil.iy, and ;irnil)grd to m ike flnwl
pronf upon hU homeMeiul in the Culver
Notice our ml on the front p.iyc of lliib
paper. Come in and look if you do not
care to buy, wc iv it bo pleniod to show
you. Tlic People's Htg Store,
We arc a;cntt for the belt Kn'olin-:
eiifdne on the mniket, the "International."
Call and sec our sample already installed.
J. W. ft M. A. Robinson Si Co.
Rend the ml of Madras Townslie Com
lmy tn another column. Town lots wil!
tie 011 the market until June 1st nt present
pikes, (lfer whlcli they will be advnnccd.
It Is now time t- think about ordering
repairs for yunr McCormick headers,
bindeis, ntoweri, rskw, etc. Call and
net rnir prke, J.M'.&'M. A. Robin
son & Co.
Tlir distikl Sunday School convention
wilt meet at Madras on June 4, 1907, and
hold acMMms At 10 a. m , 2 p. m. and 8
p in. at Snnfoid't Hall. Everyone is
invited to attend these sessions.
A coiliplHo supply of logul blunkH for
recently returned
Ijio H. ;f. ,.hcieh spent the
' . r In iihrr. Miu PkiiiI
.,' Cr, h i jon! to Poil-
hktiUt Unn' expects to Join
p beii- (cw days.
ft? Mr Wtliiam Merchant of
M ai : cl tlitoiiKh town the
pi if (he etK, on their way to
'i 'itl..') tt,;l vint the family of
R A Mer The latter
Jilia'.Ko to meet his parents,
W'Vmnn the road, as they
"i. M i .rr, wbn ve a COn-
I' r,j I , . r 1. . Ii. ... !-
" ' 111 inn i.uj;aivti
''lol 11. ,4(.Ci WCIC J,, ,own
'k Imve rencbed n
f'rtwu .fr,., in ,i,c Kdn.ond
feire 1 rrm(;i, ,1,0 ia,(j )iisa,
.r f-..r, 1 rrmures tjicm 'to
hMol.. ., kct, if nccewnry,
"V MiiM plenty of wuier in
Hal.L.Mion ol Athena aruvtd
l5t'jv m. 1 .... "... .
"h "r a villi wiiii tne
M . .. 1 ....
N. II, linkcrton,.oi
1,, iiiii a.iya
'tou ,... . . . .
,Jtr ' ! .11, .Ik. ..,..! ......I
'I ll.Hl I. II. I
I -iirt 10 n hijjli price for
t Athena they ate
wlicat for after
P1 s ,
J i. .
r'V ccnjs.per bushel,
-" M-isi 01 the farmers
r"'t bpmise they believe
be nm- h luuber thiin ll.'m.
p.ei.-t tint the dream
""ra' H be realized this year.
id I) ' na f I.i .
M.V.. "" i.iiuicai ii) 1 ni-
kif'Ii ,r '" ,lle lantl olllcc ,u
LM ,rin "c llrgt notices
to r """Si OWIIIR tO tllC
uu .ir.ess .11 ii.- r
! '"V lllVi Wl IIIU
I'.e. i . m.i .
" i ne leccipt
lit I tlrttu
""""Imul nffire !,,., .!,
wtt ' mitbii 111.
me oiuce, and that
'nitniion to m.tke proof and all
11,1 will
win ,)inv receive prompt
W,'l ll,tw.H l .1 II
Hi,, U1 ave ucen sent in
Lh 'y. and it will be welcome
1510 Iefir" h;t their
"uu""e r lflicd.
"Ill U. l . jj , 1 1 L JL ! IMSHI-HISIIS II I I IU III
We want a share of your trade for
0 7
Our Hlgp Grade goods offered, service and
Low Prices, Merit It
Every cash purchaser can have a Grand
Entertainer a Talking Machlne--rin the
home. We are giving them away. Get in
formed and save our Coupons.
Campbell Soil Culture
Manual for 19
s Wc have made arrangements with Mr. 'Campbell by which sub:
scribera to the PIONEER can secure the manual for $1 .50. New
subscribers, or old subscribers by paying up, can secure this
valuable book on farming in the semi-arid West at this reduce'd ,
1 907 30IL CULTURE MANUAL 2 50
Regular Price - - - 4 00
Miss Grace I'arrUh of llaycreek is
vUiiiiitf at (he home of John McTagga!!.
W. Merchant r.f North Yamhill and
his son, R. A. Merchant of Culver, were
in town on Tuesday.. v
L. K. Maker, who has been working
forthc II. S. & L. Co. nt Haycraek lor
several months, returned home today and
is living at hi homestead on the Plains.
Gus Zemkc and family and the family
of William Comer left yesterday for
Mood River, where they expect to remnin
during the beny season. Tney drove
ovciland, tnkin; a cAinping outfit with
-olo tiiolinlliiK WHrrnlity mid quit oliilin j them.
dutsilrt, rwl, clirttt! ami itoji morlniisiwi
uu .1 iik t ltii ttfinrt t.luiikH iili'l JiiHtli-e
ruiirt work npt'olalty. Notary l'ubflo.
-F. J. HrookH.
Mh4 Ullic A. Tnylor left Tuesday
aftcmuon for The Unites, to attend the
commencement rxeiciiics at the High
School at that place. She expects to be
fnnc only a feiV day? And will return the
first nt the week, to icsumc her duiics as
teacher at the Mud Spnngs school.
Miss Clitra Homey returned the first ol
the week from 1'iinevtllc. having com
plctetl the term at the Cronk County
High School. Miss Homey carried off
the elocutionary honors at the High
School lor the present year, having won
the medal In the contest between the two
literal)' societies of the school.
A. W. U'jyce and family left Tuesday
for Poitlnnd, from which place they ex
pect to leave m the next tew days tor
California, to vikit with iclutivcs for a
month or more. They expect to go by
steamer from Portland to San Francisco,
and will go from there to Fresno, wheie
they expect to spend the greater poition
of their limb.
I). W. Adams, who lust week opened
up the Farmers' Meat Market at this
place, has bought out the Madras Meat
Market which was conducted by Cook
Brothers, m oidrr to consolidate,' the two
kliops. The business will be continued
,it the old stand, and S. K. Gray will have
charge of iho market. The sate of the
Madras mniket was closcd'by Van I'nssel
& Davis.
Mis. Lena M, iJtmb and Miss May
Jackson loft Tuesday afternoon for The
Dalles, expecting to leave from theie for
the Jamestown Kxpoiition within the next
week. They will go first to Michigan, to
visit at Mrs. Lamb's old home, and from
Ihere will go to Jamestown. They cx
pect to be absent for two months or more
and nro looking forward to a very enjoy
able trip. Accompanied by Miss llffic
Taylor they diove through to The Dalles,
going by way of the Warmsprings reser
vation. John T. Duney, mail contractor on the
Warmspiings route, is in icceipt of an
Inquiry from the postal department, as to
the effect upon bin contract if the star
route fiomShaniko to Horn! by way of
Madras is' established. From this it is
inferred l hit the department contem
plates establishing that service at an early
date, as the inquny would not otherwise
have been made. Mr. Hlncy states
that the ptoposcd change in Ins schedule
will be cntirtdy satisfactory under the
present contract. This change will make
Madras the stalling' point for the Vaini.
sptings mail, the contractor to leave this
office immediately after the arrival of tlic
mHII, nnd to return from Warmsprings in
the afternoon, in tune for the outgoing
mall. .
Office in the l'ot Office liuiltliiig
Our Price to; You, J-3.00 foyBpth
The 1907 Soil Culture Manual
Is ii .'520 page cloth bound book'Vervcoiiijlete and upo'dsiU.', and Jias nlwnt llirco
times iim many illustration) m the lt)0." .Mamml, ami in irmUor ami gunural make.
up isfuitc (Hlfi'ii'nt.arnl treats many new and imjiortaiit HiibjuctF. It Is comptlwjl
from i-nrcfiil and pciMinttmt oip'crimentHand ob-CrvnU9ii in tidd work, covurfrtK
over 20 ycarH ppcratbm iiM'iKlitilifTcreiitMtittfrf, on a grout yaricty of koH, aij
umlur widely ijifferciit climatic conditions. ' -
i o
11 A. Jenkins and faintly left yesterday
morning for California, where thy expect
to icside for a year or more on account of
Mrs. Jenkins's ill health. They are driv
ing thiough, going by way of Klamath
Falls. Their homestead south of this
place has been leased.
J. D. Mayes says that a number of
persons responded to the call for assist
ance in improving the cemetery grounds., . .
and that ouite a lot of work was done. !
The work was not completed, however,
.....I i el. II ii.rC1.U If, ft!!"! llf
IIIIU U IB Jill. ' j
grounds. For this purpose he asks that
panics interested in beautifying the
grounds meet him there next Monday
morning at 8 o'clock. Mr. Mayes says
that there is enough work to keep two
dozen men busy for the day, and he
hopes that number at least will respond.
.Mr. ICnosof I'oitland wiih Ihto again
and left yontorday with an agreement
for a contract with the Dtifur Oil Com-j
puny that ho will have drawn up and !
siibuiittod to tins company here for rati-
fioation, says tho Dispatch. The eon
tract, an it in uudurilood by iih, in that,
bo will fuinlKli all the machinery for
boring tho wull aitd begin boring in ;0 ,
lay, or in the ovont of being delayed by ,
tho railroad companies, by July 1 at the
fartlicat. Tho oil compiiny in to pay
him ono-bulf of what tho cost of bin
employes will bo not toaxcoed the mini
of $2.60 per foot nnd the boring will lie
douo whero a government export may
designate. If ho finds oil in paying
quantities in 200 fifut ho in to have u 1
bonus of 00 nnd $ a foot for tho
boring. Tho oil company in to provide
the easing for tho well. I
Dry Goods, Clothing,j
Furnishing Goods
TJie best in Shaniko
Good Stock. Careful Drivers
Best of Hay and Grain Fed
At Very Reasonable Prices
D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or.
tertrzp.! !.'r 'r.iitJi Kvy t
STK- ;
W i
Good stock farm in Lane and .Douglas
counties: ioo acres of rich bottom lands
good pristine for ioo head cattle j soil rich , I2ti
and productive, requiring no irrigation; ' f
L finest of water and climate ideal; health
fulness of locality unsurpassed; no insect ,
pests in garden or orchard; fish nnd game J
plentiful. A bargain at $4,000; closest
inspection invited. Will cither sell, or
. I.. ,1,.M In... I ... title Ofliil.i l.t.
(raiiC IUI WIIC.IV Itillil in ua 4VV.IV.I. .ii- 1 .1
quite of John McTaggart or Max Lued- -J
demann, Madras, Oregon,
Si rr
QIIIOKKN 1) I.N N lilt at tho lireeu
Hotel nuxt Sunday, for U5o. Try It.
FOH SALB.Kull blooded blaok .lor
sy bull, a.year old. W. G. Kllling
buols, Opal Pralrio, Mudrat), Oregou,
ts for Sale
Until June
Until June 1, ,1907, all lots of the Madras
Townsite Company will be for sale at
prices from $50 upwards, according to
After that date prices on all .lots will be
increased from 50 to 100 per cent
There will be no deviation from this rule
Parties desiring lots at present prices
should buy .now, as this offer absolutely
closes May 31, 1907
DON P. RE A, Secretary '