The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 30, 1907, Image 3

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    ' r
jf or trie
T(J succeed theso days you
Ithavc plenty of crlt.cour
SStnAi. How Is It with
E children? Arc they thin,
5e delicate? Do not forget
Ws Sarsaparllls. You
lov It mokes the blood pure
fld rich, and builds up the
iaeril health In every way.
HLHi iltlnl mSH !" "mm '
fuj. bT J. 0. Arr 00.. KM.
Th longest briclRe In the world Is
that crowing- the Danube nt, Czornn
rods, with a length of 12,705 foot, fo.
lowed next by the Galveston bny brldiro
In Texas with 11,107 feet Tho Firth
of Forth bridge, near QtieorwprltiK, In
Scotland, rnnkfi eighth and the Brook,
lyn bridge ninth.
Johnny's Aliment.
...Tm'. mIJ Mr"' rPlln, "Johnny la
Uln, but I'm not coins to Klre l,,n ny
drugs. I hcllovo the trouble is In bin
bones, and I nm going to take him to a
Mothers will find Mm. TVInslow's Boothlnr
Brruj, the hst rattiedr to tiwlorthslr children
flurlug tho teething period.
Ial of It, bnt .
Mr. Cleat Did you over ace no much
wrotched bad taato at one tlmo a thoao
Mrs. Allsow Novcrl I was Just
about to remark It
Mrs. Nowrltch (tho hostess) How
d'ye do, ladlea? Glad to see you.
Mr (Jest and Mrs. Allsow (in
chorus) Wo were Just remarking oa
the great amount of taste you display.
Philadelphia Press.
Vnrrh is not merely an Inflammation of the tissue! of the head amt
profit, as tlic pyjuptomrt of ringing1 noinca In the cam, mucous dropping back
jothe throat, continual hawking and cpltting-, etc., would seem to indl
c&; it is a blood disease in which the entire circulation and the greater
'nt ol tho system nre involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of an excess
citric will in the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be
tee torpid and dull in their action and instead of carrying off the refuse
ndwsteof the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the system,
nisbtaken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all
cts of the system. These impurities in the blood irritate and inflame
different membranes and tissues of the body, and the contracting
cold will start the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable
mptoms of Catarrh. As tho blood goes to all parts of the body the ca
terhil poison nflcctri all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full
Ming, nose continually stopped up, pains above the cyc3, slight fever
get! and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and
. . u v4. aucctca by tuts disease. It is a waste of
Ih4 0Urrh for about. fifteen. 4. (k . 4' , . . ...
I MM, ana no in an couiu nay a . jr w .ui. vuwi,t mm omjn,
U wort. I t'Jf TaryUiltur washes, inhalations, etc Such treatment
ftnllbttrof. but no jrood re- . rw). , 4,
HBM, i icon do ir an a. o. is,, inu w uvmw u. uiwu, uuu mu, tui.i
J.f9 lKllo..i1inpJr,!?T2,(2!: do nothing more than temporarily relieve
feiitrtbwnifowS?onrfea! the discomfort of the trouble. To cure
y uVodTM nyMM T I think -:alarr,l permanently the blood must be
wVnh U blood dlieiie, and thoroughly purified and thesyotem cleansed
RT.t!r.'wi,,.?5iJ?,.1i,S e-,rLh of all poisons, and at the flame time
SHIiriJI S.UD U1UUU B M M a. a Da mm
ir t
tUuli xnor of
strengtltened and built up. Nothing equals
G. a. a. lor this purpose. It attacks uic
disease at its head, goes down to the very
bottom of the trouble and makes a complete
and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every
E article of the catarrhal poison from the
lood, making this vital stream pure, fresh
and healthy. Then the inflamed mem
branes begin to heal, the head is loosened
and cleared, the hawking and spittingecase,
limy tvmptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health
fttortd. S. S. S, also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts as a
iietonlc to the entire system. If you are suffering with Catarrh begin the
neciS. S. S. and write us a statement of your case and our physicians will
m you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical advice
iiwwi caargc. a. a. a. ja for sale at all first class drug stores.
The Finest Gardens
Are always reported when Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand"
Seeds are planted. Why ? Because we sell you the kinds that grow
best on' this Coast. Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive
Annual tells all about our Seeds. Plants. Roses. Spray Pumps.
Fertilizers. Incubators. Brooders. Poultry and Bee Supplies.
I Tnu, Sknit. EiC Bok N. 201 It r)tMM.
Portland, Ortttfon
SpoKane, Wash.
Utfore Coin Elicwhcr.
Portland, Oregon
koat0.'?'r.,, ' n.trumont or
ftiT mooiiniimll below
tiu. ' Prte plum aoilon
hb. ,,,r M "ul" p'no key
1wC n n" mIP"tM' time, and
u ,Q UlS of a mni. rf.l-.. uiifst,
;wt lor fm Bookl.t
no mAtter how
, bad the weather
you cannot
afford to be
without a
a a a a aAimai u a a
BCAwf1 CO If TOtQtTQtaJi
NOTICK-Tie lollowtnic announcementi are
from leadlnir builncw mon and tlrim.iind ara
i . At... aihIiiI MHiillltV I lift 11ME
my contain Ju.t tUo iropoit!ou you aro look-
Send In for booklet dcucrlblnsrour guaranteed
tnreVtmont at Jamieaon Park, auburbol
. ..a a I- - .HUm all tflA CAOIirllV
An lnrcnunoni tore uhjwj"
ami 1 protection offered by a Vli.K. Unk jr
llfo liimiraiifo company, but '0 w'"
net Irom tfl per eont to 100 por cent on tho In
t.. ... ....n vnn full narlloulari: a poital
card will brliifc- them.
hahcock & M083
Bclllnif Aueutt
Spokane, Wuhlnuton National Hank, net.
Tho Itallnn cabinet linn decided that
tlio oxcnvntloiiB nt Ilcrculnnenuin slmll
bo carried out by tho Italian ffovcrn
nient with Itallnn money.
Mndrld'M Olllclal Onzotto publlsliea
mi iiKrcciiiuiit wltli Franco for the con
Ht ruction of three ralhvnyH throiiKh tho
Pyrt'iiecH, An ciiKaKoint'iit Ih entered
Into for tho two couutrlcH to build tho
lines and construct tho necemmry tun
iioIh within ten ycnrH.
Ulnwi bath tubs nro being made In
Germany and aro wild to havo advati
tngcH over tho metal and enamel, tho
principal ono bcln; that they nro much
cheaier. They nro inmlo In a eylid
piece, and one can bo turned out com
pleUi In about live mluutOH.
Four hundred poundn of obsoleto
German penuleH of about the uitnu pro
IKjrtlon of copper and tin an uxed In
hlKli eoiiductlvely electrical castings
have, It Ih wild, recently been pur
dinned nt 21 ceiitH a iouud by tho Unl
ted BtntcM maiiufacturerH, belli; cheai-
or now than electrolytic eoppnr.
IJurliijc excavation near Prospect
Park, Heading, EiiKland, n workman
Htruck IiIh pick against Bomethltif;
bard, and on reiuovlnc the clay he uu
eartlunl a guern, or hand mill, which
had jirotmbly come, from tho nulglibor-
liiK ItomaiiO'Iirlthdi city or BIlcheHtcr,
j which whs on tho Kreat trade routes.
Tho i'sHc has becu deiwHlted lu the
Heading museum.
The caJ-tetJi)K plant of the Geo
logical Kurvey, estnbllHhed a few years
iiko, haa proved that much of tho pre&-
ent wiiHto from coal-mines can be utll
, lzed to Kreat advantage. For example,
ulack coal and other wnutv Hires can
be formal Into briquets, which for
power-supplying punxea nre usually
Ktipcrlor to lump coal from the Hame
inltieH. Another product of the mines
which the iplnera have nlwny'H regard
cd n ;vnste Ih "bone" coal, which con
taliiH more than -15 per cent of ush.
TIiIh, It has been xhown, can bo us
fully employed In gati producing. It
Ih belle vel that old dumps will iiIho
prove available for tills purioae.
The caves of noutlieni France aro
the moHt remarkable la tho world for
tlielr wall pictures, made by prehisto
ric men, who wero contemporary with
the mammoth, the rhinoceros and tho
reindeer In that country. Some of the-
plctureu are engraved In tho rock.
Homo are painted with different colors.
They UHually represent extinct mil
ma Ik, bucIi as cuive-Ilons and cave
bearti. A faithful reitresentatlon of
tiio rhinoceros, with Its two bonis of
unequal length, is found lu a cavern
at Font-de-Gaume. The prehistoric
artlHts made their paint of ocher of
varlouH shades, pulverized and mixed
In mortars. Four phases of advance
In this troglodyte art have been dis
tinguished by explorers, most of whoso
discoveries have been made within the
past four years.
Blood Humors
Commonly cause plmples.bolls, blvea, ectcme
or talt rheum, or lorno other form of erup
tion! but somotlmea they exlit In the ritm.
Indicated by foollnirs of wcaJcnc, languor,
lots of appetite, or trcncral debility, without
eauslns any breaking out.
Hood'n Bariaparlllft oipels them.renoratcs.
trenitthon and tonen the whole iyatem.
Thla Is the testimony of thousands annually.
I Accept no substitute, but Insist on having
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets
known asBaraatabs. 100 doses $L
im a AH maWt urllftrAVnil CAY
contrVet to .el your' cro? Ten train, a day,
Abundance of water, l'rlee IJBMO per -.
easy payaent-come In or write lor partlou-
JIKAUllililV luumuvii
Spokane, Wa.hlngton. 0 Bterens
VVK 11UY Timber Land. 'r.wD0,!C2!? w..,
Bl'AltKB IIKO., H Ileriisrd, Spokane, Wh.
n .in t.-.. .ilnn will nnrtn innn !
d'Alene Rciervatlon Agonoy, 17-1 Kxohaoge
building, Spokane. Wuk.
Men nud Women Uu Different Tulnjca
In Widely Different Wan.
Man Ih n creature of cast-Iron habits;
woioau tulapts herself to circumstances.
This Is foundation of the moral differ
enco betweeu them.
A man docs not attempt to drive a
nail unless he has a hammer; a woman
does not hesitate to utilize uny thing,
from tho heel of a boot to the back of
11 brush.
A man considers a corkscrew abso
lutely necessnry to open a bottle; n
woman attempts to extract the cork
with tho scissors. If she does not suc
ceed readily, she pushes the cork In the
bottle, since the essential thing Is to get
ut tho tluld.
Shaving Is the only use to which a
man puts a razor; a woman employs
It for cutting corns.
When a man writes, everything nniBt
Imj In npple-plo order pen, paper and
Ink must bo Just so ; u profound silence
muBt reign while ho accomplishes this
lmiKirtunt function. A woman gets any
sheet of paper, sharpens a iK'iicll with
the scissors, puts tho paper on an old
atlas, crosses her feet, balances herself
on her chnlr, and confides her thoughts
to pacr, changing from pencil to pen,
and vlco versa from time to time, nor
does she euro If tho children romp or
tho cook comes to, speak to her.
A man storms if tho blotting paper Is
not conveniently near; a womnu dries
tho Ink by blowing on It, waving tuo
paper In tho air, or holding It near a
liunp or tiro.
A mnn drops n letter unhesitatingly
In tho box; 11 woman rereads tho ad
dress, assures herself that tho envelope
Is Healed, tho stamp secure, nnd then
throws It violently Into tho box.
A man cau cut a book only with a pn
por cuttor; a woman deftly Inserts a
hairpin, and tho book Ib cut.
For n mnn "good-by" signifies tho end
of a conversation nnd tho moment of
hla departure; for n woman It Is tho
beginning of a new chapter, for It 1b
Just when they nro taking leavo of each
other that women think of tho moat tm
nortant topics of conversation,
A woman ransacks her brain trying
to mend n broken object ; a mnn puts It
aaldo and forgets that for which tlicro
! no romody, Which 1b tho superior?
Popular Mngaslno.
Conld Ha Both.
"When that now theater In your town
was opened was tho house papered?"
'Oh, doar, no I It was all fresco od,"
Baltimore American.
Those Ilotfomloaa IUBhiTr
Traveler (In central IIHnobi) How do
you get to Cornville7 Follow the main
road cast?
Village Postmaster No; I wouldn't
advise you to do that. It will take
you straight to China.
The sheep that has no wool comes from
Barbados. How it got there nobody
knows, but It Is supposed to nave come
from Africa originally.
A Wonderful Restoration Caused a Sen
sation In a Pennsylvania Town.
Mrs. Charles H, Preston, of Elkland,
Pa., Baye: "Threo years ago I found
(hat my housework
was becoming a bur
den. I tired easily,
had no ambition and
was failing fast. My
complexion got yel
low., and I lost ovei 50
pounds. My thirst
wastorriblo, and there
was sugar in tho kid-
noy secretions. My doctor kept me on
a ttrlct diet, but as his medicine was
not holping mo, I began using Doan's
Kidney Pills. They helped me at once,
and soon all traces of sugar disappear
ed. I havo regained my former weight
and am perfectly well."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foetor-MJlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Outside People Afe Mak'ng Invest
ment That Will Treble.
During the past fow months thoro
baa been a big Incrcaeo In the sale of
Portland residenco property to outside
nonnto nnd wlnnft tho oncnlne of "Tor-
raco Park," Portland's most beautiful
and best residenco section, dozons of
' a m t I 1 t
others havo bought, much 01 tins nns
Imnn from Eflfltnrn Orfiiron. whci'O Mr.
J A. Ward, of tho Spanton Company,
formerly lived. Among tno recent. Buy
ers of "Terraco Park" properly aro C.
Kaaraa iaBfeij Kaaaaal
atfSLaK - ' rJsiMai
Banking by Mail
On savings deposits of a dollar
or more, compounded twice
every year. It (a Just as eaar
to open a Savings Account with
os by Mail as if you lived next
door. Send for our froo book
let, "Banking by Mall," and
learn full particulars. Address
Oregon Trust 8c
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
. A. Warde, Formerly of Eastern Oregon
W. Shurte and Mr. Richards, both of)
Arlington, and Grant Wado, of Olex.
When one can buy a retldence lot for
from $300 to 000, only paying a feWi
dollars down and tho rest on easy terms,
it is no wonder that so many outside i
people aro investing in "Terraco Park."
Their money is certain to double and
troblo. The Spanton Company of 270 1
Stark street, Portland, will be glad to i
answer all inquiries in reference to
"Terraco Park" and their other piop
ei ry. I
Ouolina f sidn usATnU
f ttloa fUnta
Wautleo Will Drill-
Dalit tmpori ullr for work
In the nortawmt. Drill
ing and ftiiilnz tool
We carry a I'trgs Mootc
Write u fcUronr mnebln
err want. VVelldrlUerar
contract btaaJu tree
xcrzBsoir MAcaixxxr
CO ART. m-4-e Moe
rUoa St., rortUs4. Or.
P. N. U.
No. 21-07
TT7HKN writ In if to advertisers plea
IF BjenuoB inia paper.
IS ATTRACTING MANY OUTSIDE BUYERS who appreciate the fact that Port
land property is the best investment that can be made. "Terrace Park" is ac
knowledged by all to be Portland's most beautiful and best new residence sec
tion, and when one can buy a lot in this addition from $300 to $600, where
the values will soon treble, by paying a few dollars down and the rest on easy
terms, it is ho wonder that so many outside people are investing in "Terrace
Park. Write for particulars and invest in a sure thing on terms that you can
easily meet.
Opposite Chamber of Commerce
270 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon
Pigs old enough to wean to bred sows ol -up-
to-date breeding. Tedlgree furnlibed with
every pig sold. Write me your wants.
Green chrjsantheniums were exhibited
tbe other day at a flower show in Essex,
Ai Ctesp u Cjj Bi BHht la tko Eut
Deltriri Mat!) Qttlcttr Write IhTodiy
The common spinach Is tbe only plant
that has emigrated from New .Zealand.
The Portland Tile and Mantel Co.
U ill be glad to Klve rou particular about
its beautiful Ceramic. Mosaic. Knameled
and Encaustic Tile, wholesale and retail.
Write today.
217 Marquam Bide. Portland. Orecon
Ibu can't use cheap lumber In build
ing a fortune.
slmllatlng Uk Food and Rcfjula
Uiis the Stomachs oiri Bowels of
Promotes DigcslioaChccrfuI
ncss and Rcst.Contalns nellher
OpIum.Morphine norflncraL
Not X&r c o tic .
Afplat Stmt"
ffrtt(t '-fit-
A perfect Remedy for Consllpa
tlon. Sour Slonwch.Dlartivocn
Worms .Convulsions Jcwrish
ncss andLoss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been
In uso for over 80 years, has homo the signatoro of
yntf and has been mado under his per-
C&vnrttts BonQl suporrision since its infnncy.
'CA4K Allow no ono to deceive you in this
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are bub
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
"ubstanco. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relievos Toothing- Troubles, cures Cons-tipatioa
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep,
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother Friend.
earg tho Signature of
The Kind You to Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
TMceiNrauitaaMMiiv, tt Murray btrskt. niwtor cty.
Color mora araarfa brbrkt mtut tmim .1. ... . -m -ar n wm I tau Vaal'
-,9r fwo Ksa arwMcr and faer ce era than anv athu. n . . ...
mwutud I a n . . . . . tj - A -1. . .7. .-7 wn IVb IHIIH EAUM Klftb IMI - -J .1. . U .
win send stoat aaM ai lir ...I.:: m
- ... nim ir hh snuh He vi ta eiytfc