v n THE DALLES HOSPITAL REMEMBER THE $ o o 3 ; Buy Residence Lots r IN i lanm r r 33S First Addition To Madras i PRICES LOW TERMS. REASONABLE WELL WATEft GUARANTEED IN FORTY FEET t Buy a gQQ.d residence, lot in ideal location J while prices are low Tlie XDallera, Oregron. A PRIVATE HOSPITAL for thi' in-iitnwut of nil iiiwIImiU timl Hlllttltml (Msi'llM'S, OXCfJlt Hlltlll 118 hit" COIltllldNS PATIENTS WAY EMPLOY THEIK OWN PHYSICIANS Trnlnlnv fiiihonl for niirft'H In cnimi'i' ilnn. Kor Itiforitiiitlnii eoiwrnliii' lh' -iinif mlilr"i upl of N'ur.tHM. HOSPITAL! RATES I'mm $10 to $21 ior wcolt, n Minn o nmni, liii'liiilliiK hiHiiul Min ami liounl Kiir further litforniitiloii nililrt'- DRS. FERGUSON & HEUTER, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars apply at the office of the - c TOWNSITE COMPANY Madras, Oregon 4 Fine Handmade Harness Wlu'ti In ntl of liurnKM fill! mill Hfc 1113' full lint' ( Intuit iimilo ht'iivy, medium milt lilii IniriifHi. Miulo from I lit Best California Oak Tanned Harness Leather All Ilnrni'f" Rirli'llv llrt clu nn.l (UTAKANTICKp A Full line t ul.ii-, llrlillnH inn) UnlliTH, Iliiiiicvs 11 11 il Alwuyn o 11 Haiiil. rjhoo lli'1'iilrlnK. All work m-ut y ami promptly iIhi- B. S. LARKIN, MADRAS, OR. L The Madras Pioneer WAS NOT STREETS BODY Yesterda)7 two Jndians who liad been fishing ?ibotit i) milt above Seufers ennuevy, cam- down to where Arthur Seufei and some workmen were fixing a cable near the cannery, am: said they had seen the bodj' ot a white man in the rivet but could not get hold of it. They explained how the body looked, and their story is not doubted though the men further down saw nothing of it. It was tnig gested that it might be the bod of Homer Street, which was thrown into the Matoles by dynamite some weeks ago and for which a leward is offered If so, it is to be hoped it will be found, as it will be necessary to produce the body before in surance can be collected,- The TJalles Chronicle. The body seen by the In diaus in the Columbia River above The Dalles was later found at Cook's Landing, and was identified as that of August Williamson, a workman em ployed on the Northbank road, who had been drowned acci dentally about a month ago. Street's body lias not yet been found, although a diligent search has been kept up along the Matoles.i where it is believed to have caught upon some of the submerged snags along U16 banks of that stream. DEATH OF ANNIE BROCAN Annie, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brogau of Ante lope, died at her home at that place last Monday after an ill ness of some months. She re cently spent a month or more at this place, and only two weeks ago returned to her homo 4it Antelope. At that time her condition had become so alarm ing that it was thought advisa ble to cany her to Portland for additional medical treatment, but her case was thera pro nounced hopeless and she was again taken home, a lew days prior to her death. tMie was a sister of Mrs. J. 0. Robinson of this place, who went to Ante lope last Mondaj' morniiig, upon learning of her sister' serious condition, arriving there a few hours prior to her death. Tile deceased was about lfi years of age, and was a gentle, lovable girl, whose death will be sincerely mourned, by her family and friends. The remains were conveyed to The Dalles yesterday for interment in the Catholic cemetery at that place. TWO TONS PASS OVER CHEST Silver Lake, Or.,' May 20. J6e Sumner, of Powell Buttes, a brother of Tom Sumner, Cor nett's stage agent at Shaniko, was the victim of what maj prove a fatal accident last Sat urday morning near the Yande- vert place at Powell Buttes. Mr, Sumner was thrown from a freight wagon, which he was driving? and the wagon, loaded with 4000 pounds of baled hay. passed over his chest. When ho was picked up he was alive and could talk. He was re moved to his home in Prine- ville, where he has Jived for over 20 years. He is the son of J. C. Sumner, at one time Judge ol Urook County. JOHNNIE PRY0R BURNED TO DEATH rms-nviLLE, Or., May 20. Johnnie Pryor, a Civil War veteran, who served in the Connecticut Artillery, waa burned to death late last night in his own home at J'rineville. NOTICE OF JIK8TOHAT10X OK ITIIMC Lain! to Settlement and Entry, rximrt ... ."ient ot ,he Interior. oeriorMl luii Offli-e. W ashitiKtuu. I. C, 4Uy il, WW. Notice I hereby kI ven that the vacant public lauds In tilt- following Ueeribel area, temporarily withdrawn on October 20 ami December itt, i-w, iuiu January in. iwu, lor propokMl Midi tlotin to the C'hx-hiIh ' nfli.nnl rt.MHt i.auni and not otherwi withdrawn, referred or appropriated, -a ill by authority of tbe Keere tary of the Interior be restored to the public ,i ui, iT nuu uciime ,uo)eci to Kettlement on and alter that date, but not to entry. I) J i tig and lettloii until on and after Augiiitai, li7, under the tniual retri'(ion, i me u inico oiuiea umce at I He IMIIek, Oregon: in Towniiip one (1) .Vortli, linngc eleven H11 Kuitf rh uuiih...i i.h.m.. ,.r t-.f:. tiou thirty two (:ti) and wmthwUt quarter of ;r. , ;iuwniuiii eleven ill), liaiifce nine (), that part of Hccfiona one t lU.U'l. 1' eft ........... ... ..... - -V. , Xx.r,, l.!; tMCjll-V'lOUr 111, :.7."'",.VL l"'' iweniy-ms (aij anil thirty It ve (.!.) south aiul eat of the Meu.lin. Itiv..r n.i all taction thirty nix (;): lu Townlilp fttfl1fl Ifa...... ..... .ik ...... . ... . .v.. jt ..nnjic n mm. jmri oi aeeiionn thirlT.llirw frit uiwl Miiitv.fr... J rti ....,....' -. , r -' - V . mill ueatof ald river, and all t-uctiou thirty-one (31) ami thirty-two (W); In Towiuhii. eleven (U). flange ten (10), that part of Keetfoiia two : " , 1 J . ' c" 'wcne yvi) nnu ttitr teen (18) onth and wet of nhl river, alt curuuiin ivii Moj, lourtecn (in. lit teen ( tHontjr.tnu (22) to twcuty-cven ITA. bt ini-iuKive, tliirty-four (an. tliirtv-flve Mai Htui thlrty-iiix my. h,uth uml Kiut, Willumwta v.uiininii. uiubiiii, iinruiMK la IierallV ex. tiri'lUlll' frfvntl tfiu, vti.ri.rk,. .111 I .. ...... togainoroxorciireunj rllit whatever uniler n V u.,l I Icn...., .... ............ . I.... 1 i . . ,Ji . . "i"1'"" ""isu prior to July 27, 1W7, and all iuch Hottlemunt or ocou patlon U hereby forbidden, li. A. llAtLUfOKK. OoiniiilxHloncr. Anproved: Tno. ftvK AclliiK Becretarj of the Juicrior. iu2.')yii Carries a full line of clean fresh drugs, perfumes and toilet articles FRED I DAMON MADRAS, OREGON COLUMBIA SOUTHE RAILWAY GO. TIME TABLE NO. 10. Effective July 3, IVH. South bound Xo. 2. NorTK Hound So. 1. FEE Mud Springs has decided to postpone the social until June S when an ice cream social will be given. A short program will be rendered and a good time is anticipated. l N CAMP OR lf (CLD - AT' niuuri i a I'M on 5IJORE Tharsljis!wi;aelianco tH fcni'Y ..! rl, r('(. TOD)coTy;:y. i':'jLu;T c: Er"?so with " H.nMHg mr uywarcj ci il, ty years, Ow Line: FIFLES .PHTOIS, SHQ7GUH3, lilfLC ILLtiuUCtS, tlU, T1JVIJNH. V.'ho! o not W.lil l;y l;. Cld. upon rocolnt of C.itwio iricu. heiHl i, r i.l) i,i.-o in ..I,. ... i:'J.t..'i,."K- " 1 "lllei.. .Mk io i , l e idy i-clert-m e tor (ts a . ii i l. t nip. i d rover itiMtrf, ,,, p,. ,. tlf. I .J. bvuvs a:;'m u v.:, i: u, vox ni07 rlilconeo l'al!,.. iluHH., I'.H.A. J111HN.. I '. n . i i iaiUUHv.X. ft . WIS H Dally I'aiut. Leave!" i t.ih v.m ' .. 2.:trp.m. " .. 2..wp.m. " . , n. 12 p.m. " ..I Jt.IHp.lll. :r p.m. f..V p.m. 8.18 p.m. S.6B p.m. 4.0H p.m. 4,'JU p.m. I..V, p.m. .VI 1 p.m. f:i p.m.; .Vk'ip.m.' Arrive.! Ciibiona Sink Waco Klond)ke Hiimuilt llav V ii Mciionald leMNM Moro Knikiuvllle i.r'aa Vall'y ll4urlan Kent Wllnox , Hhfluikn aily Pax. n..Wki."tnljArrlT ii.wt.in, 11.10 a.m. II nila in in. IS o.m. iia.m. in,2l .m I .:i7.m. , y.JJa m. "J, a.m. M" ,! H.ia.m. X.Oua.w.lUave. Hor rate nnd othe ltifqrmtlfn apply to' A. L. CRAia, Oeneml I'aawiiger Agt.. Cortland, Oreifon, K. J. WtuoM, AKcnt. Bliunlkn, Ore. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UNITED STATES President Theodore Hoowvelt Vlce-I'rel(liTi Cliatle W Kalrbank Secretary of fciate Kllhu Haul BucreUry of Treannry Oeore II Cortelyou Secretary of Interior Jni It Oarfleld Secretary uf ,War v II 'Mi Uecretary of Mnvr , 0 J Jloiiamiru Secretary of Coininoree .....CH'iir Stranat I'ontintuter (ietieral Ueo Vou I, Meyer Attorney Oongral U'n H Moody Secretary of Avriuulture Jiunet Wilson STATE Corenior Ooorfe H. Clinmliarlnlii Secataryof Btnte v, Iidjou Treanurer tj' A Hteel Attorney (lenvnl A II Crawford Bupt. I'ubllo liiKtrnotlnn j jf Aekorumn State Printer WJJI)uniway I1..I..., .....I frr..l ...... I.... I - "i o"' I'liiiiiiiiHiionBr j w Iialluy V 8 Beimtoti (; w I'ulu.n Congretiimoii j J Ilnurne Jr W C I Inn ley W U Kl ; I' A Jloore WHEN Y0U WANT NEAT, GLEAN, PR INTING OCR NEW TYPE FACES IEST man IIMFRV SUPERIOR WOlllif Supreme Ju.Igan : V U 8 ilean (TOIIalloy GEVENTH JUDICIAL DIBTOIOT ''BO W h HraiWJmw i ruwiuuiiiig .Mioniey I'rank Meuuee CROOK COUNTY i"""!0 W A Ilell Clork U'arren ll.u... 1,w,ff I'muk mm,,, Triwaurcr w ,, J, Asf4""t1"r Jli I.Hl'ollotl Sohflol KiipcrMitcildcht c 11 Iilnwlililin B"r-r V II Mol'arland Corotr ...-.QIUKcvvMm Commliilonor I It II liayluy I HHKioarni KUTOHEfl pnEOINOT JAIl..im! (loiuinMo J M m'm i Itoud HupcrvUor George Dillon We make a. 'specialty .lob Pfintf and our product cannot excelled. A trial order convince you ' PIONEER PUBLISHING CO0